Kitchen Gadget Testing #52

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- Oh my gosh. I'm gonna have another go. Otherwise this is pants. Wow, that's really echoey (intro music) Hello everybody and welcome to, I think, I should have this right, Kitchen Gadget Testing 52. Yes, you can now watch a Kitchen Gadget Testing video once a week, and that will be your year. Pretty cool, like a series or if some of you are still doing watching the marathon of the first 50 episodes. So if you fancy doing that, if you miss any other gadget videos. Do check them out at the end of this or if you're in the middle of a marathon. Congratulations, you've currently made it to the end. No, it doesn't make sense. You're there now, and there's probably another one. Anyhow, welcome. And as always remember before commenting down below, some of these gadgets can help people get back into the kitchen and help them overcome some tasks in the kitchen too. So please bear that in mind before commenting. But sometimes you get novelty ones, sometimes you get useful ones. I think today, actually all of these are pretty darn useful. Let's go. We're going to start with something I get asked about quite a lot. Is there a particular jar opener that I recommend? I've seen lots over the years I've seen the automatic one, which is very good, where it just spins around for you. Stonking. Ah, little bit of sun's come out, it's like a rainbow. Anyhow, first up is a jar opener by Kichwit, which is amazing. I would love to have called the dog's Kichwit. Hey, I didn't actually name you could I, Amy? You were already called Amy, but Kichwit and Boston has a better ring to it, don't you think? Any questions please feel free to contact us via Amazon, or send your product to Kichwit at an email We will always stand behind our product. Literally. Hold the jar with one hand while anti clockwise twisting the handle with another hand. Very, very simple. Oh, that was in that. They chucked in a little bottle opener as well. How kind of them. That doesn't feel very good at all. Yeah, so this really is it, it's got these teeth. And you can see it's on a very simple cog there. So it can go to a handle even the size of a coin. (laughs) So there we go, the biggest lid I could find in the supermarket, on there. So there might be even bigger ones out there. Adjust the clamp, so it's maximum length. Turn the handle until the steel teeth on the clamp. Grab the lid tightly, okay. (pop) Oh, okay. What, and then it just popped the lid? Hang on, let's do that again. So you clamp it down. Oh, it does it like that for you. That's pretty good actually. It's like no effort. That worked really well. Turn the handle until the steel teeth on the clamp grab the lid tightly, then hold the jar with one hand while still continuing because anti clockwise turns it to reduce the size here. So by doing that. (laughs) Let's do that again. Nice and wide, straight on. And then Ah, it does need a teeny bit of push but other than that, (laughs) that's actually pretty good. I don't know about you, but I blooming love rice. And I like rice that's cooked well. A good gadget for that is called a rice steamer. We don't have one because I like doing it old school on the hob, but they are really good. We went to a house party once, one of Becky's friends, Mrs. Barry's friends, and it was just like this is great. The rice was tender. It was steamed it was delicate, and sometimes it's quite hard to get. It's quite easy in a way to get rice wrong, but that's where this red tub comes in by Systema, who also did a microwave cake maker, which we've reviewed before. I recognise this, it's a similar sort of concept. Made in New Zealand, phthalate and BPA free. (struggling to pronounce phthalate) Phthalate free, which we always look out for, right? Microwave rice steamer, so it's got a lid, take that off. The lid is vented, okay. This thing, which is just another cap. Ah, a handy curved serving spoon, I like it. And it's kind of ribbed. And basically it's just a big red. Hello, I'm a big red bucket. Cashier number three please. I'm having way too much fun, sorry. And of course, the instructions. Wow, look at those. Okay, so it's got a chart for doing quinoa, polenta, couscous, and white rice. We're just going for white rice. We're going to use it for another gadget. Oh yes. So I've given this all a wash. 250 grammes of white rice, which is in a packet that's resealable. Yeah, yes. So I'm going to give this a wash 'cause it's horrible and starchy. (comedic sad trombone) No one needs to know. (music) 250 grammes of rice, again, which is in a bag that's resealable. Yeah. I'm just gonna wash it. Just believe me, okay. All right, so let's push the, oh there's still a bit water in there, that's okay. It does say to add 500 to 600 mils of water, which is quite lenient, 100 mil difference, but hey ho. There we go look at that and there is no instructions, as I say, the actual packaging was the tub like there's nothing else with it. So adding the water and I'm having to go by the diagram on the side of which way this goes up. I think it's... I don't know, that way would make more sense because then you've got something to grab to pull off. We then stick this down, clamp it, nice. That feels good and secure. Average cooking time 8 to 12 minutes. Let's go for eight and see what happens. Come on my friend. Oh, you're not going in. You're hitting the plate. Hang on. This is gonna get really tricky if that's the case. Yeah, I have to put it in at an angle, to move my plate off the runner thing. Right, there you go, you're in. See you in eight. (beep) All right, I think this is going to be hot. I just found my boxing glove oven gloves. I don't know where they've been. Yes, I do. They've been in my drawer right down here. I just thought I'd lost them. (beep) Here we go. (laughs) Like one of those old men. Like one of those guys in the black and white films. (choral vocalising) Oh, that is hot. That looks really watery in there. Whoa, what am I seeing there? What am I seeing? I' seeing a mountain of water. Surely it's not gonna steam off all that. We'll just keep cooking. It's gotta absorb it, right? Maybe that's all it needs is a bit more time. Otherwise this is pants. (beeping) Well, I just checked the cooking time on the rice I'm using and it's normally 12 minutes anyway, so eight was probably a little bit optimistic. It's making popping noises. I don't know. Oh my gosh. No. Oh, right, man up. Come on. Okay, this was two minutes later. See the difference? It was really watery before, but there's still some in there. That was 10 minutes. So another two, it did say 8 to 12, should do it. Yeah, the difference in what's happening in there now is that it's actually steam in the microwave. I did think Well, where's what moisture going? Because there's the vents in there. It perhaps took a little while for it to warm up. So I think you will need the maximum cooking time generally. (beep) All right. You see the steam? I feel very confident about that. Random thing with microwaves, you know sometimes they say leave it in there to stand, like sometimes leave a microwave meal, not that I have many of those anymore, but I remember back in the day, they were like leave them in there because it still cooks in there. It still radiating the heat in. And that's what we're going to let it do. You let it stand anyway. So let's look at something fun. Not the jars from earlier. Not the boxing gloves. Bread. I'm gonna make some toast. That's not fun, well it is, but that's not what I meant. Okay, so this is what I mean, this is the fun thing. This isn't even really a gadget. It's something I've had upstairs in the gadget box for ages. I saw in a shop, I'm like, "What the heck is that?" It's one of those things when you go into one of those stores and they have the mini TV. I haven't got many props right now, but hang on. Yeah, it's normally like black and white, and there's like music over it, and then they're going. (gentle music) So that was me playing the role of someone struggling with their butter and needing an instant equivalent. And then all of a sudden their life is better because, ahh, butter buds from America's Dairyland. Sprinkle on hot moist food. So it's convenient sachets of instant butter. Less than 0.5 grammes fat per two gramme serving. So it's 25% fat of the allowance, well it's for butter. Ideal over big potatoes, vegetables, fish, rice, pasta and toast. Please pop up. No gonna do it, are you? That would have been perfect. Use as an ingredient in soups, sauces, gravies, mashed potatoes, and toast. Butter flavoured granules. Keeps flavour when heated. Gluten free. No refrigeration needed. This is good because these have literally been upstairs for about two years. So that's basically it. How the heck do you open that? We'll snip. All right. What we'll do is compare the toast side by side. I'm going to put the butter on the toast and the heat is going to let it soak in. It's going to be gorgeous. But no instead I can use, what was it called? A sachet of Butter Buds. And it's just yellowy powder, see? I nearly inhaled it then. Okay, there we go. Instant butter, guys. I mean, some of you might use this. Why's it got a mug of coffee on the front as well. I mean, there is something called bulletproof coffee where a lot of people do that. They shove some butter in their coffee. I mean, that's not a standard thing. I mean, not much is happening. (crunching on toast) Nice. (crunching on toast) Well it's salty, there is some flavour there for sure, I'll give it that. Do you know what I'm going to do? It actually suggest jacket potatoes as well. I'm going to put a jacket potato on in the background for an hour to bake. And at the end we'll just sprinkle some on and just see if that works. For reference, I might as well show you, this is how I like to do a jacket potato. You can bung it in the microwave first of all to soften it up. This is just a potato that I've pierced with a fork, so get it nice and oily. Make sure you get lots of Butter Bud crumbs on it as well. Give it a darn good crack of pepper on there. Salt as well, flaky salt. Bake it on the shelf, no tray right? Lush. So by making the potato and the toast. I just ate the normal toast, very nice indeed. It's kind of given that time to cool down, so much so, I'll take it out without the boxing gloves. Yeah, it only just fits in my microwave. So here we go, let's unclip it again. Yes, this is still warm, but hey ho. It's gone from that slushy mix. Oh my gosh. Look at that. My only fear is if I might have over microwaved it. It could be, no, oh my gosh, look. It could have burnt at the bottom, it hasn't. Ah, and I need to keep this for one gadget coming up but is there anything better than rice on Butter Buds? That actually melts.# Oh, it's actually, can you see? The rice has got sort of butter on it. The heat of the, this is not meant to happen. I don't know if butter rice exists. We just created magic. We're basically building up to the world strangest rushed sushi ever. This, by Betty Bossy, is the veggie sheet slicer. You should get like a mat, a carpet, a run, a blanket of your chosen vegetable Now there was someone who messaged me earlier about do I know any gadgets that help cut cucumbers to get away with the seeds and stuff? One of the last gadgets I did that did the carrot sticks, I think that would do that quite well. This might, I just don't know how wet it'll get. All right, so I've given this a wash. There's a twisty thing here where the vegetable choice sits on the spindle, and it goes through this blade. And it's very, very sharp indeed. I'm just going to double check the instructions 'cause I do not want to hurt myself today. This bit slides out, which is what your veg stuff, and fruit as well, apparently can use apples if you want. Lift up the cutting flap, which is this bits, thill it clicks in place. So we should see this bit move. Now you see that, it's there. We then stand it up like that and stick our vegetable in here onto this. Wow, you need to really cut it down. Okay. Doesn't matter. So it sits on here, little bit like a spiralizer. So I've been trying to get like quite central, and then we push this thing through that hole as ideally through that middle bit as we can. And then we go like that, so it's locked on it. Oh my gosh, it's doing it. It's doing it like when it wants to. Am I creating a carpet?. But look there's speckles in it, holes. It's a bit abstract. I wonder if it'll get easier the smoother it gets 'cause it's a bit uneven. That's it, because it was curved. Look. It's straight, look. Look at that, I'd put up my wall. There we go. I don't know why I would use this. (music) Ah, courgette carpet. The future. Apparently you can do it for beetroot as well. I'm not doing that because that'll look gruesome with the beetroot juice come off it. Potatoes, I've got a potato. I mean that's the weirdest chips I've ever made, but it's working, you can fry those, it'd tastes good. Carrot. Oh my god. It's sort of working, yeah. Bearing in mind I've got a split carrot on here. And for the lovely lady that tweeted me earlier about the cucumber thing. Cucumber goes on. Wow, that's almost perfect. It's like this thing was made for cucumber. Oh, that's, yeah, actually, out of all of them. That is the first one that's locking in properly. Okay. Will this? Yeah, look at that. That's the best one so far. So that lady that messaged me and said, "Hey, can you get cucumber without the seeds?" If you don't mind having it like this before it gets to the seedy bit.. Yeah. I don't know if I'd use this. Might be cool for a restaurant or something. For this next gadget we need to make churros. Yes. Water, salt, unnecessarily salt bae, sugar and this is some vegetable oil. So what we're going to do is bring this to a simmer this will not take long because of the sugar and the oil in it, and all the salt, basically everything that's not the waters as well, will help it. Once it gets to that, we add some flour. There you go, you see that roaring away? Take it off the heat and add this is some plain flour you could sieve it in if you want. To be honest, I wish I did. But the heat of that is going to cook the flour and form a dough, and steam up the camera. Gonna absorb all that fluid. The sugar, salt, the oil, it's all going in there you need a bit of oil anyway for the cooking bit, and the next bit the sweetness. Oh my gosh, might look a little bit like mashed potato, when you're at that point you're nearly there. All right, I'm happy with that. If only we had a gadget to help us make churros rather than a piping bag. Oh we do. Well yeah, apparently we do. Remember none of these are paid promotions to do these gadgets, I'm gonna hopefully make this work. If it doesn't, I'll tell you. I'll tell you if it's rubbish. It's a churro maker and it looks like it's got a couple of different nozzles on it. The dough we've just made, oh look at this, they're like little playing cards, neat little hats. I'm very sleepy. Check out my new teeth. ♪ The sun'll come out tomorrow. ♪ ♪ The smaller sun will come out tomorrow. ♪ Okay, oh, there's another one in there. There's a medium nozzle. Brilliant. Wow, that looks like something I don't want to talk about. Oh my gosh, it's a pump. Brilliant. Yes, oh, it's gonna be so good. You could have like a silicon gun version. That'd' be much easier but no, you gotta earn it. Does that lock it? Easy. You pick your nozzle of choice plate that goes in there, it locks in there. If only we have some churro dough. Oh, we do though. I just thought I'd try and do what I'd normally do where, say I was putting it into a piping bag. I could stack it up, but because this is in the way, I put some cling film here to catch it, And I just stick the dough in. (music) But my aim is to get it side on like that. So that I can stick this There we go. That it's not coming off. Ha ha, we twist this in to some oil. But if only we could fry oil a little bit more safely. There's a gadget for that. Right, this is something called a Frywall. Okay, look at that, self explanatory. It's supposed to stop oil splattering, which if we're gonna fry these two churros could happen. This is for a 10 inch pan. I don't know if I've got one of those. Look at that. Oh my gosh. Wow, that's really echoey. I remember that time you had one of these in your head? Looking back I fell sorry for you. (making noises) This is my normal size frying pan. No, look at that, it's massive for it. Oh, it might do it, it might just about do it. Is this gonna make frying more dangerous? Wow, vegetable oil's going in. I'm trying to run it down that crease just to try and pop it a little bit. But you can see already, sometimes that will splatter over. I can pull this quite aggressively and the wall is catching it. Right, here's the problem, this oil is hot now, hot enough to cook. What I think is this thing should really be a solid thing for packaging. Obviously for the people that are selling it is much easier, because if I can have my spatula there, just holding that down in place that fits perfectly, but it just wants to do that. And that's going to cause a problem. I know it's ready because I just dropped a little piece in, and it's, yeah, it's working all right. And to be fair, that does feel quite safe. I just don't like this bit. So I'm twisting the churro maker and I might have to stick this from a height Oh look. Cooking away. Sorry this is a bit dangerous for me to do on my own, so I'm being careful here. But to be fair, that Frywall is making me feel quite safe. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Look what's happening. Oh my gosh, this is really bad. No, no, no, no, no. That's really. Oh look what's happening. This is really not good. Okay, I'm being serious now. I need to get that away from the oily worktop, or my feet, and just let everything chill. Wow, red hot oil, folks. I managed to salvage two churros, and more importantly fry some of the potato carpet. Coming to a chip shop near you soon. Wow, that's gorgeous. Churro. Mm. So the food good, as for the Frywall, it might no would honestly be better as an anti dog biting collar thing. If it was solid, like I said, I would feel much safer. It did fit around that wok quite nicely, just that extra bend, and that's just the way it's been stored. I don't know. I do think the solid ones exist. But hang on. We got to use up that rice. Yes finally my friends, today is something I've been tagged in for absolutely months, and it's taken months to arrive from Japan. I love the packaging, they're always so cool when they're from Japan, but it's got some English on it. This is the rice roll shaker. Someone was sending me these videos where someone literally making sushi by shaking this, this upside down. That's why we needed our rice, which isn't sushi rice, but it's still rice, okay. Shh. Now I have stirred a little bit of rice vinegar, sugar and salt just to make it a little bit more sushi-esk but that is it. I've given it a wash and it does look like, just like a little paintbrush roller really, but this envelope thing is the key to making this work. With all these Japanese products, the packaging's really fun and there's usually images and not normally English, but we have got it today. So, open sesame, it says to put a bit of rice in, then the filling, then some more rice. Yeah, see if I mush it a bit it is quite sticky anyway. A lot of rice is sticky. Now if only I had a carpet of courgette here. (music) There we go, okay. So actually that's almost worked out perfect, look at the lengths of those. Are they made by the same company or something? So I'm just gonna keep loading this up primarily to enclose the ingredients. I think that's about the best I'm going to go. The only thing it's not telling me is how high to do it and I'm finding, just like with sushi rice, to wet my fingers in a glass is really helping that bond it. Okay, so now we close it back up. And this is where it says to shake it. Says it about 30 times. Oh my gosh. I felt it drop. That's the sound of the rice moving around. I don't know if that sort of shaping it. There is something happening. Oh my gosh. Insert the seaweed which is the nori if you're looking for it and see the market. All right, so that sheet of seaweed. Wow, that was hard to say. So we put it through this gap, all right, and it's this that should wrap around the rice. Normally when I use nori I wet one end to seal it together, but I'm not gonna do that, it doesn't tell me to. There might be a standard generic size for seaweed because that fits right in there. Excited. So let's just stick this through the letterbox, effectively. Okay, and that's sitting like there. I'm really excited, scared, and set up for disappointment. Right, is it going a bit further? It's getting wet, that's good. I'm gonna try the other end. I think it's gonna get wet stuck to the rice, and eventually it's gonna pull it through. I'm gonna keep going. I'm sure that's getting shorter, maybe it's the mental thing. Nah, there's a lot less now, look, there's so much less. Oh, no, where's it going? It's underneath it. If I turn this over, Oh, it's got the perfect shape on it as well. I'm gonna have another go. I just looked at the other instructions the top ones with the eggs on, and it looked like I just overfilled it. Okay, so I'm putting a lot less in. See, a lot lower now and if this doesn't work... Oh yeah, that has encased it, okay, there's a little bit of filling sticking out, but you can see that's very tubular. There's actually an angle for it to go in at. (music) Oh, nearly there. Oh, it's gone in. It's gone. I don't know what happened. I was just getting bored then, I just kept looking. I could hear it going. Maybe the moisture just finally got it. Oh. Oh, yes. Yes. It's not the tightest grip on there. It's all right. (laughs) There we go then folks, another kitchen gadget testing video in the bag. Don't forget to check out the rest of the other videos, all 51 of them. And remember, I also do an individual playlist too. For ones that need a bit more attention to detail. The first 50 took over 16 and a half hours, and some of you watch all of that. So thank you so, so much. If you've seen any gadgets that haven't tested to date, do let me know down below. Don't forget to subscribe for regular videos each week. Follow me on social media on your platform of choice for behind the scenes bits and bobs. Consider becoming a patron for even more behind the scenes bits and giveaways of gadgets. In fact, for this video, the churro maker, I'm going to sign the box and send it off to one lucky patron somewhere in the world. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you very soon. (rapping) ♪ Check your level player, ♪ ♪ no matter what your style, the kitchen for me. ♪ ♪ sideburns moustache, goatee, maybe all three. ♪ This is my jacket potato, I left it in the oven a little bit too long because I had the sushi incident, and the oil incident. Do you know what, the oven takes longer. You just get that lovely crispy outside. You can microwave it first. And then, you know just to soften it, and then bung it in the oven, but I just slow cook. So on the packaging, look, it's got like a really heavily buttered potato. I'll try and I really want this to work. I don't know what, I mean it tasted all right earlier. Let's stick it on there. You see that there. So granules of butter. I can see it starting to go a little bit gooey. Maybe if I encase it a little bit and leave it for a minute or two. Okay, it's quite hot but you see the steam. Look, it's actually melted a little bit. Ah, smells really buttery, to be fair. It tastes like cheese, melted cheese. Oh, it's still strong though. You know, as quirky as that it, it's certainly not the worst thing I've ever tried. There's probably a scenario like maybe if you're in space, and you need butter. There you go astronauts. If I ran this company, I would rebrand them as astronaut butter. Selling them in all those NASA and astronomical stores and things, and like science museums, sell a load of them. But instead I'm just gonna eat a potato. Yeah, that's good. Just hold it and shake it up and down. Up and down, up and down. - Like that? - No. Yes. - Ah. - But wait, there's more. - Oh, it's getting shorter. - Yeah, keep going. That's gone isn't it? - Oh yeah. - It's magic, open it up. - Wow. - You just made sushi. See, that's what I'm not worried about you. Maybe you can lick that to seal it. - That's really clever. - It is, isn't it? - Nice one. - Wow. I waited six weeks for that nori.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 198,331
Rating: 4.9246764 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Gadget Testing 52, Kitchen gadget testing, kitchen gadgets, food gadget testing, testing kitchen gadgets, testing food gadgets, weird gadgets, weird cooking gadgets, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, test, testing, food, gadgets, gift ideas, cooking, haul, kitchen tools, kitchen hacks, food hacks, experiment, DIY, you need, inventions, compilation, review, food chopper, food gadgets, virgin kitchen, my virgin kitchen, cooking show, food challenge, cooking channel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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