Kitchen Hack Testing #9

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- Nice. - Sorry. - Hey everyone, how's it going? You all right? - Hello. - Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen. We hope you are well. Today's video is a kitchen hack test video. We've done some of these already. There's a full playlist, right Mrs. B? - There is, all in the old house. This is the first in the new house. - Making memories. If you've missed any of those, there are some pretty fun ones. The last one got, how can we say, dangerous? - Very dangerous. (screaming) (laughing) - Yeah, but today, I think these could actually be quite useful. - Yeah, they're a lot safer. - So, we're gonna do our best. So, have a Bara-thon once you've watched this one. Check out the other ones or if you're in the playlist, welcome. - Welcome. - Mrs. Barry? - Hello. - Have you ever wanted to be able to peel the skin off a potato easily? - Yes. - Well, that's good because it's a really hot day and we've had a pan of water boiling for about 15 minutes in here and we're sweating. - If our faces go bright red and there's sweat dripping down towards the end of the video. - Yeah, we'll just be like stick thin. That could be quite good actually. Mrs. B's getting her chopping board. Boston is literally flaked out, chilling out. That is very motivational. Thanks mate. This water is simmering. One hack straight from the off, if you haven't already shown you before is what we use in quite a lot of the videos and underneath a chopping board, if you get a wet rag, it stops this. So, that's just a damp, yeah, see that? Random fact. It was one of Jamie Oliver's home economics taught me that track. Track? ♪ Yo Yo I'm gonna teach you this track ♪ So apparently, I have no idea why I'd want to do this. If we make an incision around the whole potato, then cook it in our pan of simmering water, just over there, it will just come off super easy. - In the pan? - No, when we take it out. - Yeah, but you're cutting the potato. - Yeah, it's fine. Just through the potato but you need to make sure that you line up the other side. - So, you got to cut? - Yeah, so it's all the way around. (laughs) Anyhow, I'm gonna put this one in there. You carry on. Remember, if you want to sharpen your knife you can do it on the bottom of a mug, as we found out in another hacks video. Because it's gonna take a while for these potatoes to cook, we'll leave these boiling whilst we do our other hacks and Mrs Barry is having fun with the knife. Do you know what could be really good, is doing it with cheese wire, just wrapping it round and just sort of pulling it tight. - Oh, I think I missed a bit there. - So, these potatoes are in there, let's do something whilst they cook away. - Okay. - Have you ever wanted to make a toasted sandwich? - In a toaster? - What I was gonna say was, have you ever wanted to make a toasted sandwich where the outside has got that crunch but the inner opposite side of the bread is soft and tender? - It's not really a toasted sandwich then, no? - This hack, we need the toaster. So, what we're gonna do, this hack actually involves using one chute, that's what we're gonna call it in a toaster. - Slot. - Slot. That's a much better word, yeah. So, by putting two slices of bread in one slot in a toaster, the heating elements are there and there and there and there, there and there. So, you'll toast the outer side pieces of the bread and hopefully it should pop up. - Mini bread. - It is mini. It's really thin as well, isn't it? - Yeah. I'm buttering it now. - When do you put buttered bread in a toaster? Did you just say that? When am I buttering the bread? Butter it once it's done, mate. Yes, it fits in. Oh my gosh. All right, we'll keep an eye out for this. - Some people must like a toasted sandwich with the outside crispy and the inside... - Yeah great, because you'll get the softness I think. That would be quite cool. - I reckon that's done. It's done. I can see it. Ready? - All right, go. All right. - See, it's only little. - It's only small toast. Look. Wow. It's like shrunk in size. Where are you gonna put it? - On the chopping board. - Yeah, go ahead. All right. So, toasted one side and... Oh wow. - It's warm but soft. Oh, I like that. - That's really cool. - And I bet, if we put butter on it, it will melt. Now, the butter, will just melt, have we left it too long there. No, look. - Yeah, it's gonna melt it from the heat from underneath. This is cool. I like this idea. - This is a good one. - So, this actually works, right? - It does. - Now, you just want to have it as toast, but just to show you... - Put marmite on. - Marmite? But just to show you as a sandwich, ham in there. - Sandwich. - That's a sandwich. - For those of you who don't know what a sandwich looks like. - What I'm hoping is the warmth, from there, it might help to melt the cheese a little bit. - I think we've left it too late, now though. - Yeah, do we just wait? - We're just gonna sit here and wait. - When I don't like cold cheese, you're gonna have to try it. - Oh, all right. Do you know what it reminds me of like a sandwich when you're on holiday. - Squished and warm? - No, when you get like, ham and cheese toasties and I just remember being on holiday, when I was younger, in Spain or wherever, like having a ham and cheese toasted sandwich and it was just like that. - See, nice authentic Spanish cuisine, there. Did you have a paella? No, a cheese sandwich. - No, you know when you're just out by the pool and you want something. - Hey, Becky you know when I went on that amazing trip to India, what was the food like? Was the curry really nice? Well, I had a lovely cheese sandwich. - Cold taste. - You very rarely look of disapproval but that was it. - That was it. Cold taste. - You straight away, you're not making a video for the internet? By the way, this video is uploaded on my birthday, so, if you like to after this video, reach out on social media and wish me a happy birthday, that would be nice and any presents, money, put it in the post. It's cold cheese. - You make me eat things I don't like all the time. We don't want to see you spit it out. - Ham was no, the texture was good but the cheese, melt that cheese up. Mrs Barry has just suggested putting this back in the toaster to warm up with the cheese. If we do that, the cheese will melt and get stuck on the metal bits inside the toaster, so, we're gonna wrap it. - Like that? - Yeah. - It's not gonna catch on fire, is it? - Only one way to find out. - It's grease proof paper, though. - All right, these are cooking away. Wait, that's doing all right. - All right, let's flick it up now. - Yeah. Because we've set in the baking parchment on fire. - Oh my goodness. - Ah, looks like filo pastry. - Oh, can you smell it? I'm not thinking that was a good idea. - You can get toaster pockets that do that properly but is it any better? - Yeah, it's melted the cheese. - Has it? - But don't try that at home. I don't want to get in trouble. - It stinks in here, like smoke. This is what? - Pizza cutter. - Yes, but imagine you are in a hurry to chop some herbs and you can't be bothered to use a knife so, you're gonna use a pizza thing instead. Apparently, this will help save time by doing it. It might save a matter of 10 seconds and 10 seconds in the world of food could be a long time. So, ladies and gentlemen, I give to you, the pizza cutter herb race. I'm gonna use a knife, Mrs. B is gonna use pizza cutter. All right? I have a knife. - I have a pizza cutter. Is that what they're called? - Yes. What were you gonna say? - It doesn't sound right. - Well, what do you want to call it? You can call it whatever you want. - Do you know when you say things over and over again and eventually they just don't sound like the right word? - Like I love you? Call it whatever you want. Call it Collin the cutter if you want. - I feel like a pizza cutter isn't the right word. I feel like there's another word that I can't think of right now but I'm sure it is a pizza slicer. - As you guys know, I'm not a fully trained chef. I've never really been taught how to slice. I'm gonna take my time and I'm gonna do it. We're just gonna see how much time, if any, this will save. Ready? - Yeah. - Let's go. No, no. - That's not finely chopped. - That is finely. Look at that? That I could garnish on a curry or on a ham sandwich when I'm eating it in India. That is fine. That is chopped. - Oh, you know what? I just thought of another hack I've seen. - What? - With herbs. - What? Putting them in ice cube trays with butter? - Yeah. - Nice. - You still doing that? It's fun. - It's good if you're angry and you're like stress relief. - Okay, that's what you call it, the pizza stress reliever but this is fine. - I like it. - Use a knife, folks. All right, can you reach. No? Put olive oil or any oil you want into an ice cube tray with the herbs and freeze them and then you can use them in dinners. So, you can chuck your herbs in on the go. - Found it. - So, what we're basically trying to say is we're not gonna waste any of those herbs that we just chopped up. You can just put them in water if you want, in the ice cube tray and freeze it. So, you can just chuck it in as a fresh herb. Use olive oil, any other oil or butter. Anything you want really. You enjoying that? - Yeah. - Therapeutic. - Yeah. - Whilst Mrs B finishes off with the herbs, there with this bottle, in fact, just the cap, we can make the world's easiest bodged chopsticks. I just need my drill. So, we're gonna take some bamboo skewers and don't worry if you've got chopsticks, you know the ones that are joined at the top, this will also word for that as well, if we can make it work. - I'm just gonna put the oil now, into the herbs and then we're gonna put it in the freezer. - Nice. - I don't remember what herb this is. - I'm gonna drill very slowly. Holy bull, look at that man. She's putting the herbs in the freezer. I've put one hole in there. I've done it very, very carefully. So, I'm doing it so my fingers and thumbs are out of the way and I'm gonna put another on probably about half an inch apart from it. There we go. Looks like a little man. Hello, I'm Bottle-hat man. - Have you done it. Oh, looks like a little robot. - Mrs B? - Yes? - You're smart? - Yes, of course. - Smarter than me? You're smarter than me. That's not hard. What we're gonna do, we'll put the sharp end of the bamboo skewer in so, it actually bites into the opposite end of the cap. Put the other end in there. Then you've got like a walkie-talkie thing, like this or an antenna, old school TV antenna but look, if you hold it like that, you can now... Look, chopsticks. - DIY chopsticks, that's cool. - Okay, it doesn't want to pick up a drill bit. It's quite heavy but look, a cherry? Hey. - That's clever. - That's cool, right. - Yay! - You don't like cherries? - No. - Well, the next hack involves cherries. We just looked at the potatoes and it looks like the skin is starting to come off so, we'll drain them out and let them cool down. This is a game for you now, you can use my bodge chopsticks, the bottle and I want you to get the stone from a cherry using the bottle and these. You might not need all of it though. - Hang on. - She actually nailed it. That was it. You're supposed to put a cherry on a bottle and push through. Push through and see, the stone is there. - I have the cherry. - The cherry as well. You're supposed to use a straw but I figured we had the bamboo skewer out anyway. - I had no idea about that. - I was wondering what the heck you were gonna come up with. - The whole cherry is going in. - They're not the biggest cherries. So, actually we could end up putting it in the bottle like one of them sunken treasures, the memorabilia that people have on their mantelpieces. Like that. You know that thing where people build a boat inside... How do they do that? Do they do it with real long tweezers? I'm sure I saw a very short clip on that once. - No, they make the boat first and then they made the bottle around the boat. - Do they? - Course they do. - I thought they actually put the bits in the boat and then they pull up the mast or something. - Surely not, you think they got glass bottles like that and then build in detail a massive yacht boat thing and it's like a pirate ship in there. - I don't know. Let us know down below if you want to talk about boats in bottles. - Are you serious? - I don't know. - No, they do the boat first and then they make the... (blows) To make glass they blow don't they through a thing? - Yes, Becky. So, they build the boat and then... No, because it's too hard. Let us know down below. As our potatoes cool down Mrs B and we overcome the bottle boat scenario. This plate, we're really excited about this, aren't we? - Yeah because we get to open up a box of chocolate cookies. - Cookies and also, if you ever get a present from us because that could happen, you, yes you watching, wherever you are, even if you're in Venezuela, we could send you a gift and the best way to do is with a paper plate. You make an incision here and then opposite. So, we're gonna cut, can you see those, those black lines, we're gonna cut there and when I say we, I mean Mrs B because she likes to do stuff like this. She should just do her own channel, My Virgin Crafts. So, with it cut like this, we fold these sides up, like that and then fold it in on itself on the ends but we tape those together, see that? Where it's gone like that? So, I've got some tape, some very attractive tape but you could pimp this up by putting ribbon on it, you could paint it. - Here we go, you just fold over the edges. That's my thumb. - Stick your wife to the gift if you can. Oh, there you go. I mean, you could put anything in this. You could put cutlery in it if you're having a barbecue outside or something or it could be a dip holder. - Tape please. - All right. - That end's coming apart. Let's fix that end.. - Bit of a bodge. It's nearly the end of school term, let's roll play, Mrs B. I'm Chloe, you're her teacher. Hello, I got you cookies but no, not cookies in a plastic container. Now, would you prefer that, Mrs. B or would you prefer. - Oh, of course I prefer this. Thank you, Chloe. - But just put some ribbon on it, spray paint it. - You can get the kids to decorate it. - Yeah, that's pretty cool. - Cookie? - Thank you. Okay, so, here are our potatoes. They are still a teeny bit warm, run them under the tap and you can see the skin is wanting to come off anyway, but look, hopefully if we just start to encourage it. - Look. - No, you're meant to pull the whole thing off. Like that. - Oh, whoops. - That kind of works. Looks like a soap bar for your armpits. Lift your arms up, mate. - No. I don't want potato starch under my arms. I did that one before. - So, you gotta like pinch it to loosen it up from the top. It just collapsed on me. It does come off. - I think you should just peel them before you cook them. That's cool though. - It does feel a bit pointless. - I was just thinking that as well. Hot, hot. I'd stick to peeling them before you cook them. - Yeah, maybe as a little party trick you could probably work on it more but for the potato salad, you could do smaller potatoes and probably peel off them really quick but to me they're all right when the skin is on. - They do. - There we go, another kitchen hacks video in the bag. I think these were actually... What's the matter? - You got potato in your ear. - What? - How on earth did you do that? - I don't know. My favourite one was actually the chopsticks. I quite liked that. - Oh yeah, that was a good one and then the cherry one was good. - And the herbs with the ice cube tray does work an absolute charm. A lot of people do that. It is very good. So, that's it. Don't forget to Bar-athon and check out the rest of the kitchen hacks playlist, right now. If you see any cool ones, do let us know and we'll try them out won't we. - Yes please. - But that's it. Have a great day. Don't forget to follow us on social media, @myvirginkitchen and we'll see you very soon. Bye. - Bye!
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 151,525
Rating: 4.9207692 out of 5
Keywords: kitchen hack testing, testing kitchen hacks, kitchen, food hack testing, tools, kitchen hacks, weird hacks, weird cooking hacks, put to the test, buzzfeed, life hacks, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, test, tested, testing, food hacks, food, weird, odd, gadgets, testing food hacks, gadget, haul, kitchen tools, life, hack, experiment, science experiments, you need, inventions, review, gift ideas, cooking, kitchen gadget testing, funny, buzzfeed hacks, pinterest hacks, wine bottle blowtorch
Id: Xk0P-sTSvZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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