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Well hello there folks it's Barry here. Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen, I hope you're well. Today we're testing some more kitchen gadgets, I think this one's number five, 10, 14, something like that. Plus there's a few other bonus ones on this amazing playlist which if you've missed any of those, or you're new to it or you've seen a few of them, click up here or down below, in the description as well. Some of you guys actually just spent whole days watching this playlist now. I've had tweets from somebody going, "This is how I spent my whole Sunday, "it was watching gadgets." So I know you guys love the videos, so thank you so so much. Please check out some of the normal recipe videos too, they hopefully can inspire you to get cooking and using some of these as well. And as usual remember some of these gadgets could be useful for people that have disabilities, so please keep an open mind before commenting. And we have a quirky one to kick start this one. It's a lovely day, bit of sun coming in, liking it. We have a quirky one. This one is a pop-up wine glass. So not really a gadget, I was gonna say gasualty then, know what that means? When it's time for a tipple just flick your wrist and the glass magically extends. Give it a little tug for, what is this going? For good measure and enjoy your vino in style. So this is a pop-up wine glass, vino anywhere. Easily extendable with a flick of the wrist. Flick of the, wasn't that a rap song? I'm going into dad mode now, I don't know that my daughter's too young. Kind of in that awkward in between thing. With a flick of the wrist! Those of you that watch the vlog channel as well I found this gadget when I was in London the other week for a Barshens filming, which is a joint channel I do with Stuart Ashens every Friday. If you haven't subscribed, check it out. And actually Stuart has opened this already, roughly for me, so I think he knew what it does. Look, there it goes, Pop Up Wine Glass on there, very nice. And this, I believe. As simple as that, so, go from like that looking quite discreet on a train to having some sort of, I dunno, looks like some case thing. You can just go, I need a drink. Like that, so I'm not a huge fan of wine. I didn't wanna stretch the budget and buy alcohol unnecessarily, we have some wine. This one is a Duke of Clarence Rich Madeira family owned of seven generations. Ooh, nice popping. Ooh, smells like Christmas! Not gonna go all the way up. But that is still quite a lot. Oh! Sugar! It's broken anyway! Did you see that? I hope I got that, that would've added drama. And now look. Look. Very, very festive smell in here. Mrs Barry is out for the day, and she is gonna 100% smell this when she comes back and kill me. I know that sounds a bit over the top, but no, she will kill me. All right, I've wiped down as best I can, but that's really bad isn't it? Imagine if you're going to Wimbledon, and you're like, hey don't worry, I've got my takeaway wine glass for my Pimms, you go like that, and you spill it all over Cliff Richard who sat in front of you. Actually it does remind me of a story. The only time I went to Wimbledon for my birthday when I was like 11 or something like that, Cliff Richard was there singing, doing all that, I was like, I just wanna watch tennis! Kill me! All right, so I'm pulling that right up to make sure it's in place. Duke of Clarence, still got some on my rim. All right, tally ho. Oh blimey, 19%! Let's test some gadgets. I just realised, I don't think I should'a drunk any alcohol at all, after doing this video, in about an hour's time, I've gotta go to Phoebe's school and lead a round and try and help her with some GPS QR code thing. Well maybe I'll have some more wine. Now I wanna revisit a gadget, and you guys will know what it is because I revisited it on the last video and didn't revisit it enough to your requirements. But, to get it through this, we need bread to make that possible, so, we have a bread gadget. This my friends, is a Bread Slicer. The most blandest packaging in the world, but effectively with this, obviously you can just buy a loaf of bread that's pre-cut, but if you make your own, or you wanna get one of those real nice, freshly baked one from the supermarket, which I just got which smells amazing, that's where this baby comes in. We can shove our loaf in, and it's got individual slats so we can get our own slices. Just make sure you don't thick it, oh my God am I drunk? No I'm not, don't cut it too thick for your toaster. So here's what we're gonna do! We're gonna grab our bread sl, oh my gosh, that looks dirty! Like it's a shade of brown but it looks really weak like it's been out on a shelf for years. I guess it stands like that, you have this lever thing. No, let's just learn how to do it first. To be fair, I did actually buy a bigger loaf, and this one does fit in it as well, but I think we might opt for the slightly smaller snug fit. So, let's get it out. So it seems pretty straightforward, we just load the bread on there, with the flap down, and we should be able to slice into individual portions. And it's got these slats here on the side so we can get the right thickness. This is gonna be great! So we'll position our bread in like so. But I'm kinda hoping that was gonna be like some sort of non-slip thing. It has got some grooves on it, but it's not really doing it. No, not at all. And, I'm left handed and for some reason, it feels more comfortable to spin it round. But look, there we go. You get to see the derriere of it. Very nice. Even the first notch is pretty thick. So we're gonna go for that I think. So here we go, hold it in place. Oh no! That was definitely user error. All right, awesome! So, with that, we've got a sheet of bread, but n flush, it might tick in a bit more. Tick in? Stick in, oh my gosh. This gadget's actually perfect for me. 'Cause whenever I try and cut fresh bread, I always get like an angle like that. It looks like some of pyramid from Egypt. So here we go, this is a proper one. Now it's nice and flush. Uh.what? What happened here? I've got a little beard. Hello, I'm the bread man! Oh yes! There we go! Check that out, it does actually work a charm. You just, one thing you need to be careful of, is when you're sawing like this, 'cause when you see the angle of the knife, it comes out quite easy. And then you can go into a different slot. So you can go wig wam Yeah, like that see? I'm getting stuck. You need to make sure that you just do steady sawing motions and not be under the influence of wine. On the whole then, a little bit messy, but at yeast it works dough. But what do we need our bread slice for? That's right, we need it for our butter, am I doing some sort of dance move? Butter Foamer from the last video. I retested it because you guys, when I first did it said, you need it to be on toast, and I did it on toast. You guys said that lump that I did was too thick. So now I'm gonna do a very thin bit of butter from the foamer onto our slice of bread. In goes a slice of toast, I want it more gold than the golden ticket, ooh, Mr Wonka, golden ticket stylie. Okie Cokie, so this is actually the same butter from Kitchen Gadget Testing 13, we've just left it in the fridge as it is, because it's just turned into the world's coolest butter holder that makes butter afro. So let our toast do its thing. Oh, it's just done it's thing, let's try it. All right, here we go, toast, as quick as we can. Butter My Fro, apparently last time, I just did it too much, so I just need to get a teeny bit just like that, just a teeny bit and scrape, and then go on like that. But then it's not enough! OK, bit more, bit more, bit more, teeny bit more. Scrape, and on. See? OK, now the heat's got to it, it's spreading but it does, OK! OK I think that's enough analysis of this gadget. Look, little bits at a time, spready spread, still a little clumpy but, if you give it a few seconds it does actually work. No more revisiting this thing. Who wants it actually? Does someone want it? I've got lotsa gadgets here now folks that I wanna get rid of, and I've been teasing doing a giveaway, so make sure you follow me on all social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all that stuff. What I'm gonna do though, is people that actually try out my recipes and send me pictures of their attempts of cooking then, I'm gonna start giving them away including this very thing. 'Cause I'm done with you! Hate you! But doing that is so much fun! I now see that that was, the first time I did it, quite a lot of butter. Yeah that's congealed, at least it didn't do that this time. I feel like I need this right now, needs more butter though. It does! There was quite a few comments on Kitchen Gadget 13 about this Jackson 5 inspired, washing up sponge. Now racism, washing up sponges, to that level, I've never experienced it, but all I'm gonna give you is my opinion on it. This is a Jackson 5 one, they do a Queen one, they do, like the Queen, but with like white hair. So it's just a novelty gift folks. It's not, this company didn't do anything wrong. It's a joke, OK? Just let it go, Frozen style. ♫ Let it go Maybe I will get the Queen one to complement the Jackson 5 one, just for Lizzie. Just giving her a little shine on the chin. That guy's a douchebag man! But he does havocado. Hey! Avocado gadget we did on the last one, we did it, and it was really mushy unfortunately. So I didn't really eat it, and some of you were like, oh my gosh, avocados are sacred. I know they are, I love them, but I was in this big soapy Michael Jackson mess thing from the last one and we've got another avocado gadget to try. If it works, I will show you how much I love avocado, influenced by wine, by eating the whole thing. So this one by Kuhn Rikon which is like that ratchet thing after last, wow, it's really linking in with the last video now, Avocado Knife. It's got a nice little avocado themed handle. Looks like a little bit of a curved nib on it there, sawy bit, stumpy sharpy bit for the stone, this should work. Incidentally a few of you been raving about this brand, Kuhn Rikon Kitchenware, who make gadgets, they're amazing and stuff. To me it just sounds like some sort of character from Streetfighter back in the day. Kuhn Rikon There it is! Oh wow, that's really cool. The avocado feels safe, it feels secure. I don't know why it has the unnecessary eye hole there, maybe you could, oh, for just hanging up I suppose. But there we go, nice curved bend in it, looks kinda like skiing. So if you are very, very, very small, I'm talking like a third of a foot high, buy two of these, and you've got a set of very rare avocado skis. So we've got the sawy edge here, which is for sawing. This is quite mushy as well, I've left it out at room temperature, sadly. But there we go, saws the avocado, like that. Good start. You've got your spiky pointy bits which I think is for hadouken, hadouken! There we go, getting out your old stone. And thank you for the tips on replanting and creating more avocados, that's very nice of you by the way. And then you get the bendy scoopy bit, work our way round the edge, like so, and it should pop out, avocado. I do really like avocado. Really like it, but not straight, so I'm gonna save this and make some guacamole with it later. But I absolutely love that gadget, that worked a charm. This next one is technically more of a cleaning thing. I don't know where we're going with these gadget videos. But this is an Angry Mama. It is a microwave cleaner, I'm very excited by this. Because our microwave is actually pretty dirty at the moment. Angry Mama, is this branded? One of those sort of dolls possibly from a TV show, you know the square dolls that are very popular at the moment? This is just a generic angry mum with a blue dress and bright red hair. Disinfects and cleans with vinegar and water, steam soften stains for easy wiping. Now two other gadgets that we're using today need the microwave, so this is gonna be great. Ideal for home and office, cleaning your microwave was never easier, let Angry Mama do the hard work. It's starting off getting a bit sinister. First thing you have to do is remove Angry Mama's hair and head from the body. Come on. Oh my gosh, mama, come on, oh there we go. That was not an easy process. The hair, looking very nice, little wig. Oh my gosh. Hello, how are you doing? That was pretty cool, I quite like that. Like a totem pole, hey. I couldn't quite hear that, let me extend my neck. She is still angry about that, wow, OK. So, add vinegar and water to fill lines on body. So it has got a diagram on here. Add vinegar and water to fill lines on body. OK, so the vinegar in the pink there, goes up to about where she's going like that. I'm using white wine vinegar, just 'cause it's got the word wine in it, I'm definitely not drinking it, what is wrong with lids and things today? Everything's so tough. Unless that wine is like kryptonite to me. Yep. Ooh, that tingles the old nostril hairs. And then the water to about here, I have a jug here. Very well prepared as you can tell with all these videos, I kind of know what I'm doing. Alrighty, water to there. We've got a lovely mix there. And it does say, if we wanted to, add a squeeze of lemon juice or essence to liquid for pleasant odour. For once we actually don't have a lemon here in the house, but we do have some lemon juice so, that hasn't helped. Warning, do not overfill. Boiling over might occur. Now you don't wanna boil over an Angry Mama. I think we've all been there folks, haven't we? Replace head and hair part. So we slot on the head. OK, this is good, this is good. And then the head which, could never really grasp how that went on. OK. She's locked in. Microwave for seven minutes on high and allow to stand for two additional minutes. Remove Angry Mama by her arms which stay cooler. I love this idea, I'm just getting this vision of actually carrying your real mum like that by her arms. I'm really angry with you! So you carry her by that, OK. Use the remaining vinegar mix liquid on sponge to clean the microwave. Ooh, we might need Michael Jackson. Welcome to Jurassic Park, well a bit like that, but welcome to the inside of our microwave. And as you can see, it's a little bit grubby there. That wasn't put there intentionally, it just generally is like that from time to time. In goes Angry Mama, wow, she's very angry. So in she goes for seven minutes. Love how there's this like angry toy in my microwave going like that. So this is effectively gonna steam the microwave and then we're gonna use the brush which I didn't think we were gonna use. That kinda defeats the point of using Mama maybe? It's really weird, I can see these beads of water or something dripping down from the screen. The camera won't pick it up but, not long to go. Then we've gotta leave it two minutes to stand, and we'll see what it's done. See you in two minutes. So let's get out the Angry Mama, I'm not surprised she's angry with the heat in there. Ooh! I was expecting more steam. Uh, no! Can you see that, camera? We've still got those dirty spots, the main dirty splodges are still there. Angry Mama, are you hot? No? Not too bad. Yes. I'm really angry, I didn't like it in that microwave. But I'm just gonna pour, whoa, that's hot! Whoa! The hot watery vinegar mixture that's left into a jug. Grab our little sponge here, and then wipe. Oh wow! OK, that's taken in a lot of water, probably way too much it looks like he's having a shower! But, as you see, ah, cheeky weeky that's hot! No, this blob's ah, ah, that is really hot. But there is like dirt in the microwave and it's getting that, and it's all just wet like a swimming pool in here. All right, to be fair, it looks all right, but I don't think he's very happy about his hair right now. What I was trying to show you, ah, it's so hot, I'm gonna keep pushing on these stubborn stains. Oh no! OK, with a big old scrub, they do, that is so hot! They do come off. So I need to dry this microwave out completely for our next two gadgets. All right, so, microwave is nice and clean now. Albeit with a little bit of help, and it's smelling so vinegary in here. I feel like I'm in a bag of fish and chips. Anyhow, microwave egg boiler called the Boiley next. Look at his face, all of the gadgets today are really unhappy! Come on guys! It's all good! Microwave egg boiler. That's French. Eggceptional eggs every time. Actually the French pun, there we go, French puns, never thought I'd be doing that. For microwave use, soft medium and hard boiled eggs in three to five minutes. And it's got a piercing pin as well. That's good, that's the secret to getting quite good eggs, you have to pierce it. It's a bit picky. It reminds me a little bit of one of my favourite video games growing up called Dizzy, I had a pack of five different games, it was really cool. There we go, look at the nice little dude in there. Unlock. Looks like a Kinder Egg. We've got like a ring, and this thing. That sits in there like that. Got his lid, so it's all metal lined. And lookhe's got, got little feet there. This must be, there we go. That's the egg pricker. Remove metal liner and add water to the fill line. OK. Whenever it says fill line, I always think of my friends called Phil. I think I've got about two friends called Phil. Alrighty. Replace the metal liner. OK, I think that went in with it. And that kinda caressed it. Yes, there we go! Place the piercer on a flat surface and hold. Push the large end of the egg on the piercing pin deep enough to puncture the yolk. Place the egg in the Boiley, pierced end up. Obviously you wanna do that 'cause you don't want egg spilling out. OK, very, very sharp. Worried that I could cut my finger here. But here you go. So there we go, it's in the fat end and it is right up in there. OK, so I pull it out, bonk, like so. Be very careful with that, don't wanna hurt yourself. So the pierced end, it did say, goes with that side facing up. Screw the top section onto the base. Oh there we go! He's locked in, look'a that, that's amazing! Place it in the microwave on high. Three minutes for soft, five minutes for hard boiled egg. Now I like a soft boiled egg, so we'll try it for three minutes. In it goes, in for three minutes. Yeah, the most cleanest microwave it's ever been in. Bit vinegary though. Here we go! Beep! Beep! The egg was definitely bubbling away in there, I could hear the water boiling. So, let's give it a go. Looks a little innocent, but I think that's gonna be blooming hot. Whoo! Hot! Ay ay, yi yi yi, that is really hot! Wow! Fudgy! Fudge. I think I have a blister there! It was hot. Let's give it time. Folks, this, is insanely hot. Whoo! Remember folks, microwaves aren't toys. All right. Just let him sit there, do his thing. I was gonna put it in this glass, this shot glass thing, but I think it will shatter it. In fact, let's just run it under some cold water. Old bread from earlier. Ah, I should use my egg topper! Oh no, but it didn't work on this thing did it? There we go, it might. Oh what am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? Oh my God! Just juiced out loads of eggy goodness stuff. Oh! Oh! Is it cooked? Is it cooked through? Yes it is, I felt really cold then for a minute. But no, it was just the inner bit. And now we can get our very cold toast, dunk it into our, soft boiled, look at the yolk. Amazing. Our second to last gadget from Joseph Joseph which, imagine, if your name was Joseph and you had a brother called Joseph, your Angry Mama would say Joseph Joseph, come over here. Basically I'm loving this thing already because look. Look at the angle of it, if I go like that, is perfect for whisking up your omelette. And we whisk it all in there and shove it in the microwave and it should make an omelette, that's basically it. Just gonna give it, oh. A wash, a good wash now. So although I could use an egg cracking gadget for this, I feel it's all about focusing on this so we're just gonna crack our eggs like normal. So our eggs are in there like so. Now this is the cool thing, 'cause the angle, apparently, don't know why you can't just have it upright. But it gives you really good access to your omelette, direct access, you know? Not through a third party. So our eggs are beaten, little bit of salt, smoked salt, amazing. Bit of pepper. Now just before I started filming this video, I did a pizza burger recipe. No joke, the best burger I've ever tasted. Not just made, ever tasted, so please, check that video out, give it a go, and send me a picture, and you could win a gadget too. And I had these char grilled mushrooms and onions left over so I'm just gonna chuck some of them in my omelette. Not even looking, confidence. We got some coriander which is just gonna wilt really but we're gonna chuck that in there. Smells good, doesn't smell of vinegar anymore. Little bit of cheese. My whisk's trying to escape, I don't wanna be involved! And just some ham that I'm just ripping up and just feeding the birds, tuppence a bag. One of my favourite lines along with ♫ My mind's telling me no Part of me feels like it's gonna spill out but it's not, it's good! And I say thatand it spilt out. Apparently you can fit up to four eggs in that. 800 watt microwave which is what I've got, cook for one minute, 15 seconds, that's all, really? Soft boiled egg took three minutes, but I guess that's out of the shell, nothing's housing it. So there it is going in there, all loose like that. We're gonna go in there. I'm gonna be a bit of a rebel, I'm gonna do it for one minute, 30. Yes. 10 minutes to get to the school, finish this, and one more gadget. Great. Do you know what, I think it's actually working. Looks like a big eggy blanket in there. Oh my gosh. It's cooked the outer layer, but not the middle it's still yolky, so I'm gonna give it another 30 seconds. It was still yolky so I added another 30 seconds so we're pushing more towards two and a half minutes now. Oh! Yes. Yes. That will do, that will do. Look folks, we've actually done it. This bit in the middle, that looks like yolk, that is actually the cheese I used. It's, it's basically, like I said, like an eggy blanket. Of course, eggy blanket is probably just a stereotype of what an omelette really is, isn't it? It's hot. Teeny bit rubbery like eating an elastic band. But it does work. For those of you that don't know, we're having some building work done on our house at the moment, and soon we're gonna walk through that fridge behind that wall and into an office and all new stuff, so I will show you one day. But anyhow, on the building theme, how about a CakeDozer. Now this is pretty simple right? This is not for slicing up a cake in any form. It is literally serving your cake in novelty form. So this is a pre-bought cake, OK. Now I'm trying to teach Mrs Barry, you know, when we're doing these videos, get a nice looking cake, if we're buying a ready made one. Like with the hacks video we did the other day, we used the dental floss, it was the smallest cake in the world. So I've really gone all out, bought a ready-made one. Let me show you, come down here. Look at the dip on that. I just took it out the box and they need to build a spirit level gadget, don't they, hey? Anyhow, let's slice this up, this gadget doesn't do that. We'll get a nice, neat slice of cake 'cause I've just had a quick look at the box of it, and it is quite small in terms of the sizing portion bit there. But look, you've got a bulldozer on the end of it, and you push this button down, and it should push the cake off, which is amazing for serving. So, we've push it back as far as we can go, not much space there, but hey, we're gonna go in, noises are optional, lift it out. Look at that. It's cake! I've never seen it before, it's amazing. We'll just get this out of the way. I'll see you later. We bring in our plate. Get our bulldozer, and just push off our cake, yes! Look'a that. That's about it. It's good, but not as good as Mrs Barry's Reindeer Cake, you need to check that video out too. Oh. Well there we are folks, another Kitchen Gadget video done and dusted, my favourite one for this video is this omelette maker which I think would be amazing for people just starting out cooking and also students and stuff, 'cause an omelette is just a staple, right? So, so good. So please don't forget to check out the rest of the kitchen gadget testing playlist and other recipes to get inspired. Subscribe for regular recipes and food fun. Follow us on social media for behind the scenes bits and bobs, and also check out our spin-off channel the Barrys which is our vlog and behind the scene bits which is pretty cool, yeah. Probably see what I'm thinking about right now after I press this button.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 785,599
Rating: 4.84657 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen gadget testing, kitchen gadgets, food gadgets, food gadget testing, testing kitchen gadgets, testing food gadgets, weird gadgets, weird cooking gadgets, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, test, tested, testing, kitchen, food, weird, odd, gadgets, tools, gadget, haul, kitchen tools, life, hack, kitchen hacks, food hacks, experiment, science experiments, you need, inventions, compilation, review, gift ideas, cooking, christmas, novelty, avacado tool, angry mama, egg gadgets
Id: 4TLuL4v32BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2016
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