Kitchen Hack Testing 12

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- What? - Ah, you donkey! One, two, three! Oh, look, oh geez! (laughs) (Becky laughing) - You're disgusting! (logo swooshing) (popping) I can see you. - Ah, well, that was an anticlimax. Hello, everybody, welcome to hacks. If you've missed any of these today at the end of this video, put on the sweatband, all right? You know that one now? - Yeah, for Barrathon. - Barrathon, yeah. - Yay! - Yay! (laughs) - So we're basically trying out some hacks today like normal just to see if they are any good. If they're useful, if they're-- - Rubbish. - Yeah. But today, I think these are gonna be pretty darn good. Mrs. B.? - Yep. - To the kettle! Kettle's on. - Was I meant to put it on? - Yes. - Okay. - Good work. I know what we will do whilst the kettle boils, sorry! Apart from standing on her toe, taking really silly Snapchat photos. See that? There you go. These, Mrs. B., what are these? - Whole almonds. - Whole almonds, not really the top of my nut of choice, but all right. You can eat them with the skin on, can't you? - I guess so. - But this hack gets the skin off because if you look at them they've kinda got the texture of an old person's toenails, right? You can't really get that off very easy. - An old person's toenails? - Well, you come up with something! Anyhow, the kettle is boiled, we're gonna place the almonds in here. Do you wanna pour? (tapping) So we're gonna submerge the almonds in that water. Yep, that's full. - I know, enough. - [Barry] What do you think is gonna happen? - Look, I can see this one. - What? - The heat is just getting the skin off. - It's peeling the skin for us, but apparently we have to let that cool right down to room temperature and the skin should just literally pop off if it doesn't anyway. - Oh okay, don't fancy sticking my hand in there now. - But we're also, if this doesn't work, I needed roasted peanuts for another hack. If this works, we'll do that as well at the end for a bonus one. - I could just sit here all day and watch. - [Barry] I could just look at your fringe all day 'cause you're not looking at the camera. - Sorry. (laughing) - Was that a Vidal Sassoon shampoo advert? Sorry! (laughing) - This next one-- - Yes? - We're gonna fast-forward, no, we're gonna rewind... ♪ Ehh, selecta, re-rewind ♪ ♪ When the crowd say Bo Selecta ♪ Remember that song? - Yep. - Thanks, great. - Not gonna sing it though. - No, you do it on your own. - Great, yeah. Last night, - Yes. - this happened, cut to that clip. - I got that. (laughing) - Is that how we do it? We kinda, I don't know, it's kinda complicated. (laughs) (tape screeching) - All right, Chloe? - Do I need to put one at a time? - We can do two if you want. This is behind the scenes footage from last night. Chloe is putting the apples in the freezer. (tape whirring) And then, this morning, this happened. All right, there they are, frozen apples. We've got a bowl! (drawer opening) You put, why did you put it on... Wow, that is rock hard, wow! (loud tapping) That's hard. Actually, you were there. - I know! - You were sat there having your... "Don't you dare film me, I'm eating my porridge!" - I didn't say that. - No she didn't. She was like, "Film me," and yeah, Phoebe was like that. - I was not like that either. - But anyhow, the reason we froze apples was not to annoy Snow White, was it? - It wouldn't be Snow White you'd annoy. - Who would it be? - The Wicked Witch that dresses as the old lady-- - I don't do Disney, do I? The reason we froze the apples, why? Why do you think we froze the apples? - I don't know-- - And let them thaw. - I don't know any of these hacks. - Go and get the bucket of bowls. Go and get the bucket of apples, please Mrs. B. - Ah, it's cold. - It's cold, and it's still cold, it's been thawing out, that has been four hours thawing out, you see? The texture of them, they're squeezable. - They're cold, they are. - Apparently, now with this, we can make the best, freshest, nicest apple juice in the world. It's really squeezy and soft, okay? Ah, you donkey, what are you doing that for? (Becky laughing) - You were gonna do it to me. - I wasn't. (laughing) Have you any idea what we're about to do? Actually, didn't I just tell you? (laughs) - We're gonna make apple juice. - We are, apparently-- - How? - You grab an apple, and we just squeeze it, and what will come out will be amazing apple juice. - Ooh, I knew that was gonna happen. - Maybe we should have a race, you have your bowl there. Apparently, you're supposed to crush it. - It's cold though, I'm doing mine-- - Like really crush it up like that. - A bit more ladylike than you. - Look at that! - What a waste of an apple. - It's not a waste of an apple 'cause you're getting apple juice, we're making cider right now! Look, oh, geez! (laughing) - That's why I'm doing it elegantly. - Elegantly? - Look at the state of you. - What? I'm fine. Passion, can't buy this. - You can buy apple juice. - Yes, you can buy apple juice, Becky. - Can't feel my fingers! - Oh, just come on now. Right, what we're gonna do, we might as well join forces. See, look at all that in there, that's amazing. Got a sieve, all right, ready? - Yeah. And obviously, we're not gonna go over the top and squeeze loads out of it, we're just gonna... In fact, you could push down on that - Go on then. - Gonna break the sieve. - You'll snap the handle. - Ugh, listen. (juice dripping) (Barry laughing) - You're dropping it everywhere. - Sorry. (air whooshing) I'm going on really tight on that glass there, go on pour it in, mate, all right, this is my sexy shot. - [Becky] And you're trusting me to pour it in? - [Barry] Yeah go on, get it in there. (Barry laughing) Yes, look! That is the purest of the purest of apple juice, and these were Pink Lady apples, for reference. Go on, go for it. - Looks good. Hmm! - Is it cold? Gotta be nice and refreshing, isn't it? - It's nice! - Yeah? Ooh, it's very orchardy, isn't the smell? Very like you're walking through an orchard, this doesn't feel commercialised, or sugarized, or any sort of... It just feels natural. - Fresh. - Fresh. Oh, wow, that's amazing! - It is, really good. - You can tell she likes it 'cause she's like, "Yep, really good, mine!" - But six apples, in that one little glass, that's a lot-- - But that is 100 percent natural apple juice, there's no sugars, no additives... Well, obviously, the natural sugars, sh! But that's amazing. - It's a good one. - Good hack. - One's worked! Yay! - Wow, one in 300 worked. All right, told you they were good today. I know I can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but I actually do loaf you. - Pan in the butt? - Pain, bread, pain? - Bread pan? What? - It was a bread pun, (laughs) pain! - Pain, what is a pain? (Barry groaning) - This, what is this, explain what... We know it's bread, but this bread is stale, right? (thudding) - Yeah. - This is a stale loaf, a baguette, that we deliberately bought two days ago, and I've left it on this counter side for two days. - Mm-hmm, gonna tell me what-- - You're being uncertain, you're like, "Mm-hmm," what do we do with it? - Right. - What you do (laughs) to make it un-stale is beat some human on the head. All we need, is a roasting tin. - Thanks. Thank you, I put it in the roasting tin? - Yes, pre-heat the oven, all right, you've done that. Amazing, so we'll come over here, and we will fill... This is weird, isn't it? - What's the purpose of this? - I think it's gonna steam the baguette. - And? - It's gonna make it fresh again. - Oh, okay. - All right, let it get completely coated though, and then shake it off, Taylor Swift. - Okay. - What are you doing? - Ah. (Barry laughing) - No, look how full it is! - That's fine. Ah, now we're both doing it! - Put it down, put it down, put it down. (Barry sighing) (laughing) Right, so this bread, we're gonna get it wet like this, okay? - Yeah. - I tried not to get-- - Look! - I'm sorry, it's a bit, it's only H2O! And we shake it off a bit, and let any excess water shake. And apparently, we'll bake it in our oven, and in about 10 minutes, that'll be as if it's freshly baked again. - You've gotta bake it in this? - No, you just bake it on the shelf, so we don't need that anymore, you just bake-- - So why didn't we just run it under a tap? - Because it needs a bath! - You could have just ran it under the tap-- - If you want an argument on camera, I'll give it... Go on! - Like what's the difference? I thought-- - Don't break my baguette! (air whooshing) (beeping) - Our oven is going off in the background, and we've left this on the side. It's kinda like a sponge now, it's so wet, and it's kind of disintegrating. - Looks like a giant sponge finger. - It does! Here it goes, so I'm gonna shove it in. Ah, whoo, it's singeing, can you hear that? - Yes, I can hear it. - Right. - [Becky] It's fine. - Now, this station here, is a herb. Now, you'll notice basil leaves... I love the smell of them! They've kind of got a natural... In fact, that's exactly what we're doing there, we've got a natural curvature to it, almost like a bike helmet for a small insect, you know? It's shaped like the spaceship from the "Flight of the Navigator" as well. That made no reference to you at all, did it? - No. - No, yeah. - But in theory, what we're supposed to do is we get to chop basil quickly, if you got loads of basil leaves... I tend to just chuck them in whole to be honest. But what you can do is use that curvature to your advantage, sort of to tuck it back in like it was a minute ago. Okay, kinda like that, so you've got two. "2 Become 1" Spice Girls, and then three. But what you do, apparently, you get it like that, and then tightly roll it into a cylinder and finely chop it, and it's the world's easiest basil slicing. - How many are you meant to put in? - As many as you like. - Oh, okay. - So we're gonna get it like this, and you tightly roll it up, okay, into I guess kinda like... It's a little bit saggy at the side there, but like a cylinder, and then you just chop along. Would you like to present your findings to the camera, Mrs. B.? - Not really chopped. It's like slithers. - Yeah but you want strands. Don't you? That's cool. - It is cool. - I think that's a really good one. Look, our basil leaves are like that. - Your chopping skills are better than mine. - Thank you. - No, it's good, I agree. - Actually, that is a nice, quick, easy hack, and I genuinely, I think that's pretty cool. But like I say, basil leaves, tend to use it more on pizzas or in some pastas where it just kind of shrivels up anyway, and sometimes you just tear it. (air whooshing) Becky, have you ever wanted to eat a mango on the go, like your walking round like this? - Ah, yes? - We're not gonna do anything crazy, all right? We're just gonna make the mango edible on the go. Could be the new trend like a mobile phone, you've got a mango and your phone, oh yeah. - Can you eat the mango skin? - No! So we take the mango, apparently, and we make a cross, fairly deep in to it, okay, just like that. That's literally what I've done, we should be able to... Ugh, no, come on, don't do this to me. - How far down? - About half way. (Barry groaning) We're supposed to be able, with this, to easily (grunts) just peel it off. - The skin or the actual mango? - The skin you wanna keep the mango, mate. - I know, but-- - That's the good bit to eat. - Who invents these mango hacks? Ooh, like this? - Yeah! Good one, Superwoman, go on. - Yay! - All of it or just down like a bit like your-- - Well, you do it with all four of your strands. Maybe your mango's better than mine. I mean, that's the only possible excuse. Oh, it looks a bit like the Demogorgon thing, or whatever it is, from "Stranger Things"! - Oh, it does. - Look, look, see? - Yay! - Yeah, and now you're supposed to walk, like walk towards me and go, "Hi, I just got my mango, how are you?" - Okay. - Go. (upbeat music) - Hi, I just got my mango. How are you? (laughing) - Is that how you normally walk? (upbeat music) - Hi, I've just got my mango, how are you? - Hi! - Oh, it's quite good. - Yeah, there we go, mango on the go! Hey, Becky? - Yes, Barry? - Lettuce talk about the next one. - Okay. - In a lettuce, there's a spine, okay? I know vegans might wanna not know it has a spine or whatever, but it's the core, the bum-- - Stem. - Stem. I saw the video where someone hits it on its side. Three times, one, two, three, and they were then able to take this bit out, I don't know how, and then you can individually, 'cause you've taken the stem out. That's what we call it, the stem. You can then easily get the leaves, and your nasty bum bit's gone. - Really? - One, two, three. That was kinda hard, and then this... No, I watched the video, and it literally came out. But I'm gonna try and be a bit more aggressive with it. But then what they could do then, apparently, was take all the leaves off because you've taken the bottom out. Oh, look you can! (banging) (laughing) What are you doing? - I feel like I'm killing a lettuce! - That's actually worked. You can take off every leaf individually. - It looks like some sort of alien. - This looks like the world's worst wedding, doesn't it? (laughing) Caught the bouquet! - Oh, that's really cool. - It's good, right? All right, I'm bored of waiting for the baguette. - Okay. - Baguette a believe it! Shall we get it out? - Yes, let's get it out okay. (Becky laughing) - I can't believe she doesn't like the food puns. We gave it another five minutes, and we turned it over because the bottom, you can see the line marks in it, it was a little wet there, but now that feels good. - It smell good. - Does it? - Ta-da! - Ah, look at that. - Nice. (knife slicing) - That is actually amazing. It's a bit like that theory, the hack where we've steamed pizza in the past, with water. Actually, whenever you re-heat pizza, put a glass of water half filled-- - I just realised I was like spreading. (laughing) - No respond. - Sorry! - It's fine. Oh, my gosh! - Nice? - That is so good, that is really useful. Everyone seems to have a jar of Nutella in their cupboard that you just can't-- - Any other-- - Spreads are available. But look, you just can't let it go, can you? It's like, even the wrapper, someone's scratched at it like, "I want to get more out of it." So, you can get every last bit, Mrs. B. - Okay. - Do you know how? - I'm sure you're gonna tell me. - Nutella. - Careful, that lid's open! - Oops a daisy, milk. Sorry about this, anyhow. - Oh, can you stop? - Hang on, I feel like pouring milk on your head in a minute if you carry on. Look, see this? (Becky laughing) It's going in. - I've just realised, you're showing my head! (laughing) - It's just like you've really shrunk! - Stop making a mess! - Clean, Cinderella, clean. Look, there you go, that's pretty cool already. Now, you can either warm the milk in a pan and then add it, or as long as you've got the foil completely off the top, you can bung it in your microwave. - You sure you have? - Yes. - What's that? - That's not foil. That's just a seal. Every 30 seconds, we're gonna take it out, and we're gonna shake it up with the lid on, okay? - Okay. - Teamwork makes the dream work. Has that been two and a half minutes? - It has, been two and a half minutes. - Wow, it's foaming! Oh, yeah, look at the glass now, is it a bit hot? Right, so the lid goes on. I'm worried that that could actually expand and shatter in your hand actually, but carry on. (laughs) - Right, you're that worried! - Yeah, look, can you see all that Nutella? Oh, wow! - Did you see that? - Yeah, there's little bit at the bottom... Oh, yeah, look, that is amazing! - Do you know you're meant to get 26 servings out of this jar? - 26 servings? - Yeah. - Like that's gonna happen. I love the sort of latte style whipped milk foamy head on the top of it. - What do we do with it now? - This, I mean, you could actually just serve it straight out of the jar, like that, but... I'm being careful, mate. I'm being careful! You just watch. - Yeah. Oh, nice. - Look at that. A Nutella hot chocolate, a clean jar. Recycling men are gonna love you. (spray can hissing) - What? (sighs) (laughing) - It's scalding hot! - Oh, Barry that's disgusting! - What? What did I do, I just drank hot chocolate. - You just spat it all out of your mouth! - I didn't spit it, that was already there. - No, you'll see when you look back on this, you'll see, you just went blech, and it all came out of your mouth, gross! - What? Just feel like I've had a shaving accident or something. - Almonds! - Almonds! - Ready! - Right, we do like to see if they have been peelable, so hold it up to the camera. - What, an almond? - Yeah. - No, put the whipped cream down. (laughing) No, stop it! I knew you were doing that, even before! Ugh, you're disgusting! - You been using that new shampoo, "Sorry!" (Barry gasping) Look, it's coming off, look at that. Try it, B. - B.? - I just called you B., I've never done that before. I might call you B. more actually. - How did you do it, did you take one that was already half peeled? - No, just peel it off. There you go, it just popped out, look at that. - That's clever. - Wow. - Ah, I like that. - For this next bit, you can see I've got a Kilner Jar. Went to the shop earlier, I see the lady, I was like, "I need a jam jar, please." And she took me to the jam jar section, I was like, "Oh, no, one with the removable disc lid." - No, no, Amy, no! - Amy, no, no! And I went in the shop, and the lady said, "There's the jam jars," I was like, "Oh, I need the one with the disc lid." "Oh, you mean a Kilner jar!" And she took me to the other aisle, she had a right go at me I'm like, "I just wanna be in a jam jar section "because it's a similar section!" - But this morning you said to me, "Do we have any jam jars with lids on?" "No, sorry," 'cause we don't really eat jam in the house. And then you came back and said this, I went, "We've got loads of Kilner jars with lids on." - We wanna drain them off because for this hack we needed some roasted peanuts with the skin on. I foraged in three different supermarkets, couldn't find any, but luckily the almonds have the skin on. And we shake it up, and the bits should come off. Well, that's a hack that we've known anyway, so we'll try that, hopefully, that'll work. Oh, my gosh! (lid clanking) So we're gonna deposit the nuts, including the skins, 'cause they're still on there hopefully. We need to get them off. (popping) Now we're taking this into the classic lid, so we don't need anything crazy just yet, that goes on, this goes on, and hopefully, yes! (upbeat music) There's another little hack if you wanna try and clean out a jar, and you've washed it up, Little bit of kitchen towel and a wooden spoon. Now this-- - Lid? - No, this is where it gets a bit crazy. - Okay - 'Cause we've already done the job, but obviously, ones where its roasted peanuts, you shake it off, you would've de-skinned it. That's the idea, okay, so imagine that you haven't already done the effort of taking the skins off. Okay. - Yeah, we shook it up. - Stick this on top, so some baking parchment. Screw the lid down. Hoover. (laughing) Yeah, stick that on the top, but don't pierce it. (vacuum humming) (laughing) You made a whirlpool of skin, what did you do? You were like doing the "Gladiators" game show where they burst through the paper at the end of the show. Becky comes swinging in! - Do you think it's gonna work? - I do, I do, all right. (vacuum humming) (laughing) I don't think that worked, I love the theory of it though, and it was kind of like whirling around. - Not many shells is there, look, maybe it did it without-- - You would have seen, all right, you would've seen. What do you think about that? (laughing) Don't say, don't say. That was one of my favourites. - Me too. - This was just fun to do. - Oh, the apple juice. - This, my friends, was my favourite one. The basil was good, the apple juice that we've just talked about, the lettuce. - There's a lump of stuff in there, is that apple or bread? - Oh, God, the bread was good. - Bread was good, I'm falling off the stool. - She's on the stool (laughs). Right, if you see any other cool hacks, do let us know for future videos, again, don't forget to put on the sweatband. Have a Barrathon. - Barrathon! - And? - Goodbye, subscribe, bye. (laughing) - Goodbye, I'm so sorry, good bye. ♪ Check your level, player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style, the kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ Look, amongst the Pug hair, you can see a couple of shells in there. It did work!
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 166,836
Rating: 4.8949633 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Hack Testing, testing kitchen hacks, mrs barry, kitchen hacks, food hack testing, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, virgin kitchen, my virgin kitchen, put to the test, banana, hacks, kitchen tricks, trying kitchen hacks, life hacks, food hacks, weird hacks, weird cooking hacks, buzzfeed hacks, 5-minute crafts, diy projects, pinterest hacks, testing food hacks, food challenge, tips, barry lewis wife, mango, nutella, blossom, almonds, peeling hacks, stale bread hack, funny, DIY
Id: Q_mvJODi4Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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