Kitchen Hack Testing 17

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- Man, I did that so rough I didn't get-- (screaming) Oh my gosh! (laughing) (triumphant music) Sorry I'm late I was just brushing my hair. Oh wait a minute, no. (laughing) I don't have any. All right, mate? - Yes. - How's it going? - Good. - How's it going? Hang on. - You can have some. (laughing) - How's it going, guys? (laughing) (upbeat music) - No I don't need a haircut actually. - We're going through another batch of kitchen hacks. Mrs B has not chosen them, oh no. The last few batches of hacks, you've done well. - Three, did I do three? - Yeah, definitely, I think so. - And they were all pretty good. - Yeah. - So I'm excited to see what you're gonna-- - Handing the baton back to me. - Yeah. - Before we start, let me show you something. - Oh gosh. (upbeat music) - This was from, it's actually a round blanket and it does zip up. - Does it? - Yeah but what am I? What am I? What am I? - Oh you want me to say? - A Barrito. See? Mrs B has no idea what these hacks are today, do you? - No. - No idea whatsoever so-- - They'd better be good. - Yeah. (laughing) Have you ever been in a situation where you're like, "oh my gosh, I've got toast, "if only I had an avocado dispenser." - Hang on... - Are you intrigued? - I'm intrigued. - Well, check out the Axe, right. Axe is the US version of Lynx deodorant and I tend to just have the (aerosol spraying impersonation) didn't really want to share my deodorant procedure but this was one, when I went to America last, I washed this out thoroughly this morning, even got rid of the last little remaining bit, I was like "oh my gosh, "brushing America on my armpits is going." Quite nice, still smells a bit but this, right, can be your mobile avocado dispenser. In fact, you could even pimp it up and maybe make it guacamole maybe. - Right. - Apparently. We have got four avocados, very soft indeed, like check out the dent on them. - [Mrs B] Yeah, look at that one. - [Barry] Look at that dent, it's like it's been headbutted. - [Mrs B] Okay, so you want me to mash it up? - Yeah we're just gonna get all of the avocados out of their shells and mash it up into a big pulp and maybe might add some lemon juice, just to be funky. I'm gonna start to get one of the next hacks ready, which is basically just getting a nice big deep saucepan from in here, there we go, that'll do. (water running) Just sit that there for the time being. All right, so while Mrs B is doing that, this is a, the lid is off and basically you've got this thread like a screw going through it and then there's this plastic thing that the soap sits on. So if you wind it down like this, you can see it's going lower and lower and lower into there but now that is a perfect holster for our avocado. How are you getting on? So we've got the avocado being mashed up and just to stop it being discoloured a little bit, we're gonna add in some lemon juice that also goes on your wife. - Yes. - All right, happy with that? - Yes. - Right, let's get, I've set up a little work station here which is basically just a chopping board. I think we just dollop some in and then almost like a cake, we can sort of brush it flush. Avocado is going in, I've lowered the level thing right down. Oh yeah, we're pushing it right down. We're going proper professional on this now. That's almost to the top. I got this little cake spatula out of the drawer as well. - [Mrs B] Just to smooth it over. - [Barry] Just to smooth it over. (laughing) Yes! - [Mrs B] Some kind of new brand of deodorant. - Yeah, scented avocado for men. That looks blooming awesome! So the reason we've done that first is I think it will work best if it's chilled in the fridge whilst we get on with other hacks. So we'll do that right at the end, lid on, but you've literally got avocado in a pot now, look at that. And if you're in an emergency, you can also clean up your armpits with it. What's the matter? - I'm just smelling what avocado deodorant would smell like. (laughing) Hello, Mrs B. - Hello. - You have got there in your hands, a 90% eaten pack of crisps. - Yep, you told me not to eat them all last night. - Yes we're watching a lot of Netflix in the evenings during the lockdown. Tiger King, we've done that, we did the Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson? Michael Jordan! Hee hee! Michael Jordan documentary, which you were saying "where's Bugs Bunny?" - Where's Space Jam? When are they gonna show the clip of him in Space Jam? (laughing) - You did the omelette in a bag recently, a zip-loc bag and that blew our mind. There is a hack that's going around where you can make an omelette in a crisp packet. - In a crisp bag? - Yes. - What? - Yes. - Okay! - Avocado armpits, I'm not sure, but this will work. So what I want you to do, I want you to crunch those crisps up. (crisps crunching) All right! Is there nothing there? - I think so, yeah. - [Barry] We've never done this before. - No. - [Barry] What could go wrong? - No. - So Mrs B's just getting some cheese out of the fridge and I'm gonna crack in six eggs in here. Man, I did that so rough and I didn't get-- (screaming) Oh my gosh! (laughing) I was just about to say, I did that so rough and I didn't get any egg shell anywhere. - I'm like, hey, I was like, ah! - [Barry] Anyhow, these eggs just need to be beaten together with a fork. In here, I have got some coriander, some char grilled peppers, some sun dried tomatoes. - You are not going anywhere near the eggs. - All right. Well it's not just vegetarian, we've got some ham down there. Well done Ames, come on Boston. Ah! Om-e-let you finish there. - Okay! - In the words of Kanye West, om-e-let you finish. (water running) Wow, that's suddenly got a lot heavier. Egg goes in. Nice, oh look, it's sort of covered the filling. Cheese goes in as well and then of course, you can season it and stuff but there's loads of seasonings already on the crisps, so we'll get that in there. Ham, sun dried tomatoes, roasted peppers, (bag crinkling) cheese, (bag crinkling) shake it up, oh my gosh. Right, let's get it in a pan. We literally just submerge it, yeah. Submerge it in the water. - [Mrs B] But what about the top? Just leave it like that? - [Barry] Yeah that's it, for half an hour. - Oh okay, right. - [Barry] The egg mixture, the weight of it is pushing it all down and it is all sort of sat in there. All right? - Yeah, all right. (laughing) - Uncertain but we'll get there. Mrs B, do you ever find that sometimes a random soy chocolate milk carton that's empty that you half drunk last night falls from the sky? - Yes. - Yes! What could this be? What could this be, other than a carton? - Some sort of pouring... I have no idea. - This is not just any carton. This is a meat dispenser. - Okay. - Yep, what's gonna happen is, if you've got a long carton like this, if we, apparently we take the lid off like that, and last night I prepared this lovely lamb mix. It's got ground up onions in it, it's got coriander seeds, cumin, paprika, little bit of coriander, like, fresh herbs as well. (sniffing) And even with the wrapmaster 3000 on, it smells stonking. We are gonna try, with our lovely carton dispenser thing, we're gonna try and make some lamb-style koftas, all right? - Okay. - Yeah I've done them on the channel before and you could put a stick through this but we're not gonna do it, like a bamboo skewer, okay? We need them for another hack. We need to take a little bit off the bottom to create the pusher. - Right. - That's the technical term, the pusher. - So do I need to cut? - [Barry] Yeah, cut about there. Awesome. - So we're done? - [Barry] Yeah, yeah, yeah and the meat goes in this end, but what I'm thinking is, to stop it falling out, we can actually put the lid back on it for the time being. - Isn't this like a vegan friendly milk carton? - [Barry] Yes, I think so, sorry, it's completely... (laughing) - And you're stuffing it with meat? - Oh no, sorry. So we've gotta get the meat into the carton, literally just cram it full really. So there we go. Ah, that smells so good. Just pushing it in there. - [Mrs B] Like that? - [Barry] Yeah, that's it. Just literally get it in there. Whoa, look at that, that's something you don't see every day. Like you say, especially in a vegan carton of milk. While Mrs B's just finishing off putting that mixture in there, I'm getting our temporary oven pre-heated, oh yes. Oh look at that! Right, this is the bit that I'm not sure is gonna work. - Right, okay. - So the bottom... - Yeah. - Here. Obviously, you could cut it longer to give yourself a bit more depth but what we're gonna do, apparently this will go in here. - Ah! - [Barry] Yeah we've gotta make it fit, squish it in. - Put it back in? Okay. - [Barry] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that it gone in? - Yeah. - Amazing! And what's good about this carton, just to show you. 'Cause it's got that angle, like that, right, it should come out. We should be able to dispense, dispense sausages. Come on, Mrs B, push down! (laughing) Is the lid still on? - [Mrs B] No. - [Barry] It is right there, you can see its head, Mrs B, push. Push! (laughing) Oh gosh, it's making noises. (groaning) - [Mrs B] See, it's hard! (groaning) - [Barry] Wow! Come on, there you go, there you go, look! My hand is literally in the carton! God that hurts! No! - [Mrs B] Hang on, my dear. (laughing) The world's smallest lamb kofta. - [Barry] It's a meatball, I made a meatball. - [Mrs B] Yeah, never mind. - Hang on. Oh my gosh, it's not working. - [Mrs B] No it's not working. - Do you think it's too cold? No, that shouldn't make it-- - [Mrs B] I just think it's a rubbish hack, sorry. - What if we squeeze it out? - [Mrs B] No I tried that and it's all, it's coming out the top, it's coming out the top! This is a fail. - Let it go! - [Mrs B] Let it go, Barry, let it go. (sighing) - Hey, where did that come from? - I don't know. - Good catch. - It fell out the sky. - Do you ever wish that you could juice an orange better than the power of your bare hands? - Yes. - I'm really despondent right now, I'm thinking gutted. I always pick the bad hacks, don't I? Hopefully the omelette will save me. (patting shoulder) Apparently with a glass, we can improve the juicing than just using your hands and squeezing the juice out of an orange, okay? It's kind of like a bodged juicer. - Right. - So I thought we could compare it. We've got one orange, we're gonna half it. One, you're gonna use your brute force, Mrs B. And then the other we're gonna use the glass and then yeah, hopefully we'll be able to compare equal sized glasses, like that and see which is stronger, Mrs B or a glass. The best thing to do is to squeeze as much juice as you can out of that orange, into this bowl with your bare hands. - Right. (laughing) - [Barry] Come on, you've got... (grunting) Nice, look at the guns, oh my gosh, look at the guns. Right, apparently what we do. We'll pour this in here and from that half of orange you got, I'm gonna say about 50 mils. Let's say 45 mils of orange juice, okay? So we'll pour that into here. So that's just out of the way, this is just 'cause there isn't even sized glasses, all right? What you need to do, do this over the bowl is you use the edge of the glass like so and press the orange against it. So you sort of work it round until there's hardly anything left to collect all the juice. All right? - [Mrs B] Put it on there? On like, between the? - [Barry] Yeah, yeah, yeah, press it between the... Peel and all that, yeah. There we go, look. There's orange running down through into the glass. The mixing bowl is there to carry it as well. And you've just gotta, yeah you can start getting aggressive with it. - [Mrs B] Am I doing it right? - [Barry] I think you're doing it right, yeah just keep pushing. There you go. Yeah, that's it, get mediaeval on it. - [Mrs B] Am I meant to work my way around the edge of the orange? - [Barry] Yeah but then obviously it's gonna get softer and you can squeeze at the same time and go and... There you go, look, see. That's sort of coming out now. That actually looks like less juice at the moment. - Yeah, I feel like I'm just getting all the peel out. - [Barry] There we go. - [Mrs B] I think... (laughing) - [Barry] Yeah, you're done, yeah? Look at that, you've made like a flower. Oh we can make a candle out of that, remember that one? - I do remember that one. - [Barry] That was a good hack. Right, so apparently, with, oh there's a bit in there. Shall we get a sieve? - [Mrs B] Yes. - [Barry] All right. - [Mrs B] I don't know though. - [Barry] Yeah it's not looking good actually, it's not looking good! - I don't think I squeezed all the stuff out of the... - [Barry] Well there's hardly anything left, Mrs B. Oh look, look, there you go. Is that it? (laughing) - This looks, yeah. - It's exactly the same. - Is it? (laughing) (sighing) - In fact it looks less, it looks less! (sighing) Hello and welcome to fine dining. (laughing) This is our first hack that we've been suggested from a Tik Tok and it involves chicken breast. - I thought Tik Tok was just dance moves. - It is. (dance music) So I was in the supermarket last night and obviously there's the lockdown at the moment and you have to keep two metres apart and this person was looking at me going what am I doing because I was studying chicken breasts in a packet because, I've got to be honest, has never bothered me before, okay? And this is freaking you out a little bit, I know you don't like raw chicken anyway. You like all meat, every single meat, don't you, cooked beyond well done and I respect that. - Well it should be, chicken should be. - So like raw chicken breast right there for you is a bit like "oh, dear." - I kind of touch it like this. - Yeah but I'm gonna use one hand just to show you that on a chicken breast, now you might not normally get this but apparently there's this like, membraney bit like there, like, can you see? Like that? Now apparently that bugs some people, in fact this one's a bit better, you can see it there. - [Mrs B] Yeah, it bugs me. - [Barry] Does that bug you? - [Mrs B] Yeah. - What are you holding in your hand? - A fork. - A fork but some people might call it a food trident. - Okay. - Okay, that thing, not only can it help some mermen and mermaids and stuff, well mermaids don't have tridents do they? They just use their tail and ka-chow. Don't know where I'm going. We thread, okay, just getting the kitchen towel out of the way. We'll move this here. We thread the fork through, one of the grooves, the middle one, apparently it's gotta be the middle one, I don't know. So get it right in there and then you take a piece of kitchen towel. - [Mrs B] Yeah. - [Barry] Grab the membraney bit, yeah, and then keep your fork down and push down and pull through and you should be able to-- (laughing) Are you like, gagging? You've just gotta lift, look, there you go! - Oh yeah. - [Barry] Oh that sort of didn't work. - Oh wow, it did. It's all come off. - [Barry] Well is that all of it? - [Mrs B] Well that bit, my fork wasn't through. - [Barry] Right, well it doesn't matter but apparently it all pulls off. - Wow! Okay, so let's try that bit. - [Barry] Yeah, I think we've got quite a good chicken breast here, there's not much on it but yeah, you push the fork down, press it onto the chicken breast and pull that membrane up. - [Mrs B] Yeah, it's working. - [Barry] Is it? It looks like you're trying to pluck it! (laughing) This is chicken thighs now, we're trying it with a-- (laughing) You're just plucking it! - [Mrs B] I am plucking it. - [Barry] Oh there you go. That's what you want. Push down with a fork and pull it up. - [Mrs B] Oh! (laughing) - [Barry] That was what I saw. It was kind of like, just pulled a whole strip of the membrane off of it. - Chicken thighs are tougher so maybe... Yeah, I can't get it off. - All right well, I don't want us playing around with raw meat for much longer. I've got one more hack up my sleeve and this one involves partially cooked chicken. (laughing) But before we do, we have passed the half an hour stage in the omelette. Will this save the day and actually be a half decent hack? I kind of have high hopes, we topped the water up a little bit. All right, you ready? Taking it out? - I'm gonna take it out. - [Barry] We've got a plate ready. The peg is off. Ooh! - [Mrs B] Ooh I think it's... - [Barry] That looks all right. I don't wanna get any closer 'cause it's now like we're in the Congo, it's all steamy. (packet crinkling) Go on. Oh my gosh, look at that! Oh my... That's amazing! Look at that! Oh my gosh! That is blooming stonking. - I can't get over the shape of it. - [Barry] It's like the crisps, I'm still a bag of crisps. - It's a pillow! - [Barry] Don't forget where I, it is a pillow! And the bag's kind of survived, it's gone a little bit like misty down the bottom but like, we've got a sweet chilli omelette. - I'm impressed. You've got a success. - Yes. So before we try the avocado deodorant, this last one, I have quite a history with toasters, as you know. Uh, cancel. Oh it's on fire. - Right. - Okay, but now you're here for health and safety. - Right, you know if anything happens to our toaster, it's going to take quite a while to get hold of a new one. - Yes, it's fine. - Oh. - 'Cause we're making chicken nuggets in a toaster. - What? (laughing) - Yes! - You cannot do that. - You can, the internet told me and this video proves it. - Not everything the internet says is true. - Right so, I bought from the supermarket, I was good, okay? I didn't buy the completely raw ones 'cause in the video I saw, these are the ones that are breaded, so they're kind of, they're not fully cooked but they're chilled. Do you know what I mean? They're not frozen, they're not completely raw in that sense. So you're kind of warming them up more than anything. - Okay. - [Barry] You with me? What's the normal cooking? - 20 minutes. - 20 minutes? Who needs 20 minutes when you've got a toaster, baby? - No, sorry, 16. - 16. - 20 minutes from frozen. - 20 minutes from frozen, but from chilled, in a toaster, I don't know how long it is. I've got a feeling I'm gonna be the one that's trying this. - I don't think either of us should try it. - [Barry] Hang on a minute, you just think we're sticking them in the toaster, don't you? - Yeah. (laughing) - Oh, this is one of those moments where the iron, wrapping the foil. - What else do you think? We're gonna cook chicken nuggets in a toaster. - We go back to the old days, Mrs B. Man like wood. We cook, with wood, we are gonna help ourselves, holster, skewer, we are gonna skewer the chicken nuggets. You can put wood in a toaster, it's all right. Okay, we're gonna thread them on. - Okay. - [Barry] Let's get this open. And do you know what I mean? They almost feel like they're sort of semi cooked anyway, when they're the chilled ones and you're gonna get a nugget and push it through, so it's on the skewer like that. I don't know, maybe like three, okay? Hey, who's ready to go camping? I love toasters, they're brilliant. Ready? - They're dangerous! - They are dangerous things, seriously. Only handled by true professionals. So just slot it in like that. - [Mrs B] And put it down? - [Barry] Put it down. Oh my gosh, they've gone in! Yes! - [Mrs B] On a high setting? - [Barry] I think on a very high setting, Mrs B. Maybe not the max, we wanna slow cook these things. - What's that smell? - [Barry] What's that smell? It's probably avocado deodorant. What? - I just walked over here and there's like, a really funny smell. (gasping) That's the smell! They're gonna catch on fire! - It won't catch on fire! It's a bamboo skewer, it's smoking a little bit. We do need to keep our eye-- (toaster popping) Oh my gosh! It's ready! There you go, no fires today. That's amazing. So that's before, hardly any colour whatsoever. You can't deny, mate, they are nice and charred. - Mmm yeah. Yeah. No look, it's still pink. - [Barry] Oh gosh, it's still... (laughing) - That's not cooked, Barry. - [Barry] Well it's not my fault, the internet told me! - Told you. It's cooked the outside but not the middle. - [Mrs B] Right, so I can have some crunchy breadcrumbs then. - Is our toaster going to be all right to use now? - [Barry] Yeah, it's gonna be a bit chickeny, that's all. (toaster popping) - Smells of chicken. - I've got a funny feeling that that avocado might be a funny colour. (laughing) - Shall I check? - Yeah. It doesn't matter. I mean all the other hacks have worked, so... (laughing) What, what, what, what? Oh my gosh. - Eurgh. - Does it smell of it? - It smells of deodorant. - It does! - Avocado deodorant. - Lynx Africa, guys, you know what I'm talking about. Bit of that. - Mixed with avocado, mmm, ladies. - Lynx Av-rica. No. So walk from over there, that's it and go "oh my gosh, my toast. "thank gosh I've got my avocado," or whatever, okay. Just freestyle it, you got this, you know, you done acting school. (laughing) - Oh gosh my toast is done, thank goodness I've got my travel avocado dispenser. (laughing) - Yes, yes, Mrs B! Right, so let's try it. Does it even wind up? - [Mrs B] Yeah, it's going up! - [Barry] Is it? Yes! And then down again. - [Mrs B] Oh look! Look at this side. - [Barry] Wow, oh wow, it's only discoloured on the top, hasn't it? Because that's maybe slightly more exposed. That's it, Mrs B, keep pumping that up there. Go on, oh look! - [Mrs B] You can see it, it's moving. - Yeah! Look at that! (laughing) Oh my gosh! So, how did you enjoy the lockdown? Wow, you're just dabbing it now, brilliant. Nice. - Now I'll just pop the lid back on, ready for another day. (laughing) - That is a beast of an omelette. - The plate is so heavy! - Don't forget, if you missed any other hacks already, check out the playlist, have a full Barathon and let us know any cool ones you've seen on social media and don't forget to subscribe. How was that omelette? - Sure. Tasty. - Kind of bit into that thinking, oh my gosh. Oh no, there is a tang to it. - Look, it's all soft and nice. - Is that good, yeah? There is a slight aftershavey, kind of deodoranty taste to that. Like, 10% soap, 90% avocado. - Oh! Whoops. (laughing) Dropped a bit. - Oh my gosh. - It's amazing. - Do you know what? Out of all the fails this video has had, that is worth it. You're getting that sweet chilli crisp flavour in there as well, aren't you? - Oh yeah, I forgot that. That's what I can taste. - So if you do try any of these hacks out of all of this, I would try this one. - Yeah, well done. - The orange one was all right, don't put nuggets in your toaster, save your deodorant for your armpits - Yep and um, have a good day. - And have a good day, see you later, bye! ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ - I think we've got like, two hungry kids next door and it's like, lunchtime now and we're just eating, it's great. Parenting is...
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 176,194
Rating: 4.8792953 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Hack Testing, mrs barry, testing kitchen hacks, testing food hacks, food hack testing, kitchen hacks, trying kitchen hacks, food hacks, pinterest hacks, weird cooking hacks, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, virgin kitchen, my virgin kitchen, put to the test, hacks, kitchen tricks, life hacks, buzzfeed hacks, 5-minute crafts, diy projects, food challenge, easy life hacks, how to, omelette in a bag, omelette, crisp packet omelette, avocado deodorant, 5 minute crafts
Id: TppZptJppNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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