Kitchen Hack Testing 16

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- (gasps) It's worked! (laughs) (fanfare music) - Hello everybody, how's it going? - Hello! - Welcome to another batch of hacks. - Batch of hacks. - Batch of hacks, yes, welcome to a kitchen hack testing video, with Mrs. B, if you've missed any others today, do have a Barrathon at the end of this video and watch the rest on the playlist. The last two, Mrs. B has become the queen of the hacks. - Queen of researching hacks (laughs). - Yeah, basically, we found some online and some that you send us, and we just sort of try 'em out, and then you guys don't have to, in some cases, but in more recent cases, they've been pretty darn good! - Yeah. - So I'm letting you lead this one again. - Okay. - What's the first thing? - It's how to save your burnt toast. - We haven't got any burnt toast. - We're gonna make some burnt toast. And without setting off any smoke detectors. - Okay. - Okay? - Yeah. - Great. - Don't think there's any batteries in 'em anyway. - Yes there is! 'Course there is! (Barry laughs) - There is, there is, there is! Now this is weird, right? Mrs. B, you're getting the bread there, so I have got to just stand and observe as you toast the bread. I personally-- - Oh, look at that! - What? Oh wow! (both laugh) - I've never seen that before! - It's a sign, no, no, don't! 'Cause we can send it off to the internet. Send it off to the internet (laughs) like a stamped addressed envelope! But it's like when people find, like, I found Jesus in my, what is that, what is that? - A shark fin. - Yes! And also, if you and I were that way inclined, and have seen much of it, look, I'm officially someone from "Star Trek." - Yeah, it doesn't have a funny little thing that goes up, though. - Oh god, yeah, but Bec. As I was gonna say anyway-- - Oh, look! - What? (both laugh) It's a sign! (both laughing) It's a stencil as well, amazing! - Oh, that's cool. - [Barry] Wow, we keep that, we keep it. - Keep it. - I don't know what we do with it. - Do you want to do the burnt toast food hack too? - Wow, you did it. Wanna do the burnt hack toast too? Tass tass too? Just toast the toast, and as I was gonna say before that whole crazy intervention, I actually like toast that's burnt. - I know. - If I over do it, I quite like it, 'cause it's like that, kind of like, barbecue charredness. And if it gets a bit too crazy, I just scrape it off with a knife, sorry. - Sorry. - No, just burn it. - What setting's burnt? - Just max it and we'll leave it in there for ages, innit? - Okay. - It's your hack, what're we doing with it, anyway? We gonna wear it? - We're gonna get rid of burnt toast. - But I like burnt toast. - And I think you like it cold, as well. - I do, I don't mind it. Mrs. B likes Marmite on her toast as well. - And the kids do. - Yeah, you've sort of trained them. The kids didn't like Marmite, you're like, "I am your mother, and you will like it." - You will eat it every day! Have a spoonful! - "If you want the cake, you'll eat your Marmite!" She's only about five foot, but she's evil. - I'm not! - [Barry] What did you say under your breath? - I really want some toast now. - [Barry] You're making toast. - Yeah, but not burnt toast, well, no-- - [Barry] Yeah but, your hack's gonna make it, this is the test! - But this is one thing though, when you do have burnt toast, you scrape it off, it makes it go cold. - [Barry] Well, you better scrape it quick. I'm gonna try and get a really cool shot, hang on. (toaster pops) Yay, that sort of backfired. Oh my gosh, that's burnt. - [Mrs. B] Burnt? - [Barry] Actually, that needs a little bit more. I'm not gonna set the house on fire. - You've never, never, ever done that. - Oh my gosh! Yeah almost is fine. - Almost. - [Barry] Yeah, almost is all right. - It's all right, it's just a little bit on fire. - [Barry] (laughs) Why're you scared of it, it's only gonna pop up a little bit. (toaster pops) There you go. - Pop up a little bit, pop up a lot. - Is that all right? - Yeah. - [Barry] That'll do. That's proper, like, "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" toast. Sarah Connor cleans the fence. Everyone says you look like Sarah Connor. - I don't know who that is. I don't know if that's a compliment or not. - [Barry] I don't, I think you're more attractive than her. - So the hack is to rub the two pieces of toast together. (toast rubbing) Oh, that's a horrible noise. Sorry internet. (bouncy music) - Oh wow! - Look at that! - That has actually worked, and you wouldn't mind having little patches of that, 'cause, yeah. Probably ended up with like, 80% of the bread left. - I think so, it's feeling very thin now. (Barry laughs) (toast rubbing) - You know you've done it when you get down to your hands. (both laugh) Well I would say, that is a success. I would say that, because it was really burnt, and I suppose, with this being cold, you would just shove it back in your toaster on like, the reheat function. - Oh, good thinking, let's do that then. - [Barry] Are we? Oh yeah, 'cause you want your toast. - 'Cause I want some toast. - [Barry] Okay. - Reheat function? - [Barry] Boom, well that's-- - Honestly though, that's half the size of what it was when we put it in, look at that. - Oh wow, not even worth being in there. Right, you've gone to all that effort, what you getting? What's that? - So the next hack-- - Oh, this is the next hack? I was just gonna say. - This moves on to get all-- - You've gone to all that effort, and now you're getting out cold butter from the fridge. - Yes, but, this is a hack. So it's how to make cold butter spreadable quickly. - Right, yeah. - So, this would work, just like this now, because this glass has just come out the dishwasher so it's really warm, but that's one way to do it, you could get it just out the dishwasher leave it on there, and then it would heat up. But the other way to do it is fill the glass with hot water. - [Barry] Why don't you fill it with cold water to get it cold first? So what we've done is cooled the glass down with cold water for consistency, yeah? And now you've now filled that up with-- - [Mrs. B] Warm water. - [Barry] That is lukewarm water, yeah. - Yeah, and then you just leave it in there for a few minutes. - [Barry] What, leave the water in the glass? - Yeah. To warm up the glass. Then you're gonna pour the water away, dry the glass, then tip the glass upside down on the butter, leave it again for a few minutes, then you'll have spreadable butter. 'Cause look. - [Barry] Yeah, that's solid as a rock. So that's been there for how long? - About two minutes? - [Barry] Is that enough? - Yeah, I reckon. - Okay, cool. - [Mrs B.] So I'm gonna throw it away. - [Barry] (laughs) That is so pointless. - Now I'm gonna dry it. So it's a warm glass. Then you put it over the butter. - [Barry] Ah look, it's like a little fish tank or an exhibition all of a sudden. Some people would pay thousands just to go into a really expensive museum in New York or London and just look at that and go, "Yes, it's really like, mind-boggling, isn't it? "We shall call it Butter Glass." - We should've really reheated the toast now. Now it's gone cold. (both laughing) - [Barry] We'll do it again in a minute, yeah? - [Mrs. B] All right. - [Barry] So how long's this been? - It's been about five minutes. - [Barry] All right, that's cool, let's go for it. - So make sure you do this before you put your toast in the toaster. - [Barry] Yeah, we just realised that, we're like, well, we warmed the toast up-- - Stone cold toast. - [Barry] And it's gone cold. - [Mrs. B] Right, so now, it should be (gasps) look! - [Barry] What? - [Mrs. B] Spreadable. - Is it? - Yes. - [Barry] It's still a block. - Don't stick your finger in it. Yeah, but you don't want it to be melted, you want it to be, look! - [Barry] Yeah, I would say. - [Mrs. B] Spreadable. - [Barry] I think you're getting it off quite easy, there. - [Mrs. B] Yeah. - [Barry] To be fair, it's not a block, so you can spread it, I guess in a way I was kinda hoping that it'd be like, all soft, but, no, that's-- - No, it's just a good, spreadable, no, texture, hmm, what's the word? - [Barry] (laughs) I think you're trying to say consistency. - Yeah. Oh yeah, look, I can even cut down the edge. - Oh wow, oh that is good, it's sort of like, the right balance of soft and firm. Like me. I've got an idea here. You know like, those cheesy adverts from like, the 80s? I want you to be like, imagine we've done a toast advert, so I'll say a line, and then I want you to go (imitates biting) like that, okay? And that's why Mrs. Barry's unburnt toast always comes with a crunch. (loud crunching) (both laughing) Yes! That was amazing. You finally get your toast, is it good? - No. - This was a thin sliced bread, and the fact that we burnt it, it's almost sort of, turned the middle into a cracker, so the hack's worked, but I think it would only work with thick bread. - We've made those little toast bread shape things, that are hard, what are they called? Melba toast, Melba bread or something like that? - What, the ones for pate that I talked about earlier? (both laugh) We've just made crackers. (loud crunch) (both laughing) (dramatic music) Hello, it's Barry, hope you're well and enjoying this video, this is just a quick reminder to let you know I'm currently running a Crowdfunding campaign to support the next range of gadgets and I'm shipping them worldwide and even signing some of them. So if you haven't checked it out, check the link in the video or there should be a card in the video too. Enjoy the rest of this video, and stay stonking. (bright piano music) Introduce this one, B. - B, have I just been shortened to B now? - Yeah, it's easier than Mrs. B, just B. - Okay, hack number three. - Okay B. - Is how to get leaves of herbs off stalks. - Okay. That's why it's very fragrant down here. - Yes. - So what've you got there, you've got some rosemary-- - I don't know. - You've got some mint-- - Mint, rosemary, and whatever this one is. Ugh! You have a whiff. - That is the wise old known man, known as the sage. - [Mrs. B] Is it sage? - Sage. - Okay, sage. 'Cause I don't use sage very often. - You're lucky if you get pinch of salt in there, that's all I'm saying. (both laugh) "The kids like it bland! "And that's how they'll have their dinner! "And you will like it too!" Can we just put, just a teeny bit in there, just for us? "No!" (Mrs B laughs) "No!" It's a little bit like that. - Yeah, but then when you cook, you're the complete opposite. - Oh yeah, when I cook, I'm like, spices! Paprika! - Paprika, chilli, cumin, and the kids eat it, and they're like, ohh, my mouth's on fire! - Thanks. - Anyway. - Anyway. - Right. - So what are we doing, we got a colander. - Colander, so-- - We're gonna wash the herbs in the colander. What was this, oh did you say to get the leaves off? Okay, I get it. - [Mrs. B] So you go like this. And you just go. - That is genius. - And, look! - [Barry] That is absolute genius. - Told you. - I really like that. I really like that. - Told you I was doing it right. - [Barry] Well yeah, oh I tell you what though, there is a teeny little bit of stalk there, you will still need to check for it, 'cause that's a smaller one, isn't it? Ahh, it smells really good in here now, 'cause of the mint. - Minty! Shall we try it with one of these? - Minty fresh. Yeah, let's try it with the-- - [Mrs. B] I don't think this one will work. - [Barry] I do, I personally believe that that'll work. So the sage, that's gonna be a bit tougher. - Oh, that doesn't fit-- - Lovely smell in here, now, though, it's like a forest. That's why it's quite good to try a different herb isn't it? Because you just wanna check that it'll fit through. Nah. - Ugh, that smells horrible. - [Barry] Yeah, but that's not worked either, has it? That's not worked. - No. I do not like that one. - [Barry] So it works for mint, not sage, I think rosemary might. - [Mrs. B] Ooh yeah. - [Barry] Yeah yeah yeah, pull it fast, go! - [Mrs B.] I'm trying, it's hard. - (laughs) Push! You can see it's head, go! Ahh, it's like a Christmas tree! That's a really budget sort of Christmas tree wreath, you could just do that and leave it all round your colander and stick it on your door. (both laughing) Not too sure about this one, B. - It works with the mint. - Yeah, the mint, great. And of course, you've got that other hack. Wrap it all up together. - Oh yeah, we did that recently. - Yeah, but just in case. Just sort of trying to get involved here, look, and then you can go like that. And you got really finely chopped mint. - You do, well done. - So, it only works with mint. - And basil, I reckon it would work with basil. - I was out last night. - Yeah, at the pub. - At the pub, drinking beers, I wasn't, I had a pint of orange squash, I literally did, I did. - I only said I hope you weren't because you took the car. (Barry laughs) Not like, "I hope you weren't." - "I hope you weren't! "I told you, that was one stipulation of our marriage, "you would have no more fermented alcohol!" Anyhow, when I came home, I'm looking, 'cause Phoebe made some cookies the other day, I look in the tub, and there's a loaf of bread in there, and like, Mrs. B, right, she's in bed, and I get in, and like, "What was that down there?" You were like (snorts) "I'm just going to bed now, "Don't worry, I've sorted it." So, those cookie, bless, I love Chloe and Phoebe so much, but Phoebe, those cookies that she made, woo! - That was my fault though, to be fair. - You could snap your teeth, you could snap everything on it. You could use it as a worktop. - That was my fault, she said, "Can you check them for me?" I said yes, and I didn't think they were done. So I said leave them in-- - So don't worry, we'll stick a loaf of bread in with them! - A piece of bread! - Okay, it is a piece of bread. - And it's meant to make them soft. - Is it? How does it do that, do you know? - Maybe it just works with stale cookies and not ones that are just genuinely overcooked. - They smell more freshly baked, I'll give it that. Let's find out, shall we? - Oh my gosh, the bread has gone solid, stale. And it's been in an airtight container. - (gasps) You've made toast, there you go! - (gasps) It's worked! (both laughing) - Oh my gosh, it's worked! It was like Doc and Marty. "I don't know how it's happened, but it's worked!" - Oh my gosh, oh okay, it's only worked with one. (Barry laughing) So the piece of bread, the cookies were like this, and the piece of bread was like that, so maybe we should've done one two, actually thinking about it. But the cookie the piece of bread was on top of, it was like this. - [Barry] Ooh, careful. (loud tapping) Yeah, solid. - And now. (soft tapping) - [Barry] Are you just not tapping that lighter? - No, feel it! - [Barry] Oh wow, yeah. - The top is soft. (gasps) (Barry laughs) It's a soft cookie! - [Barry] Brilliant! - Oh my gosh, it's worked! Apart from the ones underneath, sorry about my high pitched voice. - Oh my gosh, it's worked! It's like a little advert, a little asterisk, apart from the ones underneath. - (giggles) Well it's the soft one-- - Right, you wanna try one, then, have a go. - Yes! - Yes, I'd love to! Yeah? - That's worked. It's still a little bit crunchy, but you won't break your teeth on them anymore. - Brilliant (laughs). Oh no, no, that is way better, wow! The bottom edges of them, I don't know if you can see the colour contrast there, that's the top, and then that's the bottom. You can see how crunchy that will be, but that's actually softened. You kind of softened up burntness. That's cool. I've just lost you now to cookies. - I've put two pieces on, of bread on now. - Some fresh more bread, yeah. - To hopefully save the rest of the cookies. - All right, so hopefully Phoebe will get to see what her little hack has turned out like. - Yeah. - [Barry] I popped upstairs, I come back down, and you're preparing this, sort of, platter. - I am, preparing for the next hack. - [Barry] Okay, we're making an omelette, yeah? - Yes, making an omelette, using a plastic bag! - Okay, so-- - A Ziplock bag. - [Barry] It's a zip one, yeah, all right, cool. - So, you open the bag. - (laughs) It's like air hostess. Open the bag. - Open the bag, okay. And then pour it in there. - [Barry] Eggsellent, yeah. - Zip it shut. - [Barry] You haven't zipped it fully shut. - I know, I'm getting the air out! Patience! All right. Shake. - (laughs) Don't shake it side to side, look, the yolks aren't breaking if you do that! - Well, how else should I shake it? - Well, they're just going like that! Ah, it's going now. - See! - See what I would do, is get a bit more like-- - No! - No, all right, it's your hack. (energetic music) Yeah, you do want that sort of, paler colour. - [Mrs. B] See? - Happy? - Yeah, now. You just add in the ingredients that you want in your omelette. - [Barry] Okay, so you got some ham, some herbs-- - So I've got some ham. - [Barry] Oh, these are like, dried herbs, not the ones that we hacked. (laughs) Probably don't want any stalk in there. Can I stick that in there? - Go on then. - All right. - Hang on, hang on. It's quite hard to do it on your own, actually. - [Barry] No it's not, you use one hand to open the bag, and do that. - Oh yeah. - We're just seasoning as well, with some pug salt and pepper. - That'll do. Right, then you zip it back up. - Or, you could do a Salt Bae, do you wanna do a Salt Bae? I've never seen you do it? - What? - It's your time to shine. You've never known who Salt Bae is, all this time? - No? (Barry laughs) Just thought it was a random thing you did. - Just a random thing that I do, no! - Like all those other random things you do. - That's it, you gotta stand like that, go like that. - But it hurts, does it not hurt? - No, it's artistic. Look. - My arm's not straight. - Hold it up a bit more, no no no, that's it. - Yeah, but I can't get my wrist, so then you just go. - (laughs) What're you doing? Do it the bag, here, to season this, here you go. - Goes in the complete opposite direction. - Amazing, it's fine. It's not about Swan Bae or Salt Bae or whatever. It really does look like a swan though, don't it? (imitates swan) The water is simmering, you're zipping that up - Just giving it another shake. - All right. - Oh well. - Oh, that'll just, sort of do. - Oh, no no. And then you just let it cook for five minutes. - [Barry] Five minutes? - Yep. - Nice. What the heck's going on? - Oh no! - Ah, has it melted to the side of the pan from the heat? - Yes! (Barry laughs) I thought I could smell burning. - [Barry] Oh no! - Burning plastic! - [Barry] Well I think your egg's cooked. - Whoops! - You just can't get it out now. - (gasps) Oh no. - [Barry] It's okay, no eggs were harmed in the making of this omelette. - Look at the green bit! - [Barry] Yeah, let's not worry about that (laughs). You definitely sealed it in. (Barry sings) (Mrs. B gasps) Just wait, let it cool, mate. And then we'll cut it off and not worry about this, we don't need to use it again, okay? (both laughing) Let's not worry about that. It should just roll out, shouldn't it? - [Mrs. B] Well, that was the idea. - [Barry] Yeah, look at that! - [Mrs. B] Ta da. - [Barry] I don't know about you, but that looks pretty darn cooked to me. - Ooh! - Ah! That'll do. - Are you recording, yeah? - Am I recording? Yes. - Mmm. That's really nice. - Ooh, yeah! To be honest, we've made some omelettes before, where we've just been like, yeah, we'll stick the egg in and be all right. - This is better than my normal omelettes, where I overcook them. (Barry laughs) That's what you mean. - Sorry. - Mmm, I really like that. - [Barry] It does work, it works really well. - Hang on, it was already tied. (both laughing) - You know the rule, we don't use aprons here on the channel. - It's a bit high up. - Is that Phoebe's? - Yeah. I think one of her friends used it when they came round and did painting. - Right, right, well I can see why, because I see pomegranates, and this is the last hack, and last time we did pomegranates, on the last hacks video actually, to get the seeds out easier, that was just messy. - Yeah, this time we're gonna get some juice out. So, listen, we're gonna roll it across the surface. - [Barry] Ooh. - [Mrs. B] I don't know if this is just how people genuinely do-- - Get the juice out. - Use it, yeah. - So this might not be a hack. - Might not be a hack, it just might just be what you're meant to do. But I'm gonna keep rolling it until-- - [Barry] Oh yeah, I can hear it. - [Mrs. B] So you're popping all the seeds. So I'm gonna keep going until you don't hear the popping sound anymore. - [Barry] You're leaving this one a bit left out, aren't you, but look at that, that's got flat edges on it. - Yeah, I left that one for you. - [Barry] Oh thanks. Oh yeah, hear that? - [Mrs. B.] Not too hard though. If anyone's gonna splat, no, look! - [Barry] What? - [Mrs. B] What did I just say? - [Barry] Don't grab me and retain me! - I'm sorry (laughs). I was just about to say, if anyone's gonna squash it, and get juice over the side, it would be you. And you did. - True, yes, I-- - You're not doing it properly, stay away. - All right. Why are you getting a fork on it? - You get a fork. - [Barry] Oh, I wanna see this burst all over you, this is gonna be brilliant. - (laughs) Payback. - [Barry] I love that concentration face you do. (Mrs. B groans) Stick your tongue out like Boston-- Oh! - Oh! It's like squeezing a spot. - Yes, except this isn't pus. Oh, so do you use that as a plug? Oh, look at that! - [Mrs. B] And you squeeze it out. - You're making wine! Maybe a knife? Or do there need to just be more holes to-- - I dunno, I guess you could do slots with a knife. - [Barry] Oh, you're really squeezing that, Gardner, go on. - Gardner? - Gardner's Becky's old name, that's what I call her when-- - My old name. - And when she's doing something formal like this, I sometimes call her Gardner. - Something that you don't wanna be associated with. (both laugh) - Yeah, if it goes wrong, I'm like, right. 'Cause there's loads of segments to this, should I just not put loads of holes in it? Oh there you go! Right in there. - No, 'cause otherwise it'll all squirt out, you just do one side at a time. We haven't got much out really, have we? - Ahh, squeezing that good! (bouncy music) Oh, I broke it, I've actually broke it. No look, ready? ♪ A whole new world ♪ (laughs) Look, that's quite dry, we've got most of the juice out of it, it was quite a small pomegranate. So I think that'll do. - Is it like cranberry juice, d'you think? - [Barry] I think it's like pomegranate juice, if I'm honest. (Barry snorts) - Lovely, try some. - I like pomegranate seeds, but I've never had the... Ooh, that's nice! - [Mrs. B] Sour. - No, that's-- - You love sour. - You think that's sour? - Yeah, you like sour. - I think it's nice. I've drinken far worse. - You've drunk far worse. - I've drinken, no. - Drunk. - Drinken is the new word. Drunk is what you get. "I get gin on me Sunday." I just said to Mrs. B, "Do you need to be on your stool?" "I am on my stool, thank you!" (Mrs. B laughing) Look, yes, you are on your stool! We just did the thumbnail. Good hacks today! Isn't there? - Yes. - What? - I just realised I've still got this on. Okay. - It's fine! It looks very floral. You look like a picture. Better now? - Yes. - Okay. - Let me guess what you're gonna say. The real winner in this video is the bread (laughs). Is that what you were gonna say? (both laughing) - Yes! - Were you really? - Yes. - Okay. - Unscripted, unscripted, this is. All right then, you finish the video. - No no, it's okay. - No well, that was the real winner. - We've had some great hacks. But the real winner of this video. (both laughing) 'Cause I bet you were gonna go like that as well. - I was, I was gonna go like that, this is crazy! - Is the triangular bread! - Well, I don't know, I think, I don't know, the actual pomegranate one just then was incredible. - Jut because you hide it behind your back doesn't mean you don't know it's there. - If they can't see it, it doesn't exist! Yeah but, I'm just holding it now, I don't know what I'm doing. I think that was really cool, I love the omelette one, I thought that was really good as well. - I like the omelette, and the cookies. - And the cookies. - I was so amazed that worked, could you tell? - Yeah, that was so good, so if you see another hack, do send us them on social media, of choice, follow us on there @MrBarryLewis and Mrs Barry with an x on the end for you, innit? - Yes. Not that I use it much. - You haven't logged into your Twitter for like two years. - No, I do, I log on it and look through what you're putting on and stuff. - Oh, you look at Tweets, you do? - I look, but I don't ever-- - "I'm not Tweeting!" - I don't Tweet. - "I don't Tweet to peasants!" - No! (both laughing) - Don't forget to have a Barrathon and check out the rest of the other hacks, if you haven't seen them already, so maybe check that out before suggesting other ones, and we'll just keep churning these out every few weeks or so, right? - Yes. - Thanks Mrs. B. - No problem. - All right, let's just see, as a bonus scene, what Phoebe thinks of her soft cookies. You can get off your stool now. - [Mrs. B] Thanks, bye! - [Barry] Bye (laughs). ♪ Check your level, playa ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Sideburns, moustache, goatee, maybe all three ♪ - I'm really excited. - [Barry] Why are you excited? You don't know if it's worked. - Yeah, but I hope it does, though, because they were really hard cookies, and I wish they were soft. - [Barry] Yeah, well Mummy put some more bread in there, 'cause I don't think she thought that it'd worked. - Okay. - [Barry] Let's see, have a try. This is like Christmas. Is the bread hard? Feel it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It is, is it? - It's hard! - This one feels really wet and moist. - [Barry] Does it? Try and break it. - Oh, that's so much better. I'm gonna try it. Mm. (all laughing) - [Barry] Has it worked? Amazing! So just keep burning your cookies, that's the moral of the story, right? - And just keep adding bread. - [Barry] Awesome. - Oh yeah, they've all gone like it now. - [Barry] Have they? Maybe it needed more bread. - Yeah. - Is that good, Chlo? - Yummy. - Seriously, look how burnt, look at the colour difference in that, how burnt that is. (girls giggling) - Whoops! - It's softened up burnt bits! I mean, it's tangy, right, it's smoked. - That's such a good thing. I wonder if it works with other burnt food. - I think it works with cakes. - Ooh! - Ooh, right, bye! - Toast? - Toast.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 137,665
Rating: 4.9211216 out of 5
Keywords: testing kitchen hacks, Kitchen Hack Testing, kitchen hacks, mrs barry, trying kitchen hacks, food hacks, testing food hacks, food hack testing, pinterest hacks, weird cooking hacks, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, virgin kitchen, my virgin kitchen, put to the test, hacks, kitchen tricks, life hacks, buzzfeed hacks, 5-minute crafts, diy projects, food challenge, tips, easy life hacks, how to, eggs, burnt toast, melting butter quick, herbs, omelette in a bag, omelette, pomegranate
Id: OpbIEpEK7D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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