King's Chapel UPC Live Stream March 6, 2022 | Sunday Morning Service, Missions Sunday

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holy name lord we are so thankful for life lord we are so thankful for hope my god your promise that you will never leave us nor will you forsake us but lord you promised to be with us lord and so this morning we come to you lord react oh god that you will hear our petitions we ask oh god those who are sick amongst us jesus christ we pray that you will touch your bodies restore them my god to perfect elder lord those who are bereaved this morning oh god shakes family the blacks family oh god the mccarthy's family my god we pray for them right now for strength for peace lord god and for them to understand that you give and you take a blessed be your name oh god we pray lord for that senseless war that is taking place in ukraine lord we don't know what your will is you've been said in the last days they're going to be wars and rumors of wars and so god whatever your will is it has to be done and so lord we ask that your will will be done my god take charge we pray lord represent this service in your hands today oh god every song lord everything that will be done the message the messenger lord we pray that you will speak to us today hallelujah you will take charge jesus christ move upon us lord as we present ourselves to you our bodies to you as a living sacrifice help us today lord to reach out and to stretch our faith and to believe and to worship you in the beauty of holiness we thank you this morning those who are listening online to pray a special blessing upon them those who are not saved those who have not been yet been baptized in your name and filled with your spirit we pray that you will touch them right now even through this service we pray that your anointing will be upon them and so lord we must present this service in your hands and pray that you will bless us today as we worship you in the beauty of holiness come on somebody shout our praise to the lord this morning shout out praise to the lord this morning amen praise god as our theme said this morning sucker account amen oh how do you feel oh in the bank and for those who ever had a mortgage and you have been paying for 30 years and the lord provided the funds for you to circulate account so you don't have any more payment to make how do you feel when you pay up your bills amen when you don't hold any money and your count is sacred how do you feel hallelujah praise god today our theme is second account amen i'm praying that every soul today that your account will be secured in the name of jesus praise god amen we sing our opening aim number 41 amen there was a time on earth when in the book of heaven an old account was standing for sins yet unforgiven my name was at the top amen and many things below i went on to the keeper and i started long ago long ago if that's your case today that you have secured your spiritual account with the lord amen i want you to let god adventures amen let the branches come on free up yourself come on worship the lord as if when my account is suckered and i'm ready to go praise team amen there was a time on earth [Music] [Music] hallelujah away [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] things [Music] added [Music] is oh [Music] oh [Music] thank [Music] oh is is oh oh foreign together hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] away [Music] [Applause] hallelujah the whole account hallelujah amen i'm thankful to god that today my account has been settled praise god come on let's show the praise hallelujah amen amen fifty six years ago i made sure that my account was secured even i went in and i paid up i repented of my sins baptized in jesus name received the baptism of the holy ghost and remain steadfast in the faith amen awaiting my call for glory amen praise god today your account can be sacred amen let me see the hands of all those whose account has been settled come on let me see your hands come on roll them up amen wave them hallelujah amen if your count is not sacred today you can have it settled you can repent of your sins be baptized in the name of jesus christ amen you can receive the holy ghost amen all right we're going to ask so please remain standing for another couple minutes and turn in your bibles to the book of romans chapter 12. romans chapter 12 and if you could remain standing if it's possible if you those who can stand yes thank you i know there are some persons having challenges with their feet we do understand that all right so the book of romans chapter 12 i'm going to ask you in to bibles while i read i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that he presents your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god which is your reason or service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that he may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god for i say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as god are dealt to every man the measure of faith for us we have many members in one body and all members of not the same office so we've been many are one body in christ and everyone members one of another having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us whether prophecy let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith or ministry let us wait on our ministering or e that teach it on teaching or either exalted an exaltation either give it let him do it with simplicity either rule it with diligence he that showed mercy with cheerfulness let love be without the simulation of all that which is evil and cleave to that which is good be kindly affection one to another with brotherly love in honor preferent one another not slaughterful in business fervent in spirit serving the lord rejoicing in hope patient in tribulation continuing instant in prayer distributing to the necessity of saints given to hospitality bless them which persecute you bless and curse not rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep be of the same mind one toward another by not i thinks but condescend to men of low estate be not wise in your own conceits recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men if it be possible as much as light in you live peace ever with all men dear to beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto rot for it is written vengeance is mine i will repay say the lord therefore therefore if thine enemy hunger feed him if he thirsts give him drink for in so doing thou shall eat coals of fire on his head be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good what a powerful scripture [Applause] if your enemy hunger cook the best meal and take it to the enemy oh praise god what a word hallelujah can we just worship the lord this morning praise god come on praise team you're going to prepare amen to lead us in worship right now hallelujah as we just worship god and give him thanks for today praise god amen hallelujah hallelujah i come and bow down at your feet lord jesus give me your presence there is fullness of joy there is nothing there is no one to compare to you i take pleasure can you worship you the lord his name is wonderful his name is wonderful his name is [Music] my lord he is the mighty king he's the master of everything his name is my lord oh his name is wonderful is [Music] the great shepherd god is is [Music] is jesus [Music] is god before the praise i worship continues to sing [Music] i am here and i'm just sensing in my spirit that you know we have not truly let go and i was thinking about something we're living in a time with a generation that feels entitled and sometimes some of the children even tell their parents that i was where i was they are not thankful they said i was where i was and you came and got me so you are responsible to take care of me so i don't need to tell you thanks and if i think i need this and you don't give it to me i'm going through attention we're going to drop myself on the ground i'm wondering if today is standing in the house of the lord we feel entitled remember we were dogs and sorcerers we we were not of the command we were not on the commonwealth of israel but jesus came and died it's not something that we entice we are entitled to but because of his as the teacher spoke this morning about the ibrahimi covenant we are part of the spiritual aspect of the covenant that god gave so when we come in this house i don't want to pray anybody i don't want to proud anybody but let us let it seem as if we are appreciative that we have been given this awesome privilege to come in the house of the lord and worship praise god praise our worship hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's the master [Music] r jesus forever [Music] but there's something foreign hallelujah is and shadow oh hallelujah and it's to give glory unto the king of kings and the lord of lords hallelujah ah we just want to make a place for the lord to dwell this morning hallelujah in his presence there is fullness of joy hallelujah hallelujah come on hallelujah [Music] is [Music] i will bless you i [Music] he has will great things [Music] i will these [Music] me [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] glorify you is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] hallelujah oh [Music] me [Music] it is [Music] [Music] and you are worthy to be praised [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] will hallelujah me [Applause] is [Applause] this is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] bless the lord [Music] come on give the lord a praise give the lord a praise hallelujah he's worthy hallelujah from the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same our god is worthy [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] lord hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] but there's no one here oh [Music] is [Music] for there's no [Music] is [Music] to be hallelujah oh god only you are alone coming to this sanctuary but in our lifestyle that we believe you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] there is nothing in this world to live for [Applause] and open up your mouth and begin to worship your god if you believe that he is holy [Music] foreign hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] his word said we are to present our bodies before a holy god a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto god which is our reasonable service hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah just for maybe two minutes no singing everybody no singing we're just gonna talk to god hallelujah self-introspect god is holy so right now [Music] hallelujah and you cleanse us lord lord jesus wash us over and over again lord cleanse us and make us like you god like you jesus that our offering ah god almighty may send up a sweet savior before you god almighty ah lord god we don't want to do business as usual we don't want lord god almighty just offer vain oblations before you but lord let us ah god almighty's surrender our will our way our thoughts everything to you god that today in this house hallelujah that you will come down and bless hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god there's you're just a lingering spirit of the lord oh god oh god oh god whatever it is this morning just let it go just i feel like telling somebody that this morning just let it go and let god have his way oh god almighty [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord wash me [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] lift your hands and give glory to the one who washes the one who purges the one who makes clean the one who makes whole hallelujah thank you god for your blood that washes that covers hallelujah thank you god thank you jesus hallelujah praise god praise god praise god hallelujah you may be seated if you can at this time as you continue to worship hallelujah bless the name of the lord hallelujah praise god we truly are grateful for this awesome privilege again to be in the house of the lord praise god hallelujah we just want to make welcome praise god praise god i don't see praise god any names here but i believe that we have visitors in our midst praise god and if you're here worshiping with us and you're not a member worshiping the first the second the third time praise god i would ask that you stand hallelujah that we can recognize you praise god hallelujah bless the name of the lord praise god god is indeed a good god hallelujah and for those who are watching online praise god we also welcome you praise god hallelujah just be free to worship hallelujah hallelujah and we are in our holy ghost church hallelujah and because of this hallelujah sometimes the lord just does his thing hallelujah praise god praise god i also want to make mention of pastor pastor kellya praise god praise god our visiting minister minister fabian edwards minister wind praise god all the deacons and everybody that is in the house of the lord today all god's children and praise god just even for one time we're all going to stand again i know you've been standing for a while and hallelujah hallelujah praise god hallelujah hallelujah if it's just once or twice come on let's greet somebody in jesus name tell them that we love them in jesus name tell [Music] everybody one more time [Applause] [Music] hallelujah bless the lord you may be seated in the house of the lord thank you god thank you god god is indeed a good god and he's worthy to be praised hallelujah praise god at this time these are the announcements for today sunday march the 6th 2022 praise god today is mission sunday praise god and the mission of the church is missions and praise god almighty we know that we have a responsibility hallelujah to bring the gospel to the world by whatever means necessary and in order to bring it we also have to put our finances to it so we are asking you to be reminded of your faith promise offerings that you pay on a mission sunday your missions offering praise god please be reminded of it today praise the lord jesus hallelujah i'm going forward we will be having on sunday mornings until further notice sunday school starting at eight praise god and our mid-morning worship starts at 9 45 praise god our evening service praise god commences at six on a sunday evening and you don't need an invitation for this praise god youth services um in the sanctuary on tuesdays beginning at six praise god and be reminded that on thursdays it's the church day of fasting and prayer and we meet in the sanctuary at 10 00 a.m uh until 12 15 p.m uh we'll be having bible study in the sanctuary this thursday beginning at six praise god and our saturday morning prayer meetings in the sanctuary this saturday from 6 30 to 8 30 and the praise team will be in charge be reminded of our home prayer meetings from 5 00 to 6 a.m and from 10 to 11 p.m each day please continue to pray with your family praise the lord there will be baby blessing next week sunday 13th of march at 1pm praise god and i i'm going to be telling the persons with this following surnames will be invited to church next week sunday versus with the surname s a i o d m h t k l q u and y praise god but you don't need a invitation for the night service praise god so the funeral service for sister hyacinth shakes will be on wednesday the night which is wednesday coming the ninth of march at 11 am praise god also the father of minister black will be on tuesday the 15th of march at 11 a.m at i guess it's short of blessing in catadopa praise the lord jesus and also the funeral service for brother steve mccarthy on friday the 18th of march at 11 a.m at king chapel praise god and and our upcoming event praise god on the 27th to the 29th of march we will be having our holy ghost crusade and we expect that the lord is going to come down and bless us all we need to do is to prepare ourselves hallelujah come hallelujah if you don't have the holy ghost praise god come expect him and if you already have it come expecting a refill the lord bless you praise god these are our announcement praise god and i am now going to be asking the ushers to come praise the lord jesus we are going to be collecting our tithes and offering praise the lord jesus hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise the lord could we all stand hallelujah father we thank you for your mercies and your goodness towards us as lord god we stretch forward to give back some of what you have given unto us lord we pray oh god for every and that stretches forth you return unto them a hundred a thousand fool oh god in accordance to your riches in glory and every cent that is collected let it be oh god that it will be used for the furtherance of your gospel and for blessing hallelujah somebody that is in need hallelujah have your way as we lift this offering in jesus name praise god praise and worship team will be ministering come the lord love it a cheerful give a come hallelujah giving and follow the instructions of the ushers as you come to give in jesus name speech sweet jesus [Music] [Applause] oh you are fairer much better [Music] more precious you are brighter than the [Music] that moon by the way you are pressured no [Music] you pressure is he is he is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] me here foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh don't know what you think to do oh is [Music] hallelujah amen praise god you can be seated for a while praise god praise god i came to praise the lord amen praise god we are so happy to be the house of the lord this morning and welcome all our friends our visitors all our members we welcome you here today in the name of the lord praise god and we um after so many months we have started back our sunday school amen this morning amen and we give god thanks i have not yet received a figure of how many persons we had in summer school this morning but we want to give god thanks for allowing us this privilege email one more time all right all known members of king stopper please stand we want to give you a special welcome if you're another member of this church would you please stand um let's see you amen god bless you give them a hand please amen god bless you amen so happy to have you in the house of the lord amen this morning now tomorrow will be face to face classes and we want to pray for our young people all those who were going to school tomorrow would you please stand amen we're going to ask you to come out lined up at the front here we're going to pray for you this morning come on quickly amen the 7th which is tomorrow is face to face and we want to present our children to the lord amen we're going to ask somebody come where the ushers please assist um and just stretch across somebody please just of course can you understand oxygenated deacons or um teachers sort of school teachers to come or ministers to come quickly who you all stand with us amen and we're going to be praying for our children for covering for them amen god will cover them praise god praise god hallelujah amen amen praise god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus amen come on birdman come come in between them um you know that's no young people stay we are we accidentally it has to come in between um you know we're still having our distancing amen and we're going to be praying for them for god's covering amen amen amen praise god could you stand with us one more time please praise god praise god come on please pray with us lord jesus want to thank you one more time thank you lord for your continuous protection lord we present our young people to you our children as they go back to school tomorrow face to face lord we are praying for your up on them lord we are praying for your protection lord we are asking you to keep them and lord to surround them jesus christ with your love let your angels oh god protect them keep them oh god from accidents from diseases let your covering be upon them oh god provide for them not even the finances that they do need all the books the clothing the tablets oh god we pray that he will just take care of them and so lord today we present our children to you replace them in your hands oh god and we ask that you take them in charge in jesus name we pray come on everybody say in jesus name in jesus name amen god bless you can be seated thank you children we love you and we let's continue i have to pray for you to pray your strength god bless you god bless your teachers we have to be facing those students tomorrow morning um god bless you god bless you thank you jesus amen amen can somebody say amen amen last week sister rose arlene rose reported to me that a group of them went to the king street area and [Music] they prayed for some folks there and he said two persons received the holy ghost amen we give our thanks they're here oh you went oh they oh they are here visiting what era is that that's in king street okay amen well god bless you we are so happy to have you could you stand recognize your god bless you god bless you so happy to have you the host of god you're welcome amen praise god thank you jesus amen amen amen amen and so as we come back to our normal worshiping amen we're going to expect everybody amen i have to go hold there and witness amen and bring them in praise god amen all right so those of us and those of you who are here today members you know we are trying this out to see how it works um so you're not going to come back next week sunday the 13th all right it's so sad for me to be making these announcements but you know the pandemic and uh we're working through this and we are praying that things will be okay where we can just come back together no restrictions no announcements no nothing at all we'll just come together and worship amen all right so um those of our members over here today you're going to allow the other members to come in next week sunday amen amen so please minister stradrid the information to you already so we're going to ask you to allow the other members to come in next week sunday morning and so we start at 8 o'clock 8 a.m sunday school and then we're going to our service and pray with us as we work through this because we're going to get back there where we can just put out our chairs and invite entire montego bay to come to worship the lord with us all right can somebody shout our praise amen and so all this time asking our senior choir to come apart a part of part of our senior quieno we're not a lot of choirs based on the restrictions they're going to be ministering amen and then we're so happy today to have um dr fabian edwards amen from the king's way upc being with us today amen um brother fabian is an i.t specialist at ncb bank okay he's a loan officer now but his speciality is i.t i'm not saying this to say young people you can be in a church and you can be on top right you can be up there so you're not on the backside when i go to university hello young people hello young people yes stay in the church young ladies you'll get your husband right in the church amen young men stay in the church you'll get your wives right in the church amen we don't want the backstage and so we're going to go after the party the choir minister cena choir we're going to invite minister fabian edwards to come and he'll be ministering to us today god bless him sir we are so happy that you took the time out from your assembly to be here so happy to have you amen minister winter god bless you hallelujah amen come on leave your hands and just give jesus praise thank you jesus hallelujah indeed our god is a good god and we're here to worship him today anybody here to worship him come on don't look at me like that don't look at me strange don't look at me strange he woke us up this morning and he didn't have to do that he had a clothes in our right mind and he didn't have to do that there are so many persons that went to their bed and they didn't make it through the morning but you are here today why don't you stand on your feet and just give god some praise [Applause] come on go ahead and magnify him [Applause] [Music] you're able to stand in both legs you have two arms and you're able to lift them and you're in your right mind why don't you give god some praise up in here [Applause] if you don't praise him then he will allow the rocks to cry out in your place i'm not letting no rock cry out in my place i'm gonna give god the priest that is due to him i come in the house with a praise to give to god and i'm gonna give it to him i come with my sacrifice of praise and worship [Music] has anybody ever proven god to be a shepherd have you proven god to be a shepherd oh the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he make me to lie down and grin pastors he leaded me besides still waters [Music] god restores my soul thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah you can't be seen [Music] the lord [Music] is my shepherd i shall [Music] [Applause] [Music] beside [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he restored my soul [Music] righteousness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do i walk [Music] me [Music] he leaded me in the past righteousness [Music] [Music] through the body of shadows [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] he prepared a table before me in the presence of [Music] is [Music] my [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever all the days of my life i shall pray in the house the lord bless you the lord bless you lord bless you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god hallelujah our hands in the presence of the lord hallelujah and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever amen in other words i agree i agree i agree praise god it's a pleasure today to be with you in the house of the lord once more greetings to pastor keller praise god minister stewart all that are saying this minister kelly god bless you all that are saints minister wayne all the leaders and saints i bless you in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ praise god hallelujah for there is no other name as a worthy clear given under heaven whereby we must be saved can we just leave our hands in the presence of the lord and to thank him in your own way praise god i don't need to tell you what to say but individually praise god almighty there's something we need from god individually praise god almighty there's a petition there's a plea that we have hallelujah and we're in liberty all at the time to make that please or make a praise god it's an individual thing yes corporately the fire is easy to capture praise god when we shout out praise god almighty and with that but indefinitely you have to catch your own fire in order for there to be a place can we just give him thanks today hallelujah hallelujah praise and worship i just need a saying two verses of a song for me you know i'm i'm not that blessed when it comes to the singing you know i praise god i wish my wife was here my son is not feeling well because she will be doing this part praise god hallelujah i'm pressing on the upward way praise god hallelujah hallelujah i'm pressing on just worship as they say hallelujah [Music] lord bless my feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] oh foreign [Music] me is [Applause] [Music] one more time lord lift me up and let me stand by faith [Music] [Applause] that i have found [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] i don't know about anybody today but there's a prayer of my heart in verse 2 the writer declared that my desire my heart desire no desire to stay i don't know about anybody today but i have no desire for this world i want the lord to kill everything in me that wants the thing of the world because i realize that i can't desire the world and desire god at the same time so i will be realizing that there's a need to rebuild there's a need to change there's a need to alter course praise god there's a need to examine daily as i walk along if i want to be on every stable ladder that i mean to judge myself the word of god be clear judge or examine yourself that he may not be examined it's a time save to realize that the world is going through a period praise god of isolation a period where there is no real social connection praise god i'm running some time to hug a brother or sister to shake somebody and to stand and reason with somebody in the crowd but i realized that the word of god declared that we must work our own salvation out with trembling and fear with fear and trembling praise god our desire can't be to stay here or to desire this world because this world as the word of god the clear shall be destroyed by fervor and heat the things we see will remain no more but our greatest investment that we have is our soul it's not the money in the bank no it's not the house or the car that we have no it's not our children but our greatest investment praise god is our soul what price have we placed on that which god has lent us father lord god and savior divine as we stand before you today lord we thank you for mercy we thank you lord god for your grace we thank you lord god has given us opportunity to be in the land of the living one more day lord as we occupy this minute this second this hour i pray we'll not take it for granted for loving god you remind us in your word and we let it chop let the wind blow it away lord today we stand and tomorrow will be no more and the world reminds us oh god that there is no repentance in the grave the lord god declare in your word hallelujah that if we confess and forsake we shall find mercy so today lord god we stand before you in need of your mercies and your grace and lord as i speak to your people today lord i pray that we all o god be edifier and you'll be glorified we say thanks in jesus name you may be seated in the presence of the lord praise god hallelujah praise god thanks be to god who have given me the opportunity to be in the land of the living one or more d praise god there's nothing good that i've done but i'm here because of god's mercies and grace i also bring greetings praise god from my wife sister edwards and presbyter edwards praise god my pastor praise god hallelujah so today i just want to share a topic with you when i came in and i heard pastor kelly talking about the need to go out and everybody to go out i was saying okay and i was saying to my wife this morning that sometime the lord give you a thought and you don't know how you'll put it together and how you'll deliver but when he said he made my job a little easier and the team today the topic today i want to speak on it's time to rebuild tell somebody it's time to rebuild and you know rebuilding sometimes we think about you know tearing down and this and that but rebuilding cost some time is more expensive than to start anew because when you are innovating there are some things that need to remove and in removing them their pain and suffering cause and it costs more money out of your pocket because you realize that there's some infrastructure praise god that was embedded praise god to talk about water pipe under the floor in a praise garden like electrical wire you can pull them out if the pipe is broken underneath the floor you have to get someone at your camera to take it up so you're not talking about replacing the pipe only you're talking about pipe you're talking about praise god almighty tyler talking about other infrastructure that needs to put in place it's time to rebuild you can turn the bible into the book of nehemiah chapter praise god let's read from verse 1 to verse 11 and i'll read in the interest of time you may be seated praise god it says here that the word of nehemiah the son of alcanna and it came to pass in the month chisel in the 20th year as i was in shusha in the palace that anaya one of my virgins came he and certain men of judea and they asked them concerning the jews that escaped which were left of the captivity concerned in jerusalem and they said unto me the remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach the wall of jerusalem is also broken down and the gates thereof are burned with fire and it came to pass when i heard these words that i sat down on a web and mourned certain days and fasted and prayed before the god of heaven and said i beseech thee o lord god of heaven the great and terrible god that keepeth covenant and mercies for them that love him and observe his commandments let them hear now be attentive and then eyes open that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant which i pray before thee now day and night for the children of israel thy servant and confess the sins of the children of israel which have sinned against thee both i and my father's out of sin we have dealt very corruptly against thee i have not kept the commandments nor the statues nor the judgment with thou commanded thy servant moses remember i beseech thee the word that thou command us thy servant moses saying if he transgressed i will scatter you abroad the nations but if you return unto me and keep my commandments and do them though though there were of you cast out on the uttermost part of the heaven yet i will gather them from things and bring them unto the place that i have chosen to set my name there now these are thy servants and thy people whom thou has redeemed by their great power and their strong hand oh lord i beseech thee let no then here be attentive to the prior of the same and the prayer of thy servants and the desire who desire the fear of the fear they will desire to fear thy name and prosper i pray thee thy servant this day and grant immersed in the sight of this man for i was the king's cup bearer praise god we're living in unprecedented times the world has been a state of stagnancy over the past two years and according to the word of god more evil will come praise god for the word of god the clear that the sun shall refuse to shine and stars will fall from heaven praise god and he went into saying that these are just the beginning of sorrows praise god i need to say to somebody today corona is not the only praise god pandemic that will hate this land praise god almighty but they are more to come because the word of god declare it and it must come to pass it's interesting to note that while we deal with our physical pandemic there is a greater pandemic in the church as we put measures in place to limit the spread of kova 19 praise god many seeds daily intake of spiritual nutrients declined so while we isolate and we try to ensure that we keep this body well and keep everything in place many seeds spiritual life decline rapidly many of us are not where we are to be some of us are withdrawn both spiritually and physically the love and seal for the things of god have decreased significantly and in some cases it died we we get so conformed over the past two years the things to be in a usual way and we realized turn the turn to alternative measures praise god almighty while i know that technology praise god almighty is important in the operation of the kingdom praise god almighty hallelujah the word of god the clear that we must fellowship one with another so we realize that fellowship is not only using a telephone or those prayers god almighty technology but the greatest part of communication is non-verbal communication when you can look at somebody and discern and and see their movement and their facial expression to know whether or not they hear what you are saying praise god almighty they will know that they are distracted so you can save against hamilton you can repeat it because they realize that your students are understanding what you were saying in other words you can break it down a little more as children of god we are not exempt from the judgment that the lord will bring upon the earth in the book of matter 5 45 praise god the lord talking about us praise god almighty loving our enemies he declared that he is good and he caused the rain to fall upon the just and the unjustly praise god almighty the children of israel where in egypt praise god almighty while they're in goshen praise god we're exempt from the harsh reality praise god almighty hallelujah and what the egyptian face i do believe the servants in fear of police praise god saw the frogs up smell praise god almighty the dead bodies saw the flies saw the water turn into blood praise god almighty they interact praise god almighty and saw what was up nina i'm saying to a saint of god the things and the judgment that will come up on this world we are not exempt the difference that we have is jesus praise god almighty for the word of god that he will suck us up he will help us through our tribulations so while we are here praise god and call in 19 i'm not telling anybody to bring the protocol by yourself and do what you want to do but the lord command you to do it go ahead and do what needs to be done so then we realize now there is a crisis why there's a crisis because souls are dying souls are dying and that's the biggest crisis in other words why the world was in a state of isolation and stagnancy praise god and things were shutting down the word of god the clear that we must preach the word in season praise god almighty hallelujah so there is no stopping and there is no limiting in what we should do but the other crisis that we see arising is that the world has now become a global community due to technology so the war in ukraine going on right now is like we have a front row seat seeing everything that's happening and we can remember clearly the last time the world was like this man increased exponentially evil for the word of god declared in the book of genesis chapter 6 that the sins of man reach god why then i said it's a repeat because in the book of genesis the land was not yet separated until genesis 10 in the days of healing matter one language so everything and man live longer so everything that's happening there was no barrier in us communicating but we realized that when there was no barrier in mind communicating one with another instead of man increase in their relationship with god sin increased so while the world is one global community we realize well there is an epidemic of false doctrine that's spreading through praise god's social media platforms and people are logging on and getting these diluting messages and infecting others and that's why we were that's why we were in isolation so we realized then that while the world was stagnant the mission of the church continues why the word of god the clear let your moderation be known to all man the lord is at hand so realize that the mission of the church did not cease through the pandemic but the mission continues the returning and repealing of the temple from those who had exiled can be aligned somewhat to this time as i said before many of us are not in place some question why can't we use alternative measures and the list goes on but while we are here arguing and contemplating about these things the weak are dying the youths have no direction new converts are nowhere to be found so realize now that there is a crisis we the watchman now have more blood upon our shoulders because while the world was isolating the lust and the weary have less option to hear the word while hell's mouth is getting larger the word of god declared the book of exile and isaiah that l as enlarged in its mouth without measure in other words there's no preparation make any hell for man because hell was not designed for you and i want to read the book of saint john chapter 14 he realized that jesus declared behold i go to appear a place for you that where i am he may be also to realize that special accommodations are being made in heaven but in hell as man walking like a elastic that cannot burst it just getting larger and larger to spot me so then now we see the need to rebuild now in rebuilding i'm not talking about the physical house i'm not talking the spiritual things i'm talking about repairing the altar the good thing about rebuilding is that you don't need a new structure why because the structure is already in place all we need to do is build on the foundation strengthen that which remain isaiah followed abraham and when isaiah was in egypt and they kick him out praise god almighty hallelujah isaiah did not dig new worlds but he reduced that which was digger praise god by abraham and water came forth in a time of job he had a hundredfold increase what am i trying to say said it's the best time for the kingdom of heaven praise god almighty because now praise god almighty i can testify about the goodness of god hallelujah can i have your somebody just praise god when you look at the past two years or some things you have been through you never know you'll be here today so why in the world is it a crisis praise god it's an opportunity for the church to tell somebody about the wonderful work of jesus it's time for us to sow the alarm it's time for us not to war warner praise god almighty frantically in fear but to warn in love to let man know that the god is coming again and this is just the tip of the iceberg because the word of god declared that there will be wars and rumors of war there will be disease there will be farming and this is just the beginning in rebuilding we must first know that something is missing that something is out of place the greed word kalikalika means change it means change or altering course it means that you realize that something is not moving it's out to move to realize that need to stop us to rethink and to move on praise god it was david praise god almighty who went for the ark of the covenant and he built a new card he did not consult the word of god and the word they clear her that user even though he was a praise god almighty from the line of ariana praise god almighty touch the ark as it was falling no think about the two laws one state you must not touch the ark you have the peace specifically praise god almighty the sons of korah to go and and and a minister in the heart and secondly the word declare that the ark should not touch the ground so uza was then preventing the ark of the lord from touching the earth because he realized to be above a nation and he died david was upset david was man and david was sex with god because god may bring by the heart in your house oh come back he lose a man and kill our holy spirit the heart was left in the house of all the needham and david heard of the blessing that came upon him the david called the priest and said to them consult the boxer and see what he said all these things should be done so when the report came back to david david wender praise god almighty the sons of korah to put the heart of the covenant upon their shoulders to march to jerusalem praise god almighty the word of god they're clear and they take took 12 paces when david realized that everything was in order it was time for celebration praise god almighty because he realized that something was wrong and he changed course and console the word of god and everything becomes all right again praise god almighty it's time to rebuild so then we realize then that we must then see a need for rebuilding in the book of psalms praise god almighty 137 the rather they clear by the rivers of babylon where we sat down they are asked to sing a new song in a strange land and they realize that something was out of place the joy that we had in jerusalem cannot be had praise god almighty in babylon the sacrifices cannot be done in babylon i'm in a pagan lana something is wrong i'm saying to somebody today where is the zeal praise god almighty realizing that witnessing is not moving as it ought to move youths are not where they are to be a praise god almighty sometimes we believe it's pastor's duty it's mission secretary of duty it's minister's duty no it's everyone's duty by the rivers of babylon you said that babylon's a place where the willow tree grows and they'll put their harp on the willow tree and it is said that the willows grew high with the harp and they looked in the willow tree and they could not get back their harm the desire was gone there was no desire because the house of the lord there was a breach things were not going as there are so the first we must realize that something is wrong praise god almighty and there's a need to rebuild that something need to come in place praise god i was glad when i heard that they went on the mission sealer and to receive the holy ghost i was glad when i heard that two more came in the house today i'm saying to somebody today you have to recognize that something is not moving as it ought to move and get in line and get praise god by the time to walk while it's there because the night fastly approach it's not enough to think that i am just a lonely person in the church i have no responsibility i have no position noah the word of god they're clear that we are both members in one body and the beauty about the word of god the difference between the judgment that i receive from pastor kellier the only difference know is that he's a pastor and i'm not why do i say the only difference he's a husband of one wife he has children she'll be judged as a husband he'll be judged as a father he will judge as a servant of god and he'll also be judged as a pastor am i trying to say the levels of judgment increase with responsibility but the same word that is supposed to keep is the same word was the key so then i realized that the onus is upon me to ensure i'm walking in line with the word of god upon me to ensure i'm walking in line with the word of god secondly there has to be a desire now after nehemiah was there nehemiah was not concerned about anything else nema did not need any other news all are the children of israel who are left in captivity always the host of god all the walls of jerusalem that was nema concern and we admire her the news the word of god declared that he wept praise god and it was in mourning imagine as the king's got bearer praise god of the kings of the king's food and wine praise god almighty and then beating faster and mourning you should be happy in the presence of the king but you have a sad countenance why not because things are not right with me but the things that are supposed to be in the kingdom of heaven are not in place it's not where it's supposed to be so nehemiah praise god almighty was in time of moving in a time of fast in a time of prayer i'm saying to somebody today the word of god is clear that the zeal of the house of eternal we are the gifts of praise god almighty where is the zeal to go as the world clearer into all the world preach teacher praise god almighty made disciples that's not a law for pastors and members of missions it's not a law for you president but it's all of us praise god almighty because we used to be under the devil's spell walking in the lust of the flesh but noah enlighten us praise god almighty and it takes enlightenment to want somebody of darkness where is the zeal praise god almighty was dear and nimaya was concerned because he had a zeal for things to be in place thirdly we can't do it by ourselves we need each other in order to make it a praise god almighty when we study the word of god and we look we realize that nima ezra nehemiah and esther was written around the same time praise god almighty jeruba bella praise god and again went on before to rebuild the temple praise god under the commission of director praise god almighty but ezra and ezra went back to put the priests like holder in line praise god almighty but nehemiah had a duty to rebuild the walls of jerusalem the wall signifier protection the wall signifier save god when there's a preacher in our save god our life is in danger am i saying you can't fire some prayer from no till tomorrow morning but if your house is not in order in other words if your children are not drawn in line with the word of god if your husband is not thought and your wife is not taught trouble trouble and the thing about troubling is that i don't need to search for it for the word of god tells me that a man born of a woman in a few days and full of trouble so many assured i don't want no extra trouble meanwhile borrow no trouble i'll put trouble quite trouble because we have my trouble as a man we gotta deal with so first we must have a zeal we must realize something is wrong secondly we must have the zeal until we must realize that we need each other to build so while ezra was there praise god and marjorie building the spiritual spiritual aspect of the kingdom went forth and bill the temple and ezra came and put things in line and nehemiah was rebuilding the world you need esther in the palace in sushon to kill a man i believe it was a rumor alone a temple would not be rebuilt i believe it was me my alone when he went back the word of god the clear that gershom tobiah praise god almighty and somebody came up and started to make mischief praise god almighty and they have to work praise god almighty one hand with a tool and one hundred sword praise god almighty because the word must go on so even though the world is in isolation we are not exempt and when we look at ephesians chapter 2 you know and break it down he were in darkness and used to walk in the lust of the flesh and no we are enlightened that it simply means that we have a story to tell it simply means that there's a job for me to do because those who knew me from high school no i'm not the same no though those who know me from my community in my own town are in praise god almighty in mountain view where i grew up i'm not the same now i remember when trouble took me praise god almighty before i met christ in 2003 my friends and i went to the bar be two jews and i started gambling i would live in the famine why you had a foolish shadow man but in 2004 when i became a child of god and trouble karma because i'm reminiscing faster than prayer and i can tell somebody difference one i saw the power of god before me that people who come stand to curse me agree and become friends with me the other me wears pneumonia and junk so we can't be by herself in the book of first corinthians chapter 12 paul spoke of the gifts and he spoke of the members being in one body so the uncanny seminar work because i'm not default the i7 now i'm going to look today because i'm not the years and i might do them in here all of us have a duty to do because it's time to rebuild when i am revive then revival comes easier in the house of god only goes to see it becomes easier pastor because now i am revived we can't seek revival if we are not revived it's time to rebuild it's time to assess that which is not working it's time for us to be honest with ourselves you see i remember it was about 2006 got saved 2004 went straight to college so i was not fortunate like some new converts you get seven you're in church every sunday learning the word and you know pastor is there to give you a word no god save in march receive the holy ghost july and august i'm after university for four years but while here there's some decision i have to make i remember once something came up and i was going to ask somebody something press god i want me to join a particular political party to get a job and before i left per school so they wanted to be giant politics and they said no i mean i'm going to politics because they go kill me coming without it shoot i only passed that to me no you have a giant i learned how to fast and i learned i could not stay by myself else i will die so i feel better you can't run and get the job done i need somebody to add something to me i need somebody's shoulder sometimes to cry on i need somebody to impart to me i need somebody to strengthen me and somebody need me to strengthen them also [Applause] so we must realize that as a member of the body of christ the onus is upon us to ensure everything works in order i remember teaching sunday school one morning and a thought came to my mind to ask the question what's the importance of the eyebrow and sometimes when i'm teaching i'm just troublesome and everybody look at me funny and i said to them when you sweat what happened with the eyebrow it takes the water the sweat here it takes it here because the eyelash is not able i was not made to hold so much liquid because the liquid then go in your eyes so if you are the eyebrow in the church you're protecting the eye which is important so protect the iron man and don't worry about nobody you're saying your job is important because the higher is the life of the body [Applause] if you are the hands word no man you don't need nobody tell us the word the word of god give you a commission it needs to give us a commission to give you it give you under the commission god that's a commission given so thirdly we must realize we can't do it alone we need each other in order to make it many hands uh make word lies i'm not saying that sometimes praise god almighty you have to push it alone that's the price of leadership i want to push it down someone will join i remember youtube coming up this year and we made a plan for a prayer drive and we announced prayer drive but on the morning of prayer drive it was only missions director and youth president well believe him we go by prayer driver we pray we stop we pray we stop we pray because that's the duty that i was given no i pray to god that when somebody heard that two of us went alone they praise god almighty become jealous and send me one joint but i can't wait for others to join because the zeal of the house has eaten me up praise god almighty me maya could not wait for nobody else so he went to jerusalem and he surveyed by night because he never wore a crow but when surfing was done in need somebody who was experienced and with a skill set to mix the matter you need somebody with a skill set to lay the blocks up to build and lay out the foundation to put things in order i'm saying to your saints of god that god has given us kisser the word of god declare neglect not the giver that was given unto you by the lane of the hands of the presbyter i'm saying to somebody today what gift do you possess and are you using it now we are talking about rebuilding we are talking about putting things into place placing them into order fourthly praise god almighty we must know that there will be enemies that arise in every corner but we should not be daunted praise god almighty for the word of god tells us that our enemy the adversary the devil into the roaring lioness seeking whom he may devour so there is no respite and the fact that we know her there is no ex-respite there can't be any delay another part because the king's business desires i'm talking about rebuilding i'm talking about restoring rebuilding i'm talking about putting things back into place praise god almighty there's sometimes a yearning in me when i hear about somebody who is hurting when i hear about somebody who is not where they are to be there's a burning desire to talk to such a one we get in contact with such a one why because we are in this thing together praise god almighty hallelujah the word of god is clear that we must contend for the faith once delivered praise god almighty unto the saints this faith that is delivered unto us it caused some people to be burned it caused some people to be angry some to be deep in her oil some prayers got a throne in prisoner praise god almighty hallelujah furious persecution to give us the gospel praise god almighty the bataan is now in her hands are we running praise god almighty with faith or are we moving dates of the world there are some messages sayings that it's easy to preach because they can just preach and they can run the ira and they can look on somebody and say your change is coming up come on your blessing praise god almighty you are blessed you can tell somebody hallelujah the tables appear before you in the eyes of your enemy but when you tell somebody about rebuilding it's not so nice it's not easy because while i'm talking to you about rebuilding it's time to rebuild i'm also talking to myself i am not exempt from the words that i speak no i ain't even judge more harshly fifthly all right number five why should we rebuild there's a world time there is a world filled with people who are lost a world filled with those who are broken hearted a world filled with those who don't even know if they'll make it tomorrow i was there once i know what it's like to feel pain i know what it's like to be empty i know what it's like to be hurting i know what it's like to be confused i know the pain and suffering i've been there no hope feeling helpless you feel as if the world is just jogging down on your shoulder and the first voice you hear is somebody saying just in it no man that is modest operandi if you you're out of the way everybody else is all right but it's a lie from the pit of hell because it's a selfish spirit no if i don't go or would i be able to tell somebody that you can make it how will i be able to tell somebody my story yeah my story broken beaten down left-footed in despair destitute in trouble hell was upon me but i can see that somebody blessed be the name of the lord so that is the urgency that we have to rebuild rebuilding is not just about you and i but it's about those who don't know the lord praise god almighty i heard you about you say pray pulling some out of hell fire by the holy ghost i heard paul clear i became all things to us but by some possible means i may say some [Music] i heard pauline know it was hard for him to say this because in corinth they were giving over to idol praise god almighty and he said we're going to sit down to eat me pastor kelly if they invite you to eat don't ask somebody come from just eat i know as a jew that was hard i know the child of god i was hard for him to say what is of a conscience it man just see no hacks no question but in the accident it was over the idol don't eat it i know it was not easy for him to be trolled into prison to be left for dead to be stoned but he had to do it why because the grace of god has appeared unto all man teaching us to deny ungodliness and it's your duty saints it's your responsibility fabian omar edwards is not exempt i was at work about three to four weeks ago and i got a call and my phone is this pastor edward and i said no this is minister edwards so i think you want to talk to you know this was somebody who called the wrong edwards because it was not even pastor edwards it was a different pastor from a different feat when i told her i was took i was in a taxi while i was there on the phone about 45 minutes ministering to her spirit there are times on the job i sat there a lady came yesterday when she done she attacked me to get you to get the money to do our business she thanked me because i impart something in her spirit and to look at the man where's her through me go to it i'm saying to us saints it's time to rebuild it's time to reassess it's time to reorganize it's time to re-evaluate we should not need pastor to tell us to examine ourselves the beauty about the word of god is this when god rebuked here i said nobody do it i remember once i think it was back in about 2006 2007 doing my foolishness i remember laying on my bed a minute short i heard a voice i heard somebody talking literally talking to me and the voice says what shall we say then shall we continue sin that grace mere bone then i hear the angriest voice i ever heard god forbid i couldn't look and say a pastor i couldn't look after my friend got shot by me because i said nothing to nobody because i'm alone and i'm yours let me hear it so i don't need you to tell me to re-evaluate the holy ghost is the first rebuker the holy ghost the one who will put things in order because i guarantee you that if you go before god and something wrong in your life you may open up more from to the tomorrow if you're praying by the spirit i can't tell god what you want saints i implore us today let us rebuild let us evaluate our lives they are persons who are dying they're persons who have no hope today but the word of god they're clear oh tears and see that the lord is good blessed is the man that trusted in him the word of god they clear some trust in chariots and some in horses but we will remember the name of the lord the word of god the clear that day that dweller in the secret place of the mosaic shall abide under the shadow of the almighty praise god i need to tell somebody that you'll be weary but you will not die because god is on your side you will hunger praise god almighty but you will not die because god is with you praise god almighty and like david who ran from saul was destined for the throne in israel you are running her but you are not halt you may drop her but you will not die you'll be trolling prisoner but you will be released why because the word of god must go on i'm saying to somebody today arise and be counted the lord bless you today may his grace shine upon you today and i do hope that i've ignited something in somebody's spirit today that we will look in ourselves to realize that there's a work to be done the beauty about god is this either clear as far as the east is from the west i will blot out your transgression and i remember them no more so it doesn't really matter only if you commit the sin praise god almighty bless see me against the holy ghost your canada but i'm saying to somebody today you are not too far gone for god to draw your back in his cord he declare in his words coma let us reason together that's the god who i'm talking about so even though we may move off his path i heard david declare in psalm 119 i was glad when i was praised god almighty hallelujah persecuted wire because when tribulation comes it draw me in line if there was no tribulation then i will go astray what i'm saying to somebody today it's time to get in line it's time to arise it's time to be your coated it's time god deals with the currency of no that's the currency no today as in any other day today if you hear my voice harden not your heart god don't leave it tomorrow because tomorrow is a fool's paradise tomorrow is promised to no man tomorrow i don't know if i'll be here the next second or a minute so to make it right we didn't know why i have the chance why the word of god declare that he's coming back again and the question i love to ask is this so we know they'll be the rapture but i know also i'll die for the word of the creators appointed unto man wants to die but which one will come first which one will come first will the rapture come before i die or would i die before the rapture come i don't know but if i die i want to die in the lord and the only way i can be raptured i must be in the lord so i'm saying to somebody today it doesn't really matter how far you are how broken you are rebecca rahab was in harlot but when she came in contact with the children of god there was a difference and her life was rearranged root was a worship of idols but when she came in contact with naomi and marlon and the other saiyans praise god there was an impact on her life that she would not leave the homie to go back to the holy spirit god almighty where father reside agar the king in order for us to rebuild there are some decisions that we have to make mordecai say to esther what is your call to the kingdom for such a time as this nehemiah was it a solid move when you heard about what happened in jerusalem and ezra while he was there in ezra 9 and saw that the people went and married the heed and nation around it he sought in a astonishment the word of god they clear it suck lord and ashes and he plucked out his beard the ice swarm of mourning and the people have to divorce their healing wives and deport their heat and children there are some decisions we have to make when we are rebuilding because we can't rebuild praise god almighty hallelujah with the inferior infrastructure we can't rebuild with inferior infrastructure i remember yes the lord bless me the house and i believe pastor kelly i would have moved in same time but sometimes people don't understand i bought in 2016 17 and i moved in in 2020 because i was doing some renovation and there's no good sound trouble one something something else needs to fix another trouble with something else something else needs to fix and as much as something else something that's needed to fix the man that did the work for me thank god it was someone with the roof because i'm going to move in it because it took me now to reassess and call my cousin who don't miss their employment and everything to come and finish for me i'm saying to somebody today it's time to look in our lives and see where we are going are we on the pathway to heaven or are we on the pathway to hell are we walking in god's will or i am just pleasing myself am i doing the master's duty or am i looking someone to elevate me and praise me and pick me up what are we looking for what is my purpose in the kingdom of god how am i here just to enjoy the singing and worship am i here just to preach how to teach am i here just to stay out of trouble it can't be job was one job in the temple that i don't want it pastor because you know i tell nobody say okay i'll come in i tell you because they aren't clear because i'm sure they go cost me out can we stand can you sing this song to me close to thee all along my pilgrim journey and is there somebody here today they need us to pray with them for you the altar is over if you realize that in your life they are broken there's brokenness if you realize that there are some rehabilitation that need to take place come to the altar don't look alone at your friends your friends don't realize or understand what you are going through i can explain to you ministers throughout my brokenness but you may not understand you may tell me stupidness how come that bother you is there one more to come to the altar is there somebody here today you recognize there's a need to rebuild your relationship with god come [Music] either a time of joke or plane we are in serious times now since when i look over the past two years i remember last year between march and august almost every week i know three to four person that died [Music] and the head moses declared in the sun teach me how to number my days and i will apply my heart unto wisdom teach me how to number teach me lord that my time is limited i am not here in finite but i have a finite time i have a and there's a plot in eternity a theater birth and a deed of death what i do in between the times who judge will i spend eternity ah can i say to somebody come praise god almighty come to the altar even need to rebuild a relationship with god i'm not only making a plea to those who will not tease and see that the lord is good but i'm making a plea to those who know what it's like to be in place and out of place let us not fool ourselves let us not fool ourselves let us not fool ourselves let us not fool ourselves the difference between a man and a peace is that when a man die his spirit will go to god and the bees have no spirit to go nowhere but all goes in the word clear ashes to ashes dust with us is there one more you can't sing softly is there one more [Music] is there one more saints it's no time to joke or play around [Music] it's no time to joke or play around today you may not be in a situation where you're caught up in sin we are in a situation we are not effectively doing the work of god we call you to do come [Music] on [Music] but the lord is merciful [Music] [Music] come close to this is there one more [Music] before and over the mic i'm making a plea for at least two more minutes [Music] you have a ministry and you are not operating in your ministry as you ought to come you are the zeal to come to prayer meeting every time and to pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the things of god anymore come on [Music] [Applause] to be [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] there is a call and i do believe that [Music] some of who heard the call are still in your seats [Applause] [Applause] [Music] man [Applause] [Music] the night [Music] [Applause] we'll [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you may rescue me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] trying hard to reach [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh across the way [Applause] [Music] you i i truly believe that we are at a place most of us right now after this world we're at a crossroad and the onus is on every person to do what needs to be done and i can't tell you what god is telling you to do right now but you know what god is telling you to do and unless you do what god instructs you to do hallelujah there will not be a breakthrough but if you do what the lord tells you to do i can assure you that today can be a day of change in your life whether you be saved or you be unsaved hallelujah empty and broken arcade back to you [Music] a vessel [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i am [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Applause] jesus [Applause] he is is he just picks up [Music] is [Applause] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he is the partner [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he wants me to stay but when i stumble and my face [Applause] [Music] says [Music] into his life [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] away and makes me [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] away [Music] to my soul blessed jesus [Music] hear me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] to my soul [Music] hear me me [Music] [Music] she me [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] lord give me [Applause] lord forgive me hallelujah praise god praise god did you just start everywhere could he just stand everywhere hallelujah stand everywhere praise god just have been now someday in the house of the lord and we do understand that when the lord speaks his word doesn't return unto him empty and it's up to everybody that heard the word what they would have done with it if it was going to be something that would have made a change in their lives or it has been something that on the last day would have been to their condemnation it's up to you it's up to you it's up to you somebody's here that the lord is speaking to god has spoken expressly in his word that there's a need to rebuild restoration needs to take place [Music] we are going to be praying now hallelujah bow your heads everywhere [Music] father we thank you for your mercies towards us great is your mercies towards us lord we know god almighty that it is not a goodness of our own we have not done anything at all lord to merit your favor it's all because of your grace along with your mercies so we thank you and we never lord want to take you for granted so we give you thanks this afternoon that you have allowed us to come in your house lord god and god worship the praise lord god almighty the songs lord we thank you also for the word and your manservant that you have used to deliver the word to remind us how necessary it is lord god for us as children of god hallelujah to rebuild hallelujah that which is broken down hallelujah out of a true worship hallelujah to take place there has to be a time of rebuilding and we oh god almighty believing you and trusting you and your word oh god and as we hallelujah god almighty muse on the words that were spoken we pray for your total courage lord god almighty everyone that came here i pray o god that you lay your hands upon them lord for those who came to the altar lord god almighty whether they were once saved lord god but they have strayed or some that needs are we feeling some lord god that has not yet accepted i pray you touch their hearts god almighty arrest them with the power of your holy ghost lord god almighty and let them come to know you hallelujah praise god and as we are about to sever one from each other lord god i pray o god almighty that you be with us in every way lord god almighty protect guide lord for every one that drive for every vehicle that we shall go in lord i pray o god that you be with us bless us lord god almighty and if it be your will that we should come back in your house to worship tonight i pray o god that you'll be with us lord god almighty and let your anointing be upon us god almighty in jesus name we pray thank you lord jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus praise god just reminding the saints that we come back for worship at six this evening so please be old for worship hallelujah let the church [Music] you
Channel: King's Chapel United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZnR9hNJPjbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 55sec (10435 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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