King's Chapel UPC Live Stream February 13, 2022 | Sunday Evening Service

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yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah bless the lord thank you jesus lord you are worthy to be priest hallelujah thank you jesus can we just lift our hands in the presence of the lord hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus thank you lord thank you jesus thank you lord you are worthy of all glory honor and praise hallelujah thank you jesus welcome holy spirit hallelujah thank you jesus let us just get into an attitude of prayer as we begin our worship this evening righteous eternal father god you are worthy you are great and you are greatly to be praised i will bless your name at all times and your praise shall continually be in my mouth i will say that you are my refuge and my fortress my god in you will i trust lord jesus as we come before you this evening we just want to give you thanks thank you lord for your mercy that endure throughout all generations lord god as we are gathered here today we just want to give you thanks for this opportunity for this privileged lord god for blessing us lord god so we're able to stand on our graves this evening god we just want to pray that you will wash us thoroughly from all sins from all unrighteousness from every spirit lord god that is unlike you lord i pray that you will create in us clean hearts mighty god so that when we open our mouths to give you a worship and to give you praise it will be coming oh god from vessels of honor and not vessels of this honor lord god we just want to pray that your will will be done tonight your kingdom will come lord god want to pray that you will bless this evening service lord god and i pray that when we leave here this evening god we would say it is good it it was good for us to be here lord god want to pray that he will touch a preacher lord god touch every aspect of our worship tonight let your will be done and your kingdom come in the house tonight in the name of jesus we pray amen amen amen thank you jesus thank you lord i sing praises to your name oh lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] i think [Music] is [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] hallelujah thank you lord your name is great and it is great to be praised we're going to be singing for him great is the lord bless the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus christ [Music] great peace and glory praise the lord oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is is is the lord hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah great is the lord the prince of life and glory hallelujah let us hail him tonight let us heal the king of kings and the lord of lords he is worthy of all glory and honor and praise hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus our god is a good god our god is worthy our god is awesome our god is excellent hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord thank you jesus hallelujah jesus he's worthy to be praised thank you jesus we'll turn our bibles to proverb chapter 17 and we're going to be reading from verse 1 to the end proverb 17 if you have found it say amen is a dry morsel and quietness therewith than a house full of sacrifices with strife a wise servant shall have rule over a son that causes shame and shall have part of the inheritance among the brethren the finding part is for silver and the furnace for goal but the lord tried the hearts a wicked door give it heat false lips and a liar give it here to a naughty tongue whoso marcus the poor reproaches is the maker and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished children's children are the crown of old men and the glory of children are their fathers excellent speech becometh not a fool much less do lion lives a prince a gift is a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it whether so ever eternity it prospers he that covereth a transgression seeketh love but he that repeats as a matter separated very friends i reprove entereth more into a wise man than 100 stripes into a fool and evil man seeketh only rebellion therefore a current messenger shall be sent against him let a bear robbed of her wealth meet a man rather than a fool in his folly who so rewardeth evil for good evil shall not depart from his house the beginning of strife is as when one letters out water therefore leave of contention before it be meddled with he that justified the wicked and he that com condemned the just even they both are abomination to the lord wherefore is there pride is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom ceni has no art to it a friend a loveth at all times and a brother is born for adversity a man void of understanding strikes at hands and becometh surety in the presence of his friends he loveth transgressions that loveth strife and he that exalted is gate seeketh destruction he that has a forward heart find it no good and he that has a preserved tongue fallen into mischief he that be getting a full dotted to his sorrow and the father of a fool has no joy and merry heart does do us good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones a wicked man takes a gift out of the bosom to prefer the ways of judgment wisdom is a for him that has understanding but the eyes of a fool are in the end of the earth a foolish son is aggrieved to his father and bitterness to her that bear him also to punish the just is not good nor to strike princess princes for equity he that has knowledge spirit his word and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit even a fool when he all that is peace is counted wise and he that shuttered his lip is esteemed a man of understanding this is the word of the lord we honor it by saying thanks be to god thank you lord just want to take this opportunity to welcome each and every one of us into the house of the lord those who are watching online we want to welcome you into god's presence this is a day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be exceedingly glad in today as we get into our worship tonight we're going to be going into praise and worship bless the name of the lord let us pull out all the stops and let us worship the lord in the beauty of holiness thank you jesus i will abide [Applause] when the storms of life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] holy what you doing is i don't know what to do i don't know what to do [Music] lord jesus oh [Music] is is i know is i am i'm here today [Music] is oh oh i am mighty long ways away me [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on open up your mouth and give him a shout praise come on open up your mouth and give him a shout out praise hallelujah [Music] hallelujah so many of us can say tonight look where you brought me from hallelujah almighty mighty long way lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus tonight we can say had it not been how do it not been for the lord who was on our sides hallelujah thank you jesus so many of us will not be here tonight mighty long way hallelujah glory hallelujah thank you cheese ah glory be to your name god hallelujah thank you lord for taking me out of honorable thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah tonight i am grateful i am grateful for where the lord has taken me from hallelujah if you knew me hallelujah before i knew him hallelujah glory thank you jesus hallelujah you know sometimes we see the finished product brother winter and we believe that this is what it has always been but it has not always been like this hallelujah and even if you were born in a church it has not always been like this hallelujah he has taken us from a mighty long way a mighty long way hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah oh glory thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you god for loving me when i was unlovable hallelujah thank you lord for loving me when i never wanted you hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus i am just so grateful tonight i am just so grateful is there anybody who is grateful for where the lord has brought you from hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah think so underserving almighty god thank you jesus thank you lord i just want to tell you thank you tonight lord i just want to tell you thank you lord for looking beyond my fault for looking beyond my sins for looking beyond my shortcomings and for rescuing me from the peace of hell hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord and there's a sister who needs rescuing tonight that sister petrona armstrong hallelujah she's at home and she's not feeling well and we want the lord to rescue her tonight we want the lord to heal our body lord have mercy hallelujah thank you jesus i also want to send a request for a co-work of men mrs walliston she's currently in the cornwall regional hospital she has been in pain all of last week and she's pregnant and the baby is not yet do what she's having pain every day and they're trying to stop that labor but we know our god we know our god so when you go prematurely we know a god who can stop labor hallelujah hallelujah we know a god who can say it's not your time yet it's not your time yet you're not gonna die but you're gonna live hallelujah and so we're gonna put this teacher in the hands of the lord and we wanna ask the lord to do what he must hallelujah in the name of jesus so we're gonna pray for petrona armstrong and we are going to pray for mrs walliston who is in the hospital at this time let us pray mighty god barman gilead healing jesus our doctor hallelujah hallelujah by your stripes we are healed we were healed before the foundation of the earth and so lord god as we come before you tonight your word declares that healing it is the children's bread and so we believe your word and you say not one shot nor one tittle of your word shall pass and so we come to you on behalf of your word we stand upon the word of god because the word cannot lie and so we put petrona armstrong in your hands tonight and we say god whatever the problem is lord lord a woman who are the daughter god almighty i should say even the crumbs that falls from the master stable god almighty even if it's the crumbs tonight lord god i want to pray that he will touch our body lord god almighty right now we want to send a spirit up to cornwall regional hospital and we want to put shanil wallistan in your hands tonight god whatever your will is lord god almighty let it be done let your kingdom come in our life right now god heal our body lord god if you are if it's your desire for that child to be born early lord god let it be so but god if it's not your will right now we're praying right now that that labor be stopped in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord god move upon your people lord god brother steve mccarthy lord touch his body right now healing right now god because we know that there's nothing that is impossible with you lord touch your people now your word says it's your will that we prosper and be in health and so god we stand on your words tonight as we take comfort that our prayers are answered because we ask it in the name of jesus hallelujah if you believe it is done tonight just give the lord sons tonight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah by its tribes by its tribes we are healed tonight in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we are here tonight in jesus name hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord we believe you lord hallelujah thank you jesus bless the lord let me just take this opportunity to welcome everyone into the host of the lord tonight hallelujah thank you jesus i am so happy to be in god's presence you know every time i get a chance to come into the house of the lord it is a privilege hallelujah i caught it an honor to come in the house of the lord hallelujah so let me just welcome everyone welcome all our members do we have any visitor in the house are there any visitors i don't see any at this time welcome those who are online those who are visiting from online we welcome you tonight in the name of the lord feel free to worship the lord in the beauty of holiness praise and worship team hallelujah let us sing our welcome song just greet somebody we know we cannot touch but just wave to somebody and greet them in the name of the lord thank you jesus we are together again just praising the lord we are together [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah i'm gonna ask some persons you have a praise that you really want to get out tonight hallelujah brother winter offer a praise that to the lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus glory thank you jesus thank you sister paula give a praise unto the lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus brother right give up praise unto the lord thank you jesus sister right give her praise thank you sister officer give our praise [Music] thank you sister sarita shout out praise unto the lord [Music] thank you jesus isn't god good hallelujah thank you jesus isn't god [Music] [Music] shout out praise unto god hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus it's a pearlescent car shout out praise [Applause] [Music] hallelujah thank you sister maxine i know you have a praise hallelujah [Applause] sister hills shout out praise unto god thank you brother dennis no you have one brother dennis and i know you have a praise shout out praise to god thank you jesus sister love shout out praise hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah glory hallelujah sins of god let us shout out to god with a voice hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah he inhabits the praises of his people hallelujah hallelujah glory echo hallelujah jesus [Applause] she [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus hallelujah hallelujah if i don't praise him he will cause the benches to praise him if we don't praise him hallelujah i will not allow in a rock to cry out in my place hallelujah because what i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he has done for me hallelujah my soul my soul christ hallelujah thank you jesus for rescuing me hallelujah thank you hey thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah glory be to your name god hallelujah thank you for chatting ha jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah sweet holy spirit sweet heavenly dove stare right here with us filling us with your love sweet holy spirit hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah i just want to tell somebody tonight your healing is in your worship your deliverance is in your worship your victory it's in your worship hallelujah what is it that you need from god tonight just start to worship him and watch mountains move hallelujah there's some mountains that are going to be moved when we start to worship god hallelujah thank you jesus our glory [Applause] jesus hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh god almighty hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] thank you jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we just want to thank the lord tonight i want to thank him that we can feel his presence there are so many persons that don't understand this but this is an experienced thing you have to experience the presence and the power of god to understand what we are feeling here and sometimes we want to sit down i thought i would just shut up our mouth but the presence of the lord is just so rich that you just can't contain yourself hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus the lord bless you the lord bless you again sit you are free to sit hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah but there's a sweet sweet spirit in the house tonight there's a sweet spirit and i know that it is the spirit of our god our father our king hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus bless the lord the announcement for february 13 2022 are as follow sundays our services are streamed live on youtube each sunday morning our first service starts at 8 30 and ends at 10 30. our second service starts at 11 a.m and ends at 1 p.m our evening service starts at 6 and ends at 8 30 p.m this tuesday night we'll be having youth service and we're inviting on out to come out and to fellowship with the young people they cannot see by themselves every day they need vocative they need some people to pray them up hallelujah they need a nurse that the preacher talk about to hide them in the house of the lord they need the nurses to cover them someone on conquerors you are invited to be a part of youth service this tuesday night at 6 pm thursdays the church is the of fasting and prayer and we are all invited to fast and if it is possible you are invited to come into the sanctuary at 10 a.m to 12 15 p.m for prayer meeting this thursday also will be having bible study from 6 to 8 30 p.m per meeting will be held in the sanctuary from 6 30 to 8 30 this saturday and the youth department will be in charge home prime meetings are held from 5 a.m to 6 a.m every morning and 10 p.m to 11 p.m every night please continue to pray with your families the funeral service for miss hilda milo that's mother of brother christopher hilton will be held on friday february 18 at king's chapel commencing at 11 am and if you are able to come and give your your support to brother ilson we're asking you please to do so national fasting and prayer will commence on monday 21st of february to friday the 25th of february business meeting will be sunday evening february 20th at 5 00 pm national conference will be held february 28 to march 3rd and this will be done virtually the national press sessions for the week of brand fasting they will be having prayer meeting every evening starting at seven ending at eight and i know pastor will send you the information they will be having this prayer meeting on zoom and we're all asked to be a part of the prayer meeting um it should be next week right it's next week yes next week all right at this time we're inviting the ushers to come and we're going to be collecting the offering we're going to ask the praise and worship team to get ready to minister during the collecting of the offering one more announcement just to remind you that next week sunday and the following sunday that sunday february 20 and sunday february 27th we'll be having two shifts for the first shift the surname starting with bcw r g j f p e n v x and z you will be coming on the first shift starting at a 30 for the second shift that will be starting at 11 am the surnames s a i o d m h t l k q u and y you will come on the second shift starting next week and please note that this is just for two weeks for right now until the prime minister speaks again all right brother daley could you bless the offering oh is thank you jesus [Music] [Music] r [Music] so i rise to your breath and [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] praise your praise us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give you a [Music] and oh [Music] [Applause] just stay where you are and at this time i'm going to be inviting minister billy love to come with the word of the lord to our hearts tonight the lord bless him as he comes in jesus name oh [Music] kill [Music] all right [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us give god glory in the house let us give him glory in the house let us praise him in the house hallelujah the presence of the lord this place is rich in this atmosphere whatever we need it's in his presence hallelujah oh bless the name of the lord hallelujah give thanks for the grace [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus christ [Music] give thanks [Music] to the [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] the week [Music] i am [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] praise god i can feel in this house a spirit of thanksgiving hallelujah i believe that you're that's why you're here just to give god thanks come on [Applause] nobody give thanks we're just being quiet nobody give thanks by just being very you know sanctimonious giving thanks is something praise god that we get glad about hallelujah at thanksgiving church is a victorious church hallelujah so i'd love for the church of god to really give thanks to god can you do it enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endured to all generation so we were just practicing a while ago so let's give god thanks [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah come on come on come on come on we can do better than that we're giving god the great god the king the omnipotent god the great savior glory to god hey praise god we bless your name tonight we honor you because of who you are we lift you up because there's no god like you we serve you and we worship you because you're god all by yourself we come into your presence god with thanksgiving lord god we enter into your courts with praise lord god we are gratitude we are thankful for the fact god that you saved us we thank you for your love towards us we thank you for taking us from nothing nowhere god almighty we are honored today this night that you allow us to be in your presence god almighty have been good to us even more than now we have been good to ourselves so god in the name of jesus we come with a spirit of thanksgiving we thank you god because you're god we thank you because you're good we thank you because you're a savior we thank you because you're a king we thank you because your provider we thank you because you're a protector we thank you because you're real we thank you because your truth we thank you god we lift you up oh god tonight and we honor you lord god for this opportunity just to say thank you bless us now bless your word lord god anoint us oh god as we look to a word from you in jesus name in jesus name praise god let us turn our bibles to the book of psalms 9-5 hallelujah a thankful heart is a grateful heart all right so praise god we're just gonna give god the praise and the honor that is due to his name so in the book of psalms 92 while you look let me greet our pastor apostle's wife sister adrian kellier praise god i greet all the ministers praise god minister joe stewart sister stewart praise god i greet amen sister milton glory to god praise god minister white mr minister wright praise god i'm just kind of speaking it amen in the name of jesus praise god hallelujah oh minister denniston praise god i greet you in the name of jesus agreed praise god amen [Music] all the ministers in the house the saints of god boys girls praise god minister winter greet you in the name of jesus amen praise thee greet you all in the name of jesus amen praise god minister to be sister love glory to god amen in the book of psalms 9 to 5 amen it says go nine to five nine to five two little let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with song a praise for the lord is a great god and the great king above all gods i love it for the lord is a great god and the great king above all god you may be seated praise god i believe tonight that there are many of us who have had experiences with god has anybody here ever you have gotten an experience god has done some great things in your life [Music] praise god you just can't keep silent we can't be a church that is silent when god has done so much in your life amen praise god so never ever be brand as a church that is silent because when i think of brother winters when i think of the goodness of god and all he has done for me there is something on the inside that is crying out say hallelujah thank you jesus for saving me praise god i believe that the people of god should have something to thank the lord for hallelujah there must be something that we're thanking god for can you just think of something that god has done and god is even doing because god never stopped doing great things in our life glory to god that's the god we serve so if god has done anything for you it needs to come from your belly out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water can somebody if he has done something for you sister diamond when you think of what god did for your son oh i want you to lift your hands and let's give god glory [Music] yeah praise god the bible tells us in first thessalonians 5 18 in everything that leaves nothing help in everything give thanks for this is it is the will of god when we give thanks we're doing the will of god glory to god through jesus christ another version said give thanks in all circumstances for this is god's will for you in christ jesus hallelujah the verse does not say give thanks for everything and we have some christians who go around and give thanks for everything well that's their lifestyle but i'm not gonna give thanks for everything the bible didn't tells me to give thanks for everything it says to give thanks in all things some people misinterpreted that and they're sick and they're getting down underneath thank you god for the sickness thank you god for the pain thank you i'm not gonna thank god for that i thank god for the things that he gives to me the things that the devil gives i'm not gonna give god thanks for that he allowed it but the fact that he allowed it what i will do i will give god thanks through it i will thank him while i'm going through it because god is the same yesterday today and forevermore i'm not gonna give him thanks for for for any sickness in my body i know i will learn something from it but i'm not that's me that's brother love praise god amen that's the interpretation that many people have so sister sister sister cross you come here let me find a five us dollar for her sister cross here you go how that made me feel talk to me somebody how does it make her feel she has an extra dollar to spend all right let me try something else brother dennison i have i i have a five dollar for you five us dollars i can't believe it now something is wrong here isn't it have you seen the scenario something is really really wrong and there's a lot of unthankful people in the world now the fact that they didn't say thanks to me to be honest they will never get another dollar from me and i believe that god probably even doing the same thing that's what we think if god was a man that's what he would be doing praise god brother daley you come i have a dollar u.s for you it's only one dollar it's only one dollar it's only one dollar it's glory to god it's only one dollar bless the lord who my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name one dollar the fact that he was thankful how do you make think i feel how do you think why do you think god oh god just look at the natural with the spiritual glory to god what it did was to set up god to do it again god oh shut up can we just set up god to do it again [Applause] so because he was like that because he did that come here brother [Applause] he's going to be blessed double so here you go this is ten dollars go your way give god glory bless him [Music] [Applause] that's what thanksgiving does come on somebody thank him i'm gonna thank him in the good times i'm gonna thank him in the bad times i'm gonna attempt thank him and plenty i'm gonna thank him or cause i'm gonna thank him so what that did what it does it leads to a bond our glory it help us to bond with god and as christians we need to know that our lifestyle helps us to bond with the god we serve that god will look down on you and because god knows who you are because god knows how you're going to respond to his blessing there is more in store for you [Applause] glory to god thanksgiving leads to a healthy relationship with god church of god we need to have a church king's chapel united pentecostal church must be a church of thanksgiving nobody should let you know that it's time to thank him you walk into his present enter into his cage with thanksgiving and into his cords with praise be thankful unto him and bless bless his name can we do that and we're gonna see some things happening in the house of god [Applause] echo yeah yeah yeah yeah thanksgiving help us to grow in the knowledge of god that you can give thanks in every situation not for come on watch this so you don't have to give thanks for evil in the world the bible does not tell us to be thankful for evil thank god through it while you're going through it oh you understand what i'm saying church there are many of us we lost our blessing and we believe to god because we begin to give god praise for things that he has not done in your life my mother died and i loved her so much i'm not gonna say god did it lord i thank you for taking my mother no but you've given me grace that i could go through that situation and i said thank you god for the experience thank you god for allowing me the opportunity that while i'm going through i can give you glory you thank him in it thank you can somebody thank the lord the past two years has been hard and many of us we had our difficulties we all had and we endure and we share of trouble hallelujah there are many of lost jobs i was out of a job for for nine months in 2020 should i thank god for that yeah when all the bills the bills must be paid i can't thank him for that but what i did i give him glory through it and many of us who might be going through a rough spot in our life at this time and even in our marriage it might be should i give god thanks because my marriage is rocky no my friend should i no i need to have a have a real healthy relationship and you're gonna tell me give god thanks for for unhealthy marriage no i won't do it but i'm gonna thank god while i'm going through it that god will work on my behalf can we thank god when time is rough yes we can because in all things give thanks for this is the will of god [Music] no matter how bad it is we can give god thanks all glory to god no problem is bigger than my problem or rather no purpose is bigger than my problem no purpose no purpose is bigger than my problem and no problem is bigger than my purpose i will not size it up because i know who jesus is because jesus is bigger than my problems and jesus is bigger than my purpose hey but we gotta serve god with purpose and the purpose is in the word of god he will give me the power to overcome every problem i know i will grow through the experience if i allow god to help me grow so giving thanks here's a way to grow yes there are some things that we are doing as christians but there are some things that we are not doing but we don't have it right you have some things right but there are some things that we don't have no we're all praying i know we're all fasting we're all loving god but there are some things that god wants us to have an idea of god wants you to have an acknowledgement of the truth of the word of god and if we know the truth of god i know god's words work we can be victorious already god when i just came to the lord i used to thank the lord if i have a head i had a headache i thank him for it because that's how i was grown yeah but as you gradually get into god and the knowledge of god you need to understand what is god's purpose your life when these things happen i'm not gonna thank him for the evil but i'm gonna thank him despite off the evil yes should we thank god for the crime and violence in the world so we thank god because somebody got shot somewhere in the world should we do that should we no come on people of god but we need to give god thanks for the fact that he has kept me safe through every situation the bible said in psalm 92 it is good thing oh i love this you know i'm a psalms person i just love the book of psalms it is a good thing somebody is a good thing to give thanks unto the lord and to sing praises until thy name almost die first notice that giving of thanks is a good thing why it is a good thing can somebody tell me why is it a good thing to give thanks unto the lord because all things were made by him and without him was nothing made that was made in him was life so everything that we desire in this world is in god it's a good thing to give thanks to the god the bible said the heavens declare the glory of god the glory of god do you do you have something that you want to give god thanks for look up somebody the heavens declare his glory and the firmament show his underworld hallelujah glory the bible said according has his divine power had given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that had called us to glory and virtue so people of god you're called to glory and virtue when you go home look up the word virtue and glory and you will see the category that you're in you're a person of glory god looked down on you as important extraordinary glory virtue that's who you are we need to understand who we are and that is a source of our blessing scripture said in everything give thanks and watch this we need to understand that every good gift every good gift every good gift watch it good gift i'm gonna thank god for good gifts every good gift all glory to god can i just stop there a little bit every good gift and every perfect everything that's good and everything that's perfect it comes from god so whatever that is not perfect and good gift is not of god sickness is not a perfect gift yeah poverty is not a perfect gift hard times is the perfect gift every good gift that's what god gives every good gift and every perfect gift it comes from where above coming down from the father of light in whom there is no verbalness or shadow of turning that's the god we serve every good gift it comes from god god gives good gift i'm sick but the good gift that god give is healing i'm on my way to hell but the good gift that god gives is salvation i'm a weak but what god gives the good gift his strength oh i don't have it but the good gift that god give is his favor good gift and perfect gift it comes from above it comes from the father of light where there is no every good gift every good gift comes from above it comes every good gift what god gives is good perfect come on church it is god's will that sinners come to church and receive the baptism of the holy ghost that's good gift we need to think of the good gift the perfect gift that god wants to give us as a church good gift whoa good gift good gift good gift good gift good gift lord god i want that gift i want to give i want everything that's good oh god and when you give it to me god somebody said more give me more so how can we be grateful when you lost your job has anybody ever lost the job are you grateful about it have you ever lost your health are you grateful about that i ever lost the spouse you're gonna be grateful about that but you look not on what you've lost but what you have you have lost something but think of what god has given to you and let me tell you for the things that you lost you have an awful lot left because you have life which is most important you have your salvation the most important thing in my life today is having a relationship with god i don't want to lose that if i lose that i lose everything everything can go anything but i don't want to lose you're alive for one thing so the question is what are you taking for granted your health your freedom your relationship there's an old song it says what count your blessing name them how one by one so god is a god every blessing he gives i counted then he gives me another one i counted then it gives me another one accounted yes yes yes god does bless me one by one you have to give me wagga one by one can outdo many of what the world has in store for me thus one blessings with god there's one blessing with god that's one i'll do everything that the devil has to offer i just need just one touch i call shatter one touch and i'm good god you're not to give me enough just give me one one praise god so we need to take a list of what god has done and be thankful and some of the things that you can thank god for can you just lift your hands and close your eyes and start thanking god for some of the things that god has done in your life come on come on there are some things that you have that many people no matter how they try they don't have it they can't have it yes yes yes let's just quote them one by one think of it come on work with the church your family your friends your ministry whatever it is hallelujah and whatever had a reason you have to give god thanks for brother then it's your children oh i know you love them so much yes you give god thanks for your mother you give him thanks for your church give him thanks for your pastor you give him thanks for the ministers you give him thanks come on we have so much we you have a job give god thanks for your job just give him thanks for your wife give him thanks for your husband one by one one by one oh not many people are not many people in this world oh glory not many people understand the importance of having certain things in your life there were things that i needed from god and god did not bless me with things that i wanted that i needed and there are many individuals today that god bless you with stuff and it's like just like dennis brother dennis then just like since the cross they came up here and they did not say thanks but there was always one no that was a that was a little play it's not real but there was always one when you think of what god brother right god bless you i'm older than you you came to this church and look what god has done two children that is us i know her from she was a beam nobody knew nobody knew nobody knew that that blessing would be in the church today nobody knew oh glory to god you know brother love love children so much for the winter but guess what god did not bless us with that but god has been supreme good in our life it's painful at first but when you think of who god is ah so what god did brother winter god brought us together stronger and then the relationship tight tight never be ungrateful for what god has done ah so i looked at brother right and sister right and i give god glory for the blessings in your life oh god and when i see god blessing someone i said god bless them more bless them double god [Applause] and if you do that god will turn around and give you your blessing don't be envious of another man's blessing because god has in store your blessing [Applause] so somebody said don't say with me god go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead bless him lord bless him lord bless him lord bless him lord hey [Applause] bless him lord hallelujah glory becoming a truly grateful person can be the healthiest change you make in your life i'm gonna say it one more time becoming a true grateful person can be the healthiest change you make in your life it's better than any diet or exercise plan love isn't and it might sound strange but love isn't the healthiest emotions out there gratitude is when you're thankful it's when you're thankful despite your circumstances you're more resistant to illness and stress you want to live a life without sickness stress and illness just be thankful and see what happened god has to respond to your thankfulness sister diamond yes just give them thanks that's why david was victorious thankful thankful thankful thankful thankful so in all things give thanks and if you're not living listed as if you're not living a grateful life your circumstances you're out of the will of god you're out of the will of god if you're not living i'm gonna close but the bible tells us since luke 17 can i tell you the scenario tonight the play that i had that brother daley is in the book of luke 17. hallelujah can we live in luke 17. barbara tells us of 10 leper 10 lepers they were healed jesus told them go and show yourself to the priest he did not lay hands on them he did not touch them you see a lot of us we want god to touch us we want lightning and thunder but god just say go and show yourself to the priests on their way and you know this was required back in the days thank you god that we don't have that lepers were permitted to to live among the healthy they weren't permitted to live among the elderly could not come to church could not be in the city in the village but when they met they were on the outskirts and there are many of us who are living on the oats curb but when they met jesus jesus said go show yourself on their way to the priests that they receive their healing sometimes your healing will not come immediately and many of us we want god to work now now now but on the way after 10 only one return to give thanks to jesus jesus asked the question were fear not ten cleanse but where are the nine ten where's brother dearly brother dearly i hope you're listening to my message brother dearly glory to god hallelujah 10. go show yourself while the 10 were going down they start looking themselves and see something strange my god have you ever just you know think have you ever seen yourself and something happening in your life god is working and you don't realize until something else hit you my god my hands clean oh god one somebody said one i thank god that there is always one let me see all those who have a big family yeah you don't have to be a big family but you have brothers and sisters yeah all right i know pastor have a big family but some of us we have big families and guess what only one out of the family is saved that ever happened to you that's just you alone my god i can't believe it by the way were you born in the church brother right but somehow somebody else thought that you were born in the church i don't know because of your you know your knowledge of the word and so forth praise god but i come from a family of seven i'm the only one who's baptized in jesus name filled with the holy ghost i wonder why praise god why and many of us were struggling with with a family because you're the only one in the church that has been saved but guess what it does it keeps you on your knees because you want to see your mother you want to see a father you want to see your brother you want to see your sister you want to see everyone and your nephews you want to see them without a 10 just one just one brother then it's not one minister steward one just one no brother stewart his family is very much what would i say it's a blessing my kind of believer that's a real privilege i know all of you were in the church we lived one time very a lot of you don't know but we lived very time just it was my neighbor i was the christian then though but it was my neighbor and everybody in the church and i said god all that happened that was beautiful for the naval neighborhood that was a noisy bunch but there was a nice going you know seclude family everybody goes to church and they were kids and i was ridiculing these people you know i do that just saying it now brother yeah but it just didn't look normal and we were just playing music you know just music on my veranda every sunday and he was there i don't know if my music disturbed him i doubt it praise god but a family of ten just one a family of four god always work with one can each and every person in this house today you be the one can you be the one that god's gonna work through come on be the one be the one praise god so one leper returned to thank jesus one of them when he saw that he was healed turned back with a loud voice glorified god and he fell down on his face at his feet giving him thanks for he was a samaritan and jesus answered and said they were not cleansed but where are the nine there was not ten cleanse where are the nine there weren't two other person who i bless where are they praise god you're not a leper but you're grateful i believe somehow that you have a testimony and can i tell you you're not gonna say your testimony right now but pastor gonna give you a chance to give a testimony of the demonstration of what i did for you tonight because you have a testimony i know you want to say but holy peace glory to god great is my faithfulness lord unto me great is thy faithfulness surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life your goodness is running out he's running out to me if i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for the world with me thy rather nice time [Applause] all the hot lepro all were outcasts of society all were determined to do something about it all that had heard about jesus and believe you could help them all appeal to him all obey the word all were healed but say only one they are not found that return to give glory to god save the stranger and he said unto him arise go thy way thy faith at maybe whole ten men were healed that day but only one came back to give thanks are you living with the nine or are you living with one too many of us who take our blessings for granted or blessings lord it don't have to be big you know for my life this is me for me a dollar and a hundred dollar gets the same praise now i work her own money so i'm just letting you know that when i get a dollar i don't praise god i or if i get a hundred dollar i don't praise god more than when i get a dollar a dollar in the eyes of god and with our relationship a dollar and a hundred dollar gonna get the same praise and we need to understand that you don't categorize praise when it comes to god praise is just praise there's no high praise and low praise so every praise we give house of no we come to church let it be a high praise can somebody give god a high praise yes yes yes let's give god a high praise [Music] [Applause] hallelujah how you living with the one how are you living with the nine oh glory it doesn't have to be that way hallelujah hallelujah bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord all my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiven all thine inequities who healed all thy diseases who redeemed thy life from destruction and conquered thee with love and kindness and tender mercy whose satisfied my mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed all taste and see that the lord is good blessed blessed praise is a choice i'm closing with this praise is a choice you come to church with a choice to praise him or not to praise him so if church is what it is it is because of you hallelujah can i make it a choice and let it when we come we give god glory a thankful heart is a choice you make you choose the way to live the one who returned to give thanks choose not to forget what jesus had done for him the secret of thanks of a thankful heart is a conscious choice not to forget what god has done for him and if you can praise god for nothing else praise him for the fact that he saved you praise him for the fact that he healed you praise him for the fact that he gave you some children praise him for the fact that you have a job praising for the fact that you have a good husband praising for the fact that you have a good wife prison for the fact that you're in your right mind praise it for the fact that when you open your mouth all your teeth people of god i love you let's praise him because he deserves our praise god bless you let this place be our house of praise let this praise be our praise our house of worship we are doing you lord everybody come on worship him what a mighty god we serve i love you lord for your mercy never fails me all my days you have held me in your hand [Applause] from the moment that i wake up until i lay my head [Music] in the goodness of god [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you have let me [Music] i know [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] is is i foreign [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] to me with every breath that i am [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah one songwriter says how can i say thanks for the things that you have done for me think so underserved hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus can we just stand the lord tonight it is just a night of thanksgiving hallelujah for the many things that the lord has done for us the things that he has kept us from hallelujah there are so many traps hallelujah that the lord professed us hallelujah from falling into hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah i am grateful hallelujah [Music] hallelujah tonight i am just so grateful i am just so grateful that i have eyes to see i have ears to hear i have feet to walk hallelujah the fact that my thumb is on my hand it simple means that i have something to thank god for hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] yes i am grateful for the victories i would go on and on and on [Music] to praise you lord [Music] flowing from my [Music] my heart is gratefulness i am grateful for the things that you have done i am grateful for the victories [Music] i could go on and on and on [Music] [Music] from [Music] gratefulness [Music] [Music] are they is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] there's just so much to be grateful for tonight hallelujah hallelujah if we should stop to name them one by one hallelujah even when we leave here tonight we will still be finding things to be naming hallelujah because god has really been good to us hallelujah can we just tell him thank you tonight thank you jesus thank you that i'm in my right mane thank you that i still have the man to serve you hallelujah thank you i'm still walking in the lake hallelujah thank you that i'm still in the land of the living hallelujah thank you that my faculties they are intact hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you for my family lord thank you for my children thank you for my husband thank you for my mother hallelujah thank you for my brethren thank you lord that i can't draw strength from them hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] of the goodness of god thank the lord tonight we just want to thank the lord hallelujah and i often said i want to thank the lord for my church family can i tell you this is the best place this is the best family that you could ever be a part of hallelujah hallelujah i don't care what anybody else have to say but i know that this is the best family because if tomorrow morning my head is hurting brother germain and somebody knows i know that prayers will be going up to heaven on my behalf tomorrow if i don't have food and somebody knows i know that something will be coming so sometimes because we have issues issues as a family sometimes you know we don't do these things but it is a great family to be a part of never give up on your church family brethren it doesn't matter what we have let us just forgive and move on and be grateful that we are a part of the family of god hallelujah once some writers and sometimes we laugh together and sometimes there are so many things to cry about and your day is when we stop to dream of how it will be when we all get to heaven god's family hallelujah i really love this family tonight my family i love you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i might not be close to everybody and we might not be close to everybody sister jackie hallelujah but this is the best place hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord thank you for my past the lord hallelujah thank you for placing him here for such a time as this hallelujah thank you lord god hallelujah hallelujah thank you for brother love with the words name god thank you for brother love with the word today god i pray your strengths of him lord i pray your covering lord i pray that your hands of protection will be upon him by this family right now lord let no upon that is formed against him brought us up hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah i'm just gonna ask us wherever we are just pick a person not pick a friend not be the person that we are usually just pick a person across the congregation you don't even have to know the person's name and i want you to just where you are you're going to pray for that person tonight because sometimes we don't understand that persons are going through stuff hallelujah so we want to pray for our family members tonight that whatever they are going through that the lord will strengthen them the lord will profile for their needs hallelujah just pick somebody you don't even have to let the person know who that you're praying but just pray because the prayer of faith hallelujah when you pray that prayer of faith hallelujah god knows who you are praying for let us pray tonight in the name of jesus lord we lift you up we magnify you jesus we insult you lord we have stopped your kin we magnify you lord thank you lord that i'm a part of the family of god i thank you lord i am so grateful tonight lord i i'm so grateful for this great house we're your provided brethren we're your provided family members lord so when i am a wee god i can call out a friend and say to pray me up and i know that i'm gonna be strengthened lord when i'm sick i can call and you're somebody to pray god if i have a need there's a brother or a sister who i can reach out to lord and you're willing to help oh god i am so grateful lord touch this family lord lord touch us this night lord give us hearts of gratitude lord whatever crooked parts are in our life god we want to pray lord that you will make them straight god those who are healing with sicknesses lord want to pray for your healing lord god those who are financially depressed lord god you are jehovah jireh and so we know that you are able to supply all our needs according to your riches in glory lord strengthen each other member tonight those who are at home those who are unlaid lord breathe and love lord god touch mother steve right no god [Music] lord visit him in the hospital [Music] visit him in the hospital lord glory ought to be one another's burden jennifer satalita and his son lord god strengthen them lord god lord provide the finances that he needs god to take care of his bills oh god he'll brother mccarthy tonight [Music] oh my god he'll body soul and spirit god almighty god almighty oh god here is the body tonight healing is a children's bread god and he's your child heal him tonight lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] we know you are able to handle the toughness of kisses god almighty and this one let me tough for the doctors but it's what a life thing for your god almighty ah [Music] oh god oh my god foreign [Music] god [Music] oh god [Music] jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you for the victory lord because all is wellness done by thee hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord lord as we prepare to leave the spot of ground we pray that the holy ghost of fire the holy ghost's protection the holy ghost anointing will rest upon each and every member of this congregation foreign [Music] lord god i pray for brother nicholas blake wherever he is right now almighty god i pray in the name of jesus christ that the holy ghost will just arrest this spirit almighty [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] oh god [Music] jesus hallelujah jesus have mercy lord have mercy lord god ah mercy mercy jesus [Music] [Applause] oh god [Applause] [Music] oh god jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] oh god jesus whoa whoa [Music] um [Music] you
Channel: King's Chapel United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qCXTvGWOphw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 11sec (8891 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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