King's Chapel UPC Live Stream February 27, 2022 | Sunday Morning Service 2nd Session

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[Music] it's me [Music] to you [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] you [Music] hallelujah is [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time one more time it's me [Music] me [Music] jesus it's all about jesus [Music] lord give me [Music] lord give me [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can't we just offer up some worship right now jesus has god been good hallelujah there's so much to give god thanks for hallelujah we're here to worship him [Music] hallelujah not this time we're all going to pray hallelujah we're going to pray that the lord will have his way hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that he will move amongst us hallelujah that souls will be filled hallelujah your lives will be changed hallelujah jesus let's pray dear lord oh god just want to give you thanks for everything that you've done for the very fact that we're here we're standing only because of your grace and your mercy that kept us throughout this week that kept us throughout the year that kept us through the years hallelujah lord god we just want to offer up our worship lord god unto your name for for who you are lord jesus lord god you see us right now lord god you see your hearts you see your minds lord o god i pray you wash us lord o god touch each and every individual lord god both physically in this building lord god and for those that are under the stone of my voice jesus lord god visit them right now lord o god cleanse them lord o god as you're about to outpour your spirit lord o god your blessing lord o god as you're about to give them a message as you're about to give them a word lord oh god let them be on one accord let them stay in tune with you lord god let no destruction that may come to show them off lord god jesus lord god have your way in the ceremony this morning lord jesus lord god for every person that will be taking part in the program lord o god i pray lord o god that they will avail themselves unto you lord jesus that you may use them lord god that self will be slain jesus lord god we're anticipating a mighty move of god jesus hallelujah and as we this is a build up for the holy ghost rally lord o god the holy ghost rally starts now souls can be saved right now even before the preacher comes on even before the choir sings in this very moment hallelujah lives can be changed souls can be filled hallelujah hallelujah jesus we thank you lord god we thank you jesus for everything that you are doing hallelujah and for everything that you're about to do lord god let today be a day of change a day that we've never seen before a holy ghost rally like no other jesus hallelujah jesus you made the difference lord god and we are trusting you lord god and we believe in you lord god we are having faith hallelujah that you will come through for us lord jesus just like you did on the day of pentecost jesus hallelujah let us all be in one occurred saints touch jesus this morning for yourself can you just lift those hands and offer up some worship jesus just called his name jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and as the theme this morning is receive he the holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah and for many of us who have experienced the holy ghost we know that it has been a life-changing experience hallelujah for many persons that would have been out there in the world hallelujah they give testimonies about when they met a man called jesus and instantly everything changed hallelujah darkness turned into light hallelujah poor turned into rich we turning to pour into strong hallelujah and that is the power of jesus that is the power of the holy ghost hallelujah i can turn your situation around hallelujah and despite all the things that are happening hallelujah and the world we see it on the media hallelujah we just have to trust jesus hallelujah and we need the holy ghost you need the holy ghost if you haven't received the holy ghost you need it hallelujah hallelujah to this morning hallelujah we are going to worship hallelujah we are going to touch god hallelujah we're going to believe that he's going to outpour hallelujah his rich anointing amongst us hallelujah hallelujah at this time hallelujah we'll be having this singing of the hymn hallelujah him 93. the comforter has come hallelujah and that comforter is jesus that comforter is king jesus hallelujah and we're going to sing it with confidence hallelujah that we know that the comforter is here hallelujah hallelujah praise and worship [Music] [Music] [Applause] let us christian dog [Music] [Applause] [Music] wherever [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh is [Music] he goes from heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] every cat [Music] the sauce [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] is oh [Music] birthday [Applause] [Music] oh ah [Music] oh is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah and that is a promise has been given unto us hallelujah hallelujah if you have your bibles could you turn to the book of acts chapter 2 we'll be reading from verse 1 to 21 so that is acts chapter 2 reading from verse 1 to 21. and it reads and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as as of a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance and there were dwellings of jerusalem jews devote men out of every nation under heaven knowing this was noise abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not these which speak galileans and how here we every man in our own tongue where he wearing we were born first theons and meds and elements ill elements and dwellers and mesothopias and judeas and and cap kappa de sotsir and and pontius and asia and the frigates in egypt and in the paris of and in the parts of libya and parts of syria and the strangers of rome jews and the the proselytes creates and the arabians we do hear them speak and other in in our tongues the wonderful works of god and they were all amazed and in inward and were in doubt saying one to another what meaneth this others mocking said these men are full of new wine but peter standing up with eleven lifted up his voice and said unto them he men of judea and all he that dwell in jerusalem be this known unto you and hearken to my words for these are not drunken as he supposed seen it is but the third hour of the day but this is that which has was spoken by the prophet joel and it shall come to pass in the last days said the lord i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and on my servants and on my handmaids and i will pour out those days of thy spirit and they shall prophesy and i will shoe wanders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before that great and noble and notable day of the lord's come and it shall come to pass that who shall call on the name of the lord shall be saved hallelujah hearings a portion of god's holy word hallelujah those who call on the name of the lord shall be saved hallelujah the name of jesus hallelujah not the name of your mother not the name of your father not the name of a policeman or a soldier or even an fbi agent that you might know they can't save you only the name of jesus hallelujah so this morning we're going to offer up some praise and worship hallelujah hallelujah remember the theme is received he the holy ghost hallelujah we are believing that souls will be saved this morning hallelujah going to this afternoon hallelujah i want you in your seats i want you to clap i want you to dance i want you to sing i want you to shout hallelujah especially for those of you who have the holy ghost for persons who are looking on and they're wondering what is this holy ghost show them how the holy ghost operates in your worship this morning so praise and worship we're gonna sing unto the lord hallelujah hallelujah the name of the lord is a strong and mighty tower the name of the lord is the lord is [Music] is [Music] oh oh is is know is keep coming back [Music] together [Music] [Applause] now [Applause] oh hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah if you've received the holy ghost can you do shout out praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah listen if you have the holy ghost and you can't steer still enough hallelujah holy ghost is like a fire inside of you you know if you're on a hot surface you know you can't stay still hallelujah when that holy ghost is burning inside are you you should be dancing you should be singing any opportunity you'll get to worship god you have to activate the holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah because when the enemy comes hallelujah it is the holy ghost that will help you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah at this time we'll be having a testimony hallelujah hallelujah from a young man hallelujah brother dante johnson and he will be giving his testimony on the experience of the holy ghost what it was like hallelujah before and after hallelu and i'm sure many of us have testimonies what our lives were like before god entered hallelujah many of us wondered how is it that me may never did but you had a purpose god saw this very moment hallelujah and your life itself is a testimony so when you go back to your community or you see those persons on the roadside the girls the boys the male the female you can tell them to listen i was in a world of sin once i thought that drinking and partying was fun and it was the right thing but it was not until i met a man called jesus hallelujah and that is the difference hallelujah god makes a difference in our life hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah um praise the lord everyone um it's so good to be in the house of the lord and i'm really thankful that i have life right now and i'm really thankful that i am in the house of the lord because i mean when i look around in the world there are so many things are happening and we can see that the coming of jesus is near and so we can't be be we can't be preparing but we must be ready so that we can be caught up with him uh i remember it was 2020 i was home and i went into the bathroom and i was on youtube and so i was scrolling through and i saw a video on the rapture and i saw a girl the girl was talking about the rupture and she she was talking about the rapture and i began to cry and i just breakdown because i didn't want to be left behind and so i just started crying and after i stopped i came out and i went to my grandmother and i started crying again and i talked to her and she comforted me and you know that i should read my bible and pray so it's like i started you know like before it's like i started deleting apps apps that i used to have one and games and all sorts of things that i used to have and it's like i had a book i make sure that i make sure that i got a book and i started to quote scriptures and write them down and see them and it's like a supernatural feeling because i didn't normally had these desires and i just it just started to come in and i started having these desires so one sunday morning i came and i came because i was so desperate for the holidays because i really wanted oligosan i came out there i came at the front bench and i was waiting for the altar car and when they announced the autocad i didn't hesitate i came right up and right there guard about to fill me with the holy ghost and i'm really thankful i'm glad that i'm here right now i'm doing a work of the lord [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah that is the power of the holy ghost right there hallelujah and many of us would have attached to the fact that the moment that we got saved is as if every certain things became distasteful it's as if you had no desire for it hallelujah and something you said but may never used to love this whenever i used to love go yes someone ever used to love watch this whenever you see light drink this and all of a sudden is as if it becomes distasteful the only thing you want is the word of god the only thing you want is things of god and that is the power of the holy ghost hallelujah i too can give my testimony on my experience of the holy ghost hallelujah as a youngster you know grown in church you know that it's the norm where once the preacher come down just make your way up to the altar let's get the look hallelujah and that was me i remember i used to come up here and he used to be a bit tiresome because i'm like you know hallelujah hallelujah and many of us were young we know these experiences hallelujah was one day when my mom she was talking to me she was giving me the story after rapture about being left behind and i was just picturing everything and i imagine it and i said no no no i don't want to be left behind i don't want to be left behind and that moment i made up in my mind hallelujah i didn't want the holy ghost just for her or for my family but i wanted it for myself because i wanted to make it into heaven hallelujah and i didn't want to be left back on this earth hallelujah so for those of you who are still contemplating hallelujah whether or not if you should get the holy ghost you need it it is a must it is the key hallelujah hallelujah and you don't need somebody to come up here and to try to cheer you on and say come on come on it is evident even down to the baby my very students our students are messing sir you know that the world is going to end and he just came to me and said that and i was like my god look at that they are aware of what is happening it is look up time saints of god for my friends persons online if you haven't received the holy ghost received it today receive it today don't wait until tomorrow don't wait until this evening say i come at the holy ghost rally today right now this very hour hallelujah hallelujah could we all just stand right now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can we just offer up some worship right now jesus jesus i'll spend about a minute or two just to give god some praise right now jesus jesus hallelujah there's power in the name of jesus demons tremble at the name of jesus it is the name of jesus that saves hallelujah it is the name of jesus that will deliver us hallelujah to the name of jesus that you will receive the holy ghost hallelujah it is through the name of jesus that you will get your breakthrough jesus jesus jesus jesus there's just something about [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] after the race jesus jesus [Music] [Music] but there's something [Music] and as the praise and worship sings that song softly we have some prayer requests here hallelujah please pray for sister laureen wallace who is in the cornell regional hospital hallelujah she has kidney problem hallelujah so that's laureen wallace hallelujah hallelujah please pray for jodi on whitlock hallelujah she needs a special prayer she has a special interview tomorrow hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and for anybody that might not be feeling well in body could you just raise your hand it might not even be you but it might be a family member it might be a loved one it might be just a friend you'll be standing in the gap for them this morning so just raise those hands hallelujah by faith hallelujah believing that god will change your situation god will heal them god will show up hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah lord god lord god the king of kings and the lord of lords jesus we come before you once more lord o god you see your people lord o god you see the names lord o god you see jodi and lord of god you see lorraine lord jesus lord god different persons out of god that might have different ailments lord jesus i pray lord o god that you may touch them right now that you may heal them lord o god visit them right now even for the very persons that are online lord jesus visit them right now lord o god touch them whatever pain that they are enduring lord god let it be no more jesus oh god whatever problem they may have with your argon lord oh god whatever issues they may have with their family lord god show up right now lord o god in their dark situation bring them to the light jesus and through this lord of god they will have a full understanding of who you are jesus how powerful you are and that they won't doubt you jesus lord god touch your people lord god heal them lord o god mentally physically spiritually lord oh god touch them lord jesus heal them deliver them lord of god from whatever depression that they are experiencing at this moment jesus hallelujah let them understand that everything is in you and that they can tell it to you jesus hallelujah they just have to call upon your name hallelujah so that call upon your name it is those that will be saved hallelujah let them lead to you let them not lean to their own understanding let them trust in your word lord god jesus we thank you lord god and we believe in you we thank you lord jesus and we thank you lord god for the holy ghost lord o god that you've given to us lord jesus and we also thank you lord god for the many lives out of god for the many testimonies of healing of deliverance lord jesus that we will be hearing shortly lord god we thank you lord jesus there's just something about that name there's just something about that name jesus oh god we thank you lord god jesus there's something there's just something [Music] hallelujah hallelujah may be seated hallelujah there's us something about that name hallelujah hallelujah that name makes demons tremble hallelujah hallelujah if you look in the physical world hallelujah sometimes when they hear the last name of some persons your eye open instantly and say them rich them come from rich family yeah man them have it but we have the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah so we are royalty saints of god we are royalty hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and for that we have to give god thanks hallelujah this time we'll be doing all welcome hallelujah hallelujah and do we have any first-time visitors visitors visiting with us this morning hallelujah if it's your first time in king's chapel could you just stand and we may acknowledge you hallelujah first second third hallelujah don't be shy hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah okay so if it's your first time in king's chapel on today's win february 20 27 22 if it's your first time in the sanctuary could you stand i don't think they understand if it's your first time so everybody should be standing isn't it your first time in the house of the lord for today hallelujah we should all be standing everybody stand up stand up stand up stand up it is a new day it's a new sunday hallelujah we've never seen this very hour before hallelujah and for that we are welcoming you santiago for pastor pastor frank keller his wife the church board all the members of king's chapel hallelujah just wanted to feel welcome and feel free to worship as we sing our welcome song we are happy to see [Music] [Music] we are happy to see you be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed come on come on everybody be blessed come on [Music] everybody be blessed [Music] [Music] hallelujah be blessed hallelujahness want to make special welcome to gareth hemmings and shanida hemmings if you're in the house you do the shout out praise come on man don't be shy let's go can you show the praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah welcome to king's chapel hallelujah hollow is a wonderful privilege just to have you you may be seated hallelujah hallelujah this time we'll be having our announcement hallelujah hallelujah so the schedule for sunday february 20 and sunday february 27th for first shift that's the 8 30 to 10 30 a.m slot for persons with surnames beginning with b c w r g j f p e n v x and z all right those persons should be on the first shift hallelujah you can check the notice board for remind us hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah there won't be any oh oh one serve oh okay all right so stan corrected so so for i believe since next week all right so it's one shift and these persons are invited so so let me repeat so it's b c w r g j f p e n v x and z all right those persons are required to come out next week hallelujah so you can check the notice boards hallelujah for your reminders hallelujah hallelujah can somebody say holy ghost rally come on better than that can somebody show it holy ghost rally hallelujah hallelujah holy ghost rally will be this evening starting at six and we go up to nine hallelujah we're anticipating a mighty move of god hallelujah we're expecting souls to be saved hallelujah so we're imploring each and every person to come out hallelujah altar workers musicians choir stars hallelujah the saints and all are invited hallelujah hallelujah so we're looking forward to an awesome time in holy ghost rally this evening hallelujah there won't be any youth service this tuesday hallelujah hallelujah um prior meeting hallelujah the prior meeting will be held in the sanctuary that is on thursday that's 10 a.m to 12 15 hallelujah there'll be no bible study though all right so please make note of that and you can also check the notice board hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah home prior meetings starts say 5 a.m um to go up to 6 a.m and 10 p.m to 11 p.m each day please continue to pray with your family hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so we're looking forward to holy ghost rally this evening hallelujah saints there are many persons that are crying out there are many persons who want jesus hallelujah hallelujah and we are going to have to be there to assist them hallelujah in encouraging them so if you have a visitor if you have a neighbor hallelujah that you know is not saved hallelujah don't be shy invite him or her to holy ghost rally this evening hallelujah this style the accent or osha's just to make their way to the altar hallelujah amen just to make a correction there um next week sunday which is the 6th of march for the entire month of march we'll be starting our sunday school eight o'clock next week sunday okay and then we have one service on sunday morning so the next service will be at 6 00 pm in the evening and this is for the month of march we'll definitely make some changes as we go along as we get the announcements from the government but to let you know sunny school 8 a.m next week sunday morning and uh we start our morning worship a little bit later at 10 o'clock so please adjust to these announcements or stream will not start at 8 30 it will start at 10 00 a.m all right okay brethren so the the the letters that brother raymond read all right those whose name surname start with those letters um you will be in service sunday morning all right the next list that he has there which we'll give that out i think the s started s you'll come on the 13th all right okay is that clear no this is us for one month we're gonna make the adjustments as you go along so that's what we're going to be having next week sunday's school at eight o'clock all right is that clear i just want to make it clear so we all understand all right hallelujah okay the lord bless you hallelujah hallelujah could we all stand as we collect today's offering hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm just going to ask sister carr just to bless the offering for us my yes [Music] in jesus name hallelujah we'll be marching hallelujah as our prayers and words were as our prayers on worship leads us in worship hallelujah hallelujah something got a hold on me oh yes it is [Music] one night and my heart was [Music] oh [Music] oh i went to a meeting one night oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] a woman [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] she oh my jesus is coming when are you ready or not again is [Applause] hey oh praise the lord oh is oh is oh i'm too near to my heavenly home to turn but no hallelujah look how many prayers i'm fasting you put in hallelujah for you to turn but no no no no no no hallelujah we are this close saints of god we're this close we cannot turn back that is not an option not an option hallelujah remember where god brought us from hallelujah hallelujah this earth is not our home our home is in heaven and we are so close hallelujah we cannot turn back hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus and at this time hallelujah i'll be having the word for this morning this afternoon hallelujah i will be coming to you by a young man that i really admire hallelujah how he worships how he prays hallelujah that's how he lives for god hallelujah hallelujah as i invite brother germain wright hallelujah i want you guys just to pray him up hallelujah hallelujah i want he has to worship and even while he's ministering the word in your seat right now you can receive the holy ghost even at home you can receive the holy ghost you don't have to wait on the altar appeal hallelujah right where you are is an altar and it's just for you to touch god this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah brother germain hallelujah hallelujah [Music] jesus [Music] and earth shall [Music] pass jesus [Music] jesus [Music] um [Music] [Applause] go away [Music] us [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] one more time jesus never feels [Music] [Music] [Applause] heaven and earth one more time [Music] praise the lord everyone praise god you know um i greet you all in jesus name praise god thank you very much brother raymond i agree with our pastor pastor frank kelly and jesus name his wife sister adrian kelly all the saints all the ministers respected offices in jesus name isn't god good praise god you know i want to go in the word you know i'm not very much of a singer but you know the lord has placed a little song in my heart you know and bound in sin [Music] entangled therein that was my portion forever to be [Music] then jesus came and died in my step so life can be mine eternally cries to receive if you believe [Music] there's no other name under the heavens whereby man can be saved [Music] oh what the price it caused to redeem the blood of christ the blood of christ that's so fuesti [Music] while he was bleeding he was their pleading father forgive what they do [Music] hallelujah are we thankful for the redemptive power of the lord are we thankful that if it had not been for the lord who was on our side let the church now say that if it had not been for the lord who was on our side that the children of god now say if it had not been for the lord who was on our side where would we be hallelujah are you thankful this morning hallelujah great is his faithfulness hallelujah if you're by the bibles could you please turn with me to two portions of scripture we'll be reading the book of joel 2 verses 32 2 28-32 and the book of romans 4 9-13 so that's joel 2 we'll be reading from verses 28 to 32 and romans 4 we'll be reading verse 9 to 30. when you find it please say amen amen and it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions and also upon the servants and upon the unmaids in those days will i pour out my spirit and i will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the lord come and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the of the lord shall be delivered for in mount zion and in jerusalem shall be deliverance as the lord hath said and in the and in the remnant whom the lord shall call hallelujah can we say whomsoever whosoever call on the name of the lord shall be delivered amen romans 4. verses 9 to 13. amen commit this blessedness then upon the circumcision only or upon the uncircumcision also for we say that faith was reckoned to abraham for righteousness how was it then reckoned when he was in circumcision or in uncircumcision not in circumcision but in uncircumcision and he received a sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of faith which he had yet been uncircumcised that he might be the father of all them that believe though they be not circumcised that righteousness might be imputed unto them also and the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only but who also walk in the steps of that fate of our father abraham which he had been yet uncircumcised for the promise that he should be the ear of the world was not to abraham or to his seed through the law but through the righteousness of faith lord jesus we pray this morning for your direction we ask this afternoon for your lead leading lord you and i know that i'm nothing but as you use nothing to make something in the beginning why don't you use nothing to do something today one use me lord as a divine conduit for your glory oh for it's not by might nor by power but it's by your spirit oh father we declare healing and deliverance so father over this house oh lord for the word of the lord is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even the dividing a son of joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart oh father lord god almighty reach that one soul deliver that one soul heal that one soul in jesus name we pray and let everybody say amen in jesus name praise god hallelujah praise the lord everyone so if i were to give this little exhortation or topic it would be the promise the promise i understand that our theme today is receiving the holy ghost and so we'll be talking about the promise amen praise god the bible admonishes us to walk in the steps of that faith of our father abraham you see abraham is a unique figure because abraham was the progenitor or the father of those who would be faithful to god he was the first man to step out out of his comfort zone brother virgo to pursue god and so even our salvation even what we believe today has roots in abraham you know many times we called acts and we called joel but we don't know that it's deeper than oxen joel you see if abraham were here today abraham would have been would have repented and he would have baptized in jesus name and he would have been filled with god's spirit god saw the man's faith and saw that it transcended time and space that this man is so faithful that often times we look at the fact that god called him and he stepped out of er of the calories and you know we think that that is why the lord said that you know god imputed righteousness unto him but not so there was something that god did or abraham did hallelujah in in genesis chapter 15 that is emblematic of what we do today you see when abraham abraham's wife was barren you know sarah could not have any children and we must admire sometimes the humorous side of god because abram cannot have any children and god changed his name from abram to abraham from exalted father to father of multitudes and he doesn't have a seed i tell you that god sees the end from the beginning and even though you're buried now god will hallelujah i wonder if anybody believes the lord i wonder if we understand or powerful a promise from god is has god ever made you any promise and it seems as if god is seen as if he forgot about it and just as a time when you were about to give up then he showed himself strong and delivered you nobody can accuse god right now of being a liar so god called the man sister kellier father of multitudes so abraham went to god in genesis 15 and he said god you have promised me that you know i shall be father of multitudes but i have no seed for myself and the ear of my house or the person who will inherit everything that i have is my servant eliezer and the lord said that not so the lord i wanted to go out in the morning and i wanted to look at the signs on the seashore and i wanted to start cold and when you stop cold so shall thy seed be and when night come and you become forgetful and you're struggling with faith i want you to go and look up in the sky and count the stars if you can't count all of them so shall i see me i cannot start county of lessons name them one by one it will surprise you sister milo what the lord has done and the bible said that abraham believed the lord as a before taught that believed the lord wasn't mental ascent i'm going to tell you why he really believed the lord the lord said i wanted to get an effort or a female cow of one year old i wanted to get a ram of a year old i wanted to get a charitable and a pigeon and the bible says that he divided hallelujah the cow and he divided the ram but you're not supposed to divide the birds so he rung off their heads what was abraham doing abraham was enjoining a covenant with god if you want to understand how covenants were enacted read jeremiah 38 verse 18 when the lord talks about the man who had broken his covenant when they cut the calf in twain and passes and passed between the pieces of flesh thereof that was called a proxidate a substitute that abraham started it he never started in the law 430 years before law abraham was doing precedent so when he did that the bible says a chance and an arrow of great darkness came upon abraham and he lied between the pieces and the bible says that the spirit of the lord and the fire of the lord passed between the pieces and abraham made a covenant with god what happened there sister miller there was a debt and there was a burial and 15 years after every god gave abraham the covenant of circumcision what is that it's a type you see before there was ever a physical death and a physical burial and a resurrection abraham did that typologically and that is why he was called the father of the faithful and so we see joel joel catch the vision caught the vision and he says that in the last days said god this same spirit that passed between the pieces will fall upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your own man shall see visions your young men shall dream dreams also upon the servants and the odd maiden will i pour out this same spirit and as isaiah caught the vision in isaiah 28 verse 9 and says to whom shall he teach knowledge and to whom shall he cause to know doctrine then that are weaned from the milk them that are drawn from the stall why for a precept shall be upon precept priesthood upon precept line upon line hear a little and hear a little why for in stammering lips and another tongue will he speak under his people what was he talking about the holy ghost of promise it's the same promise this thing you know pastor i often wonder how people have church without the holy ghost i don't know how they do it can you imagine having church without holy ghost we need the presence of the lord otherwise you're having dolly hosts and socials not not not church not church not church when church when god is in the church god must be seen so there was a debt which is repentance there was a burial water baptism and there was a resurrection wherein also you were circumcised with the circumcision made without hands by the putin of the filth of the flesh and so before the advent of the messiah after joel prophesied everybody was looking forward to this holy ghost and god sent a forerunner before himself called john and he said i baptize you with water but there's one coming whose fan is in his hand and he shall purge every floor he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire does anybody need the holy ghost and fire this morning do you want the holy ghost and fire i'm not convinced and so after the lord had ascended praise god and he told the disciples to go to the opera room to wait on the promise of the father the same promise and when they waited just on the 50th day 50 days after passover sister kellier is the pentacles offering and on that same day the holy ghost came and there was a mighty wind and it filled all the house in which they were sitting and there was clothing tongues like as a fire that fell upon each of them you know there's something about the holy ghost that are the day of pentecost in the bible that i think sometimes we overlook you see in isaiah 61 the bible giving a prophecy of the messiah's coming says that the spirit of the lord is upon me because he had anointed me to preach good tidings unto me he has sent me to bring deliverance to the captive and the opening of the prison for those who are bowed and to comfort all that mourn you see there was another feast called the feast of jubilee and the jubilee was every 50 years and i believe that on that day of pentecost it was a jubilee because that's what the holy ghost did you were in bondage of sin and he delivered you you were in prison of sin and he delivered you oh my god i want can i see the hands of those who have been delivered can we stand and worship the lord when you're delivered you cannot be quiet when you're delivered you're on fire jesus hallelujah jesus second double shot hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah this is hallelujah hallelujah if you're if you're a visitor and you're asking why are they so excited ah these are not drunken with wine as you suppose it's just after 12 but this is that which was broken by the prophets hallelujah jesus this is the promise of the father this is the promise of the father hallelujah thank you jesus so the bible says on the day of pentecost repent acts 2 30 and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and he shall receive the holy ghost hallelujah but there are those who say that do i need to or question do i need to baptize in jesus name considering that matthew 28 verse 19 says that you know go in therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost do i have any teachers in here any teachers here today just indicate any teacher who teaches english sister virgo i believe you probably taught english sometimes you know mathematics anybody who teaches english could you please stand praise god so let's let us see if we can dissect the scripture go he therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of that's a proposition right the father that's no longer just a proposition but adjectival propositional first right off the sun and off the holy ghost if i were to ask you are you an english teacher or a teacher of english you would say you're a teacher of english because if i were to say your english teacher it would suggest that you are a teacher from the country of england but you have to rephrase that and say no i'm a jamaican teacher who teaches the language of english amen so in the name of we don't know the name it the father whoever has this name is a father in the name of the son whoever has this name is a son and a father in the name of the holy spirit whoever has this name is both a father a son and a holy spirit but what is his name what is his name i tell you if you don't have his name today you're invited to come and put it on if you don't have the name you're invited to come and put it on hallelujah acts 4 verse 12 wherefore neither is their salvation in any other thank you very much teachers neither is their salvation in any other from the name of for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved if you want that name today come to the altar all those who don't have that name this morning come to the altar i'm inviting you to come just forget about pride and shame and come to the altar pastor it's him as if they didn't hear me everybody here has the name are you trying to convince me that everybody here is baptizing jesus then i dare you to step out in the aisle and see if god no filler with his spirit just step out in the aisle by faith and watch my god word hallelujah jesus this is the rest wearing it cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing hallelujah for with stammering lips and another tongue hallelujah hallelujah jesus come unto me only that labor and evaluator and i will give you rest this is the rest not a physical refrain from work the holy spirit is god's rest come for the rest hallelujah jesus [Applause] god care and tired so god ceased from his word if you don't have the holy ghost could you please come to the altar see him as if i need to sing lord i'm gonna be a teacher this morning and say you in the red can you just come to the altar let us pray for you hallelujah jesus hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty you are free to come hallelujah you are free to come come and receive of the lord the promise of the father hallelujah who can never shut up receive the promise of the father hallelujah jesus hallelujah can you just lift your hands to the lord my dear sister hallelujah can you lift your hands to the lord and worship the lord hallelujah jesus whosoever call upon the name of the lord shall be saved hallelujah my god cannot lie hallelujah jesus i couldn't do but i'm just asking sisterhood so can you lay your hands on hallelujah with your sister right here hallelujah jesus ah this is the rest this is the rest this is the refreshing this is it this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel hallelujah jesus it's a gift receive it hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah lord hallelujah jesus [Music] oh lord hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah questions quiesters hallelujahs yes there's power in the name of jesus yes yes yes call upon the name of the lord there is power in the name of jesus here is power in the name of jesus stupid courage to break every chance to break and preaching yes yes yes yes there is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to break every chain to break everything break every check to break every day is power in the name of jesus [Music] of jesus [Music] there it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] rising [Music] is [Music] break every chance [Music] rising [Applause] thank you jesus i want those in the congregation who has the holy ghost i have a burden for souls i want you to draw closer hallelujah you want to want us to join together let's take it down a little bit take it a little bit goes in the congregation and you have the holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah a burden of our souls hallelujah you want to see these persons grilled hallelujah you want to see them give their life to the lord i want you to come closer hallelujah so we can join together and pray for them hallelujah thank you jesus yes hallelujah come and help us hallelujah to pray for them hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you thank you thank you so much hallelujah we want to see them feel like the lord fill us the lord is here to fill them the word has already gone forth is the promise of the father to fill them hallelujah and run it over come on thank you lord hallelujah he's here he's here to fill us up hallelujah and if you need a refreshing the holy ghost is here to refresh us thank you lord hallelujah thank you yes hallelujah hallelujah we're here to pray with you hallelujah thank you jesus yes hallelujah every person here lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's take it down a little bit we're going to pray i want us all to pray let's take it down a little bit and then we can pick it up back hallelujah we're going to be praying everybody for these persons who are the altar the word of god is written it is settled forever he said in the last days he would pour out his spirit upon all flesh amen and here we are hallelujah we can all we have an initial feeling for those who have not yet received but we can all be refreshed at this moment hallelujah thank you lord and those who are the altar i want you to open up your heart i want you to ask the lord to forgive you amen hallelujah and tell him that you want him to fill you with the holy ghost hallelujah we are going to pray everybody across this building praying for those who are here even those who are online because god is able to fill them too hallelujah with his spirit hallelujah if you are online i want you to lock in hallelujah as we pray for you let's unite our voices in prayer everybody even those are online father we thank you here we are we give you the praise and we give her the glory and we thank you so much for another opportunity that you have given us hallelujah to collectively gather oh great one hallelujah we stand in jesus name and by the blood of jesus hallelujah upon the authority hallelujah of your name hallelujah hallelujah upon the authority of your word living god hallelujah hallelujah you are able to do it hallelujah able to fill us able to refresh us able hallelujah to bring back sliders to their senses we look to you at this moment we thank you for the angels we thank you for your presence we thank you for the anointing that destroys york's hallelujah and causes padlock of the enemy to fall off father i bleed the blood touch the heart of those who are here those hallelujah who are here to receive of your spirit that their hearts will be in total surrender unto you oh god we come against distractions we come against the conspiracy of the enemy we declare that no weapon formed against us it will not work it cannot prosper and every tongue has risen up against us in judgment it is condemned o great and mighty one every knowledge that exalted itself against the knowledge of god fall in the name of jesus christ hallelujah and we bring every thought to the obedience of god almighty in the name of jesus christ oh god we extend our faith we extend our faith in your word hallelujah hallelujah for faith commit by hearing and hearing by the word of god holy ghost fall upon us holy ghost move among us across by your spirit like the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters move upon your people in this building those who are online we thank you for the angels holy mercendes messicato he send us we give the praise and the glory with the glory and we plead the blood arose hallelujah and are flying hallelujah cannot touch us that has risen up in the noonday we come against it now we find it now in the name of jesus christ hallelujah glory to god hallelujah amen yes oh yes hallelujah hallelujah continue hallelujah to sing hallelujah thank you lord jesus oh thank you jesus oh thank you jesus we praise you we praise you we praise you hallelujah thank you hallelujah yes lord all over this building for your kingdom is near and your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom we turn our minds to you thank you jesus we are in your presence fill us with your power words [Music] [Laughter] hallelujah [Music] [Music] change [Music] [Music] live inside [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] take every single one of us [Music] us with your power live inside of me you're the living [Music] love you're welcome in this place hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] never try and bounce [Music] [Applause] hallelujah welcome holy spirit we are in your presence yes [Music] you're the living world [Music] hallelujah take complete control welcome holy spirit hallelujah you're welcome in this place we are in your presence [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you lord jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] is [Music] again [Music] oh yes lord jesus [Music] i am until [Music] hallelujah yes lord hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah every person here hallelujah oh yes lord oh god i thank you [Music] my thank you jesus hallelujah come on [Music] come on this is not strange for us hallelujah i surrender come on [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on yes [Music] you're almighty one angel's power hallelujah we worship lift you up hallelujah all to be oh [Music] [Applause] hallelujah jesus hallelujah that person's here reaching out hallelujah divine yes yes [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] to my soul [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] bless at jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] me with me lord hallelujah [Music] the name of jesus [Applause] hallelujah me [Music] [Music] my heart [Music] i went to a meeting one night [Music] you want to be baptized in jesus name hallelujah the water is struggling hallelujah you can be baptized hallelujah hallelujah if you want to get baptized hallelujah please come about i went to a meeting one night and my heart wasn't right something got a hold of me [Music] i went to a meeting one night and my heart wasn't right something got a hold of me yes i went to a meeting one night [Music] hallelujah hallelujah yes the holy ghost is here to fill you up hallelujah oh yes yes every chain must be broken i went to a meeting one night and my heart [Music] holy ghost one night and my heart me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] when you when you watch [Music] when you wash me when you wash me when you wash me look what jesus said when he watched me when he washed me the blood of the lambs [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] is [Music] he's here to fill us up [Music] yes just like the bible says i've been to the water and i've been baptized [Music] amen amen is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] let's praise him come on let us praise him praise him praise him thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] he's about to get baptized hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah glory to god hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus aven aren't you grateful hallelujah nathan nine years old is gonna be baptized today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah brother and sister campbell's son glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus we are going to be praying for him we're gonna be praying for him amen hallelujah before he goes down in the name of the lord and if there's anybody else here you would desire to get baptized please come so that we can baptize you hallelujah and we are going to ask him to give his testimony i want to get baptized so i can walk with jesus i i can go wherever with him and when the rapture come i can praise him he wants to get baptized because he wants to walk with jesus he can go everywhere with him and when the rapture comes he can praise him because why he wants to be going up with the lord jesus hallelujah we're going to be praying for him everybody let's unite our voices in prayer father we thank you father we give you praise we give you glory we give your honor for this blessed day hallelujah you're in the saving business hallelujah hallelujah it is not your will for any to perish but you want everybody to come to repentance and even now lord god almighty we pray in accordance with the blueprint for nathan campbell's life oh god almighty we pray that your word will come to pass as you pounded that your word will come to pass as you've said it concerning nathan oh god almighty i pray o god that everything that he's supposed to do in this earth hallelujah that it will be done and we say it shall be done oh god almighty we believe your word we believe your report hallelujah i pray that you'll be a beacon of light to many salt light wherever he goes that his tongue will be hallelujah on fire for you that he will declare it wherever he goes hallelujah at school oh god thank you for your mark mark him hallelujah thank you for the impression of your blood upon him we declare the name of jesus and the glory of god and even as he rise he'll rise speaking in tongues from the watery grave in the name of jesus [Music] thank you hallelujah my god hallelujah thank you thank you lord oh my god thank you nathan upon the confession of your faith nathan campbell upon the confession of your faith and you believe in the lord jesus christ i will now baptize you in the name of the lord jesus christ for the remission of your sins that as you arise from this watery grave you will rise to walk in the newness of life and to receive the gift of the holy ghost i now baptize you in the name of the lord jesus christ thank you jesus oh we praise you we praise you thank you for it yes hallelujah [Music] [Music] fire fire fire fire fire throwing the souls on fire when the source on fire [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah for the entrance of your spirit oh yes hallelujah hallelujah [Music] ghost hallelujah down hallelujah [Music] [Music] on [Music] yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] zion [Music] hallelujah the holy ghost is here to fill us up hallelujah come on hallelujah yes lord we'll be leaving for her every individual every woman every boy every girl hallelujah in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah yes hallelujah you're worthy to be praised hallelujah [Music] [Music] i said holy ghost calm down the power have you received the power since you believe have you received the power receive the holy ghost power [Music] the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost you
Channel: King's Chapel United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 7sec (8287 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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