Eighth ELTTech webinar series Teaching visual literacy to enhance students' critical thinking skills

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome to today's webinar as you already know i'm miss mariela condorena i am so happy to be here again with you i'm sure that today we'll have a great webinar with a great speaker and welcome again to this eighth webinar of english language teaching and technology so dear teachers please don't forget to follow us remember that you can find us on facebook whatsapp we have our telegram or you can subscribe on our youtube channel or you can follow us on tik tok and now we are going to check some instructions that you have to consider in order to participate in this webinar the first instruction is please type your questions uh in the comments section the answers to your questions and comments will be replied by our guest speaker at the end of the webinar in the question time section and about the exit ticket today we have a special instructions please uh pay attention uh this is after after the the question and answer section we will share a link for you to have to the exit ticket which will be available for a in this case only for today for 10 minutes okay only today and now we have um the information about who is our guest speaker can you introduce him dear su la mita hello suli hello miss mariela hello english teachers welcome to our eighth webinar it's a pleasure for me to introduce our guest speaker for today's webinar this webinar is presented by michael navarro michael is a passionate language teacher and teacher trainer who is constantly looking for ways to enhance his teaching skills he has taken different methodology and training courses such as elt therefore train the trainer as well as international examinations such as tkt court ticket clear fc he is currently teaching adults and teenagers in a prestigious institute based in the usa michael regularly conducts training online by a webinars and also helps educators embrace technology in their lessons the topic of this webinar is teaching visual literacy to enhance students critical thinking skills we are really happy to have you here again dear michael welcome and the audience is all yours thank you so much for that lovely introduction uh once again it's a pleasure to be here it's a pleasure to share a bit of my experience you know um about this topic which is visual literacy i know this topic might be new for some of us right um but i'm fairly sure at some point in our lives we have all applied uh visual literacy in our classroom so thank you so much and one more time i i really like you know this kind of spaces in which teachers can share in this case their ideas their thoughts and their reflections right and before we start with the training session yes i would like to know in this case if you can all hear me and see me properly yes i'm gonna read your comments in the comment section yes below so i think that chat box is a nice way to exchange ideas and to share in this case different resources activities so i want you to type in the chat box if you can hear me and see me properly yes let's see i can see that i can see some teachers saying yes yes perfectly everything is clear fantastic very good so in the same way i'm expecting teachers to share their thoughts and ideas and comments and every time i ask a question um you should be willing to answer my questions right and because the chat books is so enriching i can learn from you and everybody can learn from each other there is always room for improvement great very good so without further ado we can start and i would like to ask you as i always i always start my classes with feeling skills right i like to know how you're feeling today so in this case i decided to put different cats as you can see there are 12 pictures showing different emotions so can you please type in the chat box which of these cats represent you best i'm gonna start for example in my case i am feeling like number one because i will be sharing you know my knowledge and sharing new activities with the elt community with english teachers in peru so that's how i am feeling what about you can you please speak only one and maybe justify your opinion why are you feeling that way i can see martha set number seven we have number nine we have number twelve number six one twelve twelve that's good okay i can see a lot of teachers who are really excited you know to learn uh and i'm fairly sure you're going to take a take away a lot of resources and activities from this session so let's begin let's begin okay so in this case it's 2022 time passes quickly to be honest and you know you have decided to start with a new book with a chorus book okay so you open your course book you open your course book and you see this picture in your course book now if you see this picture in your course book my question is what would you do with this image would you just skip the picture that you have in your course book would you utilize the image what would you do with this image if you see this picture in your course book so i want to know your thoughts your ideas in the chat books would you actually use the image would you just skip it and continue with the lesson or what would you do i want you to give me some ideas let's see martha said sure i will use it will myself teacher i would ask students to describe what is happening in the picture very good nice thank you stella estella said that she would use this picture especially to talk about feelings right i like that i like that very good nice describe describe the picture yes talking i would talk about feelings feelings okay personal information perhaps okay yes i would ask my students to describe the boy okay excellent nice nice ideas very good talk about emotions ask students how they feel now any problems okay great nice ideas very good so let's go right here there are many ways on how you can use this image right and i'm glad that all of you said that you would use it because that's the idea we need to exploit images fully right what i always do is to create a speech bubble so i'm gonna create a speech bubble right here and i often ask my students what do you think the kid is saying [Music] what do you think the kid might be saying so teachers let's try to be creative what do you think the kid is saying now in order to promote a bit of communication i will also give students some speaking prompts right for example you can say oh especially if the students are speculating or if the students are not that short about their ideas you can provide them with these phrases like oh i might be wrong but i think it seems to me that perhaps maybe so you are giving students the language right they can use these phrases so that you can facilitate communication and they are more likely to give their ideas they are speculating so teachers i would like to know your thoughts on this what do you think the kids might be saying remember as i said before you need to participate as much as i can let's see ah okay very good nice i can see i don't know where i am that's interesting very good uh-huh uh what else the boy seems to be scared worried upset uh-huh great oh i like that one what is my mom nobody understands me says sofia perfect it seems to me that the boy is anxious oh nice nice adjectives i'm scared and lost and why do you think this kid seems to be scared or anxious so you continue asking the students questions and questions and questions and the more questions you ask the better because you're exploiting the image you want to make students participate and you can do that you can promote a lot of discussion just by showing one image one simple picture yes so actually teachers i've taken this picture from a youtube video remember that we're going to talk about visual literacy i will tell you in a moment what visual literacy is but i'm going to show you this video and let's try to confirm our predictions you said that he is lost so let's confirm that i'm gonna play the video okay and i want you to think about this let me just put it here yes so teachers i'm gonna play the video and i want you to answer these questions what is the purpose of the video how did the video make you feel and most importantly since this is a training session how could you use this video in your class and what kind of discussions do you think you might be having with your students yes so i'm gonna play the video but don't forget to answer these questions what is the purpose of the video what kind of discussions might you be having with your students so are you ready can i play the video yes so let's begin let me play the video here yes and let's begin [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] great okay very good excellent so now teachers can you please give me some feedback what was the purpose of the video how did the video make you feel and as i said before how could you use this video in class so i will be reading your comments let's see oh very good the boy felt disappointed yes technology okay uh-huh that is actually one of the topics you might be discussing with your students uh-huh technology that's it very good to make people make people aware okay of the use of technology to raise awareness uh-huh that's true very good excellent yes this video explains that technology can be in this case detrimental or bad for people um exactly the lack of social interaction perhaps very good yes we have to use technology wisely perfect nice ideas teachers uh-huh very good jenny jenny would use this video to make students reflect on how much time they spend in front of a screen that is perfect you see how a video can make and generate in this case discussion look at all these opinions that we have in the chat books oh carmen said everybody's trapped in using technology especially cell phones you see when i used this video in my class the first time i used this video the students were shocked they said teacher this video reflects the reality and my students were even more aware in this case of how much time they were spending you know in front of a screen they started to time themselves and to monitor how much time they were spending because the video was so deep right and next to after we watch this video i put some follow-up questions because that topic was related to technology the use of cell phones so videos can be used as lit inks remember that a lid in um is basically used at the beginning of a lesson especially to introduce the theme of a topic right yes the theme of a lesson right introduce your topic in other words and it was really good the students were so engaged in this case i teach teenagers and adults right and this is one of the topics you know that they find really interesting so i decided to use this video for that purpose i use these images these videos just to promote discussion to make students um develop their communication skills because they were eager to participate yes they know um about this topic they have a lot of information right about this topic and i used in this case the lower order questions i started with questions like oh what can you see what is going on in this picture so i went from lower order questions to higher order questions like why how why are people using cell phones how can our lives change without cell phones and i was able to make students reflect but at the same time students um were able to use their critical thinking skills right especially with these questions with a why question with how question you allow students to think deeply and to think critically right so a nice video that you can use maybe at the beginning of a lesson or maybe if the video is connected um to your topic you can use it so what is visual literacy now let me give you the basic definition the basic definition of visual literacy is the ability to understand to comprehend read and to use images right in parenthesis what do i mean by read when i say reach i mean to understand images to comprehend images and what do i mean by right images when students graphically when students um create in this case their own images their own videos right now visual literacy is about language communication and interaction visual media is a linguistic tool with which we communicate exchange ideas and navigate our complex world and that's true um we all have a cell phone and let's be honest we all scroll on social media right many teenagers teachers do right uh we spend time maybe watching videos on tik tok right instagram drills youtube videos right and we are being bombarded with so many images and information that is you know that people are creating every single day and i've seen even some teachers who create videos yes for example me i like to create videos i like to create content right and i also consume um in this case the media you know i consume different videos i watch movies right so we are in this case visually literate because we consume a lot of information now something that i love in this case using in my classes is this memes i like to use memes but it's great to see that some students are able to understand me faster than others and this is because some students consume more information than others and you will see that some students will quickly uh in this case understand you know the the meaning of mean or what i mean is trying to say however in the case of other students they might take a while to understand the picture especially with teenagers young adults right they can easily understand memes as soon as i show them the pictures they are able to tell me their interpretations and i've done the same with adults and they seem to take a bit longer you know to understand pictures is it because of generations is it because maybe they don't consume as many videos as the younger generation probably right but i like to use these kind of visuals memes videos so what about you teachers what kind of visuals do you use in your classroom i already gave you two examples memes and videos but what else what kind of visuals do you use in your classroom let's see let's see i'm reading your comments so let's see very good nice uh-huh oh charts perfect very good what other visuals do you use features we have charts infographics perfect very good yes uh-huh what else can you please provide me with more ideas let's see perfect flashcards photos short videos stories uh-huh very good nice videos on youtube perfect like the one i showed before uh realia very good means emojis quotes thank you noelia glad to see you here organizers different materials very good cue cards short stories perfect postcards nice you see very good teachers so you are exploiting images you want your students to be visually literate mm-hmm but it's not only about showing pictures uh teaching visual literacy goes beyond that it's about maybe the questions you ask like what is going on right here right you want to ask the right questions to your students so that they can uh share their thoughts they can convey their thoughts they can voice their ideas right comic strips perfect fantastic thanks for sharing that nice so let me show you in this case some simple visual literacy skills like science you walk you go out and you will probably come across these signs we can easily understand or read these signs as we comprehend it these are examples of simple visual literacy skills the signs that we see on the street we can easily understand comprehend read these signs however something that we must remember is that there are different types of viewing strategies we have active viewing strategies and we also have passive viewing strategies we're going to see that in a minute when i say passive viewing strategies it's basically a person who sits on the sofa and that person is watching you know movies yes it's watching movies maybe tv series you know like um binge watching in this case tv shows but when we talk about active viewing strategies the person is doing something with that video with those visuals for example interpret the video evaluate the video compare the video to other videos have in depth discussions about the things in the video carry out further research about the themes these are the viewing strategies that we want to promote in our classroom because as we said before we can show a picture to the student but are we really exploiting the image in order to do that you need to include this you need to make students interpret evaluate to think critically to promote discussions right to do maybe research so that is our main goal now as i said before i will be showing you some practical ideas on how you can exploit images i will be giving you some examples and maybe you can hopefully you can take away some of the ideas that i will be sharing with you today now some teachers say um is it possible to teach visual literacy to children or to young learners and the answer is yes of course it's going to depend a lot on the content you're showing or you're sharing with that student maybe if you are teaching adults or teenagers you can show them a piece of art yes um maybe if you're teaching in this case young learners you can show them a simple picture like this they can easily understand what is going on here and you can ask them in this case hey i want you to spot the differences i want you to find similarities and differences between the pictures so visual literacy my point is that visual literacy can be utilized at any level at any age so we have the chance in this case to use visual literacy with different students yes if you're teaching young learners adults teenagers you can still use it okay and this is one activity that i like can you please spot some differences between these two pictures let's see can you help me what differences can you see let's try to test your visual literacy skills can you please identify your spot the differences go ahead please i will be reading your comments different colors just says joseline very good uh-huh what else what other differences can you see between these two photographs let's see oh the treasure yeah that's true in the first picture i can see a treasure however in the second one i cannot see a treasure the color of the fish yeah that's true uh-huh that's true very good the distance very good the distance of the trees uh-huh okay perfect different animals okay very good yes the clouds perfect the shapes you see so your young your young students can easily do that yes so that's the point i encourage you to make use of these resources these visuals that you can easily find on the internet the keywords are spot the difference activities and you will see loads of examples this is not the only one you can easily search on google spot the difference esl and you will see loads of examples that you can use with your students okay perfect thank you carmen there is no grab in the first picture that is true yes great another activity that i like using is called then and now i like this activity because the students can compare and contrast you know the pictures in this case the items that we have do you remember those days in which um people used to use this kind of old devices like at that time if you had one of these devices you were like a wealthy person right but now technology has advanced right and people in this case your students can easily compare and contrast these devices right then we have in this case um [Music] different watches you know a modern watch we have a modern watch right there and students can easily contrast that right they can talk about the past they can compare the past um with the present right and this is a good way to oh you have a compass that's true yes this is a good way to make students um in this case use their english skills you can prepare students for international exams just by using these pictures right so there are many ways on how you can exploit it you can maybe compare places uh-huh yes or even a picture of yourself i remember that i put a picture when i was a baby yes with you know my with a current picture and my students in this case had to describe some differences talking about the past talking about the present and you can also um tell your students to show you their own pictures and they can compare you know a picture of five years ago with a picture of 2022 right so this is a good way to make students you know um develop their communication skills yes pass impression very good yes absolutely you can use comparatives for sure yes uh-huh excellent yes you see so you can simply use this activity you can change the image according to [Music] the student's age perhaps or according to the vocabulary that you want students to practice right exactly the shape the size the price adjectives very good excellent you see you've got a lot of ideas yes so what else what else can i do let me just put it here um as i said before there is another video and i like using videos so there is another video another video that i'm going to show you in a moment yes and this video is called school the world journey huh and i particularly used this video to compare in this case um two different realities as you can see in the first picture you can see a girl right she it seems to me that she uh lives in a decent house yes she seems to have maybe a stable uh family whereas in the other picture i can see a boy yes it seems to me that he comes from a poor family perhaps right so students were able to describe to contrast to compare yes so this is another video that you can use by the way um i will be sharing the slides with you and below below each image that i'm showing you you can see the link you can easily click on the link as soon as you receive the ppt slides and you can have access to it okay yes so using videos can facilitate communication can generate discussion right exactly to describe to compare very good oh i love this kind of pictures yes again you can use pictures as a lit in right and let's try to do this okay in this case i am showing you picture but in this picture you can see [Music] what kind of things can you see in this picture you can see different characters but characters that come from what movie is very good for example how many movies can you see can you name them what movies can you see in this picture let's see very good movies perfect so what movies can you see can you name a few movies or maybe the movies that you can see in this photograph let's see great very good excellent uh-huh nice fantastic titanic very good star wars oh yes darth vader is there fantastic very good uh-huh harry potter very good wonder woman la la land yes mary poppins perfect man in black nice fantastic very good you see now somebody mentioned in the chat books the activities that i showed you before can be easily adaptable yes i am showing you some activities but you as a teacher you need to adapt in this case the activities right so you can use these activities with all levels as i said this is one activity that you can easily apply um especially if you're teaching elementary levels i think students love to talk about movies so this is a nice way to um to break the eyes right and to talk about your students favorite movies you can ask them maybe uh what is your favorite movie what kind of movie is it and why do you like this movie do you recommend watching that movie now if you want to create competition what i do in this case is to put students uh in groups right and they have to um in this case identify as many films as they see in the photograph and the group who finds in this case the most movies is the winner right this is just a way you know to add a bit of competition which is a which is a gamification element yes very good so what do you think about this picture and what can you do with this picture how can you exploit this picture some teachers said yes teacher i would use it especially to talk about movies yes we all have that lesson in which we talk about movies in which we talk about the different types of movies that we have or that there are right and it's a good way to personalize you know um in this case to personalize the class right to ask students what they like what they don't like what kind of movies they are they are in this case fun of watching right so there are so many things you can do yes uh-huh very good yes movie genders it's like perfect nice colors movies actions right you can ask students to create a summary for example yes or maybe to create the story so there are multiple ways on how you can exploit this simple picture yes perfect okay now another thing that i like using is basically art now in this case can i ask you it's time to it's time to get critical okay now what is the picture trying to express as i said before if you're teaching maybe adults you can use this picture because it requires more thinking so what is the picture trying to express what is the picture trying to portray have a look please ah let's see social media again very good excellent yes somebody's asking for help feelings okay great asking for help he feels upset social media now you said that this student or this kid in this case is feeling upset why is he feeling upset why is he feeling upset why is he feeling frustrated angry annoyed okay yes okay he's frustrated he's frustrated because he hasn't got um likes perhaps very good excellent yes you see how critical you are with your answers and a simple picture um can actually in this case can give you many answers many interpretations because that's the idea every every um student is different they are going to give you different interpretations different ideas right and there is no wrong or right answer that's the point because they are in this case um they're evaluating you know they are interpreting the image right yes very good excellent i can see some reasons here francis said teacher he can't play with his cell phone that's why he's feeling upset or he has no comments he has uploaded one picture and he hasn't received any feedback okay maybe problems internet issues perhaps i like that one actually that's true yes when when some children have internet issues they start to complain that's true i like that one but connection yeah internet is wrong perfect you see so many ideas and i encourage you teachers to use the chat books as well as we are doing now sometimes we expect we expect students to give us answers on the spot but hey especially when you are showing a piece of art you need to give students some thinking time they have to organize their thoughts they have to analyze it requires thinking time so using the chat box is a good way because they can just type their answers and they don't feel in this case embarrassed yes so try doing that maybe ask students to use the chat books first and little by little you can call on students and they make and then they can give you their answers right very good excellent okay fantastic um now the creator of this picture uh i mean his name is actually banksy right uh banksy actually um he's focused on street uh art right and he paints in this case um this kind of you know controversial or thought-provoking images you know and usually the images that he paints are related to social issues right as you can see very good perfect and there are so many i will be providing you with many images that you can use right um and you can that you can use in your own lessons right so as i said english teachers in peru will provide you with the slides so it's okay you will receive the the slides you will have access to the images so that you can start using them okay perfect very good this is another one for example um another image that i used in my lessons you can use images as a water map um or as lit in as i said before this is going to help students a lot right um because they can share as i said their thoughts they can have a lot of discussions deep discussions this is what we want yes especially when we are um teachers who promote a communicative approach right excellent very good now i'm going to show you another video this will be the second video that i'll be sharing with you and [Music] as you can see it says videos generate discussions and allow students to develop their critical thinking skills now when you use videos videos don't necessarily need to have dialogues for conversations you can just play a video and the student can just hear sounds movements can see movements in this case so there are many ways and i will show you this video okay um which is called the power of words i have used this video in some training sessions so let's see let's see how we can exploit this video let's try to use let's try to find another way okay and how we can use this video okay so let me show you the video in a minute i will put it here give me a second please uh-huh okay okay and as i said uh when you show a video to your students first you have to create interest you want your students to speculate right so before you show the video you have to ask some questions you know to make students um to make students feel motivated or engaged with the content you are providing them right so let's see let's begin let me show you the video okay give me a second yes great now when you select a video teachers make sure that the video is short yes my recommendation is maximum well two to three minutes okay yes so that you can exploit you know the video properly so let's see let me play the video here i'm going to stop the video right here and i have a question for for you so as you could see and you could see in this case a homeless person yes he is basically asking for money and suddenly you know there was a woman who wrote something yes in this post what do you think the woman wrote can you please give me some ideas what do you think the woman wrote in that post can you come up with some ideas huh we have a lot of creative teachers here yes so let's see provide me with some feedback what did the woman write yes of course she changed the message that's true but what do you think she wrote can you tell me maybe the sentence or the exact words that you think she used let's see oh nice bearing oh nice josue very good today is spring and i cannot see it perfect very good i can see the beautiful nature thank you wilma i appreciate that maybe veronica said teacher the woman wrote a quote who gives support goes to heaven okay perfect a motivational phrase okay perfect nice some words to get help absolutely yeah uh-huh oh nice nancy today is a nice day but i can't see it oh so powerful uh-huh let's see today is a wonderful day and i cannot see it perfect nice ideas teachers thanks for sharing your thoughts so i'm gonna share the video and let's confirm okay it's time to confirm our predictions okay so let's see let me play the video pay attention please because i will be asking you what message she wrote yes and i will read this loud it's a beautiful day and i can't see it what do you think about it so powerful and some of your ideas uh were great yeah you were close to the phrase excellent yeah you paraphrased you know the phrase that we have here perfect you see this when the students see this video they are in they are in oh right they are surprised they are shocked teacher the power of words that's why um that's why in this case we have this title right because a simple phrase can change what you are saying and i use this video you know to talk about the importance of writing because you know especially in this virtual setting um students are not willing you know to write or it's kind of hard you know for them to to produce the language especially uh when they have to write essays so before i start telling them the process of how to write an essay or how to write an article how to write a paragraph i showed this video and they learned the relevance of writing and how a simple phrase can change and change the whole thing right so that was the lesson that my students learned and my students started to feel motivated and eager to continue writing right and we did these kind of activities right you can ask your students to continue with the story what happened afterwards right they can start creating their own stories mm-hmm they can't in this case create a video about it right talking about visual literacy remember that it's not only about understanding words but it is also about creating yes so you can ask your students you know to record themselves maybe to share their thoughts their reflections right uh to narrate a story so there are endless activities that you can do with one simple video like this one so let me know your thoughts on the video let's see i'm gonna read some of your ideas excellent yes thank you so much very good it's interesting absolutely yes it motivates english learners right absolutely and i also felt motivated when i watched you know this video so powerful so deep right yes exactly and you have to think about that focus on engaging the students rather than teaching them it's it's good it's important to teach them you know the process of writing the writing process but if the students are not engaged they will not be able to learn effectively you have to catch their attention you have to think of a hook first how can you hook your students if you know how to hook your students the class will just flow right because the students will be with you that's the idea and this is what i've learned you know in my experience teaching online for two years you need to captivate a student's attention before you start teaching any grammar structure or any topic that you need to teach right think about that great excellent so moving on let's see yes as i said before i like to use speech bubbles in the pictures because it allows students to develop their creativity yes and to analyze the context you know to read the image in this case you know remember that red means comprehend understand yes and they can understand the context they can comprehend the image and then they can share their thoughts so a great activity that i did with my students was to show them this picture talking about the classroom now that we are going to go back to the physical classroom and i showed in this picture and i put you know different speech bubbles above the students heads and again my students had to come up with ideas what do you think these students might be saying and why why do you think that so they had they had to give me a reason right now if you're teaching elementary students you can ask them how they feel you can elicit you know some adjectives yes if you're teaching maybe advanced levels you can change in this case the questions you ask as i said all the activities i am showing you right here can be easily modified yes that's the idea very good okay fantastic very good excellent so and here in the pppt slide that i will be sharing with you you have some discussion prompts or some speaking prompts that you can use but again as i said these are just some questions that you can use it's up to you or you can change them depending on the language proficiency that your students have what can you observe how do they feel why do they feel like that remember start with lower questions lower order questions right like what when and then you can start asking more critical questions using the questions like why how so that they can develop their critical thinking great okay excellent so again you have the video below yes you can watch the video and it's up to you if you use the video i recommend using it but again think about the purpose of the video think about how you can connect this video with your lesson okay yes in a previous webinar uh i talk about late ins and the importance of using lit inks yes so in case you want to know more about it you can watch the video how to bring the spark back into your classroom uh and i talk more about lead ins and water maps that you can use this is one of the videos that you can use yes but as i said think about the purpose yes one trainer told me an effective teacher is the one who knows what he or she is doing it doesn't matter what question you ask the teacher the teacher will be able to give you an answer and he will be able to tell you the reason why he's doing this activity and i couldn't agree more an effective teacher is the one who knows why the reason why he's doing that activity so think about that remember activities should be purposeful think about the reasons why are you doing this is it because you have a topic connected to the video is it because you can elicit some words um that you can use maybe in a writing activity so think about the purpose okay very good some other strategies especially if you want to scaffold your students let's talk about a scaffolding strategy so scaffolding is basically um in other words in a nutshell is when you help students right so something that i love using is this teaching strategy this activity is called see thing wonder uh so i give students a worksheet now that you're going to start teaching in the physical classroom you can have access to this um to this document that the documents are below and the student can complete you know this chart what can you see what do you see the student can tell you what they see and that works well for elementary students because you know they know some vocabulary so you can put their ic and the students can write you know their ideas what do you think is going on especially if you want to practice pressing continues yes you are describing pictures you need to use the present continuous so you're providing with some model and wonder yes what does it make you wonder maybe you can add that question for advanced students right so you choose one picture you use this chart you give students some thinking time so that they can organize their thoughts right and i am sharing the resources below i like one website i like this website it's actually called bbc news but there is one section um here in bbc news there is one section that says thought provoking images and again the link will be shared in the ppt slide and i like these pictures because they are thought-provoking yes um i'm fairly sure your students will have a lot of discussions you know and these pictures you know can actually generate discussion bbc news um i mean they constantly update their website and they upload new images that you can use in your lessons right so it's a nice way you know if in case you're looking for images yes you can use bbc news or any other resource that you like but this is the resource that i like using especially when i when i when my objective is to promote critical thinking right very good so you can use this chart excellent so let me know your thoughts about this and maybe you can share some other websites that you use to find some images maybe you can share them remember that sharing is caring try to use the chat box as much as you can and you can share the maybe the the name of the websites that you use when you're looking for pictures or images pvc news is one yes now some of you asked me michael how can you get these videos this is another resource or website that i like using and this um website is called elt bus lesson inspiration so here in this website you have access to videos yes that have been carefully selected for esl learners as you can see then the the name of the website is elt bus so it's connected to the world of elt right and what i like about it is that you have different videos according to the age that you're teaching let's imagine you're teaching um beginners so you go right here you click and you will see videos you know um that you can actually get you know and and if you click on one of these videos you will see the activity right you can have access to the link and what's more you have a worksheet that you can use if you want right now this is for beginners in case you're teaching intermediate well again you go right here intermediate yes and you will see tons of videos right and that's how i found you know most of the videos i'm sharing with you today thanks to this amazing resource yes again you have advanced intermediate so it's your in case you're interested in utilizing videos in your classes you can go right here eltbuss.com and you can find all these free resources right with activities that you can use great okay excellent thank you so much so let's continue somebody mentioned in the chat books that comic strips is another way um of in this case of making students develop their communication skills or of developing their visual literacy skills and that's true right um there is one website that is called make believes comics again the resources are here and you can easily find comics right you can find different comics that your students can fill out they can download those comics they can fill out and they also have the chance to create their own comics which is what which is the main purpose of visual literacy right again the website is called make believes comics right and there are different uh activities you can find here one of my favorite uh activities or features of this website is this part easel you have a special needs esol and below you have in this case printable for easel literacy easel feelings this is my favorite but there are so many things okay so i haven't even finished uh exploring all these um features that this website provides you with but um here you have a lot of uh printables right and pdfs that you can use so you just click on one of these websites oh sorry in one of these links and you will see a comic strip yes or in this case you have to fill out you can fill out or you can type right here yes and your students can do so right so you can share these resources with your students right you can print this dialogue if you want so there are many things you can do in this website and as i said before your students also have access um i mean they can create their own accounts and they have access to these resources they can create their own comics and assuming that your students are digital natives they find easier to use these digital resources right i haven't even taught them how to use this resource i just let them discover this resource by themselves and last week i received one mail from one of my students telling me that he created his first comic and he created a beautiful dialogue using the present continuous um sorry using the past simple with this website with this resource right now there are also tutorials that you can give to students in case you want them to get familiar with the website or this resource can also help teachers remember that we are constantly contextualizing you know we like to contextualize we want to create a good context we want to set the context first right especially if we are teaching maybe a grammar structure you need you can create a dialogue you can create a conversation storytelling perhaps so this also helps teachers to develop their digital literacy skills but at the same time you can enhance your teaching skills because you are creating content right so another website you can use yes and there are many features here as i said you can now record your voice there is a record button here start recording a few months ago you i didn't have that option because you know i've been uh using this website for a while but this is a new feature you can record your own voice and it's for free yes so there are multiple resources that you can use and that your students can use that's the thing okay so just to wrap up uh what do we want so we want to get learners to take photos uh get learners to create photo stories create infographics create a visual representation of a grammar point create comic strips create an emoji dialogue or a story yes so these are just some ideas you know that you can implement in your classes let's see um i as i said before i'm a big fan of pictures so you can also use these pictures to make students create their own stories i love this so i'm going to explain you uh how i do this activity so basically i choose around six pictures right uh oh so sorry i need to enumerate the numbers correctly yeah okay now great so i choose six pictures yes and you show these pictures to your students and you ask your students i want you to choose one picture okay so the student is going to choose one picture and the student is going to tell you a story with that picture that he chose but not only that remember that you your activities should be purposeful so in case you have been teaching maybe some vocabulary you can ask the students you can ask your students to use the vocabulary that they learned and to include that vocabulary in their stories yes now they don't have to tell you which picture they chose because that is kind of easy you know you want to challenge your students so your student can narrate the story and the class needs to guess the picture that his or her classmate used right so this is a nice way you know to make students develop their visual literacy skills because they need to evaluate the picture they need to see the picture right and they can come up with brilliant ideas brilliant stories and they are using the words for the grammar structures that you have previously taught right so that's the idea yes this is what i particularly do then if you want to make students collaborate you can put the students into the breakout rooms and they can share their thoughts or their stories in this case and if you are promoting listening skills active listening skills you can ask students to report their partner's stories and when they come to the main to the main classroom yes when they come to the main session in this case they can report their partners stories just to check and to verify that they have done the activities successfully yes so i like to do this kind of activities yes they are easy to use they are easy to implement as you can see you just choose some pictures you allow students to choose the pictures that they want and they have to tell you the story yes and wow they come up with amazing stories creative stories right they are producing the language they write their stories they plan their stories first and then they narrate you know their stories they tell you their stories so i like that for example okay great so as i said these are just some resources that you can use now i'm not gonna explain all these resources in detail because it will take like several webinars to do so but i'm just giving you some resources here that you can use with your students take two videos you know you can ask your students to record themselves you know to use that application and let's let's be honest i've seen some teachers here you know who upload their tik tok videos they are famously talkers so you can implement the social side with your students you can ask your students to do so maybe sharing a reflection maybe instead of using the exit ticket which is uh right in the chat box what you learned today you can ask your students to record themselves or to record a tick tock video sharing their reflections you know sharing what they learned and they can share that video with their classmates they can use they can use spotlight or they can just flip it some other resources you can use right so yeah there you are there are so many activities that you can do right i'm just giving you a few activities but you are the one who needs to take action right get familiar with these resources i also give um in this case um private lessons on how to use these resources but you can find a lot of tutorials as well on the internet right there are so many things you can do yes and the websites are intuitive right so they are easy to use great okay so just to finish just to wrap up i would like to finish in this case my session with this quote and i want you to tell me your reflections okay it says the ability to draw and communicate visually can no longer be seen as optional what do you think about this quote can you tell me or can you share your thoughts in the chat books what do you think about it after showing you all these activities after showing you the importance of using visual literacy what do you think about it let's see what are you gonna do what are you going to do next week how will your how will your teaching change after this session yes thank you so much nice messages very good let's see we have so many uh-huh so many messages expressing gratitude i appreciate that yes yes that's good excellent thank you so much yes so as i said teachers um we are constantly being bombarded with different pictures please try to use those pictures to your advantage yes that's the idea use those pictures to your advantages exploit those images and you will see your students progress next time that you ask your students what do you think about this picture they will give you answers quicker because they are they have already developed and they continue developing their visual literacy skills right um so just to finish this is just a message that i would like to read for everybody and it says the retired teacher when the expectations begin to feel impossible remember that because of you today someone smiled learned something new became more confident and felt loved don't give up and i would like to finish with this message because i know you're doing a great job i know you are sacrificing your fridays your saturdays for the sake of your education and for the sake of your students right you want your students to [Music] acquire new strategies you want to change the face of education and i appreciate that i love to see motivated teachers who are constantly developing professionally because as i said at the beginning of my presentation um teachers never stop learning there is always something new to learn and as i always say um the fact that i am here doesn't mean that i know everything right i am constantly learning new things from my colleagues from my trainees right from my students yes and i continue learning and that is something that i encourage you to do there are many ways on how you can learn because look at this if you don't if you take um professional development for granted you will lose your motivation because you are repeating the same thing over and over instead you have to learn new things you have to um develop your teaching skills in multiple ways attending webinars reading books um doing something that you like or that you love these things will give you the confidence to continue teaching yes that the you will feel more motivated to continue learning and that that is that is my goal yes i want to um share my knowledge you know with others with colleagues um so that you can feel confident comfortable teaching yes and i wish you all the best okay teachers focus please on your mental health take care of your mental health a lot that is what i recommend how are we supposed to provide quality lessons if we don't take care of our mental health so focus on that yes take care of yourself and i wish you all the best happy teaching then thank you so much everybody great that's it so now i guess um manila will give us some words yes yeah i think that now is the ac ticket so i don't know who is responsible of it but no i cannot see it no it's me okay so a hello etp community today i'm phil i'm i'm great and i'm going to explain some recommendations to complete the exit ticket okay a recorder [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] okay first of all to tell you michael thank you thank you so much for this wonderful amazing brilliant presentation especially for your sharing for your love for everything you give us a anytime you you present in our community okay so i have two questions in one and the first question is about what are the most use useful strategies for lower and higher levels okay so students yeah teachers are asking about the best strategies for the lower levels and for the higher levels and you mentioned one or two or three or the most important the most useful thank you exactly yes thank you so much that's an interesting question so when it comes to lower um levels for example if we are teaching in this case elementary students one of the best strategies that i can suggest is basically scaffolding right i mean we need to scaffold um our activities how can we scaffold our activities so we have to provide the students with sentence stems um let me just put it right here i'm gonna share my my screen again so sentence stems what do i mean by sentence stems so sentence systems um are basically you know some phrases right or some um initial phrases that students can use to continue their ideas especially if the students are beginners right for example if i ask the student hey what is your favorite movie can you tell me more about it by using sentence systems you can provide the students with phrases like oh my favorite movie is i like this movie because right so you're giving students some sentences that they can use yes just to facilitate communication and to facilitate the interaction right that you have um with your students that is in the case of um lower learners right lower levels in this case but if i am teaching maybe intermediate advanced students um i'm talking about visual literacy my recommendation would be to challenge the students a little bit to make use of these videos that i've shown today and in this case to use these strategies like the see thing wonder you know what do you see what do you think is going on what does it make you wonder or i can also use videos and prepare my questions carefully because you know in every single lesson we make so many questions but we have to reflect on the questions we are asking to our students because the right question just one question that um the questions that we use can't impact can make a big impact on our students performances so you need to think previously on the questions you are going to ask and by asking the right question by asking a critical question you can promote a lot of discussion right and especially intermediate advanced students you know you need to provide them with um these strategies you they need to interact a lot they need to you need to you need to generate a lot of discussion right and cater to your students needs right you need to know your students and its analysis right um maybe in this case maybe your students are big fans of movies or maybe they like in this case uh certain cartoons so use that feedback that they are giving you to your advantage okay the more you know the more you know about your students the better right because you can personalize your classes in a much better way right so those are basically my strategies my recommendations yeah thank you thank you so much jess i paid a lot of attention to your speech and especially to the explanation of how to use pictures and videos during our classes so they are really really very useful and i think and i'm sure that all teachers will try we'll try to do it because uh using pictures are really important especially for the international exams not that they consider that no when they interact in order to to describe pictures okay and i have another question which is the last one please this question says what is the difference between visual literacy and critical visual literacy what is the difference between them visual literacy and critical visual literacy because you have already mentioned about critical thinking all right and you mentioned a lot during all along your speech you mentioned it a lot a lot so what is the difference between visual literacy and critical visual literacy okay right so you know that visual literacy is a big world right actually i tried to pack all the activities you know in one session in one webinar but visual literacy is a big term right there are so many aspects that we have to explain that we have to consider and there is a lot of research that we have to do as teachers right now uh when i say visual literacy just let's define that first uh i'm talking about the ability you know to understand or comprehend images right and the ability to create images now if we focus on critical visual literacy you want to promote in this case a lot of critical thinking right you want to use these visuals or resources right just to promote critical thinking skills right so visual literacy is a big term yes and inside this big term you see critical you know visual literacy uh so that is basically you know the difference they are connected right because it's visual literacy you know they need to evaluate they need to interpret you know the images and then they have to in this case they have to share their thoughts so they have to think critically right yes so that's it okay thank you so much for your answers and then let's continue okay yes please i don't know who's next gracias [Music] see [Music] reopening schools in peru look forward to seeing our students teachers in peru are returning to schools in an in-person education morality international panelists will share their experiences and strategies to contribute to a safe return [Music] is [Music] english french spanish and social studies teacher in colombia is [Music] english teacher and coordinator at institution mucho por aprender manana [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] three two one go um [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] margarita [Music] [Music] next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] foreign [Music] salinas is a [Music] is is yawa [Music] ortega lady juliana alaio morales lady juliana lady allah yo commentarios pera [Music] lady juliana alla morales [Music] a oh jessica pariwonky carina jessica ramos average commentary of me fortunately is hmm [Music] next in the moment [Music] alvarez i is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] jacqueline [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] administrator [Music] webinar bye bye teachers
Channel: English Teachers in Peru
Views: 4,261
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Id: LElpW267G_Y
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Length: 133min 58sec (8038 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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