King's Chapel United Pentecostal Live Stream August 15, 2021 Sunday Morning Service

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uh [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] sweet cheese [Applause] is [Music] never let go the people of the [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] foreign [Music] i am determined to hold on to the head foreign jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] worship worship worship worship lift your hands and lift your hands and lift your hands and [Music] hallelujah oh bless the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus keep it hey i'm gonna spear right here [Music] hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of the lord [Music] [Music] oh hello bless the name of the lord hallelujah praise god [Music] hallelujah this is the day that the lord hath made and we will rejoice i can't hear you and we will rejoice i can't hear you and we will rejoice and be exceedingly glad what a joy it is this morning to come in the house of the lord and we're coming into your room praise god we're coming from a king's chapel united pentecostal church jamaica and here we are oh god just worshiping the lord and we want to thank you for tuning in and here we go praise god wherever you are we're here to bless you the lord and we want to bless you praise god because there's a word that the lord has in store for each and every one of us can you just lift your hands and bless him come on come on hallelujah i love you lord i love you lord i love you lord i love you lord and i leave my voice [Music] take joy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes let it be [Music] [Music] very softly can we sing it one more time everybody i love you lord [Music] lift your hands all over this building [Music] [Music] rejoice take joy my kings [Music] [Applause] sweet songs [Music] we [Music] [Applause] come on church help me help me [Applause] [Music] [Music] the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah oh lord [Music] come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] hallelujah [Music] eternal god on our father or a king bless you we thank you for sparing our lives for giving us another opportunity to come into your presence we thank you god for all that you've done so far [Music] lord god there are many of us throughout the week have had difficulties we have had circumstances but here we are today one purpose one reason to lift you up so lord god i pray that you will send a breakthrough in the service today i pray god that you will bless everything that will be said and done lord god before you wear nothing so we ask god that you will help us to be worthy let our praise be worthy let our worship be worthy god i pray that you will sanctify the musicians the singers the saints who are here today we're here for one purpose and it's all about you and heavenly father pray god that you will take the service in your hands bless god every person right now who is hearing lord god the sound of my voice for those god who are online jesus we're asking god that you will send a miracle lord god lord jesus to your people we're living in a world hole that is so disturbed and perturbed but lord god you have the answer and god we will continue to look to you because god you are the author and you're the finish of our faith we're asking god that you will bless our leaders bless our country lord god protect our people from this virus jesus christ we're asking for deliverance right now heavenly father god as a church we'll stand on the promises of god and we know god that you're well able to do exceeding abundantly oh god we're crying out to you jesus because there's a need for your presence and god i pray that even in this house that we will feel god admire the touch we will feel your presence that god you will visit us in a special way and whatever the needs are god almighty you will supply our needs god forgive us from all our sins lord god we have done wrong before you but we come in repentance before your god and we thank you that we have a god that we can look to a god that we can lean on heavenly father have mercy have mercy upon us have mercy upon the world have mercy god almighty upon jamaica have mercy god we pray for the communities of god jesus lord god crime is all over lord god the virus is all over but you're greater than every situation god that we face so here we are right now we want to feel you god help us not to hold back in our praise help us not to hold back in our worship but god i pray that you will be lifted up in this place father god bless the leadership of this church bless all the ministers oh god lord jesus give us a mind for worship let your will be done oh god we honor you right now as we say thanks we thank you god for what you're about to do in this house we're nothing without you god show up and show off lift your hands blessed jesus we can do nothing without the holy ghost we can do nothing without the presence so we invite the presents come on somebody can you can you evoke the presents invite the presents invite the presents do it with your hands use your mouth you oh glory to god this morning i read in psalms 51 15 it said oh lord open thou my lips and my mouth shall praise thee my mouth shall bring forth my praise i read that time so many times but this morning you just touch me open down my lips that my mouth shall show forth thy praise hallelujah can i tell your church that whatsoever you need from god it's gonna come from your lips it's gonna come from you open up your mouth can you do it can you hope in your mouth can you open it up [Music] open up your mouth oh [Music] shout hallelujah glory be to god [Applause] it's a god word [Music] hallelujah i worship you oh my [Music] is god like you i worship you i worship you i worship [Applause] you holy that is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] worship [Music] there is [Music] [Applause] [Music] like you there is none like you fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can i [Music] hallelujah there [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is no [Applause] [Music] somebody whisper praise god just look over to the left left look over to the right wave and just say thank you thank you for being in the house just come on wave hallelujah now praise steve you're gonna look in the camera everybody point to the camera and welcome those who are online can you do it we welcome you we welcome you to the host of the lord we welcome you and we greet you in the name of jesus hey somebody said jesus we're gonna sing from our hymnal hymn 41 hallelujah [Music] on all accounts hallelujah we're going to sing this because we have sickled our account hallelujah hallelujah praise god there was a time on the earth of heaven and all account was standing watching yet unforgiven my name and many things [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] for i was always [Music] i'm long ago hallelujah oh [Music] [Music] big [Music] [Applause] long ago away [Music] for foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] one more hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on if you circle it if you cycle it let me hear you jesus if a chick could let me hear you we're not going to stay silent let's turn to somebody and tell him we're not going to stay silent because he settled it hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah remember i said no cheerleader no cheerleader said i'm not going to cheer you on hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody that's a holy ghost somebody said holy ghost yeah we need your holy ghost in this house [Music] hallelujah god is good jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh we can worship too much we can worship too much [Music] oh lord my god when i know some wonders the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] your god [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] myself [Music] oh [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] hallelujah how great [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise god reading from the book of first thessalonians 5. hallelujah praise god or a theme that we're working with this morning praise god it's look up it's rapture time and as you see that we're having so much incidents happening in the world we're living in a very eventful world lots of things happening and the bible says when you see these things look up for redemption draw at night praise god reads us but of the times and the seasons brethren ye have no need that i write unto you for yourself know perfectly that the day of the lord so cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but he brethren are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief you are all the children of light and the children of the day we are not of the night no of darkness fearful let us not sleep as do others but let us watch and be sober for they that sleep sleep in the night and they that be drunken a drunken in the night but let us who are of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love for a helmet the hope of salvation for god had not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation by our lord jesus christ glory to god who died for us that whether we wake or sleep we should live together with him wherefore comfort yourselves together and edify one another even also he do god bless the reading of his word and you may be seated in jesus name i just want to take this opportunity to greet you all in the name of somebody say jesus this is the greatest name in heaven on earth the bible said neither is there salvation in any other for there is no other name on the heaven hallelujah given among men we buy we must be saved what a name do you love the name ah can somebody shout the name can somebody shout the name again praise god praise god we're going to be looking at our announcement uh praise god at this time uh sunday's only our service our service is streamed live and sundays starting at 8 00 a.m to 9 30 on you too today we'll be having only one service praise god next week we will start with our second service which will start at 9 30. remember tuesday the youth service will be held via zoom commencing at 7 pm so all the young people and the elderly you need to tune in praise god and soon thursday please note that thursday is the church dear fasting and prayer prayer meeting is held in the sanctuary from 10 a.m to 12 15 then bible study will be held via zoom commencing at 7 00 pm saturdays praise god our prime meetings will be held and that is from 6 30 to 8 30 please note own prayer meeting starts at 5 to 6 and 10 p.m to 11 each day please continue in prayer with your families praise god amen we need to do this and we have some prayer requests here brother steve mccarthy sister uh i taylor moore sister nikki daley brother norris winter's father was being hospitalized praise god uh sister daniel blake and family please remember to pray amen for the family glory to god and while we pray let's pray one for another remember a name call names in your prayer call the name of the brethren that you can remember the name of individuals who are sick praise god i have about uh two of my co-workers were down praise god one is down with the coven 19 so you know i praise god was we were together you know shoulders together but blessed be god amen uh i'm depending on the leading on the covering of god in this time let me tell those who depending on the covering you need a covering [Applause] you need a covering you need the blood you need it and along with that praise god i did my vaccination so you know i'm covered at all sides praise god upcoming events sunday school training will be held on wednesday august 18 that's via zoom at 7 pm and then our annual catch the fire conference will be held september 19 to the 21st of this year praise god hallelujah i'd love for you to stand one more time let us just offer word of prayer then our our ushers please get ready to come for the offering but remember to pray for these individuals praise god brother norris sister in portugal we all remember her she was hit by a car praise god sister rene porter praise god brother garnett we need to pray for brother garnett and his family his father died and remember the names brethren remember to call the names there's just something about that name we're calling the name over every sickness we're calling the name of jesus over every circumstances hallelujah can you just breathe the name we don't have to do no long prayer but the name of jesus hallelujah ah brother norris winter's father who is in the hospital hallelujah sister nicky daley sister hi taylor moore glory to god brother steve mccarty sister renee porter we pray god for brother garnet it's family comfort in this time god attend to the knees restore raise up hallelujah and we pronounce the name of jesus over every circumstances over every situation lord god we thank you for healing hallelujah we thank you for the blood raise up your people lord god for those who are sick with cloven right across jamaica right across the world i pray god for the peace of jerusalem i pray god for the middle east i pray god almighty or for europe i pray god for these countries oh jesus countries that we depend on individuals god that come to jamaica on vacation lord god almighty we pray that our people will be protected from this dreadly disease we pray for the communities oh god our prime minister the members of parliament we pray for the police force we pray god for the nurses and the doctors we pray god for lord god our pastors you know what they're going through at this time god even our pastor of this assembly pray for the ministers oh god help us god to stay on our knees to call upon your name because we know god you're a deliverer heavenly father we thank you and we honor you right now we bless your name jesus oh god we need you we need you we need you lord oh [Applause] those who are feeling neglected those are feeling down those who are feeling desperate depressed oppressed hallelujah [Music] own hallelujah lord [Music] i am [Music] [Music] me after thy will why [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] i am [Music] me [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] peace peace [Music] from the father oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] over my [Music] [Music] sweep over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sweet spirits sweep over [Music] eternal god and our father we thank you god for allowing us the opportunity to be in your house and lord god you have allowed us to participate in this worship and we thank you god for the offering that was lifted we thank you for the hands that stretch forth lord god even now god almighty you're doing some great things in the life of your people but we just want to thank you god that you've given us the opportunity to give and we actually will bless this offering for your own glory and for your own purpose in jesus name everybody lift your hands lift your hands [Music] sweep over [Music] lift your hands all over this place lift your hands all over this place come on you're gonna use your hands today [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] sweep over [Music] [Music] put your hands together and give god to pray praise god praise god can we just praise him can we just praise him for five more minutes can we just praise him for five more minutes can we just praise him before the preacher comes for five more minutes come on everybody all over this place for five more minutes let's worship him let's worship him let's bless him let's honor him let's glorify him yes [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on come on come on [Music] hey [Music] he's coming back again let's look up it's rapture time we don't know when but he's coming back he's coming back [Music] won't it be a time when we get over yonder won't it be a time when we get over oh [Music] [Music] [Music] won't it be a time when we get [Music] [Applause] i'm [Music] [Applause] i'm [Music] i'm going away [Music] i know [Music] i know one more time [Music] now let's use your hands right now use it [Music] jesus is coming soon whether or not or not many will meet there too trump it will sound on the midfield trying to rise jesus jesus is coming soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna walk [Music] [Music] top [Music] [Music] inside [Music] [Music] when the morning [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] how we overcome [Music] [Applause] we will understand it are you ready let me tell those who are ready are you ready are we ready are we ready we know not the dane or the hour but world jesus is coming back all we need to do is wait on him i'm waiting i'm waiting i'm waiting on the lord [Music] i want to see jesus because he died for my soul want to see jesus i want to see jesus i want to see jesus yes i want to see jesus somebody say it i want to see jesus [Music] lift your hands and love him hallelujah [Music] gently thank you [Music] i wanna see jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i want to see jesus [Music] praise the name of the lord in this beautiful atmosphere in this wonderful atmosphere come on somebody i want you to prepare your heart prepare your heart for the word it's time for the word hallelujah [Music] these drugs [Music] i want to see jesus [Music] ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters saints of the most high god [Music] i introduce to you today [Music] the man servant for today minister denniston i call him chad because we're we're friends like that praise god chad god bless you lift your hands and receive the spirit of god lift your hands and welcome the spirit come on over to look into those eyes of mercy that was [Music] that gently brush my tears away to thank him for [Music] its drops of blood [Music] i want to see jesus before he dies [Music] thank you lord jesus blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah [Applause] thank you jesus let us borrow heads everybody let us pray father we thank you so much we come in jesus name by the blood of jesus here you have given us another opportunity [Applause] thank you jesus to fellowship with you hallelujah to come together as your children father this morning we are expecting of you oh god speak father my great father great jehovah speak to our hearts this morning lead us father i pray thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth hallelujah hallelujah as it is in heaven hallowed be thy name for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory we come against every snare every conspiracy of the enemy father let it be destroyed now in the name of jesus thank you for the angels who are here thank you for the anointing to destroy yoks and fetters hallelujah to open iron gates to set people free in the name of jesus i declare the blood of jesus i declare the glory of god and father thank you because we will never be the same again set free deliver among us in jesus name amen everybody's in jesus name hallelujah greetings to my pastor amen pastor kellier amen our moderator minister love amen to all my the priest in the musicians to all my brothers and sisters here this morning and those who are joining us online and all our visitors amen blessings to you please turn your bibles to second well first corinthians chapter nine hallelujah first corinthians chapter 9 we look at verse let's begin from verse 19. says for though i be free from all men yet have i made myself servant unto all that i might gain the more and unto the jews i became as a jew that i might gain the truth to them that are under the law as under the law that i might gain them that are under the law to them that are without law as without law being not without law to god but under the law to christ that i might gain them that are without law to the weak became i as weak that i might gain the weak am made all things to all men that i might by all means save some and this i do for the gospel's sake that i might be partaker thereof with you know ye not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the price so run that ye may obtain so run that he may obtain you may be seated so wrong that he may obtain i want to talk to you a little bit a little bit about run to obtain fight to win run to obtain fight to win amen hallelujah i don't know about you but i wouldn't want to [Music] be a part of a fight if i know that i wouldn't win i wouldn't want to be a contestant or to contend with an opponent if i was sure that i wasn't going to win amen the lord jesus christ came not only to save man from the kingdom of darkness god did not send his son only to save man from the kingdom of darkness but he came to save man to himself amen hallelujah you can recall based on the scriptures the quality relationship that adam had with god in the beginning that is the reason why and this guess what it is even better for us amen because of what jesus did that is why jesus came here amen because god wants to be in a relationship with man because he cannot commune with the angels the way that he's able to commune with man the scripture says to wit god was in christ reconciling hallelujah the world unto himself reconciled to return to favor with to receive one in favor amen reconciling man to himself remember what we said it's about that relationship god desires you and i amen hallelujah another scripture says that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that he also may have fellowship or intimacy or association hallelujah with us and he didn't stop there he said and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ amen hallelujah thank you lord jesus that intimacy that closeness it says having fellowship with god hallelujah places us in a position where we are no overcoming this life it places us in a position where we are overcoming this life and guess what he is walking beside us amen hallelujah thank you lord christ jesus our lord has already paid the price everything has already been given unto us that pertain unto life and godliness amen now we have to go through the process of this life this is where we are tried and proven it's not when you get there it's not when you get to the other side hallelujah hallelujah it will be great on the other side the rewards hallelujah that we will be given hallelujah is going to be based hallelujah the reward that christ is coming with is going to be based on this life amen where we are tried and unproven but we can cheer up we can take comfort for we are not alone the lord of hosts is with us heaven is watching and cheering us on hallelujah it says that in hebrews chapter 12 wherefore seeing you have to see it come on we're foreseen we also are compass about with so great a cloud of witnesses hallelujah we have abraham we have gideon we have david we have samson we have the apostles who have gone on before us they are there cheering us on hallelujah saying come on if we did it by the mercy of god by the grace of god by the help of god then guess what you can do it too we did it i believe abraham would say think about abraham coming to cheer you up he said remember when god called me telling me to leave my kindred hallelujah remember with my wife gonna have a child she's gonna have a son and we had faith in god come on come on if god did it for me hallelujah gideon would say the army was too large gideon what's let's say if we had done it with that amount of man the glory would have been uh for us but god hallelujah had to reduce the numbers hallelujah god had to cut down the numbers and we were victorious he would say come on man come on come on come on look at the apostles come on if we did it you can do it too because god is the same yesterday today and forever come on pull up your sleeves come on pull up your socks hallelujah if we did it there is a cloud and it doesn't say just a cloud it says a great clown more are with us than with them more i will come on like that like the prophet said to his shirt pray to god i said open up his eyes and he looked and he saw the chariots of god i pray that god will open up our eyes to see hallelujah for greater is with us and greater is in us hallelujah than he than they that are in the world amen hallelujah those that have gone on before cheering us on it says guess what lay aside every way to talking about running to obtain this is how you run to obtain lay aside put off every weight mass the hinge ranches that which is hindering you every burden every encumbrance every weight you know there are some ways the same things may not apply to all of us but do you know that there are some relationships that can be awaited yeah man there are some and listen let god give you wisdom to begin to disconnect to begin to cut off there are some relationships that are unprofitable there are hindrances there are like some things like as i said it doesn't apply to everybody social media social media is good but it has become a hindrance to some people sometimes what you have to do it's not only fast from food but fast from some of these things and then you'll begin to see clearer sometimes you have to put down the phone you have to put it away decide that today i'm not gonna look at them if they survive with phone booth back then one day you must get survivability for your members to go to the phone booth or something we have to walk long distances where i was to go to the phone booth and there was a line and you know go to the phone booth every day no sometimes they don't think about the walk you know what i've got no phone booth no um the job there are some jobs that are hindrances there's they are holding you back how about we be we trust god concerning our lives a lot of times we end up in certain areas because we fail to wait on god we fail to trust god and out of desperation we just jump into something he said god if you don't come through midday today well this is what i'm going to do but god six o'clock i'm giving you until six tomorrow morning if you don't come through till 6 tomorrow morning this is what i'm going to do and you say all right god didn't come through this is what i'm going to do and we find ourselves in certain areas that we have no business being in house here's another car these these are all good things but you got to watch out when it becomes an insurance when it becomes a weight attitude speech we are thinking fashion some persons they don't want to wear a piece of garment if they don't see it on one of like on a celebrity if they don't see it on a celebrity if it's not the in thing they don't want to wear it in fact they said i'm not i'm not going to church today no because i'm going to get that dress that i wanted or that shirt that i wanted or that pants that i wanted i can't truly serve god my voice hold on like a bit some people you said you said how about you give your life to the lord today come on give your life to the lord today let me know them start to think there are some things that they have to do they thought they thinking i haven't done enough i haven't done enough names i went god ready god will come god is calling them the whole time and today is the day of salvation and i'm saying guess what when god ready but god is god is ready now for today is the day of salvation he's ready now so we have to watch out for these weights wait is that which is preventing you from being effective that which is holding you down are keeping you back from making progress can you identify any of these things can we identify any of these things if you understand what i'm saying shout out hallelujah oh some people don't understand if you understand what i'm saying shout hallelujah and then it goes on to say and this sin you never say an asinino it says and the sin which means it's talking about something that is specific or that would be unique to an individual there's something specific there's something that has some persons entangled that it may not entangle you i may not entangle somebody else but something else entangles you you know that thing that it comes knocking it may not you may not be entangled no you may have overcome it but guess what it comes not because satan is determined to destroy us and he knows that if he comes to you and tell you to do this you won't do it but he'll know if he'll come to you and tell you to do this then it's going to pull on you so it comes knocking something specific the scripture says laid aside we talk about the weed now this no no the specific this specific sin comes knocking and in fact when you check the original language and it says that that's so easily beset that does so easily be said when you check the original language when you look up that word beset it means skillfully surrounding you know skill has to do with um wisdom or subtlety you know that that craftiness like the devil it says it skillfully surrounds encircled cleverly it's like it was arranged for you it's like it was it has been conspired against you because it's like it's still ahmed because the the the enemy spends time studying us you stay there the enemy takes time out to study us you notice when he tempted jesus turn these stones into bread jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god did he leave then did he leave did he depart no himself all right we'll take it up or not yeah i use scripture i'm going to use scripture too didn't they why don't you cast yourself off here because the scripture says that the lord has given his angels charged over you and we go on and talk about it quoting scriptures did he give up then no he did not give up then he is determined to destroy us but we are not alone we don't have to fear the enemy for greater is with us and in us and for us than them that are in the world the sin the bible said put off all these talk about wrath it talk about malice malice like ill treatment the intention this this way to check it out intention to want to harm somebody regardless of what they have done to want to harm a brother to want to harm a sister and guess what the devil sets out injecting a person's mind injecting our minds with these thoughts but the scripture says take into captive these imaginations these thoughts that exalted itself against the knowledge of god it says mortify your members which are in the earth put it to death we're talking about running to obtain take off the weight take off the sin put it off that which has cleverly encircled us it says put it off because we intend to win let me see who intends to win can i see your hand if you intend to win intending to win hallelujah you know talking about wheat the lord jesus says come unto me i'll leave that labor and i have heavy laden heavy laden way down jesus said come here come to me okay guess what many people are going to so many other people they are going to tom dick and harry they are going to john and suzy q they are going to tom and jerry but they are not going to jesus so guess what the more they go to others is the more weighed down they are because the persons they are going to cannot remove the burden but jesus said come unto me all ye that labor and our way down and him said i'm going to give you rest you know that there's a burden that's light you know that there's a yoke that's easy only jesus can do that how do you give something you have a burden that's life you know in our world anytime you hear about being a burden you think about something heavy jesus said when i put my burden on you when i put my yoke on you it will be easy and light you'll be able to run effectively glory to god can we show it hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus you'll be able to run effectively you know who runs effectively you know who run the way that the utteran the new man there is a new man there is a new creature that is created in christ jesus that runs effectively hallelujah we're in colossians 3 and we're still in colossians 3. talking about putting out the old man with his deeds and put on the new man new means recently born fresh fresh off the press fresh out of the woven fresh out of the world fresh out of christ a new specie amen it says it is which is renewed renovated rebuilt in knowledge and this the scripture says the renewing of our minds coming in line you see it's it's re that's why i said it's really about the relationship knowing renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him after the image in other words looking just like the one who created you christ formed in you looking just like you know what let's talk about those men those unknown man these men beat with jesus the lord jesus had ascended but he left some little jesus is in the earth the image renewed after the knowing him it is the no it's him the knowledge of him experiential knowledge of him this new man is renewed in that hallelujah and he said guess what let's listen to the old man it says be not conformed to this world the old the person that you were the old man the system because that old person used to be conforming being poured in a mold hallelujah to that system to that satanic system because satan is really the god of this system the world he is he says don't pour it in before it in that mole but be transformed by the renewing of your mind amen hallelujah thank you jesus when you put off the weed when you put off the sin hallelujah when you shut the door and all that it says and let us run so there is not even a run-in before you put these things off that you can't even run the way that you should without putting these things off it says run but did he say run alone so now you're running because there is many persons have put out these things but and then they beg begin to run they are running right they are going they are running but somewhere along some place along the way they begin to fall back they begin to lose it because they miss the patience run with patience listen to me this is what's going on listen to living this life to live to run this race to live now with everything that's going on in the world to live tomorrow to live yesterday you're gonna need you have to do it with patience so patience coming with you think about it think about it patience running with you steadfastness constancy endurance coming along in other words you are not stopping at nothing you are determined your mind is made up are you going come hell or high water you're not bowing many persons fell back because there was no patience involved they dropped the button they fell back they can't carry on this command hit them you know let me tell you you don't have to talk to myself sometimes i have to say no we're going on you have to mumble you talk to yourself things pop in your head you say no this is not pure truth just lovely i'm not gonna think on it talk to yourself come on chad i'm talking to you you can't stop here we're going all the way jesus is not back yet come on hallelujah perseverance even in the greatest trial and test i'm going ahead of myself but you know what also helps you when you have the reward on your mind when the reward is ever before you come on you know my greatest reward when i get to heaven is going to be jesus my greatest reward will be god almighty yes there are other rewards but if you see those rewards those crowns when i get them i'm gonna go i will say thank you lord i'm gonna just lay down before him at his throne and put them down because if it had not been for the lord on my side there is no way that i could have run the way that i run there is no way i could have gotten this far i would have given up long time but thank god for the clouds of witnesses thank god for ever being there for being faithful hallelujah thank you lord jesus hallelujah patient in tribulation enduring tribulation hallelujah we talk about these light afflictions they are not anything to be compared in to the immeasurable glory that is about to be bestowed on us hallelujah it says count it all joy when you hallelujah fall into various temptations knowing this at the train of your faith work at patience you know what it is to counter joy you don't feel like it you don't feel good while you're going through you don't feel good have you ever been in some child's you seem like you you seem like there's no way you're gonna make it yes you trust in god but it seemed to you like there's no way you're gonna make it you just see the devil throws things left and right hallelujah there's all kinds of things going on hallelujah you're pushing on hallelujah hallelujah like you can't make it i'm patient said come on come on come on you can't see the tunnel but we're going there we are on the right track come on we're going we're going hallelujah we are going on hallelujah we're going on you know what makes a difference there and then when you begin to count it joy when you take the trial and you say joy joy joy joy joy and you begin to rejoice all of a sudden they begin to run it's nothing it's you're like because my countenance joy and the joy of the lord is my strength the more they throw it's the more joyful i become the more the throne is the more joyful i become because patience is also being worked hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it says you know you know who is going to be saved he that endureth to the end those are the the ones that will be saved verse 2 of hebrews 12 says looking unto jesus keep your eyes on the prize set your affection on things above hallelujah we're christ in god hallelujah thank you lord where christ sits far above principalities just like peter when jesus has stepped out and he had his eyes on the lord the moment he began to begin to pay attention began to look at the storm that's when he began to sink hebrews 3 1 says consider jesus there's something about considering consider jesus consider those who have gone on before the high priest of our pro profession we can never make it without looking to jesus never will be able we won't be able to do it hallelujah it says jesus is the author he's the perfecter the completer that listen our example our highest example the lord jesus christ listen to this jesus christ never did this as god he had to do it as a man so what is required of us is what was required of him you have to walk by faith and not by sight he is the author he's the chief of our faith he showed us the example he showed us how we are to live many persons think that they can't do what jesus did you can't do it in your own jesus say i'm i can only do what i see the father do i can only say what i see the father say as a man that is exactly how you do it you cannot only if god says it only if god says do it only if god shows you what to do if he shows you you can do exactly that because it is by his power if he shows you you can do exactly that amen because it is he's not only the author but he's the finisher sorry alpha means chief finisher means perfecter the completer jesus christ hallelujah it says hallelujah of our faith who for the joy the delight the cheerfulness set before him he endured the cross and he says that he despised the shame he thought little of the shame i'm like hey the joy is before me in other words i can answer the surprise share me all you want share me from now till tomorrow he thought that listen what he went through despise it means a thing clicked off it was nothing being naked beans then spit upon him box him he thought hey i see the i see the drawing before me i'm headed there do all you want because on the third day i'm gonna get up with all power having a name that is above every name amen hallelujah the shame the disgrace and the scripture says he sat down at the right hand of the throne of god reward consider him who went through so many things such contradiction of sinners jesus christ who is righteous who has never made a mistake it's perfect him that created all things think about it how we endure the cross such a love for us how he endured it such contradiction of sinners the scripture says my god but the scripture says consider have anybody done to us today what they did to jesus apostles before there were stone they were killed many saw the sun there many of them that went on the great halls um of weaknesses have anybody gone through some of the things that they went through today have you have i no i haven't any no is there one mr cross oh no no none of us have endured like jesus endured i've gone through some of those things and if he did it then what we are facing now we can get through and if it comes to prison and if it comes to death listen i've said it before i'm willing to die for this for what i believe i'm willing to die for it and you say oh you don't finish you have another situation there i said when i die i want to be i want to die hallelujah doing the work of the lord not doing anything else for anybody not my secular job no no all the way sold out for this all the way so much example look at paul thorn in the flesh he gave up everything remember he gave up everything himself called them as dong for the excellency of the knowledge of him the outstanding such excellency that which is outstanding the verse that we started with he said no ye not that they which run in a race run all but one receiveth the prize are the award him say guess what run like those who are going to obtain it run he says run that's it so run run with a purpose in mind run with a purpose in mind hallelujah says every man that strives for the mastery endeavor you endeavors to accomplish is temperate in all things this is self-control now in other words i just don't get up and just do anything no and the following verse 8 paul says he keeps his body under because in the at the end of the day you don't want to be a cast away keeping your body self-control if you're going to be a master at this you're going there's so you see patience with patients and here's another self-control temperance keeping your body back call your body you know your body want the balls to mortify your members which are in the earth what your body is able to do what you can do with your body in this earth because your body wants to do all kinds of things but you have to say body listen listen no that don't please god i'm not going to become a master if i give up no i'm not going to become a master if there's no temperance hallelujah can we shout hallelujah it says that they which do it let's do this right just like just like those runners that have been training there are times they don't want to eat certain things and they can't eat that if them eat it it's not gonna make them as effective they don't hit the whole key before the race they want to be as light and to be as effective but and they're doing it look at look at the olympics look how much look much training they have invested look how much time they have invested for this one event the bible says there which do it do it for a corruptable coral a corruptable reward it perishes what they're doing it for one last forever but we do it for an incorruptable it doesn't perish it will never vanish away it will never fade in glory never fade in glory run with a purpose run to obtain the price say this if it's going to be it's go listen if if anybody's going to get it it's going to be me that purpose when you're running without it in mind you're not as effective you become low gay it's like you got to work and you work for an entire month you're working and you know that at the end of the month you know i'll get no pay and that's why a lot of christians just handle the work of the lord like casually like it's nothing because they're not being paid a corruptable amount no no no the bible says um you should have muslims actually understand that those who work for the gospel also can be paid by the gospel you understand but there are those those of us hallelujah are volunteering well it's not really volunteer work because the lord is rewarding you it's just that it's not coming from the church that you're which you're a part of so many persons because they're not getting a fixed income at the end of the month they say i'm not gonna do this but pastor i'm not doing it for you sir i respect you and i love you but it's you are doing it for the lord right well me too it's him who gives us the reward it comes from him it comes from him don't look to pastor kellya don't say sir i have been doing this the whole time and if you go to the lord and if you go to the lord jesus i'm beginning to complain and go remind you that you're like an israelite it was in the desert your reward is sure it is surer than the income that you're receiving from your establishment at the end of the month there are blessings in this life and there are blessings after this life paul says this and i'm concluding it says for now i am ready to be offered think about it imna say he's gonna be offered him say i am ready who who talks like that he said guess what this is somebody who knows that they are finished well when you know you're finished well they said come on lord take me home come on i'm ready to go he says i am ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand he knew that he was about to be taken out and he said guess what i have fought a good fight it's a fight but not only a fight it's a good fight talking about running to obtain the prize and fighting to win it's a fight there's a struggle also because guess what the enemy of our souls we talk about him we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but they are principalities and powers rulers of darkness wickedness and hype these things satanic attack spiritual warfare going on at all times so you're running right to obtain but the enemy comes up against you trying through all kind of things you keep running you keep running and you're overcoming and you use the word you say the word and faith you see the great before in in hebrews 11 talk about those who who demonstrated faith in god i know they overcame those clothes have weaknesses in other words it takes faith for the josh i live by it right every day no matter what you face it says i am ready to be offered the time of departure is at hand i have fought a good fight and i finished my course guess what i have kept the faith so now i'm ready i'm ready that's what he says in the end i'm not ready yet because there are things and this is this this this readiness has to do with unfinished business there are things that i have to do in this earth before i can say i am ready there are things there are things that you must do there's a plan one we have to work in that plan kingdom business jesus said i must be about my father's business mary left him they never even realized that and joseph didn't realize that jesus wasn't with them the little boy jesus and he's there with the doctors of law and he's talking and guess what and they found him they had to return and let him say i must be about my father's business be about your father's business run to obtain fight to win amen thank you so much for your time thank you for listening have yourself a great day run to obtain and fight to win amen the lord bless you my brothers and sisters [Music] [Music] hear me [Music] me give me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] come to my soul blessed jesus [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] lord keep me [Music] come to my soul blessed jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] bless the name of the lord bless the name of the lord bless the name of the lord praise god i can make it because they before me made it yes they made it and the fact that they made it i can make it praise god i can make it let me tell those who you want to make it yes i want to make it [Music] they were an example and jesus is our example praise god we can make the it says we shall lay aside every way the sin that so easily beset us and run but church when we run we're going to run with patience hallelujah we're gonna get rid of all the weights be not weary and well doing because we shall reap if we fail not if we just hold on just hold on a little while longer hallelujah praise god just hold on we don't know when but i'm holding on somebody want to hold on with us somebody praise god online you want to hold on yes we know what you're going through we know you're feeling we're not discouraged you are yes oh oppress this life praise god has been to many of us but being a weary in well-doing you shall reap i said you shall reap if you faint not hold on hold on saints is anyone here today you'd love for us to pray we know everybody needs prayer i need prayer praise god everybody need prayer i need it praise god [Music] jesus is the only way the homeless satisfaction hallelujah i'm appealing to you praise god jesus needs you hallelujah [Music] again oh he's coming back again [Music] [Music] we have one person here who have walked out of his seat he's coming back again praise god people need jesus there's a need for the lord in this world today i'm appealing to the world you need jesus i'm appealing to the world you need to be baptized in jesus name i'm appealing to the world that we can't live in this world without the baptism of the holy ghost i'm appealing to you hallelujah hallelujah praise god i love for us to stretch our hands yes to this gentleman god knows we don't need to know what god knows in the name of jesus i present him to you lord we thank you for him the fact that he walked out we don't know what the situation [Music] destitute depressed lord god oppressed let us pray god that your spirit will be upon your people right now we pray oh jesus we thank you for your words of encouragement lord we thank you for the man of god minister of the word lord god we thank you for instructing us correcting us and reproving us with your word lord god does help us the least side of the weight and the sin that so easily sent us lord god help us to keep running this race we gotta run with patience [Music] hallelujah praise god he's coming back you don't have to worry [Music] joy [Music] for there's a friend in jesus [Music] and if your heart is broken [Music] just lift your hands and change [Music] yes we can [Music] jesus [Music] with jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] it seems to get you down [Music] remember there's a friend remember [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] and don't to be afraid [Music] [Applause] you don't have to worry [Music] we bless you lord [Music] [Applause] he will wipe your tears away [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know [Music] no matter what [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] let us lift our hands and rejoice that we're in the church we're in the presence of the lord hallelujah and there's no better place that we can ever be come on church let us lift our hands and us magnify god [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] lift your hands of the [Music] and house could not hold you down [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] have one for me hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] god jesus [Music] jesus [Music] i love the name of jesus [Music] i worship the name of jesus there's power in the name of jesus healing in the name of jesus victory in the name of [Music] everybody says what's the name of your god [Music] father in the name of jesus we thank you we glorify you lord god we recognize that we can run this race by ourselves we need your help in times like these god we need a savior and we got to be sure that our uncle holds grips the solid rock lord we will choose god to live for you god place it in our hearts help us not to be weary in well doing god of mine do we know we shall reap if we continue reap if we faint not reap if we give up not lord jesus bless this congregation bless this church bless the man of god i pray you will come to inspire him lord god i pray that you will send that strong anointing upon his life and i pray you will anoint god the body of christ lord jesus we're thankful god that you've given us the opportunity one more time to come into your presence lord god will hear the word of encouragement today lord god it's a word lord god that you've given to us and we pray you will help us to run with the word lord god we come with our different needs we come god almighty and ask that you will attend to our needs right now lord god we need a breakthrough we need a breakthrough in this house we need a breakthrough in family we need a breakthrough with the young people we need a breakthrough god almighty with those who are struggling lord we need a breakthrough help us but god has for me and my house we shall serve the lord jesus no matter what comes we're gonna serve you because you're worthy you're worthy of all the praise you're worthy of all the glory your word is jesus you're worthy god lord god we are depending on you god we need you we need your touch we need your direction we need your leading we need your anointing father god we're thankful that you've given us the opportunity to come into your house and lord god as we're about to leave go to our different homes we ask god that you will continue to protect and guide us come to the god to provide lord jesus and prepare us for worship lord jesus i pray god for this young man who have stepped out god jesus we know not what oh god is going through but god we present him to you lord and we ask god for those who are watching for those who are online god for those who are struggling for those who have your situation that god your attention ever need bless god or a pastor bless his family lord god bless his children oh jesus bless the church have your way straighten us god lead us we pray god and mind the brother chad and his family every family god we put into your hands right now my family we thank you we thank you god give us a mind for worship a mind to lift you up a mind to glorify you i shall see the lord i shall see the king we shall see the king help us to look up god because of our salvation joy now it's rapture time we believe god that you're coming back and god we know that salvation is only in your name so we present the name of jesus to the entire world right now seek the lord while he may be found calling upon him while he's near let the wicked forsake his ways hallelujah and then righteous man is thoughts we thank you god we're thankful that your ways are higher than our ways your thoughts lord jesus have your way as we say thanks in jesus name hallelujah in jesus name praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord glory to god [Music] [Music] [Music] so
Channel: King's Chapel United Pentecostal Church of Jamaica
Views: 878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SaJspx-W1q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 20sec (7880 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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