Mission and Leadership Summit 2022 | Sabbath Afternoon

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[Music] the army of judah was paralyzed by fear when they heard a mighty multitude was quickly drawn near but as they prayed for deliverance the victory would be given for when we call upon the lord we summon all of heaven pray on for you are who the lord is looking for pray on for this we'll tear those mighty strongholds down stay on your knees for this is where the battle is won very soon you'll win that victory [Music] when daniel faced the lions for worshiping the lord it seemed there was no hope at all for what would be in stone but when we stand on holy ground our smallest prayer is heard instead of on our circumstance our eyes are on the lord pray all for you are who the lord is looking for pray on for this we'll tear those mighty strongholds down stay on your knees for this is where the battle is won very soon you'll win that when your questions go unanswered and your prayers may seem in vain they don't seem to make a difference they don't seem to make a change just rest assured god knows your needs and he hears each time you pray your prayers are reaching heaven and the answers on the way pray on for you are who the lord is looking for pray on tear those mighty strongholds down stay on your knees for this is where the battle is won there's no better place for you to be than seeking the father prayerfully very soon you'll win that victory pray on pray on prey on [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] pasta [Music] is foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] what is god's mission for the church what's the difference between a spiritual leader and a business leader how can churches build intergenerational leadership teams how can we best minister to our communities how can we be agents of change in a complex world at our mission and leadership summit we'll tackle these critical questions join us for inspirational presentations roundtables and interactive seminars tune into youtube.com slash adventist ontario for plenaries and zoom for workshops asl french and spanish interpretation will also be available welcome back to the mission and leadership summit my name is matthew feely or pastor matt i'm from the new life seventh-day adventist church in oshawa and i'm so happy to be with you today and i have a co-host with me and i'm gonna let her introduce herself cherie augustus i am thankful to be here with you pastor and uh to be part of such a dynamic leadership summit well thank you pastor it's true this has been really a remarkable experience um i have to use one word and that word is inspirational and uh it's challenged me to be a better leader and to really fulfill the mission of christ and we want to thank everyone that's watching online today we we ask that you like our video and subscribe to our channel and uh stay tuned for more programs like this but if you're here with us uh online uh please tell us where you're from and greet us happy sabbath and we'd like to acknowledge you this evening absolutely and while we wait for you to do that um is there anything pastor sherry that really touched you last night hey last night was absolutely dynamic and there's this quote that really sticks out in my mind that pastor alina said she talked about the fact that the church is calibrated for a world that no longer exists i mean it really makes you think why why are we here and what are we doing we need to switch things up to be relevant yes um sounds like we need to recalibrate you know we need to look at what we're doing and was this for the old world so to speak and um are we ready for the new normal so that's a powerful quote and um i think it challenges each one of us and i have a quote yeah can i share a quote absolutely what stood out to you so stood out to me is from dr creighton and he said christ came to fulfill his mission by any means necessary he had to be successful in his mission for us to be successful in ours and by any means necessary are we willing to go the distance are we willing to give our all are we all in for jesus and by any means necessary and he makes us successful it's all about jesus you know that's it and i mean without christ what do we have we are assured of victory because he was victorious that's absolutely amazing we've got some people here talking to us from beaverton ontario hello we got someone else from cornwall welcome happy sabbath watching from fair haven seventh day adventist filipino church this is fantastic pastor cooper yes sir nice to see you welcome what a fantastic time hey pastor uh brother patrick rose i know him and his wife personally they're from my neck of the woods out in hamilton it's lovely lovely scarborough yes scarborough deb weber i think i know who that is maybe and uh yeah we're so happy that all of you are joining us online this is really a special uh time for us to come together and to focus on these subjects and so much work as effort and effort has gone into this leadership summit absolutely you know we were told last night about uh the the key to leadership and the keychain leadership yes are we prepared not only to become better leaders but to help others be empowered and so i brought a key here and absolutely before we leave tonight i'm going to hand it to you pastor sherry because i know you're young and vibrant and uh you got to pass it on i want you to carry on this work absolutely so we're so grateful that you could be with us today and uh we promise you there's great blessings in store for you this evening if you would like to watch this evening's leadership summit in french or english or if you would like to make use of our sign language as well then please visit our website and click on the relevant links so that you can do so thank you for joining us this evening god bless you as you participate in the mission and leadership summit [Music] let's all borrow our heads as we seek the lord in prayer kind heavenly father we come before you this afternoon thanking you for your wonderful mercies towards us since last night we have been presented with so many rich reminders of the tasks you have for us to do as leaders in your great cause there's so many people who need to hear about you and you have empowered us to bring your message to them dear god this afternoon will be presented with more ways in which we can reach your people open our hearts open our minds dear father that we may take in these admonitions the world is in time turmoil right now and people desperately need to hear of you have these presenters that they may bring the facts clearly to us so that we may absorb it and bring it to your people this afternoon dear god i want to bring to you the war the war-torn countries war is so devastating so many innocent lives are being affected we present ukraine to you this afternoon and the challenges they face we present all the other countries that are experiencing war be with the leaders of these countries let them know that strife is not the answer dear god be with us here in canada and the difficulties that we may face be with our government whether it be federal or provincial have them their father that they make make the decisions that will bring glory to your name and provide the services that our people need as we continue with this afternoon's program once again we ask you to bless us bless the presenters breath those who will be listening and who will be partaking imparting this information to your membership to your people for christ's sake amen [Music] do [Music] you've been abandoned with no place to go wounded in wanting such desperate times [Music] get a glimpse of jesus for he is right there with you he knows just what you need when life gets broken when you're in despair he'll carry your pardon when it's too much to bear it's down in the valley where he'll give you strength there is nothing you have lost that he can't replace you'll help me start all over again when life gets [Music] but the storm raged anyway it's hard to imagine how you'll make it through the day weeks turns to use times passing you by [Music] for he's right there with you he knows just what you need is when life gets broken when you're in despair he'll carry your burdens [Music] [Applause] [Music] that he can't replace he'll help you start all over again when life gets broken [Music] oh jesus sweet jesus [Music] make us [Music] is that he can't replace is again when life gets broken [Music] [Music] good afternoon my brothers and my sisters i'm pastor walin o'connor i have the privilege of pastoring scarborough seventh-day adventist church i'm here today at mls that's the mission leadership summit we're working with the theme of connecting like jesus one of the amazing things about god is that god is on this awesome mission this mission is to save humanity imagine we are all on the titanic of life we're sailing the ocean of time and somewhere along the journey we get hit with the iceberg of sin and people are tossed overboard god has a mission to save as many as possible it would be easy for god to put in one lifeboat into the water and to save a few but god has many different lifeboats out there he's got the lifeboat in the church the lifeboat of the home the lifeboat of the school the lifeboat of your individual life to send out into this cold dark world to bring as many people back into a loving relationship with him i have some friends with me across the vast beautiful conference of ontario where we're gonna just delve in in 30 second clips we're gonna pass the mic around ontario 30 second clips of how god saves through mission through different things we're going to start off with pastor garth gettys all the way up in ensue lookout everything begins at the similar level how do i share the mission of god as an individual you know ellen white says the best case for the gospel is a loving lovable christian i believe that jesus's method is the best way of sharing the gospel mingling with people ministering to their needs this is how we affect home school church the society then we will be able to carry out the great commission of reaching and winning for christ pastor garth that's his amazing stuff that's some amazing amazing stuff we want to thank you for that and now we're going to take back the mic and we're going to toss it up or fling it to pastor feeling all the way from oshawa the pastor of the new life church in oshawa pashwa as we call it pastor feely take it away with the mission of the home we've often heard it said that a family that prays together stays together but do we believe these words of wisdom do we practice what we preach alan white says and patriarchs and prophets page 504 that if parents would interest their sons and daughters in the word of god they themselves must be interested we must show our children how to live and make them our first mission field and together with mother and father and daughter and son we will be ready for god's kingdom pastor fili my brother from another mother i want to thank you for that and now we're going to move all the way down to windsor the principal of the windsor adventist elementary academy and we're going to go to sister jeffers janelle jeffers she's going to talk about how god uses the lifeboat of mission with the school take it away what does fulfilling god's mission look like through adventist education the question is what is god's mission in one sentence i believe that god's mission is to save us in his kingdom ellen g white in her book education refers to it as the development of the head the heart and the hand education for service to me encapsulates the very essence of seventh day adventist education my sister janelle thank you for that we're gonna now go and transition from windsor to etobicoke at the kingsview village church with pastor affleck pastor affleck how does god's mission work with the church god's mission is accomplished as the church provides individuals with the tools that they need to navigate the sometimes difficult terrain of this life the mission is also accomplished as we provide hope for individuals for the future and finally the church serves to prepare men and women boys and girls as they prepare for life eternal with jesus christ our lord and savior thanks pastor affleck for that we have been on a journey and these life rafts the school the home individuals and the church all work together to save individuals to bring people back on board with the mission of christ but there's one more life raft that we have yet to hear from and that's the life raft of a personal testimony an individual perspective and we're going to go to my friend my brother my colleague pastor rj beckbeck we're going to go up to 400 to very to pastor beckbeck and hear his perspective on what mission needs to him through christ take it away pastor god's mission means everything to me first he took a confused and stomach you and saved me in my sleep next he uses me for his purpose you know there's an anomaly when you work in god's mission i've heard people tell me that i've been a blessing to them but every time i follow god's mission i feel like i'm the one who's being more blessed than the ones that i'm serving there's something special about allowing god to use you and people going closer to god because of it it strengthens my faith more than any song or sermon i can ever listen to you pastor backpack thank you my brother from another mother that was absolutely amazing you know my brothers and sisters as we go back to the analogy of the titanic you might be thinking well pastor the titanic sank and you are correct the titanic did sink but i want to give you assurance today that god god's vessel is not the titanic that sinks but it's the old ship of zion no matter how bad it gets battered no matter how hard the waves may rock no matter how many icebergs come in the way this ship cannot sink because god has his life rafts out there and the life there's a life raft for you and there's a life raft for me you know the bible tells us in second peter 3 verse 9 the lord is not slow concerning his promises as some count slowness instead he's patient with you not wanting anyone to perish but that everyone should come to repentance god has a life raft for us it's called his mission this mission is to bring us back into a loving relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ as we're here at the mls mission leadership summit we want you to connect into one of these life rafts and help somebody else connect as well to my brothers and my sisters as god continues to walk with you and work with you may you connect others in the life raft of hope so that together we will reach the shores eternal in jesus name god bless you another segment from pastor mike [Music] greetings i'm leslie pollard president of oakwood university and i'm coming to you from the beautiful peters media center here on the wonderful campus of oakwood university i wish to extend my greetings from oakwood to our brothers and sisters in the great ontario conference and i'm honored to be able to share just a few thoughts with you on leadership i'd like to of course thank our conference president and all of his supporters his circle his team for the invitation so let's talk a little bit about this issue of leadership and what i'd like to do is to talk to you about the best practices in leadership just for a few moments now i'm going to whiz through some of these slides and i hope that they will help you but let me start for a seventh-day adventist audience in what i believe is a great place this is from the writings of ellen g white and she says i write that write this that all may know that there is no controversy among seventh-day adventists over the question of leadership the lord god of heaven is our king he is a leader who we can safely follow for he never makes mistakes wow what a promise that this church which was founded by an act of providence is being led by god himself and therefore one of the best practices of leadership is to recognize that everyone who is entrusted with a position of leadership on any level at the local level the conference level the union level in the local church at the division level wherever we are not owners we are simply stewards we are stewards of the little area of leadership the little deposit of influence that god himself has given us the lord jesus is our leader and when you look at his leadership you begin to notice something this is what i noticed as i studied the leadership of jesus first of all the thing i noticed was that jesus leadership reflected an expanding geographical trajectory what do i mean by that when jesus did his leadership he started in a very small area nazareth was where he announced was his coming out but in nazareth he began to move all across judea and palestine so that by the time he left the geographical trajectory had expanded immensely and he told his disciples that you are to go into jerusalem and samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth what a promise notice now ever widening circles in the leadership of jesus there's a lesson there for you and me our leadership our service our influence should not be contracting across time it should be expanding across time that's one of the insights we get from scripture here is another thing we learn about the leadership of jesus here's something else we learn about it in jesus leadership we see not only an expanding geographical trajectory we see an expanding sociological trajectory and what do we mean by that the ministry of jesus cut across all classes all classes um the upper class pharisees lower class commoners as we would say today he even talked to members of the traitor class those were the tax collectors and they were scores of others jesus leadership was not bounded by class distinction or race wherever he found someone open to the kingdom of god he ministered to them here's another point that i'd like to leave with you one of the best insights and practices jesus mission reveals not only a new sociological not only a new geographical but it also reflects a new ethnic trajectory jesus saw himself as someone who was open to ministering to all classes a canaanite woman's daughter a roman centurion son an official son from capernaum a roman centurion servant and then of course a samaritan leper and when i look at the leadership of jesus i have to come to one conclusion his mission is the mission that leads to our mission we are to serve locally connect personally and dream globally in carrying out his mission now isn't this what the seventh-day adventist church has done isn't this the way we see ourselves from one people to all people isn't that what we see you were noticed out of the gospel commission or the great mandate for the seventh-day adventist church found in revelation chapter 14 verse 6 then i saw another angel flying in midair and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live onto on the earth every nation kindred tongue and people wow this message that we've been entrusted with this message is to go to every people group now here is one of the principles of leadership that we find brothers and sisters and i need to say a little bit about it before we wrap up the principle of people group to people group is not a racist or exclusionary principle but it is a principle that says the gospel goes farthest and fastest when it moves from a common people group to a common people group now sometimes we get confused about that i worked in diversity for many many years i want to make this clear because we have affinity-based people groups meaning that we have filipino churches and korean churches and predominantly caucasian churches and and caribbean churches and i can go on and on and on and on doesn't mean that we are segregated we're only segregated if we don't allow people to join any church that they wish to join so this is not segregation this is a missional principle it's called missional particularity and why is it important because the gospel moves best from people group to people group less static less misunderstanding greater cultural awareness it doesn't mean we're limited to that as individuals we will meet people across all classes but from group to group that seems to be the way it moves best now now how do i know that i have an experience with this in my own history coming from the african-american community at the turn of the century mrs ellen white wrote this principle she said as time advances and race prejudices increase it will become almost impossible in many places for white workers to labor for the colored people you see that principle you see that principle that principle of people group to people group and it still works so this is our mission our mission it takes us around the corner and it takes us around the world now i want to just wrap up by making a few quick comments here we are with that we have to figure out where we find congruence between our values and the cultures that we are visiting so think about this in 21st century leadership what is happening we are expanding our witness i won't spend a lot of time on that we've got an organization that allows us to facilitate that our church structure uh helps define that mission but i want to say this thing before i leave as important as the work of a college like where i work our conference is let me tell you what is the nucleus of sda mission the nucleus of sda mission is the local congregation it's the local congregation that's where gatekeepers hold the greatest impact in letting men and women know about our message so when i think about that i see one example one great example for leadership as i wrap up this is the unique christian contribution to leadership not just taking care of our youth and carrying them with us because we need to do that that youth group is a successor generation but here is the key that we have to know that servant leadership is our unique calling in this thing of leadership and i want to end with this because we could quote these texts and you've heard them from john 13 and from other parts of scripture as are listed there in your slide set but i want to end right here i want to end with the question of was the leadership of christ effective he did servant leadership and of course you know he sacrificed his life because of it let me share with you what one great leader said he said alexander caesar charlemagne and myself founded empires but upon what did we rest the creations of our genius upon force then he went on to say this jesus christ founded an empire upon love and at this hour millions of men would die for him that was napoleon bonaparte brothers and sisters let me just say to you the love of jesus wrapped in servanthood it still works may these principles for leadership guide and bless you as you render your service to your church your community and your country may god bless you and again greetings from your sister institution in mission oakwood university [Music] [Music] do so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey uh [Music] foreign [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] greetings brothers and sisters of the ontario conference i'm les pallard president of oakwood university and the presentation you are about to hear is based upon some of the questions that many young adults have asked about our faith what is the relationship of what we are doing to the great social justice movements in the world what are our limits what do we know how do we know when to participate and how to participate and in what ways to participate if at all should we be on the sideline only preaching the gospel as we understand it from revelation 14 6-12 or should we in fact be shoulder-to-shoulder on causes that have great moral ramifications for our world our community our country and our world i want to talk a little bit about that with you today and and stir up some thoughts from the book of revelation that i believe can help us as we navigate this important topic uh now i'm coming to you from the campus of oakwood university now very few of us would ever stop to think that actually if we look back upon the work of ellen g white in the 1800s she was actually advocating for justice and equity for the people of color in the american south now that's what she said um and and she preached a sermon march 21st 1891 to the general conference called our duty to the colored people and it was there that she called for an emergence a very intentional mission to the colored people which was to bring to them a comprehensive presentation of the gospel not just the hearing of the bible in bible studies but also education a sanitarium it was supposed to bring healthful living and a total package to uplift the race and so five years later after ellen white argued so strenuously to the general conference and basically golden it into action she said five years later she said it was in the providence of god that the huntsville school farm was purchased wow and that's what she did and here in huntsville alabama we are celebrating 125 years because of the vision and the voice of this god servant we at oakwood like to believe that we are enjoying or living in miracle territory miracle territory where god himself has blessed these grounds to train hundreds and thousands of young people for mission service now and in the world to come so we're grateful for that on november 25th we celebrated 125 years of service that was our our 125th year celebration now why is that important because when you wind your way back it was because of the courage of mrs ellen white to speak the truth to the most powerful group in the church at the time the general conference now i want to talk with you today based upon that kind of history and heritage about social justice in the word of god now we won't have time to go through all of the texts but i do want you to know that you can find more information coming from oakwood university broadcast network on friday evenings it's called windows on the word all you have to do is google oakwood university and you can have a full and more in-depth study i'm just going to hit a few of the highlights then of course we're coming to something really important which is our alumni weekend there you can see what's advertised it's going to be a great celebration and we certainly would invite you to come so let's talk about social justice very quickly in the book of revelation what you are looking at is a sample school lesson supplement that you can find at the advent source and you can download it for 99 u.s american cents i guess that's about 78 cents for you in canada because of the strength of your dollar about 78 cents for you but uh about about 99 cents for us that's how much it'll cost and uh it's called social justice and the and the word of god i would encourage you to get this and study it because it's presented by bible-believing seventh-day adventists god-fearing scholars who have searched the scriptures for what our message has to offer to this important conversation i happen to write the one on the book of revelation and the very first chapter that i wrote the very first day that i wrote after dealing with the history of the book of revelation was the topic the remnant the resistance of the remnant what is clear when you study the remnant in the book of revelation and i did i wrote my dissertation on that more than 800 pages initially then we had to cut it down to 400 pages but let me tell you what i learned about it is that the remnant are a people who stand up and who speak up against all injustice not just religious injustice as you will see from the next part of the presentation when i talk to the pioneers but that's what the remnant do now you should know that there's also some good news about this you can read this in the sabbath school lesson so i won't spend a lot of time but but you should know that this idea of the remnant seventh-day adventists we didn't just make that up i found bible scholar after bible scholar who talked about the remnant now this is a seventh-day adventist bible scholar dr ken mozak who used to teach here in the school of religion at oakwood and who passed away far too early we certainly miss ken but his research was on the remnant in the book of jeremiah and he gave us a definition that part of a nation clan tribe or family that survives after there has been a disaster then here's another scholar almost 32 years before him 1962 edward ginny who says the remnant in the case of a devastating calamity is that portion to whom the existence of the community continues here is another as you look at this i'd invite you to read it the idea of the remnant belongs to the expectation of judgment and salvation so when we talk about the remnant we're talking about a people who are delivered from calamity from judgment and as you study this topic it just thrills your soul the very first example of it is in the noah story where the judgment of the flood comes and noah and his family because of their faith they are preserved but their being preserved also creates the opportunity for the earth to be repopulated with people of great faith so these are some of the questions that you can discuss as you go through the lesson what should be our stance to what extent should we participate in non-violent resistance all of these are important questions what should be the motivation for our involvement and what should be the limits of our involvement because there can be limits so let me just take you to something that's very important and i may have to stop here but let me just share with you uh does anybody recognize what's there on screen i caught that on the internet it's actually it looks like sanskrit or some other ancient it's actually shorthand it is the lord's prayer in shorthand now when you study the sabbath school lesson there is a text that says revelation 12 17 and the dragon was wroth with the woman and without to make war with the remnant of our seed who do what keep the commandments of god brothers and sisters the idea of keeping the commandments is very important because it is shorthand for walking in the covenant one scholar noted that the summary the ten commandments constitute the summary statement of covenant requirements between yahweh and israel a covenant shorthand formula summarized israel's covenant duties fear god and keep his commandments for this is the what the whole duty of man the whole duty not just a part but the whole duty of man now i'm going to take another couple of minutes to talk to you about a very important topic you can get the sabbath school lesson and you can read this because it's all there the early adventist pioneers [Music] did not restrict their voice or their advocacy only to the preaching of the three angels messages they saw in speaking to the great moral issues of their day they saw the witness of god in scripture now they saw that they saw the activity of god in moral and just causes and so in my lesson i had a section called adventist speak truth to power now i'm not going to take a lot of time but i do want you to look at the following ways i want you to think back on the tradition of the early pioneers and ask yourself where are we today when it comes to these kinds of conversations now this brothers and sisters is the man after whom andrews university is named el dejan andrews he's writing on revelation chapter 13 and notice what he does as he writes on revelation chapter 13 when he gets to the the application of the scripture as to who that is and how he proves that revelation 13 is america that looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon this is what he says notice the bold statement it says the institution of slavery most clearly reveals the dragon spirit of this hypocritical nation that's amazing isn't it amazing amazing this is that same jay and andrews who said if all men are created free and moral then do then why do we hold millions of people in bondage this is a seventh day adventist by the name of j and andrews i'm going to take about three more minutes and wrap this up so here we are because i'll invite you to read this notice now this is j.h wagner the father of e.j wagner who was famous for his work with righteousness by faith notice what it says the united states government is a great idol altogether unworthy of the adoration which it receives these are the adventist pioneers speaking very honestly and very forthrightly here is another quote by james white he's using irony here he says many things are esteemed i need to read it from here because it's kind of small for me so here we go he says many things i better read from there oh there they are many things are esteemed sacred in america but the most sacred thing is slavery and he goes on it's a beautiful piece that he has written the constitution is held is held sacred but not so sacred is slavery when they come in contact it is the constitution that must give way liberty is held sacred but not so sacred as slavery where slavery appears liberty hides her head the bible is held sacred but not so sacred as slavery its decalogue its golden rule its law and gospel are all set aside by the code of slavery these are early adventists and then ellen g white she wrote this she said god is punishing this nation for the high crime of slavery he has the destiny of the nations in his of the nation in his hands he will punish the south for the sin of slavery in the north for so long suffering is overreaching and overbearing influence brothers and sisters notice many of these that we talked about they were quoted in the review in herald so what do i want you to take away from this seventh-day adventists had a very strong consciousness of morally right and wrong and were willing to lift their voices and use the voices of the papers to actually do that work ellen white told one brother who was holding pro-slave reviews i saw that you brother ayer permitted your political principles to destroy your judgment for the truth they are eating out true godliness from your heart your views of slavery cannot harmonize with the sacred uh with the sacred important truths for this time you must yield your views or the truth both cannot be cherished in the same heart for they are at war with each other you've got to pick your causes you've got to decide which things you want to speak to and you've got to speak to them as i leave you i'm going to leave you with something that we have selected we have selected health care as our justice issue access and equity for all people in our community regardless to where they're from regardless to stripe or station that's what we have chosen and this video as i end with it i invite you to consider what is the cause that you can choose that you can get your voice out there known for fighting for equity and advocacy and being voice for those who are voiceless may god bless you and enjoy this video and know that we at oakwood are praying for you as you do your work god bless you leaders and people living in northwest huntsville got a first look at oakwood university's community health action center the school had its grand opening and the goal to tackle food job and health and security our kenisha dies spoke to some people there who shared why this center is needed [Applause] because of the vision that people have seen and that has been fulfilled meet carol sullivan when i came here it was one dormitory for the ladies one for the men and the campus has since expanded with the opening of oakwood university's community health action center one side of the facility includes a site for health education and a food pantry the other a clinic in partnership with huntsville hospital everybody can't afford health care and for this community to reach black white hispanic whomever it is a blessing that oakwood university is a part of well we're going to be providing primary care services as well as walk-in type services for things that are a little bit more urgent but may not necessarily need the emergency room we're going to be providing and offering care to the students and at a time where northwest huntsville needs access to health care the most the center will offer covet 19 vaccination and testing i grew up in this community i graduated from oakland university and i'm very proud to be able to serve the members of this community because this is my community i'm getting older and this place is right here and if i need to come i'll come i'll come and support in any way that i can the huntsville hospital wing is set to be operational sometime in july putting the valley first kenisha dies wcdx news [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] my my [Laughter] [Music] [Music] in reach outreach what is the difference have you ever taken the time to think about what a church that is focused more on in reach look like compared to one that is focused more on outreach well let me begin by sharing my story you see i grew up adventist i am a third generation adventist i went to adventist schools most of my life i went to church every saturday and attended a y saturday afternoons at times i would go to prayer meetings on wednesday nights i was a part of the pathfinder club i was basically surrounded by adventists with people who thought like me believe like me and it was comfortable right and so the church i attended growing up was mainly focused on a few things and some of those things are appearance right no jewelry was allowed only a little bit of makeup can be worn and certain attire was acceptable you couldn't just wear what you wanted to church this church was also focused on music only christian music was allowed um you could only listen to christian music but not every kind of christian music right so they were picky on that as well and another thing they were focused on was behavior how you walked in the sanctuary how you carried yourself and they didn't allow any clapping and of course you couldn't show too much emotion in church you couldn't be too loud you had to keep it quiet keep it contained and of course it focused on diet what you ate all of this was more important than anything else because these things set us apart from the world and all of our services all of our activities were catered for us you know how to memorize bible verses how to learn more hymns how to know more about prophecy and what to do when persecution you know comes or how to avoid unclean foods or live a godly life and uphold traditions and you know when it came to reaching others for jesus our church would hold evangelistic meetings for weeks where people had to come to our space and listen to us and as soon as they decided to become a part of our church we helped them change their focus from jesus to appearance behavior music and diet and i remember one time when i was young i'm going with my mom to visit someone who wasn't adventist my mom was giving them bible studies and as soon as they accepted jesus and wanted to join our church and they were excited to have jesus as part of their life before they were able to be baptized they were asked to take off all their jewelry stop eating meat um we're told what kind of christian music was acceptable you know the one acceptable according to us and they had to dress accordingly basically we told them they had to be more like us so they could fit in and we could remain comfortable this church the one i grew up in focused mainly on in reach and to this day it has had internal fighting which led to a church split and it hasn't been very good at growing it hasn't seen much growth and it has barely survived and you know this mindset of inreach that i learned at the church it became a part of me and and i wasn't aware of it um i would express this mindset even outside of church and i remember uh for my last year of high school growing up going to avenue schools my whole life this last year of high school the 12th grade my parents decided to send me to a public school because you see the adventist school's over an hour away and my grades weren't doing too well so my parents were like let's send you to a school that's closer to home and even though i didn't want to didn't want to go to the public school i had to go anyway and i'm going to be very honest here going to that public school made me feel so uncomfortable because you see that in reach mindset being surrounded by people who were different to me made me feel so out of place like i didn't belong and here i am now in this school i find myself surrounded by people who probably didn't go to church especially not an adventist church um who had people that didn't really believe in god kids who smoked in the bathrooms had parties or weekends their conversations including drug sex alcohol and things we avoided talking about in public in the adventist school so pretty much my church taught me that my behavior would save me right and going to church the adventist church would make me holy and avoiding certain conversations and avoiding certain people would bring me closer to god but as i look back and i realized how much i was afraid of those who are different i noticed that i didn't understand the gospel i truly did not understand what it meant to love god and love others because i was still focused in this in reach mindset it was all about keeping our church protected from the outside world more about serving self and those within our church than about reaching those outside of our church and to this day as i look back at my time in that public school it breaks my heart it saddens me because there was a young girl who struggled with her identity she had eating disorders she was searching for love anywhere and everywhere and she so needed to be reminded that she was loved that she was special and valued and she kept looking for a true friend someone she could trust and i was there yet i was too busy trying not to be like the rest of them that i didn't realize god had placed me there for a reason and i missed out on a beautiful opportunity of being jesus to her and who knows how many more opportunities i missed out on growing up because i was more concerned about my self-righteousness than about people friends many times we get so caught up on focusing on self on ourselves on in reach that we forget the reason why we are christians and the true meaning of being a disciple of jesus jesus says it clearly he tells us what a disciple is if we go to john 13 35 it says there your love for one another did you hear that friends your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples loving people that's it it's loving people it has nothing to do with how many times you go to church or how perfect you behave or how many bible verses you know by memory it is not about self-righteousness but by our love for one another and you know friends i don't want to miss out on any more opportunities to love people to be jesus to them i want to see people in such a way that it draws me to them not make me run away from from them or or even push them away from me i don't want to have a mindset that is solely on in reach where i'm more concerned about being set apart feeding myself spiritually and seeking comfort over sharing the love of jesus to everyone i encounter and this is why church we need to be intentional to focus more on outreach which is to practice looking beyond yourselves and to the people around you and to share the love of jesus as you serve and connect with them so what is outreach it is to practice looking beyond ourselves and to the people around us and share the love of jesus as we serve and connect with them because you see jesus was all about outreach jesus stepped out of his kingdom to step into our world because he loves humanity he loves you and me so much how many times have you stepped out of your world for someone else you see jesus didn't only surround himself with like-minded people but he was comfortable with people who were different and believed differently he didn't mind being associated with outcasts rejects and the least of these he wouldn't have been like me in a public school who felt out of place jesus would have loved being there with all those people around him so he could share his love with them have you ever had a meal with someone who was different someone who was considered unacceptable by your church you know people followed jesus and wanted to be around him because he valued each person jesus sat with them he ate with them he met their needs and he took time for them he was not afraid of what other people thought those naysayers critics including the religious leaders friends leaders a church that focuses more on outreach is not going to be afraid to get uncomfortable for the gospel did you hear that a church that focuses more on outreach is not going to be afraid to get uncomfortable for the gospel it's not going to be afraid of change because change is just a way to reach more people that's right change is a way to reach more people doing things differently helps you reach more people and a church that focuses more on outreach has the perception of god that is boundless because you experience god beyond the church building beyond those four walls a church that focuses more on outreach has more empathy because church members are not afraid to connect with people who are different it will focus on doing anything and everything to save souls and for people to experience jesus it's not just about maintaining traditions or striving for perfection but it's about creating an environment where people feel loved are accepted and welcomed and where they can grow and be all god created them to be a church that focuses more on outreach will reach people outside of the four walls of the church because they matter so so much and the church will find ways to connect with them with the community it's not only going to ask them to come to their church but it's going to provide things for those people outside of the four walls of the church for example it's going to provide trainings right maybe trainings like cpr first aid parenting skills or how to take care of your finances or perhaps how to take care of your mental health it's also going to provide different activities where people can get to know you especially those who are afraid of entering your church building right stepping foot into the church building having activities where people can meet you outside of church where they can get to know you and you can build relationships and they can make friends so then it's easier for them to come to church this kind of church will probably provide activities like zumba where people can get healthy cooking classes a picnic an easter egg hunt language immersion classes hangouts daddy and child baseball games or pampering moms for an evening block parties pizza and video game night and so much more this kind of church is creative always finding ways to reach more people a church that focuses more on outreach will take time to reach out to those in need like the refugees the homeless struggling single parents the elderly those who have been rejected by the church including people from the lgbtq plus community and so much more a church that is more about outreach has a mindset where people are more important than anything did you hear that a church that is more about outreach has a mindset where people are more important than anything so remember friends a church that solely focuses on inreach on self is like a person that only eats right and consumes and never exercises very very unhealthy don't try that at home and it will see people's value as secondary it will become isolated irrelevant and disconnected and it will lose sight of its purpose and will not grow a church that focuses on outreach will take time to move and go outside of its comfort so we can get healthy because remember god calls us to go and make disciples to move beyond not to stay and make disciples so if you want people to stay in your church you got to send them out of the church to serve outside of the church and they will stay a church that focuses more on outreach will be a church that values people above everything it has a dna where love is expressed continually and is overflowing it will be relevant always actively seeking to find ways to be jesus to those it encounters and will grow what kind of church are you a part of [Music] one single drop of rain your salty tear became blue ocean one tiny grain of sand turning in your hand [Music] enough to hold me in your arms [Music] father of my heart and freedom oh my god [Music] one trembling heart and soul [Music] you call across the mountains and the me oh [Applause] [Music] majesty [Music] i lift up my heart and i cry father of my home and oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen good afternoon and welcome to a round table as we continue our mission and leadership summit in this segment we heard presentations from dr leslie pollard president of oakwood adventist university and some of the best practices of leadership and on social justice and the remnant we also had the opportunity to hear from pastor john curtis on the subject of inreach and outreach what does it look like my task over the next few minutes is to facilitate a roundtable discussion and i'm happy to have in the studio here with me dr reynold hazelwood but before i get into the discussion with him i just want to go back and look at some of the high points mentioned by dr pollard firstly there was the call to follow the model of servant leadership which was demonstrated by jesus next he reminded us that the leadership of jesus showed an increasing geographical sociological and ethnic trajectory therefore our leadership should encompass an ever expanding geographical sociological and ethnic horizons earlier this year i sent to every pastor of our conference a gift from the ontario conference sabbath school department it was a copy of the social justice in the word of god bible study which was mentioned by dr pollard in his presentation so each church can determine the relevant social justice issue which is relevant and contextual to the location of the church in its wishes to address the community as part of its mission outreach so now i have with me dr reynold hazelwood who by now i'm certain you know is the personal ministry's director of the ontario conference and he carries several other responsibilities dr hazelwood as we reflect on the presentations this afternoon especially pastor curtis presentation john curtis presentation what is the connection between the mission of god the outreach motif of the church and the north american division designation of the year 2022 the year of multiplication wow thank you very much dr chichester for having me here good afternoon to everyone what an amazing time we live in and what a profound question you have just asked of me uh we need to always bear in mind as leaders and disciples of jesus christ what is the mission that god has given to us as his disciples matthew 28 gives us a concise description of that mission which is reflected also in revelation chapter 14. matthew 28 speaks of us uh going into the world and making disciples of all men and revelation speaks of the angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach so when you tie those together that's our mission how do we do it everyone reaching someone for jesus christ we got to get involved it's everyone doing something for jesus so that jesus can return and set up the kingdom of god on this earth jesus wants to save us all we got to remember that jesus is interested in saving humanity he's not just interested in saving one person and when you take what juan said the more you you you work outside of the church in terms when you embrace the whole concept of outreach which is going out into the community and getting involved in the community and doing work with the community and sharing the gospel with the community and not trying to bring them to listen to you are you going out to do it because that's what christ calls us to do to go out to do it what we would realize the more we do it the more successful the church will be you know there are some of us who question well where is the funds going to come from well i'll tell you as a pastor i have tried these concepts that she has raised and i can tell you as i testify to you this evening that the funds come don't ask me where they come from god blesses his people when we are engaged in ministry and so the funds come to continue the ministry remember it's not our ministry it's the mission of god to us so that we can continue to do his work now how do we tie that to the year of multiplication if we are engaged in the ministry that god has given to us if we are involved in the mission of god then for me it's quite obvious something will happen people will come to jesus christ that's the multiplication that will take place people will always want to say what must i do to be saved how can i become a part of the movement that you are part of how can i be uh happy like you are it seem as if in spite of all that is happening around you you are not perturbed you are not worried and you can tell them easily because i serve a living god and said to them do you want to know about this god that i serve in a practical way do you want to hear more about him do you want me to tell you how he has been good to me and as you share with them that good news that's the discipleship coming out there you're witnessing to them about jesus christ they come in that's the multiplication that will take place and if the church focuses on that you will find that the need for bickering and and biting and finding faults and so will diminish the church will grow and the church and the community would have a good connection in that the church would be known in the community for all the work that is doing people will flock not just to the church they will flock to jesus christ he who has given us the mission so that his coming can be hastened multiplication my friend thank you dr hazelwood i am actually excited about for presentation and as i listen to you i can hear tmi total member involvement tsi total establish school involvement tci total children involvement and i know that from the ontario conference we have a number of initiatives to support our churches to be outward focused churches i know for example we have the walking and working with jesus what other initiatives are there i know there's some from your department in collaboration with us to help churches to become more intentional and disciples to be more intentional in being outwardly focused and connecting and reaching people for our lord and savior jesus christ you know there's a model that the bible speaks about in in that is used in the agricultural context and that model was embraced by the north american division under the acronym grow it's called a grow model the grow model has five phases to it the five phases operate in the agricultural world but it also operates in the world of the mission of god where evangelism takes place so individuals are taken through that model and first it's i'll tell you what the five phases are it's prepare it's plant cultivate harvest and preserve now in order for us to prepare plant cultivate harvest and preserve we need to be trained so when an individual becomes a member of the body of christ as a disciple we're talking outreach that person is trained so in the school of evangelism and discipleship we have various courses that assist people who come in and those who are there already so that they can be trained to be the kind of disciple makers that they need to be so that they would now be able to go back to their churches and help others now they will get involved in that cycle where they plant sorry they prepare they plant they cultivate they harvest and they preserve when you live in a neighborhood and i'm going back that's what tmi is all about total member involvement when you live in a neighborhood you need to be able to prepare the soil in that neighborhood just as you would prepare the soil when you're doing your gardening so your friends people should know you in your neighborhood they should you should know them you make those connection in general conversations you get to know their children their family that's the preparation but then you've got to move on you can't stick there you got a plant now otherwise you'll never have a fruit to harvest or or a vegetable to harvest you gotta do some planting so you know you would start sharing with them a track or leaflet or a book or a magazine of some sort that they can read build some interest at some point they're going to ask you a question about that that gives you the opportunity for the next phase which is the cultivating now you could introduce them to a bible study whether in this pandemic it's online or it's in person you're introducing them to your jesus i never fail to ask them what they think about your jesus because you want them to accept your jesus and this acceptance is done in stages so at every stage you ask them a question so that they make a decision not for you but for jesus so that when the fruit that tree has or the vegetable has grown to maturity in its bible study experience then we're getting time to harvest that's where baptism comes in you either take them to an evangelistic series or they're involved in a small group ministry program or you might have a massive musical program at your church you invite them the point is you want to get them to the building to get them comfortable with people who you are already comfortable with because people love people people are drawn to people who they enjoy being with and you can't just bring a stranger in and think that their comfort zone would be the same as what it was before no they have to grow into that relationship baptisms happen as a result of that and then what would happen is after the baptism here's the peace that we need to all underscore here today the part that we talk about preserving we are not very good at that one and i'm challenging everyone who's out there today that we become involved in the preservation that's the mentoring side of it that's where we mentor those who have come in we spent time with them teaching them the doctrines of the church teaching them all about discipling now and so you have done it with them you take them with you to do it now and then you let them loose so that they become a full-fledged disciple of jesus christ and the mission of god continues to grow and grow multiplication continues to take place and heaven is populated amen and so that's the connection between personal ministries and sabbath school because personal ministry is about making disciples and savage school is about growing disciples and so the cycle continues with the preservation of the harvest and the equipment and empowering of disciples to go out and to make more disciples based on the matthew 28 paradigm because the greek of the text suggests that as you go so often we think that it's just a command to go but the greek suggests as you are going make disciples and so as we come to a conclusion towards the discussion i have one last question for you wow how can we as disciples be more intentional more intentional because this was referenced by pastor johan curtis how can we be more intentional in loving people as jesus did and what does it look like i got i got two quick questions two quick tips for you luke chapter 19. i don't remember the exact verse but you have the story of zacchaeus he climbed up in that tree because he wanted to see jesus jesus invited himself to zacchaeus home a republican he was intentional with zacchaeus jesus christ on his trip back to jerusalem went through samaria it was not the normal thing john chapter 4 for jesus to have a conversation with a samaritan woman but she did to the extent that she ran to find everybody in her village come see a man who tells me things about myself that nobody knows jesus was intentional and if we are to be his disciples we too must be intentional well ladies and gentlemen there you have the end of our discussion let's continue to stand the servant leaders for our lord and savior jesus christ let's remember that this is his mission let's be intentional in loving people and helping them to discover the good news of the salvation and by and by will see them in heaven by god's grace god bless you as we continue with this amazing mission and leadership summit thank you very much pastor [Music] [Applause] it's our time we must rise up and no longer disparage it's our time church to honor our heritage we have a savior he gave it all on the cross we stand beside martyrs who counted nothing as lost they took god's mysteries opened them up for us stephen john the baptist bonhoeffer john huss surrounded by a cloud of witnesses above it's now our turn to model his unending love our mission is one we cannot confuse nor muddy up with some trite excuse you say you're not well versed ready or able i think moses even tried to use that fable the time we have it's now more urgent if we should hear well done faithful servant yeah church it's our time it's our time to confess the ways we're mangled the sins and selfishness that have us entangled lust greed and pride their path leads to the grave yet we return to our sins as if we're a slave can we survive in this putrid dead sea i quote paul may it never be so let's cast aside our individual leprosy and begin to leave a biblical legacy there's a glorious prize awaiting to be won and the way to win is to start to run let's lace them up and fight the good fight become to the world both salt and light our life on earth is merely a vapor our chapter must move from pen to paper so church let's get to writing because it's our time it's our time church we have what it takes to help the world from its slumber awake to jesus we are his beautiful bride whom shall we fear with him on our side we have each other we are not alone it's iron to iron in the combat zone there's a promise of life full of adventure as long as we give both talents and treasure the workers are few the harvest is plenty with so many lives running on empty scores of people trying to cope they've come to the end of their proverbial rope young eyes are wandering looking for direction make sure we point them to his resurrection the clock's ticking we're on our dime hey church rise up it's our time [Music] all right was not that fantastic amen what powerful presentations you know listening to the thoughts that were presented is so enriching and it's it's a cause it's a call for change it's what it is you know what's the point of listening to all of this if we do nothing about the information received if it just goes in one ear and out the other what would have been the point well we would have wasted a few hours for sure but maybe we would have wasted our entire christian experience you know god meets us where we are and he takes us on a journey and yes we have to be willing to grow and adapt and change and go where jesus leads us absolutely and as we go as pastor to chester said we have to make disciples and that's relationship focused and we're just so blessed to hear these um presentations today and hear from different pastors and a lot of wisdom what did you hear that was meaningful to you honestly pastor cortes said something that she said a bunch of things that tickled my brain but she said change is the way to reach more people and that just spoke to me like we need to create an environment where people feel like they matter that spoke to my heart because you know sometimes you think about change and people are resistant to change that's true you know you get comfortable yeah but change is not just change for the sake of changing it's changing with a purpose right changing to meet people so it's a it's awesome we can't go back to the same old same old that's right um you know we've had this pandemic and disrupted our lives and church and everything that we know um but it gives us an opportunity to reassess and to learn from our mistakes and to learn the lessons that come from you know great spiritual leaders and we're so blessed today uh pastor pollard helping us understand uh social justice and and so much uh to learn and grow and i just feel that uh it's a time such a time as this that god's people need to rise up absolutely and we really do have a great work to do and uh not a work that is accomplished all by ourselves but each one of us making a difference each one reach one and that's right each one reach one that's right and so we're so glad that you're still with us today and you've joined us for this program it's a very interesting program because it's not just uh seminars on youtube but also on zoom that's right and we have some information we want to share with you about some zoom workshops uh that you can attend they'll be running simultaneously um after this segment and so we'd ask you to please find yourself in one of these workshops we have a workshop with mission and diversity lloyd douglas leadership and great controversy astronaut we have social justice and the church that's orlando pulley and frankie lazarus we also have um angeline david uh presenting for us on resilience and leaders and we have marie presenting for us and i'm trying to read the screen it's a small one there but immigration collaboration immigration immigration immigration thank you so much i apologize for that uh i'm realizing i'm getting a bit older i need some glasses help me see jesus change change the change is coming but um we hope that you were able to follow that information on the screen and if you weren't you can click on the description on this youtube video and it has all the links there available for the zoom seminars and uh this is a great opportunity to to learn with these presenters on these particular subjects and maybe even ask some questions yes and of course if you're unable to access the zuma you maybe you know some of the seniors in your church they can call in and so on the website that information that you can pass on to some of the maybe you know people that are not as technology uh savvy savvy all right well we want to give you as much time as as is needed to be part of the zoom so god bless you enjoy take good notes and of course do that which you are instructed to do [Music] [Music] what a friend we have in jesus [Music] all our sins and grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything to god in prayer [Music] have we trials and temptations [Music] [Music] he is still our worth take it to the lord [Music] when we have a friend who's there [Music] when will we can heavy laden [Music] we should never be discouraged when we take it to the lord in prayer some things we have not because we have when we have a friend who cares [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we often forfeit we bear [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we should never be discouraged in prayer take it to the lord [Music] you know oh [Applause] [Music] oh whoa [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] so oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] as the morning sun rises my thoughts fall on you your boundless love amazing grace though i do not know a broken spirit an empty vest on my offering your forgiving grace my hiding place [Laughter] [Music] [Music] reach in great mercy love freed us from sin i fall on my knees and worship you [Music] like the sun who rebelled or as peter denied the sin inside i cannot hide my heart i can't keep your but while i was a long way off your heart went after me your forgiving grace my hiding place great mercy love freed us from sin i fall on my knees [Music] eternal life [Music] came with a cost to pay the price meant the death of christ for all humanity my guilt my shame i've passed away i've been made news [Music] [Music] remember to love your neighbor to bury each other's praise i fall on my knees [Music] when my hope is [Music] is [Music] [Music] your love is devoted like a ring of solid gold like a vow that is tested like a covenant of old your love isn't doing through the winter rain and beyond the horizon yourself to me and it's why i see jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus your silence fear o jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus peace bring it all to peace the storms surrounding me i'll let it break [Music] jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus your silence fear jesus jesus you make the darkness tremble jesus jesus and it's why i sing your names never be on my lips ever be on my lips your your place will [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] a a [Music] [Music] guys [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] m foreign [Applause] [Music] m [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] be foreign foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] waking up another heavy heart and burdens i can't bear does anybody care [Music] see more of what i'm missing less and what i have to share miles away from what i need yet so close when i'm in prayer that's when i close my eyes take some time and realize that he was always there truth is he never left that is what the spirit says and i believe it's so i never have to be alone [Music] waking up another cross today the waves a lot this time so much is on my mind [Music] lonely heart don't desert the one you know we love you best open up so he can breathe again and put the storm to rest that's when i close my eyes take some time and realize that he was always there truth is he never left that is what the spirit says and i believe it's all i never have to be alone [Applause] [Music] open up so he can breathe again and put the storm to rest that's when i close my eyes take some time and realize that you are always there truth [Music] is what the spirit says i never have to be [Music] i'm caught up in your presence [Music] i just wanna sit here at your feet caught up in this holy moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i'm not here for blessings [Music] jesus you don't owe me anything and more than anything that you could do i just want you [Music] oh i'm sorry when i just gone through the motions i'm sorry when i just sang another song take me back to where we started i open up my heart to you and i'm sorry when i just come through the motions i'm sorry when i forgot that you're enough take me back to where we started i open up my heart [Music] i'm caught up in your presence i just wanna sit here at your feet i'm caught up in this holy moment [Applause] i never wanna leave no i'm not here for [Music] blessings you don't owe me anything and more than anything like more than anyone [Applause] [Music] [Music] i open up my heart [Music] i'm sorry take me back to where it started i open up my heart [Music] nothing else nothing else [Music] nothing else nothing else jesus nothing else will do i just want you nothing else [Applause] nothing in this world will jesus you're my center and everything revolves [Music] [Applause] take me back to where we started i open up my heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take me back to where it started i opened up [Music] open heart my heart [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the almighty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] song [Music] [Applause] [Music] wonderful [Music] [Applause] desire [Music] your day [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the almighty can do is [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh oh king jesus [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and never more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] forever king jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Music] before i spoke a word you were singing over me you have been so so good to me [Music] before i took a breath you'll be your life in me you have been so so kind to me oh the overwhelmingness ending break this love of god oh it chases me down fight still i'm found leaves a 99 never ending break this love of god [Music] when i was your foe you have been so so good to me [Music] when i felt no worth you paid it all for me you have been so so kind to me oh the overwhelming never ending break this love of god oh it chases [Music] you give yourself away oh they overwhelm me never ending breakfast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming after me [Music] [Music] [Applause] coming after me [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming after me overwhelming never ending break this love of god oh it chases [Music] [Applause] still you give yourself away oh the overwhelming never ending break this love of god [Music] amen [Music] greetings from health and prayer ministries i am maria mclean director and with administrative assistants from danielle rob we provide resources support and education to schools churches and other entities in the constituency one of the ways this is done is through regular sessions on sabbath mornings when we gather to pray learn and share sometimes we collaborate with other ministries to deliver the service and other initiatives please check the videos and other resources on the pages of health and prayer ministries on the website of the ontario conference [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] can you think of some people from your church that you haven't seen in a while is there a person who is inevitably going through a difficult life transition right now [Music] or any elderly or sick needing your attention and care have you spoken to them recently it's time to create a plan connect with them using a language that everyone can understand it's time to serve show them that they are loved and never forgotten [Music] assuredly i say to you and as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to me share the good news of jesus christ to all the world what a wonderful time this will be we cannot wait global youth day 2022 loving the forgotten [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] what is god's mission for the church what's the difference between a spiritual leader and a business leader how can churches build intergenerational leadership teams how can we best minister to our communities how can we be agents of change in a complex world at our mission and leadership summit we'll tackle these critical questions join us for inspirational presentations roundtables and interactive seminars tune into youtube.com adventist ontario for plenaries and zoom for workshops asl french and spanish interpretation will also be available welcome back from those wonderful workshops i'm looking in the chat and i'm seeing amazing comments about how great those workshops were my name is kevin benta and i'm the director of property and risk management here at the ontario conference i'm here with fellow director dr maria mclean and we will be facilitating a discussion with some of those workshop presenters the workshops looked at leaders as change agents and it is our desire that these workshop would have inspired you not just to be a change agent but a change accelerator and perhaps move out of the category of being a change resistor dr maria over to you yes and good evening good afternoon to everyone it is a pleasure to have you in the room with us and welcome to our summit presenters uh we trust that they'll be able to join us we want to thank them actually for this stimulating uh presentations and you know we want to not just thank them but the best way to thank them actually is to embrace and execute the concepts that they presented so i'm not sure which one you attended kevin but i was in and out of uh the various presentations and they were all very rich um which one were you in and what did you take away from from one or two or three that you attended certainly thank you dr maria i see on my screen pastor lazarus i attended that uh seminar on social justice and i was really impressed with how they unpacked the gaps and how we can fill the gaps pastor lazarus is so good to see you my friend can you share with us in your pastoral 30 45 seconds about the gaps and how we can fill some of these gaps with us okay i see my friend from up in the sioux dr lloyd douglas dr lloyd douglas in your seminar it was amazing i i loved how you unpacked that we should bloom where we're planted and as we're blooming we're replanted we should follow christ's methods in order that we may germinate can you unpack that a little bit for our viewers uh thank you so much for having me um it's very important for us to realize and recognize that we should not complain where puts us and uh regardless of the territory i know when i look outside it seems as if there's uh 10 feet of snow and uh elder benta you were here just two weeks ago so you know that i'm not lying and how can you bloom in a place that's filled with ice let me tell you one of the first things that you got to do is to surrender to jesus i remember you talked to us uh two weeks ago about following the commander's intent and that is found in matthew chapter 28 verses 18 to 20. and one of the things that got me that you you know is that we don't have to do things the same way that we used to do it 20 years ago or how we do it down south amen here in the north what works for us the only way that we are going to bloom is when we follow christ's method that's it hands down simple formula there's no magic to it there's no trick to it if you are fake you can't last here no one will trust you you gotta be like christ you gotta be very authentic be very true to yourself and know who you are in christ don't be ashamed of that because the gospel has the power you just gotta just tap into that power and be your true self in christ and that's how you're going to bloom awesome thank you for that sister angelique i i popped into your seminar for a moment and something that you said really got my attention and that is we are always available and that being always available could lead to burnout and then you talk to us about pizza breathing can you unpack that first in about 30 45 seconds as dr douglas was sharing we need to bloom where god plants us the challenge often becomes how do we stay bloomed without withering away how do we avoid losing the passion the the love that we have for the ministry that we are engaged in and so we talked about burnout the causes of burnout what burnout is and also about resilience and how we can develop resilience in our leadership so one of the skills we learned was pizza breathing which is a very simple way to include breathing in your your activities just take a time to stop and breathe and breathing is a gift from god that actually helps to decrease our stress levels so i'd love to demonstrate it for you but i think you might have to watch the video or something like that go find that recording thank you angelique dr maria you think i'm think i'm doing some pizza breathing right now so dr mir did you attend any of the seminars and what were some of your takeaways uh i was in a few of them briefly and everything that was shared was meaningful and i what uh well there's so many things that i i like um but the the general takeaway from just about all of them was that um ministry is changing ministry has changed and we cannot um approach it with the same template that we were given back in 1960 or in 1990 or even 200 keeps changing and we have to adapt with the change and be as relevant as we can be because if we're not we are going to be left behind in in terms of the sharing gospel so um i don't know who else is in the room but if i feel if you can extract one point from your presentation that you would like to suffer in the minds of listeners and viewers what would that one point be and can you clearly two minutes or less what this is and can you emphasize this major takeaway for us if there's one thing you could do well i see pastor poulet and pastor lazarus they have joined us in the room and uh i want to throw the question back out to them that you just mentioned uh because i think that they they would like to tell us about the gaps that we should mined and how we can bridge these gaps uh to make our ministry more relevant in this day and age i'm not sure which of you would like to go first pastor orlando pastor lazarus i'll let pastor pooling at first pastor poulet seems to be on mute we're not hearing him so maybe i can can you hear me yes go ahead pastor lazarus all right so maybe i can i can suggest that uh one of the things that that stuck out to me that is that we need to engage with our communities um in a in a real way not just three times not just three times a year we're doing series and crusades but we constantly continually engage with the community um the one point that was made is that shepherds uh smell like sheep and uh if we're going to effect change we've got to get in there with the community and and be a part of what of of what they're going through and what they're having to endure and that's how we get to um bring about change in in terms of social justice amen shepherds smell like sheep tweet that dr lloyd douglas that was my original by the way please your credit where okay all right appreciate the honesty pastor douglas what is the one takeaway to maria's question what is the one takeaway you would like us to have from your workshop i think we really need to honor the indigenous strengths of the peoples that we work with for example here in the north when you are following christ's method you don't look down on the people you know you don't look down on the sheep you understand what i'm saying uh uh uh you know the sheep uh doesn't care the shepherd the shepherd carries the sheep and often times we tend to look down another point which is the same point don't turn christ's method upside down we like to start with follow me first but no it's mingle with the people care for them meet their needs win their confidence and then you say follow me and you got to be authentic drop that baptismal agenda uh your goal is to love god and to love others the holy spirit will work with you will work with the people if you are following christ's method amen oh pastor esther not as you just joined us pastor not are you there in your seminary the concept of expose not impose was very powerful to me can you share that unpack that with us well expose not impose it seems like pastor not is not there but what she's uh talked about in her workshop was we are to expose people to what we believe and not impose it on them dr maria and i've sat with you in many different forms and i know that is something that you always stress that we should expose and not impose that's right because we have to get rid of the tendency to have a superiority uh a complex uh we knowing we're around and so each should nobody can teach us anything we have a message we have the truth so you know who's going to tell us anything right so we have this this idea that holds things on people and we you know move away from christ's method and as um dr douglas was saying when when we do that um when we impose our beliefs or things or or principles or beliefs or away on other people right and somebody put in the chat what they got from uh pastor knott's uh workshop was a barbecue first the church will come after another great concept from pastor not uh sister angelique what is the one takeaway that you would like us to have from your important workshop at this time speaking of resilience yes well one of the things that we talked about is that resilience is a mindset it has a lot to do with what we think about our role our role in the ministry and even the role that our ministry has within the larger body of god's work as we consider the purpose as we consider what it is we can and cannot do we also start to realize that we have limitations and that can be a frightening thing to go through but it really helps us to see how we fit into the body of christ and that we are not to do the role of someone else that god has called them to do what that then does is it helps to release us from the pressure of accomplishing what we are not needing to accomplish it helps us to realize that here are the boundaries within which i can be a healthy and a productive contributor to the the gospel ministry work it really is a process of freedom finding freedom from the the pressures the the requirements and sometimes they're self-imposed sometimes they come on from others but realizing what is our role within the larger scope helps us to see that we don't have to accomplish everything we do not need to be all things to all people at all times that's god's role what is he calling us to be where he has us and what what he is doing with us and with the tools that he has given us at hand amen and if you attend if you attended this the workshop on immigration and refugees you would see how everything we're talking about here kind of comes together it is an amazing ministry where they have bloomed where they're planted they've they've looked at the social justice need that they could fill and one of the takeaways i had is a quote that the presenter shared and says the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others dr maria uh pastor poulet and lazarus go ahead dr maria okay i thought town um pastor not who's ready to speak maybe not no pun intended not is not ready but i want to thank you all for being part of this panel discussion and i hope that we as ontario conference seventh-day adventist will bloom where we're planted would follow christ's method would expose and not impose and wait may we be change agents and accelerators for the gospel let's go and connect like jesus and thanks to all the presenters oh my goodness okay sorry i hope we're not live um well i want to thank everyone for challenging us in so many ways to understand and execute the various facets of mission and leadership and as i said at the beginning the best way we can thank you the best way we can move from here to the next space actually give flesh to what we were taught today um i like the the idea of taking things off paper and giving flesh to the concepts that we were presented today that's the best way we can thank the the presenters and we can do this to god's glory and may god give us the grace to do just that lift these concept concepts sorry off paper and give flesh to them as we execute the mission of god amen amen thank you everyone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] every day [Music] please order my steps [Music] while you are working i will keep still satan is busy god is real order my steps in your word please [Applause] [Music] oh yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the world is ever changing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] show me how to walk in your head provide me a brand new [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] please please [Music] greetings everyone we praise god for the meaningful time we have spent together for all the insights and the tips and the information we have received over which we are now expected by god to be stewards we anticipate that we will be able with the use of these strategies and our fresh commitment to reverse the direction of declining churches and lift those that have been plateauing to a new level we pray that this will be transformational as we go forth to represent what jesus wants of us let us pray father in heaven as we come to this point for a closing charge i pray that your holy spirit will speak to each one of us challenge your hearts illuminate our minds and re-fire and rekindle the spirit of passion within our hearts for the work of jesus christ may we do our part for the finishing of the work that you have given us the privilege to do to the glory of your name amen i share with you this charge from the book of matthew in fact my title is a word from matthew to leaders a word from matthew to leaders while i have an admiration for the surgical commitment to the details evident in the writings of the book of luke i have a very special appreciation for the book of matthew it is no wonder that i'm so happy and elated that my wife agreed for us to name our second son matthew i always tease her that i i always refer to him as her second son not our last son because you never know what the lord has in mind but as we go to the book of matthew a cursory reading of the book of matthew starting with the first chapter of the book of matthew could lead you to ask the question who begins a book with a genealogy who really wants to read a long list of names before getting to the story as a matter of fact i dare say that any modern writer who writes like this runs the risk of not getting his or her work published you may have heard of a man named theodore s giesel who wrote his first children's storybook it was rejected by 23 publishers but here comes the good news the 24th publisher he approached sold six million copies wow just so the book of matthew the first uh new testament uh book seemed difficult to get past the first chapter but one would soon discover that this is a great seller this is an amazing book the book of matthew is a gospel written by a jew to jews about a jew jesus is the subject and i hear you say amen it doesn't take long as we read through the book of matthew to notice that matthew wrote strategically because he knew that for the jews genealogy and ancestry are important and that is something of a growing importance to people today we've come to learn for example that this is so important to the jews because uh a priest needed to produce an unbroken record of his pedigree all the way back to aaron in order to be affirmed as a priest interestingly the bible tells us in ezra chapter 2 and verse 62 that after the babylonian captivity certain families could not serve as priests because they searched for their family record the bible says but they could not find them and so were excluded from the priesthood genealogy clarifies one's ancestry or one's family tree and this was very important to the jews to whom matthew wrote so matthew established in his first chapter and in the very first verse that jesus could be tracked back through the genealogies to abraham would you say amen that satisfied the genealogical qualifications and the relevance of jesus for the audience to which he wrote how wise and how strategic under the leading of the holy spirit did matthew write somehow as we read through the book of matthew when we get to chapter 16 we come to a significant intersection introduced by these four words from that time on matthew said from that time on as he makes a transition because matthew 16 21 supplies the clarification it says from that time on jesus began to explain to his disciples watch this that he must go to jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders the chief priests and the teachers of the law and that he must be killed and on the third day he would be raised to life jesus had come to a significant intersection in his ministry journey it is uh from this intersection that jesus rarely purposefully marched toward the cross the cross which is the very heart of the christian religion the cross of which jesus declared in john 12 32 but i when i am lifted up from the earth will draw all men to myself i once heard a preacher said that does not have to do with the crucifixion that has to do with the ascension when he's lifted up from the earth but i'm so sorry he didn't read the next verse which is verse 33 which says he said this to show the kind of death he was going to die that time on matthew chapter 16 says jesus now came to the intersection in his ministry journey and jesus was now from that time on marching steadily to the cross the cross of which paul declared in first corinthians two verse two i resolve to know nothing while i was with you except jesus christ and him crucified from that time on so matthew from his 16th chapter now escorts us onwards with a focus on tracking the journey of jesus to the cross and by the time matthew gets to chapter 26 he shines the spotlight on leaders in the context of the cross which should help us to keep our focus and not lose or away there are lessons in this for us if you read with me matthew chapter 26 verses 1 and 2 it says when jesus had finished saying all these things he said to his disciples as you know the passover is two days away and the son of man will be handed over to be crucified what a warning to his disciples what a timeline to the disciples what a context he gave the disciples and then matthew in chapter 26 turns the spotlight on the chief among them who was the high priest chiaiafas wow ellen white in the desert of ages chapter 6 spent some time talking about these but i share this section it says i quote while god was opening the door to the gentiles the jewish leaders were closing the door to themselves wow end of quote it must be clear to us that being religious is not enough god has called us to more than religiosity he's called us truly to be a church that represents the body of christ to be the visible representation of christ in this world as people interact with us as people encounter us then matthew shines the spotlight on another leader judas by name a leader in his own right the treasurer if you please judas a leader called by jesus to follow him a leader who walked and talked with jesus a leader who witnessed jesus's miracles a leader who failed to live up to his assignment they deserve ages says of jude as i quote judas was the most critical of james and john for wanting to be on the right and the left of jesus in his kingdom and yet in that upper room he pressed next to jesus to sit on his left side to keep james out huh and testimonies for the church volume 5 page 423 ellen white makes it very clear she says one essential qualifier for leadership is a living connection with jesus christ end of quote this allows christ's influence to change us judas came in association with jesus but did not seek to grow to be like jesus i appeal to you stay close to jesus we can only leave the church right if he leads us how can this happen except we are determined in these precarious times to be leaders in whom he is well pleased jesus is searching for servant leaders leaders who will first serve him faithfully and serve his people with humility and so the bible puts servant leadership in light of the cross john 12 27 and 28 as the new american standard bible renders it now my soul has become troubled jesus says and what am i to say father save me from this hour oh no but for this purpose i came to this hour father glorify your name end of quote leaders ought to learn and grasp this from the servant leadership of jesus not losing our sense of purpose despite the difficulties that confront us and the transitions that we will have to make and the adaptability and flexibility that comes to make demands on us jesus says for this purpose i came and i'm sticking with my purpose ultimately father glorify your name i pray today that every one of you including myself will seek to have the name of god glorified through our ministry jesus came to this decisive moment in time he did not shrink back from the cross for our salvation and for the glory of god look around you and realize that the end is stealing gradually upon us ellen white says and the confronting question of psalm 11 and verse 3 challenges us today if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do it didn't ask what can the politicians do and yet so many individuals are looking to politicians to solve the problem the question is if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do the righteous needs to recommit themselves reconsecrate themselves the righteous deeds through the leadership to refocus the church so that we can know the times and know it is time to awake out of sleep god is looking for sabbath school superintendents god is looking for family ministries leaders god is looking for personal ministers leaders god is looking for seniors coordinators god is looking for church elders god is looking for youth ministers leaders god is looking for leaders and officers of the church urgently looking for leaders who will take seriously our privileged relationship with him and our responsibility to which he has called us this is what gives god glory every leader and his or her counselor committee must go back to their churches and ask themselves the question how can our ministry lead members into a closer walk with jesus how can we make our church grow stronger through worship warmer through fellowship deeper through discipleship broader through ministry and larger through evangelism starting right now then matthew drilled down from the jewish priests who as a group failed jesus a group of leaders they failed the lord and he drilled down to the personal and individual level by shining the spotlight on judas the man called by god to be a leader ellen white puts it poignantly when she spoke about this after jesus washed the disciples feet she said dissolve ages chapter 71 jesus said to the disciples i quote ye are clean but not all end of quote he had washed the feet of judas but the heart had not been yielded to him jesus says ye are clean but not all jesus knows us he knows when we're just going through the motions and he passionately wants us to be sincere in our walk with him john 13 27 makes a scathing statement it says satan interviewed us wow and matthew draws on the act of the washing of the disciples feet to reference another washing and this time it's a woman this time it's a woman with an alabaster box her story is one of amazing devotion all out of a deep gratitude to jesus nothing pleases jesus than a sincere love for him and a deep rich gratitude to him oh beloved the group of jewish leaders failed jesus judas failed jesus and here comes a humble woman mary who demonstrated her love to the one who had done so much for her family the one who raised her brother back to life the one who delivered her out of sin and handed her salvation she knew that the very meaning of messiah is the anointed one so she broke open her alabaster box and anointed the feet of jesus she had no towel so she used her hair to wipe the feet off jesus and the men and some leaders including jewish leaders and judas these who should have been leading her to christ were criticizing her and jesus used three strong words he said leave her alone and then he explained that what she did out of her humble sincere worship was to prepare him for burial which he kept telling them about matthew 26 10-13 as i wind down but jesus aware of this said to them why are you bothering the woman for she has done a good deed for me for you always have the poor with you but i've heard you with no passion for them but you do not always have me for when she poured this perfume on my body she did it to prepare me for burial jesus says truly i say to you he says in verse 13 wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world what this woman has done will also be told in memory of her oh no good news to tell in memory of judas no good news to tell in memory of the jewish leaders but there is good news jesus says where the gospel is preached to tell about this woman and what she has done anointing his body to his death as we look through the story i ask you the question who are you in this story are you among the chief priests who are so caught up in your religious function at the expense of your relationship with jesus then now is a time to make an about turn from religiosity to sincerity in your relationship with christ who are you in the story are you called like judas privileged like judas helped like judas but your heart remains detached because you miss the meaning of the cross matthew's prayer is that we'll be more like mary starting our leadership with sincerity and humility there's a song which says the room grew still this is a song by cece winans about the alabaster box tells the story of the woman coming to jesus the room grew still as she made her way to jesus she stumbles through the tears that made her blind she felt such pain some spoke in anger heard words and whispers there's no place here for her kind still on she came through the shame that flushed her face until at last she knelt before his feet and though she spoke no word everything she said was heard as she poured her love for the master from her box of alabasta i can't forget the way life used to be i was a prisoner to the sin that had me bound and i spent my days poured my life without measure into a little treasure box i thought i found until the day when jesus came to me and healed my soul with a wonder of his touch so now i'm giving back to him all the praise he's worthy of i've been given and that's why i love him so much so i have come to pour my praise on him like oil from mary's alabaster box so don't be angry if i wash his feet with my tears and dry them with my hair you weren't there the night jesus found me you did not feel what i felt when he wrapped his loving arms around me and don't know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box who are you in this story i pray we'd be like mary jesus himself wants us to come to him so that he can empower us equip us fill us with his spirit and send us afresh on his mission he did say to his father in john 17 18 in the same way that you gave me a mission to the world i gave them a mission to the world jesus calls us not only to come to him but to go for him this is the year of multiplication second corinthians 5 18 christ changed us from enemies into friends and gave us the task of making others his friends also when will you begin i'm glad you answered there is no better time than now who are you in the story i pray like mary we will get back to the feet of jesus with your alabaster box of repentance and praise and worship and thanksgiving and then rise from there with our tears wiped and our future having its door flung open for ministry and for mission to the glory of our lord and savior jesus christ i'd like him to say about us from that time on i could depend on them let us pray father in heaven thank you so much for your words to our hearts you've called us over and over and over and one day we will stand before you for accountability we pray that we'll hear from your hearts because of our leadership well done and welcome in the name of christ amen [Music] thank you pastor edwards for the timely and wonderful charge this has been an excellent weekend i'm sure we are all being blessed i just want to thank some people this afternoon for making this weekend possible first i'd like to thank you the viewers those and zoom and those on youtube without you we wouldn't have a weekend we want to thank the host last night we had pastors michelle clark and artisan bernardo this afternoon we had pastor sherry augustus and pastor matthew feely they did an excellent job we want to give special thank you to our devotional speakers i want to call out our pathfinders and our adventurers weren't they excellent we really appreciate the work that the pathfinder director is doing with our young people all the presenters i would like to um thank is our ted talk presenters we had dr jerome crichton last night and dr alan martin along with pastor alina van rensberg this afternoon we had pastor leslie pollard and pastor joanne cortez we also want to thank our panelists and our cheer persons for each panel the presentations were well received by all our participants we also want to thank our language and asl interpreters we're pleased that we're able to cater to all the membership of the ontario conference and our musicians and our singers they also added rich context to our to the program this weekend pastor did um i forget anybody i believe there is also a group of those teams who work behind the scene those who are in the background and nothing of this will be possible marine we want to thank our technical team production team all those who work with the sound video we want to also thank the planning committee i want to thank pastor hazelwood who chaired that committee for uh hours of hours putting together into working to bring this leadership summit to life and at the end as we close the gratitude our thanks go to our heavenly father and i would like us to close with a simple words coming as benediction as we close with the prayer coming from first corinthians chapter 16 verse 13 and 14 watch stand firm in the faith be brave be strong let all that you do be done with love let us pray our loving father thank you for this weekend thank you lord for granting us this blessing in all these messages invitations and charge at the end today lord we stand before you ready available willing what we are in need of your power we ask it's your divine power touch us you grant us the boldness readiness and willingness to go and to be active we want ontario conference to move forward the days are shortening and we want to say as jesus said as long as i'm here as long as there is a day you're going to do the work of the heavenly father you're going to do the work of saving the lost we pray lord and me we all set aside our differences different views different understandings may all be focused and christ centered a focus to finish the work this can be done only with the help of your spirit in jesus name we pray amen what is god's mission for the church what's the difference between a spiritual leader and a business leader how can churches build intergenerational leadership teams how can we best minister to our communities how can we be agents of change in a complex world at our mission and leadership summit we'll tackle these critical questions join us for inspirational presentations round tables and interactive seminars tune into youtube.com adventist ontario for plenaries and zoom for workshops asl french and spanish interpretation will also be available you
Channel: Adventist Ontario
Views: 3,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adventist Ontario, Ontario conference, Seventh-day adventist Church, Mansfield Edwards, Adventist ontario, leadership summit ontario conference, Mission and leadership Summit
Id: wcpMP1O0eJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 55sec (13615 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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