King Salmon with an Amazing Mustard Sauce - Chef Jean-Pierre

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hi there friends another fantastic show today a king salmon with a master sauce i'm going to show you how to do it stay tuned and don't forget ring the bell don't forget to give us a thumbs up if you like the video and please subscribe to the channel stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to make this amazing salmon well let me show you how easy it is to make this salmon that's going to be a quick recipe folks you're going to love it i got this beautiful king salmon i love salmon and and as i'm hearing the comment you guys love simon too and my fishmonger told me today i said what's the number one fish he said hands down salmon i got beautiful king salmon here right there folks so i'm going to show you how to cook it you know a lot of people like the skin if you're going to have the skin there's a few things we've got to do with it so i'm going to show you first thing we want to do is you want to take as much of the moisture as possible from the skin so you scrape it you scrape it you see look look look look you can see what's happening right there folks if you're gonna have a skin you're gonna have a crispy skin and the best way to do this is to eliminate as much of the moisture as possible you see look when you think you don't have any more look see all that moisture right there so you take it look at this it's amazing so we want to remove it as much as possible of the moisture you see as much as much as possible don't be afraid to scrape it you're not going to hurt your fish i promise you you see you're not going to hurt your fish at all so scrape a scraper scrape a scrape that is if you want to eat the skin and you want it to be crispy yeah look at this that's amazing all right well you got the idea okay spend some more time i don't want to make the video look at this that's amazing isn't it and what i like to do is i like to again wipe wipe the fish it's amazing wipe the fish look at this all right so now what else do we do we wipe the fish stew i'm just going to do one piece for now all right you can take the time to do more i got a clock going and then i'm going to put some fleur de sel florida cell i don't know if you've ever had flower cell friends but this is amazing salt it's crunchy it's amazing from the galanga area of france it's really an amazing salt so we put the salt in here you see on the on the skin we're going to use clarified butter my friends use graphite butter to saute the fish but then we will use regular butter to make the sauce first let's check a temperature to make sure we're good i like it to do i like to do it skin side down in the oven 95 of the time that means the first five minutes we're gonna cook it right here on that side so what we're gonna do we're gonna put a little more salt in here right we're going to cook a little more salt we're going to put a little bit of pepper right here very little pepper right here on that side so we're going to start sauteing it in here and when this is kind of like golden brown then we're gonna pop it in the oven and then what that's gonna do that's gonna make sure then the skin is beautiful nice and crispy and then what it's cooking in the oven i'm gonna make the sauce and for the sauce i am gonna make a mustard sauce so i got white wine you don't want white wine chicken stock i got it ready just in case you don't want white wine a little bit of cream some shallots some dill and another onion the chives and we are using a the mold mustard the mold mustard or or dijon mustard with seeds on it so it's mustard with a seed on it and and then we're gonna add more butter for sure for sure we're going to have butter but otherwise without butter life is boring without butter okay people want to say they don't eat butter i don't know let's make sure i got the right temperature i want to be um i want it to be a 350 clarified butter you can take if you do regular butter it's gonna burn at 300 degrees it's gonna start turning brown so we don't want it to do that that's why i'm doing it so remember the beginning of the salmon we're going to saute right here on that side and we're going to get a golden brown on that side just a little bit while this is done let me clean up my uh my cutting board you know i got my sanitized water there i cannot stand a dirty kitchen my friends sorry but i gotta clean up i you know whenever i cook i finish one job i gotta clean it and i finish another job i gotta clean it i cannot have a dirty stove there's a thing about this i gotta have it clean all right so let's get the fish to do this while it's doing this we're gonna stock a little bit on the sauce and the sauce we can go with regular butter because we're not going to burn it we're not going to cook for a while we're going to be gentle so we're going to put a little butter and i like for those of you that are asking oh it's hot what kind of batter do you use i use a sweet butter whatever butter you can find my friend whatever butter you like but i use sweet butter that means non-salted butter we're gonna saute the shallots and we're gonna get them light golden brown and then we're going to put some white wine and we're going to do a white wine reduction now let's see how we're doing with the fish friends oh yeah yeah another minute or so maybe not a minute just a couple of seconds that'll be enough for us to stop the sauce butter melted we're going to put some shallots if you don't have shallots put onion it'll be fine just don't tell them if somebody doesn't like it just don't invite them again that's all not that big of a deal they don't like it yeah go eat somewhere else let's see what we got here friends let's see we got okay you see look we're looking good okay so now what we're gonna do friends we're gonna take that we're to pop it in the oven 375 degrees and jack is going to give you the uh the celsius because i always forget i'm going to put it right in there and we're going to cook this to a beautiful i like my salmon medium rare you may like it a more cook then you cook it more but we're going to go with an internal temperature of 125 degrees i like it to be pink that's a matter of opinion there's no right or wrong whatever makes you happy all right we're going to saute the shallots and this is going to take a few minutes and as soon as the shallots are golden brown light golden brown we don't want to burn it we're going to do a white wine reduction you don't want to put what you want a lot of people say you know they are religions or whatever it is or they don't drink and uh and uh um i understand you don't drink you don't drink you should try it no i'm only kidding if you don't drink don't worry uh you put stock okay i got a chicken stock yeah i always cook i got a chicken stock on my stove uh and uh and and and so stalkers do just just fine okay so don't ever worry about what do i replace it with you replace it with a broth you got to replace the liquid and shallots cooking and butter ain't nothing like it friends i am not kidding shallots than cooking butter they are amazing so how long do we cook the salmon for i always ask the question how long are you cooking for it all depends on thick it is it all depends the temperature of your oven it all depends how you like it some people like it rare they want a rare salmon some water like oh well done so it takes longer remember friends i tell you invest in the thermometer invest in the thermometer okay you can't just you're professional you can twist it you can feel it okay i know it's cooked right that's if you do this every day same salmon same cooking device you can figure it out if you've been doing this for a long time professional chef of course i love it when people said to me oh you know you're not a professional chef you use the thermometer 54 years if i'm not a professional chef then i'm a shoemaker in the meantime my friends use the thermometer okay that's the best way to do it don't be afraid to put to poke the fish you're not going to do anything bad to it look at the shadows friends golden brown reduction of white wine whenever you cook with wine you want to let it reduce you want to let all the alcohol out cook with the wine you're willing to drink i say that every time i use wine cook with the wine you're willing to drink if you're not willing to drink it don't cook with it don't think it's going to get any better after you cook 15 minutes because it doesn't if you cook with a three dollar bala one you're gonna have a three dollar sauce so you want to work all this you want to do all this and have a sauce that is not so good if you cook with the beautiful wine use the chardonnay use the sauvignon blanc use the shernin blou use whatever one you want as long as it's a wine you're willing to drink bring it to boil look see bring it to boil and let it reduce let it reduce let it reduce okay while this is happening i'm gonna do some potatoes i got potatoes in here and we're gonna saute them in butter but the potatoes and i have friends people know eat butter already left to tic tac toc i sauteed some potatoes here friends oh no no i poached them i poached them in water i just cut them a little nouvelle potato we call them you know they wash potatoes you they sometimes they red sometimes they white i peel them and i cut them you know so they look decent and uh and we're gonna saute them in butter we'll put a little dill because we're going to put some dill in the sauce so we're going to put a little bit of dill in the potatoes and we're going to put them next to the fish very simple right we could put some asparagus also you could put a vegetables you want in here but it's just just plain i love to have a little potatoes with my fish put whatever makes you happy with it okay so we don't have to worry about the fish that much but we gotta worry about this reducing so folks this has to reduce almost when there is nothing left so it's going to take about two or three minutes i'm going to slow down i'm going to stop the video for a second and and then we'll come back about two or three minutes when this is completely reduced okay all right friends the the battle is hot for the potatoes we're gonna saute them just really quick remember they cooked did i tell you that they're cooked already i cooked them in boiling water okay all i'm gonna do now just sauteed and make them nice and pretty okay but they're already cooked all right so we're going to put a little salt and pepper on them that's it they're cooked done and the white wine as you notice it was about three three minutes something like that the white wine look is reduced completely so at this point you can add a little bit of broth friends i got a little bit of chicken broth right here let's add a little bit of broth we have a little extra sauce you see this is a good way to get extra sauce okay and now what we're going to do we're going to put a since the white wine has been reduced we're going to bring that up and we're going to put a touch of heavy whipping cream and then we're going to flavor it we're going to flavor it with dill this is a very simple sauce friends you can make that with chicken you're going to make it with anything you want really we're going to put just a little bit of pepper and a little bit of florida salad look at the potatoes friends look at the potatoes they look beautiful let me get a tongue i got them right here no big deal on the potatoes there let's saute them nice and pretty at the last minute we're going to put some fresh dill on them all right we're good the sauce is reducing let's just wait a few more minutes for the fish to be ready let me check it out to make sure we're doing good maybe another couple of minutes we'll be back in a couple of minutes to finish the fish all right friends but then the fish is going to be ready what i like to do with the sauce folks is you can reduce it and then and finish it up with butter but then it'll be too liquid so i like to think in just a little bit with the cornstarch just a little bit a little bit a little bit see put a little cornstarch in there you don't need a lot you don't need a lot friends okay let me tell you this cornstarch i had a whisk somewhere here you go this cornstarch is really gonna do a job you see look okay that's it stop it stop it already you see look right there we got a beautiful sauce and now all we need to do folks is put a little bottle in there yes yes butter look at this look at this oh yeah baby all right let's take the fish out don't that look beautiful let's take the fish out and put my sauce here let me turn this off the potatoes are done all i'm going to do with the potatoes i'm going to put a little bit of my dill because that's the spice i use you could use the spice the herbs i use not much of a spice involved in there stop it the sauce is done let's get the fish out you know what friends i almost forgot mustard i put it at the end the mustard you don't cook the mustard fish you don't cook the mustard you put it at the end let me just take it out of there yeah mustard sauce without mustard that would have been a good one yeah look at this oh yeah this is beautiful this is gorgeous friends absolutely beautiful all right yeah that meat that's me right there friends um master sauce oh he forgot the mustard oh let me not forget the fish hey yeah yeah here we go friends all right so now i'm gonna do i'm gonna get a spoon i'm gonna bathe this guy just a little bit with a clarified butter right there look at this look at this friends we're going to take it we're going to remove a little bit of the fat right there then the fish just releases see a little bit of the fat right there just not elegant nothing wrong with it it's just the fat there we go we're gonna oh yeah baby look at this let's finish cooking it remember cooking is really your call however it makes you happy to do it friends let me clean up a little bit because i always have a mess i don't know about you but i always have a mess on my kitchen counter i hate to have a mess so so i take the mess from over here and i put it over there that's okay though cause you're not looking over there you're not supposed to look over there all right so here we go we're gonna take a fish come to papa right there we're gonna take it in a pan oh yeah baby we're gonna be delicate now i'm gonna put the fish and we're gonna put it right here very simple oh this hot we're going to change pans right there we're going to take some of our potatoes we're going to put them right here that's very simple right nothing fancy here friends take a two or three potatoes right there let's give it another numbers eh about three potatoes very simple you want to put another one what do you think another one no three is good i'm only but at three one more thing that i like to put in the sauce at the last minutes besides mustard is chives never cook chives never cook chives whenever you see somebody cooking chives got a tic-tac-tock look at this look at this fence look how beautiful that sauce is you can rub that all over your body look how beautiful that sauce is oh yeah wait until it's not so hot i can see people for the first time on this channel that say this guy is a nut uh hold on don't move what am i looking for uh oh i know what i was looking for a spoon we're gonna take a little bit of the sauce right there mince look at this oh yeah that's what i'm see how simple that was a little mustard sauce if you have never made a masala sauce right there friends on your fish oh one more thing hold on i got it right there this time i was ready remember the sauce is made with dill so find yourself a nice piece of dill and do it delicate delicate you don't have to be you don't have to do so much what do you think i think that's enough one piece is enough that's it my friends now the best time is to eat this thing look at that is that gorgeous i absolutely love it so let's go in there let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see what we got it's a little more cooked in the in the uh in the oh in the uh there's thin part but look at this look at these friends so you see the skin comes right off you don't like to eat it okay it's really up to you yeah i love it right there this is my favorite right there look how gorgeous that is you see how beautiful that is this is gonna melt oh um oh friends you got to make this okay let me not eat anymore i can't speak with your mouth ma'am my mouth full i love it this is amazing i hope you like it remember if you don't want the skin on it don't even keep going ask the fishmonger to remove it next time i'll do a video i'll show you how to remove it it's very simple don't forget subscribe to the channel gives us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell thank you for watching we'll see you next time we put on another fantastic video see you next week [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 589,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook salmon, easy salmon recipes for dinner, salmon recipes for dinner, easy salmon recipe, salmon recipe healthy, how to make salmon, how to cook salmon in the oven, how to make Mustard sauce, how to cook salmon fillet in a pan, baked salmon recipe, salmon recipes, how to cook salmon on the stove, how to cook salmon with skin, best salmon recipe, oven baked salmon, Mustard Sauce, salmon sauce recipe, how to cook salmon in a pan, easy salmon recipes, salmon recipe
Id: RgxYbjMaAdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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