Salmon with Mustard Sauce Recipe

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a great side of salmon I mean they're easy to get today and they're delicious and you know yes you can buy them in portions but it's easy to handle especially if you have a family larger than four you know a side like this will be easy so what do we look for you look for a nice firm salmon like this and you run your fingers here right through the middle what you're looking for is the little bones and your fishmonger should have plucked them all out so make sure that when you get a whole side of salmon you get a nice firm side of salmon that is not slippery or that it's nice and dry firm and that it has no bones in the middle then to take the skin off well what you need is you need a nice long kind of almost carving knife that is sharp and you sort of slice in there and slowly you feel it you see and you look at it once in a while know just in case chances are that you're not gonna go through if you're just kind of in a sewing motion just go down and kind of press a little bit towards the board but all right so here we go you see and this is the skin the skin most likely you don't use but we want to make this in portion size so we want to make them even we'll cut this part off so I have let's see one two three four so let me cut it right here okay these these are great pieces of salmon and they're great because you can make salmon tartare with it you can also make salmon hamburgers so when you trim your salmon like that save these this makes a great chop it up a little tartare as in reserve nice and fresh just chop it up very fine with the knife you put a little bit of onion there you can put a little bit of oil you can put a little sour cream you could put a little bit of lemon whatever whatever your flavors tell you and out of this we will make the portions one two three and here I have a little bit left over so here is the salmon all nice and ready sometimes the scales come off so make sure that you just wipe them off but they're perfectly fine and you know salmon doesn't take all that long to cook we'll just Brown it lightly and a little bit of oil will remove it to the side then we'll make the sauce and then we'll return it to the sauce when we're actually ready to serve it and cook the last few minutes salmon is very fragile it sort of flakes but if you have a nice piece like this is fine and if you handle it gently with a spatula you'll be just fine if you intend to grill the salmon and you could do that you can grill this portion make your sauce separately and then put it on top then I would keep the skin on because the skin keeps it together when you're grilling it so you can handle it properly on the grill and you can always remove the skin after you're serving it so if you want to grill your salmon to make the sauce separately leave this kin out but if you want to saute like this in the pan take the skin out put the salmon in with the kind of belly side not the skin side the belly side down this way you get the nice color and then you can flip it over on the other side [Music] so one way of looking at the salmon as it cooks is if you look at its side way right right in here and you can see the opaque part and you can see as it is cooking [Music] help yourself with another either a spoon or another spatula because when you flip it over it squirts in sort of the oil can jump out and you can you can hurt you so you don't want that to happen okay we'll give it a few more minutes then we'll pull the salmon out and we'll begin with the sauce so as you can see inside it is still quite rare and we will finish cooking it in the sauce will begin the sauce but you know this oil with the salmon has a very salmon the kind of intensity so I usually like to take that out just kind of wipe the pan off with a paper towel and continue here we'll put some butter lemon juice a good white wine just a drizzle of the oil and mustard I will taste the sauce just to see at which point it is hmm quite nice a little bit of salt missing I'll lower it a little bit and I'll slide the salmon right in there without handling it too much hmm okay so this is simmering away and the sauce could be quite good just like that but if you put a tinge of cream that sort of really makes it like velvet so just a little bit on the side as it is bubbling shake it in there and you let it simmer now you can still see that it needs to cook and this is a good time to shut it off if your guests are not here if you're not ready because it has another three minutes of cooking time I will clean all of this up we'll get the potatoes and I think we'll be ready for dinner all right this is delicious it smells good it's nice and crispy on top and let's check on the salmon yes the salmon is just about ready velvety sauce all right so I think this you know you could serve the salmon separately with the sauce and the potato separately family-style but I think it's gonna be look so beautiful once we played it and so delicious so let's go right in here you okay this looks fantastical all right let's go in for a piece of salmon mm-hmm just like that nestled right on those potatoes let's get some of them sauce and the sauce slip the sauce kind of crawl underneath the potatoes you don't want do you want the crispness of the potatoes to remain but the sauce will slowly kind of creep out underneath ah just a little yeah yay just a little bit of parsley mm-hmm so where do I begin I want to taste the potatoes and the and the tomatoes first mmm hell it's your turn Tilly children the details of the oregano the cheese the tomatoes now let's try the salmon see it's perfectly cooked mmm what you have in here is the complexity of the salmon the mellowness of the potatoes and then you have like high notes of acidity in the mustard in the tomatoes is just perfect
Channel: Lidia Bastianich
Views: 555,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salmon, recipe, recipes, fish, seafood, dinner, italian, seared, simple, delicious, easy, Cooking, kitchen, food, Italy, Italian, Lydia, Lidia’s Italy, Lidia Bastianich, Lydia Bastianich, travel, vacation, traditional, authentic, instructions, tips, lidia's kitchen
Id: rbQIW_hdH6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2017
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