How to make a velouté sauce with salmon or other fish | Quick method

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welcome back everybody this week we're gonna explore pan sources but not with meat or steaks and we're gonna learn how to make a pencils using fish fish fillets you can use white fish or here today i'm gonna attempt this with salmon we're going to be using a recipe which is a kind of a normandy style recipe where we're going to be cooking house almond insider and we're going to be serving it with a cider volute and as much as it sounds very complicated you will see the process is quite simple and it works with all kinds of fish so let's have a look [Music] so look at this as i said not many ingredients i'm using little salmon fillet on the chop and i'm not using much because it's just to show you the the process a little bit but in terms of ingredient here even for havolute it's gonna be extremely simple there's no fish stock to have this is the home version by the way on how to make this so we're going to have cider like i said for the main taste of our sauce for the volute we're going to use flour and butter to make a roux and then all what we have is charlotte a belief a hint of lemon and of course some cream some salt and pepper that's all we need now when it comes to pan sauces there are two methods the restaurant method the true method is by reduction works better when you use wine i'm meaning that you poach the fish in wine with stock and then you have to reduce the liquid very much to concentrate the taste then add your cream etc it can be harder because it's longer you have to wait for the reduction it can be tricky and you also don't need as much sauce the volute is much more home friendly because we're going to make a roofers button flower together as a thickening agent and once our fish is poached we can just pour the cooking liquid in there thicken it add some cream and we're done so you're not losing much of the flavor of the cider and you're also keeping you know a good amount of sauce which is always welcome when you make this so let's start by making the roux the roux typically same amount of butter and flour because this is a home cooking recipe you can sometimes add a bit more butter this one i'm doing here so the first thing we do here is to melt the butter on a low to medium heat the butter is now melted i'm taking all of the flour all the ones in here and i'm gonna use my whisk and mix everything together i am done my butter and flour are forming away i've reduced my heat i'm gonna reduce it even more and i'm gonna be cooking this for a while through about two to two and a half minutes that's it okay so we're all done we are making a white roux i'm immediately turning my heat off and i'm taking my pan off the heat on a cold surface to avoid this to continue cooking and now for the big question how do we cook fish when we want to make a pencils where usually most of the time it is shallow poached shallow pouch meaning we're going to be cooking it in a liquid but not totally submerged you can using a corbuyo but this method is slightly different so what does it mean it's very simple we're going to take a bit of the cider in here okay we're going to put this and i'm going to take my salmon fillet you can use other fish and we're going to place them you see i'm using a very small pan fit for purpose i've got a little bit of space okay in the cider followed by some seasoning of salt and pepper running out of pepper here it doesn't matter not a bit of salt once you're done with the salt and pepper i'm using some thinly diced shallots one or two teaspoon is usually enough but i like to judge by uh you know just by the look so you see here when i'm not measuring anything i've got some shallots on here there's some shots in the sauce and we're going to keep them so you want some but not don't overdo it otherwise you can have a sauce just with shallots okay so that's for this one next a little bay leaf i'm gonna place it d and then i'm gonna show you something special so that's something special i'm gonna show you is we're not gonna use a lid but a piece of parchment paper as a paper lid but you see i've greased i've applied butter over the paper instead of putting butter in here so before we do so you can see the level of of liquid in here i'm gonna add not on the fish usually just a little bit but that's it you see it's barely sitting in the water and it's gonna be kind of steaming for the parchment paper the butter side down so over the fish okay and i'm gonna make sure this is like a papillot it's gonna stick to the side and i've got a little hole here for the steam okay i'm gonna put everything in there and i'm gonna simply turn my heat on to medium and wait for the liquid to start simmering now while we're waiting for this to simmer you can print your oven at 50 degrees celsius we're gonna need this to keep the fish warm and i can answer the question why do we use a paper lid and not a standard lid because the paper lids it allows for the fish to cook prevent it to dry on the top and it also allowed for lots of vapor to evaporate so you're reducing the liquid you're cooking the fish okay and you protect the fish with the paper to avoid it getting crusty dry and not good looking okay that's the whole purpose i think it's about simmering here wait a bit more okay and when we get a good simmer we're going to reduce the heat to about medium maximum we want to get a slow cooking and the cooking time here really depends on the size of your fillet if it's the tail if it's the main but usually speaking and we're going to with 8 to ten minutes see how it goes to avoid overcooking anything this is very important after 12 minutes i've left them 12 minutes because they were not cooked exactly on the top i'm taking them out and reserve each fillet on a plate here okay once on here i'm gonna take a little bit of the juice okay just to avoid any drying but not much you want to keep some for the sauce okay and i'm gonna cover again using that parchment paper and put it on top and then in the oven to keep warm now here's the challenge always very quickly you have to make the sauce so this is the cooking juices i've got my pan here with the roux and we're gonna put these juices which is now a bit of a fish stock into the roux to make a volute let's go so we have our fish female we've got our cold drawn here we're going to filter the sauce everything in there boom over here i'm going to take your whisk while it's hot mix with the roux and then we're turning our heat off to medium to medium high and we're going to start to thicken that sauce so very quickly you see that the sauce become a volute meaning it's a thick kind of sauce from here immediately you can take your cream and put all the cream in okay and then mix now the amount of cream you put it's a little bit up to you okay but the good thing with that method is that you see the sauce stays thick you know you don't have to worry about anything you could even add some little saute mushroom if you wanted but and we're almost done as soon as the cream is hot like this that's it okay you can start to taste so you're gonna taste your sauce a bit of salt maybe a hint of pepper there we go and with that the last touch lemon juice usually uh a teaspoon or two maximum because it's fish remember and we're gonna be done we're warming this up mixing tasting again and it is ready as soon as it's ready i've taken my fish and i poured all the excess juices in the volute and this is the result we have ourselves a cider veloute we're serving now immediately and here we are as soon as it's done you have to plate of course not in front of everyone but you put your piece of salmon and of course it looks quite terrible right now so what you need to do here of course is the spooning of sauce and this is where the volute sauce is gonna come into play i'm not doing tons of decoration it's just to show you a little bit on the fly what you can do you can come up with something much better and a little grind of pepper and that's it we're ready to dig in and now let's try that fish so the goal of the exercise here is not to make a sterile presentation on anything it's just to show you how at home you can poach a fish a white fish or a salmon and then make a very quick volute this is a side effect and the advantage is that it coats everything you see if it's too liquid it's gonna fall on the side it's not gonna stick and you're not gonna have that kind of sauce effect okay so sorry about the presentation or anything like this i think my fish is a bit too cooked let's see no make sure it's not too bad so it's got a nice color and you've got that beautiful sauce that is now infused of course with the salmon taste and the cider so let me try that because i'm quite curious you know what the combination is much much better than than i thought actually the taste of the salmon with the solder i think the cider i've used was maybe a little bit a little bit too sweet but with that hint of lemon in there it actually works pretty well now you could adjust the lemon to have a bit more mm-hmm the sauce nice sauce it's a okay i have to explain it's it's really um a kind of nice delicate silky type of sauce and you really feel what i like you really feel the cider into it the hint of lemon but it's got the fish taste and it marries very very well and it really goes well it's kind of a delicate restaurant style delicate sauce did you get sauce i think today i really again reconnected with these classic techniques and well a lot of people tend to think oh you know the classic french cuisine is kind of gets old so it's the same techniques but you know what these techniques they work because this sauce honestly you make it at home and as you can see it's not hard to make and you really get something did you feel like in a restaurant try it out at home and tell me what you think in the comment section because that is simple but it's good and it works really well especially with salmon i highly recommend it but anyway that's it for this week's video i hope you've enjoyed a little technical aspect and please do some fish try these pan sauces with fish because they're actually delicious and it's a big change compared to the steaks i'll see you all next time for another cooking video take care all bye [Music] okay [Music] [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 247,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french food recipes, french cooking video, the french cooking academy, salmon, poaching, velute sauce, how to, easy sauce fr fish, apple cider, hard cider
Id: jrE7mmok_5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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