The Best Salmon Recipe On Youtube? We'll See About That

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what's up dude you know those crazy viral cooking videos with millions of views it's always just a pair of hands peaceful music and weird titles what today in my new series we'll see about that we're gonna put one of those recipes to the test and see if it's really worth the hype and as always there is no time to waste now let's go today's viral recipe is coming from all our resecti how many of these German receptee channels are there a lot I've already done three of these and we just started this series and this one is titled never have I eaten such delicious fish tender recipe that gotta click on it melts in your mouth okay we all love a good salmon recipe let's see how it goes nice looking piece of salmon to start off with God look at the fat streaks on that thing oh my gosh don't ever remove a piece of salmon skin like that I'll show you how to do it look at the knife look the way her hand is right behind the skin she's gonna slice right through that skin and straight into her hand I honestly cannot think of a worse way you could ever do that oh my God oh God I'm moving past it I'd rather you use a weed whacker to remove the skin than do that okay moving on salt and pepper on the fish you can buy this shirt this buy my shirt we are searing them off in butter can't argue with that doesn't look like that pan is hot enough to me I'm never trying to come off like an elitist in this videos even though it may seem that way I'm just trying to teach people what I've learned in my career as a professional chef that's good the heat came back in the pan just looks like it started a little bit uh a little cold sear and take the fish out of the pan this is a cool way to cook fish or meat in general Sierra take it out build a sauce in the pan put the protein back into the sauce to finish nice way to cook you get all that fond off the pan which is nice we got some grape tomatoes we got some garlic sauteed spinach and butter can't go wrong there right looks good I've personally found on my own cooking Journey that most of the time people are over cooking spinach drastically I don't think there's any way we're not going to come off like an elitist piece of deer Marcus and then the tomatoes and the garlic simple as that and dried spring onions I have used dried spring onions before but it's not a common thing you're gonna see I don't even know if I can find those so I may just use fresh spring onions and then just a whole bunch of cream these recipes never specify the type of cheese cheese you use although when I build a lot of these kind of sauces I'm always adding parmesan cheese it just gives it that salty punch that it needs not saying you can't use another cheese but parmesan is great there are no no hey man we always blind react these recipes I just said you saw that parmesan and there it is there's the parmesan well we are on board with this one fish going back in the pan it looks nice really really simple for me this sauce could really benefit from some wine or lemon or even a little bit of vinegar would be good honestly I can't say I'm too crazy excited about this one I don't know I'm I'm sure it's not bad but is it worth all the hype is it worth 15 million views we will see about that and as always we're going to give it a rating one through ten and if it's really really good we're gonna go out and destroy my refrigerator starting with some nice fatty salmon here this is just farm salmon if you want to get the good stuff get the good stuff like king salmon for example which is very expensive but good and what I'm going to do here is first like I'm slicing Sushi is cut it in half so I can get my portions accurate and then those halves in half this way you know you've got them all pretty close to the same now let's talk about the skin personally when I'm cooking salmon at home I'm always leaving the skin on because I love crispy salmon skin although we are going to follow her recipe today always have some paper towel nearby when you're working with fish like this so you can keep everything dry so it's not slimy and slippery so you don't cut yourself you just always need to make sure it's scaled which this one is sort of half scaled it's not a really good job there are some scales down here generally when working with salmon I'd like to remove the skin from the whole fillet before doing this however we are recreating a recipe so we're going to do it this way today and I'm going to show you two ways to do it I'm putting a little bit of pressure on the top of the salmon not enough to smash it and then I'm just slicing in just to the skin I'm keeping this knife completely flat and I'm just going to pull through nice long dragging motions all the way through down out the belly so there's no way I can get cut here because my hand is literally out of the way right there we go boom boom boom pretty good job on that one a tiny bit of Flesh left on the salmon here we want to take the flesh off the salmon not off of your fingers here's another way you can do it if you don't feel comfortable slicing towards yourself this way I'm going to slice in this way just a touch although for me this one is actually a bit more difficult and from here I'm just going to take like a little fork or something you could use something else we need to keep that skin taut be very careful with your knife here keeping the skin flat and just dragging along same as before boom flesh is off skin is off not too bad but I definitely like doing it the other way however it does look fine and I'm absolutely saving the skin I'm just gonna pan fry this later hit it with a little salt for my wife in the restaurant we would always take these bellies off or even when I cook it at home I also do that because that portion right there is so thin it's going to cook so much quicker than this thick part right here having said that because it has a much higher fat content it is pretty forgiving I just don't like having that little piece flap around but again we're recreating a recipe so we're leaving it on I'm gonna go ahead and season it up a little bit of sea salt here and Sergeant Gilbert reporting for Duty my friendly little pepper grinder boy My Little friendly boy I wouldn't go too thick on the pepper here and we'll repeat that same process on the other side before we cook the salmon let me introduce today's sponsor trade and if you are even into coffee just a little bit I highly suggest you give trade a shot because trade is a coffee service that makes it really simple and really fun to try out new coffees and they get their beans from 55 plus top Roasters enabling you to make your best cup of coffee at home every single day personally I love espresso so trade curated for me these three awesome dark espresso roasts and honestly all three have been really good but I especially love this mother tongue coffee nebula dark roast and come on you got to give it up for that packaging that just looks super cool another 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which I've done before I've been burned really badly doing that it's getting a little crowded but I'm gonna try to squeeze one in down here here we go just about two minutes I'm gonna get under here with a little fish back it's gonna flip nice golden brown and I know she says two minutes per size but my fish is a tiny bit smaller and I really don't want it to be overcooked right now so I'm gonna do just 45 seconds after the flip and pull these things out when they're like medium rare they need to finish in the sauce not right now in the pan at this point I'll just remove all my salmon from the pan and put it onto a little tray next we're going to work with these little cherry tomatoes I'm just first plucking them off the stem here are some little tricks you can use for these Tomatoes be very careful doing this hold your hand flat just like the fish right and my knife I just sharpened so it's going to Glide right through boom they're all half just like so although you can also take two quart container lids and do the same thing see if I can fit them all boom every single one the other lid goes on top like so now it's much safer slice right through you can also use a bread knife if your knife is not sharp works great next we're going to mince up this garlic I always start by Smashing that way you can just pop out the peels super easily cut that little hard root end off and from here I'll just slice and I'll run my knife through a little bit so it's not so big there we go happy days I'm now taking the same pan just adding a little bit of melted butter I realized I was supposed to sear the salmon and melted butter I kind of forgot however I'll put a little more butter right now to compensate and we go with our spinach she cooked hers in stages but my pan is pretty big I think it's fine if I just do it like this I always love cooking spinach I don't know it's just fun if I was cooking spinach to eat just like this I would already be done cooking it right now I turn the heat off generally it gets overcooked all the time right it's going to keep wilting even with the heat off the pan she says to fry the spinach for three minutes although it's been a minute and it's done I just don't see the point adding my tomatoes isn't that nice another two minutes with the tomatoes this point we add the garlic I've just been reviewing the recipe and I don't see salt going in here anywhere and now I don't have any dry spring onion so I'm just adding some fresh it's at this point that I would really recommend if you're going to try recreating this recipe to put either some dry white wine or a mixture of 50 lemon juice 50 white wine vinegar in place of the wine if you don't drink alcohol that would really help it out a lot and no salt okay oh that's so hard for me not to put salt in this like I gotta put it in I would have definitely added some salt but this is when we put in the cream and once that cream has warmed up I'm gonna start adding parmesan she uses two kinds of cheese but because I don't know what kind of cheese she used all that was in the ingredients was the word cheese so I really don't know I'm just going with Parmesan and it was hard for me not to add salt but parmesan is salty so hopefully this will fix it I mean it looks good it's really really simple really really simple but it looks good okay all the cheese is in got the heat just a little under medium right now medium low I'm going to taste the sauce right now before I add the salmon not really changing the recipe but I'm just seasoning it really standard stuff right I tasted it it was lacking a little bit a little salt and pepper again the one thing that it's really missing that would make the biggest difference is a little bit of acidity aka the wine of the lemon even a touch of vinegar in here would really help I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it taste again salmon is going back in into the cream sauce for a little swim in her video she cooks her salmon for 10 minutes in the sauce which for me seems like a long time but again her pieces of salmon were much thicker I'm gonna do just four or five minutes in the sauce turn off the heat let it sit for a minute and then serve it up which she did over pasta I'm just gonna try it on its own but of course if you want to have this with pasta if you want to have it with vegetables with rice with mashed potatoes it would all play very well only thing left to do is serve this salmon up and give it a nice taste [Music] here we go I'm going straight for the belly make sure I get some spinach some tomato cheers [Music] foreign after the salmon has cooked in the cream sauce it's definitely better now nobody's gonna have a bad experience making this in fact I think a lot of people are really gonna like it I mean for me to really take it to the next level it's missing some acidity as I've said earlier many times just a little bit of wine even right now a little squeeze of lemon on top will make a world of difference also I'm not a huge fan of when things are strictly cream I always love mixing a little bit of say chicken stock with a little bit of cream or fish stock having said that this is definitely not a bad dish I would give this a solid 7.6 for me definitely worth making Marcus why don't you try this man Marcus is a home cook Maybe bad you know it's not bad at all I like it I think it's delicious more acidity because the cream is kind of heavy whoa and I will say the tomatoes themselves add a little bit of acidity although it still needs a little more in fact before we leave today let me just squeeze a little bit of lemon it's amazing how these little details in cooking just that can make a world of difference it really does make a big difference lighten it up brighten it up especially with all that cream if you want to keep learning today here are two more fish videos that you can watch and that one is all about pan fried salmon with crispy skin which is my favorite way to cook the fish down in the description you will find the recipe for this video as well as a link to the original creators page a bunch of links for all my favorite used equipment on the show and we now have merch available if you want to help support the channel this is just one of many and until next time you know I'll love you in about thank you [Music]
Channel: ThatDudeCanCook
Views: 455,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salmon recipe, easy recipes, salmon recipes, creamy salmon recipe, creamy salmon pasta, creamy salmon with spinach, creamy salmon with tomatoes and spinach, creamy salmon and tomatoes, salmon, fish, fish recipes, fish recipes for dinner, how to cook salmon, how to cook salmon fillet in a pan, easy recipes for dinner, easy recipes for students, easy recipes to make at home, thatdudecancook, cook, cooking, food, how to cook, recipe
Id: qubjSqTk8Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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