SCP-978 - Desire Camera (SCP Animation)

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In June of 1985, Mark Johnson and his wife of ten years, Sophie, were on vacation in Myrtle Beach having a great time. While they relaxed on the sand, Sophie decided to take a picture of her husband for their scrapbook, so she pulled out the Polaroid Supercolor 645 that she'd bought specifically for the trip. She pressed the button, waited for the picture to print, pulled it out, and shook it. What she expected to see was a shot of Mark lying on his beach towel. What she got, was a picture of her husband in the arms of his secretary. They say that a picture speaks a thousand words, but this particular camera takes pictures that are worth even more than that. When developed, the pictures taken with this normal-looking polaroid camera reveal the innermost desires of the person being photographed. Welcome to the story of SCP - 978 - The Desire Camera. The main reason the foundation keeps SCP 978 under wraps is due to its use as an easy form of blackmail. All anyone with access to the camera would have to do is snap a few covert photos and they'd have instant dirt on the world's most powerful people. To further stop this camera from falling into the wrong hands, the containment guidelines strictly forbid the use of the camera for anything other than simple documentation, and all uses of it must be thoroughly logged and checked. So, now that you know what the camera does, it’s time to look at what kinds of strange and mysterious photos it’s taken. After all, who doesn't want a chance to gain insight into the minds of the Foundation's most famous and dangerous inmates? First, to serve as a control the team took a photo of a blue office chair. No change was recorded, proving that the camera didn't work on non-anomalous inanimate objects. Some of the earliest tests of the camera were the photos that the research team took of each other. One by one, the doctors and their assistants were photographed in neutral poses, smiling as if for a completely normal photo, then they waited while the photos developed like normal polaroids. Most of the research team had minimal changes in their photos. One was shown slouched in his chair, drinking from a flask. One was shown in her civilian clothes, getting ready to go home from work. One doctor was in the exact same pose, but with a different colored tie on. The last assistant photographed, however, had their picture come out wildly different than how they were posed. Their desire revealed by the camera was so shocking that it had to be redacted, and the assistant was placed on temporary psychiatric leave. Following this first successful test, the doctor in charge of the project ordered a second round of tests to be conducted, this time on a series of D-class personnel. A picture of one D-class, who was photographed while eating in the cafeteria, showed up as scuba diving on vacation with his wife and child. He was allowed to keep the picture afterwards. Another had a similar result - he was photographed in a neutral pose like the members of the research team had been, and when the picture developed, the D-Class was seen holding a smiling baby whom he identified as his one-year-old daughter. After that, the results of the SCP - 978 tests started to get a little… well, weird. A notoriously twisted D-class known as 7294 was photographed in his cell, and when the polaroid developed, he was in the same cell, playing a cello made out of a dismembered mannequin. D-217-017, was a late stage victim of SCP-217, a virus that turns organic matter into metal. You would assume that her innermost desire would be to be cured of her disease, but when she was photographed in her cell, the resulting polaroid showed her completely made of metal, kneeling and praying at the base of a black obelisk. One D-class, who had been rendered comatose and was on life support, was photographed in their hospital room. Their picture showed them as only a limp, deflated skin in their photo. The photograph of another D-class, who had become increasingly listless and apathetic since their integration into the D-class program, resulted in a picture that was exactly the same as they appeared in reality, except the light in their cell was slightly dimmer. Intrigued by these results, the research team wanted to see how the camera would react to SCP-148, a type of metal that blocks the psychic properties of other SCPs. A helmet was made from the material, and placed on a D-class who was given an adult magazine to read while his photo was taken. When the photo was developed, it was extremely blurry. Upon close analysis, the figure of the D-class reading the magazine could still be made out, and around him the faint images of several nude people could also be seen. The research team next wanted to see if the results were the same when the camera was used on animals. Photos of the lab mice and rabbits showed them eating or mating in their respective polaroids. A zebra finch was shown escaping its cage, while a guard dog and its handler were shown playing fetch in the park. When cockroaches were photographed, there was no difference visible between the picture and reality. But the most exciting test results came when the camera was tested on other SCPs. For a few of the SCPs tested, there was no visible difference between the picture and reality. This was the case for SCP-173 the Sculpture, SCP-343 nicknamed God, SCP-014 - an immortal man who is, over time, being turned into concrete, and SCP-063 - the world's best toothbrush. When SCP-035 - better known as the Possessive Mask - was photographed in its glass case, the picture showed an unidentified individual wearing the mask, sitting on a throne and surrounded by three masked corpses. The team took a picture of SCP-043 - a haunted copy of The White Album that was being interrogated while on a turntable. In the picture, the album was being returned to its sleeve. They then photographed SCP-049, the Plague Doctor, standing in his cell. In the picture, the plague doctor is hugging an unidentified small child, and surrounded by instances of SCP-049-2. When they took a picture of SCP-050 - a mischievous statue of a monkey reading a book - the result was predictably playful, given that SCP's history of pulling pranks. The photo that came out of the camera showed the camera itself, with another picture of itself coming out of the developing slot. Microscopic analysis revealed that this recursive photography kept going until the cameras in the pictures of the other cameras were too small to see. The team next photographed SCP-053, the young girl and the photo was taken as the young girl was drawing with crayons in her cell. In the picture, she was riding through a sunny field on the back of her friend SCP-682. SCP-053 and SCP-682 were even wearing matching bows, dresses, and pink nail polish. When they took a picture of SCP-096 - the Shy Guy though, the picture showed SCP-096's cell with nothing in it. SCP-085 - the living 2D sketch known as Cassy - was photographed tinkering with a drawn car. In the developed photo, Cassy was engaged in the same activity, but both she and the car were now 3-dimensional. The team took a photo of SCP-106, the Old Man, emerging from a wall within his cell. When the photo developed, it showed the old man roaming a wheat field near an old farmhouse. From the porch of the farm house, an older woman is greeting SCP-106 with open arms. They also took a photo of SCP-168 - a sentient calculator - sitting on a table in its containment cell. In the picture, a teenage boy is seen doing complex math homework using the calculator. Next to him on the table are thick textbooks with titles like "Complicated Math", "Difficult Math", and "Math You Need Your Calculator For". The photo of SCP-261 - a vending machine that dispenses snack products from alternate universes - showed the SCP in its usual hallway, almost completely buried in coins. SCP-507, an otherwise normal man who unwillingly teleports between dimensions, was photographed while eating in the cafeteria. The developed picture showed him dressed as a Foundation researcher, talking to other researchers. When SCP-682 was photographed, floating in its containment tank, the resulting picture showed the SCP surrounded by the corpses of all of the Foundation staff and mauling the person who had taken the photo. A researcher’s note accompanying this photo reads “Well, that was predictable.” Yes. Yes it was. Just for fun of it, the team also tested the camera's effects on a few other Foundation personnel. They took a photo of Dr. Bright while he was arguing with Dr. Clef. The picture that came out showed a tombstone engraved with the words "Jack Bright, Resting at Last." The team also took a photo of Dr. Clef as he stormed out in a huff following the argument. Given that Clef's face cannot be photographed, they were curious as to what the results would be. The picture showed little difference compared to reality, save for the fact that Clef's head was replaced by an image of a hand making a rude gesture. Upon closer examination of the photo, the team also realized that there was a young girl in the background who, strangely, has cloven hooves instead of feet. A young SCP-166 perhaps? The team then took a photo of Dr. Fisher holding his pet hamster. Contrary to expectation, the picture revealed not Dr. Fisher's desires, but the hamster's, showing the hamster sleeping peacefully in its cage… with Dr. Fisher nowhere to be seen. As you can see from these test logs, the effects of the camera are, well, inconsistent. With some photos showing very immediate, simple whims, and others showing the subject's deepest and most secret desires. While the researchers working with SCP-978 seemed like they had a lot of fun getting to peek into the minds of all their coworkers and test subjects, there's no telling what kind of pandemonium could be unleashed if someone on the outside ever got a chance to use it. Thankfully the camera, which has been classified as safe for obvious reasons, is kept securely in security locker H-J-12 at site 17. Which means none of us have to worry about our own pictures taken by the Desire Camera leaking out. But if someone did get the camera out and took your picture, what do you think they’d see? Now go check out “SCP - 001 - Which Is The Real 001?” and “SCP - 055 - The Anti Meme” for more of the strangest stories from the SCP Foundation.
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 1,607,045
Rating: 4.9548035 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-978, scp 978, scp978, scp desire camera, desire camera, scp camera, haunted camera, weird camera, scp-096, scp 096, scp shy guy, shy guy, scp-682, scp 682, scp reptile, scp-106, scp 106, scp old man
Id: nQHrgadyTpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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