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[Music] [Music] she [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] um [Music] hello [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] to worship his holy name [Music] [Music] is [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i [Music] [Music] i [Music] you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] m [Music] yes lord you are our strength you lift us up on wings of eagles we restore our strength in times of weariness here we go [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] you lift us up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] the everlasting [Music] me [Music] yes god we need you for you are strength you are our song lord i come i confess [Music] bowing here i find my rest without you i fall apart you're the one that guides my heart [Music] my righteousness [Music] is [Music] me [Music] lord i [Music] [Music] my one [Music] so teach my song to rise to you when temptation comes my way and when i cannot stand i'll fall on you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] how i feel [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we need you lord for you are so good you are so great you sure what you've done for us is so overwhelming when we think about what are the heights and the depths and the widths of your love for us this song simply says taste and see see that he is good [Music] is [Music] down [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] ah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] how [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] there was mercy in your eyes to fulfill the law and prophets to emerge and came over from your throne then there's glory to [Music] praise the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to live [Music] to redeem the whole creation you did not despise the cross for even [Music] [Applause] praise the [Music] praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] his people were [Music] is [Music] me [Music] raise the sun [Music] oh [Music] the keys we sing praise the founder praise the sun praise the spirit three and [Applause] praise forever to the kingdom [Music] three and [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign hallelujahs king of kings lord of glory we praise your name this evening lord we lift your name up high in this place god we thank you that your glorious king hallelujah good father father we thank you that we have always someone to turn to we have that glorious king to look upon and to know that he is our salvation he is our strength he is our joy everything that you have done and everything that you will do is for our good lord and we trust in that we trust in your faithfulness we trust in you lord we trust in your word we trust in your promises today hallelujah hallelujah we bless your name in jerusalem in israel lord and all over the world hallelujah let us remain standing as they sing this shmot together [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we do bless you tonight we want to just take a moment to share with you a special video that highlights one of other one of the other congregations in our wider family of ministries so if you'll take a moment watch this video about king of kings congregation in herzeglia [Applause] [Music] hello my name is danny gephardt and i'm jaylene gepper and we've been the pastors of king of kings hetzelia since 2017. king of kingshilia was birthed out of king of kings jerusalem in 2015 where we started a small community group with two couples and this community group became now the congregation the first congregation actually here in hetzelia a city of 100 000 people the reason why hetzelia is so unique is because it's really the silicon valley of israel with many international companies so it's a very diverse city one of the wealthiest unison now we're entering a really new season we just moved to a new location it's really a location that only god can provide also we're adding a few more leaders to to our leadership team and we're very excited about this as a congregation that was birthed out of a community group we really see how god is using community groups we have now a young adult's group moms group we have a prayer watch where people can connect study the bible with we also see people joining us who have never read the new testament so we had one person in our community group that was the very first time for him to to read we just want to create an atmosphere where it's easy for people to connect and we're really excited to see where god is taking us now so one of the greatest challenges right now that we face is that we are an english-speaking congregation but we want our borders to spread much wider than that we want to be able to reach the israeli that speaks hebrew and so our greatest prayer and challenge right now is we want to have a second service or at least translation in hebrew so that we can spread those boundaries a lot wider we really want to see new faces show up on our doorsteps we want to see people coming to faith in yeshua so we're really looking forward and expectant to see god really show up and answer our prayer [Music] so one of the ways you can help us is really just pray for us pray for people encountering yeshua and the city whenever you're in israel please connect with us we'd love to meet the faces behind the support that we received and looking forward to seeing you here welcome king of kings family we are so excited to have you here with us tonight this is what's happening in our community this week ladies our moms to moms community group is preparing to re-launch next month with an exciting new study module together with in-person and online groups available for our moms living in jerusalem and israel moms to moms is a gathering place for mothers to be encouraged by fellowship equipped through bible study and empowered by the renewing of our minds for more information about moms to moms and how you can connect with the new study groups beginning next month write to us at cg the anchor of hope family counseling centre will be hosting a 12-step program from men struggling in the battle against pornography the first step in your victory is to know that isolation is your enemy god wants to empower you to not give up and enable you to fight this battle with victory all men are welcome to join this empowering and confidential group for more information write to us at contact dot il kaiko cj website just got a much needed facelift and it looks great go check it out at and while you're there take a moment to sign up for one of our newsletters the king of kings community jerusalem news leader is a focused communication to our local king of kings jerusalem family with information about upcoming activities and events as well as community groups and discipleship classes the king of kings ministries newsletter is more global in perspective and will highlight the activities of the king of kings network of congregations and ministries here in israel and worldwide sign up for one of our newsletters today and stay well informed come visit at and see what's happening we believe that one of god's greatest character qualities is that of giving he then invites us to give like him while you are tuned in online during our service today you can easily open our website at and click on the gift tab to give of the lord's tithe and any other offerings there are a couple of online giving options as well as direct deposit information and an address for sending checks we want to thank you for your continued and faithful giving of the lord's ties and our offerings during the season thank you for giving like him thank you for joining us we encourage you to connect with us with what's happening this week please enjoy the rest of the service as we prepare for the word this evening have a blessed week all right welcome home king of kings great to have everybody tonight go ahead and turn in your bibles to the book of james which is where our main text will be tonight you can go ahead and get ahead of me while i welcome our our friends and family some of us got to be in the house tonight the servants um glad to have everybody here today to see everybody's beautiful face i want to welcome everybody watching online all of our king of kings community jerusalem members watching at home tonight welcome welcome back uh and all of you partners and friends watching around the world on on the youtube channel or the facebook live channels uh kings community live as well we welcome you tonight over 30 countries are watching us and that's just the people that told us where they were watching from perhaps there are more so if you're watching online tonight make sure you you drop us a note where you're uh you're logging on from uh we're so grateful you're with us tonight normally i like to run through some of the names of of the countries but tonight i just want to mention a couple of personal friends that are that are connecting online i want to just mention melody who's watching us uh melody great to have you tonight and martha who is an intern here at king of kings is watching tonight from sicily marta great to have you as well as all of those that will be listening to this broadcast in the new bedford radio stations at king of kings new bradford i was very blessed that you got a chance to see one of our other congregational campuses king of kings community hertzalia it's one of many you know we have 19 congregations now so those of you that didn't know that you can catch up with us a little bit about what's happening through king of kings family of ministries at our main network website it's dot kkm that stands for king of kings ministries you can see the list of all of our congregations locations and other ministries like our prayer houses and our humanitarian aid centers our counseling centers the lord is doing some great things through this king of kings family and we're so glad that you get to be a part of it and that we get to serve the king together i want to give you a quick update about what's happening here in israel those of you that live in israel you already know this information but for some of our guests who are not in the country they've asked that i give them a quick update well we are still under a fairly strict lockdown restriction we have the maximum of 20 people can meet in a room together or 30 people can meet together outside that includes social distancing wearing masks outside or if you're close contact with somebody hand sanitization logging on with your email address and phone number just in case something happens so that's the restrictions we are still under 20 in a room is the max 30 outside um school is about to start so pray for our kids that that may or may not go back to school next week some of them are going to the classroom some of them are part time in the classroom some of them are distance learning from home and a whole slew of families have seen the wisdom in homeschooling now you see homeschooling wasn't wasn't cool up until about a year ago but all of a sudden homeschooling has become very cool it's become the end thing a lot of families are going to it so all of you homeschool families be encouraged you just might have been ahead of the rest of the pack we'll see what the lord uh leads us all to do so bless you homeschool families and those of you that never expected or never signed up when you had children that you were going to have to be their teacher at home surprise you are now the children's teacher just like the bible said you would be so enjoy this process enjoy this time let's see what the lord would do in your family as we turn to the word of god tonight i want to remind you of one thing something that's been on my heart all day long i shared it with our team and our servants before the service tonight you know the book of psalm chapter 23 reminds us that the lord is our shepherd and there's so much richness packed into that but the lord is our shepherd what does it mean just that one little phrase i want to encourage you tonight that he's the shepherd that guards us from our enemies but the good shepherd leads his sheep to green pastures to fertile fields of grass but the shepherd can never make the sheep eat the goodness of the grass but tonight we can open our hearts we can say to the shepherd thank you for leading us to your word we want to have open hearts and open minds and open spirits to what you want to share tonight so i want to start with prayer father in the name of yeshua would you help us to become the people who are ready to hear from you ready to be touched by you tonight god not to go through the motions of another week and another service and another online experience but truly sit before you for just a few minutes of quiet to log in to to lean in to lock in to what you want to say to us tonight that might be relevant that might boost our spirits in a time of great trial god let us eat the green grass that you've brought us to tonight in the name of yeshua amen amen and listen all around the world we know this is a tough time it's extended much longer than any of us had ever anticipated maybe even prepared for so hopefully you're in the word of god every day you're connecting with community groups that's one way to get energized during the week if you don't have one to connect with log on to mine i lead one on tuesday nights if you want to join us go to our website you'll find more information about how to connect with our all of our small groups and community groups there i want to also just say our our blessings and our comfort our condolences we had some tragedies in the community this week one of our our deer members lost her mother and we we buried her this week she was a believer so by god's grace she is enjoying her time now we had a couple that that lost uh their pregnancy this week and so our heart reaches out to them as well in prayer and and others that have lost their jobs and some that had hoped to be rehired that didn't get that news and others finances have run out listen there is so much we could look at and turn our eyes away from the king and the great shepherd but tonight for just a few minutes if you'll let him he'll lead you to green pastures he'll give you the nutrients that your spirit needs in case you weren't able to join us last week we were in james chapter two you can catch up on our main website for the congregation at and all of the sermon and service archives are there let me give you a quick recap we were warned last week in james chapter 2 to stay away from showing favoritism we were challenged to see each person for their value as god's children as royalty being sons and daughters of a king makes you royalty it makes you princes and princesses we want to value everyone's future and their destiny their destiny destiny is to be rulers to reign with the lord yeshua therefore all of his children have great value we looked at something like equality and we said that equality is measured in someone's value and created destiny not in their possessions equality is a big topic today no matter where you are in the world but remember equality is the opportunity you were given to take hold of what you were created to do but no one can make you do it equality is the opportunity it is not the equal possessions we also looked at why we are not all in the same walk of life why don't we all have the same job why don't we all have the same amount of money why don't we all have the same house and and live in the same neighborhood why does the lord spread us out over all of the economic and social spectrum and here's why because we are each called to a different harvest field so god places us in different spheres of influence in different seasons of our life because there are people that need him that's why he spreads us out and we're not all the same so that leads us into tonight james chapter three i've entitled tonight slow release in our faith and faithfulness series if you're trying to find the archive title faith and faithfulness series you see chapter one in chapter two of the book of james they were very clear how god has called us to good deeds not just saying that we believe in something but but having actions that exhibit and follow the faith that we profess faith should propel us to action and if faith doesn't propel us to action then we don't believe it we might think about it but we don't believe it yet you see faith has to show itself in the actions that exhibit our faith i was reminded as we were preparing for this week's message and and time together the lord kept saying listen there's so much richness in the word and you can go so deep at times and i wanna i want to go deep with you at times and what we try to do in our services and our in our discipleship classes and our main uh giving of the word in our small groups what we try to do is we try to hit you on several levels we want to give you the the overall picture in the context of what's happening we want to give you a simple and straightforward understanding of what the bible is saying and then we want to go a little bit deeper so god can do something in your heart but we're always reminded when we read the word of god to keep things simple habakkuk chapter 2 says then the lord replied write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that the herald may run with it you see write down what i showed you but make it plain don't unnecessarily complicate things nehemiah chapter 8 echoes this it says that they read from the book of the law of god making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read i often tell you this and i want to say it one more time we're not here to impress you on sundays we're here to help you on mondays and so sometimes we take the richness of the word of god we try to make it really simple to understand and then we try to go deeper with that simple word into the application of life so that our faith can be exhibited in our deeds and that's what james calls us to so let's jump into our main text tonight james chapter three i'm going to read the first eight verses that's going to be the main section tonight james three verse one not many of you should become teachers fellow believers because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly we all stumble in many ways and anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect able to keep their whole body in check when we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us we can turn the whole animal or take ships as an example although they are large and are driven by strong winds they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go likewise the tongue is a small part of the body but it makes great boasts consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark the tongue also is a fire a world of evil among the parts of the body it corrupts the whole body sets the whole course of life of one's life on fire and is itself set on fire by hell all kinds of animals birds reptiles and sea creatures are are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind but no human being can tame the tongue it is a restless evil full of deadly poison well thank you james for that good news such an uplifting word there he jumps into the tongue and then just shreds it he just tells you all the bad parts about the tongue and all of the the things that it can do it looks a little pessimistic from my viewpoint tonight you know james even in this this first first eight verse section he admits that we all sin you know paul also says that in his writings but james goes after something different than we might expect you know it's interesting he says hey guys we all sin and so you might expect that that's the springboard to say what sins we should watch out for well we all sin guys you know so let's be careful let's not have envy and anger and and murder in our heart and adultery and let's not have pride and sexual immorality let's not practice to deceit and lording power over people and cheating and all these things we all sin and you might expect that he might jump into a list like that but he doesn't let we all sin and then he goes after the tongue and i and i think that might surprise us a little bit that that's what james felt at the time of the writing he needed to go after might even shock you if it's the first time you've read that chapter like he's going to set us up for some big bad ugly sin well he did it just didn't come in the form you thought it would come in it's not talking about maybe the anticipated big high level sins the way you might think he's going to go after the tongue and he's going to convince us tonight how dangerous or how blessed the tongue is when used correctly he focuses tonight on the power of the tongue and he agrees with the writings of proverbs chapter 18 verse 20 and 21 that says this from the fruit of their mouth a person's stomach is filled with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit you see according to james if you can keep your tongue from speaking evil then you are able to keep your whole body in check what he means is this let's make it simple tonight the tongue is so hard to keep under control that if someone has learned how to master what they say then all of the other temptations that come our way should be easier to control than the tongue that's making it plain that's keeping it simple if you can if you can get this little muscle in your mouth under control the rest of the temptations in life will look easier because this one is so hard because why because it brings life and it can also bring death you see the tongue in his example is like the metal bit in the horse's mouth that though the bit is very small and the horse is very large if you control his mouth you control where the horse goes he uses the example of a big ship out in the ocean that this thing can just hold hundreds and hundreds of people but it's it's steered by a small rudder in the back as long as you can control the rudder you can steer where the ship goes and the tongue he is saying is like the bit in the horse's mouth or the rudder on a ship if you can control that little piece you can control the rest it's such a key part of what god is calling us to do in the good deeds he is calling us to in our faith walk he uses another example that the tongue is like a small spark that starts a large forced fire just a little bit can send you know fearsome fires we had fires last week i mentioned in our sermon last week that uh unfortunately our enemies had had sent balloon bombs over our borders last week and and they landed in the middle of a of a dry season you know it hasn't rained for months here in israel as is pretty typical of our spring and summer and getting on into fall and everything's dry so if a balloon with the chemicals and fire hits the ground it just sparks everything and so we had planes flying over in my backyard last week putting out the fires because they were dropping the the chemical that puts out the fires just that one little balloon would drop and boom it would light up and the tongue is like that a small spark something said wrong something hurtful sets a spark in and sends a a domino effect of negativity into the situation it's interesting because james doesn't speak very highly of the tongue quoting him it is a world of evil among the body parts he says it corrupts the entire body it is a restless evil it is full of deadly poison you may wonder as i did what in the world happened to james it sounds to me like there's this disproportional response to to james's perception of the tongue and what it can do and how bad it is you ever come across a disproportional response something that doesn't quite match the scenario that you're talking about i had it happen to me one time and and uh we were we were taking our uh many years ago we were taking our community group uh to an outing and we all went to dinner together and we had this really long table of about 30 of us in the community group so we did like a group dinner outreach kind of a thing and we all sat down for dinner we had invited some friends and some unbelieving guests so we could just share the love of messiah with them in a non-threatening environment so we took them to dinner and we had this long table and i was trying to get from one side of the table to the other but the but the chairs were backed up to the wall and so i couldn't get i couldn't get all the way down but my chair was like you know 15 down the road and and and you know i i was i was skinny back then and uh but even in my skinniness i couldn't i couldn't get past the chairs you know surely we've all done we've done the we've done the little you know scooch behind the chair because they haven't actually moved the chair you know but but they're gonna they're gonna at least show you the graciousness of acting like they're moving the job well you know their hands oh excuse me and their hands are on the chair and they're they're they're wiggling they're not moving the chair but but it's a token of saying i'm trying it's like that when you you cross the street sometimes you know it's you know you're you start walking and is in israel for those of you that don't know in israel the pedestrian has the right of way in pretty much every situation israelis think the pedestrian has it right away in every situation regardless of what road you're on and what light there is and what street it is it doesn't matter what time of the day where traffic is the pedestrians have the right of way but sometimes if you're in a car and a pedestrian starts to cross the street you know there there are some of them that'll just take their time they'll look at you like that's right i got the right of way i know you're in the middle of rush hour traffic but look at me i'm i got the right away but then there's others who will give you the token jog you know they come out into the street they see that the car stops and they're giving you like oh they're not really jogging but they're going to show you a little bit of effort you know okay my heart is in this i'm giving you a little thank you i'm hurrying i'm scooching my chair i'm not really moving but i'm scooching my chair and so everybody was giving me the token scooch except this one dude this one guy wouldn't even give me the token and he was a little bit bigger than everybody else so you know as measurements would play out from the table to the chair to the back of the chair to the wall i didn't have as much room to scooch by as everybody else so i got to him and i was like hey bro do you mind scooching in and he was like i can't i was like yeah but i can't mean how am i gonna i can't get by and so i was like you can scooch in and so i kind of i did my best to go on my tippy toes and and gave him a little shove so i could get by him you know and it kind of it kind of tilted his chair up because he couldn't slide so it tilted his chair up i didn't think anything about it i said thanks man pat him on the back went to my chair had a great dinner about three days later he called me and he said i just got to let you know i'm so offended and i said what what are you offended about he said i'm offended about what you did to me the other night at dinner i said uh you got to help me i don't even remember what did we do at dinner he said you you know what you did brother i got to be honest with you i have no idea i didn't even sit by you at dinner i was like five chairs down from you at dinner i don't actually don't even remember speaking to you at dinner what happened tell me what i did he said you embarrassed me in front of everybody else i said i did what did i do i don't remember talking to you well when you when you so rudely pushed my chair and i thought okay this is clearly a disproportional response this guy's reacting to something i i did that sure but in the context in which i did it was was no reflection on him right but i realized that something had happened to him in the past that was making him react the way he's reacting now and as i was reading this in the book of james james talks about if you could control the tongue the tongue is so evil it's a restless evil it's the worst body part and you're thinking of all the body parts james the tongue is the worst one something has happened to james apparently james has experienced something that has blown up that has hurt enough people that has caused enough friction and broken relationships that james feels as he's writing to the community we have to get a hold of this something has happened to me in my past and i'm going to tell you we have to get a hold of it so it might seem out of proportion but james has experienced something and i think that's what's coming out of his heart tonight so i want you to hear that from his heart a disproportional response often comes from a broken heart you see the idea that he says is that the tongue is a world of evil among the body parts that stood out to me as i contemplated the other body parts and the dangers that come with all of the other body parts there are many body parts each serving various important functions but each body part has their own dangerous aspect as well the eyes are great brothers and sisters the eyes are wonderful but do you know that the eyes are gates that let in a lot of evil if you don't can do a lot of harm to people right your feet get to bring the good news and yet the feet can be swift to run toward evil the body parts there's a whole bunch your mind is such a fabulous miracle the spirit and soul inside of you that that thinks things and contemplates and meditates and what comes out of those times can be wonderful but what comes out of those thought processes can also be evil james earlier in this book in chapter 1 verse 14 and 15 said but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed then after desire has conceived it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown gives birth to death you see what starts in the heart and the mind can lead to sin which leads to death these are other body parts this is something we have to contend with i also want to encourage you tonight to remember this that the seeds of the thoughts of sin are not always your own sometimes they are planted in your mind by demonic forces or the impact of the world around us maybe the sinful thought didn't start with us but somehow it got into the gates the eyes the ears the heart the mind second corinthians 10 5 tells us what to do in those moments it says we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to the messiah our first key phrase tonight sinful thoughts do not always start with us so we are called to guard our mind you see the enemy's always trying to get in the gates and that's why you got to guard your eyes you got to guard your ears you got to guard your mouth you got to guard your your mind you got to guard your spirit you got to guard your attitude speaking about you know guarding your words and how much power there is in words we're going to start looking at that more specifically here the power of words what's what's going on in words you know one of the a recent psychological study had been done and and one of the findings is that when you're going through a difficult time so it's very to today's world that we're struggling through but that when you're going through something difficult a situation the more you complain about the situation the more your emotional state drops you know doing this neurological study these emotional studies these chemical balance studies that they can track what's going on in your mind and your emotions your heart rate etc while you contemplate different things and they found out that as somebody was explaining challenges they were going through the more they complained about the situation the worse all of their feedback got that amazing the power of words the more you complain about it the worse it gets you take captive every thought you you don't let those imaginations rise against the messiah because the messiah says something different about you and your situation than the devil wants you to know and watch out for the power of your words watch out for the power of your tongue ephesians chapter 2 says it this way as for you you were dead in your transgressions and sins in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air the spirit who is now at work and those who are disobedient all of us also lived among them at one time gratifying the cravings of our flesh following its desires and thoughts like the rest we were by nature deserving of wrath it's this idea of being influenced by the world around us by our own flesh but certainly sometimes by the devil in his temptations i was actually going over these same topics with one of my daughters just today actually we went over this if you didn't hear about it on the news in israel we're going through a second heat wave right now it's the second highest temperature that it's been in the summer and it's it's really hot and humid outside right now it's like you know figure out how to take care of the animals in a different way kind of hot you say pastor what do you mean take care of the animals differently well if i could just pull back the curtain a little bit about what i had to do today to my animals because of this heat wave we have chickens and quail and rabbits and a little bit of a farm right and so when when chickens get overheated they they don't they don't do what chickens are supposed to do you know give us eggs that's what they're supposed to do and so what we have to do believe it or not our we have a fine you know chicken pin that they stay in we give them a lot of free range opportunities but when it's hot you got to take care of them give them extra water extra shade we've got one of our chickens that went broody if you don't know what that means in english that means she felt it was time to sit on her eggs and then she felt it was time all week long to steal everyone else's eggs and put them all in this big pyramid that she's now sitting on the problem is that it's the second highest temperature it's been all summer and she's inside the coop and refuses to get off her eggs i had to put a fan out there for my chicken i ran an extension cord three of them from the back of the house out to the chicken pin put it inside her little house right in front of her you think she's a little princess she's sitting there i scooch the water right in front of her because she won't get off the eggs she's sitting on the eggs and she's being like served water and served food with a fan right in front of her and the other the other chickens that are running around outside they're trying to find shade but you can see them panting they don't have they just can't get their body temperature under control you know what we did today we packed ziploc bags full of ice today and went and put it outside taking care of chickens went out there a few minutes later and they're funny because they're they're so hot they want to get on the ice they want to stand on the ice but it's also pretty cold when you stand on ice and so they they were they were like lining up in a circle and they would just like walk over the ice and then get down and they'd get in a circle and go walk over the ice and get down a circle it was very orderly and my daughter is out there going oh it's so hot like dad i can't be out here i can't help you with yours today dad it is so hot that it is like hot it's like we live in a desert i was like honey it's israel we do live in the desert it's so hot out here dad i can't i can't i can't i can't even do my homework today daniel of course she's going to go that route dad i can't do it it's so hot dad so i took her aside i said listen i don't know if you realize this but the rest of us are also hot perhaps you thought you were the only hot one perhaps you thought none of us could feel that we can all feel how hot it is look how wet my shirt is right now soaking wet after working outside this morning and so i taught her the power of the tongue i said sweetie every time you say it's hot and you complain it's gonna feel hotter and hotter and hotter and it's that way in our spirit when you're going through a challenge every time you sit there and complain about it i don't mean acknowledge it and ask god's help that's very different than complaining about it but the more we complain god is not doing it my friends aren't helping enough my boss is so bad i can never break through it'll never work out no one loves me no one's my friend god's forgotten about me you complain complain complain the situation's to get harder and harder and hotter and hotter watch out friends for the power of that tongue why you see because the tongue speaks words and words deliver power words have power shown at creation why do you think god created that way i've got up here many times and said a bunch of silly mountains power to create but why is james focused on the tongue being so different than the rest of the body parts and i didn't understand i did i really i was kind of like well the tongue has power that's maybe what god is trying to say and that's good that's a simple clear understanding it is true and yes it is part of the message tonight but i felt like the lord gave me just a quick nugget of something new that i had never seen before i just want to share that in this last section what's making the tongue so different than the other body parts well the clue is found in our main text james chapter 3 verse 8. when james says after all his bad news the tongue is a restless evil full of deadly poison and it was the word poison that caught my attention because poison is something that often has a slow release and decaying element to it it's something that gets in you and takes a while to work its way through you as you start to feel the effects of it you see words can get into someone's life words can get into our life they can get into our heart they can get into our mind they can cause harm not just for today but words can continue to cause harm into the future because why because it's a restless evil and it is a poison if not used properly this idea of poison this slow release poison is concerning to us and for many of us perhaps someone else has spoken words over you that have been slow releasing poison throughout your life that have repetitively played in your mind and in your spirit over and over you're not good enough you'll never succeed you're not smart enough no one's going to love you you've never done anything worth anything and no one will be your friend you're unlovely whatever it might be playing in your mind words can release like slow poison over time and they can they can plague us and harm us long into our future but you know words can also bring life to us proverbs says in chapter 15 verse 4 the soothing tongue is like a tree of life but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit i remember a personal story i was i was in a congregational setting as a young boy and at this particular congregation they had a worship team and they had some side singers and and and they were doing tryouts for singers some like auditions for singers and i wasn't even there to audition i was young i was maybe 10 years old 11 years old i wasn't actually there for that i think we finished youth group early and i just came in to sit in the auditions you know and as they would play songs people would start singing songs and and i i stood up and i was just gonna sing so i started singing the songs and one of the worship directors i guess she had come over close enough to me to hear me sing and she said no that's that's not good enough you're not going to be on this team and i thought wow that must be some pretty bad singing i wasn't even auditioning for anything and i got cut how did i get cut i didn't even try out but i remember why it hurt it hurt because i came from a family of singers all my family mom dad sisters cousins grandparents we would sit around on holidays around the piano and everybody's a beautiful singer if you've ever seen the gaither family sing that's how my family does it around the piano and that's why it hurt because i was like am i like the only one should i not go in the singing circle should i like be outside the circle i'm so bad i got cut didn't even try out and that played with me for years just that slow-release poison that harmful word cycling through your mind your mind your mind i wouldn't worship i would i would never worship in congregation because i didn't you know god forbid somebody else tried to worship and i'm ruining their experience until one day i was at school and in these days in school you would say uh some opening prayers and you would say the pledge of allegiance to your country and then we would sing a song about our country and so you just kind of stand there and you would sing your song every morning the same song just sit there and sing it and one morning i was just singing singing my little heart out about my country and the teacher walked behind me and she stood next to me like during the whole song and i was kind of weirded out by it i kept looking at her like you know i'm trying to sing am i am i bothering you i was thinking am i singing so bad you've come to correct me again so i stopped singing and after the song was over she said why did you stop singing and i said because i thought you thought i was singing so bad you were about to tell me to stop singing she said you were singing beautifully i wanted to get closer to you to hear how you were singing i can tell you must come from a family of singers i bet you're probably one of the best singers in your family you're certainly the best singer in this classroom and all of a sudden she was able to deliver a word of life in a young heart that had been hurt now hear me clearly i am not rey i am not brigitte i'm not melissa i'm not matan i'm not any of our wonderful worship team and singers and vocalists and y'all and the whole team i'm not these these guys and gals but i can tell you this that lady that teacher delivered a word of life where there was poison in my life and this is what god is asking us to do as believers in times of trial not just in times of goodness and ease right now during corona when everyone's complaining and it's getting worse there are so many harmful words being spoken over one another and even over yourself how do you know god's not using you to bring a word of life to someone maybe you're about to pull poison out of somebody's life with a spoken word the power of the tongue that's what james is going after he's saying body of messiah you can change someone's life if you'll use the tongue properly proverbs 26 says like a fluttering sparrow and a darting swallow an undeserved curse does not come to rest and i'm i'm saying that for anybody who's been spoken over with poison you do not have to live in it god gave you protection against it he says an undeserved curse has no right to lay rest on the righteous you can just shoot away i'm not going to be hurt by that you know this idea of slow release poison it came to me because it can be a slow release poison or can be a slow release blessing in someone's life you know when you plant fruit trees if anybody's ever planted a fruit tree you can get all the dirt ready put the tree in the ground you can water it you can put fertilizer on it and in the beginning the fertilizer helps the tree to get going but fertilizer stays on top it doesn't get to go down very far but as the tree gets older and gets larger the root system starts to go down deeper and deeper and the fertilizer is not getting to it anymore the water is barely getting to it way down in the in the ground and when summer comes and there's no more rain and the heat is sweltering that tree is struggling but there's a technique what we do when we have fruit trees is in the cool season when we give them fertilizer and new soil we also dig down next to the tree a very deep channel and we stick this spike it's a long nail it's a spike but the spike is not made out of metal it's made out of vitamins it's made out of fertilizer and nutrients and you stick it down in the soil you hammer it down in the soil as far as it can go way under under the roots and in its worst moment when it's run out of fertilizer on top and it can't get water anymore by the time the roots are big enough to get down there it finally hits that blessing and i had that mental picture this week sometimes the words you speak you don't even know how long it will take for somebody to need them but they'll need them in just the right moment in just the right way when it's the hardest moment of their life they're going to remember a blessing you spoke over them and that my friends is the power of the tongue that's what james is going after the power of the tongue because with the tongue you can bring curse or you can bring words of life john chapter 6 our final verse tonight simon peter the apostle answered yeshua lord to whom shall we go you have the words of life and they knew that every time they were in yeshua's presence he was going to give him life he was going to give him nutrients he was going to give him fertilizer he was going to take out poison and put in something good and so peter learned this and he said yeshua you know no matter where you go what you do we're never leaving you and the reason we're never going to leave you is because you have it you have the words of life and we can't live without it believers listen to me king of kings listen to me the world needs you right now they have run out of nutrients their fertilizer is gone their well is empty of water this pandemic has gone on so long with people's physical ailments their economic ailments their vocational problems their relational problems they are running out of water and it's you king of kings it's you body of messiah you have the words of life because yeshua lives in you and you need to put that fertilizer down in somebody's soil you need to correct the poison and pull it out give them something they can live off of do it like yeshua did it listen to the book of james knowing the power of the tongue it can bring life it can bring death a key phrase tonight as we close the tongue can be used to slowly release hurtful poison or to bring life and encouragement in the moments we need the most you see james experienced something that shaped his leadership he had seen communities deteriorate and blow up from the inside he knew that the tongue could be used to bring life or death in his community and now through his writings he lets us know that our tongues can also bring life or death you know the tongue can encourage or can tear down it can release hope or poison it can poison someone's mind or soul for many years the tongue can start wars or it can end them the tongue is a powerful body part it can build up relationships or it can ruin them this is why james is so strong in the power of the tongue this is why james calls us so strongly to watch out to tame it because it's the hardest part of the body to tame even though it's small remember what the tongue can do is impressive it's shocking it can create a world it can create a universe and the reason it's so deadly is because not only can god create the universe with the power of words and the tongue but speaking lies is the only weapon that satan has james knows that james knows that it's the power of the tongue that brings life and it's the only weapon of evil lies that satan has and james is calling us not just to believe words of life but to be givers of words of life when the world needs it most and that's today let's pray father thank you thank you for enlisting us in your army thank you for saying to us you have an important role in function right now god we know you didn't make mistakes you never do you foresee what needs to happen and father can we even be so bold tonight as to say this phrase that king of kings was created for this moment in time that we as the body of messiah in israel and around the world we were created for this moment we were prepared for this pandemic we were prepared for it he selected us from all generations he selected us and he says to us tonight the world needs your words of life and encouragement i selected you for this moment just like i selected esther for her moment in shushan just like i selected moses to deliver the people and joseph to save them i'm selecting you king of kings for this moment to bring words of life in one of the toughest times in our generation accept this assignment tonight in the name of yeshua i pray amen let's worship on that note and be an encouragement to everyone you come across this week amen let's use our tongues tonight to declare who he is we sang the song earlier for you are the everlasting god you will not faint and you will not grow weary but as pastor chad said as we walk through difficulty as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death that you are with us that you lift us up that you bring us out of those difficult places and you lift us up on wings like eagles so tonight lord we're going to declare that we're going to voice that as our faith and who you are and what you've done and what you continue to do for us come on man why don't you help me out here give me some rhythm going [Music] upon the lord we will wait upon the lord so rape will rise as we wait upon the lord we will wait upon the lord we will wait upon the lord's strength [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] will upon the rise we will wait upon the lord we will wait upon the lord [Music] [Music] he ever [Music] me [Music] [Music] the lord we will wait upon them [Applause] the everlasting [Music] [Applause] [Music] dry yes [Music] [Music] we will wait upon the lord we will wait upon the lord [Music] foreign [Music] the week [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen well the good news is that was a great message and the good news is as pastor chad said at the beginning we don't come together to dazzle you on sunday we come to help you on monday and uh james started out his message in james chapter 2 saying we've all sinned and we've all sinned with our mouths but tomorrow's a new day and it's a clean slate and we have a new beginning to grab a hold of the power of that tongue and to proclaim life into our families and to proclaim life into our jobs and to proclaim life at our schools and wherever our sphere of influence is to bring that life and to go deep with those words of blessing and so god we just ask for your strength your grace to grab a hold and and to not look at the things that we've done wrong in the past but to start fresh tomorrow with a word of life for our families a word of life over our spouse a word of life over our children at our job god encourages and give us uh eyes to see ears to hear the the words to say in each one of those settings we pray this now in yeshua's name amen well thanks for joining us tonight we love you we ask that you just be blessed as you go forward tonight and into this new week and we'll see you again here this next week at 5 00 pm lord bless you [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,787
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Id: 3lR9syGr-C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 28sec (5488 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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