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[Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we're glad you're with us tonight we have been celebrating pesach the feast of unleavened breads tonight [Music] [Music] shout it out happy day happy day forever peace [Music] happy day hello what a glorious day what a glorious way my lord what a glorious day hello happy day happy days [Music] happy day happy day forever [Music] you are alive that you are here in this place with us the holy spirit the scripture said that he was swallow of death forever that's what we're celebrating [Music] today [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign me [Music] i [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] hello [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] came a word from her throne within this glory to a cradle in the dirt [Music] three [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] to redeem [Music] [Applause] knowing this was a salvation [Music] god [Music] of kings [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] resurrected me [Music] yes [Music] three the king of kings [Music] hello the cross has the [Music] word [Music] [Applause] [Music] but [Music] the cross has the final word [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] away [Music] word [Music] [Music] he [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there's nothing stronger [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing stronger nothing [Applause] all the power [Music] nothing higher [Applause] all the glory [Music] [Music] the cross has the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is foreign he said [Music] he said that i said [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] my um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] i [Music] [Music] say he said [Music] you [Music] be blessings be honored forever and forever and forever yeshua tonight we lift you high we worship you in this place father we thank you for what you gave freely because you so loved this world that you said to your only son that we glorify you both in this place tonight we lift you high we declare you are worthy of praise you are worthy of honor you are worthy of glory tonight let's sing that course one more time [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] man if you could remain standing today [Music] the we thank you tonight again lord we thank you that your kingdom endures forever and forever blessed be your name tonight you may be seated we're so glad that you're able to be with us to celebrate today there's many things that take place in our community throughout the week even with all of the restrictions so we'd like to tell you a little bit more about what's happening so if you'll pay attention now this is what's happening coming up here at cube geeks community welcome king of kings family we're excited to have you here with us tonight here's what's happening in our community this week [Music] practice makes perfect and when it comes to giving of the lord's tithes and our offerings to god our regular practice of giving perfect his spirit of giving through our lives to the world around us during tonight's service remember to take some time to practice the art of giving by going to our website at where you can click on the gift tab for more options and ways to give yawmat's mode israel's 73rd independence day is just around the corner and we want to celebrate together with you make plans to join us thursday april 15th at sucker park from 11am to 2pm for a fun time of barbecuing playing and just hanging out as we celebrate israel together due to the corona regulations you are invited to bring your own meat and picnic items this year we will provide the grills paper goods chips and tables and some water come prepared with your choice of meat salads breads picnic snacks and drinks for more information write us at kkcj and let's celebrate together our doors are opening and you can worship together with us in person to join us reserve a space within one of our purple or green bedrooms we have three different purple bedrooms for up to 20 people each in a green bedroom where we are able to host up to 120 people in person we'd prefer your vaccination to reserve your seating for a purple or green room or for more information please write to us here at kkcj see you on sunday discipleship season is here and we are excited to invite you to join us for this engaging and instructive semester starting wednesday april 14th 6 pm israel time for six consecutive weeks designed with spiritual growth in mind there are three unique courses available for you to choose from first developing a life of prayer exploring god's greatest tool for developing a deeper relationship with him second bridging the testaments as we examine some of scripture's more difficult passages and how uniting both the old and new testaments can reveal god's amazing truths and third israel crossroads of history and prophecy an exciting look for the past 20 years and how prophecy is unfolding before our eyes with something for everyone you are invited to come study with us for more information and to get on the list for this semester write us here at kkcj if you are looking for a place within our community to plug in and meet other people as you go in your own relationship with the lord and are living outside of israel think about joining our online community group from the comfort of your own home the group is gathering together directly after this service at 7pm israel time we would love to see you there for more information and a link to join email us at cg thank you for joining us tonight we encourage you to participate with everything that is happening this week please enjoy the rest of the service as we prepare to receive god's word have a blessed week shalom and welcome kkcj family so happy to have you back with us today what a special day it is the resurrection of the lord uh for many of us in israel we celebrated the resurrection of the lord on first fruits just a few days ago but for everyone else also uh you know worshiping the lord thanking him praising him and celebrating his resurrection from the dead on this special sunday we're so happy you're with us as well because our theme today is going to be the first fruits and resurrection of yeshua the messiah in a sermon i've entitled truth and optics so let me just welcome everybody watching from home watching online those of you in jerusalem those of you watching all around the world on kings community live facebook live youtube live we're so happy you're with us here in israel today some of you may have even seen our earlier sunrise service from the garden tomb and if you did that was a wonderful time i'm sure the lord blessed you welcome back uh to our kkcj sunday evening service which is in jerusalem i want to say happy passover happy unleavened bread happy first fruits everyone on this full holiday week we've been eating unleavened bread we've been introspective about what the lord is doing in our heart and cleansing us from sin and and now we're looking at the specific and powerful message of the resurrection of yeshua our lord now you might say pastor chad aren't you you're giving the sermon a little earlier than you might normally give the sermon well i'm glad you caught that because we are going to take the lord's supper we call it in hebrew we're going to take that after the sermon today because i believe our sermon and the journey we're going to take in scripture is going to lead us very well to a hard place to take the elements together today thank you worship team for all you've done for us today leading us i know you had a big day uh lots of different worship aspects during the holiday season so thank you so much and all of those that put the service together we bless you and those that are in the sanctuary great to see you guys blessings to you can't wait till everybody can get back in the house together listen as the regulations change we'll keep you posted right now they're still kind of the same 20 to a room is the maximum unless you've been vaccinated you have that green passport a little bit more but you're still watching on a screen so when the regulations change we will let you know stay posted with us make sure you're on our newsletter or you're checking our social media or websites for that and one other thing i want to mention before we dive into the scriptures is that after passover unleavened bread and first fruits we are then commanded to start counting 50 days until the next holiday of the lord which is the feast of weeks called shavuot so today is the eighth day of that counting procedure so what we want to say today is blessed are you lord our god king of the universe who sanctifies us by his grace and commands us to count the omer and today it's the eighth day of the counting of the omer please count with us let's obey the lord we trust him that there is a great blessing as we come to the fourth holiday of the year which is going to be the feast of weeks in just 42 more days count with us now listen let's turn our attention to the word of god today and again prepare your elements because we're leading into the lord's supper and pastor mike is going to help us do that in just a few minutes grab your bibles grab your devices today we're going to focus on matthew chapter 26 and 27 that's the main text today now as a little background we know that when yeshua our messiah was on earth he lived a very messianic jewish life very expressive in his observance of jewish life and culture he was a faithful jew if you would like to use that term he also comes from a very devote and faithful jewish family it says in matthew chapter 1 verse 19 that his father joseph or joseph was devout and a faithful jew to the law so yeshua expressed this all the time keeping the sabbath keeping the feasts and festivals always quoting from the scripture about the what the law was what the law truly meant keeping kosher laws and and and being in the temple and not being afraid to pay temple taxes and and all of these things that he did always in the synagogue reading from the pasha all of these things prove that he was a faithful jewish man to the culture of his time because he also came from a faithful and devout jewish family so you wonder why so much of the anger rose up against them why so much poison from the religious leaders and it starts very early in the gospel account as far back as matthew chapter 12 which is uh where we first see this poison being released matthew 12 14 it says but the pharisees went out and they plotted how they might kill yeshua this is way back in matthew 12 several years before we get to the final moments of his life and the and the sacrifice of the lord so you know what is going on the poison the growth of of hatred and wanting him to die and in a matter of fact this matthew chapter 12 a verse that i read you about how the pharisees plotted how they might kill yeshua you might wonder what's the context it happened right after he healed somebody go back and read the scripture says after he healed them then the pharisees in their anger in their jealousy they wanted to plot how to kill him interesting that that's the context of the anger so now we understand that the plot has happened many years before the anger the poison has been going on it's been festering a long time and we fast forward to the last passover seder that yeshua had with his disciples now we know from last week's teaching that he had the passover meal with the disciples just prior to the actual passover night because that's when you would eat it with your families he was arrested that night let me read a few verses to continue the journey so we all understand the context matthew 26 these will be the main text today matthew 26 starting in verse 57. those who had arrested yeshua took him to caiaphas the high priest where the teachers of the law and the elders had assembled but peter followed him at a distance right up to the courtyard of the high priest he entered and he sat down and the guards to see the outcome he wants to see the outcome of the trial the chief priests and the whole sanhedrin were looking for false evidence against yeshua so that they could put him to death but they did not find any though many false witnesses came forward finally two came forward and declared this fellow said i am able to destroy the temple of god and rebuild it in three days so what's the story they have the passover meal they sing songs of praise as the fourth cup the cup of praise they go out to to the garden and they begin to pray the disciples have fallen asleep a couple of times finally judas has led the the soldiers to him they're going to arrest him he's the betrayer yeshua predicted his betrayal so they arrest yeshua and in the middle of the night remember the seder was at dinner so we know that it's a long dinner then they went to the garden and prayed and then he was arrested so we are well into the night at by this point so during the night when no people are around when they don't have time to get the crowds uh they don't have time to let the word spread everybody's sleeping they're gonna do this false and fake trial and at the false and fake trial they look for evidence of course they don't find any evidence so no no matter does it doesn't matter about true evidence we'll settle for false evidence anybody have false evidence and they couldn't even find false evidence so they started to call witnesses no witnesses so then they're like well let's find false witnesses so these two false witnesses come forward and they say well we heard him say this phrase we don't know exactly what the phrase meant but it has something to do with destroying the temple so let's use that i'm able to destroy the temple of god and rebuild it in three days and they decide that that's what they're gonna latch on to that's what they're going to attack yeshua for so they had looked for evidence didn't find them he looked for false evidence didn't find any look for true eyewitnesses didn't find any they come up with two false witnesses and they quote him out of context by this time and this becomes the trigger that they're going to use to take him to a further trial with the governor pilate now we're going to build a case here today and let you understand what's really going on in the background so we know that yeshua is going to die in this story as the passover lamb and the passover season that's why john said that's the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world he didn't he didn't relate him with yom kippur at that moment that would have been the goats he related him with passover that would be the lamb and his blood saves us from our sins and from death so john identified him as such we know that not only was he the passover lamb at passover but during the feast of unleavened bread like we've celebrated this week he was laid in the tomb and when we are supposed to be looking at taking sin out of our life yeshua was in the grave taking away the sin of the world well we're also supposed to understand that while he was in the grave he was preparing to rise and of course we believe that he rose on the festival god appointed festival of first fruits but as we continue this story and we read in our main text we're going to see more proof of the fake and false trial in the middle of the night as a matter of fact let me turn your attention to the next chapter let's focus on chapter 27 of matthew for the next few minutes matthew chapter 27 verse 1 early in the morning no it says early in the morning because i just took you through the passover meal the time in the garden then the arrest then the fake trial so that's been going on all night long in the middle of the night but early in the next morning all the chief priests and the elders of the people made their plans how to have yeshua executed now this started back in matthew 12 and now we're in matthew 27 they've been plotting this for years they've been looking for something to accuse him of and they haven't found it they've even been looking for false things to accuse him of and they couldn't even find those so they had to twist words out of context make a fake trial in the middle of the night take him to the governor pilate so they bound him led him away and handed him over to pilot the governor okay so that's where we are so he's innocent they don't have proof they're making up stuff at this point now they bring him to pilate but before they get to pilate look what happens in verse three and four still in matthew 27 when judas who had betrayed him saw that yeshua was condemned he was seized with remorse and he returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and to the elders i have sinned he said for i have betrayed innocent blood what is that to us they replied that's your responsibility so let's just continue to put the puzzle pieces together there's no true evidence against him there's not even false evidence there's no true witnesses there are only two false witnesses they use a quote but it's out of context it's misquoted but that's going to be the trigger they're going to take him to pilate a fault a false and fake trial they take him to pilate but now we see that even his betrayer even judas acknowledges that he was wrong that yeshua was innocent of any charge so now pilate has him we're still in matthew 27 verse 17. so when the crowd had gathered pilate asked them which one of these do you want me to release to you barabbas or yeshua who was called the messiah for pilate knew it was out of selfish interest that they had handed yeshua over to him wow so not only did the betrayer know he was innocent now the governor leading the trial also knows he's innocent and also knows the selfish motive of the accusers so pilate now knows he's innocent next verse matthew 27 verse 19 while pilate was sitting on the judge's seat his wife sent him this message don't have anything to do with that innocent man for i have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him so now even the wife of the governor knows that yeshua is innocent and proclaims so guys it goes further i know i'm building a case but i've got more look at this matthew 27 verse 54 when the centurions and those with him who were guarding yeshua saw the earthquake and all that had happened this is at his death they were terrified and exclaimed surely he was the son of god okay let's just recap there are no charges against them there are not even any good false charges against them there's no true witnesses there's only two false witnesses and they really don't have much to say other than a quote that's been taken out of context he's before the sanhedrin on a fake and false trial in the middle of the night then he's brought before pilate early the next morning pilate finds him innocent as well and proclaims that his wife has a dream and proclaims that yeshua's innocent as well and then the centurions and the people around them that saw yeshua on the cross and give up his spirit also know that he's innocent and they say he is the son of god what an incredible case that no one in this entire story truly believes that he's done anything wrong there's no one in the story not even the religious leaders not even the sanhedrin that's why they were looking for false information and false witnesses because they themselves deep down knew he was innocent the governor his wife the centurion the crowd the witnesses all of them knew that yeshua was innocent so why all of the poison why all of the hatred why all of the the agenda to push toward the death of yeshua in such a gruesome way as taking him to the execution tree or to the cross well we do know that yeshua was arrested at night he was tried by the sanhedrin in the middle of the night brought to the governor early in the morning as the scripture stated he was hung on the tree by noon by noon the next day look at matthew 27 verse 45 it says from noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all of the land and it had come over the land because yeshua gave up his spirit by noon so one night he's eating the seder meal with his disciples and then on the passover actual arrival of the passover day just before the sabbath hits he's tried in the night before the governor early in the morning he's on the cross by noon and then noon until three darkness falls because he's given up his spirit look at how fast this has happened it is remarkable how quickly things move from a meal with your disciples to prayer in the garden to an arrest to a false trial to the governor to death on the cross to giving up his spirit less than 24 hours all of it happened remarkable speed not enough time to gather all of the disciples not enough time to get the disciples from all over the country not enough time to build a crowd of protest but i think that was the plan to do it quickly and swiftly so that they did not face the crowd now the plot does go deeper as many of you know if you have been a believer for a while you've read through the whole bible maybe if you're a new believer maybe you don't know the end of the story but this plot goes deeper i'm going to go into later into the chapter matthew 27 verse 62 because there's a great cover-up happening look what look what it says here matthew 27 62 the next day the one after preparation day the chief priest and the pharisees went to pilate sir they asked we remember that while he was still alive talking about yeshua that deceiver said after three days i will rise again so give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day otherwise his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead this last deception will be worse than the first take a guard pilot answered go make the tomb as secure as you know how so they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard now the chief priests and the pharisees who have already been trying to find guilt in yeshua they found nothing to prosecute him for and now they're fearful that he he may rise from the dead but you have to ask yourself this important question what are they so fearful of they think the disciples are going to steal his body but they post the guard they they close the tomb it says make it as secure as you know how so put as many things in the way as you need is what pilate gives them permission to do so what are they so scared of are they really scared that yeshua will rise from the dead well friends that's exactly what i think they're scared of now why would they be scared of that because that is really an outlandish claim that you can rise from the dead well it may be that they were afraid that yeshua would do exactly what he said he would do because that's what he had done all along if yeshua said i'm going to feed these thousands of people he would do it if yeshua said to a demon come out he would come out if yeshua said he would heal someone he would heal someone yeshua had done everything he had ever said he was going to do and now he's saying i'm going to rise from the dead they are fearful that his word is true that's what they're afraid of he had healed the sick raised the dead cast out demons he had set the captives free not only did he do everything that he said he was going to do he had done everything the prophet said he was going to do he was born in bethlehem he was raised in nazareth he suffered he was humble he taught the people with authority he healed them he would die for the people the prophets laid all of this out and the religious leaders are not only afraid that his word will come true and he will do what he said he would do they're afraid that the prophet's words would also come true now they're afraid that he'll do it again that he'll rise from the dead now once yeshua was in the grave for three days we know that he was taking away the sin of the world he defeats hell he defeats death itself he resurrects back to life as what we call the first fruits from the dead and we use that terminology on the holiday of first fruits like this week because that's what the apostle paul used first corinthians chapter 15 verse 20. but yeshua was indeed has been raised from the dead the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep so he's been in the grave now he's resurrected who does he meet who does he see well he sees the two miriams mary magdalene and the other mary is what it says the two miriams he tells them to go tell the disciples that he's alive that he did what he said he rose from the dead that he's alive go tell my disciples and i will meet them and on their way to tell the disciples about what they've seen they encounter something of a conspiracy matthew chapter 28. now i'm in this chapter matthew 28 verse 11 through 15. it says while the women talking about the two miriams now while the women were on their way some of the guards went into the city and reported to the chief priest everything that had happened now when they says everything that had happened of course it's really talking about the resurrection of the dead by yeshua when the chief priest had met with those elders and devised the plan there's a third term of devising a plan devising a scheme plotting against yeshua planning and execution it happens over and over all of these schemes and plans it says when the elders had devised the plan they gave the soldiers a large sum of money telling them you are to say his disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep now that's what they had warned pilate might happen so they kind of set this up if this report gets to the governor we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble so the soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed and this story has been widely circulated among the jews to this very day so we see the conspiracy now come full circle they plotted they planned they schemed they prepared pilate for the story they placed the guards and when all of it really happened the way yeshua said it was going to happen he was going to rise from the dead they had planned what to do they were going to pay off the guards they were going to lie again against this innocent messiah now what were they trying to do they were trying to control the way things looked they were con trying to control what i call the optics the optics of what the people could see the way things looked or the way they wanted things to look this is what the religious leaders are doing that's why they did the trial illegally in the middle of the night that's why they didn't have any evidence but they moved forward anyway that's why they they set it all up and and posted the guards because they wanted to control the optics and now they're lying again paying off the guards now guys listen we know that satan is the father of lies that he tries to control what people think by lying to them whereas god doesn't do that at all god just tells you the truth and then steps back and allows his people to assess the truth and make a decision on what you want to do do you want to follow him do you not want to follow him do you want to love him and obey him or do you not he sets the truth in front of you steps back and lets you decide not satan satan wants to control the optics he wants to lie he wants things to look a certain way he wants you to think a certain way he wants to be in control of thoughts and feelings satan is obviously working through the religious leaders to control these optics let me give you our key phrase today satan was afraid of what would happen if the people knew the difference between the one that causes death versus the one who defeated death i'll read it again i think that's powerful satan was afraid of what would happen if the people knew the difference between the one that causes death versus the one who defeated death there was no one who actually thought yeshua was guilty of any crime including the religious leaders we've made that point not pilate not his wife not the roman soldiers none of them everyone knew he was innocent but that didn't stop them from trying to control the optics and what the situation looked like versus revealing the truth because they didn't want the story to be true if the story was true they were going to lose their position they were going to lose their power they were going to lose their authority and their control on the people second corinthians verse 11 14 and 15 reads this way and no wonder for satan himself masquerades as an angel of light see that's the optics it is not surprising then if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness their end will be what their actions deserve so satan controls the optics by being an angel of light making something look a certain way trying to make it look better than it is for his gain and the religious leaders did exactly what this verse said they masqueraded as servants of righteousness because they're under the influence of satan himself they're masquerading all this false information trying to call it and quotes here an act of righteousness to crucify the lord yeshua this is what satan is guilty of trying to control the optics as the angel of light now again what were they so afraid of losing control you know pilate even knew this pilate for not being a believer pilate had some great discernment because pilate said i i see your self-interest i know that you have a scheme here he he knew that they weren't just trying things based on fact and truth that they had an agenda because this is basically how things work in the world today if you control the optics the way things look then you control the narrative and if you control the narrative you control what people think and if you control what people think you control what they fear and if you can keep them in a place of fear then you keep yourself in a place of power that's what satan was after that's what the pharisees the sadducees the religious leaders the chief priests and the elders of the people that's what they were after they couldn't lose that power so they had to continue to be in control and to be in control they have to control the narrative what people think but to control the narrative they had to control the optics the way things look so they couldn't just let him die for the people they couldn't just put him in a tomb and let happen what would happen they couldn't just let the resurrection happen they couldn't just let healings and deliverances and people being set free just happen they had to try to control what people saw and what people thought so that they would not lose power john chapter 8 verse 31 to the jews who had believed yeshua said if you hold to my teachings you are really my disciples then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free but see they didn't want the truth of the resurrection to spread because the resurrection would strip away all of the lies all of the schemes the plotting and the planning the deception and the control that they had been using for several years to get to this moment you see if yeshua just died for our sins and not resurrected he would have been considered a great rabbi maybe a prophet a teacher and maybe a martyr but it was the resurrection you see it was the resurrection that helps us to understand that he defeated death itself we mentioned a phrase last week that the death of yeshua defeated sin right but the resurrection of yeshua defeated death which is the last fear and this death and resurrection combination sets us free from sin that's the truth it sets us free from bondage addictions a deprived and lower status in society it sets us free from slavery and control our oppressors it sets us free from death and pain and guilt it sets us free from our past from fear and from death itself and satan does not want people free any more than the religious leaders wanted the people free you see if the religious leaders wanted people truly to be free they would have just let the truth be the truth but they can't afford that so they control the optics instead of revealing the truth and they get that strategy straight from satan himself the father of lies the angel of light the one who tries to control what you see to control what you think to control the narrative to control what you fear so that he can stay in a place of power but it's the resurrection of yeshua that sets us free from all of these things even from the worst and last fear that many people have which is death itself but during the resurrection remember this is where we understand that yeshua defeated hell and death and he holds the keys to them never to be feared again for those of you that are already in messiah yeshua i i pray that today has inspired you it has reminded you of your first love it has reminded you of the amazing life and sacrifice that yeshua went through and friends how trustworthy he is that he does everything he said he was gonna do that's what the pharisees were afraid of that he would do everything he said he would do including rise from the dead that he did everything the prophet said he would do for those of you that are watching today maybe you're not a believer yet a messiah yeshua i challenge you go read the text again look at the history put the puzzle pieces together look at the plotting the line the scheming the cover-up the conspiracy but also notice that all of the eyewitnesses even his enemies and his betrayer knew that yeshua was innocent therefore the innocence of yeshua allowed him to be the spotless lamb that we needed to take away the sin of the world and his resurrection bought us eternal life i pray that as we now move into the lord's supper that you can take these principles to heart today be encouraged and let's take this time on this special day to connect with the lord in a sensitive and intimate way thank you pastor mike why don't you lead us now through the lord's supper same dot how do amen thank you pastor chad great message great reminder and we're going to stay in that same flow of ideas as we take of the lord's supper of the savior had done we want to prepare our hearts to take of this supper together with each other and with the lord and what a great honor it is to take the lord's supper right here in jerusalem where all of the events that we were just listening to have taken place where yeshua was accused and where he was ultimately crucified and buried and then raised to life again right here in this city as we celebrate the lord's supper together well god through his prophet isaiah gives us a vivid description and a picture of his man of sorrows of his sacrifice for sin his own passover lamb he describes this being as one who was fit for that sacrifice for sin according to jewish law he fit the requirements and with great description he portrays this passover lamb as we see how he's going to live how he will die how he'll respond and we see then as isaiah describes him as one that is obedient ultimately to his father to the point of being able to die to self and in that obedience he sets many isaiah describes for us he sets many those that are condemned to die those that are sitting on death row he sets them free and not just free for the moment but free for eternal life into eternal life and it was god's plan that his salvation his passover lamb would look like and be like us be part of mankind humankind would take on the form of man and ultimately isaiah describes him then being numbered among us numbered he says with the transgressors with you and i meaning that yeshua was set in with us as one of those that was condemned to die and he did die but he didn't die for his own sin pastor just made that very clear neither mankind nor the enemy of our souls could find any evidence to accuse yeshua but we see that man's sin needed to be accounted for in that if you will that eternal courtroom where god deals with sin as the judge man's sin had to be accounted for and so we see yeshua there in our defense in that courtroom as one of us not as someone separate like a lawyer or an advocate we see him actually as one of us standing in our defense as one numbered among the transgressors and as our accusations as the accusations of our transgressions those that we actually have done are spoken out into that courtroom yeshua stands to answer those accusations we need to get that picture as those accusations are read out yeshua stands and begins to point at his side points to his hands points to his feet ultimately points to the spilled blood his own spilled blood and challenges the justice of the courtroom to bring anything against these accused the sinners that he represents you and me ultimately the judge finally exclaims release those i've found the ransom in this one and this is what repentance redemption looks like this is what happened yeshua took his clean spotless record sheet his rap sheet where no one could find anything wrong he took that clean sheet and he substituted that for our rap sheet our spotted rap sheet that rap sheet that was filled with transgressions and wrongs and he replaced it with a pure clean sheet of his his life and so when the judge looked down all he could see was the clean rap sheet without any accusations on it he had to release those but yeshua then took upon himself full responsibility for our rap sheet all of our transgressions all of our wrongs the things that we had done wrong he took on himself so that we could be set free eternally and this is what redemption looks like sometimes we we say those words so quickly we we talk about yeshua as our redeemer we say that we've been redeemed and and yet we we forget what it looks like that as yeshua stood there in that courtroom filled with transgressors among them as one of them he was able to stand up and say look i've already paid the price in full taking on himself each one of our records of wrong what an amazing salvation that we're celebrating tonight if you were with us as we celebrated seder just a week ago we took of the cup of redemption the the cup that we're celebrating tonight this is where yeshua picked up that cup and said this is my cup this this is my blood spilled out for you it hadn't even happened yet but he's describing for his disciples this cup of redemption which they knew as the cup of redemption this is what it's going to look like i'm going to redeem your rap sheet i'm going to clear your name i'm going to set you free for the first time ever mankind was set free so as we take of the supper tonight we're reminded of that last supper pastor chad just described it so well and he's sitting with his disciples and he he's going through the seder piece by piece and after the meal he gets to the third cup and he he grabs the the bread and he breaks a a small piece off he blesses it and then breaks it he blesses it praying to god he says blessed are you lord our god you are the king of the universe that brings forth the bread of life and he took a piece of that bread and described to his disciples he says take and eat this is my body that's broken for you let's take together [Music] and then yeshua took of the cup the cup of redemption his disciples already knew what it was he says this is my blood that's poured out for you the new covenant and he took it and he blessed it blessed are you lord our god you are the king of the universe brings forth the fruit from the vine then he said this is my blood poured out for you they hadn't even seen it yet you have to wonder what they thought as they saw him dying upon the cross and saw the blood of their master yeshua being spilled and and yet we know that because of his obedience to god he set us free he said all those that come to him free let's partake tonight god we thank you for the picture that you give to us of what redemption looks like and how our lives have been redeemed by your sacrifice by your obedience by your willingness to be that passover lamb to walk as a man among the transgressors and yet without spot yeshua thank you for substituting your clean sheet your record sheet for hours thank you for setting us free that we might serve you that we might walk with you that we might worship you with our lives we ask god that you would come and fill us now with the power of your spirit that as we go forward from today that the best is yet to come as we serve you as we allow you to work in us and through us that we would be your people your vessels of life and light in these days that we're walking in we pray this in yeshua's name amen where we're going to continue to worship let's continue to put our hearts upon the lord amen [Music] as we close tonight we want to sing one more song that celebrates the victory of our savior [Music] in desperation i turned to heaven and spoke your name into the night then through the darkness your loving kindness tore through the shadows of my soul the work is the end is written yeshua you're my living hope [Music] grace [Music] [Applause] the cross has spoken i am forgiven the king of kings calls me and yours forever [Music] hallelujah [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] then came the morning begin to breathe [Music] is hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] my [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeshua as we remember the work that you accomplished on our behalf tonight we thank you for being with us we pray that you walk in the hope that we have been given as we go out this week as we stand in the world around us that hope that we have been given through his resurrection in his life that he lives today that we live in him that we can live life victorious in this world we thank you yeshua we bless you we hope to see you again next week right back here 5pm on sunday god bless you have a wonderful week we'll see you again [Music] me [Music] um you
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 2,397
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Wayne Hilsden, Sermon, Message, Preacher
Id: t-hCMSLBjgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 24sec (5064 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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