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[Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] ah [Music] i don't know [Music] is [Music] me [Music] good evening king of kings welcome we're glad you're with us tonight we're going to worship and celebrate here we go [Music] let's think the internet [Music] he has done great see what our savior has done see how his love overcomes [Music] and break [Music] is do you have done [Music] [Applause] you have done great things and i know you will do it again amen god you do great things [Music] please [Music] have done great things come on if you know what tonight's it tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] she has conquered the grave and he holds the keys of life in his hand here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] no [Music] me [Music] huh i don't know [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we thank you lord that you conquered death in the grave that nothing can stop you [Applause] [Music] death could not hold you in fact you call us to life [Applause] the song says [Music] since when that's impossible to ever [Music] stop friday's disappointment sunday is empty too and since when that's impossible [Music] [Music] [Music] again this is the sound of the trifolds [Music] stir in something new [Music] i believe there's another miracle here in this world this is the sound of the dry bones right there this is the praise making marijuana [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] if there's anything [Music] when god [Music] do it now [Music] this is the phrase [Applause] [Music] oh again this is can you hear it tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] is [Music] lord of the lord he says [Music] oh [Music] again this is [Music] [Music] tonight we do we speak life we speak life into the hearts of those that are feeling discouraged tonight lord you've given us the privilege as your children to speak blessings over our families over our neighbors tonight we bless those that are in their homes tonight we pray for those that don't sense life but they're feeling something else we speak life tonight in yeshua's name we speak to those bones in the lives of people that are feeling desolate come to life in yeshua's name tonight for he holds the keys for he is victorious for he is able to bring life to the dead bones tonight spirit of god we pray that you would move even through people's screens tonight in their homes in their computers we pray that the spirit of change would move within their hearts and within their minds tonight that life would fill their homes we ask it in your name yeshua we worship you we exalt you in this place tonight we thank you for your victory we thank you for the life that you give to us we thank you for the love that you've shown to us we desire you [Music] your presence is without it there's no your presence is i'm not living your presence is all i [Music] need [Music] your presence is without it i'm not lazy [Music] there is [Music] no [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] besides [Music] [Applause] there will be no worthy [Music] if [Applause] [Music] worthy [Music] god [Music] the other day [Music] your presence is all i need it's all i want and all [Music] without it there is no meaning [Music] you [Music] and breathe [Music] so we pour out our praise to you [Music] you bring light to the darkness [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we [Music] is [Music] i [Music] [Applause] praise our hearts will die these bones will sing [Music] these bones will sink [Music] [Applause] our hearts will cry these bones [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] it's your breath [Music] foreign [Music] for your worthy [Music] is worthy to be praised [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah lord we worship in this place father you're worthy to be praised worthy of all glory and honor wisdom and power we insult you in this place o king of the universe creator of all living things may your name be lifted high in this place [Music] hallelujah let us sing together [Music] [Music] [Music] why this evening's tour portion it is my privilege to read the word from adonai tonight i'll be rewarding a portion from the torah portion which is read in synagogues all over the world and tonight i will start in deuteronomy and moshe said to you at that time i am not able to bear this burden alone then adonai elohim he has multiplied you and behold you are as the stars the stars of heaven for a multitude how can i alone bear this load than this burden of you so i took the heads of your tribes wise and experienced men and appointed them heads over you leaders of thousands and of hundreds of fifties of tens and officers over all of your tribes then i charged your judges at that time saying hear the cases between your fellow countrymen and judge righteously righteously between a man and his fellow countrymen or between you and an alien who is with you you shall not show partiality and judgment you shall hear the small and the great alike you shall not fear man for judgment is for elohim and a case that is too hard for you you shall bring it to me moshe and i will hear it and now from isaiah i hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts they've become a burden to me i am weary of bearing them so when you spread out your hands in prayer i will hide my eyes from you yes even though you multiply prayers i will not listen because your hands are covered with blood wash yourselves make yourselves clean remove the evil from your deeds from out of my sight cease to do evil learn to do good seek justice reprove the ruthless defend the orphan and plead for the widow come now let us reason together said adonai though your sins are a scarlet they will be white as snow though they are red like crimson they will be like wool if you consent and obey you will eat the best of the land but if you refuse and rebel you will be devoured by the sword truly the mouth of adonai has spoken and now from the brit hadashah the new testament from the book of acts you men who are stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears you are always resisting the kodesh the holy spirit you are doing just as your fathers did but stephen being full of the holy spirit the ruach hakodesh he gazed intently into heaven and he saw the glory of god and he saw yeshua standing by him on the right hand of god of elohim and he said behold i see the heavens they're opened up and the son of man ben adam he is standing at the right hand of elohim but they cried out with a loud voice and they covered their ears and they rushed upon him with one impulse and when they had driven him out of the city they began stoning him and the witnesses laid aside their robes at the feet of a young man named saul and they went on stoning stephen and stephen called out to adonai and he said adonai yeshua receive my spirit and falling on his knees he cried out with a loud voice adonai do not hold this sin against them and having said this he fell asleep amen welcome king of kings family we are so excited that you are with us tonight here's what's happening in our community this week [Music] our community groups continue to experience healthy growth even during this season of change we are especially excited to see the health and growth of our newest community group that is now meeting exclusively online via zoom you're invited to join this newest online only community group tonight directly after this service to go deeper into the biblical truths presented in tonight's message you'll be joining together with others from israel and the nations who are also committed to yeshua and to community links to join the community group can be found on our social media facebook and instagram we'll see you there you're invited to join heritage house ministries and the israel academy of ministry for a two-night seminar focused on healing wounds from your past the seminar is designed using the rtf restoring the foundation's integrated approach to healing and freedom the meeting will take place on zoom over two nights monday and tuesday july 20th and 21st from 6 to 8 pm israel standard time the cost of the course is 75 shekels per person and all are welcome to join for more information and to sign up for this transformative class go to our website at i am let's continue worshiping the lord together now as we bring the lord's tithes and our offerings to him as we continue our service today feel free to give online during the service by going to our website at and clicking on the give tab there's lots of great information there for giving so take a moment to check it out may the lord bless each of these gifts and everyone giving today thank you for joining us tonight we hope that you'll find a way to connect this week and everything that's happening enjoy the rest of the service and have a blessed week [Music] all right king of kings family we are praying for everybody and we are excited that you've joined us tonight what an honor to have you with us here as we're about to study the word of god coming out of that great worship time together some exciting things to connect with in the community this week you heard there's a community group tonight right after the service and then the israel academy of ministry two night intensive course monday and tuesday go to our website you'll get all the information there and i just wanted to welcome everybody who's watching us online tonight kings community live and facebook live both the kkcj page and the the king of kings ministries network page youtube live everybody watching here in jerusalem our members and all of you around the world including all of our campuses who might be watching tonight we bless you and we're so happy you've joined us in the word of god i just want to mention some of the some of the countries it's almost 40 countries tonight that are joining us we bless you first of all those here in israel but also australia brazil canada colombia costa rica cyprus ecuador estonia finland germany guatemala holland way to go people from holland hong kong india indonesia ireland japan kenya lithuania the netherlands nigeria norway philippines poland russia serbia sicily singapore slovakia south africa south korea switzerland taiwan united kingdom united states and i'm sure there's others we welcome you thank you for joining us tonight we're going to have a great time in the word of god turn in your bibles to the book of revelation that's where we're going to have our main text tonight we're going to be looking at several different points in the book of revelation but if you put your finger there ahead of us then it'll be easy for you to bounce back and forth as we continue our series so book of revelation go ahead and find it for those of you that may not live here in israel let me give you a quick update about what's happening we have taken a few steps backwards we are now no longer meeting with a maximum of 100 people nor are we able to meet with 50 people nor are we able to meet with 20 people we are back down to meeting with 10 people in a room now how do we do that with this wonderful worship team our camera operators our production team how do we do it well we shuffle people back and forth in different rooms at different times to make sure that we're a good example for you and we honor the laws of the land right now praise god we encourage you to do the same if at all possible and pray for us listen a lot of jobs are being lost here in israel the economics are very tough as you might imagine as well as probably where you live as well but as the the number of the infected cases rise we need to be in prayer because here we have a threat right now this week that the nurses collectively hear the medical nurses in israel are threatening to strike this week we don't want that at all that will send chaos in our medical system so can you please pray with us tonight and don't forget to send us all of your prayer requests at we pray at amen let's continue tonight in our yeshua's hardware series tonight i'm going to be focusing on revelation chapter 1 as our launching verse and a few other portions in the book of revelation let me start revelation chapter 1 verse 12. i turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me and when i turned i saw seven golden lamp stands and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest the hair on his head was white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were like blazing fire his feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters in his right hand he held up seven stars and coming out of his mouth was a sharp double-edged sword his face was like the sun shining in all of its brilliance and when i saw him i fell at his feet as though dead and then he placed his right hand on me and he said do not be afraid i am the first and the last i am the living one i was dead and now look i'm alive forever and ever and i hold the keys to death and hell some of your translations say death in hades remember friends we always want to look at the true face of yeshua and revelation chapter 1 gives us that true face i want us to review for a second to focus our attention on our vision and mission statements team if we could put that up we want to look at our vision statements here at king of kings community we're called to be a compelling messiah-centered spirit-empowered disciple-making community that reveals the true face of yeshua to israel and the nations and this is his true face now how do we express that vision we do it in our mission king of kings community expresses our vision by communicating and modeling scriptural principles identifying with israeli culture and jewish heritage relating as a servant ministry to other ministries serving both the jewish and non-jewish believers as one new man while partnering with our highly valued international friends so thank you guys you're right there listen if you're watching tonight from abroad you're right there in our mission statement but revelation chapter 1 gives us one of those viewpoints one of those perspectives of what is the true face of yeshua we've recently been looking at different parts of this series the sword in yeshua's hand and the iron scepter and last week pastor ray brought a wonderful message about the yoke of yeshua is there something you know i always want to keep this in front of us from week to week our our vision and mission statement so that we know what we're trying to accomplish together the true faith of yeshua needs to be preached in all of its facets in this passage it is clear that john is seeing yeshua you you might say pastor chad how can you be sure that wasn't an angel well it's right there in the text that when john saw him he fell down at his feet and it wasn't an angel because the angel would have told him to get up but yeshua allowed him to bow and it fits the same description that we find in the book of daniel it says he's the first and he's the last he was dead but now he's alive and what i found interesting in this opening section was this idea of how yeshua himself introduces himself how he does that of all of the ways he could have introduced himself this is the way he chose to do it john sees him and yeshua says listen i am the first and the last i am the living one i was dead and now look i'm alive forever and ever and i hold the keys of death and hell now we we see other examples of of people in authority that when they enter a room they're they're presented with an introduction that's intricate you know you might say to a king his majesty the king has entered the room or you might say to a to a judge of the supreme court his honorable judge has entered the room you know um there's these ideas of these high and lofty titles his excellency they might say of the pope or somebody like that and so this this title this introduction of yeshua is what happens when john sees him but it's yeshua introducing himself and it might be easy to see the introduction and make sense of it i'm the first and the last you say yeah of course you are i'm the living one well of course you are you're right there but what seemed strange to me was that he added this piece and by the way i hold the keys to death in hell it seemed like that was a little bit out of left field that it was a little bit from the side like okay you're the first and the last you're the living one you were dead now you're alive yes we get all of that and now i hold the keys to death in hell and that'll be our focal point tonight yeshua's hardware the keys to death in hell you might say well it only seems strange until you read the order in which the passage is written it's right there in the order i am the first and then he breaks in i was dead and now i'm alive and i will live forever and then i'll be the last he like gives you the whole timeline of his life now how can you be the first and the last dead and alive living forever how can you do that yeshua because i hold the keys of death and hell that's how i can do it you see it wasn't this random statement it was connected i'm all of these things in my introduction and you might say to yourself and i'm going to get ahead of your question i can see in your spirit your your mind is is is churning you're thinking how can you be all of these things because i hold the keys of death and hell that's how he answers the question even before john can ask in this series we've wanted to focus on what is in yeshua's hands what does it do this object this hardware and how does it apply to us and tonight we're going to dive into this section pretty deep if we look at the the the basic idea of holding the keys of death and hell we look at keys and in hebrew mafta the keys itself this is the physicality of the key this is the key itself right the the little metal that you stick in the door the key in the hebrew but in the greek in which this passage was written in revelation christ is the greek word and it has a slightly different meaning than the simplicity of the hebrew word here that we often use christ in greek it doesn't just mean the physical key that you stick in the door the greek here means the authority to open or close something wow isn't that neat to see that we're not talking about just the physical key or the symbolic key it's the authority to open or close something that's what he's saying i'm the first and the last i was dead now i'm alive i live forever and i have the authority to open and close everything and it struck me this week how deep that thought went let me turn your attention for a moment to the book of matthew in the chapter 16 13-15 reads this way when yeshua came to the region of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples who do people say that the son of man is you see that he's about to ask what the introduction is they replied some say that you're john the immerser or john the baptist others say elijah and still others say jeremiah or one of the prophets but what about you he asked who do you say i am i want the introduction what how would you introduce me if i walked into a room peter disciples if i walked in to people who didn't know me how would you introduce me now we know in revelation how he introduced himself but we're way back in matthew now several decades earlier and he's asking the disciples how would you introduce me pick it up in verse 16. simon peter answered well you're the messiah the son of the living god you sure then replied blessed are you simon son of jonah for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood but by my father in heaven and i tell you that you are peter and on this rock i will build my congregation and the gates of hell or hades will not overcome it i will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven let me make some connecting points because it's so rich here yeshua is saying if i walked into a room how would you describe me what's my introduction and he says you're yeshua the son of god the son of the living one you are the messiah and he connects this idea of living that's what yeshua said about himself i was dead but now i'm alive peter picked up on it in the spirit you're the living one but he also says peter you didn't get this on your own my father told you this that's why it's coming out of your spirit but did you also notice that yeshua was holding something symbolically and spiritually in his hand he was holding the keys to the kingdom of heaven and he said to peter i will give the keys to you isn't that amazing yeshua's got a bunch of keys we always make this joke around here i have a there there are two people in our building here on the jerusalem campus that have the biggest set of keys and i'm one of them and the other one is is our friend mikhail who oversees all of our properties he he also leads one of our initiatives our french initiative as we're planting a new congregation in french and because he oversees the buildings you know we we have the two biggest key chains and i i was reading that i couldn't help but get that image in my mind of of of the big keychain that miguel has and and yeshua apparently has this big keychain he's got keys to everything right i got the keys to death in hell i've got the keys of the kingdom of heaven i'm starting to give those things away and he's given the keys to the kingdom of heaven to peter but notice the greek word that's used here in matthew is also christ it's the same word as in revelation i'm giving you the keys to the kingdom of heaven i'm giving you peter the authority to open and to close that's why the verse goes on to say it that way i will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven because peter understood what he was saying was peter i'm giving you authority and i found it so interesting that as we go through this series we've talked about the sword of yeshua representing his authority his authority to come back and to bring justice to an unjust world to kill the spirit of lawlessness and to assert his authority as king the sword of yeshua the iron scepter from which he rules on his throne as he judges the nations is the authority to be the judge of the nations and then hear the keys that the authority to open and close whatever he wishes all of the things that you find in yeshua's hand are representing his authority and you might say well what about when pastor ray talked about the yoke of yeshua well remember the imagery of the yoke is two oxen pulling together and yeshua says come be part of my yoke and find rest so i'm pulling this side you pull that side what i'm doing is i have authority and i'm delegating my authority to you now work with me it's the same practice of authority and handing out authority that he did with peter peter i have the keys i have the authority but i'm giving it to you the yoke of the messiah now there may be much debate in highly spiritual realms and in circles about what does it mean to bind up things in heaven and loose things on earth and and that's not really where we're focused tonight and and i know there can be some different thoughts on that but what we want to focus on is that it represents his authority to do it whatever it is you think he can do it's the authority to do it and he wants to give us that authority to co-labor with him that we work for his ultimate purpose and that his will would be done now when we talk about keys that's what we're talking about but now let's get specific what kind of keys well the keys first of all to death notice that there are two elements to this the first element is the keys to death well certainly if yeshua has the keys to death that would make sense why he's the living one he will live forever and ever but it's not just that he has the keys so that he will live forever it's that somehow we get brought into the picture somehow we get to participate when he opens and closes death in hell we get to participate in these keys of life somehow i bring your attention to romans chapter 5 verse 12. therefore just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin and in this way death came to all people because all sinned to be sure that sin was in the world before the law was given but sin is not charged against anyone's account where there is no law nevertheless death reigned from the time of adam to the time of moses even over those who did not sin by breaking a command as adam who is a pattern of the one to come jump to verse 17 for if by the trespass of the one man death reigned through that one man how much more will those who receive god's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man yeshua the messiah you see god delegated the rulership the dominion to adam you see god created everything and he had the authority to it all he had all the keys as the creator and he gave adam the keys to delegate his authority to adam with the keys of of the earth adam i'm giving you dominion over my creation help me rule it and unfortunately adam faltered he wobbled he he fell and and i and i had this image and if i could just give you this image i don't even know if this was a a greatly spiritual image but this was the image that came to my mind that that god created the earth the heavens and the earth and he gave adam the authority to rule over it and then god put a protective shield a protective force field if you will if you like sci-fi movies or something like that think about star wars or something in that genre where there's a force field over the earth and as long as adam obeyed the force field stayed but when adam was tempted to give into sin it was like he he he gave some of his authority away and satan was able to to pierce through that force field just a little bit and open it up through the sin and disobedience pierced the force field opened it up and death came through and then it spread and now all are infected with this idea of death because all have sinned but yeshua you see yeshua has now taken back the keys of death and he will forever safeguard his creation from the corruption of death he's still if you can follow my analogy just one more second he is still holding open that door you might say well why doesn't he just close it fix it heal it and move us on friends get get this image he's holding open that door a little bit longer so that the people that are infected with death can get out you say why doesn't he move faster because he's waiting for as many people who will take him up on his salvation his loving plan of eternal life he's he's got that key to hell and death he's got it open you think what's he gonna do with it he's holding it open trying to get him out and then one day he'll close it keep reading in revelation when it talks about he locks up satan for a thousand years because he's got the key he puts satan in there and he locks him up right now he's holding it a little bit open that little the way there's not a lot of ways there's only one way and he's holding it open that we might come out of death into life tonight it's just kind of a mental picture to help you revelation chapter 20 remember it says he not only has keys but it's keys to death and we've dealt with death now but now it's two things it's the keys to death and to hades some of your translations some of them might say hell revelation chapter 20 verse 13. we're looking at the end of the age the sea gave up the dead that were in it and death and hades gave up the dead that were in them and each person was judged according to what they had done and then death in hades or hell were thrown into the lake of fire the lake of fire is the second death anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire now i've taught you guys many times about just some basic putting logical progression together we find scriptures in the bible that talk about when the righteous die there's this some holding place that they go to some of the bi the biblical historians even use the term abraham's bosom they go they go somewhere where they're waiting for judgment but they're in a righteous place they're in a they're in a beloved place and then later there's judgment and then they go to the age to come they go to the new heaven and new earth well the same thing seems to happen on the negative side that the people that are that were not deemed righteous the ones that had fallen into sin and never accepted the lord when their body dies they go to this place called hades or hell but it's not until the final judgment that hades in hell is finally thrown into its final resting place which is the lake of fire i've taught you that little logical progression because it's right there in the word and if you look at the word hades where did it come from well the ancient greek mythology has hades as one of their their their gods and he's the god of the underworld so when he says i have the keys to death and hades he's giving them an analogy that they can understand in their time and in their place he's saying the thing you guys think about about hades and and this god of the underworld no no no no i control that opening in that closing so he's given them an analogy that they can latch onto the more literal definition of hades is it's an unseen place for departed souls and it was a greek god of mythology and in the hebrew this gets really interesting follow me here for a minute in hebrew when we look at the word hell and hinom it's it's really a combination of two words and one means a valley a deep valley or ravine and the other means a lament or lamentation so when he's describing how even in the hebrew it's this deep abyss valley of lamentation people are weeping and gnashing of teeth that's how he describes hell it's the depths of lament and that's the background of what both the greek hearers and speakers and the hebrew hearers and speakers would have understood as yeshua was talking now in the greek when you're talking about hell the greek word for that there are two words used and and one of them means deepest abyss and it means deepest abyss but the second greek word used in the bible is gehenna sounds a lie like gehenom right the hebrew genome and the greek gena and you can see how there's obviously some connection there and it means hell fire in the abyss so we're not confused with what we're talking about whether you're talking about hades or hell greek or hebrew or any variation of these words we're talking about the abyss a place you don't want to be a place a place where death happens second peter chapter 2 verse 4 for if god did not spare his angels when they sinned against him but sent them to hell putting them into chains of darkness to be held for judgment and he goes on if if god didn't spare them but sent them to hell then he's not going to spare anyone who hurts his creation that satan the fallen angels or demons those that produce violence those that murder those that break down god's appointed destiny for people people that are not walking in right relationship with the lord yeshua if he didn't spare the angels he's not going to spare us so many people say well and this is a question we're going to ask for a moment then why did he create hell couldn't he have done all this without the suffering why would he create hell and then send humanity there and i just want to be really clear and answer this question because this is coming up from a lot of our relativistic thinking millennials and and younger why did he create hell and send humans there well first of all god has never sent a human there humans choose to go there he's not sending them there he's doing everything possible to not get them there he's sitting there holding the door open that they would get out of there but it's a choice love is a choice and the bible says that hell wasn't made for humans anyway matthew chapter 25 verse 40 and 41 the king wrote will reply truly i tell you whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me then he will say to the those on his left depart from me you who are cursed into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels you see hell was never prepared for us that's why we don't belong there that's why we don't have any business being around there that's why yeshua is holding that force field open to get us out of there that's why yeshua god himself died on the cross that we would not have to pay a price that would send us there and he's given us all the evidence we would ever need in nature in his creation to prove to us that all of the lies of of the devil are sending us to hell and yet the truth of god would give us eternal life because he's the first and the last the one that was dead the one that's alive the one that will live forever and don't forget how i can do all of these things because i hold the keys of death and hell in my hand now isn't it interesting that we often say that god doesn't save you from something without saving you to something god doesn't heal you from something he doesn't rescue you and free you from something not to put you in a promised land over here he didn't take the israelites out of egypt to leave him in the desert he took him out of egypt so that they would go in the promised land and it works the same with the keys here he holds the keys of death and hell come out and as you come out i'm going to give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven that's where you're going the patterns of god are faithful and true he's never changed since the time immortal the first and the last and remember hell was never made for humanity yeshua is rescuing his creation from a place they don't belong it's a place of suffering and sickness pain sin death imprisonment and our closing verse tonight revelation 21. i want to prove to you once and for all that hell is not for us we shouldn't go there we shouldn't choose there we shouldn't flirt with things around there because it's never meant for us revelation 21 verse 3 4 and 5 and i heard a loud voice from heaven from the throne saying look god's dwelling place is now among the people and he will dwell with them they will be his people and god himself will be with them and he will be their god he will wipe away every tear from their eye there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away he who was seated on the throne said i am making everything new and then he said write this down for these words are trustworthy and true you see friends the keys of death and hell are eternally important they represent yeshua's authority to open and to close the pathway from death to eternal life from hell to the kingdom of heaven the path is already laid out the price is already paid the one who holds the keys hear me tonight the one who holds the keys holds all of them maybe maybe you didn't catch that through our sermon tonight don't be afraid of the evil one he has no keys he lies and tries to tell you he has peace but lying is the only weapon he has yeshua holds all the keys in his hand let's pray father thank you for the goodness of your word the power of your spirit tonight in the house and and really even transmitting to our members watching here in jerusalem all over israel and around the world your sayings your verses your stories your teachings are trustworthy and true and we embrace tonight the truth that you hold all of the keys and we proclaim to heaven and earth that we acknowledge that satan has none of them and for that reason our hope is in you lord and we will never fear the evil one because there's not a thing he can do for us there's not a thing he can do to us for if you fight for us then who can be against us father take this word and encourage everyone listening tonight encourage their spirits give them hope from heaven tonight and let them know that you are trying to give them the keys you are trying to yoke yourself with them for rest you are trying to give them eternal purpose tonight that even in current hopeless situations it's not hopeless to you and bring us hope from heaven tonight in our difficult times because we want to celebrate the goodness of what you've done and we want to celebrate those coming out of the grips of hell tonight we want to celebrate those coming out of death to to life tonight we want to sing and dance and shout and clap for those who are now releasing the keys of death and taking upon themselves the keys to the kingdom of heaven what a party what a celebration and we say thank you lord that you made a way for us in yeshua's name amen let's celebrate that tonight hallelujah oh here heaven you conquer the grave you free every captain you break everything oh god you have done great too we danced in your freedom awaken love yes i'll save you your lane lifted high oh god you have done great things [Music] [Applause] come on let's celebrate tonight here we [Music] go [Music] yes [Music] for he has see what our savior has done see how this love overcomes he has [Music] you break [Music] your name [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have done great things and i know you will do it again for your promise is yes [Music] [Music] your name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you hold the keys lord we sing [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] you freed every captain [Music] is [Music] we thank you amen amen oh god thank you thank you for the great picture of the the gates of uh heaven being opened wide and you're holding those open for all those lost souls that don't know you to be able to come into that eternal relationship of love and of life with you yeshua thank you for holding that open for us and we embrace that tonight we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we say god be exalted in this world amen what a great message for the day and the hour where we're living in thank you pastor chad and we just want to remind you as we conclude our time together tonight if you haven't signed up for the im course that's taking place tomorrow night and tuesday night it's not too late you can sign up at forward slash i am and be a part of the conference or the class that's going to be taking place the next two nights and then uh just those of you that are going to be joining tonight on our uh king of kings online community group you can join tonight you can get that link at our social media site joanna is going to be there to meet you in about 45 minutes we're looking forward to seeing you there and then we just will have a great time together looking at god's word together tonight lord bless you have a great week and we will see you together again next week 5 p.m right here love you bye [Music] you
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 2,081
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: Ogv7D6jUIdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 57sec (5037 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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