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[Music] [Music] a [Music] is [Music] there is is [Music] m [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] good evening king of kings family we're so glad that you're able to be with us tonight we pray that you are in a place ready to celebrate and ready to rejoice as we come up and make the ascension up to his presence tonight so join with us here we go [Music] this is a moment when heaven touches her we're hearing our hearts lord we are waiting for something that's far beyond what we have seen so let us start the ascension let's begin of this holy mountain where your glory shines further up and further in just to be with you again [Music] yes [Music] for your name is brented on you are the source of all we desire nothing can hold us back we're running to where [Music] holy mountain way [Music] just to be with you again [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] just to be with you again [Music] [Applause] [Music] just to be with you again [Music] we're going to continue in this theme we're going to go up this phone talks about entering our inheritance [Music] here we go [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] food [Music] [Music] me i [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hello [Music] foreign [Music] bye [Music] [Music] we thank you lord for that inheritance that you've given to us [Music] for there is none like you you are holy you're worthy tonight [Music] our song shall rise to thee [Music] merciful [Music] blessed [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] me [Music] see your merchants [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are holy [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are holy [Music] is [Music] holy holy lord [Applause] [Music] blessed is [Music] me [Music] then oh [Music] me [Music] where [Music] my [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] away [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we invite you in this place you're sure we invite you here tonight for you are [Music] worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] your throne [Music] for [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you are [Music] let [Music] is [Music] you are worthy you are worthy of it all [Music] for from you are all this [Music] [Music] are all is if you deserve the love [Music] yes you deserve this you deserved [Music] night [Music] tonight day [Music] [Music] do you deserve to go [Music] foreign hallelujah you deserve the glory lord you deserve the glory you deserve the honor you deserve the praise for the very breath in our lungs is a gift from you the spirit that dwells within us is a gift from you the holy spirit that you sent to us is a gift from you life eternal is a gift from you you deserve the glory you deserve it all we worship you in this place tonight in each and every home as we lifted our voice we pray that it was a sweet incense and offering a sacrifice and praise and worship to you tonight [Music] we worship you yeshua and we thank you if you can stand with us tonight as we sing the shmall together [Music] the [Music] amen his kingdom is forever and we bless his name this evening you may be seated tonight and i'm going to ask virgita she's going to come and lead us in this week's parasha reading amen what a blessed time of worship i'm going to read today in hebrew and in english and i have the honor to share from deuteronomy 11 isaiah 55 and john 7. so if you want to follow with me you're more than welcome to open your bible i'm going to start with reading in hebrew from deuteronomy 11 verses 26 to 29. and on a funny note these are actually verses that my father used to read to us when we were younger kids to understand how god can bless us when we walk in the path that he has set before us see i am setting before you today a blessing and a curse the blessing if you are listening to the mitzvot of the your god that i am commanding you today but the curse if you do not listen to the mitzvoth of adonai your god but turn away from the way i am commanding you today to go after other gods you have not known now when adonai your god brings you into the land you are going to possess you are to set the blessing on mount gilizim and the curse on mount ebal i'm continuing to read after from the book of isaiah 55 verses everyone who thirsts come to the water and you who have no money come buy and eat come buy wine and milk without money and without cost why do you spend money for what is not bread your wages for what does not satisfy listen diligently to me and eat what is good and delight yourself in abundance incline your ear and come to me listen so that your soul may live i will make an everlasting covenant with you the trustworthy loyalty to david behold i made him a witness to the peoples a leader and a commander for the peoples behold you will summon the nation you do not know and a nation that did not know you will run to you because of adonai your god and the holy one of israel for he has glorified you i'm going to be reading also from the new testament from the book of john chapter 7 verses 37 and 39 on the last and the greatest day of the feast yeshua stood up and cried out loudly if anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink whoever believes in me as the scripture says out of his innermost being will flow rivers of living water now he said this about the spirit whom those who trusted in him were going to receive for the spirit was not yet given since yeshua was not yet glorified amen we are excited to hear now from pastor waco greeting us from all the way from finland [Music] hey it's veyko anola here we bring you greetings from finland where we are for a season let's us came back from israel where she was three weeks and we look forward to this discipleship season this fall and to be back with you in israel very soon we miss you lots and love you and we're looking forward to be back as soon as we can amen shalom welcome king of kings family we are so excited to have you here with us tonight here's what's happening in our community this week [Music] did you know the early believers first gather together in homes every week right here in jerusalem the numbers continue to grow even without a central sanctuary as their meeting place by simply meeting together in each other's homes in smaller groups today we are in a similar situation without the availability of our central meeting place but we can still fellowship together as one family you can continue to fellowship and grow in your relationship with yeshua as we build community together we have several small groups meeting every week for a list of our community groups and directions on how you can connect email us at cg over the past few weeks our weekly lunchtime community outreach that serves twice a week the mana kitchen has experienced a continued increase in numbers of people that are coming to us for assistance if you have a heart of giving and serving the mana kitchen is a great way for you to use your gift while living out the heart of the gospel message for more information on how you can participate with amana kitchen contact us at kkcj our kkcj website just got a much needed facelift and it looks great go check it out at and while you are there take a moment to sign up for one of our newsletters sign up for one of our newsletters today and stay well informed come visit us at and see what's happening we all need prayer especially people to pray and stand with us we want you to know that our prayer teams are praying for you each and every day we would like to encourage you to send your prayer requests to us during this season so we can partner with you in prayer over specific requests send your prayer request to us at we pray at as we stand with you in prayer we want to thank you for your continued and faithful giving of the lord's tithe and offering during this season every time we give whether we're giving of our time our talents or our treasures we align our hearts with god's heart of giving sacrifice and worship you can easily give online today during the service by going to our website at and clicking on the gift tab thank you for joining us this evening we encourage you to connect with everything that is happening in this week please enjoy the rest of the service as we prepare to hear god's word have a blessed week all right we're excited to be here tonight in the house of the lord we trust that you are also able to connect wherever you might be watching from tonight and we just want to welcome you here to king of kings community in jerusalem from all over the world we thank you for being here for connecting from over 30 countries we thank you for those of you watching on facebook live and kings community live and youtube as well hey make sure you share this with your friends ask them to like it and to share it and to pass it along listen we know that there's a lot of congregations around the world right now who who can't meet together and perhaps that their congregation doesn't have uh the resources right now to do a strong live stream or a strong recorded message and worship service if you know that's them please listen we don't want to take the place of their home congregation but while they can't get into the house of the lord maybe share it with them and let them connect with the wonderful time of worship right here from king of kings in jerusalem we wanted to make sure that you got a chance to connect with pastor vaiko and oola as well so thank you guys for sending us that message from finland um and the reason we wanted you to see that was because you get to see the other elders and pastors quite regularly whether it's myself or pastor my pastor ray even pastor wayne is able to come up here and lead us in the lord's supper or speak from time to time as well but pastor vako and oola have been stuck in finland for a number of months and and they felt a little a little distant a little disconnected we didn't want him to feel that way ullah was able to be back with us in the land a few weeks ago and we've got some great discipleship classes coming up in the fall that pastor veka was going to help us to teach so thank you guys for sending the greeting from finland we hope everyone around the world sends their love so send them a note on facebook or youtube or something make sure they know that we miss them and we love them listen let's dive into the word of god tonight turn with me go ahead and get ahead of me to the book of james chapter one the book of james chapter 1 and for those of you that may be watching tonight from other parts of the middle east a lot of us understand what happened in beirut this week we want to want you to know that we've been praying for you in our prayer ministry and prayer tower we've been covering you guys in prayer all the believers there this is a great time to shine as a witness in a very dark and desperate time in beirut not easy already dealing with an economic crisis prior to kovid and now the coronavirus hit and now this explosion uh lord have mercy on the people of beirut and may they come to know the one true messiah in yeshua hallelujah last week we started a brand new series called faith and faithfulness and it was really the introduction to the series on the book of james and tonight we're going to dive head first into the book of james and we're going to do it in what i call an exegetical style it's a little bit different than when we do topical subject matter and we study from a topic and we draw in all of the relevant scriptures from all over the bible to give us that balanced approach of theology on a topic but when we study the exegetical passages it means that we're going to look at a book of the bible and we're going to read it verse by verse we're going to unpack what god has for us in those verses and and do our best to apply it to our life and so we're going to do that tonight as we continue in faith and faithfulness from the book of james so turn in your bible to the book of james chapter one as you're turning there i will recap a few key phrases from last week's sermon that you can catch on the archives one of the things we said last week was the prerequisite of faith is god speaking see you can't have faith until god speaks you can't make up the thing you want to have faith in god has to speak first you have to believe his words you have to act on his words and then it becomes faith the prerequisite to faith is god speaking the second thing we said as a key phrase last week was real faith is shown by the action that one takes in response to god's promise you see you can't just hear god's promise you have to do something about god's promise it's not enough to believe it in your head you got to do something there has to be an action item once god speaks into your life he doesn't tell you what to do without the expectation of you doing it he doesn't tell you what to do without empowering us to do the thing he's asked us to do and so a key phrase last week real faith is shown by the action that one takes in response to god's promises now let me tell you a little bit about our friend james the author of the book of course any time you study a book of the bible it's very important that you understand the author the audience and the intent of the author and we're going to cover all of those tonight but the the james that we're talking about yaakov would have been his hebrew name jacob james is a brother of yeshua meaning they shared parents on earth of course yeshua was born of the holy spirit and a seed was planted into miriam's womb it was a miraculous birth it was foretold by the prophets and yet james his brother was born of natural causes from joseph and miriam from joseph and mary now we know a lot about the family maybe more than you think we know when you put all the scriptures together a little bit of a background on the family as we get started in the book of mark chapter 6 verse 2 and 3 we learn this about his family it says when the sabbath came yeshua began to teach in the synagogue and many who heard him were amazed where did this man get these things they asked what's this wisdom that he has been given what are these remarkable miracles he is performing isn't this the carpenter isn't this miriam's son and the brother of james joseph judas and simon aren't his sisters here with us and they took offense at him so what did we learn about his family well we already knew that yeshua was a carpenter so some of his brothers probably went into the carpentry business following the footsteps of of yosef the father but we know that he had at least four brothers and at least two sisters they don't name the sisters here but it does use the plural form of sisters not just one sister but sisters so yeshua's in a big family did you ever think of that very jewish thing to be born into a family that's growing growing and actually to have a large jewish family so that with the four brothers and the two sisters plus you're sure we know that in yeshua's family they had at least seven children that's a full house seven children you know in the king of kings family one of our one of our campus pastors of one of the hebrew speaking congregations a native israeli hebrew speaking and and and when i had my fourth baby he was congratulating me on having the fourth baby now this this pastor has seven children but when i had my fourth child he hugged me and he said congratulations that's not a bad start the fourth child was a good start to the israelis having seven children and yeshua's family had seven children and the people around them took offense isn't that funny where does he get this wisdom how does he know all of these things and instead of saying that's that's remarkable that he knows these things they are offended at him how dare you know these things what a strange thing to be offended at someone's wisdom i'm offended at your wisdom that's just such a strange concept james and the other brothers did not believe in yeshua i want to make this point they did not believe in yeshua as the messiah when they were growing up they didn't even believe in him as they were adults they didn't even believe in him some of them didn't even believe when he was in his earthly ministry they still didn't believe that he was the messiah it wasn't until later in yeshua's ministry and in some cases after the resurrection that they started to believe that their brother could be the messiah and i'm sure they had lots of family issues to deal with i know with my four children we have all kind of competition issues now i like healthy competition it makes people sharp makes them better makes them work hard but can you imagine the competition they had in yeshua's household when yeshua was the oldest brother you see when you already have older brother versus younger brother there's already a complex thing going on there already a little competitive nature but can you can you imagine being the younger brothers and trying to outdo god trying to outdo yeshua you know they're out there playing basketball or they're kicking the soccer ball around and yeshua wins every time and it's got to be frustrating to the competitive nature of the other brothers and then he he aces every test because he knows all things his parents are always using yeshua as the example well james you know if you would have done it like yeshua it would have worked out he probably grew up with a little bit of distance with a little bit of resentment to yeshua after all the perfect example was always out in front of him it's hard to feel like you're getting the affection and the approval of the parents when your older brother is god himself and so james grows up not believing in him doesn't want any part of it separates himself from the messiah that way in the book of john chapter 7 we get a little bit more about the family dynamic john 7 verse 2-5 but when the jewish festival of tabernacles was near yeshua's brothers said to him leave galilee and go to judea so that your disciples there may see the works you do no one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret since you are doing these things show yourself to the world for even his own brothers did not believe in him you see i didn't make that up his brothers didn't believe in him his brothers are watching the miracles watching the teachings and not believing can you imagine and it says even his own brothers did not believe in him this picks up again in mark chapter 3 verse 20. then yeshua entered a house and again a crowd gathered so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat there were so many people and when his family heard about this they went to take charge of him for they said he is out of his mind you want to know what his family thought of him during his ministry as so many thousands of people started following yeshua watching the miracles listening to the teachings what wisdom what authority no one ever speaks like this this is amazing feeding the thousands the houses are filled no matter where he goes no matter what town or what city he enters the house the house fills up you can't even get the sick people in there to be healed because there's so many people we learned that from many stories and when his parents show up and his and his brothers show up and his family gets there they're not in awe of what he's doing they try to take him out of the way they try to get him out of the limelight they they try to make sure that people aren't following this strange character because their viewpoint of yeshua is he's out of his mind i'd like to come home to a shabbat dinner to that you have a long history of this competitive nature in the family you have other siblings who are battling against you who don't believe in you and they actually think you're out of your mind as you sit down for the shabbat meal they probably ask him all kind of strange questions hey yeshua who did you deceive this week what crazy teaching did you do who did you trick into thinking you healed him this week for even his own brothers did not believe in him they thought he was out of his mind and it was after the resurrection that his brothers start to make a turn on heart as a matter of fact as a matter of fact james james has a private moment with yeshua now remember james is the next one in line and james has a private moment with yeshua after the resurrection before the ascension where i think it all changed for james his heart apparently was already in motion but in 1st corinthians chapter 15 we learn this this is after yeshua showed himself to hundreds and hundreds of people and did miracles it says after that yeshua appeared to more than 500 of the brothers and the sisters at the same time most of whom are still living though some have fallen asleep and then he appeared to james and then to all the apostles you see that's a very interesting verse because he doesn't appear to the apostles in collective form until he appears to james first in a private moment james is not part of the apostles remember he doesn't believe in him he thinks he's crazy he's out of his mind hasn't been a follower has even rebuked yeshua taunted yeshua but now he's finally come to his senses his heart is open yeshua knows it and before yeshua goes to the full circle of the apostles he stops and has a private moment with james listen if you're watching tonight and you're not so sure about god and you're not so sure about yeshua who he is and if he cares about you if you'll open your heart to him tonight he'll stop and have a private moment with you just like he did to his own brother who didn't believe in him yeshua wants to have these private moments with us after this private moment do you know what happens to james james is discipled and he becomes the leading pastor of the jerusalem congregation that's that's a great note of progress in his life he's discipled he grows now now it all starts to make sense the prophecies the torah the the teachings of messiah his brother he puts down the competitive wall he puts down the distance and the friction and all the jealousy and he opens his heart and in that private moment you can see yeshua coming to him and saying james i love you i've always loved you i've always believed in you now here's what you're going to do for the kingdom of god you're going to lead the jerusalem congregation and james becomes the senior pastor of the jerusalem congregation and later by the time you get to acts chapter 15 james has become the preeminent leader of the council of apostles and elders so he's not just pastoring one congregation anymore he's sending out other pastors to go plant and other elders and he's training them and when they don't know what to do when there's a discrepancy in theology and doctrine they come back to jerusalem they sit around the table for this council they all give their opinion they quote the scriptures they pray under the power of the holy spirit and it's james who stands up and gives the final ruling nothing moves forward in acts 15 and 22 without james giving his own ruling first that's where he's risen to this brother who didn't believe in yeshua the one who thought he was out of his mind so throughout this book remember who we're dealing with this author we're dealing with an author who had to go a full circle he had a long journey throughout his life before he finally yielded to the truth of the messiah and with that introduction of james the author now let's go to james 1 verse 1 and look at the audience it says james a servant of god and of the lord yeshua can you imagine finally writing that the brother you refuse to believe in now you're going to write it in your first verse you're going to start it off i'm a servant of god and i'm a servant of yeshua who on earth was in my family as my brother a full yieldedness of full submission and humility i'm a servant of yeshua the messiah and i'm writing to the 12 tribes scattered among the nations greetings he says why is that verse important well for several reasons but one of them is this notice that he writes to all 12 tribes james doesn't consider that the tribes are lost can i just say it to all of us around the world many of our jewish brothers and sisters watching around the world the tribes are not lost god never lost them he didn't he didn't have to go hunt them down god didn't hire a private investigator to go find them they were never lost they were scattered there's a difference scattered because of discipline out of love that god had for them so they could get their head on straight call on him and return to their homeland they were never lost they were scattered he's addressing israel as a corporate unit and that corporate unit has 12 tribes they're connected tribes he's not just addressing judah as it has come later into some people's thinking that the jews of today are only from the tribe of judah because of the word play no jews today are the descendants of jacob back in exodus 19 he writes to all of the sons of jacob that means all the tribes and then we fast forward to the new testament james himself writes to all 12 tribes just like we find in exodus the jews have come home and they're going to continue to come home from all over the world where they're scattered not lost in all tribes not just the tribe of judah as a matter of fact this is even underscored a little bit by the apostle paul in the book of romans chapter 11 when he describes himself in verse 1 paul says i ask then did god reject his people israel by no means i am an israelite myself a descendant of abraham i am from the tribe of benjamin he doesn't say i'm from the tribe of judah i'm from the tribe of benjamin that means there's another apostle embracing all 12 tribes so this is the audience james is the author the audience are the jewish people the jewish believers from all tribes no matter where they are on the earth now what is the intent that's author audience and now we want to talk about intent so as we begin to read the opening chapter here chapter one this pastor apostle james is feeling the necessity to prepare his congregation and those listening to his letter for the trials and hardships that will be coming notice that james does not take a position that the believers will always be protected from events or governmental problems or natural disasters he doesn't take that position that they would always be protected from them let like the believers would never experience hardship he doesn't take that position as a matter of fact james guarantees you will have tough times he guarantees that your faith will be tested if we continue in the main text james chapter one look at verse two and three consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance trials testing they're promised they produce perseverance and notice it wasn't hey you're going to face a trial no trials plural it doesn't say hey one day you might face something difficult no it says many trials of many kinds that means your life is going to be peppered with trials and testing and they're going to be hard they're going to be many different kinds so as soon as you why would he say many kinds because he wants you to know that as soon as you conquer one trial god may not try you in that area next time he's going to try you in a different area why because it stretches you it grows you it tests your faith and it produces perseverance you say oh man that doesn't sound like good news at all well god has the long game in mind not the short one and he knows that if he's built you to rule and reign with him and for him over his creation that you need to be prepared in your character and your faith and in your perseverance god is in the long haul he's he's looking at the long game here the long destiny in vision not just this little temporary vapor of the earth he's looking at eternity and what we are going to grow up to be and in order for us to grow up to be that we need trials and testing of faith and perseverance let me give you our first key phrase tonight maturity is shown when both perseverance and joy are displayed at the same time whoo you know what on social media you're not gonna get a lot of likes on that one you're not getting a whole lot of thumbs up and shares and no you're not gonna get that why because that's a tough message that maturity is shown when both perseverance and joy are displayed at the same time you know it's one thing to persevere through trial and and to have a bad attitude about it the whole time it's another thing to have joy when life is going well but what about having joy in the trial in the testing when you're having to have perseverance what about that moment that moment is called maturity perseverance and joy at the same time because that's what the verse said consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face many trials of many kinds that that's the testing of your faith that produces perseverance look at the next two verses verse four and five let perseverance finish its work you see in james's mind trials testing and perseverance they're doing something they're they're working on something they're they're going to produce something so he says listen don't abort the process don't stop it in the middle let perseverance do its work let it finish its work so that why so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything you say what would i be lacking keep reading if any of you lacks wisdom you should ask god who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you you know in our community group this week and you know that we are a congregation built on the strength of our small groups our community groups they're still meeting online we need you to connect with one even for those of you that may not live in israel you can connect with some of our small groups who are meeting online and in this week's community group we've dealt with that verse exclusively we said what does it mean if any of you lacks wisdom you should ask god who gives generously to all without finding fault how can god not find fault we're sinners and of course our conclusion was yes but when god looks at us he sees the blood of messiah over us he sees the purity of the robe he sees the name of yeshua he sees righteousness that's been proclaimed on us that's why god doesn't find fault according to james but what are you lacking you're lacking wisdom so in order for the work to be finished listen to me the the goal is not perfection how do i know that well because we still live in a sinful world we still have temptation we still have sinful tendencies god knows that perfection is not going to be had in this world in this body but what you can have is maturity what you can have is wholeness completeness the shalom part of the word of god what you can have is wisdom let perseverance perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything and if you lack wisdom ask god who's going to give it to you ask wisdom wisdom is the finished work now one of the concepts you have to grab here are the connecting words if you lack anything and then it says if you let perseverance do its work you will not lack anything next sentence and if you lack something so it's telling you the answer what would i what would i be missing well what you'd be missing is wisdom well how do i get it you ask god and god gives it generously and when when does he give it he gives it in times of trial he gives it in times of testing in times of perseverance that's when he gives the wisdom you need this is the preparation that james is talking about for his congregation we are to pursue joy in times of needed perseverance and in these hard times these hardships we should be asking god for wisdom and for help you see the previous verse tells us what we're supposed to be asking for if any of you lacks wisdom ask god for wisdom that's what you're asking god for and friends listen to me during this extended time of the covid19 and this extended time of economic downturn and hardships and people losing their jobs and professions and money and houses and it's all going god is saying when you don't know what to do when you're having to persevere find joy but even when you don't know what to do when you lack wisdom ask me i will tell you what to do i will never leave you alone look at verse six he picks it up here but when you ask so he's expecting you to ask but when you ask you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind that person should not expect to receive anything from the lord such a person is double minded and unstable in all they do if you're not sure what to do you can't find peace you don't have security you don't know the future you're seeking wisdom you ask god for this but understand that when you ask god for an answer and you ask god what to do and you ask god for wisdom and when he gives you the answer it needs to be met with action you act on the word of the lord remember the prerequisite to faith is having the lord speak and true faith is tested by the action that you do when god speaks but lacking faith and allowing doubt only brings insecurity and fear and it blocks us from receiving the things that we actually need from god what are the things we need we need wisdom we need clarity and the sad part is when we let doubt creep in when we don't allow faith to show itself in action the lord says right here when you let doubt rule you don't expect to receive anything from me wow pastor chad i thought you said that god is a god who wants to act on our behalf he wants to answer well he does but he knows that the fertile ground of him speaking and you acting his faith and if you let doubt creep in he says i can't that's not soil i can use i can give you the seed i can give it to you but it's not soil that will grow in so don't expect it to grow anything don't expect to receive anything from me if you're not going to believe in the things i'm telling you we're like god well i'm having trouble so why don't you just do everything god why not you just tell me what you're going to do and then you do it and god says well that's not how faith works faith works by you asking me and i give you the answer and then you believe it in your heart and then you do it that's how faith actually works but if you don't plan on believing me and you don't plan on doing it don't expect anything from me and now you understand why so many people feel like they haven't heard from god it's not that god isn't speaking it's that they're not acting and then they're blaming god for something not working you know i've got children we talk about the children a lot of times and and my kids love to use toys for purposes that the toys were not intended to be used there was a little there was a little bus like a little school bus and it sings songs and it's supposed to teach my youngest one who's two years old to learn her letters and sounds supposed to press it and here comes the sounds and she's sitting on it like it's a motorcycle and it's only about this big and she's screaming at it she's beating it she's kicking it she throws it across the room she's so mad at it and she's learned enough words to tell me with the stomping of her foot i'm so angry two years old and i said what are you so angry at i'm angry at that bus why are you angry at the bus because i can't ride it i said we you know that you're not supposed to ride that bus it's not like the big bus it's meant to be touched not ridden like a motorcycle and that's a great example of what happens in the world people they either don't ask god or when they do ask god they don't listen to what the thing is supposed to be used for and then they try to use it for something else it doesn't work and then they blame god that it didn't work and god says but if you didn't do what i told you to do don't expect to receive anything from me you got to use it for why it was given and this is what the book of james is going to be all about faith in action and he's setting us up with these verses he's getting us ready to make sure that we get it that faith must be an action now many of us hear the word trial and we think persecution and certainly persecution can be part of a trial but in the the final verses that i want to look at tonight verse 9 through 12 of james one this text seems to have a different topic in mind let me read it to you verse 9 through 12 with all that we've learned so far tonight listen to what it says talking about trials and testing perseverance and faith faith in action do what i say or don't expect to receive anything all of those lessons verse 9 but the rich should take pride in their humiliation since they will pass away like a wild flower for the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant its blossom fails and its beauty is destroyed in the same way the rich will fade away even while they go about their business blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the lord has promised to those who love him uh oh where's pastor chad going with this one what's he going to say about it well first of all he's not talking about the rich person passing away in a sense he's not talking about the rich person dying he's talking about the rich person passing away because the rich person might no longer be a rich person you understand that's what he means by it's fading away the riches are fading away not the rich person himself but the verses here speak of plants withering blossoms failing beauty destroyed he's talking about a rich person's business their livelihood their money their wealth the things that they stored up for themselves and the blessing mentioned is for the believer who perseveres with joy under the trial of catch this under what trial not persecution it's the trial of losing everything you have i hope you caught that verse that verse was not about persecution it doesn't say people are beating you and attacking you and putting you in jail those verses are talking about trials and testing producing perseverance asking god for wisdom having joy in the face of trial and what is the trial being described as the trial being described is losing everything not persecution that lesson right there my friends ought to change somebody's theology tonight that god not only promises trial he never promises you will always keep your riches now just to be fair and to be balanced in the word of god we know that god's heart is that of a good father he wants to give good gifts to his children but he never promises that you'll have them forever and you don't put your love of god in place because of what he gives you god wants to bless his children listen i'll read you a few verses just for balance proverbs 28 a faithful person will be richly blessed but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished paul talking about tithing and giving to the poor writes this in 2nd corinthians 9 and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work verse 11 of the same chapter you will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to god friends there's going to be times in our lives when we have abundance and there's going to be times like right now when we don't and if your theology of god has been built on the fact that you can only have a blessed life then you're gonna miss this lesson right here you say no no no i can only believe in god i can only have faith in god i can only put my trust in god when things are good then you've missed the book of james you've missed the lesson tonight about trials testing and perseverance there'll be times you have abundance but i'm here to tell you there's going to be times you don't have so much the history of the patriarchs were filled with both while abraham isaac and jacob were all blessed and very rich we also have job and joseph who were blessed at times and at other times they went through great trials and completely poor the apostles always had their needs met but they never seemed to have much surplus right paul kept making tents long after he was famous in today's economy with the coronavirus watching things around the world the riots the tragedy in beirut it should show you friends that believers are not immune from the impact of national and global events and if your theology has been built on being immune from it then you've missed what the bible is telling us because somebody has to go into the dark places to bring light and it's hard for the people in darkness to understand your message if you don't understand where they're at there's a harvest field that needs your story your story of success your story out of beauty from ashes your story of what god delivered you from what doesn't sell very well when you're preaching the gospel is to tell somebody that's desperate i'm so sorry you're desperate i've never been desperate that story doesn't sell that's why yeshua when he was preaching the gospel all over the nation what would he do he would first heal the sick and feed the hungry be with them where they're at understand how desperate they are and how hard their life is don't be like them but understand where they're at and sometimes you understand better when you're there yourself and god knows that now we have an opportunity to walk through these trials with great joy growing in perseverance because we know perseverance completes the work of maturity in us romans chapter 8 who shall separate us from the love of the messiah shall trouble our hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword as it is written for your sake we face death all day long see that didn't meet somebody's theology right there we face death all day long we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us for i am convinced that neither death nor life angels or demons the present nor the future nor any power neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of god that is in messiah yeshua our lord listen to me this very famous verse has two sides when we're going through trials when we are going through testing it doesn't separate us from god's love he will never stop loving us but the other side of the coin is what we're going after tonight when you're going through hardships and trials and all of the testing that should never separate you from god's love either you see god's love being poured out from us from him to us never stops and our love for him should never stop it's a different way to flip it it's a different way to see it from the author's perspective it's not only talking about nothing can separate god from giving his love to us he's also challenging us that no trial should separate our love going to god because love has to be in agreement that's what we're looking for that love relationship think about that perspective talk about that in your small groups we know god's love will never be taken away true but in this context we know that tough times are coming sometimes they should even be expected and did you hear the verse our key phrase tonight number two be more than conquerors well in order to be more than a conqueror there must be something to conquer has to be something to conquer and here trials testing perseverance wisdom let me close god is a good father who wants to bless his children there's no doubt but he also understands that the trials test our faith they produce perseverance and they finish the work which is maturity in us and when we lack wisdom on what to do during a time like right now during a trial we're supposed to ask god and while we do appreciate the physical blessings that god gives us we do not use these physical blessings as our measuring stick on how much he loves us nor should these trials shake our love for him i'll close by repeating verse 12. blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the lord has promised to those who love him and notice again the example here wasn't persecution it was perseverance under the trial under the test of losing riches and losing everything you have and i'm hoping that tonight when we look at love and faith in action when we're looking at trials testing perseverance maturity and wisdom we're looking at faith having action behind it that we never measure god's love for us by how much physical blessing he gives us we thank him for it we appreciate it let me tell you one thing if you put your trust in those riches and those riches fade away one day your faith is going to be on very shaky ground but if your faith in god has nothing to do with your position in life and the riches you have or don't have your love and faith of god will never be shaken so be careful to what you're listening to be careful for the theology you're putting your trust in god wants to bless you but he never promises you'll always have riches he never promises you that you'll never have a tough time because he's preparing you for something bigger than just this little world don't forget that let's pray father we thank you for the goodness of your word we thank you for the boldness sometimes that's needed to preach the fullness of the gospel not every word is easy to hear but we receive your message today and we come boldly we ask for that wisdom that you told us to ask for father what do we do right now when we've lost our job what do we do when money is almost gone what do we do when our families are losing their apartments in their houses what do we do god would you give us wisdom so that we can move with an action on that wisdom and we thank you lord for the perseverance you're building in us it's got to be frustrating to satan because he's running out of weapons he's running out of lies he's running out of deceptions when the people of god love god and trust him no matter what's in front of them and thank you lord for getting us to that place of maturity we bless our people here in jerusalem all over israel in the world with that word in yeshua's name amen amen let's worship the lord before we close and be challenged and take these words of application to all of our community groups this week hallelujah we thank you yeshua nothing can separate us [Music] is holding me back from you redeemer of my soul [Music] thank you for the power of your blood and i am overwhelmed [Music] love now the [Music] peace [Music] oh [Music] [Music] do you make oh yes you do yeah [Music] [Music] to [Music] is [Music] [Music] so thank [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh yes you may [Music] is he is [Music] is [Music] amen god makes all things new it's a process that we're all in as he's creating in us new things and that we would look like him and and if you're in a trial tonight whether it's physical or emotional spiritual financial we know that this process as pastor chad just got through saying what a great and a timely message it's it's to prepare us to be more than conquerors not just conquerors but more than conquerors that's god's goal in your life and that that the thing that resonated with me tonight is that we're going to reign and rule with him with yeshua as conquerors and more than conquerors that's god's goal for our lives and these temporary trials that we're walking through now are to prepare us for that time and so god we thank you that you don't leave us on our own we're not just walking through this world and enjoying the the facade of nice living but you're giving us these seasons of time testing and trial you're you're strengthening us in them that we would be more than conquerors that we will be able to reign and rule with you as messiah over the world god we ask that you would do that in each and every person's life i'm asking now god that you would bless each and every person walking through trial tonight whatever that situation might look like give them strength to persevere that they would walk with perseverance and joy and that they would be mature men and women of god that would be able to reign and rule with you as more than conquerors god thank you for the season of life that we're in may you be exalted in it and yeshua's precious name we pray amen amen we just want to encourage you to continue to to stay connected if you're not already a part of a community group we're inviting you to write us at cg at we'll connect you to a community group either in person here in jerusalem if you're here in the country and in the land or online we have two or three different groups that are being able to meet online we can connect you with them as well let's stay connected especially in this season where it's pushing against connection let's stay connected with god's body in the future and now it would be a great time if you weren't able to give online earlier tonight because of the service we're encouraging you to go ahead and go to our website at click on the give tab and you're able to give your tithes and your offerings there lord bless you have a great week we'll see you again this time next week as we gather together around god's word lord bless you [Music] you
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,788
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Id: xAVbu5VpkR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 54sec (5634 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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