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[Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] be [Music] oh my god [Music] oh [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are so excited that you are here this evening [Music] let us stand together [Music] to you and lift a song [Music] is yet to come there's more our worship [Music] oh you're changing everything [Music] we'll let our worship [Music] okay no one else could take your place no one else could take your place no one else could take your place [Music] glory come down [Music] [Music] [Applause] the lion and the lamb the king of glory he's coming on the clouds [Music] he's coming on has broken hearts declare his praise who can stop the lord of judah he's roaring with [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] for me [Music] is [Music] is [Music] who can stop the lord almighty who can stop the lord almighty who can stop the lord almighty who can stop the lord almighty [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] hallelujah mighty lamb of god [Music] the people of israel shall not sleep he is god our savior our protector and we declare it over our country over our city this week that you are faithful to what you [Music] promised [Music] i don't know [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes is [Music] i don't know thank you yeshua that you are the keeper of israel almighty god put our trust in you you are our protector you are our shield you are our defender we trust in you almighty god [Music] we want more of you we wait on you [Music] this time of shavuot we wait for more of you and we long for more more of you there must come breathe within there must be more than this [Music] a passion for name [Music] come like a rushing wind [Music] leave us [Music] play won't you fall in this place a for you all in this place [Music] with us [Music] in our stir it up in our hearts stir it up in our hearts a passion for your name stir it up in our heart's heart a passion for your name that is is is [Music] is with us your kingdom come your will be [Music] a new done stirring up a new passion your kingdom [Music] with us [Music] there's nothing worth more that could ever come close nothing can compare you are living [Music] i have tasted and seen my heart becomes [Music] holy spirit [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing worth more your [Music] [Music] of the sweetest when my heart becomes free that machine is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] let us become more aware of your praises let us experience let us experience the [Music] let us experience [Music] [Music] you are welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh there's freedom in his spirit there is in the spirit peace is joy oh we welcome you [Music] we welcome your holy spirit [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is how i fight this is [Applause] this is [Applause] [Music] [Music] but i'm surrounded [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] [Music] it may look like surrounded but i'm surrounded by you yes [Music] you may look [Applause] this is [Music] this is [Music] it may look like we're surrounded but we are surrounded by you do you believe in it it may look like we are surrounded but we are surrounded by you [Music] holy spirit [Music] our hearts [Music] presence [Music] by the strength that is in your presence and father whether the battle is within us where the battle is outside of this hall we are with you and you are with us and this is how we fight our panels lord in your presence with your spirit through your strength with your peace hallelujah let us remain standing for this [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] amen i'm very happy to invite vico who wanted to very much be invited on the stage to read the parashat the portion of this week's bible [Music] we share the scandinavian humor very try but uh funny anyways it's great to be here in the city of jerusalem and you all who are watching today uh you joined us in jerusalem for the feast of shavuot and shavuot samaya to everybody and and to all of you who are here as well we understand that not all of you could make it for this feast for jerusalem because there are no flights coming in at the moment but we are praying that the earth will open soon for you to come to jerusalem to celebrate the lord's feast here [Music] we are reading today the torah portion from exodus 19 starting from [Music] verse 1. and we are reading about the giving of the law on the first day of the third month after the israelites left egypt on that very day they came to the desert of sinai after they set out from repedim they entered the desert of sinai and israel camped there in the desert in front of the mountain verse 16. on the morning of the third day there was a thunder and lightning we don't have that today i asked whether ray can do some special effects but he couldn't find them on his repertoire so there was a lightning with a thick cloud over the mountain and a very loud trumpet blast everyone in the camp trembled then moses let the people out of of the camp to meet god and they stood at the foot of the mountain mount sinai was covered with smoke because the lord descended descended on it in fire the smoke followed up from it like the smoke from a furnace and the whole mountain trembled violently as the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder moses spoke and the voice of the god answered him and then exodus 20 verse 1 and god spoke all these words saying i am the lord your god who brought you out of the land of egypt out of the house of a bondage you shall have no other gods before me you shall not make for yourself a carved image any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth you shall not bow down to them nor serve them for i the lord your god i'm a jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me but showing of mercy to thousands to those who love me and keep my commandments amen you shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain for the lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain remember the shabbat day to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do your work but seventh day in the shaap of the lord your god in it you shall do no work you nor your son nor your daughter nor your male servant nor your female servant nor your cattle nor your stranger who is within your gates for in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth the sea and all that is in them and rested for the seventh day therefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it honor your father and your mother that your days may be long upon the land which the lord your god is giving you you shall not murder you shall not commit adultery you should not steal you should not bear fail false witness against your neighbor you shall not covet your neighbor's house you shall not covet your neighbor's wife nor his male servant nor his female servant nor his ox nor his donkey nor anything that is your neighbors amen the hafthara we read today from ezekiel 3 and uh here god sends ezekiel to speak to the israelites and uh god has in his hand a scroll and he says and it says on verse 3 he said to me son of man eat what is before you eat the scroll then you go and speak to the people of israel so i opened my mouth and he gave me the scroll to eat then he said to me son of man eat the scroll i'm giving you and fill your stomach with it so i ate and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth then he said to me son of man go now to the people of israel and speak my words to them you are not being sent to a people of obscure speech and strange language but to the people of israel not too many peoples of obscure speech and strange language whose words you cannot understand surely if i had sent you to them they would have listened to you but the people of israel are not willing to listen to you because they are not willing to listen to me for all the israelites are hardened and obstinate but i will make you as an unyielding and hardened as they are i will make your forehead like the hardest stone harder than a flint do not be afraid of them not terrified by them though they are a rebellious people and he said to me son of man listen carefully and take to heart these words i speak to you go now to your people in exile and speak to them saying to them this is what the sovereign lord says whether they listen or fail to listen and then from the british today we read from matthew 3 starting from verse 13 where john baptizes yeshua verse 13. then yeshua came from galilee to johanna at the jordan to be baptized by him and johanna tried to prevent him saying i need to be baptized by you and you are coming to me but yeshua answered and said to him permitted to be so for thus is fitting for us to fulfill the righteousness then he allowed him and when he had been baptized yeshua came up immediately from the water and behold the heavens were opened to him and he saw a spirit of god descending like a dove aligning upon him and suddenly a voice came from heaven saying this is my beloved son whom i'm well pleased amen [Music] good words for this holiday and i'm going to read one more thing for you because we are moving moving to the happy time and i wonder how many of you think that the offering time is the happy time for me it's really exciting time and uh and i just love this time because god is so amazing you know we he's the first of all the richest person ever anywhere and nothing compares to him and he has these big shovels that he throws stuff on us his goodness his mercies a lot of spiritual gifts but also material gifts and and we have this little spoon we we give to him but he's so generous he just shovels blessings on us and that's what makes it very interesting and and it says in proverbs 3 verses 9 and 10 that um [Music] let me read that as i promised you uh honor the lord with your possessions and with the first roots of all your increase so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overfall with new wine wow and uh if you are not into into sowing or planting yet you know you have you have missed a big part of our walk with god and uh and let me i think we have a minute let me tell you a little story it's okay pastor ray yeah i have a permission uh you know i was pastoring before i came to israel this is a really good story you can start laughing already i came to israel i was pastoring a small church at our hometown and and you know i've mentioned earlier that my wallet became a believer only maybe 10 years after i was baptized and i was sitting you know i you know in our car at the yard of our church and i was praying and i felt like the lord was saying you know why why do you want to hold back things from me because i just want to bless you and and and i realized that i haven't really given up our car to the lord [Music] you know uh the lord sometimes he needs cars and uh and i decided that my wife wasn't even there sometimes i do these things without her permission that i go wild and i just said lord you can have this car whoever needs it you know will [Music] will make them have used it and and i remember a few sundays later lord reminded me of this promise when i came to this church service and and there was a shellac snowing uh i don't know whether it was water or snow but it was ugly weather i came to the church and and all the people started gathering already and uh i drove this not so nice car it wasn't very fancy so but uh i drove that to the church and i saw this man lying in this snow and watery and slowly with his hands he was pulling himself towards the destination which i knew immediately what it was because the municipality has a rehab center next to our church in esport where i come from so he was going that way but really slow and he was all wet and and it's these times when the lord will test you the church people were watching and i was like uh yeah i made that promise to god and i went and picked up that guy to our car and i drove him to the rehab center and uh it wasn't anything special it was just that that he puts us in tests in order to show his great mercy love and goodness back to us and and you know thinking later it didn't take much longer when we bought our first brand new car i always thought that those people that buy brand new cars are crazy and so i'm one of those uh but we got it tax free because we actually came to israel and it was just half price so it made sense but uh but since then you know our cars are he's [Music] and it's a wonderful experience for you anything you put in his hands will prosper and will be placed anything you hold back from him likely it's not going to multiply if you're very smart it might multiply too but but try him like his word said and you'll be blessed so as the ushers are passing out the baskets there's also boxes at the exit you can give an online there's information how you can give online also and uh let's pray for this offering father god we thank you for your goodness we thank you that everything comes from you you own everything in this world whether we accreted that or not but you made it and it's all yours and help us lord god to give to you what you deserve all that we have so that we can experience the great life abundant life with you i pray that you would place everyone that is watching or hears today lord god that that we you would free us lord god to to try you to to take these steps of faith in sowing and reaping so that your kingdom would grow great you pray this in yeshua's name amen we thank you for your gifts and offerings to king of kings all right there's a song [Music] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] who wish more [Applause] [Music] oh foreign [Music] and let's declare it together [Music] in his all nations [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh through his word [Applause] he will come he will come he will [Music] [Applause] amen let's take a moment to look at the screen to find out what our community is up to this week [Music] welcome king of kings family we're excited to have you here with us tonight here's what's happening in our community this week king of kings wants to wish everyone a blessed shavuot celebration as we recall god's faithfulness in the giving of his eternal words of promise and the pouring out of his spirit for all mankind the anchor of hope counseling center will be hosting a marriage enrichment seminar for one evening on may 24th from 6 30 to 8 30 pm israel time guest speakers larry and lori russell will be presenting creative ideas for improving communication and marriage for more information and to register for the seminar write to us contact anchor of hope dot org ladies it's time to come together in person for some great fellowship a nice meal and a timely word you don't want to miss this one so save the date for monday evening may 31st as we reconnect woman to woman the event is free and will begin at 5 30 pm for more information and to rsvp write oola at oola.narahu before may 24th we would like to remind you about our online community for all those in and outside of israel you have the opportunity to participate pray and hear the word with other like-minded individuals in the meeting we will talk about that evening's j message listen and discuss a fun hebrew lesson and pray together with one another this will take place via zoom so join us tonight after the kkcj sunday evening service at 7 pm israel time we are excited to see you there for more information and a link to join email us at cg if you're new to the king of kings community or if you are looking for ways to reconnect on the other side of this long covered lock-in you are invited to join us for a brief but fun look at this dynamic community and discover ways to be an active part of the family join us sunday june 6 directly after the evening service at 6 45 pm right here in our facilities for our first steps class and enjoy a light supper as well as an opportunity to meet a few of our leaders [Music] thank you for joining us we encourage you to connect in what's happening this week please enjoy the rest of the service as we prepare to receive god's word have a blessed week shalom everyone good evening isn't it good to be in the room together i was worshiping the lord here and just getting right into it and you folks watching online you're having a great experience no question but if you could only be in this room and experience the tangible sense of the presence of god when we're together and so if you're in jerusalem or close by and you can join us next sunday that'll be great we'd love that well we're in a difficult time aren't we my wife and i have been here almost 38 years we've been here during a second lebanese war we've been through two intifadas we were here in the gulf war when what we thought might have been chemically chemical uh tipped rockets were sent from iraq against this country and they landed here and god protected the nation in a very special way uh we were here in 2014 when rockets thousands 5 000 rockets dropped on israel from islamic jihad and hamas uh i'm just putting all that into perspective i i believe that this is a very challenging time maybe the worst that we've experienced at least in my lifetime but it could be that this too will pass and there will be times of peace maybe times of security like we've never seen or this turns into an all-out war and nations from all around israel join in we don't know what the future holds but we do know who holds the future right god himself i want to pray before i preach a message that i've entitled ruth and the redeemer lord we come to you tonight we thank you that you are the one you're the one who's the guard you watch over us you protect your people thank you god that you can turn away rockets and riots and bring security to this land and we ask you to do that we pray for the least amount of loss of life and harm to anyone on either side that ultimately will be able to talk to one another and look to you for a strategy for peace going forward as impossible as that seems lord we look to you our prince of peace amen well uh pastor daniel and jaylene gephardt who pastored our congregation in herzelia king of kings herzelia spent most of the night last night in their bomb shelter with their two little girls some have wondered whether we should even have a service in this sanctuary this evening thinking maybe it's going to be too dangerous well let me just tell you i think we're in the safest spot in all of jerusalem if not all of israel we're two floors underground folks and these huge pillars around us and i'm reminded of the verse that the lord gave me 16 years ago to name this sanctuary the pavilion and it's psalm 27 and verse 5. it says for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion in the secret place of his tabernacle he shall hide me so i hope you're going to feel safe tonight in this pavilion for religious jews tonight it's that night on the calendar where they're going to do an all-nighter reading passages from exodus and deuteronomy and ruth they'll be not just reading but study all night many messianic congregations around the world are doing the same if you really want to stay up all night then let me preach all night do you mind we're going to do the whole book of ruth tonight no i'm going to keep it really short but you can probably go along online watch a live stream or get on a zoom call with a congregation somewhere where they're going to do an all-nighter reading through this glorious book the book of ruth it's not the first time i've preached from this book i've usually focused on ruth and naomi but tonight i feel the lord leading me to speak to you mostly about boaz the kinsman redeemer and how he foreshadows in remarkable ways the ultimate kinsmen redeemer our savior yeshua the messiah now we know that on this date traditionally on shavuot which is starting in about another hour at sundown that rabbis say that was when the torah was given to moses on mount sinai and many say that at mount sinai that covenant that was made with the children of israel was actually a marriage covenant that's important for us to understand especially as i share about boaz in a few moments god has a very special relationship with this nation his treasured possession the apple of his eye the one whom he has called my chosen ones my children and even says my bride and my wife in many places in the scriptures now instead of reading the whole book i'm going to tell you highlights of the story and then eventually when we get to boaz i'm going to take some of the verses read them word by word and help us understand the role of boaz as kinsmen redeemer and how he foreshadows our savior yeshua so here's the story it was the time of the judges before there were any kings in israel and there was a famine in the land especially in an area the territory of judah and in particular where it's mentioned in the text bethlehem efrata and in bethlehem there was a jewish man by the name of elie melech interesting his name it means my god my king well elimelech didn't have a lot of trust in god his king for he took his wife naomi and his two sons and took them to moab on the other side of the dead sea and there they lived for 10 years now he died while there and his two sons died as well but they went to a land where they worshipped many gods even though his name was eli melech it's interesting that bethlehem was the place from which he left beit lechem the house of bread well there was no bread in bethlehem there was a famine and he got desperate now there was some bread i'm sure but not enough he thought to feed his family and naomi became bitter because of the death of her husband ali melech moab and the death of her only two sons so she decides to return to her homeland to bethlehem already we're starting to see a prophetic picture about god's plan of redemption to redeem his people first of all from exile in another land and bring them back to their homeland here in judah or israel so she decides to leave her exile and come back to bethlehem now at first both naomi's daughter-in-law both nomi's daughter-in-laws beg to immigrate to israel or to judah with naomi well these young ladies would not easily pass the test of the ministry of interior here they were non-kosher i mean totally non-kosher moabite women who had somehow married these jewish sons of naomi now in the end after much pleading weeping stubbornness ruth convinced naomi to allow her to return with her to judah and bethlehem while orpah and i'm not talking about oprah here orpah her sister went back to moab and served other gods in the end after much pleading we see that naomi allows her daughter-in-law ruth to come back to judah with her and ruth makes this remarkable pledge she says this in our text in chapter 1 of ruth verses 16 and 17 saying to naomi entreat me not to leave you or turn back from following after you for wherever you go i will go and wherever you lodge i will launch your people shall be my people and your god my god where you die i will die and there will i be buried the lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts you and me so ruth and naomi arrive in bethlehem it's around the time of passover for the text says it's at the beginning of the barley harvest now ruth in order to help both her mother-in-law and herself to survive took up the privilege that she would have as a stranger and a poor person to glean behind the reapers in the barley harvest on the edges of the harvest field and any sheaves that might have fallen as the harvesters were taking those sheaves to the barn that stranger could pick them up and ruth was one of those she happened to come to the part of a field belonging to boaz just happened to says it just happened in the text well i i think that was a god incident not a coincidence it just happens to be that boaz was the extended member of her mother-in-law's family or ellie melech her father-in-law's family and he was considered what's called a kinsmen redeemer now the plot thickens so from this point i'm going to focus the spotlight on boaz boaz metaphorically plays the part of a man who will also come from bethlehem also from the tribe of judah the messiah some rabbis say that the whole book of ruth was written to reveal boaz's connection with king david and in fact the final few for few verses of this book is a genealogy ending with david in hindsight with our 2020 vision we understand that yeshua's genealogy was also tied to david in fact he would be the son of david he would be the messiah from david's line and i'm convinced that god sovereignly arranged this this historical account in ruth to reveal his son and his plan to use yeshua as his ultimate redeemer and savior of the world now as we continue the story my focus now is on boaz as i said i'm going to show these comparisons between boaz and yeshua number one boaz and yeshua were both from the tribe of judah and from bethlehem this is what it says about boaz's close relatives the sons of elimelech who married ruth and orpah in ruth chapter 1 verse 2 it says that they were ephrathites of bethlehem of judah and we know that boaz's grandson was jesse and it says in first samuel chapter 17 verse 12 now david was the son of that aphrothite of bethlehem judah whose name was jesse and then later in micah chapter 5 verse 2 there's a prophecy concerning the messiah to come who will come from that same place it says this but you bethlehem ephrata though you are little among the thousands of judah yet out of you shall come forth to me the one to be ruler in israel whose goings forth are from old from everlasting that's a prophecy about yeshua isn't it number two boaz and yeshua both had godly character traits we know that no one in the world no man no woman has ever been perfect and certainly boaz wouldn't have been perfect but at least from the book of ruth we see nothing about his character that is flawed in any way look at this boaz gives glory to god in a number of occasions in the text ruth chapter 2 verse 4 it says now behold boaz came from bethlehem and said to the reapers the lord be with you and they answered him the lord bless you throughout the narrative the lord is central to boaz's uh thinking and the way he spoke eight verses later he will say to ruth the lord repay your work and a full reward be given to you by the lord god of israel and then in chapter 3 verse 10 he says to ruth blessed are you of the lord my daughter and then in making a vow to ruth later that if he can qualify as the kinsmen redeemer that he would he says i will perform the duty for you as the lord lives the lord was in his mind the lord was on his tongue oh i wish that all of us would have the lord on our minds throughout each day and often say things to friends and neighbors and brothers and sisters in the lord god bless you the lord bless you you know somebody in this land a leader who gave her testimony and said that the way she came to the lord is one day she met a believer and the believer said god bless you that's all that believer said and somehow the holy spirit used those words to bring her to put her faith in yeshua you never know what our words will do our words are powerful and the word of god does not return void but it accomplishes everything that god sets it out to accomplish now we know that yeshua had the heart of the father throughout his ministry and life and and he would often speak of the father and he had an intimate relationship with the father and always ready to do the father's will and they were one as we know number three boaz and yeshua both showed kindness to the outcast we continue reading now from ruth chapter 2 verse 5 and following and it says then boaz said to his servant who was in charge of the reapers whose young woman is this so the servant who was in charge of the reapers answered and said it is the young moabite woman who came back with nomi from the country of moab and she said please let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves and then later in the next verse it's boaz says to ruth do not go to glean in another field nor go from here an expression of tenderness kindness to an outcast stay in my field don't go to anybody else's field i want you with me you see it's surprising in a way because boaz knew the worst about this young woman yet he told her not to leave his field what was the worst thing about ruth she was a moabite we read deuteronomy chapter 23 that it was forbidden for an ammonite or a moabite from ever becoming part and i quote of the congregation of the lord even to the tenth generation the moabites were the offspring of an incestuous sexual union between lot and his eldest daughter the child of that incestuous union was moab the rabbis have given enormous amount of attention to the story of ruth and boaz and one of the troubling things they've had to solve is how can it be that boaz could have anything to do with a moabite woman let alone marry her the most common explanation was that the curse against moab was against the men of moab and not the women in any case it's very remarkable that boaz unashamedly shows kindness to this outcast and here again we see how he reflects the same quality that set yeshua apart from other religious leaders who were looking for a messiah that would rid the land of israel from the oppressors the romans instead of pulling off a political coup or a military coup against the cruel romans yeshua showed them kindness kindness even to his enemies at a roman army's officer's request he healed that man's servant one day a gentile woman from the roman province called syria phoenicia asked jesus to cast out a demon from her daughter and he showed kindness and compassion and delivered her from that demon and yeshua was not scandalized by his association with women who were usually thought of as second-class citizens in those days and even gentile women and even a woman who was part of a people group hated so much by the jews the samaritans yeshua and boaz were the epitome of kindness to the outcast now ruth knew that she was a total outcast and so she was shocked at the kindness of this man boaz says this in ruth chapter 2 verse 10 she so she fell on her face bowed down to the ground and said to him why have i found favor in your eyes that you should take notice of me since i am a foreigner boaz did not shoe away ruth from lying at his feet after we read this in in chapter 3 verse verse seven and following and after boaz has eaten and drunk and his heart was cheerful he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain and she came softly uncovered his feet and lay down now it happened at midnight that the man was startled and turned himself and there a woman was lying at his feet and he said who are you so she answered i am ruth your maidservant take your maids servant under your wing for you are a close relative a few verses later boaz says to ruth in verse 13 stay this night and in the morning it shall be that if he that is the other closer relative will perform the duty of this close relative for you good let him do it but if he does not want to perform the duty for you then i will perform the duty for you as the lord lives lie down until morning and so she lay at his feet until morning now clearly the details of this part of the story could lead some to think that there was some kind of immoral dimension to this encounter and yet there's no indication that her bold approach to lay at his feet had to do with any sexual attraction or wanting a sexual act boaz was like joseph another type of the messiah who resisted any sexual temptation with potiphar's wife when the two of them were alone in fact ruth if ruth had seduced him or tried to he wouldn't have said to ruth in chapter 3 verse 11 i will do for you all that you request for all the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman speaking of lying at one's feet yeshua allowed a woman to pour perfume on his feet and then dry his feet with her hair and this mary miriam was a prostitute not exactly as virtuous as ruth philippians chapter 2 verse 7 says concerning yeshua that he made himself of no reputation he was accused of being a party animal a drunk a glutton and someone who would hang out with prostitutes and tax collectors but these are the very kinds of people he came to save yeshua said in luke chapter 5 verse 32 i have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance and to win sinners hearts he needed to get close to them and not shun them and so we've seen so far three parallels between boaz and yeshua number one both the yeshua were from the tribe of judah and from bethlehem number two boaz like yeshua had a godly character and boaz like yeshua showed kindness to the outcast now finally to this fourth parallel that foreshadows yeshua our messiah and that fourth parallel was he was a kinsmen redeemer i haven't talked much about what that means yet and now i will biblical laws demonstrate a number of responsibilities of a redeemer the redeemer is the person who's charged with helping destitute relatives a role that boaz played in relation to nomi and ruth's circumstances this may be back may mean buying back a property which his nearest relative may have sold because of poverty and we learn in the story that nomi sold a property so she could stay alive and it was the kinsmen redeemer's responsibility also to ransom a kin a brother or a close relative who may have sold himself into slavery in order to pay his bills we know that god redeemed the people of israel out of slavery and he refers to himself as your redeemer in bringing them out of their slavery and there was the responsibility also to act when a next of kin is being unfairly treated to bring justice in that situation and a kinsmen redeemer may also be required to marry his brother's widow and let's talk about this latter responsibility verse 12 of chapter two boaz alludes to how god's desire for his creation is to have his creation experience an intimate relationship with him boaz says to ruth in that text the lord repay your work and a full reward be given to you by the lord god of israel under whose wings you have come for refuge let me read that last part again a full reward be given you by the lord god of israel under whose wings you have come for refuge to come under god's wings as a euphemism for being married to god by now mo boaz has found out about her ruth's kindness to naomi and how committed she was to make naomi's god her god too and so boaz tells ruth that because of her courageous choices she will experience this reward of having the lord as her spiritual husband that's what boaz meant when he spoke of coming under the wings of the lord it's another way of saying you've come into a marriage covenant with the god of israel we see this imagery as god himself as pictured as israel's husband in ezekiel chapter 16 and verse eight listen to this the lord says when i passed by you again and looked upon you indeed your time was the time of love so i spread my wing over you and covered your nakedness yes i swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant with you and you became mine says the lord so it's a common jewish rabbinic understanding that the covenant that god made with israel at sinai was a marriage covenant coming back now to ruth who has asked boaz to marry her boaz responds saying and now my daughter do not fear i will do for you all that you request for the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman now it is true that i am a close relative however there is a relative closer than i stay this night in the morning it shall be that if he will perform the duty of a close relative for you good let him do it but if he does not want to perform the duty for you then i will perform the duty for you as the lord lives lie down until the morning now why did boaz choose to make this kind of commitment to ruth he hardly knew her was she irresistible did he fall madly in love with ruth well there might have been some of that but we know that most marriages in those days were arranged marriages but really probably the main reason he decided he would marry ruth was that he was in a position as ruth's kinsmen redeemer if a jewish man dies before having had a child from that marriage that his brother or the closest kin to him was obligated to marry this man's widow and here we have a picture i believe of our savior our kinsmen redeemer our elder brother our first born among many brethren as it says in romans chapter 8 verse 29 coming to our desperate need paying our debts and supplying everything for life and god put this law in place in order that the name of the original husband would be carried on through his son but not having a son then his name would disappear off the map you know let me make this point how many of you know that god cares about your name you're not a number you have a name and he knows your name and he wants your legacy to carry on while ruth's original jewish husband died in moab and she was a widow now and she was childless and not only was her husband's name not going to be carried on when i say she was childless she didn't have any more she couldn't have any more children but as a widow she would likely be neglected and mired in poverty sadly that was a widow's destiny generally in those days and what were ruth's options only a very near kinsman a close relative who could marry her and produce a child and carry on her husband's name ruth and naomi clearly hoped that it would be this wealthy upright jewish man boaz who would be ruth's kinsmen redeemer just one complication though as we read there's a closer relative to ruth's original husband and he had the first rite of refusal so boaz he goes to the city gate where the elders would gather where people would make judgments and be witnesses and he meets that closer relative to ruth and tells him about his first right of refusal to buy back the land that nomi had sold in order to keep it in the family and he added this other thing that he should also marry ruth if he's going to do this well at first knowing about the land he was ready to buy the land but when he realized he would also be marrying ruth he he said forget that she's going to be a liability to me it's going to be economically difficult it's going to be costly for me to do that it was at that moment that boaz had the opportunity to be that kinsmen redeemer that close enough relative to be able to marry ruth many times in the gospels in the new testament as a whole yeshua is called the redeemer and he would have to pay a huge price to redeem us to buy us out of our spiritual poverty but he's ready to do it no matter what it cost first peter chapter 1 verses 18 to 19 remind us of the enormous price that yeshua paid as our redeemer knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptable things like silver or gold from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers but with the precious blood of messiah as of a lamb without blemish and without spot how many of you are thankful tonight that yeshua came along and said i want to redeem you i want to marry you i want you to be part of my bride anybody happy about that this evening that you've been included some of us strangers from promises and the covenants to the people of israel but god has brought us near through the blood of messiah he's made peace the middle wall of partition has been broken down and we can come as close to our messiah as any jew if you're a gentile we're included in his family where even his bride the bride of christ so how should we respond i conclude with these four five practical things to respond knowing that yeshua like boaz is our redeemer number one it starts with putting your faith shall we say your whole trust in the messiah to be your redeemer and savior if you've never made that decision you've never asked him as a word to take you under his wing to be in that intimate relationship this would be the night to do that he's waiting for you and if you do it you'll never regret it number two don't fear we read this in isaiah 54 verse 4 do not fear for you will not be ashamed neither be disgraced for you will not be put to shame for you will forget the shame of your youth and will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore for your maker is your husband the lord of hosts is his name and your redeemer is the holy one of israel when you're in a relationship with god through his son yeshua you're in a place of security you have no reason to fear number three live a holy life of obedience in gratitude for what the redeemer has done for you titus chapter 2 verse 14 says speaking of yeshua the one who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people zealous for good works sadly there are many people that have misunderstood the gospel and they thought yeshua came to save them from hell or yeshua just saved them to wipe away their sins they don't realize that yeshua came to transform us to make us holy to make us special set apart from the ways of a godless world so let's respond to the redeemer by living a holy life of obedience number four let's honor him in all that we do we read that ruth fell on her face and bowed to the ground in her encounter with boaz that was not an act of worship but it was showing honor to the one that was greater than her and then finally and it's related to what i just shared we should respond by worshiping him and we'll do that in a moment with our phenomenal worship team revelation chapter 5 verse 9 we're going to understand one day that there's no retirement in heaven we're going to understand one day that the natural response to all of us who have become who are grateful that he saved us from our destitution whether spiritually speaking or even in the physical realm will be so grateful for his rescue his redeeming his ransom for our lives that this is what we'll want to do we want to worship him forever revelation chapter 5 verse 9 says this and they sang a new song saying you are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain and have redeemed us to god by your blood let me read that again as the worship team begins to play and they sang a new song saying you are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain and have redeemed us to god by your blood can we stand can we worship our redeemer this evening thank you god for what you've done for us lord i pray that anyone in this room who has never come to know you as lord and savior as husband as the one who cares for every need and loves us with an indescribable love one who went so far to save us for himself that he went to the cross for god so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him puts their trust in him will not perish but have everlasting life oh god touch the hearts of anyone in this room who's not yet experienced your love in that way and i pray god for each and every one of us and one of us who know you may we never take you for granted or the the great redemptive work you did on the cross to pay for us our deliverance from slavery to sin may we respond oh god with gratitude we have a gratitude attitude all the time and may we be ones who worship you not because we have to but because we get to because we love you and we're so thankful to you in yeshua's name amen yes as we're standing and concluding our time together let's declare again our lamb our redeemer our lion of judah our defender our hope he's coming again sing this song as we close our time [Music] together he is our home let's sing it together [Applause] [Music] and every chain will break who can stop the lord almighty [Music] our god the is that was [Music] hallelujah [Music] the god who comes [Music] is is [Music] declare that you are who can stop the lord almighty who can stop the lord almighty singing out who can stop the lord almighty [Applause] is [Music] is for me is [Music] [Music] hallelujah let's give the lord a big hand tonight you are good god let's give him a big hand hey you can do better than that let's give him a big applause tonight god you are a good god we worship your name king of kings amen well isn't that a great word for us tonight you know i i have this sense that this the physical battle that we've been seeing here in the land parallels a spiritual battle that we've felt here in the land and the sense that i have as as pastor wayne was speaking tonight what a tremendous word that yeshua redeemed us brought us into his family made us a part of this eternal work this eternal family but lots of times we because of the battle that we're and we feel that disconnection we feel like we're we're not a part of somehow everybody else is but but we're not listen to paul's words he's describing to the corinthians who they are who we are and he says this is the message version but he says you are yeshua's body messiah's body that's who you are you must never forget that the message of that kinsman redeemer is that we've been brought in we've been covered under that banner we're married to yeshua we're a part of his family we're his for his bride we need to embrace that tonight embrace one another embrace our messiah tonight and so yeshua we thank you for covering us over for redeeming us for bringing us into making us a part of your family making that connection real and lord we acknowledge the the battle that we're feeling around us tonight that parallels the physical one that's taking place around us and god we're crying out to you tonight strengthen us strengthen your people strengthen our bonds together with one another and with you and now god we just pray for your blessing over this land tonight god we ask for your protection even now as rockets continue to be fired out of gaza into israel god we're praying for your protection over all those that we know we pray for your protection over every community every family keep your people safe we pray that there would be no more loss of life in yeshua's name we pray and now god we ask that you'd strengthen us as your people as the body of messiah to be a a light that would be like a a light on a hilltop that would shine so brightly that every eye would be turned towards that light we pray that in yeshua's name amen amen well we love you we are so excited to be able to our numbers are still small but to be able to gather together and to really be a community again we want to continue to connect deeper with you and part of the way that we're doing that is we're trying to find out who you are and some of your information that's a little bit old school using a piece of paper but if you didn't fill one of these out last week and you walked past the table today grab one on your way out tonight fill that in we will uh being in communication with you about different events that are taking place here in the land we want to be able to uh connect in those ways with you well we uh want to invite you those of you that are joining us online and those of you that are in the room if you have nothing else tonight joanna's going to be joining us on our online community group she's there waiting for us about seven o'clock israel time and we'd love to invite you to join her tonight for our online community group and then tonight is the beginning of and the last day of uh counting over the omer so i'm not going to be able to do it as good as pastor chad but let's let's say the blessing and uh pastor vaca was telling me all the jewish prayers are pretty simple they're really straightforward so here we here we go tonight mitzvoth blessed are you lord our god king of the universe who sanctified us with your commandments and commanded us to count the old mirror so 50 days and here we are the end of the omer counting and the celebration of shavuot lord bless you have a great week before you go out tonight grab somebody that you don't know shake their hand introduce them we need each other right if we're going to continue to be strong in the lord we need one another so find somebody that you don't know shake their hand and bless them tonight before they go lord bless you and have a great week [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,814
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Wayne Hilsden, Sermon, Message, Preacher
Id: yWMe7WDqxe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 14sec (6434 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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