King of Kings Community Live Stream

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[Music] he needs see and [Music] well he praises he hears faith [Music] [Music] as is the shine under the shade is [Music] so sing sing his praise aloud sing his praise Oh oh my soul and sing sing his praise aloud sing his praises [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure sing-sing his brain [Music] she is braised hello oh my soul and sing sing his praise alone see his prey Oh [Music] [Music] every little bit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everything will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank God I know you don't need no one to advise you you probably do a better job running the world than I do I just thought I'd remind you I've been trying to find you it felt like saying working overtime times won't you stay with us tonight you join in the front line we're glad you with us we're gonna celebrate his goodness to us no matter what's before us he's always with us and he's always up to something good [Music] the roughest water our border I won't drown when I'm it I know that you will let me down when I can down to nothing I know while always up to something [Music] [Applause] [Music] so big good [Music] the dbstyle you go before for your love throughout me when I roll [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] always up to something [Music] we're what [Music] [Music] what [Music] hallelujah and he has given us many many many good things that's what the song says he is given [Music] giving us breath let's rejoice that him ago [Music] tell me it's the time [Music] jae-hee [Music] tell me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Carly a man we thank you Lord that you've given us all of these things and so much more we thank you that you're good to us [Music] great [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh he's good [Music] here answers [Music] as far is a girl it's a and don't see [Applause] [Music] needs to interesting in days [Music] [Music] three [Music] Rashmi [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we want to see [Music] to [Music] duh [Music] yours [Music] Terk this hill into you're lifting the Sun very healing [Music] [Music] see how to a car if to a guy [Music] she guys have me of dry starting to [Music] yes you lift up what song stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] one song [Music] [Music] oh yes you [Music] really make your prayer Oh Laurie hello [Music] for years it's glory Oh [Music] come make his parade [Music] we just shout his name for its go it's gold it's go [Music] you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] teacher make your train oh yes [Music] we lift a hallelujah with the heavens lay between us how high I could not climb in desperation I turn to and spoke your name into [Music] your loving kindness toward through the shadows of [Music] kiss me least me and is written here shoe a your mind [Music] see [Music] such about these ages Oh so when I see [Music] Oh the King keeps balls we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] by into the her boring [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] years [Music] blow [Music] below biggest lonely food slow [Music] [Applause] [Music] every day [Music] you sure issue [Music] we thank you tonight I think you should do you think you that you crossed from heaven to earth on our behalf we glorify you the ceiling issue we thank you for your goodness we thank you that your greatness is beyond our understanding that your goodness overwhelms us that your love covers all of our sins all of our past [Music] can we stand its English MA together this evening smile he's fine [Music] hello I don't know [Music] beau shall hold my [Music] blessed is his name it is glorious kingdom is forever and ever amen you may be seated tonight we're gonna welcome Jonathan Gulf who's gonna be reading this week's parish our reading and also giving us some updates on what's happening good evening it is exciting to actually see people in the audience again it's very exciting welcome to you all to you all here who be able to be here tonight and we look forward to more of you coming back in the future this is exciting so if you can all turn with me I will start in numbers with this week's parashat and we'll starting numbers 22 and the donkey saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road where the drawn sword in his hand and the donkey turned aside out of the road and went into the field and Balaam struck the donkey to turn her into the road then the angel of the Lord stood in a narrow path between the vineyards with a wall on either side and when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord she pushed against the wall and pressed baylin's foot against the wall so he struck her again then the angel of the Lord went ahead and stood in a narrow place where there was no way to turn either to the right or to the left when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord she laid down under Balaam and baylin's anger was kindled and he struck the donkey with his staff then the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey and she said to Balaam what have I done to you that you have struck me these three times and Balaam said to the donkey because you have made a fool of me I wish I had a sword in my hand for then I would kill you and the donkey said to Balaam am I not your donkey on which you have written all your life long to this day is it my habit to treat you this way and he said no then the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way with his drawn sword in his hand and he bowed down and fell on his face and the angel of the Lord said to him why have you structured donkey these three times behold I came out to oppose you because your way is perverse before me the donkey saw me and turned his side before me three times if she had not turned aside for me surely just now I would have killed you and let her live then Balaam said to the angel of the Lord I have sinned for I did not know that you stood in the road against me now therefore if that is evil in your sight I will turn back and the angel of the Lord said to Balaam go with him in but speak only the word that I tell you so Balaam went with the princes of bilac and now we'll move to micah chapter 6 o my people what have I done to you how have I wearied you answer me for I brought you up from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery and I sent Moses before you and Aaron and Miriam o my people remember what bellick king of Moab devised and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him and what happened from she team to Gilgal that you may know the righteous acts of the Lord with what shall I come before the Lord and bow myself before God on high shall I come before him with burnt offerings with calves a year old well the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams with ten thousands of rivers of oil shall I give my firstborn for my transgression the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul he has told you O man what is good and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God and now we'll move to Romans chapter 11 verse 25 lest you be wise in your own sight I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery brothers a partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in and in this way all Israel will be saved as it is written the deliverer will come from Zion he will banish ungodliness from Jacob and this will be my covenant with them when I take away their sins as regards the gospel they are enemies for your sake but as regards elections they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable for just as you were at one time disobedient to God but now have received mercy because of their disobedience so they too have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they also may receive mercy for God has co-signed all to disobedience that he may have mercy and all so a couple announcements before we go to the video announcements Keaney kids is happening tonight Andreea will be taking the 3 to 6 year olds so if you're between the ages of 3 & 6 now it's your time to head up the lobby and meet Andrea for Kingdom Kingdom kids and also just because of the coronavirus restrictions and distancing you're trying to keep we won't be passing the offering baskets tonight but there are boxes on the wall and you can give online as well so be sure to do that since we won't be passing about six baskets tonight and now if you can turn your attention to the screen it will check out the rest of the community announcements this week [Music] welcome King of Kings family we are so excited to have you with us tonight this is what's happening in our community this week there's nothing like their ring together with a small group of friends and digging into God's Word mining for gold if this is missing in your life and you want to grow deep an intimacy with the Lord and others community groups are the key with several groups meeting throughout the week and around the city we probably have the right group for you maybe you would like to start a group of your own and invite some friends to join just let us know for more information about our community groups and which one best fits your needs brought to us here at cg @ k kc j all for those who are too far away to make the commute all you prefer the convenience of meeting from your own home you are invited to join our online community group which meets by a zoom twice each month our next meeting will take place next Sunday July 4th at 7 p.m. Israel time directly after our Sunday evening service streams in the desert is looking for a few volunteers to join them for a week-long teen summer camp this August for more information to sign up as a volunteer contact Mariana goal at Mariana goal at Guerra King of Kings Giving is a regular part of our worship of God we come with joyful hearts thankful for all that God has done in our lives as we offer up these ties and our gifts you can give online today during the service by going to our website at and clicking on the gift tab and following the instructions may the Lord be blessed in all of our lives as we honor him with our giving thank you for joining us we hope that you connect with us in everything that's happening this week please enjoy the rest of our service and have a blessed and wonderful week [Music] all right King of Kings welcome home some of you so happy to have you in the house tonight what an honor to be here with you tonight listen let me just greet all of you first of all you know I like to go through greeting people that are watching from all over the world but let me start in the house tonight we're so happy that you have joined us listen if you are watching what has happened is the restrictions still are not fully lifted so we were only able to send out a certain number of invitations and we're honored that you took us up on those invitations tonight and you could be here I don't feel left out if you're watching online do not feel left out we hope to have you back in the sanctuary very soon so let me just say welcome to everybody also watching online king's community live Facebook live and YouTube live we've got viewers and family members today from all over the world we're giving shoutouts to Switzerland India Canada the United States Singapore Italy Guatemala the UK the Netherlands Malaysia Ireland Albania of course all over Israel with our family South Africa Poland Philippines France Australia Brazil Colombia Cyprus Finland Russia and more I'm sure there are more those were just all the ones that were in my notes who we talked to right before service started in during worship today thank you Jonathan who read the parashat tonight Jonathan is one of our Sean Machin deacons here at the congregation and he serves us very well and I'm gonna use the passages that he read tonight as our launching point so go ahead take a moment turn in your Bibles or your devices to the Book of Numbers chapter 22 that will be the main text tonight numbers chapter 22 I'll give you a moment to turn there here's what I want you to do I want you tomorrow right after you finish your private devotion time with the Lord and you meditate on how awesome the sermon is tonight right after that you've got your breakfast and your coffee in your shower everything is all set for your day tomorrow I need you to check the Ministry of Health website because we were told today that there are more regulations coming down the pipe and that because of the spike in the number of coronavirus infected people all over the country that right now we are headed in the wrong direction and so while there are allowances for some of us to be in the house tonight we may not have that freedom next week so even more important why you were here tonight right amen so we're happy you're here and I hope that you were here to hear the word of the Lord can I get an amen from somebody tonight there it is we finished the last two sermon series one was called balance and then one was called the pH balance of the kingdom one was we also talked about boundaries didn't we a few weeks back and when it comes to our mission statement one of the things we continually touch on and focus on is this part King of Kings is called to be a Messiah centered spirit-empowered disciple making community that reveals the true face of Yeshua to Israel and the nation's and it's that true face of Israel part that we always like to look at to make sure we're preaching the Word of God accurately from beginning to end because you know your shoe is the same yesterday today and forever and he doesn't change there's not a different sermon from the Old Testament and the New Testament it's the same Yeshua and we prove that in the pH balance of the kingdom didn't we we talked about all the sides of Yeshua and how he was displaying them in the Tanakh and the Brit hadashah as well so tonight we're gonna start a new series called Yeshua's Hardware Yeshua's Hardware now in some of the vernacular and some of the vocabularies especially in the younger generation you might think of the word Hardware like a trophy or an award that you win I I hear them say that a lot in sports like what are you playing for we're playing for the hardware we're playing for the trophy we're playing playing for the prize we're playing for the ring the hardware but tonight we're really focusing the word Hardware more on the tools right go to a hardware store the tools you have in your hand what you work with what you you make progress with and I love tools I come from a family of builders so I know tools left and right if you're ever thinking about getting me something for a gift I'm not saying you are but if you ever are think about getting me some tools I love tools I build a lot of stuff we want to talk about your shoe is hardware because when we reveal the true face of Yeshua you're gonna find many instances in the scriptures that we're gonna review tonight where you sure when he is seen he's holding something and I always found that interesting like he's not just standing there with nothing he's often seen by his people holding something in his hand and through this series we're gonna focus on what's in his hand what does it represent what does it do what is he doing with it and how does it impact our life we want to make it applicable to us so we're gonna start with the power Shaw reading from numbers 22 and I'm gonna just paraphrase a few pieces that that Jonathan had already read and laid the foundation for us tonight in numbers chapter 22 Moses is still leading Israel at this time Israel has already had victory in battle over the amorite sand actually it was such an impressive victory that the word started to spread and the other nations became fearful of what God was doing through Israel there's a king during that time period his name is bei Lac and he was afraid of Moses and Israel and what God was doing look at verse 6 numbers 22 verse 6 he speaks to one of his servants called Balaam and he says now come and put a curse on these people because they are too powerful for me perhaps then I will be able to defeat them and drive them out of the land for I know that whoever you bless is blessed and whoever you curse is cursed wow there's a lot of things to unpack in that one verse friends can I encourage you today can I bump you up with something of the power of the Holy Spirit the nations of the earth and the powers that try to work through them are afraid of you they're afraid of you because the demonic knows who holds the real power and he's doing everything he can to convince you that you don't have it even though you do have it but the demonic forces of this world are afraid of you because you were born again you're saved by the blood of Yeshua you're a child of God and you were filled with his creative power there's not another people on the earth that can say those things is everybody a child of God yes is everyone loved by God yes but no one else other than New Covenant believers can claim the ones I listed including the power of God living in you and Balak was afraid of the Israelites for the presence of God was with them so he incites Balaam and he says hey why don't you go in and speak a curse over them why don't you do battle in the heavenlies for us because he knows that something happened spiritually I also wanted to note that in this one verse though we can unpack many things did you see how Satan took the Word of God and he tried to twist it and pervert it did you catch that part what does he say to Balaam for I know that whoever you bless is blessed and whoever you curse is cursed well that sounds a little a lot like what God spoke to Abraham doesn't it and now you've got an unbeliever trying to use the same words that God used for Abraham I'm reminding you of Genesis chapter 12 the Covenant of Abraham verse 3 God says I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse and all peoples on the earth will be blessed through you you can see the demonic forces trying to influence this king to put a curse on Israel doing war in the heavenly realm trying to take the Word of God and pervert it from generat what God spoke in Genesis to Abraham and he's saying well whoever you bless is blessed I know that and I'm just going to steal that and pervert that as we progress in this story verse 8 through 12 we have another interesting piece that might catch you off guard so this guy named Balaam who is somehow working with this evil King Balak who is afraid of Israel once a curse put on and this guy Balaam between verses 8 through 12 he meets with God it doesn't say he met with the false God or he prayed to an idol he says he met with God the Lord and God talked to him God answered him they had a conversation and God says them I will not allow you to curse Israel so I found it interesting not only that God is talking to him but there there are other people on the earth who know God to some extent and they're talking with him please never let this pass by you how many people are right for harvest they're ready to hear the gospel of Yeshua they're trying to find truth in the Lord that they're almost there they're already starting to have conversations with God like Balaam had and they're waiting for someone to bring them the good news and put the final puzzle piece into place for them they can feel something stirring but they're not sure exactly how to put their finger on it and you might be the one you might be the one coming to bring the final puzzle piece to their life so Balaam will not curse Israel because God said no don't curse them in their conversation the king offers him money I'll pay you to go curse them and he says no God says I can't do that the King comes back to him a second time and says I'm gonna pay you more money if you'll just say listen it's so small it's inconsequential just say a little curse over them I'll give you more money and Balaam says I can't the Lord won't let me look at verse 18 but Balaam answered them even if King Balak gave me all the silver and gold in his palace I could not do anything great or small to go beyond the command of the Lord my god notice he can't do anything to go beyond the command of the Lord whose God his God somehow in this transaction Balaam is now having a relationship with God and he's calling him my god now something's changing in his heart and he won't go with the messengers he won't take the money he won't speak the curse and so as he's decided in his mind I'm not gonna do the curse and I'm not gonna take the money but I better go with the messengers to appease the king because the king is gonna be mad at me now because I didn't do what he said look at verse 23 so Balaam is riding on this donkey as we read and it says when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with a drawn sword in his hand it turned off the road into a field and Balaam beat it to get it back on the road so he's on a donkey headed with the messengers going to appease the king who he's not gonna obey but he wants to go meet with him anyway and as he's on the road he encounters Yeshua the angel of the Lord and notice what he has in his hand he has a sword in his hand now Balaam doesn't see it at first the donkey sees it so that'll take you down a notch and your humility right I'm so I'm so spiritual I hear from God well you don't hear as well from God as a donkey does so maybe some humility settle in there and then once God opened the donkey's mouth and he begins to have this conversation with Balaam then God opens Balaam's eyes so that he can see the Lord in verse 31 then the Lord opened Balaam's eyes and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the road with the sword John and so he bowed low and fell face down here's a couple of proof texts I want to give you that this is Yeshua so first of all it doesn't call him an angel it calls him v angel there's a difference in the Word of God between those two things in the Hebrew form it talks about the Lord opened his eyes well there it uses the word Elohim so the one of the Almighty names of God the plural form of God's name Elohim opened their eyes and who did he see he didn't just see mala he didn't just see an angel he saw melaka deny he saw the angel of the lord and then if that wasn't enough for you and your Hebrew lesson tonight then it says that Balaam fell down and bowed low and worshiped him faced down an angel would have told him to get up but the angel of the Lord lets him do it because it's right in the presence of Almighty God Yeshua now this is not the only sighting where we see Yeshua in the physical form of God and holding a sword there are other sightings of this same physicality of Yeshua and it's very consistent with the other physical forms that we see of Yeshua all throughout scriptures do you know Abraham saw the angel of the Lord as well Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord Moses and the elders not only saw him but ate with him as well with the Covenant meal on Sinai Shadrach Meshach Abednego they certainly saw the angel of the Lord and all of the eyewitnesses say it was God and the same figure shows up multiple times in the Tanakh and one day our friend Joshua sees him turning your Bibles to Joshua chapter 5 verse 13 we're gonna look at when Joshua sees the Lord Joshua 5:13 and I'll read a few verses now when Joshua was near Jericho he looked up and he saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand Joshua went up to him and asked are you for us or for our enemies neither he replied but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come and then Joshua what did he do he fell face down to the ground in reverence that's just what Balaam did and he asked him what message does my lord have for his servant the commander of the Lord's army replied take off your sandals for the place where you are standing is holy and Joshua did so notice his title in the Hebrew here Sahra Sava deny this is the prince or the captain of the host or the armies of the heavenly hosts the armies of the Lord also notice that joshua takes off his sandals because the place is called holy and we've seen this book before that chapter was called moses seeing the lord in the burning bush telling him this is holy ground take off your shoes so when you start to compare all of the interactions with the lord there's great consistency here the angel of the lord people bowing down it's holy ground the names that are used in hebrew and there's always a sword in his hand look at all of the consistencies a sword in his hand it wasn't just Balaam it wasn't just Moses and Abraham and and Jacob and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego it was King David sign you know King David took a census of the people of Israel and he did so not because a census is inherently by itself evil but he did so with the wrong intent of the heart the Bible records that he wanted to see how big his kingdom had become instead of taking a census to worry about food supplies or supply chains or to improve the infrastructure how he could serve his people no those would have been good reasons to take a census but that's not what David did David wanted to see how vast his empire had become and in a certain way he was trying to steal a little bit of God's glory and after he took this census against the Lord's will there was judgment on David and on the house of Israel in first chronicles chapter 21 verse 14 15 and 16 listen to what it says so the Lord sent a plague on Israel and 70,000 men of Israel fell dead and God sent an angel to destroy Jerusalem but as the angel was doing so the Lord saw it and relented concerning the disaster and he said to the angel who was destroying the people enough withdraw your hand so you have God proclaiming the commandment to go destroy there's an angel who's been given the assignments he goes out to destroy and it says the Lord sees this angel destroying and he says stop that's enough so now you have the angel of the Lord telling another angel you've done what I told you to do now stop and then it says the angel of the Lord was then standing at the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite and David looked up and saw the angel of the Lord standing between heaven and earth with a drawn sword in his hand extended over Jerusalem and then David and the elders clothed in sackcloth what did they do they fell face down like everybody else and that's how you know it was Yeshua it was God Himself drawn sword in his hand falling face down the worship giving commands holding the sword and it's clear the differences between an angel Malaya and Malacca deny that God Elohim had been giving these commands it is the angel of the Lord and as you continue to study your shoe as Hardware about the sword you're gonna find that it's not only in his hand there's oftentimes the Bible records that a sword comes from his mouth as well you say well I don't I don't really like that Yeshua image with swords I you know I I have a different picture of Yeshua we are here to reveal the true face of Yeshua and we trust that the face he wanted to show us is the face we need to know and this particular face of Yeshua carries a sword and a sword comes from his mouth not only to Joshua and Moses and David and the others but now he reveals himself to the Apostle John the significance of the sword continues in Revelation chapter 1 starting in verse 14 it says the hair on his head when John sees Yeshua the hair on his head was like white wool as white as snow and his eyes were like blazing fire his feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters in his right hand he held seven stars and coming out of his mouth was a sharp double-edged sword his face was like the sun shining in all of its brilliance and when I saw him I fell at his feet as though dead because that's what you do that's what everyone does in the face of Yeshua and then he Yeshua the angel of the Lord placed his right hand on me and he said do not be afraid because I am the first and the last so just in case you weren't convinced that that is Yeshua with the sword coming out of his mouth and glowing like Sun and the white like wool and if all of that didn't do it he calls himself the first in the last now you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are talking about God Yeshua here the first and the last and notice it's a sword coming out of his mouth no doubt that we're speaking of Yeshua here he matches the other physical descriptions of Yeshua we find in other passages if you jump ahead to revelation 19 starting in verse 11 John says I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse whose rider is called faithful and true with just as he judges and makes war his eyes are like blazing fire we've heard that before and on his head are many crowns he has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself he is dressed in a robe dipped in blood and his name is the word of God the armies of heaven were following him we've heard that before riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen white and clean and coming out of his mouth as a sharp sword with which to strike down the nation's he will rule them with an iron scepter that's Pastor Mike Pastor Mike is going to pick up the iron scepter next week in his part two of hardware he treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty and his robe and on his robe and on his thigh he has this name written king of kings and Lord of lords so again if all of it didn't convince you when you finally get to his name in one section he calls himself first and last and in this section he calls himself king of kings and Lord of lords it's obviously Yeshua for anyone who wants to see it he's commanding the armies of heaven just like Joshua saw he blazing fire like the other people saw he's white glowing like everyone else saw and again there's a sword coming out of his mouth it's a faster Chad you've done a good job tonight you've laid out all of the physicalities of the Lord the the appearances of the Lord how many patriarchs saw him in this physical form of God in the flesh and and yes there's a connection to the sword that's great you've convinced us what does it mean what do we do about it what's the meaning of the sword well Paul when speaking of the armor of God he said in Ephesians 6:17 take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God okay that helped us a little bit right now we've got a little bit of a picture about what the sword is and what it's for the sword is the Word of God but it's interesting that Yeshua is also called the Word of God that's why they're inseparable the sword is the word the word is the Word of God it is Yeshua it's the spoken word of God unless you think that the spoken word of God is old it's in the past it's ancient and it's irrelevant for today I've remind you of Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the word of god is alive it's active you see that's that's how you can link it back to your schewe if it was only a written word it wouldn't be alive but because the Word of God is Yeshua it's alive and it's active he's alive he is active it's sharper than any double-edged sword and it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit joints and marrow it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart Oh now we get another piece of the puzzle so the sword represents the Word of God which is you sure or at least the words that come out of his mouth but then the words that come out of his mouth are words that give us boundaries they're words that give us an understanding of his authority and his judgments because he judges the attitudes of the heart and the thoughts that we have now we understand a little bit about the sword let me give you the key phrase for tonight the sword symbolizes Authority the authority to give law and to judge to defend and to set free they said why did you think that the sword can be all of those things well they all really are rooted in one word they're all rooted in the word Authority the sword is authority because no matter which angle you look at what Yeshua does with his words with the sword it all comes back to Authority you see when when Yeshua was there at the creation of the world he spoke with his words and it was his words that went out and created the universe by whose authority by his authority it was the words obeying their master there's authority when he gives law he sets boundaries and limits that's his authority setting creative boundaries and limits and it's his judgments that come from his authority to say you have crossed my boundaries and limits my authority says I can now judge you appropriately and it all comes back to the sword in his hand the sword out of his mouth that represents the authority of Yeshua the authority to create the authority to give law the authority to judge law the authority to defend law and those breaking law the authority to set free people who were being bound by something that is not his law you see it all come all roads lead back to his authority here and this is what we see in the prophets what Yeshua will come and what he'll do is he comes to set the captives free because someone is violating the law of God and keeping that person captivity and that violation of the law of God is what Yeshua is setting straight with his authority the words of the Lord set the universe into motion he told the waters of the ocean you can come this far and then you must stop because that's my boundary that's my law that's my limit that's what I've told you you could do that's my authority it's coming from my words water you can go this far and then stop mountains you go this far and then you stop I'm gonna create animals and humans and they can they can multiply and procreate but they must stay in their own kind and that became a limit a law a boundary you must stay in your own kind and that is why Balaam earlier had said to King Balak I can't do anything that goes beyond the boundaries that God has told me because of his authority he holds the sword we don't now through delegated authority we hold the sword of the Spirit but that's delegated from your shoe's authority as Paul teaches us as a commander of the armies of heaven the sword can represent strategy there's times when Yeshua attacks the evil ones camp at other times he's freeing enslaved people I found it interesting that this idea of the defender of his own law the authority for which he speaks even shows up at the Garden of Eden when the law is broken they have violated the authority of God they've broken his limits Yeshua kicks him out of the garden and says you can't you can't live here anymore and he puts guards with flaming swords at the entrance to the garden and he's basically saying my authority has closed this off to you you don't have access to this at this point he defends Israel from Balak and his curses with a revelation of Yeshua holding that sort this authority both as lawgiver and judge because Yeshua promotes justice and he promotes necessary judgment can I remind you of Matthew chapter 10 verse 32 through 34 it says whoever acknowledges me before others this is Yeshua speaking whoever acknowledges me before others I will also acknowledge before my father in heaven but whoever disowns me before others I will disown before my father in heaven do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth I did not come to bring peace but a sword he came to bring a sword now you thought he came to bring peace because that's what we've been told no he's he brings peace that's what he's all about isn't he called the Prince of Peace he is the Prince of Peace he's the Prince of Peace in your life but he brings peace on the earth after the sword he reestablishes his authority on earth and then uh sure's in an age of peace there was a quote one time by a king who didn't want to go to war and his advisors were saying to him some were saying excuse me some were saying don't go to war and the others were saying you need to go to war this is only gonna get worse and then one of his trusted closest people said King I know you want peace but sometimes peace is only found on the other side of war and that's what your shoe was about to do he doesn't want war but he understands that the peace that he's talking about bringing for all eternity as he is talking about redeeming this earth for the way he created it is gonna demand the sword to get us there now he loves everyone he wants everyone saved he doesn't want there to be a war he doesn't want judgment he doesn't want any of that but for the sake of the faithful to usher them into an age of peace to become that Prince of peace that we know he has to go through the sword and that's why he's telling his disciples don't misunderstand what you think I came to do you thought I came to bring peace on the earth I did not come to bring peace but a sword now when he came to die as a sacrifice lamb he was wielding the sword but he was winning in the spirit world and when he comes back to second time he's going to be wielding the sword but this time it'll be in the physical world and he's going to be set up as not just the Prince of Peace but the king of the world that He created Yeshua is seen as using the sword not only to set people free but to bring justice to those who have been oppressed and I want to circle back to our opening passage I want to talk about Balak and Balaam one more time now this reference is not from numbers this is actually way later in the novena in the prophets in the book of micah chapter 6 because he refers back to the story in the parsha micah chapter 6 my people remember what bale act king of Moab plotted and what Balaam son of Beor answered remember your journey from she team to Gilgal that you may know the righteous acts of the Lord with what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exalted God shall I come before him with burnt offerings with calves of a year old will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams with ten thousand rivers of olive oil shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul he has shown you O mortal what is good and what does the Lord require of you to act justly to love mercy and to walk humbly before your God this is what God expects the sword in his hand the Word of God being his authority his spoken authority is saying this is what I'm telling you to do and he's not just speaking to believers here this is to all of creation notice what he said Oh mortal once so that's not just believers that's everyone is responsible to act justly to love mercy and to walk humbly before their God whether they think he's God or not they're still responsible for that and Yeshua says in my authority this is what I'm calling you to and I want to close with this last thought why so now we know all of the passages in Yeshua with the sword in his hand coming out of his mouth we see the connections we see that it represents his authority the giver of law the Creator those that violate Authority he judges those that hurt other people by a violation of law he judges them and he sets the captive free brings healing and he defends the defenseless with that same sword but why why does he have to come back with a sword why can't he just come back as as a peaceful come unto me every one and and I'm just gonna hug everybody into change because that's that's really what the world wants the Bible to say but we preach the true face of Yeshua and that's not what the Bible says it says you thought I came to bring peace on the earth I didn't come to bring peace but a sword let me tell you why it's found in 2nd Thessalonians 2 verse 7 for the secret power of lawlessness is already at work but the one who holds it back will continue to do so until he is taken out of the way let me just give you some some right context of who the players are the man of lawlessness the spirit of lawlessness has already been released on the earth and the Bible says it's already active it's already at work it's already fighting against God's kingdom the man of lawlessness this spirit of lawlessness is going against the authority of our Creator who with the word of his mouth as the Word of God represented by the sword of the Spirit created everything and put laws into place and this spirit of lawlessness is blatantly violating those laws and trying to get the whole world to join him to be a world of lawlessness is the goal and Yeshua will return to a world of lawlessness which is why he needs the sword if he returned to a world that was following his laws he wouldn't need the sword but he's returning to a world full of lawlessness and so he carries the the sword of authority and says I'm the one who put the laws into place I created this universe so that it would run a particular way I created you every human being whom I love to operate a certain way inside of my kingdom and you're violating my laws and I have to come and reassert my authority on the earth and I'll do it with my sword so that I can be the Prince peace and that's the only way your shoe is going to usher in the Sabbath age the age of peace because sometimes peace is only found on the other side of war not that we want it that way but that's what send us to the world we remember the true face of Yeshua in all of our teachings we remember tonight that one of your shoe is hardware the thing he's holding in his hand is a sword it represents his authority as creator as lawgiver and as judge and because he's returning to a lawless world he must carry that authority as a sword a symbolic sword reassert his authority defeat the evil one both spiritually and physically so that he can usher in the age of peace commanding all of the hosts of heaven and then express himself as the Prince of Peace in its fullest form now he's the Prince of Peace already for us but in his fullest form the whole earth will see him that way can you stand to your feet let me pray over you tonight let this word sink in you're sure we see you tonight and we say thank you for letting us see you for who you are thank you Lord for not letting us just see who we want you to be but seeing you for who you are and who we need you to be tonight you have a sword in your hand and we receive that we receive the words that the man of lawlessness has already been released on the earth and he's wreaking havoc just look at the nation's right now look at what they're doing to themselves they want to break every law no one wants boundaries anymore no one wants to be told what to do and the lawgiver Yeshua we wait on you the one who will bring law back to this earth we remember from Matthew five you did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it and we yield like all of the patriarchs when we see that true face of Yeshua as the Prince of Peace or as the commander of the Lord of Hosts armies or as the angel of the Lord or whatever other form you show up in God we do what they did and we fall face down and we bow down today in front of you first in the Last King of Kings Lord of lords faithful and true the rider on the white horse Malacca Bill Nighy Yeshua our salvation we thank you Lord for your word a man not a man let's take this back into worship before we close he's the name above all names he is worthy Oh hard we'll see how rain saga [Music] she's the lead [Music] he is worthy [Music] hungry Zargon chalet up [Music] what's kind of [Music] Oh [Music] Oh yes you are your world Oh [Music] sorry [Music] and go [Music] [Music] he [Music] how [Applause] how his I got me his no see [Music] he's [Applause] we're gonna go out tonight say we came we know that he's up to wonderful feat he's a great great guy thank you Lord we thank you that you carry that sword and authority on our behalf the roughest war power go around when I'm in over my head I know that you won't let me down when I go next I know that waste up to something [Music] [Music] [Music] the Jebus fire you go before [Music] your love surrounds me having fear so well okay I know they [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] who the darkest night you by the Sun you are always fatal [Music] doubt you are always through the darkest night you are always Babel [Music] Oh time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] have a wonderful week god bless you favorite ride as you depart if the lower sections could go out this side door in the upper section so lower seven rows up the store the upper seven rows out the middle door and the balconies you guys can exit out through the top doors god bless you we're so glad you're able to be with us have a wonderful week [Music]
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 1,158
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Id: eQ3CCtmpPMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 6sec (5586 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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