Basic Fusion - Compositing | DaVinci Resolve 15 Tutorial (See description for updated vid!)

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[Music] hey guys Casey Faris here thanks for checking out another video of mine here on youtube today we are talking about some super basic stuff infusion okay so I'm gonna try and make it real slow real basic yeah nice awesome first thing I'm going to do is just drag a clip into my edit tab I'm not going to go over stuff in the edit tab this is pretty much just on fusion so how you get from the edit tab into Fusion is you just have your playhead over the clip you want to open in fusion and then just click the fusion tab so that'll open up the clip in the fusion tab and here we can see the length of the clip up here in the timeline we have a viewer on the right and a viewer on the left now these viewers are not the same as they are in the Edit tab usually you'd have the preview viewer and the program viewer on the right these function the exact same way there's just two of them and you can select what shows up in which viewer which we'll get to in just a little bit over here we have the inspector this is like the properties for whatever you have selected here we have a bunch of common tools and down here we have the nodes this is the part that's really scary to people but we're gonna walk through basically how things work here I'm gonna middle button mouse click in the canvas here and that'll let me drag things around and I can bring this over to look at my notes a little better so let's start with what is a node a node is kind of an instruction to do something in the composite which is like the thing that we're making here so right now fusion has two instructions the first one is to import this video that's what media in is called at the end there's one called media out which means output the video so all it's doing is taking in this video and then rendering it that's it so if we want to do something to the video it happens in between these two nodes and you'll notice they're connected with a little arrow thing here this is a visual way of building kind of a flowchart of all the things that happen okay so let's talk about a really basic thing let's say we want to adjust the colors on this image normally what you would do in say a video editor is drag an effect onto the clip in the timeline and then adjust the properties of that effect in the properties panel which is usually to the side somewhere how we do it in fusion is very similar but instead of dragging an effect onto the clip we add a node in between these two nodes so we're kind of like adding another instruction in between these two so how do we do that the easiest way to add that is just to go up and hit this button which is the color corrector button now watch what happens I'll click this and there a new node appears down here you'll notice there's all kinds of triangles and squares and crap all around this that you're like what what is that what is that what is that don't worry about it right now you can think about this as a little instruction that basically says now color correct it so what we're gonna do is add this to the instructions now even though this is down here in the canvas nothing's actually happening because this isn't connected in between these nodes this little arrow is what actually connects the instructions together and that's how you figure out what comes first and where things are organized and all that stuff so what I'm gonna do is break this little connection here by mousing over the right side here where it turns blue and just clicking it once that's gonna detach it so now we have three nodes that aren't doing anything because they're not attached to each other now what I'm gonna do is grab this little gray box at the end of my media in and that draws a new arrow I'm gonna grab that and drag it on top of my color corrector node and look what happens it makes a connection in between a media in node and the color corrector node now same way I'm gonna grab the output of the color corrector node which is the little gray box and drag it onto the media out node so now we have an instruction built for fusion to think about the first step is import the media the second step is now color correct it and the third step is render it now you may be looking up here and say well there's nothing going on the reason for that is we haven't adjusted this color corrector node just like you would put an effect on a clip inside of an editing program and then adjust the properties we have to adjust the properties in this node and right now it's all set as defaults which is doing nothing so let's make some adjustments the properties show up in the inspector panel on the right based on whatever node you have selected so if I move this color wheel towards blue we see the clip goes more towards blue so now we're telling it import the media color correct it blue and then render it so honestly that's really the basics of nodes that's how they work it's just do this and then do this and then do this now there's fancy ways that you can hook them up there's all kinds of advanced things that you can do with them but if you start out with that thought that it's just a set of instructions you're going to be doing fine so one note before we move on if I select my color corrector node and I hit 2 on the keyboard it looks like nothing happens but what's going on is the output of this color corrector node is being shown in my right hand viewer remember we talked earlier about how these are the same thing they're just next to each other watch what happens if I grab my media in and I hit 2 on the keyboard that's going to load that up in that viewer with just the output of media in which means nothing's happening to it so you can select what node is shown in what viewer by hitting 1 or 2 on the keyboard so maybe I'll set media into the first viewer by hing 1 and the output of the color corrector to the second viewer by hitting 2 so now we have the beginning and then after the color correction what I'll usually do is set my media out set that to my second viewer because that is what the comp is going to look like at the end and then if I need to see just the output of one node I can bring it up in the first viewer so let's do something else so what we're going to do is put some text over this shot and here's how we're going to do it I'm going to go up to this button right here that has the little T and click it once and that's going to make a new node called text plus and if I select the node and go up to my styled text here in the inspector I'll type something the type Alaska yeah I can select my node and bring it up in my first viewer by hitting one here in the inspector I can adjust all kinds of things font the size everything so now it's time to put this text over this shot but you'll notice that there aren't any layers there's no layers panel how in the world are you supposed to composite things if you don't have any way to use layers the answer is that fusions doesn't use layers it uses nodes so if you want something to happen in your composite remember your building instructions one of the instructions is put something over something else and that is a node called merge which if you click this button right here that will make a merge node how do we hook this up I'm going to get rid of my connection between my color corrector and my media out by hitting the right side of the arrow and I'm going to connect my color corrector to my merge and my merge to my media out and we'll see nothing happens really that's because we haven't told this to merge this color corrected footage with the text yet because we have to connect the text to the merge node all we have to do for that is just grab the output and drag it onto the merge node so let's take a look at our nodes and read them like instructions I'll hit one on the keyboard for each node as we go through it first node is import this footage next node is now turn it blue third node is now merge it with this text and by the way a merge node always merges the green connection over the yellow connection if you hooked it up wrong you can just select your merge node right click and go up to swap inputs you could also hit ctrl T now if I swap these it's going to put this footage over my text which we won't be able to see the text so that would be dumb so I'm going to switch them back and then our last step is to render it so even though nodes look really scary if you think of them like instructions going through kind of telling fusion what to do with your footage it makes a lot of sense okay you guys ready to get a little bit crazy ready to get crazy here's what we're gonna do now I'm gonna go up to this left button here this says background I'm gonna click it once and that's gonna make a background that up in my left viewer by hitting one and if I adjust the color we can see that this is just kind of a solid color okay I'm gonna make this white and now let's say I want to make kind of a box around this word well think about it with nodes what would we do first of all we're gonna have to make this into a box so you can do this a few different ways but the easiest way is just to add a mask which with my background selected I can go up here to this button right here that says rectangle click it once and that's going to add a rectangle mask to my background now this kind of shows up with a different type of node than we're used to it's a node with a blue connection blue connections always mean masks and so this is like its own little set of instructions take this rectangle mask and mask this background and that's what it's doing here if I select my rectangle node I have my properties over here in the inspector and I can adjust the width and height of my mask to just make the box the size that I want and you know what for now let's change the color of this background to maybe kind of a blue so now we want to sandwich this background in between our text and this footage so how do we do that we've already connected things up well all we have to do is kind of break some of those connections and rewire this thing so I'm going to break that text connection I'm going to make a new merge node and I'm going to take my background connect it to my merge and merge my text over it movies over and then I'll bring up my merge in my first viewer by hitting one that's what we're looking for now this whole thing I want to merge over this footage so I'm going to grab the output of my merge and put it into the green connection of my original merge and there we have it so again this is like instructions write mask something what is it mask this background and then merge this background with this text and then merge this text over the footage that you imported and color corrected and then output it so there you go there's a pretty basic composite inside of fusion and it's hopefully giving you some tools and some techniques to build your own composites using nodes inside of fusion I hope this makes sense if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comments below if you liked this hit like and for more tutorials on fusion color grading DaVinci Resolve in general post-production all those things subscribe to my channel here on YouTube my name again is Casey Farris I will catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 254,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lumetri color, lumetri color tutorial, lumetri scopes, lumetri color panel, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 12, how to color grade videos, how to color grade in premiere pro, color grading tutorial, color correction tutorial, how to color grade in davinci resolve, color grading in premiere pro cc, fusion tab, basics, fusion basic training, resolve 15 fusion, resolve 14, resolve 15, davinci resolve 15, fusion tab tutorial
Id: C7geEQhdYWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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