DaVinci Resolve - Green Screen/Chroma Key (Two Methods COLOR & FUSION)

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all right let's look at chroma key or green-screen here in DaVinci Resolve we actually have a couple different ways we can do this we're going to start off in the color page and then look at how to do the same thing in the fusion page so stop that playback I'm gonna go ahead and just delete everything on the timeline we're gonna start fresh alright let's go ahead and grab a couple of Clips here we'll grab let's say this clip here for our Beach and we want our girl with her phone overtop of that so I'll just drop it right on top there go ahead and trim it up we're gonna go over to the color page first so we can't see through our clip right now not a problem the first thing we're gonna do head over here to your qualifier all right and make sure you have your picker selected I can click to select my color you can see what changed down here I also control Z out of that I can also click and drag to grab a selection of colors okay even though this is all green and it's lit very well it's not it's not all exactly one shade of green so over here you can see that mask on our node we can't really see anything yet let's go ahead and turn on our highlight overlay and just check that out you can see we have some problems over here I could grab my plus picker there and add in some of these green colors just scrolling up on my mouse wheel press it down on my mouse wheel and move this around and select in this area here maybe I'll grab some more those green colors I can adjust down here manually clean that up a little bit more then I'll come up here and look at our black white mask overlay and gonna put White's a bit go too crazy on this right now okay we'll start with this here that looks pretty good turn off that overlay and we need to see through this so we know what we need to do right so let's go ahead and come over here to our node and right click and say add alpha output right here is our alpha output let's go ahead and grab right here from our blue node alright our mask there or our alpha and connect those two and now we can see we have our mask of course it's it's backwards so come down here and just invert it okay so now we can see that we have more work to do I can always do things like you know shift F if I want to or alt F as well but right now this view is fine for me and to clean this up we have you know a few options grab my plus picker there I can trick grab this green right there that looks a little bit better I can again manually adjust things in here to try to get rid of that green fringe around her there it looks pretty good right now let me go ahead and check this out again looks good there but maybe we'll try our in out ratio down here adjust that a bit one way or the other depending on your selection pull it in a bit okay blur the radius come over to our second page and on shrink here maybe pull this up to shrink it down okay so that looks pretty good a bit of a problem here with her hair I don't really think you're gonna see much of that I would actually do this this here specific clip in fusion because fusion is gonna do this much quicker and much better but you can always try to clean things up in here as well that's actually not too bad I don't really think you're gonna see that okay so head back to our edit page and there we go you see we've keyed her out real nice of course you can always head back to your color page and you know mess with things in here to clean it up you know even more we can even incorporate things like our power windows right to add around certain areas and reverse that and do whatever you want all right but let's go ahead and get rid of that let's go ahead come back here and once I have that done I can of course switch out my backgrounds if I wanted to so switch those out real quick all right and as you can see there now let's look at doing this in fusion so there's a few ways we can actually do this in fusion let's kind of do it the long way all right we're gonna start with our background we'll just grab something here throw it down here and let's go ahead and head into fusion alright so we have our background but now we need the actual clip that we want to key out so make sure you're showing your media pool and I'll just grab my clip throw it right in here I can go ahead and rename this I can right-click or just press f2 and to rename this so I can call this green just so I know what it is and then I can rename this one here to backplate or the background will say back ground okay I can click the first dot under our green screen here to view that in our first viewer over here if I have it on the second viewer I'll see it over there with that the second dot right make sure I'm down here under by media out node and show that the output here in our second viewer so now we need to connect these two together so we need to grab a merge node I'll just grab my merge node right here I'll drop it in and then I'll connect it here but I'll just drag this in here and make sure I'm dragging my background by the way into the background node as you can see and this our green screen will be our foreground so here's a foreground node right here and we just drag that and connect it then we'll pull our output from our merge into our output so there we go now we can actually see our green screen over top of our background so I'll select our green screen node and come up to our effects library open tools come down to our mat and we're going to use Delta keyer this is one of the best skiers around ok so I'll click and drag it in this time ok and then connect my green screen to the input here go ahead and disconnect it from that merge and then take the output of Delta keyer again into the foreground of our merge alright I'll select my Delta keyer and this is what it looks like we have a bunch of different tabs in here but what we want is this first two tab background color click and hold on my dropper and then hover over our green and select the best green color and release and there we go we pretty much have a perfect key that quickly with Delta keyer now we have a lot more options we can go through in here so we could change the soft range we hold on control and zoom in here we could erode we can blur go over to the next tab change the threshold here if we need to you can see I'm pulling in on sort of this fringe here you can pull in there if you need to erode or dilate that there and I can click this little dot to set it to the center okay I'm gonna erode it a bit press down on my middle mouse button there and move this around hold on control command on Mac scroll in and out to zoom in and out alright a lot of stuff you can do in here check this page here our spill more options in here for shadows and mid-tones tons of stuff that you can do in here that you should definitely check out we can also change this to the pre matte and see that we can see the matte right here okay we can see the status and the final result okay so there we go there's our key relatively quickly here in fusion so head back to the Edit Page and we can see it right there make sure up here and playback and render cache put that on smart so that will go ahead and render for us and I can kind of play back here a little bit not rendered yet but you can see pretty good key of course we do have a bit of an issue here don't weigh in that in this case she's really zoomed in and that's because our clips have sort of a mismatch okay so let's go ahead and take care of that back here in fusion so after my Delta keyer I'm gonna grab a transform right here and just drop it right there and then because I mean just show you right here this clip here our green screen clip is 4k while our background clip just show that interviewer 1 is 1080 alright so again select transform clip and I'm gonna drag her down to about 50% which is 0.5 there we go back to the Edit Page and there we go awesome now what if I wanted the same background for what we just did in fusion that we that we used here in the color page where I can switch that out here in fusion so here's our background I'm just going to disconnect that and then grab the same background clip throw it right in here and connect it to our background on our merge boom there she is now of course we have another problem and that we used the transform right and if we look at this media one clip again on our new one show that in the viewer you can see this clip here is 4k and we know that our girl clip or our green screen clip is also 4k so in this case I can select my transform just delete that and now we should have that pretty good let me go ahead fit that to the screen alright head back here and here's our color what we did in the color page right here and here's what we did in fusion much quicker in fusion for this you know this sort of thing again we can always head back to fusion and mess around with our Delta keyer a bit more if we need to modify this here let me change the color a bit different green or whatever right all right so that is how you could chroma key relatively quickly here in in DaVinci Resolve now we're going to do this a few more times in a few more ways all right this time let's I'm gonna grab my background clip right there then I'll grab my overlay clip right here put her right on top okay and this time let's select both of these clips I'm just going to shift click those right click and say new fusion clip okay head over to fusion and now I already have all of this connected for me as you can see with our background and our foreground again look here at where your media is going in so this this node right here is our background this here is our foreground I can show my background in viewer one right there show my overlay in viewer one if I wanted to so in this case pull this up here alright so now I'll select my media 2 node I'll just select it I'm gonna hold down shift and press spacebar I'm gonna type in Delta right here it is I'm gonna hit add and right there it's already added for me connected it just the way that it needs to be connected select my Delta keyer do the same thing click and hold grab my color about a Bing and guess what we have our key done head back to edit right there it is so that's a bit of a faster way to do it grab my foreground grab my background and just combine those into a fusion clip and then head into fusion and then add add in your Delta keyer right after in this case our media 2 node now what if I just want to key something out and I don't know the background I want we can do that too all right so I'll grab our same clip in this case throw it right in here hit into fusion tools mat and we'll grab our Delta keyer and throw it right in here grab my dropper click and hold and then just pull that out might want to see my mat in this case and go ahead and make whatever adjustments that I need to in here but that should be pretty good okay come back to edit should come back here to fusion here make sure I have this on final result and there we go then I'll just pull her up one level and then grab whatever background I want and throw it right under her and there we go so we can do that as well you don't have to know the background that you want but you can do that as we've already shown in fusion as well by grabbing our clip from our media pool and dropping it right in here and then connecting things here and making one sort of fusion clip right within fusion so of course it does pretty well on green here as we can see we can also do plenty of other colors as well so let's try it with with white just gonna drag this over here and we'll just grab some some background for that there and let's do this in the I don't know the color page I guess head over here to color and grab my qualifier my selection range should just drag a selection in this case I think that'll be pretty good I think we can check our mask here pretty good all right make sure we go ahead and right-click add our alpha output and connect that right there bada-bing we can see that already of course it's backwards although that does look kind of cool it might be cool to have some sort of an intro like that with just an outline but we can go ahead and reverse that and then clean the blacks a bit blur the radius here change our in out maybe a little bit and maybe shrink it okay so it's pretty cool so now we have pulled that white out okay let's do it again though what do you say we grab something like this here I'll just throw this in right here and we'll do this in fusion just go over here diffusion alright let's go ahead and key it out first I guess and then we'll decide what we want under it so let's grab Delta key or shift spacebar there's my Delta keyer add that okay that I had my media out node selected whenever I selected Delta keyer so it actually put it in the wrong spot no problem I want to hold on shift and just disconnect that okay then just put my input there and my output back there grab my Delta keyer grab my dropper right over my green area boom and check my mat looks pretty darn good already I can try to maybe change it up a bit here there we go that looks pretty good all right there it is you can see that a checkerboard background means that is transparent so then I could add my clip directly in here if I wanted to or we know that we could just head back to the Edit Page I'll just drag this up one layer and then grab my background clip and throw it right in there and then we have it so it's like they're viewing your vacation photos or something like that I could also get rid of that and let's get rid of this too and we'll do it again now we'll grab our background clip first okay and our overlay here just trim that up and we could create a fusion clip here let's go ahead and do that actually just go ahead and new fusion clip okay over to fusion and we'll go ahead and so our media one this is our background so we want media to select it shift spacebar type in Delta Kia add that right there select it grab my node here on my my picker and go ahead and pull that green color out make any adjustments that you need to just pulling out some that green from her chin there right there okay and there we go but of course again the problem with this is that these clips are different different frame sizes so their vacation clip looks way too big in their in their tablet so again we already know what we can do right I'll grab my media one node because this is the background that we want to transform so I'll just select that and grab my transform it puts it right in here and then go ahead and size that down as you can see move it over a bit okay and by the way it doesn't matter how I have my notes structured in here I could have them structured completely different and it doesn't change anything alright so again we want our media to which is our overlay to make sure that's going into our foreground and that our background is going into the background node and of course all that goes out to our media out all right so there it is again looks a little bit better now put that back [Music] again it's not just green it's not just blue it's really any color you know any color that you want I could even grab say this color here which is sort of a blue head over to fusion again what is this one last time here and grab our tool here from Matt and don't take here drop it right in there select my color picker again pull out that blue color again make any adjustments that you want up here head back to edit in this case drag her up a level put her over whatever I want and let me just grab a different clip here there we go and then we have it alright so that is how you can green screen or chroma key here in the Vinci resolve using either the color page or you gently [Music] [Applause]
Channel: BenoniStudio
Views: 152,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve Green Screen, Davinci Resolve Chroma Key, Key out green screen in DaVinci Resolve, remove background in DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve, green screen, blue screen, chroma key, video editing, Color page in DaVinci Resolve, Fusion, Fusion in DaVinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve Delta Keyer
Id: C-D4Q21VphY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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