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my son sent a letter to Santa I hope it gets there it doesn't have any postage on it and he put it in the bathroom heat event just seen a little girl confidently walk up to a bath bomb in lush and take a bite out of it kids our class he's five years old and said a curse word one day in response to not getting his way I got eye level with him and told him we don't use words like that in our house this child looked me dead in my eyes and said this is an apartment not a house brah people tell me I look like Channing Tatum all the time please stop me in the street and ask if I'm here scream his name but I just don't see it did I ever tell you all about the time I didn't know what a car cigarette lighter was turned it on and once it had heated up immediately plunged my eight-year-old index finger into the coil I was a smart and sensible child one word krispies what was the longest night you ever had as a parent my then thirteen-year-old son saw on the internet that nutmeg can get you high so he mixed five tablespoons of it into a glass of water drank it and went into cardiac arrest about half an hour later my kid was upset about being in timeout so she did the only logical thing her four-year-old brain could think of which was to act like a picker - using a thunder attack on me then we stared at each other in silence until she whispered nothing is working she's too powerful or three four years old daddy let's make the same face at the same time me okay we make the same face Audrey stop copying me things that made my toddler cry this week I wouldn't let the dog drive him to daycare the bath was too wet he wanted syrup for breakfast just syrup his sister keeps looking at him he once chews like his friend Jacob there is no Jacob how about your kid my four-year-old cousin is freaking out because we went to a restaurant and the forks had three prongs instead of four every time someone said the word folk she said no it's a freak I can't wait for this kid to be old enough to use tumblr I drove by my son's school and was on my way to work and realized I never dropped his ass off and he ain't say [ __ ] what's the dumbest do you ever did as a kid my shining moment was when I was like four I put floaties on my feet and jumped into a pool thinking I'd walk on water I almost drowned my child is throwing a fit reason didn't get to see her poop before grandma flushed it down the toilet grandma is apologizing profusely Leah's refusing to be assuaged she just wants her poop back it's been 20 minutes did you take your birth control you're welcome parents on reddit what was your I raised an idiot moment I used to tell my kids not to take off their shoes and socks in the car especially on short trips just leave them on so that we don't have to spend five minutes finding and putting them back on before we run into the store imagine a single dad with two young kids running around the car trying to rishu my children and the grocery store parking lot in the middle of an Arizona summer yuck one day we went to the store and my daughter was missing her shoe it was nowhere to be found daddy I didn't want you to be mad at my shoe was off so I threw it out the window made sense to a five-year-old I guess thank you you have answered my question when I see a single shoe on the side of the road my sister just had a baby she brought her home today and my other niece was so pissed she packed up all of her tatin tried to leave what is your favorite vegetable Braga yesterday morning after his soccer game my six-year-old asked me how come the other team gets to change the color of their jerseys every week while we always had to wear purple when I explained that in fact we were playing against different teams each week his mind was blown we went into the basement for a tornado my three-year-olds thought we were hiding from a tomato honestly that scared her even more asked my son to box up his leftover mac and cheese at the restaurant and he put the entire bowl in there and I'm not sure if he's an idiot or a genius redditors with toddlers what's the most recent illogical breakdown they've had one threw a fit because the other flushed her own pee down the toilet then a fight broke out over whose pee it really was and who should have flushed it reasons why my two and a half year old son has woken me up this week according to him he suddenly realized he doesn't know how to whistle what if a boat forgets how to swim he is hungry and would like to eat me it's been an awful terrible no-good week but listening to my teenage daughter convinced my youngest child last night that JRR tokine's real name was joking wrote Ian wrote Quinto he was absolutely priceless my four-year-old son thinks he's a ninja so my wife took a before picture and showed him he absolutely thinks he's completely invisible in front of our black appliances one time my uncle put a wig on my cousin's head and told him it was permanent [Music] my son after trying to get back down from washing his hands just hanging there helpless my little sister wondered why her screen didn't work my uncle texting his kindergartener who uses speech to text I'm almost home what did you say I can't read four-year-old went on a voice-to-text journey Google turned all the things back where they belong stop it I want to return video Google stop it Google show me mommy I want some of the summertime video kid was a bit parched public service announcement to all kids this ride only stops in an emergency crying is not an emergency seen this specimen at local mall my 8 year old son was curious today whether Jerell nuts my 9 year old son Drew a dinosaur with like thirty to piss off his sister can't believe she would crumble up his first did post she had a sore throat and slapped a bandaid on it my 14 year old student cut his Apple headphones to make the mer pods someone please explain despite multiple talking's to my two-year-old keeps leaving dolls in lifelike positions around the house scares the life out of me every time she wouldn't go to her own bed so I made myself a new Gmail and sent this to myself it worked she's 9 Easter Bunny misses I'm sorry to bother you so late but could you please have her go to sleep in her own bed just a reminder that I cannot enter a house when children are awake thank you so much sir Easter Bunny the third God let her fall trying but the kid who sent this car dinner to any soldier care package seems a bit confused on the difference between a veteran and a veterinarian happy the tear and a smelly hole smell this with markers smelly markers be made probably 5 years old at train station with mom play with toy just throw toy at the rails mom asks why I did that I said that we can just get it mom says that we can't get it because it's dangerous crying jpg get a new toy also throw that on the rails what the [ __ ] was wrong with me my daughter found the word Sano five years ago my then toddler did this he's still alive my cousin was not the brightest kid I walk out of target to the scene of a child laying motionless on the ground I asked what was wrong and the dad said he's upset his gloves match his jacket baby's point it can't be like ah like shut up idiot it's called a dog reminds me of when I was a kid and I thought my mom's vibrator was a face massager please tell me you didn't put it on your face up I thought it was a face massager what's the dumbest thing you ever got in trouble for at school not gone call it dumb because now that I'm older I know that that was some weird-ass Peretz but in middle school my Spanish teacher was trying to reach for something and her shirt went up a little bit showing her stomach so I tickled her rancid tickle tickle oh she went off what highly illegal thing took place at your high school there were four freshmen in the bathroom stool just vaping and a teacher came in so they freaked out and didn't want to get in trouble so they thought calling the cops on the teacher for harassment would get them out of trouble they got expelled an hour after the cops arrived this is me at five years old I climbed up the kitchen cabinets cause I was a stupid King kid I couldn't get down and proceeded to scream for my dad when he finally came down he took a picture of me and laughed this kid has his first t-ball game and peed while he was on second base when you're a man the whole world is your toilet my kid forgot not to sign his own name when leaving me a message with marker on my hatch so he decided to try and blame his brother I hate mom Noah nice Martin Luther King drawing their kid I have a dream you have been visited by dr. dog Oh like this video and subscribe to stay healthy [Music]
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 4,334,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KIDS ARE FRICKING STUPID, reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit funny stories, top reddit posts, reddit cringe, funny reddit, kids are stupid, funny, dank doodle memes, ddm, rslash, prorevenge, choosingbeggars, stories, KIDS, CRINGE, COMEDY, FUNNIEST
Id: T4cWOBjR_ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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