Kid Lies To Mom About Report Card

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hello friends it's me and today is dark man monday today we're watching a video about a kid who will not show his mom his report card not bad huh billy let's watch nicholas okay lonnie vanessa there you go jay oh thanks there you go benny yes straight days again how do you do betty youtube c's and d's i can't believe this mom's not gonna be happy about that like i'm gonna tell her i'll just say i got lost or something can't y'all check grades online now mother you wouldn't have happened to know where my report card oh yeah straight a's by the way is don't forget everyone don't forget everyone the bell doesn't dismiss you i do bring your report cards back tomorrow and they must be signed by a parent this sucks this sucks it's not like i could just scribble something and say it's my parents handwriting the rule is so dumb when mom sees yours you're definitely getting grounded again hey betty alicia hey do you have any plans after school tomorrow i'm gonna go uh i was gonna go ground myself in my room before my mom does it keep boarding with my friends why what's up wait you bored yeah do you know any tricks like can you grind a rail i can do way more than that that's little kid stuff wow that is so cool wow that is so cool that this guy is a pathological liar you just keep digging the hall deeper wait what were you saying about this weekend oh i was gonna invite you to my birthday party at the new virtual reality place but sounds like you're busy wait no it's fine i can come i'll just tell my friends that uh something came up okay great feel free to bring jay too see ya bye i think she likes me skateboarding really bro you can't even do a kickflip your bike still has training wheels okay maybe i lied a little but girls like skater boys if you keep lying it's going to catch up to you like mom says what happens in the dark always comes to life hey we already got a lesson on this darn man bruh why do you have to be such a dork definitely not taking you to alicia's party like you're gonna be able to go after mom checks your grades look i'm not missing this party this is finally my chance to hang out with alicia i'll figure out something if you like this girl and want to hang out with her why i just like makeup yeah i gotta go skating with the bros just be honest some people always lie to make it seem like they're way cooler than they are and then you look a lot stupider when they actually find out the truth hey what are you doing benny you just made me mess up why are you copying mom's signature what do you mean why i got c's of d's boy i'mma be grounded i'm all miss alicia's birthday party if she finds out she's not going to find out and you better not all a's again this is incredible jay i am so proud of you thanks falm can you sign it of course oh and since you did so well i got you the tablet you wanted what y'all get straight is on one report card and get a ipad this is a scam we got a trip to chuck e cheese you know when you give them your report card and they give you coins for every a that you got that's what i got and a pack on the back so benny how did you do let me see your report card uh oh funny thing i haven't gotten mine yet i'm sure it'll come tomorrow or sometime how is it possible that jay got his and you haven't gotten yours that's a good question no i don't know you're not trying to hide it from me are you no i would never do that mm-hmm ah sure already i'm saying i know a celestia kid when i was wondering if i could go to her birthday party tomorrow but i don't see why not well depending on your report card if the grades are bad then no uh-oh you don't have to worry about that thanks all right well i'm gonna go make din how did this get in here i have no idea oh he doesn't have a stupid mother in this one she's already on to him this is why i imagine the new millennial mothers to be like y'all can't mess with them they know your every move before you even do it oh there's a cute ghost you probably brought it in max brought it in but there's no slobber or teeth marks on it yeah he uh might have dragged it in with his foot i guarantee you mother already knows exactly what you're doing she's been there done that great oh and happy birthday thanks i'm dropping my son brian off at your party later he's really excited great oh that was weird i'm dropping off my son at your house later great there you go thank you was your mom proud yeah and i got a new tablet that's awesome congrats wow what a flex we got a rich guy over here straight a's got the 500 tablet eat my ass hey benny that's your report card yep got her here all right wait a minute why does this look so different he can tell right away right away it doesn't help that his brother is in the same class and they got the same bomb and it's the same signature you could just look at one signature does not match this signature the thing is if you're gonna forge your signature just you can't trace it what do you mean i mean the signature on your report card doesn't match the one on jay's uh-oh my mother was drunk but she came home last night she just that's because my dog he jumped on my mom as she was signing he's such a bad liar it messed it up horrible at lying your dog zero out of town jumped on your mom as she was signing my dude bad at school and bad at lying pick a struggle yep yeah that's it that's the one that's what we're going with today okay you know you can just literally call your mother and just go and take a seat hey benny you're coming today right oh yeah of course cool do you think you can bring your board i was telling your friends how good you were and they all want to see uh yeah no problem awesome uh what now my dude doesn't even escape and i have to pull a board out of your butthole what's he gonna say now my dog ate my board all right here we go go have some fun do i have to take jay with me yes he's your brother and he said he was invited too uh fine oh hey there's mr johnson oh oh no what are you doing i'm just gonna go say hi oh you can't say hi no you're gonna embarrass me i don't want anyone seeing us talking to my teacher come on benny don't be so dramatic hey mr johnson hello hey kathy hi hey boys hey what's up mr forger uh what are you doing here oh my son brian was invited so i'm just dropping him off great hey do you mind if i ask you a question uh-oh uh sure what's up i don't mean to pry but i can't help but wonder does this car get good gas mileage ah dodge the bullet i don't know how this dude can live with himself how he could just stand up straight without constantly crying and throwing up and pissing himself uh yeah actually it does it's it's not bad i'm gonna go inside now uh you can go now bye hey mr johnson oh hi i'm alicia's mom hi would you two mind waiting a moment apparently there's some liability form that needs to be filled out so the kids can play yeah yeah that's fine i can wait yeah that's fine please sign here if your child has not had any covet symptoms in the past 14 days i bet they're actually doing that now why don't you uh wait in the car it's pretty hot out why so i heard you have a dog oh yeah um actually he's been acting kind of funny lately go distract mom or else she'll ask mr johnson about my report card no i don't want to get involved with this i'm going to take away your tablet and never let you play with it again fine [Music] hey betty i'm glad you came i love your shirt oh thanks and i love everything about what you're wearing thanks oh my god you see his shirt why are you lying to him you so embarrassing did you bring your board oh shoot i knew i forgot something shucks i'll bring it next time i swear oh okay wait taylor has hers hey taylor can benny borrow your board for a second honestly it's fine you don't have to say yes oh no it's fine i actually really want to see this too let's go uh-oh sorry about that they just need signatures oh my god he's gonna have to transfer schools after those or some it's gonna be real embarrassing when he gets caught she'd like to go first oh no that's all right i'll wait okay just bring them inside when you're done thanks rich mom may want no liability if anything happens here y'all can't sue me let's see what you got yeah alicia said you knew a lot of tricks i do i mean yeah i do then show us come on betty show us show us your cool tricks that you learned you know since you think grinding rails is for babies [Music] stupid i thought you knew how to board don't tell us you lied just to impress alicia is that true benny no i would never do that okay i may have exaggerated a little you're unbelievable yeah i'm taking my board back before you break it oh hey if you're gonna lie just say you hurt your ankle or something there you go great thank you all right there we go all set all right i'll get these turned in for us awesome thank you your signature looks a lot better when your dog's not jumping on you here it is when betty's world cups crumbling down what do you mean oh well benny told me what happened when you were signing his report card signing his report card he did [Music] you said you didn't get your report card i uh lied to me and then forged my signature wow you see i was just in a silly goofy mood and i've become a liar i am so sick of your lies you should know what happens in the dark always comes to life yes we learned them sorry mom oh you're gonna be sorry all right get in the car you are not going to this birthday party or anywhere else for that matter because you are grounded well that's fine because i just embarrassed myself in front of the girl i like so yeah i'll gladly come back home with you the only thing worse than getting grounded would be going back into that party and facing the humiliation get in the car i'm so sorry uh that wasn't my signature i never received his report card i should have trusted my gut i'll have a copy sent to you on monday thank you and don't worry i will make sure he gets the punishment he deserves oh i don't doubt it he's like what are you gonna do feed him some unseasoned chicken does that mean i have to leave too oh no honey you go have fun thanks mom here you go do you mind if i see your board um sure so he knows how to skate whoa that was so cool i had no idea you could board i know a thing or two do you think you could teach me sometime i'd love to learn yeah of course anytime should we go inside yeah do you see that gentleman just pop his elbow out stole his brother's girl just like that he's a real menace to society but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack and check out dartmouth's channel in the description below i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,110,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann, halloween, costume, halloween costume
Id: y9iWltUOKJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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