Little Sister Refuses To Get A Job

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hello friends it's me today we're watching another dharman video about this girl who refuses to move out of her brother's house refuses to get a job okay let's watch so how long is your sister going to be staying with us don't worry she's going to move out as soon as she finds a job okay well it's been six months and it's starting to feel like she's taking advantage of us wait she's been living with her brother and his wife for six whole months if you can't do math that's half a year either she really likes you guys or she a moocher oh you made breakfast i was going to eat that but sure you can have it i'll just make another one great because i'm i'm starving she's been living here for six months and she's just gone oh you made me breakfast yoink hmm finally the package i ordered i just finished the dishes would you mind washing your own plate it's just one plate what's the big deal i'm triggered on another level because this drives me insane i don't appreciate moochers and i know a couple of them it is so disrespectful to me to eat in my house and not wash the dish almost as disrespectful as wearing shoes in my house this is how you drive me bonkers hey ashley uh shouldn't you be heading out right now is in your job interview at nine um i decided i'm not going to that what why because i couldn't get up on time and who schedules a job interview that early anyways not me agreeing with her girl you've been looking for a job for six months and oh i finally got an interview oh it's at nine in the morning nobody's eyes should be legally open by then i think i'll just stay here also how's she ordering from amazon when she ain't got a job and no money girl i would have done knocked that glass right out her hand kicked her out on the street right then and there i don't care if you my sister mother brother childhood mailman no snatching my drink is the quickest way to start a fight should drink the rest of it too one of you guys get some more juice on your way home from work uh actually can you get groceries i'll text you a list we have really full schedules today oh you know she's a good actor when she's making me this angry like i'm heated she took the rest of the orange juice groceries what yes yeah actually uh that sounds like a really good plan you're joking right i don't have that kind of money it's the new shoes i just ordered so you have money to buy new shoes but no money whatsoever to help out with the groceries uh yeah these heels are a necessity i want to scream but i also want to punch her and also like i know somebody just like this i ain't got money can you pay for this can you help me with my rent and then pulls up with some 500 shoes i really don't understand these kind of people like there's helping somebody and then there's taking advantage that's my boyfriend i'll get it oh so now she got a boyfriend do you see what i mean she doesn't help out at all around here she doesn't contribute to the groceries now she's inviting her boyfriend over i know but what am i supposed to do she's my sister i have to help her until she can find a job what do you mean she literally has a whole entire boyfriend why can't she like live with him her existence is useless contributes absolutely nothing to this household let alone society you know some people are leeches and leeches they just need a guest stepped on i don't even think she's looking for a job i'm just saying there's a difference between trying to help someone and letting them take advantage of you yeah and this dude he being a real sim for his sister right now you could tell he's the oldest because i would probably do the same you guys this is scott my boyfriend hi i just wanted to say thank you for letting me live with you for a little bit after my mom kicked me out i don't know what i was gonna do oh wait what oh what oh no no no no y'all don't just have a leech you all have an infestation now this is where you draw the line this is where you like both of them get out he's going to be living here well just for like a little while you know so they can find a job yeah it's been really tough with my criminal record but i'm sure i'll find something soon who says that like yeah uh it's gonna be hard finding a job because i'm a criminal but why even get a job when i could live here rent free with my girlfriend like her brother he's loaded oh fall are you gonna say anything yes no uh would you mind just giving us maybe a couple minutes alone please yeah yeah sure yeah thank you ashley how could you invite your boyfriend to live here without even talking to us first well i didn't think it was a big deal of course it's a big deal [Music] look i'm sorry but um i think it is time that you moved out and got a place of your own what what you mean i can't live here free anymore with like uh the free continental breakfast and a maid i mean your wife doing my dishes how will i save money to buy shoes if i have to pay rent you see it don't make sense you know i'm going through a really hard time right now you don't want to help me of course i want to help you you're my little sister but actually there is a difference between trying to help somebody and letting them take advantage of you fine i don't need you i'm gonna get my own job at my own place with scott thanks for nothing thanks for nothing takes one final bite of the mcmuffin and leaves peace out you know six months of me letting you live here free paying for everything let me spell that out for you nothing thank you the absolute entitlement ashley [Music] the husband and wife stand there as they watch ashley storm out of the house now that ashley isn't able to rely on her brother anymore she takes finding a job a lot more seriously soon enough she gets hired by a company wow would you look at that she got a job maybe because you kicked her out and survival instincts kick in like oh well looks like i better do something because you know i have no other choice ashley and scott end up getting a new apartment together they couldn't be happier things look like they're all on the up and up that is until scott invites his sister to move in [Music] how you like that i like the way this is going the situation looking real familiar she quickly makes herself at home without even consulting with ashley months go by and not only does scott's sister not pay rent she also never helps out around the house she expects ashley to take care of everything ashley now finally understands what it feels like to be taken advantage of oh boo hoo you know i would feel bad but i actually got exactly what she deserved sometimes you gotta taste your own eye drops to know how it feels that makes no sense so when ashley gets her life together she finally realizes how much of a butthole she is and goes to visit her brother ashley hey everything okay yeah i just came by to say i'm really sorry for the way that i treated you guys i understand now the difference between trying to help someone and letting them take advantage i was definitely taking advantage i'm really sorry for everything wow it's really nice to hear you say all that oh i brought you groceries you let me live here all those months for free without paying anything so it's the least i could do oh thanks so much wow ashley that's really nice look at all that character development yes ma'am come here [Music] oh good guy ashley but yeah that was a good one definitely relatable cause i know a mooch tag a mooch in the comments below but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure you check out darman's other videos i'll link his channel in the description below if you guys enjoyed make sure that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 17,818,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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