Girl Gets Suspended For Dress Code

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hello friends it's me and today is dharman monday and we're gonna be watching a video about a student who gets suspended over the dress code let's watch i hope they accept amber hey principal adams your shorts they violate the school dress code no they don't how so let me have this put your arms down straight aha your hands reach further than your shorts hey i just have really long arms this isn't fair although why are you looking at my shorts that's pretty sussy you baca oh well not just because i have long arms oh i don't want to hear any excuses she's actually sitting here riding you up what no she can't help it if she has long arms it doesn't matter girls rules are rules but what about him his arms are clearly longer than his shorts his shorts are not creating a distraction to learning i'm sorry but my shoulders are check that out girl the only one distracted by her shorts is you just because i'm a girl that makes what i wear a distraction that's not fair two more of these and you'll be suspended do people really get suspended for a dress code i thought you'd get detention i got dress coded once it was a windy day during a fire drill and i was wearing a skirt and the skirt kind of like flew up a bit and this t-shirt came and snatched my arm literally dragged me to the principal's office like i saw a cheek you should be ashamed of yourself they made me wear a doo-doo stained loner you can't be serious over my shorts that's insane our dress code doesn't even make any sense yeah someone should really look into it but what if you got long arms those shorts aren't even that short she just does not like you no there she is again what do you think you're doing i'm just walking to class why not with that tank top on you're not what what do you mean it is clearly against the dress code so are the sweat stains under your pits but that ain't none of my business girls are not allowed to wear straps that are less than three fingers wide this is not allowed what if you just got fat fingers like measuring things by fingers does not make any sense also yes we weren't allowed to wear tank tops either i don't see a problem with what she's wearing yeah i mean we wear shirts like that all the time yeah look less than three fingers i said girls cannot wear straps like this hey yo that's not fair that's not fair this dude they're basically wearing the same thing in 2021 y'all cannot give a dress code to girls and not the guys too why should a dress code only apply to the girls and not the boys i am not going to keep explaining this to you amber ted and alex's shoulders are not distracting yours are um if a guy had really nice shoulders i would be distracted more so than a girl's shoulders you know take a good look at that it's kind of boring but some dudes they got some good looking shoulders and like i say i've been distracted so if you want to fix the rules i would appreciate that i'm going to write you up again no how does it make sense that girl should get punished because some boys get distracted so easily shouldn't she be talking to the boys then and not the girl stop getting distracted by shoulders guys then i could wear my tank top in peace i have a jacket in my backpack i'll just put it on over my shirt even though it's 100 degrees outside good good suffer but it still doesn't get you out of this you know this sounds personal did your husband follow her on facebook or something you girls won't believe what i found what's up i've been doing some research and it turns out the school dress code was written in 1919. oh no wonder it's so out of touch with reality 1919 what y'all were still wearing bonnets back then jean shorts didn't even exist and i've got a lot of other facts about why needs to change too i made a little presentation you see it hello students i have an important announcement to make next week the superintendent is coming and i want to make a great impression i have put together a short video about the dress code requirements so that everybody follows them sure already like one step ahead are you trying to make a powerpoint but she already made it what's the point following a dress code if it's so out of date yeah amber did some research and found out it was written over a hundred years ago boo get off the stage nobody cares trying to eat my lunch okay well then great amber will have no problems following everything in this video she really made a video about it drop your hands hired the doorman production crew pull what do you have to like pull your legs to make sure they're not too tight this is ridiculous repeat after me i will not wear short shorts i will not wear short shorts the school was a prison i don't even think prison got these rules how much she paid these students i will not wear yoga pants y'all can't even wear yoga pants what's the point literally the comfiest pants off limits i hope this video makes the dress code requirements crystal clear i'm confused all it shows what the girls can't wear what about the boys the boys don't have a problem following the rules it's the girls i'm worried about the dudes are just wearing tank tops guys can wear whatever they want but a girl shows her shoulders it's over that's because they don't have any rules to follow you know you have a lot of nerve talking back to me amber especially since you're on the verge of being suspended i can't believe they could get suspended for this i could grab you by your collar and just and that'll have the same punishment as wearing short shorts on three different occasions pretty sus this isn't fair what did you say the school dress code isn't fair i've done a lot of research and i've put together this presentation you see first off it's out of touch in reality the dress code was written in 1919. are we seriously going to enforce rules that were written during a time when it was illegal for girls to even voice our opinions exactly oh amber oh quiet you too she's angry that she doesn't have anybody backing her up it completely discriminates against girls i've read every page of the dress code there's 37 mentions of what girls can't do you know how many there are of what boys can do no i don't zero why don't they have any restrictions yes thank you do not get involved in this you know why amber the boys don't wear anything that's distracting uh yes they do y'all ever seen a guy in grey sweatpants quite the distraction when i was wearing my tank top earlier were my shoulders distracting you no not at all it wasn't even until principal adams brought it up that i even noticed teachers really think guys down bad when they see some bare shoulder you see not all men are pigs just like not all girls aren't objects with just legs and shoulders we deserve to be heard and seen and respected and ankles don't forget the ankles fine since you're so smart amber what exactly do you propose a fair policy for everyone no gender-specific rules no double standards if girls can't wear short shorts neither can the boys if girls can't show their shoulders neither can the boys we need to have equal rules for all and then everybody started clapping like it's not that deep bro they're making such a big deal out of this issue [Applause] [Laughter] oh that would never work that is the most ridiculous idea i have ever heard that you must not have heard a lot of ridiculous ideas that is the most reasonable idea but principal adams that's enough amber you know i have tried to be nice to you has she been nice i don't think she'd been nice i think she'd been quite rude actually especially considering you're once again violating the school dress code what are you talking about my straps are more than three fingers i'm not talking about your tank top i'm talking about your ripped jeans oh read the whole dress code there's nothing in there that talks about ripped jeans well maybe we should start a new role hey yo you can't do that you just the teacher this rules was built in 1919. no girls will wear ripped jeans to school ah half the girl's gotta go i'll make a new rule no i'm flattering button tops especially not turquoise if you wear turquoise you're getting fired effective immediately what are you doing teaching you a lesson i'm going to duct tape those holes what no you'd ruin my jeans they already look ruined you have no choice she's so rude yes or you get your third violation and you're suspended so what's it going to be yo you can't humiliate your students like this in that case i'm also in violation of the dress code sit down you're a boy it doesn't apply to you you'll have to write me up too sit back down i said girls can no longer wear ripped jeans it's the eternal life misogyny for me this school got one teacher no i'm sorry fine then you've given me no choice but to suspend you for one week trying to give you so many chances we'll let her be the principal now you're suspended uh if it means not seeing your face for a week bye when amber gets home she's so upset about everything she thinks about what to do and then decide she's not gonna stay quiet uh i would be suing the school so she makes a video about what happened oh so she's gonna make a youtube video about how she got suspended and points to all the reasons why dress code is unfair amber's video racks up lots of views it gets thousands of comments from students parents and even teachers all showing support to change the dress code our girls are not a distraction clothing does not where are all the other students um i don't know and what are you wearing those are way too short really well let me see oh shoot you're right oh put your jacket back on and cover yourself you know the superintendent is going to simple adam what is going on out there don't worry a thing about what's going on out there it's just a few people are a little upset about the dress code it's outfits like that that make it hard for students to concentrate at school you know this whole week we learn nothing but what we can and cannot wear you know all these things that are not going to help us in the real world i'm going to write you up if you're going to write her up then you have to write me up too you're right fine i will just give me a moment to write her up stop it you're discipline them for what for violating the school dress code you may as well write me up too then oh good lord oh now that's the ripped jeans and the crop top oh straight to jail me too in fact you got the short shorts too that's a lot of writers she's gonna be real busy today oh what's up hey hey principal what in the world is going on we all stand for amber and if you're going to suspend her you're going to have to suspend all of us because we plan on dressing like this every day equal rules for all eagle rules for all equal rules quiet shut the heck up i don't know what's going on at this school but but but this this is completely unacceptable i know you're getting fun don't worry i'm going to discipline each and every one of you yeah you gave me discipline for what that's what i came here to tell you we're getting rid of the school dress code what the only thing i care for my purpose in life is to enforce the school dress code how could you do this you lose the dress code you lose me you can't a lot because i'm the superintendent every student that has a dress code violation on their record will have it removed immediately from this day forward we are going to have equal rules for all oh i thought they were gonna get rid of the dress code violations because obviously you can't show up to school like a thong somebody would do it don't have to have a dress code but be reasonable about it i still can't believe i got in the ucla i know i was so nervous opening my acceptance envelope you still haven't heard from them i heard they send out their acceptance letters first so that probably means that i got rejected or waitlisted listen hey girls hey boy amber this came in the mail for you oh my gosh there it is this is it my future's in this envelope open it okay okay dear amber you regret to inform you that your college application is denied do you think it was because of the suspension maybe they didn't remove it yeah maybe or could just be that like i'm just kidding no i'm just gonna go get out of here don't play with me like that yay happy ending but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that the like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click add subscribe to the wolf pack oh and check out darman's channel in the description below i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 13,036,709
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Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Id: fJBAWqke-GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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