Girl Won't Accept Adopted Sister Then Learns The Truth

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love friends it's me and today we're going to be watching another dharman video this one might be a sad one keep your tissues close because it's about a girl who won't accept her adopted sister i don't understand why we have to share a room it's not like she's my real sister honey just because sabrina is adopted doesn't mean she isn't your sister oh this is gonna be good because this girl sophia usually plays the nice girl oh how the tables have turned guess who's here welcome home honey i am so happy to finally have you here thanks i'm so happy to be here hi you must be delilah honestly if i had to share room with somebody instantly annoyed new baby coming into the household absolutely not i'm the oldest so i have to sit there while two of my brothers were being born and my sister when i told you i dreaded the arrival of each child after me i wanted to be the favorite then i realized if i was an only child i would be bored so this is your new room um you'll be sharing it with your sister delilah she's not my sister [Music] well she is now that's so sad like the fact that she just says that like right in front of her she came in all happy like i have a new family i have a new sister and she's like i don't know you like that sabrina delilah dinner's ready hi honey hi wow this looks so good mm-hmm i haven't had a home-cooked meal in a while where should i sit anywhere you want what are you doing that's my seat oh i'm sorry i i didn't know of course he didn't know not a part of his family i'm only laughing because this is literally me anytime anybody comes over and sits in my spot at the dining table i'm like what are you doing you see all those foot stains clearly my feet that's not nice it's okay i'll just sit in this chair so how was the food it was so good and the pie was really tasty oh you're gonna have the last piece honey really okay thanks hey i was gonna eat that oh i'm sorry you can have it give it to me i'll cut it in half and you both can share thanks dad i'm sorry i i didn't mean to call you it's okay you can call me dad and you can call me mom as well seriously dad why do i have to share and for the record he isn't your dad honey and she isn't your mom you're adopted you're never gonna be a part of our family wow you took it way too far right there like y'all really escalated it that much over a slice of pie but also i find this hilarious because this is kind of how i was when i was a child i was never taught to share i hated sharing the concept didn't even exist and when it came to food oh absolutely not i lived in a family where i had to hide my food and leftovers otherwise they would be eaten by somebody else and when i call out everybody who ate my pasta who did it they don't even make eye contact wasn't me i can't believe you would treat sabrina that way well you can't just bring us some random girl here and expect me to treat her like she's my sister we're not even related sweetheart you don't have to be related to be family yes you do i'm your real daughter and she's just adopted okay for real can y'all be honest with me if you had an adopted brother or sister have you actually treated them like this because i feel like this is like level 10 anger right here like mother bought her a ps5 and you got a barbie for christmas then this is how you act that's the level of anger i'm feeling what's wrong oh nothing we just realized we raised the monster honey it's time we told you oh tell me what no the truth no say it ain't so y'all can't throw this blood to his stuff i'm not ready for this you see a long time ago your father and i really wanted to have children we tried for many years that we were having a hard time getting pregnant so we decided to go see a doctor the doctor told us that because of some health issues i wasn't able to have kids both of our dreams really felt like they had been destroyed the doctor suggested something we never thought about that we'd adopt a baby instead your dad and i thought about it and decided it was the best thing to do so a few months later we adopted a baby girl [Music] it was the happiest day of our lives our dreams of becoming parents finally came true i can't believe this this you you're telling me she was adopted this whole time and she likes in here at the head of the table there my mom and dad ah wait till she finds out this must have hit her like a truck like i hate for you to find out this way after you've done rotisserie your adopted sister we'd like to inform you that you are in fact adopted we didn't even say it yet so you see that baby we adopted was you what no that can't be possible i'm sorry honey but it's the truth my whole life i grew up thinking you're my parents how come you didn't tell me we wanted to tell you but we just never knew the right time and it broke our hearts to see the how you were with sabrina so we had to tell you now i can't believe this this whole time people that loved me so much that i never would have known so i'm just like sabrina i feel so bad for how i treated her i can't believe it this would actually be the ultimate troll if her parents just made this up on the spot so she would be nicer to her evil indeed maybe you should go talk to her oh i'm sorry i know this is your room i'll leave wait i'm just like you i'm just like you you're just like me [Laughter] i just wanted to say i'm really sorry for how i treated you i was wrong about all the things that i said i realize now that you really don't have to be related to be family do you think you could forgive me thank you you have no idea how much that means to me of course i forgive you to be honest delilah all i ever wanted was a family you have one now and you call me your sister what do you say we go share that last piece of pie i would love that oh my goodness this was way too cute this was such a good wholesome story wow i really enjoyed that one and i hope you guys did too and if you guys want to check out darman's other videos i will link them in the description below if you guys enjoyed and want more make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 20,045,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny
Id: dTf2LJ4nrPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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