Evil BABYSITTER Thinks She Can Do Whatever She Wants

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hello friends it's me and today is dartmouth monday and you know what that means today we're watching a video about an evil babysitter this is kristin your new babysitter make sure you listen to her hi you better be on your best behavior young man he's got a bad track record you're now his third sitter the other two quit are you listening if this doesn't work out with kristen we're just gonna have to send you to boarding school what no way i'm not going there well you better be good then this is the third babysitter what is this child doing that could be so bad for two other babysitters to quit he minding his own business watching cocoa melon on his ipad not watching coco melon please don't hesitate to call us for anything don't worry i do have a pretty special way with kids you see i'ma show you why they call me the babysitter literally sits on him i'm sure we'll be able to find some way to get him to listen well if you do you'll have to teach me and me all right well here is 40 to order some food for the two of you well thank you oh a few house rules no shoes no alcohol oh please no having any friends over of course not i totally understand thank you okay see you elijah we'll be back around 10. that kid got an ipad what's he need a babysitter for [Music] hey you still got the shoes on she didn't take her shoes off ah what are you doing you're not supposed to have your shoes on in the house is that alcohol he is too young to know that there is alcohol in there can't be drinking quiet twerp now this is how it's gonna go you're gonna do what i say and we're not gonna have any problems quiet twerp she give me vicky vibes i don't know who you think you're talking to oh now you listen to me you heard what your dad said unless you want to get shipped off to boarding school you'll be quiet now sit down i mean that's what he was doing a second ago yes they're back i'm telling you no give me one oh who are you hey babe hey it's you come on in i can't have anyone she already broke my mom said no friends allowed oh chris isn't my friend he's my boyfriend get lost i should have been more specific she said no boyfriend but i said scram is that all it took should i take off my shoes no ah anger intensifies now i'm angry angry no one allowed to wear shoes in my house not even me this kid's parents have only been gone three minutes he's already driving me crazy that sucks here you go with an extra pump just how you like it oh thank you when he brings you a fenty almond milk macchiato extra caramel ah my day has been so stressful no idea how badly i needed this i have an idea what are you doing okay [Music] even better you're breaking all of the rules anyways i just came here to bring you that i gotta get going wait you wouldn't happen to have you know anything a little bit harder than alcohol not with me but i do know where we can get some perfect i need something to hold me over while i watch this brat let's go whoa um um what do you mean harder than alcohol you want somebody knock you out or something or you talk about meth where are you going you can't just leave me here by myself and why not if something happens to me you know how much trouble you'll be in oh now the kid is concerned like wait where are you going i would have been like peace bye now i can play minecraft in peace ugh fine do you have a cell phone no give me your tablet why i said give it to me or you're not coming with us okay here now you want to bring your channel out so you can't record anything parents told me how sneaky you are oh come on i would have just i said one okay where are you taking the child on an adventure six-year-old me would have been thrilled there he is this kid ain't gonna snitch or are we even meeting you haven't come to your side of the car i don't want to talk to him why not you already know i have a criminal record oh no so a criminal is babysitting a child she couldn't even handle babysitting for five minutes before she's like okay we gotta go i think it's a good idea to bring the kid with her yeah are you looking for something yeah um this is so sketchy whatever this will get us that's the money my mom you keep quiet hey what's with the kid it's just someone i'm babysitting ignore him and you decided to bring him here that's savage that's that bro there you go oh we got the good what is that two multivitamin tablets did you just do what i think you just did you better not say anything are you kidding when my parents get home i'm singing like a condom and they're not gonna believe you unless you want to spend the rest of your childhood in boarding school you'll keep your mouth shut i mean she's making it seem so insane that if i was the parent i would not believe him babysitter she didn't take her shoes off her boyfriend came over she took me to buy illegal vitamins that's kind of funny can you make me something to eat i'm starving does she look like she know how to cook only knows popcorn in microwave and press popcorn button make it yourself i don't know how can i at least get my tablet back then no no leave me alone i'm watching a movie that's a movie with her yes mom and dad just wait so i tell them about who are you is this force oh you ordered pizza oh look at the pizza delivery how are you he got a pizza who do you think he is jesus i'll take that no i'm not here to deliver hey babe babe i missed it kristen's boyfriend look if you want some pizza no that's not for him that's for us she got her second mate the other guy was your boyfriend they're both my boyfriends chris gets me starbucks dave gets me food i get the best of both worlds she got her boyfriends in her phone breakfast lunch and dinner and they're okay with that yeah right no if either one of them found out about each other they would both dump me which is why you keep quiet at least let me get a slice of pizza oh my tablet back all right come on no oh my goodness it'll take one slice of pizza to keep him quiet just give him the pizza you told me two people gonna eat a whole pizza i mean yeah but oh she left her phone oh no it's the babysitter i hope everything's okay i'm just gonna take it hello mom elijah she's crazy she's walking around with her shoes on she has two different boyfriends and she even used the money you gave her by drugs elijah i'm not falling for any more of your tricks let me talk to him listen to me son you better behave because we're not playing around anymore no dad let me explain don't hang up hello this is why y'all can't be lying to your parents if they don't believe you when things like this actually happen that is a huge problem y'all gotta believe your kids oh who's calling now hello well you should probably get going babe his parents are gonna be back any minute ugh go away elijah okay but i just wanted to let you know that there's someone here to see you just fight i know what you're doing ew what are you what are you doing here what do you mean elijah said you wanted to see me babe who is that no one just give me one second what do you mean no one give me one second like you caught did some guy just call you babe what who's in there uh i was watching tv who are you oh my i'm her boyfriend who are you just friends down because i can i can explain all of this no more starvies or pizza hook up uh imagine if they were brothers there's nothing to explain you're both her boyfriends well that's not true touch me it's not a joke she said she's just you for starbucks and you to bring her food got em allah took was a slice of pizza you're not only cheating on me but you're also using me ah i thought you said you'd love me i'm out of here have a good life kristen right behind me brother this relationship is over can we can we like talk about this you guys guys not this child actually doing the fortnite dance the ultimate sign of disrespect you know if only you took your shoes off maybe this wouldn't have happened you did you use my phone to call chris and tell him to come over if only this idiot put a passcode on her phone when i might've oh you just wait until your parents come home in fact no i'm calling them right now okay hope you're going to tell them yet guys over and over jokes with their money like they would believe anything you had to say they already know you're a little liar i'll just tell them you made the whole thing up and they'll ship you off to boarding school where you belong okay sounds like they're already here you're doomed oh what does he have up oh now she's going to take the shoes off mr and mrs milner i'm glad you're back hey kristen how was everything i hope he wasn't too bad this poor kid didn't even do nothing what is so bad that he does the ipad basically babysits him i wanted to call you several times this evening but i didn't want to ruin your night out so elijah hey oh my gosh what's wrong what did you do that's a good question well first he stole the food money fascinating and then he tried to hit me and then bad on me elijah is that true i would have taken this opportunity to do it again you're going straight to boarding school in the morning young man oh because that's how it works he was recording this this whole time wasn't he i think he's lost it i know this devious child that was good real good and you almost got away with it except you didn't think about one thing what are you talking about are you about your match you see i am so sorry kristen took my tablet so i couldn't record anything that happened but what she forgot to take was my watch i was recording you the entire time what elijah it's not appropriate it's not nice to record people without their permission i mean when someone's gonna act up you probably should also this kid got an ipad and an apple watch why does a child this young have an apple watch but it's a good thing i did because here take a listen hope you're gonna tell them yet guys and that you bought jokes with their money like they would believe anything you had to say they already know you're a little liar i'll just tell them you made the whole thing up and they'll ship you off to boarding school where you belong you used our money to buy drugs and you had boys come over to the house look at the time i should probably be going oh and you know that whole thing about my fee consider it on the house don't even worry about it oh no you're not going anywhere we got a complaint that someone will be carrying illegal substances on them uh no they are actually vitamins i don't know what you're talking about so i'm just look inside her purse you'll find everything you need in there do y'all got a warrant where's the warrant you're coming with me ma'am you're going to jail what no i'm a good babysitter no you're not why are you even gonna babysit if you don't even like children in the first place that's what blows my mind so sorry about that honey i'm so sorry we didn't believe you son oh it's okay like can we please get something to eat i'm starving you know it's hard work exposing my babysitter and getting her arrested well alrighty then but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button the face and subscribe to jermaine's channel in the description below and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe during the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,000,102
Rating: 4.9192333 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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