KICC Global Bible Study | Tongues of Fire | 22-09-2021

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to your people people and rise like a mighty warrior arise like a mighty warrior mighty and battle conquering loyal let's falls to your people [Music] [Music] is like a mighty warrior like a mighty people [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] like a mighty warrior i rise like a mighty warrior i'm running like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] let god arise and his enemies be scattered arise or go like a mighty warrior i rise like a mighty warrior silence in the enemy giving [Music] and victory like a mighty warrior arise like a mighty warrior mighty and battle conquering loyal falls is [Music] [Music] is [Music] like a mighty warrior oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] let god arise and his enemies be scattered arise oh god like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] like a mighty [Music] blessing to your people [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior like a mighty warrior [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is warrior i rise like a mighty warrior i'm rising like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] let god arise and his enemies [Music] arise like a mighty warrior [Music] giving victory [Music] love blessing to your people [Music] [Music] hungry like a mighty warrior [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like a is warrior i'm running like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] let god arise and his enemies arise like a mighty [Music] the warrior giving victory to your people [Music] blessing to your people [Music] [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] let god arise and his enemies be scattered arise oh god like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] conquering blessing to your people [Music] [Music] oh blessing to your people like a mighty warrior arise like a mighty wanderer is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] like a mighty warrior i rise like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] let god arise and his enemies be scattered arise oh god like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] conquering loyal giving the blessing to your people [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior people [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] someone [Music] much more than i deserve my eyes [Music] as we said [Music] things are [Music] you took away the chase yes [Music] oh [Music] oh 100 [Music] [Music] he does great things [Music] i just can't hold back my praises [Music] [Music] is holy oh that's who you are he's a miracle [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh lord welcome welcome welcome to tonight's bible study trust in the lord that you will be so blessed you'll be highly favored welcome to our season of studying on life in the spirit life in the spirit i am trusting the lord that your life will be so enriched we started last week wednesday when we looked at the liquid fire of tongues today we continue in that room and well first of all he of whom we want to study the holy spirit let us welcome his presence spirit of the living god fall fresh upon us let your presence renew let your presence touch let your presence minister let your presence open our eyes speak to us and through us let your name be glorified we praise you we honor you we thank you for all things in jesus name amen amen amen amen from wherever you have joined us around the world like to welcome you like to celebrate you trust in the lord that you will be blessed you'll be highly favored and your life will never be the same the whole of our christian life is supposed to be engaged with the holy spirit because he is the executive of the godhead god the father the son and the holy spirit he is here to show the father to us to reveal jesus to us when we call jesus into our heart it is his spirit the spirit of jesus that comes to live in our spirit so when we miss out on the importance of the holy spirit we'll miss out on the importance of a member of the trinity and please you need to correct in your mind that thought that he is the lesser of the three they are co equal co eternal and coexistent if that needs to be cleared to you stay with me all through the month of october why i believe and we're gonna do the trinity i tell you it's gonna so bless you welcome all of you from the four corners of the earth because of the brevity of time today i like to just start let us first of all review some of the things we shared last week and there were about three or four points i didn't touch when it comes to speaking in tongues the speaking with dogs is so pivotal to your christian life it brings life fire grace to the whole of your walk in the spirit and your relationship with the holy spirit tongues is the access password to the realm of the spirit because there is a natural realm and there's a realm of the spirit and when you get born again god expects you and wants you to operate in that realm no native tongue can reach where speaking in tongues will reach because the bible says the person who speaks in an unknown tongue is not even talking to man he's talking to god the language of man will fail in the realms of praise blessing adoration and thanksgiving because all languages in the world have their shortcomings so they borrow from each other there is no way i can make several sentences tonight without finding in the words that i speak in english language words that were borrowed from around the world from india can you believe it the english language were around india so when you say bungalow the referendum that's what the indians call it several words [Music] in english come from various right even when we say god god is good originally from the anglo-saxon and the germanic language or for those who are french who are on the platform today your name for god and those who are spanish and those who are portuguese your name for god comes originally from the vikings who worshipped dear deus the god the father of the gods and then and then they transferred it to french and cedios and and the same thing for all latinic language those do deus dios from teos so that language of the holy spirit that speaks through you is the most powerful gift it is the introductory gift that opens the way for the spirit for the gifts of the spirit when you begin to pray the language of the holy spirit your spirit becomes enabled to work with the holy spirit to live with the holy spirit jesus commanded us to be open to this bundle of blessing in acts chapter 1 verse 4. so tongues are the greatest gift of god to the church it enables us to walk in the spirit when you pray in tongues galatians 5 22-24 romans 8 14 it shuts out the realm of the flesh and opens you to the realm of the spirit and the fruit of the spirit you can pray a mess but if you begin to pray in the language of the israel you don't even know what you're praying so it helps your spirit to pray romans 8 26 27 tongues is the weapon of the believer tongues when you pray in the language of the illness it helps to renew your mind and renew your spirit the speaking of tongues is the agent of the illusory for the transformation of the believer we don't want to go through everything we shared last week but just let me add a few more you see uh we need to pray in the language of your spirit regularly because that's the way to build our spirit man jude verse 20. and you building up yourself upon your most holy faith by praying in the holy spirit and also when we're praying the language of the holy spirit it makes the power of god to manifest acts 10 38 how god anointed jesus christ of nazareth with holy ghost and power who went about doing good did you see after the anointing with the holy spirit he went about doing good and healing those who were oppressed of the devil for god was with him the holy spirit gives you a dynamic power a dynamic power is downloaded as a download when we begin to pray the language of the holy spirit well begin to pray the language of the holy spirit again accessing to the supernatural realm into the supernatural realm it comes through the laying on of hands and it can also come as you are praying i prayed with people last week and this week today i'm going to pray for you to receive his presence and his power now believe god that somebody while you're worshiping or praising god libero the holy spirit will take over your vocal cords and you speak i cannot forget the day i received the baptism of the holy spirit it was 1974 my first year in bible school we had an online prayer meeting in the bible school and uh that asked some of our students in the bibles who have not received the baptism of deals through the evidence of speaking in tongues to come forward we went forward he prayed for us some people straight away bam began to bring dogs i just didn't i don't know what happened but as soon as i got back to my seat the river began to flow speaking in tongues is the evidence of being baptized with the holy spirit why do we always say that because in the book of acts we see instances when people receive the baptism of the holy spirit and out of five times four times the gift that followed was the speaking with tongues acts chapter 2 acts chapter 8 acts chapter 10. and those ones are the most familiar ones in chapter two the whole body of christ in chapter 10 in the house of cornelius in chapter 18 paul praying for a group of believers and then we know that the corinthians received the baptism of the holy spirit because paul taught about it the speaking with drugs enhances and deepens your prayer life i love romans 8 26 says likewise the spirit helps our weakness for we know not how to pray as we ought to but the holy spirit with groanings which cannot be uttered praise through us it enhances our prayer life jude verse 26 and you building up yourself upon your most holy faith by praying in the holy ghost speaking on tongues is a sign for the unsaved to know that the power of god is at work in your life speaking in tongues helps to build our spirit man spirit can in tongues also helps to increase our faith for the miraculous and you building up yourself upon your most holy faith so when you build your faith and you are confronted with challenges your faith just believes that the hand of god will be stretched there are times when i have had to pray for the sick all manners of sickness i have had no doubt that god will work i have had no doubt i remember one evening service in prayer city two people coming out that their legs are shorter prayed for them and right before my eye i saw the legs grow one was a white gentleman one was it's an osha so speaking with tongues helps to build your spirit man it also helps to it helps you to pray in line with the will of god romans 8 26 says we do not know how to pray as we ought to but the holy spirit with groanings which cannot be altered then speaking in tongues helps to refresh renew revive and rest your mind our glory to god one of the greatest things god wants you to have is rest of mind speaking in tongues helps this to happen when you pray in the language of the holy spirit there is a resting there is a resting of the mind there is a resting of the mind and i pray today that the holy spirit will minister to you in a very special way and you will experience that rest that comes by reason of access to the work of the holy spirit that you will experience the power of god in the name of jesus speaking in tongues also helps you to declare the deep and mysterious things of god it seems very easy for you for your brain to just say pray for protection pray for provision pray for this pain that you have in your arm but those are surface level compared to your destiny to major matters of your life there are major matters like you have daughters who need to get married you have sons you need to get married or you need to get married yourself you have people who need to have clear direction in life or you need to have clear direction in life so the bible says first corinthians 2 verse 9 and 10 i had not seen ear had not heard hasn't come to the understanding of man what god still has in store so when we pray in the language of the holy spirit it begins to reveal the things of god to us one of the songs we used to sing a long time ago says more more about jesus more of his fullness will i know uh more of his saving fullness see more of his love who died for me and what stands that there says he shows us the thing showing the things of christ to us so that all this will show the things of christ to us speaking in tongues also gives you direct access to god no middle man no one between you and and god it helps you to be able to pray with your mind on god and on his purpose for your life speaking in tongues then helps you to cut off human understanding we all have an analytical mind our mind sometimes wants to analyze the need we have the issues we face but when you pray in the language of the holy spirit you can't begin to analyze if for example i began to pray for someone common miracles my head is saying oh what i know of this issue it might not go this way but when you begin to pray in tongues you cut off your human understanding jude verse 26 praying in the holy ghost first corinthians 14 4 says he who prays in tongues edifies himself you're building your spirit the word edify their o eco domain means a built-up building that is well-rounded in the building domain it's a round building oiko is a house a rounded and well-built house praying in tongues makes your spirit man to be well-rounded and well-built romans 8 26 also shows us he said we don't know how to pray as we ought to so when you pray the language of the holy ghost you cut off your own human understanding and you focus on god of course there are times when you pray in tongues with your mind focus on a matter that's okay but even with that if i for example want to pray for one of my sons if he tells me oh i'm going for an interview for a business my mind might begin to think of what the business is like but when i pray in tongues the holy spirit who knows all things may see the one who wants to hinder him who wants to block him and take care of them praise god speaking in tongues is also a language of thanksgiving and worship that is why we didn't reach last week you can worship in the language of the holy spirit you can sing in tongues you can just get into singing about [Music] you just worship the bible says in ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 and 19 and be not drunk with wine where in his exit will be filled with the spirit speaking to yourselves and psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the lord so you can sing in tongues glory to god speaking in tongues also helps you not only to worship in the language of the holy spirit you'll be for example first corinthians 14 15 says what is the conclusion then i will pray with the spirit i will also pray with understanding i will sing with the spirit and i will also sing with understanding so there is a time i am singing with my understanding i bless you lord i glorify you i magnify your name i could shift from that to just shifting the spirit i don't know what i'm saying but i'm worshiping god in the language of the holy spirit that is deep that is heavenly glory to god speaking in tongues helps you to shut yourself away from the carnal and the worldly the greatest challenge of the believer is his own temple this house in which i live this temple is flesh there is a part of it that wants to draw me away from god and if i'm carnally minded i'm in danger but when i allow the holy spirit he begins to reveal the things of god to me and first john 2 15 says do not love the world or the things in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him praise god praise the lord so when you begin to allow the holy spirit to pray through you the flesh begins to die and the love of the father increases it is so major that we learn the power of releasing ourselves to the holy spirit and to pray in the language of the holy spirit then praying in the language of the holy spirit helps you to to understand the possibility of praying in the spirit so to respect and obey the command not to cease in prayer there's no way to do it other than in tongues you know in first thessalonians 5 17 it says pray without season how do you do it you are at work one of the ways you can pray without season and you're at work is not to disturb other workers or make them call you a religious nut but while you are working you are busy doing what you are doing inside your spirit you are praying and if they are not if they are far from you yeah you are muttering because the bible says to meditate the hebrew word for meditate in the spirit you're praying in the spirit you'll have you have a meeting in 30 minutes time with the boss and as you are praying the holy spirit is revealing things to you is teaching you how to answer how to talk so praying in tongues helps you to pray without season to pray without season speaking in tongues also helps you to rise above doubt [Music] and to rise to the place of the deeper things of god you rise above doubt the human mind was made to be analytical it analyzes particularly as we grow into maturity we begin to lose our sensitivity to the spirit realm i am so convinced that children have a better sensitivity to the spirit realm that's why your child says he's seeing a demon under the table a two-three-year-old you know see there's nothing there it's your own analytical mind a child still lives in the dimension where he probably saw something so you need to comfort the mind of that child by praying against whatever is under that table but then for you as a believer you must learn how to pray the deeper things of god how to pray above doubt by praying in tongues you know in mark 11 23 24 jesus said for assuredly i said to you whosoever shall say to the mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and does not doubt what he says he shall have what he says there are times your analytical mind is just doubtful but when you begin to pray in the language of the holy ghost you just move out of the realm of doubt you begin to speak the mind of god ladies you reach a place where because your brain and the spirit you're not doubting but you know that something is happening you are really hitting the point and you are touching the mind of god the last reason the last reason for speaking in tongues i'm going to give you is that the believers walk cry speaking in tongues you see the same praying in tongues that you muttered that you see it can be prayed loudly in the congregation or it can become warfare prayer can become your war cry it says although we walk in the flesh we do not belong in the flesh but the weapons of our warfare are not natural but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds and one of those kind of strongholds one of those kind of weapons you have for pulling strongholds down is speaking with tongues is the speaking with tongues it is the speaking with tongues glory to god makaya talisha and as you begin to pray the language of the holy ghost and the power of the holy ghost there is a shift there is a shift in the spirit realm there is a shift there is a shift there is a shift that makes something to happen for you there is a shift so you pray warfare prayer in tongues in tongues and i said last week wednesday sometimes if you can find a place to lock yourself up to one eye non-stop tongues just tongues just tongues just tongues depending on the battle the situation the challenge you must learn how to connect with the power of the holy spirit how do i receive the baptism of your spirit there has to be a thirst a thirst in your heart for it john chapter 7 verse 37 38 on that last day that great day of the feast jesus stood and cried out saying if anyone thirst let him come to me he who believes in me as a scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of living water so you show your thirst and you pray for the baptism of the holy spirit you begin to sing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and you just received the gift because it's a gift you don't beg for a gift glory to god glory to god and i pray for you that you truly experience the baptism of the holy spirit and you will walk in the power of the holy spirit in the name of jesus well last week and with this review was the liquid fire of tongues but then let's connect with that liquid fire let us in our understanding of life in the spirit let us look at the spirit with the liquid fire the spirit with the liquid fire ladies and gentlemen it is important it is important it is important that you be hungry for the person power and presence of the holy spirit it is important that you be hungry for the person power and presence of the holy spirit very major very major very major very major because he is the chief executive of the godhead here now to execute the mind of the father to make you walk with him to guide you jesus said when he has come he'll guide you into all truth because you'll be here and today the level of error out there the level of error is is is scary dependent on the society there are society when the name of the in the name of prophets and prophecy there are all manners of drama going on there's another society where in the name of sexism you now have all kinds of people also demanding the church to wedded them to ordain them the lord part of the lutheran church in the united states have just ordained a man as their arch bishop who said he's binary he's both male and female and by saying he's both male and female he intends to sleep with both jesus man somebody has said this is not christianity it's a new religion when the arch bishop himself it's not just advocating same-sex relationship is now saying he himself is binary one time he was male then he became female and then later i said no look i'm binary because i have both feelings holy jesus we need a spirit with liquid fire proverbs 25 2 says it is the glory of god to conceal a matter to hide something it is the glory of kings to find it out spirit of the living god so open our eyes that we will understand you we will walk with you we will follow you we will understand your work and we will understand your voice your guidance we will know your voice clearly in the world of many voices in the name of jesus god allows us to understand the mysteries of the kingdom as we open ourselves to the holy spirit that's why we need him he helps us to understand the mysteries of the kingdom remember jesus spoke a lot of parables to his apostles he was trying to unravel the mysteries of the kingdom but the level of their experience of the spirit was more like old testament until the day of pentecost before the day of pentecost they only had the holy spirit visit them and go away after the day of pentecost he came to stay with us in matthew 13 verse 11 11-13 he says he answered and said to them because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it has not been given for whoever has to him more will be given and he will have abundance but whoever does not have even what he has will be taken from him therefore i speak to him in parables to them in parables because seeing they do not see and hearing they do not hear nor do they understand so the holy spirit we need to understand this this this third person of the trinity listen he is not an it he is not an energy like the light that lights in my studio you know the jehovah's witness make him to look like an energy he's a personality personality does not speak and he spoke it says separate me from barnabas and so for the welcome to the which i have called them and then paul wrote is that a spirit speaketh expressly that in the last days men will be lovers of flesh and themselves more than god so he speaks he guides jesus said when he comes he will guide you he's a spirit because you can offend him the bible says you can grieve the spirit you can't grieve an energy rather i will grieve you so the holy spirit is described as said certain emblems those things are not the spirit but they are the picture of the spirit the wind is used to describe him but he is not a wind but in other words for in order for us to capture who he is just as the wind comes that's how he comes he is described as fire fire is not the spirit but he is liquid fire just as you feel the effect of fire you feel the effect of the holy spirit oil is used the oil itself is not the spirit but just like what oil does that's what he does what does oil do oil lubricates oil oil renews oil makes things work oil renews refreshes oil is for anointing the holy spirit also is described as light light determines direction dispels danger discovers your way glory to god he's also described as the dove but he's not a bird it's not just some some birds somewhere and never be fooled by somebody who makes it look like a dove is the holy spirit those are symbols of the holy spirit he's also had been described as a cloud the cloud that rested upon the children of israel or a glory cloud coming into a place now those are symbolisms but the cloud itself is not the holy spirit or the seal in the old testament they had a habit of using the seal to seal a thing he is also the seal with which we have been sealed onto the day of redemption then water has been used jesus used water in three chapters to describe the holy spirit john chapter three uh being born of spiritual water and spirit john chapter three verse five john chapter 4 the well of life but then by john chapter 7 the river in john chapter 4 it was a well in chapter 7 it became a river here's the water that quenches our thrust but it's not just ordinary h20 wine is used to describe the holy spirit but it's not enough it's just a symbolism a type and a shadow just as wine intoxicates just as wine makes people act out of character the bible shall be filled with and be not drunk with wine ephesians 5 18 where in his accent but verse 19 but be filled with the spirit oh glory he is the liquid fire of god oh i pray he will taught you where you are today the unction of god will hit you where you are today he burns every dross of sin and today this evening i want to show you him in some of the books of the bible and i know we're not going to finish i'll pick it up where we stop next wednesday in genesis he is the spirit of creation i added it up genesis 1 2 says the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep then the spirit began to hover over the faces of the water where the holy spirit is not everything will be without form where the holy spirit is not there'll be a void a lack an emptiness where the holy spirit is not darkness will cover the face of everything in genesis he is the spirit of creation and the spirit brooded upon everything he brings new beginnings so there was lack of form there was disorder there was a void and emptiness you know when people hit the road to take alcohol they are looking for something and it never delivers you know when you want to buy a certain car you've never bought it probably shows on your list of what you're trusting god for you know i remember for a long time a particular car showed up on my list so as i'm approaching my 70th i ordered the car it finally arrived from the us to my home in africa do you know that when the car came and they published it for four days i had not entered the car this car had been on my list for three or four years i know some of you want to know what kind of car is that just keep guessing just keep guessing maybe one day you might just see it maybe on wealth master class i might just show off for four days the car was just there in front as parking spot i had no i built my parking lot to be able to accommodate it it now came four days i had not even entered it it was just there it was not your four days but you see the holy spirit is the one that really quenches your thirst if i say the earth was without form everything was shapeless and disorderly where there is no holy spirit you cannot tell what level of riot and lack of control could happen how void and empty people can be and how what level of degradation can come to their life this is animals void [Laughter] it means in effect that when the holy spirit is not present in a place the life is not only empty it can be totally meaningless it can be totally so shapeless and without direction but when the holy spirit comes into a place it brings order where there is disorder and it brings form where there is lack of form i want to read it in genesis 1 1 in another translation the message translation first this god created the heavens and the earth all you see and and you don't see that was a soup of nothingness a bottomless emptiness an inky blackness the god spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss a blackness like ink a bottomless emptiness that one could not see the end a soup of nothingness but when the holy spirit comes he brings order where there is no order he brings life where there is no life so in genesis he brings new beginning in genesis also he is a name changer genesis 17 verse 5 he changed the name of abraham abram to abraham i pray for you today by the presence and power of the spirit of new creation that he will recreate your life recreate your dream recreate your vision recreate your destiny recreate your purpose he is also the spirit of the dreamer kaita in rosa you know when we read about joseph dreaming and also being able to interpret dreams it's the holy spirit it's the holy spirit working through joseph i pray for somebody right now some of you have the gift of dreams that the holy spirit will begin to open your eyes to realms of unusual dreams secrets of god to be revealed to you from tonight secrets of god to be revealed to you from tonight secrets of god to be revealed to you from tonight in genesis 41 verse 38 even pharaoh testified of the spirit of the dreamer that was on joseph and pharaoh said to his servants can we find such a one as this man a man in whom is the spirit of god lushka evil pharaoh this is the land of a thousand demonic gods where they worship ra where the worship bells the boob where they worshiped even pharaoh himself was regarded a god in in old egypt but when he met with the spirit of god and joseph he knew the spirit of a dreamer is on this man i pray for you today that the spirit of creation the spirit of new beginnings the spirit of the name changer the spirit that gives dreams will rest upon you this holy spirit will come upon you by power by fresh anointing some of you tonight when you sleep you will not sleep the sleep of death you would dream dreams and god will give you interpretation insight revelation direction in the name of jesus this holy spirit is also in exodus he's the fire of evangelism he's the fire of the evangelism outreach reaching out to lost souls touching people is the fire of evangelism to evangelize others to touch their life you see when you and i are trying to convince our friends and we're saying some nice things in english language uh we're trying to prove something to them they don't get it but when the power of god hits that person bow they bow to jesus in exodus 3 3 then moses said i will turn now aside and see the sight why the bush does not burn you see moses needed to be converted even though he was born a jew i was told he was jewish because in the days when his mother raised him until he was wind she must have drummed it into him that he was jewish but moses did not really have a connection with the god of the jews until this conversion he said i will turn and see i pray for you today that god will use you to turn your friends to christ by the anointing of the holy spirit as they come to you with needs and challenges and battles as you pray for them may god use you to bless may god use you to bless generations and draw them to christ and draw them to christ moses was very analytical he was an architect so everything has to make sense two plus two has to be four four plus four cannot be twenty it can only be eight so moses is walking past he sees fire burning and the bush is not consumed ah and moses was also a warrior he built the city of ramesses and had led armies on behalf of the pharaoh so nothing can scare him he turned and said how can the bush not burn his analytical mind at work but god was about to turn him by the power of the spirit may the anointing of god rest on you to turn your friends to christ in the name of jesus in exodus is also that precious oil that anoints that sets aside men and women to serve god exodus 30 verses 22 to 25 marova the lord spoke to moses saying also take for yourself quality spices 500 shekels of liquid myrrh half as much sweet smelling cinnamon 250 shekels 250 shekels of sweet smelling cane 500 shackles of casia according to the shackle of the sanctuary and the hen of olive oil and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil and an ointment compounded according to the art of the perfumer it shall be a holy anointing oil glory to god glory to god he is the precious oil from heaven that anoints for dignity for glory to destroy oaks the bible says and the yolk shall be destroyed the new kingdom says because of the anointing oil the kingdoms are because of the anointing the new king james variations is because of the anointing oil i pray for the oil of god to rest upon you to destroy yokes to do uncommon ministry to perform on common favors to walk in an uncommon dimension it's also the spirit of creation or creativity rather is the spirit of creativity he was the one who rested they came out as slaves they are about to move to canaan land along the journey god gives them the picture of the tabernacle the things to be inside the tabernacle to be intricately created these guys are raw road builders of buildings and builders of houses they only know knot to mix mud and uh and straw to make brick and god is showing them intricate basins altars made of brass and gold and seven candle stands and how do they create it he said don't worry my spirit will come upon somebody in their night season exodus 31 verse 1 to 6 then the lord spoke to moses saying see i have called by name bez ali the son of uri who remains light or uriah there's a little the son of light how may light shine in your mind today by the holy spirit the son of her of the tribe of judah and i have filled him with the spirit of god in wisdom in understanding these other things the holy spirit does in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship creativity oh i pray for everybody connected today some of you want to create apps some of you want to go into i.t some of you you want to have text start up some of you you want to you want to have some new businesses made the spirit of creativity creativity creativity creativity creativity rest upon you from today to design artistic work to work in gold and silver and bronze in cutting jewels for setting and carving wood and to work in all manner of workmanship wow and i indeed i have appointed with him a holy ab the son of ahi samaj of the tribe of dan and i have put wisdom in the heart of all the gifted artisans that they may make all that i have commanded you wow so the spirit the holy spirit is the spirit of creativity have you noticed my dear friend i don't know what is happening to the body of christ we have the teacher of creativity himself and yet we are the least creative our world is right now being run by just a handful of men only a hand full of men who are creative and they are running the world of commerce the world of business even you've been able to watch me in saudi arabia today in united arab emirates and the whole of the united states of america the whole of europe the whole of africa is somebody's creative skills christie has buried their head facebook does not belong to us amazon does not belong to us apple does not belong to us we are not the ones who are making the satellites in space that are making this broadcast possible because as i'm broadcasting the telephone company before it can get to you it first bounces to a satellite in space before a carrier in your country draws it down and sends it to you at the speed of light and uh you know we just became non-creative we just want to escape to heaven we want to escape to heaven by the holy spirit he is a spirit of creativity he is the spirit of insight i pray for somebody on this altar today today today you will step out of the regular box nikaya to you have the spirit of creativity a fresh oil to create a fresh oil for creation a fresh oil for creativity a fresh oil for creativity will rest upon you rest upon you rest upon you see oh thank you jesus somebody connected to this platform today a new anointing for creativity a new anointing for creativity creative ideas creative visions creative dreams will come upon you will come upon you will come upon you will come upon you you possess your possession in the book of leviticus he is the sovereign spirit sovereign means the one who rules the ones whose rulership is finer whose word is the final leviticus 9 24 and fire came out from before the lord and consumed the burnt offerings and the fat on the altar when all the people saw it they shouted and fell on their faces we need the spirit of the sovereign god to rest upon us the spirit that brings pure oil the spirit of sovereignty of our god to reign through us and by us lefticus 24 2 says command command the children of israel that they bring to you pure oil of pressed olives for the light to make the lamps burn continually to make the lamps burn continually to make the lamps burn continually i pray for you today may your lamb burn continually may the oil of god be upon your life may you truly carry the presence and power of the holy spirit that you will not become the believer who has since drawn back but 10 years in the lord 20 years and the lord you're still falling in love with him over and over again in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus he is in the book of numbers also there he is the spirit of impartation he is the spirit of impartation numbers 11 17 says then i will come down and talk with you there i will take off the spirit that is upon you i will put the same upon them and they shall bear the burden of the people with you that you may not bear it yourself alone god was talking to moses leading three million people mostly stopped every day and counseled and cancelled and counseled on cancer then his father-in-law told him this is not enough set up other elders to be doing some of the counseling they set up the council but then the people needed to carry the same kind of grace the same kind of anointing the same kind of ability that moses carried illegal tally zia then god said i will come down i will talk to you there i will take up what is upon you and place on them and they shall bear the burden of the people with you that you may not bear it yourself alone glory to god glory to god all glory to god all glory to god shalom i pray for you today that the spirit of impartation will come upon you and in numbers 14 verse 24 we see that he is a different spirit he can't be on you and you are you're not unique he cannot be on you and you are not peculiar he cannot be on you and you are not outstanding and numbers 14 20 was about my servant caleb because he has a different spirit in him and has followed me fully i will bring him to the land where he went i would bring into the land where he went and his descendants shall inherit it when the holy spirit comes upon you it makes you a different person caleb was just different him and joshua they had a different spirit they differed from the other 10 pastors who went with them to spike in and they carried the holy spirit all of them saw the same problem but came with different conclusions two directors went to i think it was china but also one director came back and said let's not go there they don't buy shoes many years ago i think it was china or somewhere let's not go there they don't buy shoes the second one came back and said let's go there they need shoes so one saw that they would not sell the other one saw that they would oversell both saw the same thing one concluded uh since they don't wear shoes they don't need shoes the second so since they don't wear shoes this is where the business is he had a different spirit he saw he saw victory he saw god when the holy spirit fills you where others see destruction you see life you see hope you see a way out you see meaning you see testimony the beauty of pastoring with the spirit of god is you see a person come in broken battered into all manners of a wayward life and god begins to transform them and one day they even became your apostles they became one of your ministers you see the transformation caleb had a different spirit in today's world of a libertarian society to this world of free-for-all i pray for you that you'll carry the spirit of god a different kind of spirit that you will live the life and the spirit he is unique and so is everyone who fellowships with him the holy spirit is very unique did you see the world was disorderly he brought order the world was void he filled it up where there was emptiness he made it full where there was darkness he brought light i pray for you today that by you light will shine in places change will come to the world difference will happen in numbers we'll also study to see that the same anointing that came on caleb came on his friend joshua number 27 verse 18 and the lord said to moses take joshua the son of nun with you a man in whom is the spirit and lay your hand on him and lay your hands on him and lay hands on you today that you'll be fooled with the spirit of his presence and you carry grace you carry power you carry the anointing you carry his presence like joshua i lay hands on you may the spirit rest on you may you be distinct different unique because of the presence of the holy spirit on these two guys caleb and joshua they were just unbeatable man even in their old age they were still dreaming when joshua was dividing the land caleb told him please don't give me easy land give me mountains for as my strength was in the days when moses sent us out it's still the same way this is an 85 year old man speaking man give me mountains when the spirit of god is upon you you dream dreams you see visions you prophesy you're not in the retired mood waiting for your ride to heaven swing glows which are yours coming forth to carry me home no your spirit is on fire you want to serve god you want to be the best that you can be praise god we're going to look at the book of deuteronomy and see the holy spirit and possibly finish it there tonight in deuteronomy is the spirit of fire by night and cloud by day fire by night and cloud by day higher to kazadili as they began their journey in the wilderness of life he showed up as the spirit he went with them as the pillar of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day deuteronomy 1 33 who went in the way before you to search out a place for you to pitch your tents to show you the way you should go in the fire by night and in the cloud by day so he's the spirit of guidance he's the spirit of protection he's the spirit that creates the right atmosphere around you one of the greatest things that can happen to you is to have the right atmosphere around you one of the things you also sense when you are around the wrong people is the demonic presence around them no matter how well dressed you sense a spirit that makes you disturbed uncomfortable and you want to move or you want to get out of the place when you carry his presence also when somebody carries the presence of god and you are near them you just sense it also you know this person is carrying the presence and the power of the holy spirit oh i pray for you today that the spirit of counsel the spirit of grace the spirit of power will rest on your life he will guide you in the journey of life the wilderness was a terrible experience why he guided them may he guide you this wilderness was also a place where the wilderness and deserts are strange places i've lived in the northern part of my country and it's similar because the northern part of nigeria is getting close to the desert areas like nigeria republican after niger is libya libya is close to the sahara in those places in northern nigeria during the uh hammertown the months of december january february in the daytime it is hot in the night it is very cold in the desert that's how it is daytime very hot nighttime very cold because the heat has no place to absorb it and give you back some heat there's none so it's like two extremes but the holy spirit decided to show up you need heating in the night i am the pillar of fire you need air conditioning the right titles where during the daytime i am the pillow i am the pillow of clouds i am the cloud by thee i pray for the right atmosphere the presence of god to surround you in these days to surround your life may the spirit of guidance and counseling and the spirit of leadership and direction be with you and never leave you let me close with one more thing in deuteronomy in deuteronomy 33 24 we see him as the oil of prosperity yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we see him as the oil of prosperity deuteronomy 33 24 and of usher he said asha is the most blessed of sons let him be favored by his brothers let him dip his foot in oil in bible times when visitors came to your house you washed their feet or you did it according to your wealth if you're a plumber you used water if you are wealthy you showed your wealth by washing my feet with oil asha it was said would be the most blessed of sons and he'll be favored by his brothers and he would dip his feet in oil remember again oil is symbolic of the holy spirit ayane kodiya bruno ledesha everyone will have participated at tonight's bible study may you dip your feet in the oil of the holy spirit may your feet be ordered may your steps be ordered may you be guided to the place of prosperity the place of favor the place of direction may your steps be the steps of the righteous man that goes to only the places that will bring you uncommon testimony on common blessing on common grace the presence power of the holy spirit fill you up with the omnipotent power of god rest upon you tonight someone in their home today i pray for you that your eyes will be opened your ears will be open direction will be your portion the spirit of cancer will rest so strongly upon you the spirit of power will rest powerfully upon you you will not miss your way you will not be misled your life will be beautiful your life will be a testimony to the glory of god's name your life will be awesomely blessed you'll touch the world you'll touch your world you'll bless your world you impact your world so shall it be so shall it be so shall it be so shall it be so shall it be in jesus name amen i'm sure you were blessed by tonight's bible study for sure the life of jesus christ shines in you from today we must stay connected with the holy spirit with his power in our life with what he's said to do in our life praise god praise god praise god praise god well tomorrow morning we're gonna have a great time in the presence of the lord in uh morning glo as we continue so wednesday is live in the spirit mining glow right now is the days of miracle the days of miracle ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah please take this we have days of miracle 90 days of the covenant of testimonies every day i am working in supernatural superlative testimonies supernatural superlative testimonies hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i'm walking in supernatural superlative testimonies hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god and i pray you experience the same in the name of jesus also let me challenge you the saturday webinar of the wealth master class is going to be one awesome one everything is collapsing into social media and digital advertising if you advertise in newspaper it will cost you thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of pounds and only a handful of people may see the advert you do the same on tv unless you have the money to advertise during football fav called final your advert on tv is almost nothing but put some money behind your advert on social media you get thousands to see and there's a way to do it i'm going to show you ah it's going to be one some saturday if you've never never been on wealth masterclass listen your mindset is holding you you it's either that you have a fixed mindset or you have a mindset that is ready to change to receive all that god has for you you've got to learn how to change your mind to receive all that god has for you there too many people are operating by a fixed mindset and there are those who are operating by a growth mindset you need to have a growth mindset not a fixed mindset and uh no one can bring you into wealth if you are not ready to stretch your mind can you believe today about four books today i'm so hungry i want to know more i want to stretch my mind i want to be the best that i can be in every sphere four books today four books about today so may i challenge you my dear friend now you stretch your mind you're growing the grace of god journals are the wealth master class if you are a young person within the age of 20 to 35 and you felt okay i want to be part of the wealth academy that one doesn't cost as much as the world pastor class although you get only 90 minutes of teaching every month but the 90 minutes a can change your life you can make your money in your 30s and enjoy it in your 40s would teach you the things your parents never knew there are things that i am now teaching that are now new in my 60s in my 50s and 60s at which i knew that i wish i knew them in my 20s and 30s glory to god so make sure you join us like to encourage you also about all the morning clothes make sure you stay connected the lord bless you the lord keep you make his face shine on you give you peace bless you at all times lift you up make you the head another tale learn to always sow seed learn to always serve the lord with that which has provided for you never hold back what god has provided for you be a worshiper with that which god have put in your life be a worshiper be a seed sower break the yoke break the limitation the enemy wants to put on you and experience the blessings of god so you will be above all the time and you will be never wanted in jesus name the lord bless you and keep you in jesus name god bless you richly deuteronomists your sibendi god bless you uh pray for you okay god bless you good night calling all winning women you are invited to recharge with pastor yemesioshimolo at the winning women convention 2021 featuring guest speakers reverend marissa farrow reverend polo achidame pastor madeleine pottayimbo and pastor modestine castano recharge at the winning women convention 2021 friday the 19th through sunday the 21st of november save the date igoc 2021 his extraordinary works we don't find our source in anything else but the holy spirit and when you connect with the holy spirit he will walk with you he will talk to you he will lead you whenever you determine to rise up there are always individuals that will criticize the fact that you are picking up your bed the tendency then is to take revelation knowledge that has been given as to who you are that you don't have to be on a bed looking back is one vantage point looking at is a different vantage point and when you look at you look at for strategy there is a place where god speaks prophetically into our lives and we believe in what he says he's going to do there's a place for that and there is a place for where god puts an idea in our hearts and we go out and do something for it i went through it but i'm still carrying i i went through it but i didn't abort the process i went through it but i refused to let the enemy have the victory order copies of these life-transforming messages order now in mp3 and mp4 cd and dvd for more information visit or call o2085250 [Music] victory to your peoples people and rise like a mighty warrior a rise like a mighty warrior mighty and battle conquering loyal [Music] oh [Music] is like a mighty [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 4,021
Rating: 4.9775281 out of 5
Id: Ech6FDEyaS8
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Length: 105min 10sec (6310 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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