KICC 6pm Service | 19-09-2021

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[Music] i'm [Music] [Music] giving the blessing to your people [Music] [Music] is [Music] like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior like a mighty warrior [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior [Music] foreign [Music] jesus [Music] me is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] me [Music] is [Music] we call me [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] um [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] i will go your viewing tonight we're going to pray in the language of the holy spirit we want to experience this power in our midst tonight like never before le cambro si te le casa those who are in the actual service begin to pray in the language of the holy spirit so in jesus name people of god the scripture makes us to understand in john 8 verse 12. i use that then i use that to pray once more jesus addressed the crowd he said i am the light of the world he who follow me will not walk in the darkness but we'll have the light of life you're going to pray we've gathered here together tonight once more as jesus addressed the crowd we are here to be addressed by the man of god whatever the challenges that have come with you tonight those watching on different platforms whatever issues of life i want you to believe as a servant of god come to this place tonight to share the word of god if we come with the word of life light and life in the mighty name of jesus begin to pray tonight that whatever appeared to be darkness as the sun as his servant come tonight to address the people around the world those who are watching that god will truly intervene you begin to walk in light not in darkness whatever to her that appear not to be glaring to you from tonight you begin to receive the power of god begin to pray tonight for your beginning to pray tonight for everyone watching on the platform that they will receive light through the word of god they will receive illumination the world will come with authority and power to heal to deliver and to set free begin to pray tonight lay compro so tolerable shut up shut up in jesus name you're going to pray for yourself that whatever appears to be darkness as a word come tonight every darkness will be dispelled the holy spirit the great comforter we comfort you we remove darkness from your spirit listen we need the illumination of the word of god the light of the word of god the light of god begin to pray for yourself where you are about to make decision this week this month for the rest of the year you will receive the light of the world as jesus came to address the crowd is to inform them and told them i am the light of the world he who followed me will not walk in darkness that you will not walk in darkness as a church will not work in darkness kicc will not work in darkness we will walk in the light of the world in the mighty name of jesus begin to pray tonight [Music] in jesus name let me quickly the next verse says then the pharisees told him they have the god to our dread to to actually end our lord jesus christ they told them my testimony is valid from jesus from god so you're going to pray anything that i want to challenge your testimony bring them under the blood of jesus begin to pray tonight makashi tell a bubble shut up ambrosi tell the bible shut up he can bro so tolerable release the power of god in this place release his presence his authority back or she teleports up in jesus name everlasting father king of glory we thank you we committed service into your hand holy spirit do what you love to do best in our midst move deliver and set free let someone go home rejoicing leaping and give your praise because they will not work in darkness we commit your son into your hand use him like never before father we thank you in jesus name we pray praise the lord give him praise give him glory church oh come on put those hands together tonight let's magnify the king of kings the lord of lords come on people of god let's magnify him tonight put your hands together [Music] [Music] lord we praise your [Music] lord we praise you yes we praise your name holy hell lifting up we praise your name [Music] oh lord we praise you [Music] lord we praise you say thank you for all you've done [Music] lord we praise you [Music] lord we praise you is [Music] [Music] lord [Music] praise i praise you lord i am [Music] [Music] [Music] holy [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we pray we praise you we pray [Music] one more time come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus jesus is [Music] [Music] [Music] hey is [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is hello everybody jesus [Music] oh come on lift your hands tonight lift your hands tonight lift your voice tonight begin to mock divine begin to suck in your own words begin to magnify tell him how awesome our awesomeness tell him how glorious he is tell him how almighty is oh oh oh oh we magnify you jesus we give you praise we give you praise for your awesomeness jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] this is my desire to [Music] i worship you [Music] and all i have within me i keep you praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey oh foreign [Applause] [Music] soul [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh foreign away foreign me [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] lift your heart lift your hands forgive me [Music] foreign we were [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to kicc the home of champions here are this week's announcements are you new to kicc have you just accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior or is this your first time attending an actual or online service if so we'd love to give you a special kicc welcome please go to dot uk forward slash contact and complete the relevant form we definitely look [Music] welcome to kicc the home of champions here are this week's announcements are you new to kicc have you just accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior or is this your first time attending an actual or online service if so we'd love to give you a special kicc welcome please go to dot ek forward slash contact and complete the relevant form we definitely look forward to hearing from you calling all university students join our new monthly fellowship campus fire via zoom each month will be a time of bible study fellowship and fun our next meeting is on saturday the 25th of september 2021 via zoom and it's from 1pm to 2 30pm if you're interested in attending the sessions please send an email to campusfire morningglow 90 days covenant of testimonies continues every monday to friday at 6 00 am with pastor matthew tell your family and friends to join this one hour of god's unmissable covenant power as there will be a harvesting of strange testimonies join us now until friday the 31st of december 2021 streaming live on all kicc platforms have you been journaling your daily testimonies if so let the world know what god is doing in your life share your testimony via email to kiccctv at uk or send a text message via whatsapp on 0743079 kingsway bible institute kvi virtual classes kbi has exciting opportunities to become a member or a steward in kicc from the comfort of your own home join the one hour virtual lesson for baptism membership and stewardship every wednesday at 6 00 pm if you're interested in this opportunity send an email to kbi uk and an introductory questionnaire will be sent to you please fill it in and return it please kindly note the minimum age for the baptism class is 10 years old kicc global bible study joined the kicc global bible study and enrich your faith as pastor matthew teaches us and goes deeper into god's word every wednesday at 7 pm caring heart fellowship chf members meet virtually to learn and grow through studying specific life relevant teachings supported by god's word join a group every friday at 7 pm to 8 pm there is a lot of argument about what christians believe and you need to know what you believe join pastor matthew ashimolowo as he teaches on why i believe every sunday throughout october this series will bless you establish strengthen and give you greater confidence in your faith invite your family and friends especially those who do not believe because it will show them that jesus is alive and at work today [Music] the world is constantly changing how can the christian remain relevant and grounded in the truth the king's college of excellence offers you a virtual bible school with a difference harnessing the experience and knowledge of its global faculty of teachers including kce founder pastor matthew chimolo students from every walk of life those called to ministry running businesses and employed in the marketplace are empowered with timeless teaching tools and strategies that equip them to make a lasting godly impact on their generation our cutting-edge curriculum includes teachings on the principles of faith new creation realities christian ethics in life and ministry personal development and spiritual life coaching family life and ministry and much more enrich your christian life and join a global body of students at the kings college of excellence virtual bible school for details and to register for the virtual opening evening visit [Music] be part of the great commission and help win souls to christ reach out and touch someone's life by being a blessing and sowing a seed or attending please note when sowing a seed please use the reference mission seed for more information on attending please send an email to admin dot uk the thanksgiving and child dedication service is held every last sunday of the month at kicc prayer city and kicc the land of wonders during the 11am service if you're dedicating your child please contact the kicc church office a form will be sent to you for completion and please return the form no later than one week before the date of the dedication september's dedication date is sunday the 26th of september for more information about kicc or any of these announcements call 0208 525 000 email events at dot uk visit kicc dot uk don't forget to follow kicc on all social media platforms including facebook twitter instagram and youtube well that's all from me with this week's announcements have a great week ahead and enjoy the rest of the service [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus the man you loved has come to worship you the manual love has come to worship you [Music] say your savior save [Music] you saved has come to worship you the one you saved has come to worship you [Music] save your sake the one you saved the one you saved has come to worship you the one you saved the one you [Music] save your savior [Music] [Music] has come to worship [Music] the mind you oh yes [Music] has come [Music] yes come on jesus [Music] the man you love the woman you loved has come [Music] [Music] the manual [Music] the holy spirit out loud [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] may my whole life be expressions [Music] may my whole life be expressions of your life [Music] of your grace happy on may [Music] halloween heavenly father hallowed be your name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven minister to us today in the brevity of the time we have let your word touch us let your word turn our lives around minister to your people so powerfully silence the voice of the enemy silence the voice of darkness father let victory be given to someone today even in this teaching let there be an outstretching of your hand to do signs and wonders to do signs and wonders to do signs and wonders to the glory of your name we praise you we thank you because you will exceed our prayer in jesus name amen amen amen amen praise the lord everyone you may be seated in the presence of the lord maybe sita in the presence of the lord tonight it's going to be a straight teaching if you were not well if you were not in the morning service uh in the morning services i had said that from tomorrow the morning glows are focused on the days of miracles the days of miracles we'll just be praying the miracles of the bible particularly the old testament if it happened in elijah's life it can happen in our lives if it happened the days of moses it can happen in our lives we'll be praying the miracles so tonight i want to just stir up our spirit those who are here those are home and i want to share on the mystery of science and wonders the mystery of science and wonders i don't know about you but in my 49 years i've been born again 49 it's a long time you know i have seen the hand of god i have seen things that only god can do i've seen god so confirm his word that it is so scary i've seen miracles i've seen healings and you know what it is still small compared to what god can do so someone is in this service tonight get ready this our god will sign your story with the signature of wonders glory to god god will sign his stor your your experience with the miracle of his wonders in your life in the book of mark chapter 6 verses 15 to 20 to 18 mark 6 mark 16 i beg your pardon verses 15 to 18 and he said to them go into all the world preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned these signs someone said this science say it again this signs this i shall follow them thou believe in my name they shall cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take off serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover uh i just want to teach on the mystery of signs and wonders but i don't know why i needed to just do this in my head because somebody might be watching and they might be watching and or probably they have one of those translations that says mark 16 verses 8 to 20 are not in the most reliable manuscripts how many of you have seen that before all right and you've wondered if it's not in the most reliable manuscript jesus say these things make sure you are in the services in october when i do the why i believe services there are close to a thousand original manuscripts of the new testament but liberal theologians those people who they are not even born again but they study theology they will prefer to rely on three out of one thousand that didn't have that passage and use that to tell us because those three don't have that passage therefore why should we accept it maybe somebody sneaked it in but you see even if it was sneaked in there is no statement in mark 16 verse 8 to 20 that cannot be found somewhere else is that clear so whenever you see those kind of statements let it not worry you and whenever they try to make it sound like it is not in the most reliable manuscript says who who made that three who made those three manuscripts reliable because you must be ready to give an answer you will meet people who like to quote things like that and you need to be able to have your stand amen but tonight the mystery of signs are wonders and i just want to teach there might not even be a lot of administration we'll just teach the world so we'll stir up our desire for the signs and wonders pray briefly and get ready for god to begin to move in this season alive in the name of jesus the mystery of science and wonder signs and wonders are divine events that display god's glory and reveal his purpose and power to man there is a slight distinction between a sign and a wonder a sign and a wonder a sign is something to make you know or have an indication of what is about to happen a wonder is something that makes you open your mouth one of my grandchildren her name is wanda she's always making us wonder by her drama she's a real wonder so it's a acts of god that like a signpost guide men toward god if you're going to birmingham if there were no gps you will have to follow the signs and the signs and as you follow the signs they take you to your destination so wonders on the other hand are acts of god that strike all and amazement within someone toward god the strike amazement within you towards god and there are four major reasons why god gives signs and wonders amen four major reasons why god gives signs and why god gives wonders the first is the purpose of signs and wonders signs and wonders glorify christ and they testify of his messianic claims that he is the only way the truth and the life look at me religions out there may not need miracles to exist christianity was born in the womb of miracles it was born in the womb of science there has to be a move of god for us to know that christ is at work that is the danger when church begins to run without christ involved signs our wonders go through the window and you find man takes over that is when you begin to see flesh and manifestation the book of acts for example records 21 miracles in john chapter nine verse one to three it says now as jesus passed by he saw a man who was blind from birth and his disciples asked him sir rabbi who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind and jesus answered neither he this man nor his parents sinned but that the works of god that should be revealed in him that the works of god be revealed in him the jews believe that if you had any kind of deformity somebody sent they did not know anything about genetics they did not know that something could have happened even during uh pregnancy but the book of acts shows us miracles 17 of the 21 miracles in the new in the book of acts appear within the context of people coming to christ so you find that miracles are intended to really really draw souls to christ is somebody hearing me tonight signs and wonders convince people of god's truth in john chapter 20 verse 30 31 and truly jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book but these are written that you may believe that christ is the son of god and believing you might have life through him i love this last verse but these are written at you that you may believe that jesus is the christ and i believe in you might have life through him praise god so signs and wonders were meant to convince people to make people see that you believe in religion let's see the god who answers by fire let him be what let him be god oh i pray that as you are listening even as you go out to witness as you pray for the sick god will heal the sick as you call upon god for the miraculous something will happen your friends who are doubting who are questioning the veracity of christianity as you tell them okay what is the issue you are facing i like to pray for you may god back you up shout amen i said may god back you up you see listen the beauty of christianity the power of christianity is not in our buildings because really these buildings are for worship it's not the church we are the church of the world church the word church ecclesia is used in three ways organization organismal or or of building a building an organization or an organism the building is really not the one the bible says we are the temple of the holy spirit while god is here when we come to worship this is necessary for our gathering praise god the greatest church is you you are the temple of god i said you are the temple of god signs and wonders also confirm god's word every time any time the word of god is present in a place powerfully something has to happen that man did not organize mark 16 verse 20 mark 16 verse 20 something has to happen that man did not organize and they went out and preached everywhere the lord working with them confirming the word through the accompanying signs through the accompanying signs praise god oh i pray today that somebody was even hearing some signs and wonders will break out in your life this week god will stretch his hand god will do wonders i said god will do wonders some of it may look insignificant to you but it is god at work it is god at work at the at the beginning of kicc the first building we were 10 months old it was strange this church was born in the womb of miracles we were 10 months old we bought the first building 10 months not heard of and during that period the moment we were about to buy a daily road and we're about to get planning permission there were these two guys who were who lived together as husband and wife you know what i mean and we're talking now 1993 how long ago was that 28 years 28 years ago the societal shift on matters of lgbtq wasn't even to this level it was just a gradual acceptance at that time these guys knowing that it was a gospel church a charismatic church and they heard that the planning division of hackney was coming there to hear the neighbors to see who is opposed they came and announced to us we are coming to oppose you so all we did was pray all we did was pray the night came for the meeting i was expecting the chief opposition you know the opposition party leader of the opposition these guys didn't show some days or months later after we had moved in i saw one of them said you didn't come he said for some reason we both slept off and it has a sign and a wonder come on somebody give jesus you know those little things look like they are little but can you make a person sleep only god can do it i don't know what seed they could have sown that could have caused unusual trouble but they slept and was the meeting was by i think it was 7 p.m they slept off oh this god who makes eyes to see sometimes make seen eyes go blind that is a sign and a wonder somebody is receiving a miracle right now shout i receive it say it again i receive it what shall we say even of even for those of you who never met us in waterden road that was a sign on the wonder we were one of the people competing to buy water then road and our con and our opposition was sainsbury's how much do you have to present that sales bridge doesn't have but then we made our bid they made their bid and because they were so sure they would buy the place if this is three b this is if these are three uh pieces of land they bought the middle so that they were so sure they would buy this and this but by the time the announcement was made that it was one church that got it they they were they were shocked the agent came and said i'd like to meet the pastor can we walk together i'm thinking what has uh sainsbury's got to do with church maybe now i will have taught differently so build the church for us and put your shop on the corner then we can walk with you but that's a sign and the one that when god makes david to conquer goliath and even the land in the middle and many of you who were with us in the days of water then we'll close the service here we'll have to pour to the street and to cross to get to this land where our car was parked and for two years every month i carried a bottle of anointing oil and anointed their land and kept saying god you said anywhere the soul of our feet threats or pawn belongs to us i didn't know anyone in sainsburys and i was not ready to write to anybody in fact we wrote them and said we're interested they didn't even reply you know some people treat you with just like goliath treated with david the bible says he treated david with disdain with disdain i kept anointing for two years i remember i cannot forget the day i had arrived it must be end of july early august because uh dr mesa autobios uh greater works conference hand holds end of july i landed in gatwick it was gut week in those days that british always landed i landed in gatwick for some reason they had put my letters in the car and i saw these letters and there was one from one firm of solicitors one of those names in the heart of grazing you know that when you see those kind of letters your leg is shaking they may be one of the top five firms but as i openly said we act for sainsburys who own the land near your church are you interested in buying are we interested so i'm gonna give god praise because you see when we talk signs and wonders sometimes we think it is when somebody was healed or sometimes when a miracle happened there are signs signposts that you must never mistake for it just happened it didn't just happen it's the finger of god and you must learn to be grateful if you are grateful for the ones you've seen give god praise give god a praise [Music] it just didn't even make sense by the time i cannot forget the sunday when we were announcing water then it didn't make sense we went down the road and like that our own building became too small we had to hire hackney central of our services daily road for children's church and this sunday came and i said we've we've got to land and we paid for it and the members said look i said it's not one acre it's not two acres it's not three acres it's not four acres it's not five acres it's not six i can still remember some sisters sitting on the floor they didn't know what to do anymore oh come on give god some praise tonight the god of signs and wonders he's alive and if he did it before he will do it again someone said do it again i'm sharing these testimonies to stir up your spirit so that if you are in a place in the valley of belief you must also know if you did it before you do it again whatever you are holding on god just tell yourself i'll keep holding on i'll keep holding on i'll keep holding on i'll keep holding on praise the lord tonight signs and wonders also convince people of god's truth it convinces people of god through john 20 verse 31 and 31 and truly jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this book but these are written that you may believe that christ is the god and that believing you might have life through him science and wonders also confirm god's word they they confirm god's word in mark 16 26 and they went out preaching everywhere the lord working with them confirming the word confirming the word i pray for you god will confirm his word in your life every prophetic word that god has given you private public and the ones based on scripture that came alive for you shall come to pass promises god made for you even if it took long it shall come to pass no one prophecy that has come into your life will fall and die you will live to see the results shout amen hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 4 says for if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward how shall we escape if we neglect so greater salvation which at first began to be spoken by the lord and was confirmed to us by those who heard him god also bearing witness both with signs and wonders with various miracles and gifts of the holy spirit according to his will so listen if god told you he will supply your need and you do not know how it is going to come do not put your trust in man just know that the god of signs and the god of wonders he is going to do some unusual thing he might just send people you don't know to bless you but he will certainly fulfill his word he will make his word come to pass shalt i receive signs and wonder strengthen the believers faith they strengthen our faith so if anybody tell oh we don't need signs and wonders today just believe believing was he's the one who said he would do it why shouldn't i believe in science and wonders acts chapter 4 verse 31 and when they had prayed the place where they were assembled together were shaken and they were all filled with the holy spirit and they spoke the word of god with boldness so the purpose of signs and wonders is to confirm the word to confirm the word to make the world clear now let me show you biblical examples of signs and wonders god empowered moses with signs and wonders to deliver israel out of egypt to bring them to the promised land if pharaoh did not see a power greater than him he wouldn't have let them go egypt in the days of moses had advanced in the most demonic magical powers they could throw their own stick down he became a snake he could become a snake egypt had tampered with the realm of the demonic to the level that no one had ever but there is a power so great it makes the kings of this world to tremble signs and wonders have a way of confronting what confronts you because when you face a problem you need a power greater than what caused the problem to conquer the problem i don't know if you got that anytime you face an issue you need another power that is greater than what caused the problem to fall to overcome the problem moses came with a power that was greater and they took it for granted i mean because his dressing was simple and all he had was a rod he didn't say anything unusual in their own magical world they'll burn incest they'll do this they'll invoke demonic powers he didn't because the god is served so he may be invisible he is imminent he com he occupies all places omniscient he knows all things he's omnipotent he has all power he is the god who cannot be limited by time by space and what he says comes to pass glory to god so when pharaoh said who is this your jehovah that i should obey him he said his name is i am fill the gap i am fill the gap anything you call him is what he becomes you need him for supply i am supplier you need him for healing i am a healer you need him for salvation i am salvation oh glory to god and he said i am that i am not i was or will be but i am always in the present tense glory to god that's what makes the the the pharisees of when jesus came he said before abraham was i am he didn't say i was or i could be praise god we see signs and wonders because egypt needed to be confronted with something bigger than it something mightier i'm sure you can see even today when you go to the pyramids of giza or you go to egypt you are wondering they are still mathematics have not yet been able to solve those pyramids the architectural ideas of man today have not been able to understand the pyramids the calculations the the intricacy the algorithm which they used to create the pyramids when the kind of technology today did not exist with which they created them nobody can resolve who carried these rocks to the top that is reached so when you are coming against something like that you need a power that they must bow to praise god so anything that have come against you shall become a powerless power it shall become a powerless power if you believe the same and say a better amen elijah caught fire on mount carmel against the prophet of bear that was a sign because listen jesus be all you know where we say jezebel it actually is jezebel she is the priestess of baal she worship bail in her country and when she was coming persuaded her husband to push us put aside jehovah and they worshiped a bear so for bear to be humiliated elijah needed a sign that would whap the mind of the people who have followed there when they saw fire come from heaven they knew that this is not what bear can do oh somebody today someone who have mocked your god and mugged your faith and mugged your prayer and i've said what can your god do there will see the finger of your god they will see your hand of your jehovah if you believe it shout amen shout amen shout him and again the sign and the wonder the sign of jonah in the belly of the will the bible says it's a symbol a tap and a shadow of his resurrection jesus said as jonah was in the belly of the whale or the fish so will the resurrection of the son of man be without without without it being the sun and the one that's not possible the sea the deepest point in the sea six miles someone says six miles the deepest point in the sea is six miles but as a human being you can't go below 100 meters you can't once you are at 100 meters water will collapse you becomes too much weight water becomes weight when you are at 100 meters it it compresses you you just even if you carry oxygen it doesn't matter the weight just makes you to become uh some meat in the middle of some some some sandwich but arjuna the whale carried him and even the biggest whale in the sea don't get to the bottom of the sea the other day i was watching and somebody was describing the various levels i said even the whales don't get to the bottom as big as they are but the one that carried jonah had to get there because it had to be for science and when jonah got there you in fact when jonah got there he saw the the bottom of mountains inside the sea then he knew that i'm in trouble this is a sign if you get me out of here i will preach now there are those who argue there's no fish that can swallow jonah or really the blue whale is three times the london double decker bus three times i used to think it was extinct it's not tear texting they are still the blue whale is still around i don't intend to meet it something that's three times the london double decker bus you know those whales when they eat they eat a whole school of fishes they just swallow so they swallowed jonah the chemicals inside the fish what is that is it bile you call it that thing that breaks down food whatever the enzymes inside humans breaks down food that's why it comes in as food and goes out as waste jonah should have come in as food and go out as waste but the chemicals couldn't break him down he may have torn his clothes removed some of his hair style but he couldn't kill him you wouldn't die before your time you have a signs and wonders somebody say i am for science i am for wonders hallelujah that jesus said as jonah was in the belly of the whale so when god wants to do signs i want he would do something that people say this should have killed you how did you survive oh i pray for somebody here it will be a testimony your family will be a testimony the miracles that will happen the signs will be assigned to someone i said you'll be assigned to someone shout amen in the name of jesus give god some glory today come on he was a sign of the resurrection of christ because after some days i think it must be the third day or so the fish that swallowed him gave him free transportation and released him in nineveh where he was running away from he to release him there the signs and wonders of our god the scriptures also make us to understand that god challenged king hezekiah to ask for a sign and will confirm his word isaiah 7 11 ask a sign for yourself from the lord your god ask it's either in the depth or in the height above god god told him to ask for a sign or for a wonder there are 21 signs and wonders recorded in acts like i told you many times the scripture will say many wonders and signs the apostles did acts 2 verse 43 many wonders and signs many wonders and signs many wonders and signs many wonders and signs i pray for people who are hearing me today that god will make your life a wonder make your life a sign a sign that he's still at work a sign that is still proving himself mighty in acts chapter 5 verse 12 it says many signs and wonders and through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people and they were all with one according solomon's porch peter's shadow healed an uncounted number uncounted uncounted 2001 we went to whole crusade in kumasi and uh accra i get to kumasi and uh pastor sam is telling we book the hotel for you when i go there i start jesus this is not even one star but we had to take the hotel because i think the people were giving maybe my room free and the young lady who was the house manager deliberately had taken care of a room i said this is where i want the man of god to stay apparently she's not had a child for like five years or six years of marriage and she was just hoping that once we finish the crusade i leave she's coming to sleep there ladies and gentlemen didn't take a month for her to be pregnant another month many signs and wonders if for me maybe i would think that whatever came out of my body was sweat i see with him virtue came out one the woman sent a message that she got her breakthrough she got her breakthrough hallelujah i was just in april in the city of about nigeria to preach for a very very nice young man committed to jesus the answer christian center his wife passed away through cancer he has i think four kids two are in the university the last one was just about five or six five now his wife passed away like two years ago but he loves god i didn't know that he was planning that was i live he's going to the bed to go sleep and he had been in a place where i said god i don't want to make the wrong choice i don't want to choose the next person that are married that will cause trouble for me ladies and gentlemen not up to one week after he met the right person for his life our god is a god of signs and wonders somebody is here today god is going to make your life to a lot of signs and oneness i can go on till daybreak just sharing testimonies with you the bible tells us of stephen that he was a man who carried signs and wonders the bible says in acts chapter 6 verse 8 and stephen full of faith and power did great wonders and signs among the people but you know they didn't even see that all they saw was that he's calling jesus lord and they stole him to death but he did great signs and wonders i pray for you too that you will not just desire wonders for your own personal life god will use you through you god will bless your family miracles should be done through your life you will touch people in the name of jesus you will speak a word it will come to pass turn around will happen to people in the name of jesus shout amen again and service was over this afternoon as i was going upstairs in the office one of the members said oh i met somebody at a wedding during the week and the person said they used to live opposite your former house in africa one day you came out you're about to enter your car and this person works in health and safety i said please pray for me you prayed for her she's just been elevated to become a commissioner in lagos state and she wants to write our testimony praise the lord you know every day god wants you to be anywhere you are for a sign and a wonder for a sign and a wonder stretch your hand and say father use my hand to heal the sick to do wonders use my hand to rot miracles let your oil rest on me make me a blessing to my generation in the name of jesus shout amen with power [Applause] philip walked miracles acts chapter 8 verse 6 the bible says and the multitude went with one accord heeding the things spoken by philip hearing us in the miracles which he did philip was not one of the ordained pastors he was a deacon but then he went to samaria to open up samaria for god and god is no respecter of titles did you hear me god is no respecter of titles is a respect of principles he's a respect of his word philip got there and he began to move and he found himself move out of being a deacon into the office of an evangelist and healings began to move and healings began to happen the whole of the land of samaria threw him to the point that the guys in jerusalem hurt and they had to tell peter the man who was leading them at that time to please go and peter had to go there to affirm and confirm the work praise god i said praise god banabas and saul walked miracles in acts 15 12 then all the multitude kept silent and listened to barnabas and paul declaring how many miracles and wonders god had worked through them among the gentiles paul's shipwrecked with a snake biting him in acts 27 we see miracles god brought them out he told the people in the boat and you have to hear god to make such statement he said ladies and gentlemen in this vote i'm not sure if there were ladies there he said we will not one person will die he said we will get to where we're going not one person we'll lose the boat i'm sure they were not wondering at that point the owner of the boat i'm sure he's saying i don't care if i lose the buddha i just don't want to lose my life you know everything around you is precious until you are the point of death then you are saying let them take everything i just want my life and truly they got to malta the boat was lost but every soul every soul according to the word of the lord the result was everywhere the ship got born again everyone on the island of malta also got born again the gospel finds its veracity its power in at when it has been accompanied by signs and wonders some of you have been in the place where you've been waiting on god for some uncommon miracles i agree with you tonight your eyes will see the goodness of the lord i anoint your ears to hear good news to hear good news to hear good news to hear good news to hear good news in the name of jesus shout yes hallelujah hallelujah even jesus himself commissioned 70 disciples to work miracles john luke 10 verse 9. heal the sick there and said to them the kingdom of god has come near you jesus said they shall do that everywhere they went they should declare the kingdom of god has come the kingdom of god has come the kingdom of god has come and tonight i pray for you i say the kingdom of god has come i don't know always watching somebody has looks like it boiled i'm not even sure he's a tumor or a boy and i lay hand on you right now and i declare that the kingdom of god has come upon you the power of god heals you right now in the name of jesus it's a real swelling and it's peeling on the side i don't even if that's a sign that's suggest a boy i don't know but i pray for you right now pray for your healing pray for your healing i pray for your healing i pray for your healing in the name of jesus i pray for your healing in the name of jesus i declare total deliverance for that person tonight in the name of jesus aprusha ika someone else also was gastronomical is that a stomach somebody has problem blockage blockage blockage blockage we release the power of the kingdom of god on that person total freedom in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus and somebody with some degree of blood clot and it seems like in the wrong place i see it in the head i see it in the head i don't know what consequence that is i don't want to know mine is for the science and the wonders so we pray for that person right now in the name of jesus [Music] release that is from that blood clot we declare total health and healing in the name of jesus you will not die you will live you would live you will live would live in jesus name shout a man with power shout him and again hallelujah now there are those who object to the miracles to signs and wonders the most frequent thing they'll say is that oh science and wonders have diminished with the preaching of the cross sees what if we need signs and wonders it is now some will say jesus himself even said this wicked and adulterous generation secret after a sign so because they seek after a sign is jesus saying there's no more science no he's just saying some people all they pursue is signs instead of science pursuing them matthew 12 39 an evil generation seeketh after he said that's true there are those all they want to do is come to church for a sign and a wonder they do not want the salvation of christ but that does not mean you throw the water and the baby away it does not mean we reject our gospel what makes us say again what makes the gospel powerful is the sign and the wonder that backs it that's it in religion man is trying to make you change and reform when christianity transform and it demonstrates the power of god hallelujah i said hallelujah i said hallelujah in matthew 16 verse 4 jesus said a wicked and adulterous generation secret after a sign and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet jonah and he led them and they departed therefore christians they say oh christians you know sick signs i wonder why not i need god to continue to work in my life this is the season in my life i want to see the finger of god i want anything that comes against me to know it has messed with the child of god because the bible says isaiah 8 18 the children you have given to me they are for signs and for wonders you will be for science and you'll be for wonders you'll be for testimony in fact it says this wicked and unrepentant generation security sign i'm not one of them i'm a repentant man i have received christ therefore i am not seeking for it because i do not qualify i qualify for the bread from heaven how many people qualify for the bread from their father's throne you qualify for the bread you qualify for the blessing you qualify for the favor so it will come to your house it will work in your life in the name of jesus i declare it to work in your life let me close this message and just pray briefly uh there are scriptures that support signs and wonders today today luke 21 luke 21 makes clear that in the last days god will use a crush of signs and wonders to make 2021 god rejecting coronavirus fearing generation to know that there is a god they fear coronavirus but they don't fear god they fear an unseen virus i try to even read about virus it makes it sound like it's probably not it's not a living thing or it's a living thing they're confused i just gave up i said whatever it is and the bible says luke 21 verse 25 to 27 and there will be signs in the sun in the moon and in the stars and on the earth distress of nations perplexity the sea and the waves roaring man's heart failing them from fear expectation of those things which are coming on the earth the powers of the heavens shaken they will see the son of man come in the cloud hey signs are coming that will baffle this generation they think it is uh uh uh saving the planet that will stop it if you like shut down all your factories so you are not emitting any more gas it wouldn't stop the signs that are coming the flooding of europe is not the gas the earthquakes of haiti that comes almost every four years it's not the flooding it's not the gas emitted there's still been there'll still be some more there'll be rivers that will overflow because there are signs and they wonder particularly you watch from now on anytime a president of any nation takes a decision that is so contrary to the bible a river in that nation will flood a river in that nation will overflow from now on write it down and observe so that they will know that they have crossed their boundary signs are coming in these last days people will wake up one day and just find that the sun is not as bright as they thought it would be in fact the ones in the book of revelation that will not happen now it is after we have gone one day the wake of one third of drinkable water is gone water become precious commodity one turret of drinkable water one third of marine life will die and i don't want to eat tuna i'll eat um which one do you eat one third will die you eat what you see the sign that is coming is going to the bible uses the language and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken powers of the heavens so there is a sign and a wonder to also let the unsaved man know that he needs to be born again but many of them instead of being born again they turn around to do something else the more isis and what's the name of the other ones al qaeda kills the more europe converts to islam the fastest growing religion in europe in britain today is islam in the past two years one hundred thousand particularly white young ladies between the ages of 20 and 50. they're tired of the libertarian life of clubbing clubbing clubbing but they do not know where to go to they don't know where to go too they're turning there's a sign coming that will shake our world in joel 2 verse 30 31 he warned he said i will show signs in the heavens i will show signs in the heavens during the week i read of some ufo somebody saw there's a lot of denial there are ufos i don't know ufos where are they coming from are we allowed are we alone in the universe you're not alone and i will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth blood fire and pillars of smoke these are the days or signs and wonders let me not dwell too much on this one because the one you need is the one that works for your life you know jesus talked of the one that will accompany you for your healing and for you when you go to minister to people i'm going to just pray with that mark 16 20 and you went out and preached everywhere they went out and prayed everywhere the lord working with them and accompanying the world through the accompanying signs amen i love that last word there amen so be it stand on your feet lift your hand and say god of signs and wonders baptize me with power [Music] use me lord you are the messiah fill me with power make me to bless my generation in a way that i have not imagined let your name be glorified [Music] libero the god of signs and wonders these saturdays of miracles these are the days of your power use me lord use me lord these are the days of your miracles these are the days of your power use me lord use me lord these are the days of your miracles these are the days of your power use me lord father tonight we give you praise we thank you for the entrance of the world do signs and wonders in the life of your people the wonders of protection the wonders of provision the wonders of prosperity the wonders of your plan for their life the wonders of the manifestation of your grace in their life the wonders of making the enemy to be put to shame do it in their life do something powerful do something awesome what no man can do what no one can do do in our life stretch your hand nepa kope tale prato someone's faith has been stirred up wherever they are tonight i pray for them that you will bless their life you will prosper their life you will bless their life your designs and wonders you do signs and wonders you do signs and wonders these are the days of miracles these are the days of your power bless me lord the saudis of your miracles these are the days of your power use me lord father use your people bless your people anoint your people let all rest on them literally somebody's in this service today they've cried they've done all they know to do and they are waiting on you for a testimony for a miracle for a turnaround father make it happen make it happen make it happen make it happen make it happen every hindrance is removed generational limitations and curses are broken for them and testimonies follow them in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i want you to lift your hand one more time and begin to thank god because science miracles wonders we begin to follow you from today in the name of jesus in the name of jesus these are these are miracles these are the days of your power bless me lord bless me lord these are the needs of your miracles these are the days of your power use me lord [Music] use me lord these are the days of your miracle these are the days of your power touch me lord touch me lord touch me lord come and begin to rejoice and begin to thank him because he will exceed your prayer he will exceed expectation come and lift him up thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus [Music] we give you the glory and the praise [Music] thank you father [Music] we are for signs and wonders [Music] and we thank you for it every word that's been spoken here tonight will not fall to the ground it will accomplish that for which it has been sent that in every area of our lives we will see your hand you will also use us for signs and wonders thank you to you be all the glory and the praise come on give god praise go give god praise for those who are watching online also do the same at home we give god praise for what god has used the pastor to declare into our lives tonight please be seated it's time to give our seed our tithes and our offerings [Music] this is not going to ever be a problem [Music] once we have given ourselves first to the lord in second corinthians chapter 8 verse 5. the bible says and this they did not as we hoped but first gave their own selves to the lord and unto us by the will of god and in the tpt translation it says they exceeded our expectations by first dedicating themselves fully to the lord and then to us according to god's pleasure and this was at the time when the church in macedonia was blessing paul given to the ministry out of great poverty and trial that paul was even telling them no and they begged that he will take whatever they were giving him and they went beyond their power the bible says and they were willing of themselves praying us with much entity if you read the preceding verses that we would receive the gift and take upon us the fellowship of the ministry into the saints and the verse that caught my attention in recent times was and this they did verse five second corinthians chapter eight not as we hoped but first gave their own selves to the lord so it was easy for them to give themselves to their apostles and be a blessing to them so to give your seed or tithe tonight you're not going to be cajoled i'm forced i think it's important that you give yourself first to the lord and once you have given your first yourself first to the lord it becomes easy to release what's in your hand for the progress and advancement of his kingdom if you look at the screens there for those who are online and those of us who are even here you can give through all those direct transfer you can paypal you can do text you can uh go to the website you can also phone in and for those here the envelopes for and for checks and cash you can use your envelope have two minutes for the worship to come on and prepare your seed god bless you [Music] [Music] do foreign let's try to rise always [Music] for those who have given either with their phone or any other device can you lift it up here in this service and if you are at home do the same and for those of us who have released through the envelopes make sure you stretch your hands to this altar father we thank you because we do not do this in vain thank you for you are able to make all grace abound to your people that they have insufficiency in all things may abound onto every good work make room for them enlarge their cost increase them on every side let testimonies come as a result of tonight's seed let further uncommon breakthroughs locate them father [Music] may they be surprised with gifts checks in the mail reforms and rebates we thank you we give you all the glory we give you the praise in jesus name amen praise the lord come on give god praise please be seated briefly i will just to go through the announcements quickly remember the services here under the land of wanders every sunday 9 00 am and 11 am in the morning and in the evening 6 p.m here at prayer city but all services are virtual also live streaming on all our streaming platforms 90 days covenant of testimonies so join morning glo every monday to friday at 6 a.m with pastor matthew and guests because there will be other guests coming on and as this is going to be a time to harvest strange testimonies how many would like some strange testimonies people will be wondering are you making it up but god is real hallelujah so tell your family and friends to join this one hour of god's unmissable covenant power hallelujah and this is going on till the 31st of december every platform live on all kick platforms and you should share your testimony on kscc tv at you just email kscctv dot uk or you can send a text or whatsapp uh the number i'm not sure if you can take it down quickly oh seven four three zero seven seven nine two eight four why i believe there's a lot of argument about what christians believe and you need to know what you believe because i you know there was a time i think it was schambach in those days was asking somebody what do you believe about this he said person said i believe what my church believes what does your church believe my church believes what i believe so the person does not have any clue what they believe about some things uh this will really be an eye opener or i believe in god why i believe in jesus why i believe in the holy spirit why i believe in the bible why i believe god created the universe where i believe in immortality of man why i believe in the trinity where i believe in the absolutes of christianity that we cannot be negotiating whether it is 21st century or not hallelujah so sunday the 3rd 10th 17th 24th and 31st on all uh kscc platforms prayer city land of wonders this will be happening global bible study don't miss it 7 p.m this wednesday 7 p.m it's also streaming on all social media platforms this is totally virtual so be part of it 7 p.m this wednesday hallelujah kscc royals this coming 25th of september saturday by zoom 1 pm to 2 30 p.m calling all university students join our new monthly fellowship campus fire via zoom for a time of bible study fellowship and fun so for all university students this is for you 1 p.m to 2 30 p.m this coming saturday if you're interested in attending the sessions please send an email to campusfire at dot uk campusfire at dot uk skriniar fellowship this coming friday don't miss 7 p.m to 8 p.m if you have not been attending one make sure you call the church office or you can go straight to the website slash i church slash kernel fellowship and then you will connect with a place uh there must be a zoom or a whatsapp some kind of online uh in your area and you'll be told where to go missions support proverbs 1917 in the new international version you know it's so important go and read that be a part of the great commission and help win souls to christ reach out and touch someone's life by being a blessing and sowing a seed or attending how many know that song is it diana ross i don't i don't go there you know but i remember in those early reach out and touch somebody's hands make this world a better place let's leave that alone hallelujah and we can so please note when sowing a seed please use the reference mission seed it's going to be next i mean november somewhere in accra mission i mean somewhere in ghana let's look at noah's ark activity for this week noah's arks activity for this week thank you very much [Music] and this morning i love the committees i've gone to the shop to buy the food stuff so we package some of them already [Music] praise the lord [Music] and this morning i love the coming years i've gone to the shop to buy the food stuff so we packaged some of them already which are in their room and i will be taking it to the families anyone out there who want to volunteer with noah's ark to come on board and help us because there are a lot of work that needs to be done deliveries to family schools around midway london as well kent so anyone that wants to come on board will be happy to have you to help us many thank you for your support and your help we do really appreciate it here thank you praise the lord come and appreciate what's being done through that is anyone coming for the first time here tonight no one but if you're watching online make sure you go to our website and fill uh a new comments uh form on the line and we will definitely get in touch with you because we want you to be part of all that krcc is doing and let you know our things that are happening hallelujah god is good and all the time please stand to your feet from where you stand for those who are here and for those at home look at your husband your wife your children your friend and tell them i'm so blessed highly favored god is on my side and because god is with me i can never fail the greater warning dwells me it puts me over and above every circumstance tell them therefore no weapon from begins me my family my business my church my career my finances no weapon formed against us will prosper and every turn that will rise against us in judgment they are condemned tell them this is still my year of plenty and progress and i'm going higher say hi say hi good night god bless you [Music] start to rise we're glad you watched today's service for prayer call 02085250 or text to share your testimony prayer works at prayer city see you next time you
Channel: KICCOnline
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Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA, NSPDD
Id: hL_rhv2XB8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 55sec (7255 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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