KICC 11am Service LIVE | Reaching your Destiny | 19-09-2021

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is [Music] [Music] blessing like a mighty warrior [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] rise like a mighty warrior i rise like a mighty warrior [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] so [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is is [Music] there's [Music] [Music] jesus oh [Music] [Music] my jesus [Music] me [Music] not [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] when so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so bring me to your river i'm a thirsty land bid me lord to dream i will circle love amen i will take your love so deep i will take your love so deep [Music] bring me to your living water that i may dream from you bring me to your healing stream like a dying me [Music] it's impossible because there is nothing that you cannot do that exists he does all this he's created often and has absolute power he's the intrinsic god king of kings and the lord of god the most high gods hallelujah [Music] i will not [Music] my refuge you are my revenue come on [Music] i will not be refuge you be are is [Music] [Music] my your name is jesus my mother [Music] is one more time [Music] [Music] me a joyful shout out to the lord this morning to the invincibles of the only wise god the sovereign god hallelujah will bless your holy name this morning glory and honor [Music] [Music] the angels worship before him alone singing [Music] [Music] the heavens and earth who is [Music] [Music] god [Music] magnificent we bow down god glory and honor is everybody [Music] come on victorias you are worthy is oh you are god you are me you are god [Music] [Applause] he is a sovereign god [Music] he is a sovereign god and you see there is there is i think sometimes when we say there's nothing hard for god to do we're trying to imagine okay well there's this thing okay it's not too hard for it you see there can't be anything hovering to do because everything that is was made by him so how can there be something impossible unless there's another god in other universe who's done something that this awesome eternal unchangeable unshakable god who has no beginning who has no ending who lives outside of time he is not he doesn't grow old he doesn't age he doesn't mature he doesn't get any wiser he's the wisest of the wisest he knows all things he formed all things there is nothing impossible for him to do [Music] i say there is nothing impossible for him [Music] we know you are rewarded [Music] is [Music] shake your face is oh this is oh [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] so this is the confidence let's go [Music] do [Music] this is [Music] [Music] what you cannot do [Music] but you cannot what you cannot do [Music] what you cannot fix what you cannot do [Applause] [Music] what you cannot fix and what you cannot do for us to get ourselves it does not exist what you cannot fix what you cannot do what you cannot solve does that exist despite the express results despite all the conclusions reached despite how far back what it has gone it is never never never beyond your control because it just does not exist what you cannot think does not exist what you cannot fix what you cannot say what you cannot do what you can do what you can do come and put your hands together to the everlasting god of content put your hands together to the unchanging changer to the father of spirit the one that answered prayers magnify him this morning what he cannot fix what he cannot do does not exist he is the god that he specializes in the impossibilities magnify him this morning blessed be his blessed name i said bless be his blessed name put your hands together one more time show gratitude to him awesome god praise the lord you may be seated praise god praise the lord such a powerful son what he can fix what he can do is nowhere to be found amen praise god this morning i'd like to welcome everyone to this morning service here at prayer city and obviously online across all of the platforms that we have out there particularly on behalf of our senior pastor pastor matthew ashimolowo and our resident pastor pastor yes hashimoto i'd like to welcome everyone who is worshiping with us today for the very first time if for example today is the first time of attending a kicc online service or you're new to kicc and no one has actually reached out to you would like you to please go online at uk forward slash contact there is a form there would like you to complete it enables us to be able to reach you beyond the service that you are attending praise the lord and for those of us who are here in the service this morning if this is your first time of worshiping with us here at prairie city would like to welcome you like to extend kicc's warmth and of fellowship to you could you please do us the honors this morning of standing up on your feet wherever you are in the auditorium this is your first time of attending a kicc self service can you please stand up praise the lord let's put our hands together as they stand up praise god please remain standing please remain standing as i said earlier on behalf of our senior pastor and our resident pastor would like to welcome you we believe it's not an accident for you to be here this morning service we trusted and prayed for you to be here and we thank god that you are here and it's our belief that the lord will put a deposit a lasting deposit upon your life this morning in jesus name now the ushers would have handed to you a welcome park that part contains information about kicc who we are what we stand for what we represent would like you to please complete that card it allows us to be able to reach you beyond this morning service and this week if you give us all of your details our senior pastor will also be writing to you we trust god that your life will not remain the same after this service in jesus name god bless you as you continue to worship with us amen [Music] welcome to kicc the home of champions here are this week's announcements are you new to kicc have you just accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior or is this your first time attending an actual or online service if so we'd love to give you a special kicc welcome please go to dot uk forward slash contact and complete the relevant form we definitely look forward to hearing from you calling all university students join our new monthly fellowship campus fire via zoom each month will be a time of bible study fellowship and fun our next meeting is on saturday the 25th of september 2021 via zoom and it's from 1pm to 2 30pm if you're interested in attending the sessions please send an email to campusfire igoc 2021 his extraordinary works we don't find our source in anything else but the holy spirit and when you connect with the holy spirit he will walk with you he will talk to you he will lead you the tendency then is to take revelation knowledge that has been given as to who you are that you don't have to be on a bed looking back is one vantage point looking at is a different vantage point and when you look at you look at for strategy god speaks prophetically into our lives and we believe in what he says he's going to do there is a place for that and there is a place for where god puts an idea in our hearts and we go out and do something for it god had to give me what i wouldn't buy for myself but god will treat you better god will treat you better then you'll treat yourself i went through it but i didn't abort the process i went through it but i refused to let the enemy have the victory order copies of these life-transforming messages order now in mp3 and mp4 cd and dvd for more information visit uk or call 02085250 morning glow 90 days covenant of testimonies continues every monday to friday at 6 00 am with pastor matthew tell your family and friends to join this one hour of god's unmissable covenant power as there will be a harvesting of strange testimonies join us now until friday the 31st of december 2021 streaming live on all kicc platforms have you been journaling your daily testimonies if so let the world know what god is doing in your life share your testimony via email to kiccctv at uk or send a text message via whatsapp on 0743079284 kingsway bible institute kbi virtual classes kbi has exciting opportunities to become a member or a steward in kicc from the comfort of your own home join the one hour virtual lesson for baptism membership and stewardship every wednesday at 6 pm if you're interested in this opportunity send an email to kbi dot uk and an introductory questionnaire will be sent to you please fill it in and return it please kindly note the minimum age for the baptism class is 10 years old kicc global bible study join the kicc global bible study and enrich your faith as pastor matthew teaches us and goes deeper into god's word every wednesday at 7 pm caring heart fellowship chf members meet virtually to learn and grow through studying specific life relevant teachings supported by god's word join a group every friday at 7 pm to 8 p.m a lot of argument about what christians believe and you need to know what you believe join pastor matthew ashimolowo as he teaches on why i believe every sunday throughout october this series will bless you establish strengthen and give you greater confidence in your faith invite your family and friends especially those who do not believe because it will show them that jesus is alive and at work today [Music] the world is constantly changing how can the christian remain relevant and grounded in the truth the king's college of excellence offers you a virtual bible school with a difference harnessing the experience and knowledge of its global faculty of teachers including kce founder pastor matthieu shimalo students from every walk of life those called to ministry running businesses and employed in the marketplace are empowered with timeless teaching tools and strategies that equip them to make a lasting godly impact on their generation our cutting-edge curriculum includes teachings on the principles of faith new creation realities christian ethics in life and ministry personal development and spiritual life coaching family life and ministry and much more enrich your christian life and join a global body of students at the king's college of excellence virtual bible school for details and to register for the virtual opening evening visit [Music] be part of the great commission and help win souls to christ reach out and touch someone's life by being a blessing and sowing a seed or attending please note when sowing a seed please use the reference mission seed for more information on attending please send an email to admin uk thanksgiving and child dedication service is held every last sunday of the month at kicc prayer city and kicc the land of wonders during the 11am service if you're dedicating your child please contact the kicc church office a form will be sent to you for completion and please return the form no later than one week before the date of the dedication september's dedication date is sunday the 26th of september for more information about kicc or any of these announcements call 0208 525-00 email events at dot uk visit dot uk don't forget to follow kicc on all social media platforms including facebook twitter instagram and youtube well that's all from me with this week's announcements have a great week ahead and enjoy the rest of the service [Music] hallelujah oh my god that song there's nothing he cannot fix you know we're just coming on my way from whole streets and i was in my office there listening to that song it's we're going to sing that song again so powerful so powerful there's nothing we cannot fix there's nothing he cannot do hallelujah this is our amount of all-round victory and we're going to pray this morning where i want everybody to rise i want everybody to rise what he cannot do what he cannot fix what he cannot solve does not exist that's the confidence that we have in our god i'm just going to read the scripture quickly ezekiel chapter 12 from verse 21 to 28 because we're going to come against the spirit of delay ezekiel chapter 12 21-28 the word of the lord came to me saying the word of the lord came to me son of man what is this proverb you have in the land of israel the days go by and every vision comes to nothing say to them this is what the sovereign lord says i am going to put an end to this proverb and they will no longer quote it in israel say to them the days are near when every vision will be fulfilled for there will be no more false vision or flattering divination among the people of israel verse 25 but i the lord will speak what i will and it shall be fulfilled without delay for in your days you'll be rebellious i will fulfill whatever i say declares the sovereign lord the word of the lord came to me son of man the house of israel is saying the vision is seized is for many years from now and he prophesied and he prophesies about this distant future therefore say to them this is what the sovereign law says none of my world will be delayed any longer whatever i say will be fulfilled they clear the sovereign lord i know that translation says he will not be postponed anymore you see this story although is negative here because god told ezekiel to act out what was going to happen to the israelites because of their rebellion you know he told them he said he should act out how their life would turn out to be and it seems as if they were not even you know they didn't even care and they said well that means so many prophets have said different things and nothing has happened but then god said to ezekiel go and tell them this time it may be the proverb that you have been saying but i want you to know that when i say anything i will do it so we are turning it into the positive this morning that whatever the lord says he will do he said this is the proverb they say oh no prophet you know division is not going to happen until a long time so i don't know the story or the the saying in your house you know sometimes they say in that family they don't get married in that family even if they get married their marriage doesn't last whatever it is that has been attached to your family there is an end to it in the name of jesus and my prayer this morning is that you will be delivered from collective captivity in the name of jesus because your case is different that may be what has been happening in the family but your case is different it says say to them i am going to put an end to this proverb and there we no longer quote it in israel say to them the days are near when every vision will be fulfilled every vision i don't know the vision that god has given you and the enemy has been telling you oh it's not going to happen it's going to take 10 years it's going to take 50 years but he says no the days are near when every vision will be fulfilled it says for no more shall there be any first vision of flattering divination the days that are at end and the fulfillment of every vision all the prophecies you have been given maybe the enemy has been telling you nothing has come of it pastor matthew has prophesied every morning glories prophet saying what have you seen the devil is a liar but the word of the lord to us this morning is that he said none of my word will be delayed any longer whatever i say will be fulfilled declares the lord so that means no more delay no postponement it shall no more be prolonged in the mighty name of jesus every promotion that you know you needed will not be postponed every opportunity that is supposed to come to you will not be delayed anymore in the mighty name of jesus and we have just heard that someone said there is nothing he cannot fix what he cannot fix what he cannot serve does not exist that is the confidence that we have in our god that is a promise keeping god he's not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent he said his word will no longer be delayed in your life i want you to scream no more delay no more delay no postponement this is my time hallelujah i don't know pastor is here oh my god all right let's just i think we should sing that song and then what we are singing it just in your heart just start talking to god hallelujah we'll continue another time that when we come to you that [Music] what you cannot solve what you can also do [Music] is what you cannot do [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus there is nothing he cannot do so before i minister this morning lift your hands before the lord he said that this is the season when he has a covenant of testimony with us how many of you trust god for a testimony in your life started from the 30th of august and it's going to go on to the 31st of december i want you to lift your hand and begin to thank him for the testimonies that are coming begin to give him praise for the open heavens and the testimonies bless him from the bottom of your heart come on bless the lord bless the lord o bless the lord o bless the lord [Music] o bless the lord thank you come on [Music] his credit is so good his credit is so good now you should thank him in advance get out out of osha my god my eyes are on you [Music] be magnified [Music] oh lord be magnified come on thank you thank you thank you like it's already done be magnified over [Music] you are highly exotic [Music] and there is nothing you can't do oh lord our eyes are on you be magnified yes lord be mad [Music] i just want to say bye bye thank you i just wanna say [Music] bye thank you [Music] i just wanna say bye thank you [Music] thank you sing it from your heart like you've already thank you thank you thank you lift your voice and say thank you thank you thank you thank you oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you [Music] lord we thank you today we give you prayers we give you honor we give you glory we give you adoration we give thanksgiving in advance of manifestation somebody in this service is going to have an uncommon healing that sickness that disease will leave your body someone in this service will have a supernatural intervention in your body and what the doctor said cannot be done god would do it the doors they said cannot be opened will be open the deliverance they said was impossible become possible victory will follow you testimony will follow you god will touch you god will touch you fill your mouth with testimony cause you to praise him because he's a good god it's an awesome god he's a mighty good god in jesus name come on go ahead give him more praise he's a mighty good god he's a mighty good god he's a mighty good god [Music] he's a mighty good god he's a mighty good god he's a mighty good god he's a mighty good is [Music] is [Music] come on praise the lord awesome god [Music] welcome to to this morning service i know you've been having a great time in the presence of the lord and i trust the lord that you will be refreshed renewed the word of god will bless you stretch you open your eyes and god will touch your lives in the name of jesus we still keep staying in that coded protocol by making you great people by touching them with your elbow so go outside i mean go out and greet three four people let them know they look nice they look lovely try them with your elbows i know you are tempted to give them a hug but just let the other elbow do the job this morning praise god he's a mighty good god [Music] amen we write new songs in krcz every morning you maybe see that in the presence trust in the lord that this morning you'll be blessed the word of the lord will enrich your life and god will stretch your thinking god will bless your mind god will bring it to the place where he wants to take you praise god one of the greatest inventions of our time is the gps even if you are going to the most confusing place once the place is gps enabled and you have a gps in your car we call it all kinds of name tom toms whatever whatever it helps you to get there uh i had a meeting yesterday somewhere in bay's water and uh had another meeting on friday i think it was i had to first go to harlow and then from harlow to go to pearly ah so i had someone to drive me all we did was just put the addresses and the thing will tell you turn left turn right you have arrived at your destination oh wow i still remember the days of yellow pages or when you have to carry is that what we carry in the car no no jeez man and sometimes you've driven past they say no no no you've passed and god help you if you don't if you fall into the hand of the wrong people you say you know in in africa say you go then you turn left and another left thank god for gps well there is a gps of the holy spirit god wants you to arrive at your destination and my message today is about you reaching your destiny or reaching your destination reach in your destiny the bible says in the book of romans chapter 8 verse 29 and 30 for whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son that he may be the firstborn among many brethren moreover these he also called and whom he called these he also justified and whom he justified these he also glorified god packaged you with the intent that you will fulfill purpose and arrive at a destination no one is an accident of creation or procreation parents may not have expected you but you carry destiny you carry purpose you carry reason to be here jeremiah said to god i'm a child but god said to him don't say i am a child jeremiah 1 from verse 5 before i formed you in the womb i knew you did you get that so god is saying before i formed you i knew you so you had an existence before you were in embryonic form wow so all those debates about when should abortion take place means that this scripture says hey you had a life before you got into the womb before i formed you in the womb i knew you before you were born i sanctified you kept you aside your sanctifier is to set aside mahadesh and hebrew i ordained you a prophet to the nations so here is a young boy god is talking to him the time in the nation was very bad and yet god says you have a destiny you have a purpose he answers god verse 6 ah lord god i cannot speak i'm a young person and then the lord said to hey stop don't say i'm a youth nothing it has nothing to do with your age it has everything to do with destiny oh i pray for somebody today you'll fulfill destiny your fulfilled purpose there is a chosen purpose for your ordination a reason for being here your future is not determined by education that is why if you notice around our world today many times it's not the guy with the professorial degree that is changing our world it is rather the person who finds his purpose and fulfills that purpose you will fulfill yours what your destiny becomes though is affected by what you know what you know destiny is what you discover and recover and may you find yours i said may you find yours i pray for you that you will capture tomorrow and you will walk in tomorrow destiny is what god has given you before you showed up on this earth before your parents saw you first corinthians 2 verse 9 says i had not seen ear had not heard it hasn't come to the understanding of man what god still has a story in other words before my mom saw me ah something was packaged not that alone even when i showed up in the hashimoto family they did not see everything i was called to be they did not see everything i was destined to become do you know there are people who if they have known you will be a certain thing they'll try to frustrate it thank god it was hidden from them so i pray for you to fulfill your purpose to fulfill your assignment and that's the reason you also must make up your mind you are not going to frustrate yourself you would arrive at your destination shout a big amen destiny helps you so that you are not blinded by what you are going through because if you don't know where you are going the issues the challenges the battles will make you think you will not get there but once you know where you are going your journey is clarified your way is defined and you know how to get to where you are going so i pray that every issue every battle you've gone through in life will not stop you from where you're going destiny is your key to handling tomorrow it helps you so that you are not depressed because you know there is a tomorrow there is a future there is something to fulfill there is a purpose to reach there is a place to get to in the name of jesus destiny is encountering divine destiny and divine backing which makes you to be peculiar destiny is establishing the vision that god has given you the bible says in habakkuk chapter 2 verse 3 for the vision is for an appointed time it shall speak it shall not stay silent though it tires wait for it but it shall come to pass it will not tarry i pray that the purpose for which you are on this planet you will not frustrate it shout a big amen do you know that there are many people who even at 40 50 they still have not arrived because they don't even know their destiny they don't know their purpose sometimes you meet people 55 60 they say man of god pray for me i say what do you want me to pray i just want to know the purpose of life are you wondering at 55 hey bro you are already beginning to see uh the the departure lounge and you still don't know where you are going oh i pray for you today that you will not waste your life you will not waste your time but you will arrive in purpose you will arrive in your calling you will arrive in everything god has for you sometimes it may start so bad but the end is what will make you glad there was a young man in the bible his name was jeff tower because his mom was a woman who had him out of wedlock they threw him out of the community they said he's a bastard so he too carrying grace carrying anointing was looking for where to direct that power so he formed his own his own area boys area team around himself there were a bunch of people whom everyone feared them then the battle rose against israel nations around them were invading and carrying them away they had no one to champion their cause it's in the book of judges now you see the book of judges they are called judges because they had no king and so they needed someone to at least give direction you can't have a boat moving listlessly on the oceans you need someone to direct the boat so they will come up a george deborah was a judge samson was a judge gideon was a judge but then they had no judge at this time so they had to turn to the guy they called the bastard to come and fight their fight and help them to face the enemy he was too excited that he made a vow because he made it rashly but the key thing was that that was the purpose for which he was born that's what the enemy was fighting that made them to throw him out of society and they didn't know sometimes the intensity of the battle you go through is an indication that there is a calling to your life there's a purpose to your life and satan cannot destroy you before your time you will arrive at where god is taking you you will fulfill your purpose those who abused you are coming back to celebrate you they are coming back to appreciate that god is in your life if you believe say i receive it they called jephthah all kinds of names bastard uh ruffian they call them all kinds of names street urchin but one day the stone the builders rejected became the chief cornerstone do you know sometimes you start in your family and maybe you're not the one who's caused all the a's and the a-stars but eventually you become the one that became the bread winner you are not the one your parent probably you know parents should not have uh preferences but sometimes something inside them want to think that the one who is more brilliant is the one they want to give attention but you whom they did not give attention may end up being the one that gave them the food that took care of them in their old age i'm sorry for the culture where a woman is denigrated and made to look like oh it's a boy that will carry my name yeah they'll carry your name away because boys don't tend to remember their parents it's the girl who tends to go back home and take care of that and take care of him you better take care of your daughter praise god the stone the builders rejected becomes the chief cornerstone so that's why when you find the enemy fighting you bringing all his molotov cocktails kalashnikovs ak-47s to fight you it must be because you carry destiny it must be because you carry purpose it must be because you have something you were supposed to achieve and it's scared that you might just achieve it and i stand on this altar today and say the devil likes it or not if i let the devil gang up with demons they will not be able to stop you unless somebody screamed this morning i'm unstoppable say like you believe it i'm unstoppable so when you find your destiny everything pales in the face of your destiny destiny makes you stay in tune it makes everything fall in place ecclesiastes 3 14 says i know that whatever god does it shall be forever nothing can be added to it and nothing can take from it god does it that man should fear before him listen your destiny your you you enter your destiny by believing someone say believe so i pray for you today that you will believe what god is saying concerning you hebrews chapter 3 verse 9 i think it is the amplified bible verse 19 hebrews 3 19 the amplified bible says so we see that they were not able to enter into his rest hebrews hebrews 3 19 so we see that they were not able to enter into his rest because of their unwillingness to adhere and trust in and rely on god unbeliever has shut them out there are times god will show you the great place is taking you but the terrible experience of childhood the bad experience of those who raised you or the neighborhood in which you lived and it was a poor broke broken neighborhood makes you to begin to think all these dreams i have in my head it can't happen it's not possible listen i want you to know even the neighborhood in which you were born may just be in order for you to see the other side there is a destiny to you there is a purpose to you and you will get to where god has taken you that does not denigrate or believe to those of you who are raising very nice middle class family before you say wow they put food in your mouth they carried you to school in the car all the days of your life and those of us who walk to school they are footed we will all appear at the cross and we will all be blessed praise god you know some of you you have you had a privilege and you call it suffering you need no suffering you know when past gyms he was in high school her pocket money was my salary a pocket money in high school was my salary but you know what we all come to meet at the cross where you get to know that you carry destiny it isn't how you started the journey it's how you ended the journey never put yourself down never think that i am not going to be because i was born you know some people are silverspoon we had no spoon no spoon at all but in the end there is a purpose there is a destiny and even if things were rough and tough and somebody rejected you they kicked you on the backside they punched you they did this pick up yourself clean up yourself and still declare i will arrive at my purpose i will arrive at my destination if you believe shout amen when you discover your destiny it helps you to recover lost here when you discover you recover when you discover you recover when you discover you recover for many years a young man called jabez found himself saying whatever they said concerning him his mother gave him the name jabez which means son of sorrow first chronicles chapter 4 verse 9 and 10 when you get home you can read or you can yeah you can read and you'll find that in first chronicles uh from chapter chapter 2 i think chapter 2 verse 1 to chapter 4 verse eight all it did was tell and these begot this and these we got this and these begot these and these begot this and these we got this they were a family of dukes but they were all broke but when it came to jabez jabez was tired of the name they gave him son of sorrow every negative name they've given you the holy spirit will rewrite your story rewrite your name write your story you will stand out where god had proposed for you to reach that destination you will get there shout i receive oh said again i receive they called him jabez but the bible says he was more horrible than his brothers and his mother called his name jabez because i bought him in sorrow because i bought him in sorrow they didn't bear names in israel for nothing they born names based on the experience or the of the parents or the expectation so they gave him the name jabez because they bought him his sorrow but one day he decided no no no no life must be bigger than this there must be more destination than where i am now i refuse to accept what satan places on me right now i take authority sickness is not of god it is satan's ticket we cancel that ticket [Music] poverty is not of god it is satan's ticket which he wants to give you for you to accept and for it to manifest in your life from today we tear it i want you to know that backwardness limitations in life are supposed to be the lies of hell to keep you perpetually in one place from today you rise above it if you believe shout amen so he called on the god of israel and said oh that you would barack me the word bless in hebrew barack means to empower it means to to open doors to increase me and then he said enlarge my territory because if your territory is not enlarged you will see limitation but once you begin to have an enlightened territory you begin to know that i am not limited by geography i am limited by the visions in my spirit so son of man what do you see what do you see god said to abraham lift up your eyes now and see genesis 13 i anoint your eyes to see i said i anoint your eyes to see i pray again for you i anoint your eyes to see and he said enlarge my coast and light my territory and uh that your hand will be with me when god's hand is with you age who can raise their hands against you and that you will keep me from evil that i may not cause anybody pain and god granted his request because it was always in his destiny do you know that many people will show up in eternity and find that they never really fulfilled any purpose they did not fulfill the purpose for which they were here they came they did not follow the gps and arrive at their destination they followed other people they saw that people's car going somewhere and they followed them many years ago i was to fly out and uh god tv also wanted me to do a recording for them i said i'm flying out tonight if you can rent a room in a hotel at the airport in heathrow put the cameras there i will come and do the live fundraising you want me to do they said they will do they paid money they got the cameras there they hired the hotel room and we did the recording or whatever the live broadcast it was time to now go we weren't very sure way to wait to to turn it was the days before gps the person taking me i shall not mention his name thought man this car looks like he's going in the direction of the airport so he began to follow the car we ended the car just turned into a cool deck where the road ends and parks in front of his house i'm sure the guy must be looking like okay i have reached where i'm going you need to so we had to turn the car all around again and begin to journey all over because we spent a good chunk of time following another month's destination there are too many people like that they follow all our people's destination the guy on the street who a lot of young men and women bust their education because they follow some gang somebody follows some friend they burst their own education they bust their own opportunity because they followed someone from today i pray for you may your eyes be straight may you find purpose may you achieve your calling in the mighty name of jesus shout a bigot amen when you find your purpose it helps you to get to where god is taking you discover and develop your destiny you can't jump into it when destiny and season meet things begin to work when you have a destination and it is in the right season and the two meet things begin to work does begin to open you know what hell is not big enough to erase your destiny i had not seen ear had not heard hasn't come to the eyes or or the heart of man what god has in store for me what god has in store for you and when god is ready to do it he can use anyone i said he can use anyone do you know there are people in your journey that god is going to raise to help you somebody looking insignificant because some of us were always looking up looking for some big name big guy big person to come and help us some wealthy person and it may just be somebody who hold your hand and say follow me i cannot forget many years ago i had preached in the church in africa challenged the people to sow seed and i think it was the pastor's wife she was also into business she had come into london to do some business and she called for a cab it was the days before uber she called for a cab the cab driver arrives the car is not smelling nice if you know what i mean not smelling nice she wanted to shut the door and say no i wait for another cab and the holy spirit spoke to us they enter and so she has to enter under and beyond the smell for as long as he can take in the course of the journey the holy spirit speaks to her i want you to be here suddenly the car cab driver turned to her and said madam are you into oil business he's an arab man uh well he looks arab it's actually pharisee is from iran he's persian iranians are not arab they are persians he said are you into oil business and she said yes i'm into all business she used to do oil and gas got the long story short iran is on uh iranians at that time what did they call that and when on the sanction and they can't import oil and they needed somebody who bypassed the sanction and that is how this lady had to be the one to go back to our country to get oil from seed container loads to be shipped to iran to make some good money can you believe that taxi driver we also had an experience here in church one of those sunday nights at ash people for the sunday night offering that nobody should stay there and wait for the deacon to bring their friend everyone should come to the altar to drop their offering and the guy who likes to see that the bar can drop his offering gently came to the front and drops his offering on sunday night tuesday gets into a cab and the cab driver asks him how would you like to be a representative of my country and he has a person which country certainly jail republic to be the to be a consular officer representing the jail republic here in the uk he said sorry i'm nigerian not nigerian now the guy said it doesn't matter are you ready i mean to represent niger because the long story short takes him to go introduce to the embassy before you know they made him a consular officer gave him all the things he needed gave him a brand new car and he had to go to the un to represent them jesus man taxi driver i hope you have not overlooked the person wish to connect you to your destiny because some of us our eyes are always so high up we don't want to talk to anybody we're very very shishy poo poo and we miss our connection you will not miss yours your amen is very low you will not miss your connection you will not miss your purpose the persons who have been ordained to bless you you won't miss them someone is supposed to help you you will not miss them your destiny is how to be in the center of god's will why should you pursue your destiny because the discovery of destiny and the pursuit of destiny delivers you from worry once you know i'm on the right track have you ever been on a journey before you are driving maybe and you're not very sure if you are driving in the right direction maybe you didn't even have a gps and you had to stop and say excuse me i went on our way to xyz they say yeah you can't miss it if you keep on going the next five ten minutes you'll be there you are more rested there's no stress no worry praise god once once you are under on the on the path of divine destiny your mind is at rest philippians chapter 4 verse 6 and 7 be anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer and supplication make your needs known to the father verse 6 verse 7 and the peace of god which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and mind through christ jesus somebody say amen so when you are in your destiny you'll be your best you find comfort fish do not struggle in water do they they just go zap zap zap it's you who's trouble because you're not meant to live in water but when you bring a fish out it is it is struggling to breathe unless if there are only a few fishes that are they are like crazy fishes catfish and a few other fishes will move out of this water and crawl and get to another water where they smell water other fishes they come out of water they are outside their destined zone but when you are in your destiny you feel comfortable i pray again for you today you will not waste time you will not associate with the wrong people those who will block your vision god will take them out of your journey because listen listen listen so some of the greatest blockers of vision are family members who you rely on instead of god isaiah chapter six from verse one isaiah chapter six from verse one and in the year that king uzziah died what did isaiah do he saw the lord he was high and lifted up and strength filled the temple before king uzziah died isaiah wasn't seeing the lord because king uzziah was his uncle isaiah was a prophet and a a a a prince so every time he was broke he went to uncle lucia hey uncle i'm scared can you raise me his uncle will help him but you see there is a level of broke that no man can help you when it comes to destiny unless a person is assigned to you they don't see what you see they don't feel what you feel they don't hear what you hear and stop blaming people for not helping you maybe they didn't hear in their mind in their spirit that they are connected to your future maybe they've helped some people who came back and belched in their face and said what have you done that people have never done before i pray for you today that god will open your eyes anyone who will steal the glory of what god wants to do in your life god will expire them and remove them in your journey and god will bring you into purpose bring you into fulfillment bring you into your assignment shout i receive and until your purpose until you pursue your purpose you remain a destitute you remain a destitute until you pursue your purpose you remain a destitute jonah called of god with an assignment to reach the biggest city in the world of his time nineveh nineveh was like singapore it was a city and a nation but jonah ran away he didn't want the people to be born again wanted god to kill them he wanted them to be destroyed for their son bought his own one-way ticket to nowhere run from his destiny there are people who run from their destiny listen and that may be a little controversial with this there are people who sometimes buy their ticket from the country of their birth to go look for some el dorado somewhere and one cannot guarantee that they were meant to go there there are people who have shaped themselves out of africa to some canada or u.s or even uk and it may not be in their calling let me be another country a little more more controversial even tighter the first slavery they went to carry people the new slavery the people are buying their tickets people are buying their own ticket and they think once they have a car in the house they are more fulfilled than the place of their birth unknown to some people that they carry destiny that would have been greater than the car and the house i told you it's a tight one don't do anything just say reverse and you know the way australia britain canada the us does it now they only come for highly skilled highly skilled so they highly skilled buy their own ticket they apply it's like eating when you have a choice of fruits you choose well you have no choice even the one that i have some little wrote on the side i'll cut it down cut that rotten powder when you have choice so the most major thing about life is to ensure that whatever you do you only live once christianity does not believe in reincarnation you only find that in buddhism and hinduism that you come back another level you once came as a dog then you become a higher caste then you die and rise to another then you come as a vishnu and then you die and come back as a brahmin brahmin at the highest caste in hinduism no the bible says it is appointed unto man wants to die after that what the judgment so you only live once only james bond lives twice and because you only have this one life this morning i'm really coming after some people you need to ensure that you fulfill destiny i pray for you you will not waste your time you will not waste your life you know it's your destiny if you are younger you are single destiny must motivate your decision and marriage not at all is he is this his future no it's not sex he's cease is his feet does he have a car jesus man is that destiny is that destiny a man who has a car today may not have tomorrow but you know there are many people who have made life decision on height and if you have six packs god help all of us who have no park only have a chest and a wardrobe and a lot of men they only have chests and the wardrobe and their wardrobe is very full you know men's wardrobe is the most difficult to get down ask me is the most difficult to go down no matter how you exercise kill yourself the wardrobe is in here ah i'm not moving jesus man let the man say amen now the destiny is so powerful so awesome so great you will only live this one life make it make sense when souls love god reach out for jesus touch lives invite your friends to know christ don't care if they have a different opinion let the knowledge of your destination make you feel lifted be so sold out to christ so committed to his purpose shout amen and i pray for you may you fulfill destiny when you start moving you start winning because see when a person moves away from their destiny they lose out those who do not follow god's purpose continue to struggle i see it all over the world and you know it's interesting you have relations and you can see that the problem this guy has is a problem of wanting immediate gratification he does not want he does not want to work on what will fulfill his his destiny he has no hunger no trust no hunger no thirst do you know hunger is good but then sometimes when you have hunger there are people who eat some things to kill the hunger punk but not the real food you need something that makes you really feel that you have fulfilled your life so i pray for you again that every area of emptiness of your life you will find the seasons you have in your hand you will use it to glorify god you will make a difference you will touch your world shall i receive how do you how do you reach your destination you must first you must ask yourself serious questions if you want to reach your destination you must ask yourself questions like what is my greatest dream and ambition in life psalm 37 verse 4 delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart what's your greatest passion your desire your ambition what is that thing you want to achieve because if you don't have a dream you will not be able to fulfill anything number two question what fires you up what fires you up you know some people just live they just live there's no fire that's why they can sit down and watch mini martinis or watch all those korean series and all those uh i wasn't of the spanish one huh tell me the name lovella something lubella huh telly luvella is that the name who said it in the choir nice one what fires you up what passion do you have psalm 69 verse 9 says because zeal for your house has eaten me up and the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me what fires you up i'm not saying of course that you shouldn't relax and that there shouldn't be times when you sat down you wanted to watch something you've done and done and done you have to have something you just used to relax praise god but the zeal for your house has eaten me never let a day go by that you didn't have something kept in store for you let every flying moment keep something in store for you let every flying moment keep something in store for you let every flying moment keep something in store for you praise god because one day you are going to go back to what it kept in store for you and david took the sword of goliath and cut his head and they took the sword and kept it in the temple and then one day david finds himself in a place surrounded by enemies and the only thing available was the sword of goliath what do you have in store because if you don't have the sword of goliath you kept in the days of your fullness you have nothing to go back to oh may the lord help you may god open your eyes you need to ask yourself what's what what do what do i like to do naturally what am i gifted to do you need to ask yourself what is my strong point because you are not a waste you are gifted what is my strong point i like you to scream i'm gifted i'd like you to say it again i'm gifted praise god people are you are gifted then you need to ask yourself what is the holy spirit saying to me now because the holy spirit wants to talk to you romans 8 14 as many as are led by the holy spirit using his own gps as many as are led by the holy spirit they are the sons of god may he lead you i said may he lead you you need to ask yourself what walk or area of my serving god do i want do i find happiness when i am serving god which area you need to ask yourself what vision what dream have become a compulsion in my life which i cannot avoid i have this dream i have this vision every anything i do i come back there how many of you have that kind of vision which no matter what you do you always come back to this dream you want to fulfill this dream i think it was be one of the statements i put there for you to write down what vision what dream have become a compulsion in fact for paul he said knowing the terror of the lord we never cease to persuade man we never cease paul was a persuader he said knowing the terror of the lord we never cease to pass with me what you need to ask yourself what in life will i give 100 dedication if it begins to work for me what is that thing which if it begins to work for me i will give 100 dedication you need to ask yourself what in life can attract other people to come and impute into my life what am i going to do that will attract other people and say hey you have begun to do that and it's working i'm going to give you this pound i'm going to give you 10 pounds i'm going to come and serve i'm going to help your dreams the reason we brought reverend steve melissa here last sunday was because i have been there i've seen the result of what he does i've preached all over the world and i've found myself in places where that's where i've said what am i doing here these guys are a bunch of mediocres they wrote those good letter and maybe i had the sense and don't go but didn't listen i remember one journey like that to one place in germany but um is already laughing she knows what happened here i had this i had all the heebie-jeebies not to go but eventually went went with my one of my sons and one of our pastors we arrived at the airport our host has not arrived jesus man we knew we were in trouble when your host has no protocol no arrival it means you have come down from the level of the gifting grace and calling you have come down to the level of being the one waiting for them and when it showed up we're not being braggadocious or arrogant but i showed up and was now that small mercedes a class and there was a babysitter at the back and here are three men myself these two guys my two sons my son in the natural and my standard in ministry i knew we are in double trouble big trouble in little china from the choir against somebody new literature i'm going to investigate this choir [Laughter] praise god when you go to the hotel he gives them his credit card he didn't bounce the first time i said jesus is lord that's when i i brought out my biggest thoughts okay i don't want to sleep outside live jesus man but then we have a speaker who came last sunday i've been to his crusades and i'm looking in fact i had to turn i said to him you guys are holding something of this magnitude are you not making noise on your national television have you invited the president to see this what are you doing that people will want to support you because some of us say nobody's helping me what have you done for yourself what have you done you know whenever i teach young people wealth creation i always tell them don't start a charity don't start what do they call it ngo you are an ngo yourself don't start one i want to help people who are sleeping under the bridge you're eating your mother's food and your daddy's food and you want to have somebody who's sleeping under the bridge you need help in two weeks time i'll be speaking to all the youth of the redeemed christian church of god that's the kind of way i'm going to talk to some of them because many of them will be thinking ngo and you the only reason bill gates can turn to billionaires and say give me your billion we want to feed people who want to buy drugs it's because he's made it and they can see that he doesn't need their money and so they were able to give it what dream have your destiny produced that will make me want to support you you need to be asking yourself those kind of questions the bible says in acts 16 verse 10 now after he had seen the vision immediately we sought to go to macedonia concluding that the lord had called us to preach the gospel to macedonia because in a dream paul saw a person dressed like a macedonian said come over to macedonia and help us so before the world reaches to help you they need to see what you are doing another question if you had your life all over what would you correct what would you correct that's how to arrive at your destination what would you correct what would you correct what friendships would you cut because some people you called friends were time wasters they hung around you have contributed nothing listen look i mean you must reach a place in life where you ask yourself value questions this person or persons i give hours of my life what are they bringing to the table what are they bringing is somebody hearing me this morning how many of you have been blessed already by this morning's message i pray for you i provoke your destiny to manifest i command your destiny to manifest in the name of jesus so the next way to to answer the question how is to keep your joy intact listen to god prepare yourself to be a student of god's word love his word work out the power and purpose of the holy spirit in your life listen to him all the time wednesday now we've just started teaching on life in the spirit get yourself into into into wednesday bible study as we teach about the holy spirit romans 8 14 says as many as are led by the holy spirit they are the sons of god he is the one from the future and he's the only one that can take you back to the future i guess that's another one the choir should be able to tell us where that one came from where did that one come from come from back to the future they don't want to talk this time they're scared someone somebody has answered michael j fox is that marco j all right i know you know i they also spend these people from television for one month praise god praise the lord i can't finish the message today but i know you were blessed a few statements i have here when you begin to walk your destiny i wrote things like keep your gladness of heart don't let anybody steal that if you only have a little food in your house and you know you found your purpose don't sweat the big stuff stay in your joy don't resist your coming blessing don't feel like it is too big your destiny called for it it's part of your destiny is someone hearing me do you know that there are some of you who are sitting here your sons your daughters are going to end up in parliament they're going to run big businesses they're going to iran great things and you know what that's part of your destiny somebody say that's part of my destiny i have no doubt that mr mrs hashimoto part of their destiny was to give birth to me my mom didn't do much she had terrible depression all of her alive from when i was growing as a little boy but i have no doubt part of her destiny was to give birth to me so parents who are here today stop measuring your life by the little things you have some of you have sacrificed you've paid school fees you've sent your kids to the best school you can afford you have fulfilled destiny you will not be a failure you will be a testimony god will wipe your tears god will fill your mouth with laughter god will cause you to reach where he's taking you you will not be into whining and crying but you will be into celebration i declined to your life today that as life is exciting your life will be exciting as life gets bigger your life will be a big one you will move into your purpose you will move into your destiny as you stand on the covenant of god it will come to pass in your life from today you quit struggling you start living you quit struggling you start living you fulfill purpose you fulfill vision you fulfill destiny in fact this season in which we are god will cause great things to begin to happen in your life god will connect with your testimonies connect you with blessings connect you with glory connect you with amazing open doors tears wiped in your life joy filling your heart gladness rising in your heart anything around your neck around your life that was to pull you down we set you free from it any heavy load that is like an albatross around your neck right now wanting to carry you down some burden you are carrying look at me sometimes some of us were carrying real burdens and he's trying to pull us down so about this emotional burden some of us is health burden and he's trying to pull you down and your struggles are struggling to stand i lay hand on you today i break that train in the name of jesus anything that god have not placed on you the enemy wants to use to drag you down you are free from it you're free from it you're free from it you're free from it you're free from it you're free from it in the name of jesus god sets you free he sets you free he sets you free he sets you free in the name of jesus and you will finish well you'll finish well you'll achieve your dreams achieve your purpose fulfill your destiny to the glory of god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus sometimes it is people that make a man to lose his destiny [Music] as great as moses was he had to be taken to mount peace girl from where god showed him and said look that is palestine but you wouldn't get there ah a man spends 40 years listening to all kinds of rubbish he slapped me he looked me she didn't cook my food and when we went to collect the mana she collected it in a bad way and she was supposed to remember you know some men coming very very oh jesus man [Music] one time one guy came to me he just got married two weeks they wanted to set a problem within two weeks when they sat in front of he brought out a book he said these are the 22 things he has done in two weeks i thought i thought i thought i looked at the girl i thought you have just got bought yourself a one-way ticket to the prison 22 things in two weeks what will happen in two years you read the gospel according to moses could not reach because of people [Music] something could not finish well because of a lady i think that sam said he had gifted him but he was forgive my friend she was stupid a woman brings people against you the first time where's the secret of your power he lies [Music] second time again ah you should have known that you don't just cast out there you cast her out he waited again jesus man and you know there are some of us like that who say hey they said he was just i was just playing on you he since i played that you know the truth anyone who is not going to help your destiny your journey god cuts them off your land god cuts them off your life that cuts them off your life that cuts them off your life victory follows you may the blessing of do they truly rest on your life and may you be brought into all that god has for you in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus if you have some dreams some assignments some business you are pursuing in recent time and you have praying for god to make it happen this year just raise your hand i want to pray for you pray for you just raise your hand just raise your hand i'm gonna pray for you so many hands father in the name of jesus father in the name of jesus let these dreams become reality let the strength become give these people a testimony turn things around for them make it happen make it happen let it become part of their testimony for this year to the glory of your name we say it is done by the mantle of jesus of my life i declare it is done it is done it is done it is dead in jesus name amen we dance together and give god our biggest praise in the name of jesus it is well it is well it is [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] the woman's child died and the man of god is it well and she said in his will this week shall be well this season shall be well that baby in your hand will not die or shall become the fulfillment in your life to the glory of the lord in jesus name amen praise the lord [Music] let us be seated in the presence of the lord let us be seated in the presence of the lord when we take this time to serve the lord with our tithe our pledges uh our friends and everything god has blessed us with and magnify him with that which he has done in our life he's a good god the mighty good god praise the lord [Music] part of destiny is to learn how that in the process of you moving in the direction of your destiny you make so many things happen and i challenge you this morning to serve the lord in the tithe to serve the lord in your pledges to serve the lord with a seed towards the mission like we announced last week and when you are doing that c2 mission i want you to be able to write on that envelope and say this is towards mission i need to give with all of your heart with all of your soul with all of your spirit imagine the thousands who will come to know the lord imagine the ones who will make it because you help them i am really praying that those who are still having religion blind in them who will come just for the food and the clothing and the agricultural implement will have their eyes open and we'll have the chain broken and we'll have the boldness to stand for the faith praise god and i want you to really commit to make it happen one of the families here a seed of five thousand pounds towards this this mission you also ought to stir your heart and make something happen touch lives you may never meet them but jesus spoke he said i was hungry you fed me i was thirsty you gave me water and he said when did we make this happen said as long as you did it for one of this you have done it for me we're gonna give this morning i'm gonna give with all of our hearts serving the lord magnifying god those of you who are watching around the world partner with kscc to make this happen and [Music] i am a person who is not who gets the glory but the lord it's not our crusade it's not my outrage but it is the lord's purpose in fact many ministries in ghana wonder why we carry christ to the rural world's outreach i see if it is ours because it is the it is the lord's and lives will be transformed people will be saved as we do this praise the lord so we're going to give you the excitement is how many are excited to be partnering to see so saved people transformed their lives touched let's give to the lord this one let's give let's give [Music] [Music] i may not see it now [Music] i yes you'll work it out [Music] i [Music] i i believe [Music] oh i believe oh he'll work yes stretch your hand towards the offering and confess with me and by the way look at me you must learn to hold on to the word of your confession power of life and death is under tongue hebrews 3 1 says jesus christ is the high priest of our confession so what we say in his presence matters a lot when we confess they think jesus takes it to the father stretch your hand towards offering confession and lord has to bring the offerings we believe you for better jobs raises bonuses finding money money finding us receiving increase incomes royalties [Music] in the name of jesus victory follows us testimonies follow us we'll receive real estates we receive abundance in the name of jesus father bless the seed we saw today prosper your people the seed has come from their hand let the harvest follow let the testimonies follow le baku let somebody come back with an unusual testimony move lord move move lord move let your name be glorified [Music] we thank you jesus name amen please receive a couple of announcements bring the service to a close were you blessed today i said were you blessed today tonight is very important because tonight launches the day is coming up through the morning glow will be praying the days of miracles the days of miracles the days of miracles and it starts from tonight tonight want to speak on the days of miracles and then we want to tap into it from monday tuesday wednesday thursday the days of miracles i like to believe god to heal to deliver to set free we had a powerful time last sunday night ministering the world ministering to young people who are going back to school so make sure you do whatever it takes to be here tonight you will be blessed praise the lord as i praise the lord make evening service special make it glorious make it powerful hung up for it hunger be there be there praise god remember the 90 days of the covenant of testimony you must really let cry before the lord and say god every week i want a testimony or testimonies i want testimonies every week i want testimonies every week i want testimonies glory to god i said glory to god well from the month of october [Music] the first sunday to the fifth sunday i'll be preaching on why i believe you see first peter chapter 3 verse 15 says sanctify the lord god in your heart and be ready always to give an answer as to the hope that is in you you must be ready to give answers somebody said be ready we live at a time when the world is questioning the veracity of our faith is there any god well the bible says the fool says in his heart there is no god then you tell you i don't believe in the bible well when we come together during the i believe sundays we use everything around him to show him that there is god then there will be the sunday one we say i believe in the bible it is the most attacked book most blunt most torn and yet it is the greatest bestseller because it is the breath of god it is the word of god and peter it says for prophecy came not in the old time by the will of man but holy man of god spoke as they were moved by the holy spirit we're going to also look at i believe in trinity [Music] they say so you serve three gods come with us that sunday i believe also in the absolutes of christianity the resurrection of jesus christ the one-time bishop of durham bishop of durham said ah there really may have not been a resurrection ah if there is no resurrection first corinthians chapter 15 then our faith is empty so he didn't really die he was in a coma then he woke and ran to india come i'd like to establish you in the faith i wish they had put that scripture on the screen first peter 3 15. it says you must be ready to give an answer how many of you have met people who are questioning the bible or god or jesus or the faith let me say aha so we will have exciting time to ground your faith you build your confidence in god also we look at the fact that let me even go through all the things that but sanctify the lord god in your heart and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear so we'll be sharing i'm not sure i can share all of it but i'm going to be sharing around this eight the ones we can cover in five sundays why i believe in god why i believe in jesus why i believe in the holy spirit why i believe in the bible why 66 books why not more how about all the books in the roman catholic bible judith to beat first and second estrella the wisdom of solomon the gospel of barnabas why is it not in our own bible oh i met some mormons the other time and they said the book of joshua was mentioned in joshua where's the book of joshua come we shall answer how many are excited to answer those kind of things praise god we're not trying to prove anything but we're trying to establish our faith i believe in god creating the universe and not 15 billion years ago no we shall see from scriptures and around us i believe in the immortality of man god created you in initially to live forever sin brought death but there's new life in christ i believe in the trinity i believe in the absolutes of christianity when we say absolutes we're saying these things are pivotal to christianity resurrection through christ the reality of death and hell and hell and hell and heaven the virgin birth these are absolutes and what does that also mean it means that your friend in the catholic church who believes in those absolutes is also a child of god so don't you ever think only we charismatics are christians you are not the only ones anyone who believes those absolutes even if you say lutheran is a child of god praise the lord because we need to change our attitude also you'll be shocked there's a revival going on in some churches you call nominal they now know how to worship god there are many pentecostal churches in fact they have lesser scandal nowadays are you looking forward praise god i'm going to close the service but just before we do live to celebrate anyone who's worshipping with us first time if today's your first time in krcc prayer city would like you to stand up please so we can appreciate you thank god for you pray for you i need to put your hands together for this our friend friends who are worshipping with us for the first time i'd like to invite you to come to the front here because we'd like to formally welcome you haven't come to worship with us this morning let's welcome you to krccc [Music] [Music] [Music] we would like to say a big welcome to all of you our precious special friends who are coming for the first time and we do hope you enjoyed our service today i will pray god's blessings on your life and we hope you'll be able to come and come and come and come and come and come and come and come again until chaos is it becomes your home we pray god's blessings on you pray god's favor on you pray if you came from far probably from abroad that god will give you journey mercies and you'll travel back safely but if you're not too far away if you're within the m25 let's see you on a regular basis maybe you also want to be here when i answer those questions that'll be cool that would be nice to be able to enjoy you would like to take you out to a room where they want to take your name and address because i'm going to write you if you give me an email address you get my letter today if you give me a regular address get my letter marks wednesday we'll give you some literature some a little book i've written as a gift from me to you the lady will take you out and the people will meet you there please follow her give them a good god bless your [Music] welcome to the place [Music] i leave you this morning with psalm 63 verse 5 i will be fully satisfied as with the riches of foods with singing lips my mouth will praise him today i speak into your life i declare today that the grace of the lord will be on your works god will cause everything you lay hand on this week to yield fruits a good harvest will follow you your your efforts will yield good fruit testimonies will follow you glory will follow you favor will follow you blessings will follow you you will go out with joy you'll be led forth with peace the blessings of the lord will never cease in your life in jesus name and i declare and decree that this season of your life or use your doors open before you in the name of jesus unusual doors open before you in the name of jesus so shall it be jesus name we'll be playing the video of noah's ark as you go out but that will be after we have sung our usual bye-bye song to say thank you for being in the service today the lord bless you god bless you we see you tonight very very very very important to be in the night service the days of miracles are here only you can do what no man can do jehovah [Music] only you can do [Music] only you can do one can do [Music] only you only you can do [Music] [Music] only you can say [Music] all you can do [Music] and this morning i love the coming years i've gone to the shop to buy the full stuff so we'll package some of them already which are in the room and i will be taking it to the families anyone out there who want to volunteer with noah's ark to come on board and help us because there are a lot of work that needs to be done deliveries to families schools around midway london as well okay so anyone that wants to come on board will be happy to have you to help us [Music] many thank you for your support and your help we do really appreciate it here thank you [Music] we're glad you watched today's service for prayer call o2085250 or text to share your testimony prayer works at prayer city see you next time
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 4,703
Rating: 4.852941 out of 5
Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA, NSPDD
Id: 57_PgIF_RiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 34sec (8314 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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