KICC Morning Glow Live | The Days of Miracles | 30-09-2021

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[Music] [Music] the jesus [Music] jesus blood can make you free [Music] like me yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] he give it power through the mountains through the mountains he makes a way finding the water [Music] and turns the night to a golden day [Music] i [Music] in temptation he is [Music] [Music] and gives you grace yes [Music] [Music] [Music] for me jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] eternity [Music] yes i [Music] yes [Music] i know [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] see [Music] jesus blood can make you free [Music] a wretch like [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] through the mountains through the mountains he makes a way [Music] and turns the night to a golden day [Music] i [Music] in temptation he is [Music] [Music] and gives you grace for [Music] [Music] [Music] it works for me jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] eternity [Music] yes i jesus yes i know yes i know [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] see [Music] jesus can make you free [Music] yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] he give it power [Music] and turns the night to a golden day [Music] i [Music] in temptation he is [Music] [Music] and gives you grace yes [Music] [Music] [Music] it works for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] eternity [Music] yes i know [Music] my [Music] i know [Music] jesus [Music] me [Music] see [Music] jesus blood can make you free [Music] like me [Music] [Music] yes [Music] i tell all about them sitting beside you standing beside you you're going to celebrate and worship the lord together fire are you ready [Music] now put your hands together like this come on everybody come up hey hey come on clap your head hey come on come on oh yes we keep a break [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and let everything that has been done [Music] [Music] on is the lord foreign foreign praise the lord praise the lord from the rising of the sun let its praise be heard from the east to the west and don't know suicide help me say from the rising we gotta lift him up all right is [Music] and i love praise the lord foreign praise the lord [Music] is [Music] history is for guess what in your presence [Music] somebody oh [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] when we see you when we sing in your presence and you're worthy hey come on [Music] so hold those hands together come on in come on everybody [Music] foreign people from every nation oh foreign oh come hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] are you ready come on hey any ladies in the house love the lord on this place [Music] [Applause] you're gonna shout out with a voice of triumph and declare that he is good are you ready ladies are you ready [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] all the brothers in the house shout hallelujah [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it welcome to morning glory welcome to another time in the presence of the lord trust in the lord that this morning you will be blessed you will be favored the hand of the lord will touch you and you will have reasons to magnify our god heavenly father we give the glory the honor the praise the adoration to you what a joy to always wake up in your presence just to magnify the god who spawned the universe into existence who created the gigantic planets and yet we are called his sons and daughters we who are just like tiny specks you know us you know our name our names are written on your palms we give you glory we give you praise we give you honor we give you adoration awesome god mighty god god of faithfulness without injustice bless us this morning as we come before you do signs do wonders in the midst of your people by that signature by which you signed off the creation of the universe sign off in the life of someone today a testimony a powerful awesome healing breakthrough open door wonder wonder wonder wonder to the glory of your name in the name of jesus amen amen amen amen wherever you have joined this morning we celebrate you we welcome you we trust the lord that you will be blessed you will be favored you will have a testimony the lord will refresh you no good thing will your father withhold from you because you love the lord and because you have been brought into his kingdom and you have been called according to his purpose because there is a purpose there is a destiny and there is a reason for your creation welcome everyone first one i saw today is namibia the lord bless you this morning we have this lady she will arrange the flag of namibia like 12 of them every morning so welcome you they also have very beautiful memories of that city of bundok namibia you know praise the lord may the lord bless you with the lord and reach your life this morning everyone on the platform kumasi ghana blessings on you in the name of jesus so weary in nigeria things sent to elizabeth jamaica look like saint elizabeth has moved from uh youtube i just know where most of you are and some of you of course the one that works best for the day god bless you richly jesus name praise the lord said paul's bristol blessings peter marisburg in south africa the lord bless you praise the lord from the end australia the lord bless you in the name of jesus i also have beautiful experiences with vienna austria a beautiful church grace church pastor amanda he and his wife among the best that the host you know whatever they had was all they heard but they made you feel oh your father you are a guest they were very honoring i loved them nigel delta nigeria bless you malaysia bless you south africa bless you oh praise the lord this morning liverpool this morning god bless you sacramento california lord bless you freetown sierra leone john wayne osaka the lord bless you workshop blessings now cody blessing first place i ever went to in america was california calm downtown the lord bless you bromley be blessed bulaway you zimbabwe beautiful memory too praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord saint peters saint petersburg russia this morning all right the lord bless you valencia spain blessings zambia blessings chelmsford blessings in vanessa can uh scotland bless you uh sid cupcake blessings higher middle sex blessings turn well and stains blessings place two in london the lord bless you greetings from kenya we greet you too god bless you romford blessings uh thank you jesus france the lord bless you this morning liverpool be blessed not favored brock no blessings nigeria god bless you manchester that says ah kaab way is zambia the lord bless you richly this morning praise the lord heart is filled in the united kingdom blessings patswood kent blessings county cary in ireland god bless you richly today in the name of jesus uh popular east london that's popular not popular popular the popular tree popularist london god bless you uh chadwell said mary in essex god bless you demon nigeria blessings blessings blessings praise the lord zimbabwe blessings uh federal capital territory nigeria blessings what forward god bless you jesus name welcome cross the lord bless you customs house east london god bless you richly in the god bless man god bless you richly this morning may you be favored over the lord could of just left there last week friday man i always have this tremendous experience with pastor mohammed's church in cordoba beautiful just beautiful yeah this wife the guy is doing some huge crusades he just went and watched reverend is replicating invaria there's some things i've never seen well yeah i didn't want to start the crusades in nigeria glory to god pennsylvania bethlehem pennsylvania had a love bless you this morning i'm so looking forward pray for me next step is to now get the funds to go buy equipment for this massive meetings believe god it shall come to pass harare zimbabwe god bless you delta nigeria blessings on you this morning edinburgh scotland god bless you um edmonton and london the lord bless you uh praise the lord ukraine i bless you richly this morning praise the lord pill wood and birmingham be blessed and highly favorite eastern paul in turkey the lord bless you this morning uh yeah i'm smiling because istanbul where all young with two funny names that was my brother's nickname istanbul it's never been there but i just love the sound uh all right they asked me when i'm coming back to me to california ah hey hey pray for me actually i mean yeah she'll come i know that new york should see me in the next couple of days now i'm again in the netherlands the lord bless you belvedere be blessed and unfavored uh praise god praise god ontario canada blessings in france qatar the lord bless you richly in the name of jesus round rock texas the lord bless you nashville tennessee we would like to celebrate everyone this morning we like to thank god for each one of you even if we haven't mentioned where you came drc in ken uh god bless you today about nicknames a cousin took congo kinshasa anytime he showed up you just need to say that and he's excited his nickname was congo passed on when to be with the lord two three years ago at about the age of 75. this morning i trust the lord you will be blessed god will touch you god will minister to you you will have reasons to magnify the lord you have reasons to testify of the goodness of god in the land of the living for those of you who are just joining us we have been blessed of the lord by his power by his grace by his anointing by the hand of the lord stretched out to work in our life to touch our lives and this morning will not be an exception as the lord ministers to his people and as the lord blesses his people in the name of jesus for those of you who are just joining us we have been prophesying the signs the wonders the miracles of our god we will be taking testimonies very soon and i know everyone's provided also it came with the time when the law spoke from that from august 30 to december 31 the five five days in our time of morning glory terms to be 90 days we are under a canopy of the covenant of testimonies god will give you testimonies not testimony testimonies in the name of jesus in the book of john chapter 3 verse verse verse 3 or shall i read verse 2 the word of nicodemus the same came to jesus by night and said unto him rabbi we know that you are a teacher come from god for no man can do these miracles that thou doest accept god sent except god be with him jesus answered him and said verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god like i want you to know that wonders and miracles are the hobbies of our god signs wonders miracles are the hobbies of our god he does the miraculous he does the wonderful so why why are science and wonders important i tell you it is its absence is the reason the church is sometimes treated anyhow by society uh the world needs to see the might of our god the greatness of our god the wonders of our god and listen everyone on morning glow kscc has a different approach to ministry my desire have always been that i do not be the epicenter of the miraculous but that you and i everyone on our platform goes and prays for the sake minister to people because the bible didn't say the sun shall follow the pastor it says the signs shall follow them that believe and you believe and because you believe you are a child of god and so the science shall follow you so why are signs and wonders important firstly they reveal the nature of god the nature of god hunger reveals my nature thirst reveal my nature the need to sleep reveal my nature and boy do i have some deposit right now because i slept 1am yesterday and i mean 1 a.m this morning and woke up since like who knows 4 30. so sleep is my nature signs and miracles are the nature of god jesus said i mean but um nicodemus said no man can't do this except he be sent from god he knew that signs and wonders they revealed the nature and ability of god they revealed the character of god because everything he does has to show that this wasn't done by a man there has to be an extra behind the ordinary there has to be a super beyond the natural glory to god o glory to god signs and wonders reveal the nature of our god the bible says in the book of hebrews chapter one verse three god who at sundry time spoke to us in these last days spoken to us through his dear son and he reveals his power he reveals his nature he reveals his ability by the things he does the miracles he does the wonders he does the outstretching of his hand praise the lord praise the lord i'd like to read for you hebrews chapter 3 and verse and verse 1. hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 rather hebrews chapter 1 verse 3. who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had when he had by himself since sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high so the bible makes clear that jesus is the express image of the glory of god so if god created the universe miraculously and that is the problem of science it can't see miracles it does not know that yeah it should take an evolutionary process to make things and take a billion years to create our planet but we are talking of the god who has the power to create by fiat creation by fiat means without having to ask for does not bring somebody approval no and because he's the miracle of god he can create by fiat boom praise god and he will launch evolutionary process therefore means you have to want you have to permit this chemistry this this particular chemical to agree with this chemical over a process of time for some job that god we serve created the universe by p fiat so it's not billions of years the bible says something like 6 000 years to now that's how it is glory to god science and wonders also have people to hear from god it helps people to hear from god when the crowds heard philip and saw the miracles that he did in acts chapter 8 verse 6 the bible says they paid attention this is god this is god asks child of apostles chapter eight verse six this one i'm using i was going to say manual bible because we all become too electronic particularly ukrc people chapter 8 verse 6 says and the people with one accord gave hit onto these things which philip speak hearing and seeing the miracles which he did when they saw the miracles and heard it they gave attention ayata pray gossip miracles draw attention to our god in the words of amy sample mcpherson the founder of the foursquare church said miracles are the bells that the church must ring to draw the unsaved glory to god miracles signs and wonders expose sin and bring people to repentance luke chapter 5 verse 8 when peter saw that when jesus told him to throw the net into the waters he caught more fish that son called the boats on the shore he knew that it's not even the size of his neck ayatee palusa rikai nadibosha it is the size of the word that was spoken the size of the word that was spoken ah he said depart from me jesus depart from me jesus i am a sinner but you know miracles reveal our nature that we are sinful this is the hand of god signs and wonders also they don't only expose sin they also bring people to repentance john 15 24. the bible says if i had not done among them what no one else did they would not be guilty of sin but now they have seen these miracles and yet they have hated both me and my father lord jesus was saying the miracles they saw was more of an attestation to the fact that if they rejected christ they are in trouble jesus wept three times the ggg the garden of eden the garden of gethsemane at the grave of lazarus at the gate of a city during that time he wept he said well to you jerusalem if the miracles that were done in your midst was done among gentiles who do not know the torah the bible the old testament it will have been better but it stands against you as a witness we need the hand of god in our lives today so if anybody rejects jesus and god god will say didn't you see the miracles you saw the miracles and still had into your heart because listen people see miracles and harden their hearts we see it in the old testament same people who murmured against moses by the ones who saw the red sea part same people who muhammad against moses but he saw the same also full flow fall down from heaven so water come out of iraq signs and wonders are the hobbies of our god they are the outstretching of his hand signs and wonders help people they help people to obey god more and god told moses in exodus chapter 4 verse 4 when moses threw his road down and he became himself in iran but then god said go after it grab that same road by the tail moses knew that he took a miracle to turn my road to a snake if he tells me to grab it he'll become whatever he says it will become oh i pray for you this morning may miracle signs and wonders follow you may it help you to really know god obey god serve god follow god with all of your heart because he had seen that miracle of what his wrought became when god now said go and confront pharaoh and nobody does nobody dares moses knew that if i am sent to me and i have seen what he can do i am agreeing with somebody this morning the miracles of god are going to visit your household visit your life visit your family visit everything you do jesus will do the miraculous in your life he will stretch his hand he will prove himself as a mighty god someone is at the platform today get ready this god of signs is god of wonders this god of faithfulness without injustice this god who does the miraculous this god who does not shame his own people this god who heals this god who makes people to have reasons to testify this god who opens doors this god this god who has shown himself as an awesome god a great god this morning get ready you he will not let go of your hand that matter that is topmost on your spirit god is cooking a miracle god is brewing a miracle god is brewing a miracle god is brewing a miracle for you i prophesy this morning god is brewing brewing putting together a miracle for you somebody at the altar today i declare and decree again god is putting together a miracle a miracle a miracle for you neca it talks about the mata will turn around to be a testimony nicodemus said to jesus nobody can do the things you have done except he be sent from god i prophesy into your life this morning at the hand of the lord to show that he is with you he is with you he takes on your fight he proves himself as god the hand of the lord will go with you the hand of the lord will be with you the hand of the lord will go with you the hand of the lord will be with you pick it up from where we stopped yesterday by the hand of the lord a polluted water became a drinkable water second kings chapter 2 verse 19 to 22. the water of the city was polluted they couldn't drink it they couldn't drink it you know they said it was bad and the ground was barren let us just believe that what it meant was that there are water borne disease in it that was giving people all kinds of issues probably uh bilharzia which is one of those waterborne diseases and the servants of god that bring me a bowl put salt in it it didn't mean if you take salt and put in water he would just be cured but the miraculous the hand of god was on it this morning a cuppa lucia rico soccer water is life every area of your life every area of your life every area of your life where the enemy is trying to pollute we take authority this morning we take authority this morning we speak a purification we speak a turnaround a change they turn around it change if somebody has gone ahead of you and tried to pollute your name by maligning you today we declare and decree god turns the story around god turns the story around for your favor turns the story around for your blessing turns the story around rico i prophesy this morning i prophesied this morning bitter waters big thai experiences bigger situations to begin to change to begin to change okay somebody they gave you let out disengagement and they said we no longer need your service it's been your bitter water and recent time i'll lay hand on you right now there about kotomiki into the god of heaven will shock you with beautiful experience your own business or a new job whichever you desire receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive if it's a new job receive it if it's your own business receive it receive it receive divine intervention receive divine intervention reci hayato cavallo city receive divine intervention i just saw a revelation it's concerning me so i believe i extend it to you between now and september next year because today is the last day of september between now and september next year between now and september next year what was a picture in your head shall be a full master plan what was a dream in your head shall be a master plan what was an idea in your head not a okapara i come against every interest hey i come against every hindrance i come against every hindrance i come against that picture in your heart that dream in your heart the aspiration you carry that the enemy have done all he can to pollute him the aspirations the dream the the desires you've carried you wonder where can i execute this how is this going to be why is this delaying why am i experiencing so much battle why did this battle come suddenly from where the united states perceive change receive change receive change perceive change perceive change receive change let god arise let his enemies be scattered what was a dream a desire a prophesy today shall become a major master plan executed a master plan executed a master plan executed about this time next year a master plan execute everyone who make up their mind to hinder your dream your picture your vision your your aspirations the things you want to carry out heaven will silence them heaven will silence them heaven will silence them they will make mistake they will make mistakes they will make mistakes everyone will silence them they will make mistakes heaven will silence them they will hit abortion that god arise let his enemies be scattered let god arise let his enemies be scattered let god arise let god arise let god arise you have no one else but the lord therefore the lord will take on your fight you have no one else but jehovah therefore the lord will take on your father that polluted water shall become pure from polluted to peel from polluted to peel from polluted to pure from undrinkable to drinkable from not useful to useful i'm speaking to your life today the bible says the water was bad and the gland was barren every barren area of your life the god who cannot lie the god who cannot lie he said through isaiah as streams will flow in the desert the hebrew there shows clearly that is specifically the negev desert the 1985 pole the negative broke open and water began to flow it was a shocker a boom the desert opened water began to flow contrast eg israel and their agricultural capacity they turned into myself or child a good chunk of the fruit we eat in europe that comes from israel is grown in the negev in the desert the water is bad and the ground is barren but today i prophesy on someone at this altar today is the last day you have a barren life today is the last day you have polluted waters that dream that picture that assignment that thing you want to execute receive favor for it men and women would rise to make your dream a reality men and women will rise to make the dream a reality men and women would rise to make the dream a reality men and women would rise to make their dream a reality men and women would rise to make that dream a reality get ready oh it was it an idea it thought in your mind and something i've held you down today i declare about this time next year is a full plan executed it's a full vision executed it's a full plan executed is a full vision executed is a full plan executed is a full vision executed is a full plan executed is a full vision executed bad water kills every good microbe around parent desert land kills every tree around good water changes ecosystems brings life where there was death good ground good soil brings back beautiful nature birds animals eighty percent of the animals on earth live where there is green 80 percent no matter how many animals you see in your city 80 of animals and sex birds live in the place where there are greens in the forest so life must come where there was death life must come where there was death life must come where there was death life must come where there was death there is a change coming to your life and it won't be long testimonies will be so awesome hear the word of the lord i have healed this water from it shall be no more death or barrenness from it shall be no more death or barrenness get ready to go in and harvest get ready for a change of circumstance and the mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus where they said there is death it takes us to another situation where there was death and life came sick same second kings chapter four from verse eight now it happened one day that elisha went to shunem shunam was the city of gentiles was occupied mostly by kusha it's black people the sunnah might woman the were blacks but there was a notable woman and she persuaded him to eat some food so it was as often as he passed by he would turn in there to eat some fruit and she said to her husband look now i know that is the only man of god who passes by us regularly please let us make a small upper room on the wall let us put a bed for him there and a table and a chair and the lamp stand so it will be whenever he comes to us he can turn in there and it happened one day that he came there and he turned into the upper room and lay down there then he said to gehazar his servant called this shunammite woman when he had called her she stood before him and he said to him say now to her look you have been concerned for us with all this care what can i do for you do you want me to speak for you to the other to the king or to the commander of the army she answered i dwell i'm on my people i have connections so he said okay what can be done for her yeah as i answered and said actually she has no son and her husband is old when he called and she stood at the door and said about this time next year you shall embrace a son no my lord no my lord man of god don't lie to your mate servant this woman had been too many places where they've lied to her probably because they saw her economic well-being and began to see what god didn't send them to see but the woman conceived and poisoned when the appointed time had come of which elijah told her another dead situation that came alive every dead woman receive life receive life everybody's situation receive life receive life barren dream receive life barren vision vision receive life parent business that is not producing receive life kaye nato kappa roti namaku malitika zolustia a change in your life from today the yogi i just saw a revelation i saw york's been broken ah that's a massive picture there yolks broken yolks broken yolks destroyed yolks i saw two months behind the yoke was like the candle is very hard to break but i saw these two massive hands destroy the yolk this morning anyone at this altar was carried yolks all their life all their life all their life all their life jokes that are almost unbearable anymore i destroyed the yokes i destroyed the yolks i destroyed yokes i destroyed yokes i destroyed yokes like apollo ski area the yolks are destroyed for your sake from this morning the yolks are destroyed you are free in the name of jesus the yolk held this woman she was wealthy there was nothing she could do gave up on her dreams and just believed in doing good but then the day came the story somebody on this altar you believed in some people you believed too much and you wired money to them thinking well they look like nice people some of you you over celebrate people of certain color and you believed instead of you to follow due process that's what i see and you haven't seen your money ah let god arise this morning they're gonna rise this morning recovery recovery recovery recovery recovery by a supernatural finger everyone who has stolen from you taking things from you finger of god fights them this morning the finger of god fights them this morning the finger of god fights them this morning the finger of god fights them this morning restoration restoration of everything they stole from you everything belong it to you normally talisa everything that was taken from you we command the restoration this morning let god arise let his enemies be scattered let victory follow you let victory follow you that victory follow you that victory follow you let victory follow you let victory follow you let victory follow you a testimony follow you from today in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of sociality jesus name another story of restoration again or something that was stolen death came to steal the child given to the woman the woman got the child then that did not see anyone in town satan is always picking on the wrong address he picked on your address he will suffer for picking on your home every demonic power that have picked on you and your household the fire of god is against them the hand of jehovah is against them let god arise that his enemies we scattered edition marota he peaked on this woman second kings chapter four from verse 18 and the child grew now it happened one day that he went out to his father with his father to the reapers and he said this right my head my head so he servants so he said to a servant carry him to his mother when he had taken him and brought him to his mother he sat on her knees till noon then he died how can a woman wait until no hope and then a miracle happens and there's no one that died in town except the child out came by a miracle everyone that have had the testimony reversed upon this altar this morning we will reverse it again for the bible says there shall be a turning and the turning and the turning the turning and the turning and the turning returning and the turning and the turning the turning and the turning and the turning we declare this morning god brings it turning and the turning and the turning every miracle of yours every favor of yours that went sour that became a thing that did not work anymore you've given the testimony you praise the lord you've written it down in your book of testimony then suddenly again and then there is another situation and there's one story revolution we turn it around a turning and returning and turning we declare a turning and turning and the training we declare a turning and returning and returning we declare a turning and the turning and returning in the name of jesus will declare a turning and returning and eternity we declare a turning and returning and returning and returning in the name of jesus in the name of jesus a turning and a turning a turning and a turning a turning and a turning every situation in the mighty name of jesus turn turn turn turn turn turn rica proceed lydia a turning and returning god said i will overturn and overturn yeah that's the right word overturn god said i will overturn i will overturn i prophesied this morning there will be an overturning and overturning and overturning and overturning and overturning and overturning there will be an overturning of the situation god turns it around again a turning and returning and returning in the name of jesus the god who overturns matters will overturn this one for you he will overturn this one for you he will overturn i prophesy on everyone on the platform this morning there will be an overturning every negative decision made concerning you i declare decree this morning that there is an overturning liberal course broadcaster in the name of jesus of nazareth testimony follows you i declare testimony it follows you tally finally found that scripture ezekiel 21 27 ezekiel 21 27 i know some of you will want it ezekiel 21 verse 27 21 27 the god whoever turns over tons of attorneys ezekiel 21 verse 27 i will overturn and overturn and overturn it and it shall be no more until he comes whose right it is then i will give it to him hey i will overturn overturn over time and it shall be no more until he comes whose right it is then i'll give it to him they have picked on the wrong person by taking what belongs to you there will be a divine overturning there will be a divine overturning there will be a divine overturning lake divine justice when men think they have hurt you and they're stolen and no one can do anything no one can see anything no one can fight them they think they have done it who can liber let go their eyes let god arise there will be an uber turning and an overturning and an overturning there will be an uber turning and overturning and overturning a child died and there was an overturning and overturning and overturning i say again there is an overturning an overturning and overturning i declare this morning leiber kozungai there'll be an overturning an overturning and an overturning get ready this morning there'll be an overturning and she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of god she just shut the door upon him and went out then she called to her husband and said please send me one of the young men one of the donkeys that i may run to the man of god and come back so he said why are you going to him it's neither a new moon or the sabbath and she said it is well you know today many people say it with us it is well but they don't know this is where it came from it came from the mouth of a woman whose son have died and she didn't begin to go hitler hillah hysterical tear her ahead and said the wrong thing because the power of life and death is under tongue she had put that boy on the bed of restoration in front of the table of revelation before the candlestick of illumination by the chair of of of of ascendancy and enthronement in the upper room of of elevation etobrega she now went and called the man of god so he said then she saddled a donkey and said to her seven drive go fast speed up don't slacken the pace for me unless i tell you i love this woman no one that she's a successful businesswoman not the kind that anything happens and so she departed and went to the man of god at mount carmel it was when the man of god saw her pharaoh and saw the speed back which someone must be riding look that you know my tumor run now to meet her and say to her is it well with you is it well with your husband is it well with the chat and answer and she answered it as well now when she came to the man of god and she caught him by the feet oh man this is so powerful as i came here to push highway and of course her soul is in deep distress and the lord has hidden it from me this day over and he has not told me so please sometimes god does not tell you a man of god if he doesn't know he must not reach into the crevices of his broken spirit to try to give you a word unless god shows it i've been places where he'll just be blank i'll do everything appropriate i try to see and god's not showing me anything so she said did i ask a son did i not say don't deceive me and he said to god well let me not read the whole story sent his servant kihaza maybe even the man of god didn't see the heart of the azad that is not the kind of person you send with the staff of authority he went there he was a member of staff carrying his staff or could do nothing with the staff because he was just his staff collecting salary did not collect the anointing he was just a staff holding his stuff and he couldn't wake the child until the man of god came and that was when elijah came to the house there was a child lying dead on his bed he went and i shut the bed behind the two of them and prayed and they went up and laid on the child with this mouth on his mouth of a tongue and his eyes on his eyes overtone and his hands on his hand turn and he stretched out himself and the child and the flesh of the child became one he returned and went and walked back fourth house or went for and again i went up and straightened himself on him then the child sneezed and the child opened his eyes said call the woman pick your son she went and fell at his feet and bowed to the ground and she picked that son this morning i know when the will spirit makes me stay in a place and i can't quite move there is an overturning go into that situation there is an overturning in your favor there is an overturning in your favor there is an overtime there is an overturn there is an overturn there is an overturn there is an overturn there is an overturn there is a restoration of dream restoration of vision restoration of purpose there is a blessing coming the enemy is trying to kill it but he can't kill it the enemy is trying to destroy it but he can't destroy it the enemies try to take it but he can't take it there is an overtime there is an overturn there is an overturn there is an overtime there is an overturn there is an overturned there is an overturn there is an overturned there is an overtone there is an over time there is an overturn there is an overturn there is an overturn there is an overturn there is an overturn there is an overturn there is an overtone there is a restoration of what the enemies told the small morning for somebody at this altar go and take what belongs to you a copy you lost it the first time the second time but this time around you're having the victory you're having the testimony over turn over turn over turn over turn over turn over turn over turn break through for you in the name of jesus and according to the word of the lord listen i prophesy on you now for the rest of this year it is well as september comes to an end it is well as you enter october from tomorrow it is well from october 1 to the 31st it is well anywhere you are not meant to be heaven will preclude you from there whatever will hurt you like the bitter waters god will expose it to you perhaps that have been set for you by the enemy shall be exposed evil prophecies that have been given to you that this will happen that will happen today as a servant of jesus christ i want you to know because it was said don't mean it must happen you must learn this oh you must learn this when god shows an evil he didn't mean that it must must must happen a guy in my country shall not mention his name he had to prophesy that his president will die president's wife even got concerned she went to him what came i was going to do just said nothing you died he is not god that is not god he may have seen that the man could have died some people picked it up and reversed it you must know how to move in the things of god this morning i speak into your life a change of circumstance you change your situation he turn around he turn around he turn around hey turn around wipe in your tears i see god wipe your tears fill your mouth with laughter feel your life with celebration you will not regret he said did i ask of a child from this day i pray for you your blessing will not become a regret your breakthrough will not become a regret your favor will not become a regret every good thing that god did for you shall be perfected he who began a good work and you shall also complete it he who began a good work and you shall also perfect it anything that is have done right now i speak to your life it shall be permanently completed it shall be permanently completed it shall be finished it shall be completed on you this morning a change is going to come a breakthrough is going to come a testimony is going to come a favor is going to follow and the flow of the grace of god we end this morning's declaration by saying go into the rest of the day and step into october with testimony in your mouth with dance and you're on your feet october will be a specific unique month in your life in the name of jesus god will exceed your dream october is a peculiar month because it is gregorian and julian it is october october is eight but yet it is the tenth month but then you receive the two blessings eight is new beginnings ten is abundance october eight is octo octagon hence eight so god's gonna give you new beginnings then ten is prosperity increase abundance and multiplication prosperity increase abundance multiplication addition addition prosperity increase abundance multiplication so this month of october you are stepping into is going to be so so peculiar for you prosperity follows you october uh increase follows you october edition follows you october uh multiplication follows you in the mighty name of jesus it is the month of eighth one beginning to witness three god for balance five is the number of grace six is the number of mass seven is perfection eight is new beginning eight is new beginning the week ends after seven days the eighth day is a new beginning monday is always the beginning of another week oral sunday is the beginning of another week eight is new beginning receive your new beginning receive your new favor receive your new testimony receive in the name of jesus in the month of october it shall be well with you i declare and decree this morning a lay hand on somebody whatever was a struggle for the past nine months of this month shall become a testament in the tenth month of the year help and help us with rice when you have rice for you help us with rice for you this woman was wealthy so nothing could be done for her by friends this woman had connection nothing could be done but she needed the kind of help nobody else could give the sign and they wonder god of signs and wonders will show up for you in a way nobody could do for you in a way no man could do for you in a way no human could do for you god will show up for you retaliate i just say picture they put down have you been to places where it's not just torn styles they put they put these kind of bars so you can't drive in unless somebody gave permission they press a button and the bars go down sync and then the way it's open i see for somebody the bars have kept you at the gate for too long it's time to enter and possess it's time to take what belongs to you around thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i see a revelation and i think it's of a woman who needs to slow down concerning her daughter it's like your daughter makes you lost an opportunity i see this picture is a very funny one it's a picture when we were when we were kids it also happened to me when i was a teenager we didn't have fridge so we'll have this pot in the corner of the house where you went to fetch water we lived in houses that didn't have taps and you poured water in the pot and those pots have your way of cooling water and i mean i'm feeling the taste in my throat right now the cooling the waters of those parts man they were cool i don't know how we survive without fridges but the water of those in fact when you are gonna ask the moment you came in the first thing you did was take a scoop of cop and you drank and you felt but then i see this woman it was as if your daughter went and pushed the pot and the water is pouring away and it's so broken your heart because her action had brought a wastage of everything the family worked for a wastage of some blessing a wastage of life given father today we pray restoration a restoration and i pray for the family that you to truly be reconciled mother i pray for you for grace to forgive forgive your daughter grace to forgive forgive forgive forgive forgive i pray that you will not in your anger speak from your prophetic spirit and curse i pray for the peace of god i pray for the grace of god upon your life i also see another mother in fact the pot that's peeled was like a childhood past and it's just it's just it's just made you lifeless i pray a god of all will in this season comfort you peace peace peace peace peace peace peace peace i saw that the pot didn't pour out everything so there is something of a hope there is something that we hope i don't know what it is there is something i'll be hoping your future there is something of you there's something will be hope in your future i don't know what it is there's something of your hope there's something that we hope in your future thank you jesus everyone at this altar today as this month comes to an end it is not the end of your life you are stepping into a new season establish a new beginning establishing to a new favor stepping into testimony step into new ideas will be a season i'm going to show you secrets for the future step into new lifting you're stepping into a life of achievement stepping into a season when god will cause you to be announced in high places stepping into god i see you beyond measure you're stepping into a season of flourishing flourishing flourishing flourishing flourishing everything you touch flourishing everything you do flourishing everything you do flourishing you're stabbing into a season when god will bless your business in your heart you breathe on it and put his blessing on it and wipe your tears stepping into greatness great favor beyond your imagination i see a major ministry one or two persons left you in a way that they behave badly and said things they shouldn't say but god wants you to know to be comforted anything that's part of your destiny will stay with your destiny whatever is not part of your destiny you cannot force to stay with your destiny be blessed today beyond measure in the mighty mighty name of jesus glory to god glory to god glory to god i want you to realize that god is with you and is up to something awesome in the name of jesus we shall have some confessions from the scriptures before we close so don't go away like to encourage young people on this planet from 20 to 35 now it is your chance to be part of to flow with us on the wealth academy this saturday i'll be teaching them business ownership your access way to wealth business ownership your access way to wealth 20 smart ways to start and run your own company 20 smart ways to start and run your own company so you don't have to go through what that mom went through right before you have 40 you've achieved what at 65 they could not achieve i see young generation rising to own to bless to make impact to do more than a hundred times what their fathers could not do so why don't you step up invest in your own destiny be with us saturday's 90 powerful minutes it's going to be awesome story will change story will change story will change i'm sure you were blessed this morning please always remember never appear before god empty handed always worship the lord with your tithe with your pledge with your seed with your giving magnify god with that which has provided for you always magnifying jesus with that which he has provided for you always always always always always always hey i'm excited i don't know how excited you are this sunday will begin why i believe do you know why i believe in jesus do you know why he's so great so this sunday i'm taking on what in theology we call apologetics we're not apologizing but we are arguing in faith of the gospel and we're arguing in favor of the gospel not argument as in by fighting argument is a legal word suggesting presenting a truth that cannot be that states the the thing you know why i believe in god lee rosa this is the god of miracles we are talking about that's why science science's head is messed up they can't see how it could have happened but it took a miracle to put the stars and space it took a miracle and there's nothing that can explain it because if you say there was a big bang what caused the bank whatever caused the bag is the greatest uh on cost cause and god is the uncaused cause that causes all the causes you can tell i'm too excited about why i believe why believe in god why i believe in jesus is jesus lord or just some lunatic who was saying things he is lord and we shall see i believe in the holy spirit that fire of god that is like the third fire when you make fire there's a blue fire is mostly the most invisible of all fires yet it is the one that burns the most the holy spirit i believe in the bible 66 books the most fought book the most book that everyone have fought in the world somebody sent me a video yesterday that was quite shocking yesterday or day before i don't know which uh football club i've just bought uh this young man from brazil oh come on where is his name where his name was named the one that interpreted one time without a visa and they are paying him 400 000 pounds a week in order for him to a month in order for him to not mention jesus because he is known to mention jesus and talk of his faith in christ that's not his even his salary for playing football oh where is his name because neymar is it neymar whatever where you footballers call his name yeah neymar they're paying him 400 000 every month just to not say jesus ash who is afraid he can see anything else can curse you're paying hundreds of millions i mean hundreds of millions for playing football then you pay him extra five million not to say jesus he can cause he can call buddha can call third the god of thunder in in by the vikings but not jesus i believe in jesus i believe in the bible i believe in the word of god i believe that god gave those who rotate revelation it is you know those men are writers we call them authors but they are writers prophecy came not in the whole time by the will of man the holy man of god speakers they were moved by the holy spirit i believe that god created the universe we see his finger everywhere so these tattoos i will have to put together for example the day i do i believe in the existence of god and we have to do i believe in the creator of the universe because we can't do eight eight weeks i want to do it in five weeks and you do it in five weeks ah why i believe in the immortality of man why i believe in the trinity why i believe in the absolutes of christianity the absolutes of christianity for example the resurrection of jesus christ is not debatable whereas the anglican bishop of durham i can't remember his name now he's passed on he was also a professor of theology argued against the resurrection of christ how did he become a bishop only today in the past the church of england would have branded him a heretic and if he doesn't take care they would have burnt him at the stake but he was ordained a bishop no no not a bishop i think yeah yeah bishop bishop of durham only two places have archbishops in the uk york and canterbury all right so it's going to be an absolutely great great great five weeks please like the page take it send it to your friends i hope technical please please remember to send it to everyone by text by email by whatever means possible malcolm x by whatever means necessary get everyone to get involved to let people know i'll be speaking on why i believe in the existence of god i am so convinced with the power of god on the teaching somebody will make it turn around believers will have their faith stronger those who do not know god will come to know jesus and you'll be a great and great blessing i believe in him i believe i believe i believe in jesus i believe he died and rose again i believe he's here now we closed this morning this confession into your life the word of the lord cannot be broken confess that you are blessed you confess that you are prosperous you are valuable you're free god has equipped you god has empowered you you will be confident today you are motivated you are determined you are anointed you are creative you're talented you're accepted you're redeemed by god you're focused on him you're not average you're forgiven you're free you're disciplined you're secure you're a child of the most high god always winning in the battles of life never wonder always above i leave you with this scripture this morning i love this is one of my favorite verses of the bible it has worked for me particularly my dreams and visions of real estate psalm 16 verse 6 psalm 16 verse 6. the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places surely i have a delightsome inheritance king james says i have a goodly heritage a delightsome inheritance go into today may you walk in the richness of the inheritance of god for you may your work the work of your hand be a pleasant delight may today be the day you experience good things may today prepare you for the enlargement of your coast may today be a blessing in all ramification and in all areas of your life you will only be above and you will never never be under in the mighty mighty mighty mighty mighty name of jesus amen amen amen the lord bless you richly please write your testimony is down where in the 90 days of the covenant is a covenant i take it so strongly as i was about to sleep one year this morning i said today's testimony i wrote it down again god has just been too good to me glory to god so please write it down the lord bless you richly host god bless you richly blessings have you always had questions about what you believe are you seeking to find the truth look no further the why i believe series will answer your questions and give you greater confidence in your faith join pastor matthew ashimolowo every sunday in october and learn why i believe in god why i believe in jesus why i believe in the holy spirit why i believe in the bible why i believe god created the universe why i believe in the immortality of man why i believe in the trinity why i believe the absolutes of christianity it's time for your questions to be answered it's time to know why you believe invite your friends and family to join us every sunday in october for the why i believe series at 9 00 a.m and 11 a.m services why i believe an insightful series you don't want to miss have you always had questions about what you believe are you seeking to find the truth look no further the why i believe series will answer your questions and give you greater confidence in your faith join pastor matthew ashimolowo every sunday in october and learn why i believe in god why i believe in jesus why i believe in the holy spirit why i believe in the bible why i believe god created the universe why i believe in the immortality of man why i believe in the trinity why i believe the absolutes of christianity it's time for your questions to be answered it's time to know why you believe invite your friends and family to join us every sunday in october for the why i believe series at 9am and 11am services why i believe an insightful series you don't want to miss have you always had questions about what you believe are you seeking to find the truth look no further the why i believe series will answer your questions and give you greater confidence in your faith join pastor matthew ashimolowo every sunday in october and learn why i believe in god why i believe in jesus why i believe in the holy spirit why i believe in the bible why i believe god created the universe why i believe in the immortality of man why i believe in the trinity why i believe the absolutes of christianity it's time for your questions to be answered it's time to know why you believe invite your friends and family to join us every sunday in october for the why i believe series at 9am and 11am services why i believe an insightful series you don't want to miss [Music] calling all winning women you are invited to recharge with pastor yemesioshimalo at the winning women convention 2021 featuring guest speakers reverend marissa farrow reverend polo achievement pastor madeleine fotellimbo and pastor modesteen castano recharge at the winning women convention 2021 friday the 19th through sunday the 21st of november save the date calling all winning women you are invited to recharge with pastor yemesioshimolo at the winning women convention 2021 featuring guest speakers reverend marissa farrow reverend polo achievement pastor madeleine fotembo recharge at the winning women convention 2021 friday the 19th through sunday the 21st of november save the date calling all winning women you are invited to recharge with pastor yemesioshimolo at the winning women convention 2021 featuring guest speakers reverend marissa farrow reverend polo cheetah meg pastor madeleine foteimbo and pastor modestine castano recharge at the winning women convention 2021 friday the 19th through sunday the 21st of november save the date calling the world is constantly changing how can the christian remain relevant and grounded in the truth the king's college of excellence offers you a virtual bible school with a difference harnessing the experience and knowledge of its global faculty of teachers including kce founder pastor matthieu shamolo students from every walk of life those called to ministry running businesses and employed in the marketplace are empowered with timeless teaching tools and strategies that equip them to make a lasting godly impact on their generation our cutting edge curriculum includes teachings on the principles of faith new creation realities christian ethics in life ministry personal development and spiritual life coaching you
Channel: KICCOnline
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Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 32sec (6692 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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