KICC Atomic Prayer Nights | Day 1 | 26-06-2021

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of the five nights of atomic prayers give god the glory we give god the praise for this day we bless the lord because somebody in the four corners of the earth will be blessed i'd like to welcome all of you from wherever you have joined us i am so excited because the next five days is gonna be the five days of heaven on earth of heavens opened upon you opened upon krcc open upon our times together prayers will be answered healing should be done miracles should be done someone while you are connected the power of god will hit you in your house you better sit well or you might just fall off your seat because the anointing of god is in this place and it's going to do great one the spirit of the living god will welcome you tonight we receive your grace your favor your blessing we release grace tonight we release grace for favor for healings for deliverances for the outstretching of the hand of god to set free to bless people in the name of jesus i like to welcome you from the four corners of the earth i already saw as far as australia tonight the lord richly bless you i see maryland usa be blessed and highly favored tonight oh glory to god we welcome you i see south africa at tonight's prayer storm lusaka zambia be blessed highly favored praise the lord it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be powerful because somebody's gonna have i know you your testimony wherever you are tonight just get ready because i have a very strong leading to lead you in the prayer and the confession for divine enlargement god is about to bust everything that has held you in one place and you are about to enter dimensions like you've never done before i see canada the lord bless you richly in the name of jesus praise god i see people from all over the place may you'll be blessed today sheffield uk god bless you as it's all in the flag of nigeria blessings on you in the name of the lord be ready be ready be ready to be blessed of the lord i see a flag in the caribbean asla could you please let me know which country this flag is i see king i see jamaica the lord bless you richly ursula i know it is the caribbeans but please let me know where that is i see uganda the lord bless you richly in the name of jesus be ready today to camden town northwest london get ready to be blessed in the name of jesus i see uh florida god bless you connect him from poor port saint lucy in florida there's so many places in florida i've never heard of warminster pennsylvania has joined us again this evening the lord bless you richly in the name of jesus you cannot believe how so geared i was for this program to the point that five this morning i thought there was there was morning glow i should of all persons no there's no morning glue and i was so geared jumped up only to realize there's no morning glow lie down back you have uh wealth master class atlanta georgia be blessed highly favored this this day get ready to be blessed of the lord get ready for the hand of the lord to be stretched in your life and for god to prove himself mighty and strong in your life in the name of jesus calibur rico maryland lagos nigeria be ready to be blessed buckingham shall be blessed saudi arabia oh bromly the lord bless you richly nusaka zambia again get ready to be blessed of the lord ma aleishka produciality uh dubai saudi arabia in united arab emirates blessings in the name of jesus i am excited i'm just so excited because god is going to tear down everything that have held you in one place and you are moving into a place of divine divine divine enlargement god is about to shake up that limiting place and bring you into enlargement in the name in the name of jesus glory to god catering in east midlands god bless you richly in the name of jesus walton stool blessings in the name of the lord praise god what for be blessed and highly favored oh glory columbus ohio blessings and favor on you today i believe god that this season is going to be awesome uh my guest pastor walia ladino will be joining us tomorrow night so this year this evening but you have me alone home alone but tomorrow is going to be the two of us might even be the three of us uh i know that uh the young saxophone is a shadow for monday i'm not sure well sunday but you're gonna have the two of us tomorrow i'll be would southeast london be blessed highly favored in the name of jesus get ready to be blessed today get ready for the power of god to touch you where you are leki lagos nigeria be blessed highly favored uh i'm actually a minister i'm from lucky lagos nigeria too i'd learn to judge here again god bless you richly in the mighty name of jesus may the hand of the lord minister to you may the power of god reach you wherever you are in the name of jesus glory to god glory to god glory to god it's going to be an awesome time it's going to be a powerful time uh essex pizzi and sx be blessed highly favored may the lord live to may the lord show his power and your life in the name of jesus makarosh we are excited today because somebody is going to experience the hand of god in a way you've never done before you're going to experience the power of god in the way you've never done before the word of the lord will come to pass i believe that the time has come your restricted place is about to be busted and god is about to give you an unusual unusual uh increase in the name of jesus maliceki tabo soya i believe that everything that have held you down must let you go in the name of jesus and god is enlarging your territory and changing your story and shutting the mouth of devils and making you to see the hand of the lord in the mighty name of jesus get ready get ready get ready enlargement is coming your way and you are going to testify in the mighty name of jesus in the holy uh brux burn god bless you in the name of jesus you're welcome trust the lord that you will be blessed today and you will have a reason uh abuja nigeria be blessed and highly favored be blessed and highly favored be ready for divine enlargement for something to burst and god to increase you on every side in isaiah 54 let's start we have appreciated all of you if there's anyone whom we didn't mention the time you are joining us from we celebrate you we thank god for you will bless the lord for you we trust the lord to continue to bless you a calabasha listen divine enlargement is an active thing that god continues to do in your life enlargement is encompassing a greater area in the book of isaiah 54 from the street says and like the place of your tent in fact in the message translation says hey you have to be ready because you have to change where your boundaries are i'm about to expand you to the left to the right i'm about to change the levels of your oppression do not spare lengthen your code strengthen your stakes for you shall expand to the right and to the left and your descendants will inherit the nations make the desolate cities to be inhabited isaiah chapter 60 verse 22 i love this verse the scripture in fact the first time i heard it was my friend the lead bishop had long quoted it and i was wondering you meant the scripture i sent the bible isaiah 60 verse 22 says a little one of you are connected tonight a little one of you shall become a thousand a small one shall be a strong nation i the lord will hasten it in its time a little one of you shall become a thousand glory to god enlargement also means that god is giving you enlargement of your steps in second samuel chapter 22 verse 37 he said you have made a wild path for my feet to keep them from slipping god is going to widen the scope of your movement a wide path for my feet a wide path for my feet god is going to give you enlargement of steps uh the bible says everywhere the soul of your feet shall tread upon shall be given to you joshua chapter 1 verse 3 enlargement of your feet many of you you haven't even seen prosperity yet what you have seen so far is little compared to what god wants to do then there's an enlargement of location like i was telling them at the wealth master class today some people they get a beautiful house and the car and they think that is enlargement that is so small compared to what is coming there's an enlargement of location coming to your house uh psalm 118 verse 5. it says out of a strait called eye on jehovah he answered me with enlargement that's one translation another translation says i call upon the lord in distress the lord answered me and set me labosha in a large place that is king james version the reverse standard version says out of my distress i called on the lord the lord answered me he set me free devos you have been waiting for 26 days and fasting and praying get ready because the next five days and the coming days of this year god is going to create atmospheres of enlargement for you that will exceed your prayer that will exceed your thinking that will exceed your fasting jeremiah 30 verse 19 says then out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of those who make merry i will multiply them they shall not diminish this is the word of the lord listen there's a season of prayer a season of enlargement get ready every side out of your house out of your house shall comfort the voice of those who make merry i will multiply them they shall not be small i will also glorify them and they shall not be small this is the word of the lord to your household psalm 4 verse 1 psalms psalms 4 verse 1. hear me when i call oh god of my righteousness you have enlarged me that is set me at large you have given me the freedom deliverance from distress in distress and have mercy on me and hear my prayer the lord of enlargement is removing the limitations when we finish some of you will literally find that people are calling you to bless you to enlarge you to give you what you have never heard that god of enlargement is going to change every scope every limitation around you everything that has held you down in the name of jesus genesis 9 verse 27 genesis 9 verse 27 and he said and god shall enlarge japheth and he shall dwell in the tent of shem and canaan be his seventh and god shall enlarge japheth in others make him a great nation i put your name there today god shall enlarge you you will dwell in a great place you shall become a great nation in the name of jesus second samuel 22 37 2nd samuel 22 37 are you ready for tonight you enlarged my path on down my feet given me success so my feet did not slip people backslide when things don't work for them that is what what it means for your feet to slip but just in the nick of time when people are about to mock your laugh at you god is about to enlarge your feet enlarge your scope and enlarge your testimony first chronicles chapter 4 verse 10 and jabez called on the god of israel oh that you will bless me and and enlarge my territory that your hand will be with me and you will keep me from evil that i may not cause pain so god granted him what he requested ah enlargement is coming to the level that you've never seen get ready get ready get ready get ready god is about to change your scope your level your dimension the place of your oppression the level of your oppression the magnitude of your oppression get ready because things are about to change around you in the name of jesus esther chapter 4 verse 14. esther chapter 4 verse 14 for if thou all together hold their peace at this time then shall their enlargement and deliverance arise to the then shall their enlightenment and deliverance arise to the jews from another place but thou and their father's house shall not be part of it and the enlargement came god took all the properties and land in a foreign land where they were slaves and he handed it over to them and the arrogant prime minister had to realize god have changed their story the gallow he prepared for their destruction became the god law that was used to destroy him i declared decree this evening that somebody is about to walk in dimension of enlargement everything that held you down there's a lady called bc and you are watching right now your family have been restricted and somehow you felt satisfied with the little you have but god says that is so small compared to what he had always marked you to experience get ready every limitation has been removed out of your life from today in the name of jesus so listen listen i am about to make declarations but before i make it i want to read some scriptures to hear to you for you to hear that the word of the lord shall not come back void isaiah 55 11 so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth shall not return to me void but it shall accomplish what i please and it shall prosper in the thing which i sent it and it shall prosper in the things which i sent it and it shall prosper in the things which i sent it and it shall prosper in the things which i sent it alerosha [Applause] oh glory glory glory glory within 10 20 minutes before i started there was there was some little power reaction that began to happen around this area then i knew we are about to enter some of the greatest season somebody is about to experience uncommon unusual enlargement divine surprise boundaries are about to be torn aya niko shah yikabab osha job 22 28 you will declare a thing and i'm about to declare and it will be established for you so light will shine on your ways i'm about to declare a thing this evening and your enlargement will come before december before december 26 to this 26 before boxing day december 26 the possessions should never hurt the enlargement you've never had the breakthrough you've never seen the favor you've never handled is coming into your hands it's coming into your hands the testimony you've never given is coming into your mouth it is coming into your life psalm 7 verse 9 psalms 7 verse 9 or let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end but establish the just for the righteous god test the hearts and reign so the eternal word of god is about to come to pass in your life the word would god have spoken concerning you is about to come to pass i'm about to start declaration and i want you wherever you are to get ready because the next couple of minutes something was shipped in your house enlargement will follow you testimonies will follow you glory will follow you the mouth of the lord have spoken it and it shall not go back to him the word of the lord will become reality in your life in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus so i begin tonight by letting you know this it's your season for enlargement it's your time for enlargement everything that i've held you must let you go father in the name of jesus we come before you today we declare and decree a divine turnaround le capa sotas anyone on this altar today somebody had nominated you to be a perpetual soul person who always experiences restriction and attack about kosai kaba i come with the fire of god and i canceled their nomination they put your name down they listed you as a person who should always go through pain i cancel your name from their book i cancel your name from their books i cancel your name from their books i cancel from their books in the name of jesus somebody's here today and some people desire for you to come to the world and waste your time and live a life that you can't point at any any proof of enlargement that is a tuca paroteali father first of all i come up i come against everything that is against your people with the blood of jesus i declare the blood the blood the blood the blood the blood as a weapon of protection for me and the weapon of protection for everyone connected tonight and we take authority over everything that is contrary to your people's peace and we declare the victory anyone who has nominated you to live a life of vanity to live a life that is empty you live 30 years 40 years 50 years nothing to show the story is changing from tonight in the name of jesus any problem also that is refusing to respect the power of god in your life that goliath that is defying your prayers [Applause] every goliath define the power and prayer that has been spoken into your life today we cancel it by the blood of the lamb we cancel it by the blood of the lamb we cancel it by the blood of the lamb we cancel it by the blood of the lamb nakaya nushka librosia any problem that grew up with you and have stayed with you since you were a child it just does not want to go and wants to hold you in the same spot today is the last day as the lord lives whose servant i am i prophesy to your life a change of your story a change of your story in the name of jesus any problem frustrating your effort to break out and it just looks like you can never find a way out or if you found it is a steep a difficult way to go through today i am declaring already that your story is changing katissooyeni malice cabres callos aleros cabanderos he tolerable the chains of limitation have been broken right now in the name of jesus any problem that is mocking you mocking your glory mocking your destiny mocking your glory mocking your destiny and say look at him he said he's called she says she's called she says she's blessed and highly favored and there is no evidence glory to god i don't know who it is even early in the prayer i see i see something came and broke the chain that held you and you were pushing the chains off it was heavy chains and it was like it was put around twice hayadasha i see that around your leg in particular so you are limited and moving and the chain is broken the chain is broken the chain is broken the chain is broken the chain is broken there's a person at the altar as lio in your name lio in your name the chains are broken the chains are broken the chains are broken the chains are broken there's also somebody at the altar today there's i mean one of your names is priscilla priscilla priscilla this is the word of the lord to you the chains are broken the chains are broken the chains are broken and if gently if priscilla is not on the altar right now and she's your relation you need to go announce to her the chains are broken the chains are broken the chains are broken the chains are broken any challenge that is on assignment to continue to cause depression in your life instead of your enlargement you have perpetual depression on happiness depression unhappiness i break the power i break the power i break the level is like someone i don't know what you did or where you ever went it was like they locked you up took the keys and threw away but tonight that the sun sets free is for indeed we have nothing to be afraid of god has not given us the spirit of fear but out of a powerfulness and a sound mind so whoever it is at this all time somebody thinks they've locked you up and locked up your destiny psalm 7 15 whoever packages and evil lord were carried with their heads whoever at verse 16 whoever packages an evil lord will carry to the head verse 15 whoever digs an evil pit were falling to eat themselves neta calpaco [Music] by the power that is above all powers in the name of jesus somebody connected to this altar today be totally free power of god sets you free power of god sets you free power of god sets you free power of god sets you free power of god sets you free power of god sets you free the power of god sets you free te nico ameleshi aborting your success fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire anything aborting your success fire fire fire fire on them fire on them fire on them anything aborting your success fire on them fire on them fire on them fire on them fire on them in the name of jesus fire on them in the name of jesus fire on them in the name of jesus fire on them in the name of jesus oh glory i don't know who this is for but as if you were expecting little but they brought it in a container load they brought the favor in a container there's a container load of testimony i received that for myself too man i'm saying praise god you were expecting a small delivery but you brought your container load and you were wondering where you would put the goods [Music] some of you who are connected and watching today begin to plan where you will put the money the investment where you put the money begin to plan the investment where you put the money so that when it comes you're not overwhelmed and you wasted it does that given people who don't deserve it because it's coming it's coming up tonight all day you have had problem with your left leg left leg i think it's arthritis whatever it is but it is terrible pain i lay hands on your leg right now i command total health and healing in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i command your health and healing power hits your body hits your leg sets you free gives you freedom from today in the name of jesus ah you know sheikah every problem intending to embarrass your well-being that you become a beggar when you should be a blesser so that you are a beggar instead of a blesser every problem intending to embarrass your well-being i bring the fire of god against it i bring the fire of god against it i bring the fire of god against it from today from today every challenge intending to embarrass your well-being i bring the fire i bring the fire i bring the fire i bring the fire i bring the fire i bring the fire i bring the fire i bring the fire i bring the fire i bring the fire i bring the fire of god against it in the name of jesus every challenge at the edge of breakthrough when god wants to enlarge you suddenly issues come up every time they want to promote you suddenly issues come out every time you want to just take the next step one story or the other i push you into your testimony i push you into your testimony every challenge that comes that often rises at the edge of success last minute battles last minute troubles be free be free be free be free be free some of you the lord said tonight when you sleep he's going to expose some of your enemies to you whatever is behind the issue god will expose it tonight a cayenne osha some of you will see it in the night season you see where it is coming from and how to know when it is if it is an enemy is by the action and reaction you see them do a level so not everyone you see you're not seasoned to that but somebody who is doing something contrary to your peace and joy lava basha every challenge at the edge of success last minute that comes up last minute i declared today i declared today i declared to thee i declared today i declared thee i declared today i declared it i declared today i declared today i turn around i turn around i turn around i turn around a turn around in jesus name isaiah 54 from verse 2 says enlarge the place of your tent let them stretch out the curtains of your dwelling do not spare lengthen the cords strengthen your stake for you shall expand to the right expand to the left holy and your descendants will inherit nations after i expand then anything will go on into the next generation there too will now go beyond me wealth tends to end with the first or the second generation but the word of the lord shall rest in your house it says your descendants you know those blessings shall never stop in your house i speak into your life today leseka ko telebari there is an enlargement that comes from the lord it is coming to your house it is coming to your house it is coming to your house it is not coming from your boss it is coming to your house it is not coming from past matthew it is coming to your house it is not coming from your house from your friends it is coming to your house in the name of jesus isaiah 40 verse 21 to 22 have you not known have you not heard has it not been told you from the beginning have you not understood from the foundations of the earth it is he who sits upon the circle of the earth and his inhabitants are like grasshoppers who stretches out the heavens like a curtain who expands the heaven and spreads them out like attempt to dwell in so the promotion coming the enlargement coming italica and don't worry if you are in an economy that is going down in the middle of that economy you will stand out in the middle of that bad economy you will be distinguished in the middle of the growing challenge the nation in which you are you will stand out you will stand out you will stand out you will stand out you will stand out you will stand out in the middle of the growing challenge in your nation the word of the lord says tonight that your own enlargement is not coming from the economy it is coming from the lord see somebody's connected to tonight and you're wondering do i do i deserve enlightenment it's your portion it's not whether you deserve it it is because of covenant it is your portion jeremiah 30 verse 19 jeremiah 30 verse 19 then out of them shall proceed a out of pastor matthew's home shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of those who make mary i will multiply them enlargement they shall not diminish enlargement did you hear that they shall not diminish enlargement i will also glorify them the enlargement they shall not be small enlargement i want you right now your my spirit to see the areas where god is enlarging you the lord says there i will multiply what is multiply multiplies multi multi multi multi present to apply have you ever seen a plywood before a plywood is not one wood it's wood wood wood wood wood with glue in the middle and pressed by a machine to make one god will multi press down press down check it together press down press down shake it together press down press down check it together press down press down when you are thinking this abundance is great this blessing is great i know that will follow and another will follow and another will follow and another will follow and another will follow and another will follow and another will follow i will multiply the name of it then he said you shall not diminish sicker the days of luck is over in your life they shall not diminish i declare today that the level of enlargement shall make you not to diminish god will glorify his name in your life you shall not be small hey i love this they shall not be small they shall not be small they shall not be small they shall not be small isaiah 60 verse 22 a little one in your household shall become a thousand a little one shall become a thousand that baby in your house god said you make that baby a thousand thousand times favored thousand times blessed thousand times wealthy thousand times rich and a small one shall become a strong nation i the lord will hasten it oh jesus he said not only will it happen i'm making it quick quick quickly hastily quickly quickly quickly has stealing quickly without warning esteli quickly without warning i'm making it happen i decline to your love today on common enlargement a supernatural enlargement i declare today an enlargement an enlargement an enlargement i call upon the god of jabez first chronicles chapter 4 verse 10 and i say into your life today he will bless you indeed he will bless you indeed he will bless you indeed you wake up you will look at yourself you say what did i do to deserve this and it is not what you did it is what he chose to do i declare today into your life there'll be an enlargement of your reach your territory there are lines with your name on it they are coming into your hands there are properties with your name on it they are coming into your hand there are alarms with your name on it they are coming into your hands there are properties with your name on it they are coming at your hand that god's hand might be with him and that he will keep him from evil and the lord and he will not be gripped so god granted his desire aka and he was more unraveled than his brothers ah there is an enlightenment that distinguishes you makes you a voice when god gives you a gl money gl is when you can tell the people hustling you with the prize everything get lost how much is it ricarcosia i declined to your life a dimension of enlargement that you have never never seen before from this day acaba you are coming out of comfort zone you are coming out of i have arrived with just one house and a nice car and a nice job you didn't know just just incremental it is not exponential you are like the man who sowed seed and the 30-fold return seed is feeling good because they are not what they know on the same ground with the one that was 60 fold within on the same ground with the one that is hundred fold third day every i have arrived attitude are coming out of it a couple shots the frontiers for you to conquer you are conquering them from the day everything like oh i'm tired i'm retired now i'm too old for that now joshua was 80 i mean and caleb caleb was 81 he was still asking for mountains god will use you god will prosper you when they are going out to hold outrages crusades the money to back them god will put in your hand when they say they want to print 100 000 flyers and it's costing 30 000 50 000 pounds it will not be big deal to you god will prosper your hand god will increase you your age will not cage you some their age have caged their age have caged their age have caged i break you out of age cage i break you out of age cage somebody sent me a funny video of a ugandan politician whom they were going to swear in as a minister at 74 and he cannot walk and shaking only in africa guys shaking shaking to go and be sworn in and they're asking questions he said well you have to expect this kind of sickness for my age 74. that's not your own portion you will be strong you will do exploits you will run errands for god you will preach the gospel ayanako health enlargement wealth enlargement spiritual enlargement financial enlargement dream enlargement social enlargement joy peace gladness enlargement in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus there are some people when they reach a certainty they don't take any risk anymore if i when they see you take risks okay slow down slow down shut up shut up don't stop my dream i pray for you today ah god will enlarge your dream you take risks more risks achieve more break new grounds reach new levels enter places they thought you would never enter here everyone who is in a limiting place right now limited home limited life limited finance limited joy limited relationship get ready because god is about to break you out second kings chapter six from verse one to seven second kings chapter six verses one to seven and the sons of the prophets said to elijah see now the place where we dwell with you is too straight for us please let us go to the jordan let everyone take a beam from there let us make there a place where we may dwell so he answered go then one said please consent to go with your servants and the answer i will go so he went with them and when they came to the jordan they cut down a tree but as one was cutting a tree the iron axe head fell into the water and he cried out and said i'll ask mata master for it was borrowed so the man of god said where did it fall and he showed him the place he said water so he cut off a stick and threw it in there and the iron floated it broke every law of science the density of the thing determines which one becomes weaker iron has more density than water iron should go to the bottom of the water but god's appliance of suspended density i made the iron to float therefore he said pick it up yourself so you read that and pick it and took it the place where we are is too small they are about to break out i don't have flu you have come to mount zion you have come to the place of the of the atomic prayer ah to see a thinner cup rose every tight place that have made effort to keep you perpetually every tight place that says you are not going to go today i serve it notice i come for your deliverance i come for the warrant of your release i release you into a large place i release you into a blessed place i release you into a favored place a religion to a blessed place some of you are in such a tight place from today be free ikayaba shall be free label kosaria be free from every tight place be free from yokes that i want to hold you be free let me read two or three more scriptures and wherever you i want you to say fire amends when i start two or three more scriptures isaiah chapter 9 verse 4 for you have broken the yoke of his burden and the staff of his shoulder the roar of his oppressor as in the day of media isaiah 10 27 it shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken off your shoulder and it's yoke from off your neck and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing la caba are you ready i said are you ready because we are about to destroy some yolks we are about to destroy some yokes and we have every yoke what is a yolk anything that holds your holds you in limitation many of us we don't know what a yolk is in asia they still use them they'll tie two animals together put the yolk around their neck they'll be moving together as they move there is an agricultural implement that is borrowing the land and preparing the ground for for planting but the animal can't go anywhere i can't do anything can't eat because it is yolked with another animal and the worst is if you are yoked with another animal that is shorter than you cheese man that's why some marriages are a yoke that had to be freed and yoked today get ready people were yoked to issues yoked to a job yoked to a situation joked to things god called didn't call them to i'm about to take authority as a servant of jesus christ everything you are yoked to that god did not tie to you get ready are you ready to say amen like fire i'm about to come against these following things today father in the name that is above all names and by the power of the resurrected christ your people are connected around the world right now everything that is a yoke to be broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus stagnation broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus and bad go broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus limitations broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus restrictions broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus disturbances broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus wicked sanctions weakened sanctions broken in the name of jesus manipulations like jezebel did on ahab our husband broken in the name of jesus frustrations frustrations you stand in front of anime immigration is always frustrated he makes sure he hardens your life you stand in front of an officer a regulator who have a frustrated life they can't see they can't see why you should be blessed frustrations broken in the name of jesus postponement of your joy that yoke is broken it is broken it is broken it is broken whatever is postponing your happiness and say this is too good for you how this blessing's too good for you wanna buy it guys ah isn't that when people talk prostitutes drive the same car pimps drive the same car ah rebels and i'm ready to buy a jet not glcc buying i'm believing god to prosper me or buy it let him write my name in the sky prostitutes by jets poverty have killed some people's spirit they didn't see when you fed twenty thousand three thirty thousand they won't see that it's where you prosper when god begins to enlarge you they have a problem because their own spirit can't handle it so they want you to remain where they are not me and you i'm free that the sun sets free it's friendly tonight every yoke of wicked barriers broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus broken in the name of jesus every yoke of of terrible gang gup demonic gang up demonic gang gup demonic gang up do you know demons gang up i'm very sure one of the reasons the eastern europe became free was that the spirits there went to have the spirit in china during the thailand square but before they came back christians have taken over their land the barriers have fallen every demonic gang up broken in the name of these evil campaigns akiko anyone who gathered and it is not by him the lord and they put the amount together and they put the ideas together we try to harm and destroy we try to limit and cut your life we silence them in the realm of the spirit every yoke of negative habits broken broken broken in the name of jesus foundational strong man strong man of the demonic entity that is at the root of the battle of the house you come from you are free because you are now belonging another house he said do our fathers reject us we have another father and god do our father abraham reject us we have another father in god third day the lord sets you free every yoke of negative habits be broken in the name of jesus be broken in the name of jesus every yoke of strange altars be free in the name of jesus every yoke of lack of job lack of job we had a girl one time in chaos every six months she can't do six months in a job during three hours six months ago throughout she could never sustain anything could never sustain anything i declared today every yoke of depression be free substandard jobs of standard position jobs and position below your training below your calling below your anointing sometimes i meet people like that at the airport when they are talking to you just wonder what does your pastor teach you they are doing jobs that make no sense that one guy wanted a heathrow airport i think the guy is into drama already wrong say maybe hey like a movie group or drama group in the uk still doing some little little job in at the airport just thought to myself instead i want to be in a creative church that would teach him how to turn that creative skill and anointing into a money-making machine and at the same time ministering no you're staying somewhere maybe because it's near home or does not trouble them today every substandard job substandard position is not your calling i'll free you in the name of jesus everything holding you from enlargement including demonic addictions which you have never told anyone free in the name of jesus he tried a rejection from the pit of hell somebody just does not like your prosperity they can't handle it and so every day they are busy cursing you a curse without your reason shall not rest if you cannot handle my blessing it's your own problem because of my connection with heaven without my connection with jesus you can't stop me anyone who opens their mouth and begins to curse you wherever they are their crush goes back to them their hatred goes back to them heaven lift you up every attack le kapoor sokai every yoke of instability in life happy today sir tomorrow happy to decide tomorrow up today down tomorrow up today down i lose you in the name of jesus every case of spiritual attack spiritual attack you know sometimes i just want you know when you mention around you see all sorts you see somebody will come to you ah i've been under attack lately too much attack every night they attack him and you're wondering what are you really doing for them to be attacking you who knows maybe they carry a destiny so great and they themselves don't yet know if you are this altar today and somebody has made you the object of the attack every day attacking you in your sleep attacking you in your sleep attacking you in the daytime fire ricardo nika marco preda heroes hyper talus fire of god comes against them the hand of the lord comes against them every yoke of false accusation one of the plans of false accusation is to make sure you don't manifest now when water down road a nine acre site some people went to town and said madhu and shimola had bought a big site because he plans to buy a helicopter so the helicopter will be bringing him to church from where from my house baggage in my backyard they don't even think and you will find some small-minded believers like that who follow them like tonto following the zoro you know tonto following zuru any of you who are young you don't know those cowboy films every new demonic accusation everyone wherever including where you are not that have raised a false accusation against you the bible says who shall condemn you whom the lord have chosen romans chapter 14 i think verse 17 says you rise or fall to the master who called every mouse anywhere that have put together a a lie to preclude your enlargement to limit your enlargement who have criticized your blessing when they do not know your suffering heaven fights them god fights them heaven fights them god fights them heaven fights them anyone in your household the house you came up from who cannot handle the fact that your side of the family is about to be blessed 10 000 times beyond what they have ever seen they better start rejoicing at your blessing or else you will not be around at all anymore enlargement enlargement enlargement enlargement enlargement and large men and large men and large men enlargement and large men and large men and large men and large men and large men every lack of direction every yoke of lack of direction every yoke of lack of direction every yoke of lack of direction every yoke of lack of direction is broken from today it is broken from today it is broken from today i was teaching at the wealth master class one of the things that bring forth uncommon blessing is concentration for you to know precisely what you want to do every yoke of lack of direction is destroyed from today the lord prospers you the lord increases you in the mighty name of jesus anointing for enlargement rest on you from today may heaven raise an altar of enlargement for you may the doors of enlargement open powerfully by december this year the kind of breakthrough you've never handled the kind of favor you've never handled the kind of blessing you've never handled the kind of turnaround you've never handled the kind of glory you've never handled shall be your portion any nation of the world in which you are connected with me tonight enlargement west africa east africa north africa south africa enlargement asia the middle east australia islands of the sea enlargement caribbeans the whole of the west canada america enlargement everyone in europe connected today enlargement asia asia minor turkey enlargement in the name of jesus i declare today that from today some of you have seen dreams and visions of enlargement but they have not happened you will not go back and say i want to continue that dream so i can eat that food so i can live in the house no no no no no no you will see it in reality in fact god will exceed the house you saw in your dream he will exceed the joy you saw in your dream the lord will make you to exceed the breakthrough you saw in your dream the lord will make you to exceed the kind of blessing you saw in your dream i speak it today the arrangement for your enlargement shall manifest first corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 10 i had not seen he had not heard hasn't come to the understanding of man what god still has in store from today the platforms of enlargement have been arranged for you by the lord right now the platforms the platform of real estate the platform of publishing the platform of stock and shares the platform of investment the platform of creative ideas the platform of dreams and visions the platform of gifts things that will be showing you to perform to produce the platform of your own businesses your own shops that will bring you enlargement receive in the name of jesus today i speak into your life locations for your enlargement are connecting with you you will not be in the wrong location you will not be in the wrong location you will not be in the wrong location i declined ukraine to your lab today you will not be in the wrong location you will be in the right location in the name of jesus enlargement of favor will flow into your life enlargement of grace will flow into your life enlargement of mercy will flow into your life enlargement that have been packaged by heaven delivered on earth shall flow into your life enlargement of ordained helpers ordained help us a young man a young man who was having a tough time when he was in the university kept watching me on television in a part of nigeria called plato state when he graduated god blessed him had connection into oil and gas to the highest level to the point of becoming an owner of five percent of shell nigeria came prosperous it's in dubai as his own jet flies into his country in his own jet he's been driven around lagos one time when he came and anytime you came back to your country you salivate for the local things he saw a woman roasting corny told his car to stop felt like eating some roasted corn again as he stopped there to back on he sees her daughter a teenage girl blowing the fire the cold fire of the corn being sold by the russia why is your daughter not in school hey uncle it's just money of this entire home because we don't have the money for her scuffy and obviously it must be some cheap public school she goes to who can't pay for this calm people is that all said give me your details i'll take care of your child up to master's level the man is looking at him like are you for real somebody slap me and wake me up that is that is ordained helper level of enlargement somebody is going to sit beside you in the training the bus in the plane that would be your den helper somebody's going to connect with you that would be your daily helper ordained organizations that are meant to f hayek that will bless your hand now coming into your life a young man and paul in ancient church when paul announced their church building the young man said i'll buy all the chairs i'll buy all the cheers at that time was to be a 70 000 seater 70 000 cheers the young man was one giving me the testimony swimming one of the airports of nigeria he decides i'll buy all the chairs all the chairs so he buys a ticket to go to the philippines the company is online emirates from nigeria to dubai business class and then from dubai to continue to philippines they downgraded him from business to economy and the holy spirit told him not to argue don't argue just take it you know some people straight away they will see racism a classism and all reasons because we told him don't argue he did not argue but as they were about to take off he was sitting in economy they came to him and said somebody in business did not fly you should follow them they put him in the business class as the flight was going on the man sitting beside him decided to strike a conversation so what are you going to do in the philippines he said my church is about to build a 70 000 seater and i have decided to buy all the chairs and this man said which company are you going to say xyz this is their brochure and the man the filipino sitting beside him said i am the managing director of that company holy jesus this is organized by god and the man said i have never seen anything like you who decides to make such sacrifice because of your sacrifice we shall sell the chair to you at only 50 percent of the value we shall also make you our west african distributor enlargement somebody said this altar today i'm about to close i've taken quite some time every limitation on your enlargement is removed every restriction on your enlargement is removed in the name of jesus the worst problem is for you to be next door to your enlargement but a veil is not allowing you to see it so every veil on your face isaiah 25 or 7 everything veiling you from seeing your enlargement your possibility your favor as a servant of jesus christ today prophetically i stretch my hand to that veil on your eyes i tear off in the name of jesus from today you will see your favor you see your blessing you see your breakthrough you see your glory and you see your testimony in the name of jesus we get sanctions that were made against you are cancelled by the blood your enlargement is coming satanic prohibition that have already been promulgated saying you shall not enter i've been removed for your sake in the name of jesus every manipulation of your enlargement and your mind so that you should think that this blessing is too much i cancel it with the blood of jesus every cobweb of darkness around you it's burnt by the fire of god every conspiracy against your enlargement will remove from today there's a land with your name on it there are properties with your name on it there are blessings with your name on it receive in the name of jesus goliath falls for you pharaoh lets you go in the name of jesus goliath falls for you pharaoh lets you go goliath falls for you pharaoh lets you go in the name of jesus every obstacle is removed from today receive the key take it open to your enlargement in jesus name amen you will enjoy enlargement you shall be great you shall be great you will not die young you will live long you will not go before your time the east will open for you the west will open for you the knot will open for you the south will open for you grace of congress favor upon favor blessing of homeless no weapon formed against you prosperous every mother rises against you in judgment it's condemned for you jesus name remember the three services tomorrow nine a.m 12 noon 6 p.m 9 a.m 12 noon 6 p.m 6 p.m service tomorrow is peculiar and unique still be in the church building be in the church building we will run it myself and pastor william will be ministering it's going to be powerful don't miss live service in the building tomorrow it's going to be great it's going to be powerful the hand of the lord will be awesome today is the first day of the five days of this atomic prayer so let's jam church tomorrow don't let kovite determine you you determine what you do about covet jam church tomorrow in actual actual actual service it's going to be absolutely awesome and it's going to be absolutely great and you will be blessed of the lord you'll be favored of the lord it's going to be an awesome awesome awesome time tomorrow will be great remember monday twist fire fire fire monday morning morning glow and monday night hey tom monday's jericho world is going to be in trouble because i said well you're lagging and the sucks are furnished on monday night i want you to make some noise tell people about this atomic prayer season nekobalasha the lord bless you and keep you see you in the morning remember the 9 a.m service i continue the teaching i started last sunday the reason for your w-h-y why why are you doing what you're doing why without knowing the why you wouldn't know what to do you need to be in the 9 a.m life class it will bless your socks off the 12 noon service is awesome it is it is uh turning hopeless situations around when they say there's no hope a kagozi and god himself steps in and turns it around lord bless you beautiful venice you're still indeed your story saw it god bless you let god arise and his enemies be scattered arise will go like a mighty [Music] in the warrior giving victory to your people people and rise like a mighty warrior the prize like a mighty warrior mighty in battle conquering all your faults giving the blessing to your people [Music] the blessing to your people people arise like a mighty warrior arise like a mighty warrior [Music] is he is [Music] hello [Applause] like a mighty warrior i'm rising like a mighty warrior let god arise and his enemies be scattered arise oh god like a mighty warrior [Music] victory to your people
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 7,327
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Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA
Id: U9TB-ANs-7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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