KICC 9am Life Class | 7 Manifestations Of Favour | 05-09-2021

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is [Music] [Music] i rise like a mighty warrior [Music] [Music] jesus your name is [Music] jesus [Music] so [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] cheese [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] so [Music] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] me [Music] big [Music] know [Music] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] tv so [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] bring me to your river i will take your love so deep bring me to your river so deep [Music] [Music] bring me to your living [Music] bring me to your healing stream me my constant pace [Music] bring me to your hearing street [Music] away my constant pain [Music] hallelujah good morning everyone it's a great day to bless the name of the lord hallelujah the first sunday of september 2021 we are so grateful in your own voices just begin to lift up his name magnify and glorify his name he is alpha and omega hallelujah we bless your name we glorify honor hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] our lord [Music] you are [Music] [Music] you are worthy to give you [Music] [Applause] we worship you lord [Music] we give you [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're willing to be praying [Music] and [Music] to [Music] you are [Music] we [Music] we give you all the glory we give you till we keep you [Music] [Applause] [Music] give you we give you we give you we worship [Music] [Music] we worship [Music] [Music] to be hallelujah lord you are worthy to be praised great and mighty god we exalt you it's a privilege to be in your presence holy holy lord god almighty we magnify you we glorify you we worship and adore you great are you lord great are your ways hallelujah hallelujah just bless his name in your [Music] he's own words great almighty god we salute you this morning we surrender all to you with praise you are the great almighty god hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy holy holy lord god almighty [Music] it's a privilege maker of the universe [Music] is [Music] [Music] with a grateful heart with a grateful heart my [Music] me [Music] me ready where are you [Music] are you lord my god [Music] [Applause] will you breathe [Music] [Music] are you new to kicc do you have a view about how we can serve you better have you just accepted jesus christ as your savior is this your first time attending a krcc online survey if so we would love to give you a special kicc welcome please go to dot uk forward slash contact and complete the relevant form we look forward to hearing from you kicc will be 29 years old on monday the 6th of september 2021 amen let us thank god for kicc and the lives of our pastor matthew and pastor yemisi ashimalowal please share your kicc experiences testimonies by emailing kicctv at uk happy birthday kicc global tnt virtual and actual service will resume sunday the 12th of september follow tnt on instagram for more information kingsway bible institute virtual classes join the one hour virtual lesson for baptism membership and stewardship every wednesday at 6 pm if you are interested in this opportunity send an email to kbi dot uk the minimum age for the babson class is 10 years old join the kicc global bible study and dig deeper into god's word and enrich your faith with pastor matthew every wednesday at 7 p.m you will not want to miss this powerful time of study and join a small group of believers for caring heart fellowship chf as we gather together virtually to learn and grow through studying god's word time 7 pm to 8 pm join morning glo every monday to friday at 6 00 a.m with pastor matthew and guests as there will be a harvesting of strange testaments so tell your family and friends to join this one hour of god's unmissable covenant power monday august 30th to friday 31st of december streaming live on all kicc platforms the krcc book club will be meeting virtually on sunday september the 5th and 19th 2021 to discuss the book goodbye yesterday by cindy trim for the zoom link email kicc underscore book club at have you ordered your igoc products own all 12 messages and more as a package enjoy hd quality recording have exclusive access to messages after the live streaming order your igoc 2021 conference products now mp3 and mp4 are downloads only for dvds and cds the price excludes delivery cost congratulations to sarutsa dikwa and stafford akwete who will be getting married on monday the 6th of september at kicc prayer city congratulations to joshua cocker who will be getting married in johannesburg south africa on friday the 10th of september congratulations to alera ariengo and adedayo will be getting married at kicc press city on saturday the 18th of september congratulations to yuan de olono tade and hola mipo oguntade who will be getting married on saturday the 18th of september at braintree [Music] the world is constantly changing how can the christian remain relevant and grounded in the truth the king's college of excellence offers you a virtual bible school with a difference harnessing the experience and knowledge of its global faculty of teachers including kce founder pastor matthieu shimalo students from every walk of life those called to ministry running businesses and employed in the marketplace are empowered with timeless teaching tools and strategies that equip them to make a lasting godly impact on their generation our cutting edge curriculum includes teachings on the principles of faith new creation realities christian ethics in life and ministry personal development and spiritual life coaching family life and ministry and much more enrich your christian life and join a global body of students at the king's college of excellence virtual bible school for details and to register for the virtual opening evening visit mission sunday join pastor mensah during the 9am 11am and 6pm services on sunday the 12th of september 2021. this is your opportunity to be a part and give towards the upcoming mission actual services 9am and 11am kicc prayer city and kicc the land of wonders evening actual service is at 6 00 pm prayer city only also there will be streaming on all kicc social media platforms for more information about krcc or any of these announcements call 0208 525-000 [Music] or email events at or visit or download the kicca this praise the lord somebody praise the lord this morning amen on behalf of our senior pastor pastor matthew hashimalu and our resident pastor i'd like to welcome everyone who is worshiping with us this morning particularly those who are worshipping with us for the very first time if this is your first time of attending a kicc online service or you're generally just new to kicc we would like to give you a special kicc welcome and to that i would encourage you to please go to uk forward slash contact and complete the form that it allows our follow-up team to be able to reach out to you for those of us who are here this morning if this is your first time of worshiping here with us at prayer city for the very first time we would like to extend okay isis's warm hand of fellowship to you so if you're here this morning and it's your first time could you please do us the honors of standing up wherever you are this is your first time so that we can extend okay isis is one hand of fellowship to you here in the service this morning praise the lord praise the lord it appears they're still on their way so we would just like to just ask that those of us who are here open up your heart this morning i trust god that you're going to be blessed mightily through his word let's continue to enjoy the service god bless you hallelujah [Music] great and mighty god worthy of all honor and adoration this morning we've just come to lift up his name hallelujah [Music] is [Music] you are [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh is is [Music] [Music] is our hearts will cry [Music] [Applause] our hearts will fly we will sink right on [Music] our hearts away [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] so [Music] to your own [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] alone [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the way [Music] praise the lord this is the day the lord has made will rejoice and be glad and neat welcome to another day another time in the presence of the lord welcome to a beautiful sunday a time to receive from god welcome to life class trust in the lord that today your life will be so enriched by the world and your life will never be the same heavenly father we thank you we give you praise this month we open ourselves to the things you are ready to do in our lives thank you for the victory you've already begun outstanding victories thank you for the covenant of testimonies to you be your glory all honor all praise all adoration minister to us in the service bless bless be us bless your people let the entrance of your word bring light and understanding to the simple to the glory of your name in jesus name amen amen amen amen oh praise the lord i'm excited about this one because i believe that the season in which we are of course from now to december 31 is a season of the test of the covenant of testimonies the covenant of testimonies the covenant of testimonies god wants to give you unusual uncommon testimonies and i believe that you will stand out and your life will be a testimony in itself this morning we want to look at the seven manifestations of increased favor the seven manifestations of increased favor if god is gonna give you outstanding victory if god is gonna bring to pass the covenant of testimonies you will need to ride on favor you will need to ride on the principles and the blessings of the favor of the lord that i'm convinced somebody is going to connect with uncommon favor repace you're going to connect with favor what is favor favor is from the hebrew word when you stretch it you become from which you get hannah hannah's name was favor or if you stretch it again it becomes which is the name of the man in the fiery furnace favor brought him out as if his mother knew his mother gave him a name to mean that one day he will know the favor of god so she called them the favor of god favor means kindness grace it means loveliness it means charm it means preciousness to be kind to be favored henan is to be favorable to be gracious for god to have pity on you favor is to have mercy favor is to bestow upon a person the goodness of god favor is when god looks at you and instead of him striking you he took pity on you and he blessed you favor is to make lovely god is about to make your life so beautiful and lovely favor is to seek mercy and to experience it favor is to show kindness in the new testament which was written with greek harris or carys is the word for favor it means to rejoice favor is something that causes you to rejoice favor is acceptance when you accept they were supposed to throw you away but you showed they showed you favor favor is granted it is desired it is a benefit it is a gratitude it is a grace favor is absolute freeness of the loving kindness of god to men so that they find his bounty they find his blessing they find his own earned help the help you did not earn you did not deserve glory to god favor is what god will say when he will say as long as earth remains see time and harvest shall never cease genesis 8 22 that is favor favor is exodus 3 22 when god says but every woman shall borrow of her neighbor and of all that sojournet in her house jewels of silver jewels of gold and raymond and you shall put them upon your sons and upon your daughters and you shall spoil the egyptians that was favor when they who were once the slaves were now the ones who went to collect everything that was in the hand of the egyptians that is favored someone is listening to me today god is going to show you unusual favor favor is what happened to isaac when in the time of famine when there was no growth no harvest god tells him to sow that time then isaac sowed in that land and received in the same year 100 fold and the lord blessed him and the man works great went forward grew until he became very great for he had possession of flux and possession of herds and great store of servants and the philistines and with him favor can so rise in your life you become enviable and the philistines envied him favor can make you enviable they look at you like oh my god is this person not living it they have everything life desires esther chapter 2 verse 17 and the king loved esther above all the woman mira took jose when you love a slave girl and it was not where she was where she was born but what she was on her inside favor will make people look beyond your fault look beyond your weakness look beyond your challenges and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins so that he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of vashti she obtained favor in his sight more than all the virgins you need to understand this was miss world man i'm saying she was contesting with all the women who came from as far as india to as far as europe as far as ethiopia ethiopia was the whole of africa by the way the name africa was given by some guy who travels from europe whose name was africanus so the whole continent was not africa it was ethiopia the whole continent was ethiopia it was that white guy whose name was africanus that gave his name to the continent praise god so favor is love favor is benevolence favor is kindness good will favor is benefit grace mercy favor is when god out of his loyalty to you he stands by you he blesses you it is his unveiling unfailing love and the beauty of himself that he shows in your life oh man i believe you are capturing the picture of favor today favor is when god will take you and put you in the place of blessing the bible says of jesus himself when he was born he experienced favor luke chapter 1 verse 28 to 30 and the angel came in unto aha and said hell thou art highly favored the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and when she saw him she was troubled that he's saying and casamayor what man of salutation should this be and the angel said unto her fear not mary for thou has found favor with god so favor is when god shows you mercy when god blesses you when god touches your life the bible says in luke chapter 2 verse 14 glory to god in the highest and on earth peace good will and his favor rests may the favor of the lord rest upon your life may the favor of god be in your household may the favor of god never leave you in the mighty name of jesus favor is one of the greatest things that can ever happen to you favor is the currency of this kingdom for the advancement of his work the currency of this kingdom for the advancement of the work of god when god wants his work to advance he shows his people favor he will bless you favorably so that you can sponsor the gospel he will give you long life so that you can work you can serve the gospel he will give you opportunities so that you can make impact for him favor is a harvest which is a gift from god god a little bit rico's cabbage god can make you instead of harvesting trouble here trouble there that you harvest favor esther chapter 8 verse 2 the king took of his signet ring which he had reclaimed from hammond and presented it to mordechai and esther appointed him over harmon's estate wow this is favor a man who was a who who opened and closed the gate that's all he did but then favor so came that it was given the whole estate belonging to the prime minister and the ring of authority of the prime minister this well this was not educational qualification it was not an election this was a total picking up by favor esther 8011 also says the king's edie granted the jews in every city the right to assemble to protect themselves to destroy to kill to inhalate any armed force of any nationality or province that might attack them and their women and their children to plunder the problem of jesus man the kind of terms that the king put in a decree for the jews who were messed up in babylon at this time they were slaves they were brought in as slaves and muhammad had plotted that tomorrow we are killing all of them and nothing will stop it suddenly god moves by favor the king writes an edict the decree of kings does not need parliamentary procedure the king's establishing by edict that everyone who was a jew were to now from now on they can assemble they can protect themselves they can destroy anyone they can kill anyone they can and he let anybody they can they can fight any nationality they can take over principalities and provinces they can plunder they can take over properties of the earth wow look at the terms of favor the table switched so this morning the table is turning for somebody you are about to have a harvest of favor a harvest of favor i prophesied that this day in this season of the covenant of testimony god is going to give you a massive massive massive massive massive harvest of favor talking about the harvest of favor this morning i declare and decree that you are going to walk in another level you are going to walk in grace and you're going to walk in the blessings of god the teaching we want to do today like we have already announced is the seven seven manifestations of increased favor so one thing is for you to know favor it's another for it to increase oh i love that scripture i just read about the jews in the days of esther the king just practically gave them license modern james bond license to kill he gave them license to take authority take territory possess anything anyone who messes as long as you are a jew a matter of fact the wife of hermann had warned him that the grace of god is on these people don't fight them because if you fight them your downfall have begun hey whoever touches you or your household your family your children your destiny they are messing with jehovah because the hand of the lord is on your life it's on your household it's on your children it's on your destiny and this morning what i'm about to share is not just about favor it's about increased favor seven of them seven manifestations and as i share each one get ready to say amen to eat and to possess it for yourself so that in this season of the covenant of testimony each of these pointers of favor will manifest in your life number one number one supernatural increase and promotion supernatural increase and promotion i declare and decree that these will manifest in your life it will become your experience it will become your testimony you will walk in it and you will not fail supernatural increase and promotion the bible says in genesis 39 verse 21 but the lord was with joseph and showed him mercy and he gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison supernatural increase and promotion i'd like to tie this also to the experience of ahaman supernaturally chris came to his life from a man who still was stood at the gate but you know god just knows how to bless you after you have done all you know to do haman i believe that one of modica's destiny assignment was to raise esta you know there are some of us we don't even realize your greatest destiny may be one son in your house one daughter in your house among many things you do on earth your greatest destiny may be that you are the carrier of the next prime minister of britain you may be the next person taking care of the one who launched the biggest company ever on earth and you may not realize it the assignment of mordechai was to raise the girl who will be for the salvation of the jews and after he had completed his assignment and she ascended to the throne as the queen beside the emperor of babylon who ruled the world god brought supernatural increase and supernatural promotion to the life of moderate i pray for you today that in this season you will not just know favor but the kind of favor that brings supernatural increase and supernatural promotion god will promote you to the left he'll promote you to the right he'll promote you on every side he'll give you uncommon testimony the lord himself will buy his mighty hand prove himself awesome in your life wipe your tears fill your mouth with laughter give you uncommon grace supernatural increase will follow you supernatural promotion will follow suddenly mother kai becomes the prime minister of the land he took the ring of haman which means he took over his position he is now the prime minister of the whole of the empire the king has no time to see everywhere is the prime minister will really ruled when god favors you it is not your educational qualification and it is not the promotion of man that starts level one level two level three level four god can just suddenly lift you up and give you an uncommon lifting that the world will be shocked at what god had done and i declare and decree for someone this morning that would be your testimony that the lord himself will lift you up give you unusual lifting people will hear your story around the world they will see the hand of the lord around the world on your life the scripture we rested but the lord was with joseph he showed him mercy and gave him favor on the side of the keeper of the prison this is increase from being a fellow prisoner to being in charge of the prison and then from there also god increased him again and made him to be the prime minister of the whole of egypt may the lord lift you may the lord give you the kind of promotion that is beyond your own imagination in jesus name seven manifestations not of favor but increased favor hey krcc everyone within the reach of my voice today may you increase in favor increase in favor increase in favor increase in favor increasing favor increasing favor increasing favor increasing favor increasing favor in the name of jesus number two restoration of everything that the enemy has taken from you restoration of everything that the enemy has taken from you okay exodus 3 21 and i will give this people favor in the sight of the egyptians and it shall be when you go that you shall not go empty-handed restoration of everything that the enemy has taken from you 400 years their father served generations had served all during those four hundred years the people who may have been in the land at that time may have been the fourth or fifth or sixth generation but now heka palos created they are about to harvest what three four five six seven generations have worked for they are about to take home i'll declare and decree the blessings that belong to you somewhere prayers you have said and you have not seen the result seed you have sown and you have not seen the harvest it shall not pass you by there will be a restoration of everything that the enemy took from you restoration of life restoration of peace restoration of joy restoration of grace in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name of jesus that there will be a restoration of everything the enemy took everything everything the enemy took will be restored to you i speak it into your life today it shall come to pass the bible made is such that makes it clear god gave them such favor the bible says god told them go to the very houses where you walked and make a demand for everything tell them hey i want your gold i want your silver and truly god made it to happen i will give these people favor in the sight of the egyptians and be and it shall be when you go you shall not go empty-handed not take hosea in this season of the covenant of prosperity the covenant of testimony the lord himself will give you a resounding unusual uncommon at shaking devil defeating jesus exalting testimony testimony testimony in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god the third out of the seven is that when god decides to bless you with this progressive favor increasing favor number three is honor in the midst of the adversary honor in the midst of the adversary in the midst of the adversary we can give you catalogues of people who experience honor in the midst of the adversary the children of israel exodus 11 verse 3 and the lord gave the people favor in the sight of the egyptians moreover the man moses was very great not great but very great in the land of egypt in the sight of pharaoh's servants and in the sight of the people nyadeva kosha he left town as a murderer the last entry on his shepherd's road was a common thing for a shepherd in israel to enter on his road to enter his experiences on his road and the last entry was murderer but the murderer has come but favor covered him favor covered this murderer so when you look at him and you condemn him god looks at him and god commands him you condemn god comments you condem god comments you condemn him god commands him who shall condemn what god has commanded who shall curse what god blessed so moses comes to town he's a carrier of honor in the midst of the adversary pharaoh who was believed to be a descendant of the gods it's just funny whenever civilizations and kingdoms rise to become very powerful they begin to see their kings as a god the pharaohs began to believe that they are descendants of the gods and whatever they did god a god did it but now comes moses simply dressed were with the shepherd's rod bagged by jehovah's favor and pharaoh had to bow not only did pharaoh bow egypt had to bow not only did egypt buy all the people of egypt had to bow because there was honor upon the life of moses he did not buy it he did not seek for it it was bestowed by favor i pray for you today there is a kind of faith there is a kind of honor that comes upon a person's life that is only bestowed by favor may it rest on your household may it rest on your destiny may it rest on your calling may you carry that kind of favor in the name of jesus everywhere moses entered there was honor in the midst of the adversary the egyptians suddenly looked at them like oh my god so these people are not going to work for us anymore but there was nothing they could do everywhere they went they honored moses what shall we say of mordechai also in the midst of the adversary mordecai and all the jews became people of honor whatever they did was final the king said if you kill it is killed if you plunder it is plundered the nations you take it is taken anywhere you go it is yours possess the land possess the people conquer the people do as it pleases you oh my my my mind that has to be the hand of god that has to be the grace of god that has to be a move of god so in this season of your life may the lord so honor you may the lord so honor you anyone who raises their finger of opposition and attack on your life god will deal with them god will deal with them i declare and decree that the lord himself will lift you up in the name of jesus christ listen it is not just your goodness that makes your life beautiful it is favor it is not the law of religion not the principles of morality that define our highways and our pathways to god it is only by the grace of god are we led and drawn to god only by the grace of god are we led and drawn to god it is his grace that conquers a multitude of our own flaws and in that grace there is only favor favor is not achieved favor is received favor is not achieved favor is received may you receive favor today that will bring dignity glory honor everywhere you entered at the hand and the beauty of jesus will be seen in your life that is one of my testimonies yesterday was a testimony of favor gone to a restaurant with about eight nine people and i'm getting ready to pay for them i've taken them there for us to plan the burial of my pastor and somebody just comes and pays for all nine i say wow this is my testimony for glory to god for september 4. it was a big one but i had two testimonies at that restaurant not only was i honored that way another person sees me he says oh my god 1984 that's a long time you know he said in 1984 and i think he probably got dated wrong i think maybe 1967. he said you came to the holy ghost convention reverend wiley okay in nigeria and you prayed for us i used i was just nothing today i'm a permanent secretary in a federal department of the country of nigeria he says i don't know what to do but here is enough funds to pay for all your emilia gives me the the money to pay for like two people i'm thinking man i brought nine people we are all nine people so i always pay for the nine days i know that money for any extra who shows favor will never season your house and i declare and decree that in this season there'll be a testimony for every day in your life for every day in your life for every day in your life there'll be a testimony that we are now stretching of the hand of god that god will prove himself mighty what makes you to be troubled disturbed at this time shall become your reason to celebrate number four victory in the midst of impossibilities victory in the midst of impossibilities joshua 11 20 for it was of the lord to harden their hearts that they should come against israel and battle that he might utterly destroy them and that they might receive no favor as the other side but that he might destroy them as the lord had commanded moses you see when god when god withdraws favor the enemy wins but when god gives you favor you have victory in the midst of impossibilities a mighty army came against the children of israel mightier than them they were just a bunch of slaves that just came out and just learned to begin to fight but they looked up to god i will lift up my eyes to the heels from whence comes my help my help comes from the lord who made the heavens and the earth he will not suffer my feet to be moved he who keeps israel neither slumbers nor sleeps the power the the prayer the intensity the battle joshua cries to god he said let the son stand still in the valley of aiza alone ah i'm glad joshua did not know science because if joshua knew science he probably wouldn't pray that prayer because you see this earth in which you are you may not even know that you are inside a car that is spinning faster than an airplane will fly faster than a car can never drive these are planets spinning at 32 000 miles per hour 32 000 miles per hour that means that every two minutes this planet in which we are is doing 3200 miles or 3000 or they're about miles every every every one or two minutes three thousand miles every one or two minutes three thousand miles man that is something else that is something else and yet joshua says sun stand still it wasn't really the sun that will stand still it is our own planet that will stand still as it as it oscillates around the axis of the sun it will have to stand still in one place wow wow the earth stood still that is impossibility made possible by god oh i prophesy on you today you are facing some things you don't even know how to come of it you are coming out of it you are coming out of it you are coming out of it you are coming out of it god will give you a testimony a testimony a testimony a testimony in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus victory in the midst of impossibilities last during the week i was listening to i mean last week i was listening to the scriptures and i was listening to where one king an ethiopian king which means a black guy really his name was tahaka he showed up in israel to fight israel with a million soldiers uh when you talk of a million-man match that was the first time you ever have a million-man match a million soldiers i don't know how that guy did it how he made a million soldiers to come to israel that is a lot of logistics man he brought a million soldiers because the bible says one thousand thousand it was rare in hebrew counting to have the word million so they'll do it in thousands thousand and then say ten thousand thousand thousands but he says one thousand thousand soldiers a million soldiers he brought them to israel israel didn't have one hundred thousand he brought a million this black brother is a bad brother man he was really mean he was ready to eat anyone up but he did not realize if god be for us who can be against us it's not the size of what is fighting you nairobo it is the size of the one who is backing you and since jehovah is behind you you will not be behind since jehovah is behind you you will not be behind since jehovah is behind you you will not be behind i repeat since jehovah is behind you you will not be behind the lord will fight your fight the lord will win your battle the lord will go ahead of you he will silence your enemy he'll shut the mouth of devils and he'll make a way for you neca baruchi leakable victory in the midst of impossibilities god will give you victory in the midst of impossibilities i see tears wiped this morning i see testament number five number five recognition even when is seen when you seem the least likely to receive it they will give you recognition when you seem the legal least likely to receive it they will give you recognition when you seem the leak least likely to be lifted they will give you recognition first summer 16 22 then saul sent to jesus saying please let david stand before me for he has found favor in my sight david was the last born in the house of mr ben jesse possibly born by another woman other than the wife that gave birth to these first seven boys the boys who were the generals in the aka in the army the lawyer the accountant the big boys david was just the little brother who was always sent to do the odd job to do the shepherding he was always in the bushes of bethlehem to take care of the little sheep in the words of one of his big brothers when he showed up in the battlefield his big brother said what have you come to have you let that lead to sheep that was all david had to take care of he was no one but david was gifted and david knew the lord david loved god david served god he wrote beautiful songs to god he wrote beautiful psalms to god he wrote beautiful eulogies to god the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures leads me beside still waters he wrote as the deer pants towards the water bro so pants my heart after you oh god one time he pulled his chair and put it somewhere and said i was addressing god god how lovely is your dwelling place i remember when you invited me there he was so beautiful your pavilion is awesome and by the way the heavens are declaring your glory the farmer meant is showing your beauty you are too much god you are three months you are four months you are ten much you are awesome ah okay i see you are telling jesus to stand still until you make his enemies to be at his footstool ah god you are awesome i think i glorify you make a joyfulness to this our god all he learns serve the lord with beauty we are his people and the sheep of his shape of his pasture it is him who has created us no and not and not we ourselves he magnified god because of that god made him to no recognition even when he seems to be the last and the least likely to receive it i speak to you today this morning god has not finished with you yet recognition is coming a lifting is coming a blessing is coming a favor is coming i come from a state in nigeria where some great great great great great great names have emerged and many of them are still alive generals in the army captains of industry gifted men and ministry awesome people in the world of of education i think my state produces probably 20 of all the professors not only in that country but even around the world medical doctors all kinds of unusually gifted people then the state decides to choose 30 people they want to recognize for being outstanding after it's been created as a state 30 years ago and by the way my state is also the cradle of my tribe it is from where that tribe spread all over the world not just to nigeria but to the whole world you can find people of my tribe in cuba in brazil in uh in haiti and some other caribbean island when i see a jamaican baby i say that's my bro you know what i'm saying praise god and then that same state wants to choose 30 people to honor i don't know how my name got on the place but this is one of those favors and it is happening during the month or season not just this month by the way it's up to december 31 during this season of god saying i have a covenant with krcc it shall be a covenant of testimonies recognition even when you seem the least likely to receive it that is your portion as you're hearing me today a pour that grace on your life recognition of your blessings recognition of your hard work recognition of what you have done recognition of where you are going your son should be recognized your daughters will be the blessing of god will rest on your household god will use you mightily in the name of jesus and the mighty mighty mighty name of number six numero cantrell number six prominence and preferential treatment prominence and profit preferential treatment when god causes failure to come on you he will just lift you to prominence and he will cause preferential treatment to be given to you a honor that you are just blown and you are wondering who am i that this has been done for me esther chapter 2 verse 17 the king loved esther more than all the other women and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of vashti wow a slave girl now finds herself in a place of prominence and preferential treatment all the people working they are now taking care of esther she came when slaves come into lines in the days of the bible they do a selection they look at them as they are coming and they look you know you go to the slave house you go to the go and serve in the palace you guys have in the house of lord bugatti you slave house slave house those slave house people means they are going to be doing the dirty the donkey job esta was born in the slave house that was where mother kai lived but then favor hid her there until the time of her prominence came there are some of you who are connected today to this service your time of prominence and preferential treatment is coming you will go places the open doors for you and professor you will want to fly the movie from economy to business i prophesy you better receive in the name of jesus you go places you want to pay 50 pounds they will say come and take it for 10. somebody then say i receive because listen god is gonna make it happen favor will rest on you one of the testimonies i received this week again also was that i had ordered and brought and brought into africa and suv from america uh my homer seems to be giving me some trouble so i brought in a new suv so i can enjoy this gmc denali normally in the ports of nigeria could take you two weeks to a month i know someone who cleared this car recently after four months and we whereas once your car's gone past one week you'll start to pay duty every day imagine the people who cleared their counter for months or one month or even two weeks my car cleared in two days matter of fact that is i mean it comes in on the 30th of august i gave them money on the 31st of august all the duties demanded all the clearing on the 1st of september they delivered the car that is that is that is favor favor that saved me money i bless the lord for that i believe it is resting on you may that same oil rest on your house and the last this morning number seven battles one which you won't even fight god will fight them for you i repeat battles one which you won't even fight god will fight them for you the scripture will say in psalm 44 verse 3 but they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword papa nor did their own arm saved them but it was your right hand your arm and the light of your countenance because you favored them so when god decides to take on your fight you will win battles which you didn't even raise your finger ayed kotolabaridian the rules here but ija god will fight for you and when god decides to fight for you god is a rough fighter god is a rough fighter one time when joshua was in battle against some people who rose against the children of israel as they were entering and possessing the land as the people began to win as the children of israel began to win the others were running god just decided to join in the battle man and god brought out his catapult and began to throw rocks and fire rocks and fire rocks and the bible says and there were more men who died by the rock throwing because the rock of ages knows how to throw rocks the rock that never fails knows how to throw rocks the throat the rock in the weary land knows how to throw rocks here osha the bible says there were more who died by the rock that god threw than by the sword of joshua everything in the bible in the old testament particularly all the stories there are written for us in corinthians he says all these things happened to them for examples they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the earth is come if they can find that scripture will have been lovely these things happened unto them for examples they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the earth is coming we have done it once you do it again joshua's battle got took it over a conquered god has all kinds of battalions he has frog battalion he has confusion battalion first corinthians 10 11 thank you now all these things happen to them for examples in the in the king james is end samples and they were written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the age have come those things that happen if god did it before god is showing you on that grace i will do more on the grace i will do more or later so ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters this morning get ready to ride on the wave of favor get ready to ride on the wave of higher favor than you have ever experienced mightier favor than you have ever experienced powerful favor that you have ever experienced number one may supernatural increase and promotion follow you from this morning may it become your testimony may it become your joy supernatural which means beyond the natural and increase that it's difficult to explain but can only be said to be this is the hand of god receiving the name of jesus before december 31 somebody connected to this meeting connected to this morning service god will change your status if i am bold to say someone will attain millionaire status by december 31 receiving the name of jesus supernatural increase and promotion number two get ready for restoration of everything the enemy had stolen from you even the ones you didn't know belong to you they're coming back they're coming back they're coming back they're coming back they're coming back they're coming back they're coming back they're coming back they're coming back in the name of jesus number three oh no in the midst of the adversary nothing is more beautiful than this when god lifts your head where you used to bow your head when you drive in style into the place where you used to walk barefoot on it number four god also giving you victory in the midst of impossibilities when people have written you off and they have told you just get ready to die i know this is united kingdom and um we don't slaughter cows in our houses we just go to the market and buy one girl was reacting when her grandmother showed her photos of the cows they are tied up in africa for the burial of somebody and you guys said but that's cruelty to animals grandmother to let them know the beef you eat in your house somebody had to slaughter it so i remember one time we had a burial service i don't know if it was my uncle and they had some cows i cannot forget what one cow did as they were slaughtering this cow in the presence of the other one the other one just lied down ready ready i see i mean these things they don't delay that is here i come to announce to you when it looks like it is over and that you are going to lose god will turn it round in the midst of the impossibility there will be your possibility in the name of jesus number five god will bring recognition on you or your household even when it seems the least likely for you to receive god will bring recognition recognition recognition recognition recognition recognition one of the brothers sent me a letter as his testimony of the school his daughter goes to in i think ontario canada or somewhere where she has now just been put on the dean's list for outstanding leadership skills with an extra award of a thousand dollars or something it's not the money it's the fact that she's on the dean's list for outstanding leadership even that letter becomes part of the cv that the university recognized the skill of leadership number six prominence and preferential treatment follows you from today everywhere you enter people will be looking for you to favor you to bless you lastly you will win battles i say again you will win battles without raising your finger you will win battles without having to attack you will win battles god will fight for you you will win battles the lies of the enemy comes to an end from today lord will give you praise we thank you for the word we bless you give all the honor adoration and praise to you thank you for enriching our life with the word of life we see the manifestation immediately to the glory of your name in jesus name amen amen when you hear a word like this don't just listen make sure you quickly order the cd or the dvd or the mp3 mp4 play it again and again and again this is the kind of word with which you should do your battle and this season god has spoken he said covenant of testimonies so tell him in what area you want to see favor it shall come to pass hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah this morning i want to give to the lord we want to serve the lord with that which has blessed us and magnified jesus with all that he has put in our lives our tithes our offerings our gift things belong to him we must learn the power of obedience if you want to experience favor you also must learn to be the kind that you walk by faith you walk by faith you operate in the realm of faith in the realm of favor you operate in the realm of faith and in the realm of favor glory to god almighty oh glory to god almighty so this morning our tithe belongs to the lord our offerings belong to the lord god teaches us also to sow to bring our first fruit when you learn to operate in the principles of the first fruit you have put the blessing of god on the remaining fruit and then god begins to show up powerfully in your life in other areas not only does he do that it prospers you also as you learn to honor the oil of anointed people god who knows you god blesses you god lifts you up praise god praise the lord sometimes when we hear testimonies others wonder why can't it happen to me i believe testimonies come because we learn to ourselves provoke fever so this morning we're going to give to the lord remember we have a new app called the cash app make sure you go and download it on your on uh i can't see it on the screen i hope they are not using the whole advertising when we should have the new one please put the new one that shows the details so download the cache app and uh when you download the cache app uh you are able to just go there type the pound sign on krccdona and let's keep to the lord with all of our hearts let's worship god with that which he has provided praise the lord praise the lord we're going to give this morning and then after that we'll take the announcements please don't go away very major announcements to come including the missions next sunday mission sunday let's give to the lord [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] if you pray [Applause] my oh god [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord wherever you are stretch your hand towards the screen or if you are watching on your phone hold it in your hand or lay your hand on your ipad learn the power of connection say with me lord as we bring our offerings we believe you for better jobs raises bonuses finding money money finding us receiving increase incomes royalties dividends inheritances checks and the mail give some surprises in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus father bless the seed we saw today prosper your people and increase them let somebody walk in supernatural finance in this season they tell us that every financial battle they face become financial blessing let it become a testimony in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus so shall it be jesus name amen amen amen wow i just saw a vision of a tunnel which seemed nicely that dried up for a long time and it's been dry for a long time maybe years suddenly water began to flow out of initially it looked like water that is unclear then later the color began to change i believe somebody some area where there used to be finance but things dried up god is going to send you furnace flow him from that same dried up place initially struggling but later flowing very well hey in jesus name amen amen amen amen well we're going to take the communion now you must now have a word like we just had on favor and not seal it with communion and please when we partake in the communion you must always have expectation of healing for your body breakthrough in your life testimony in your life and the fulfillment of covenant because what we're doing practically is blood covenant with jesus man and i'll rather do blood covenant with jesus than with anyone else not even just blood covenants blood and flesh covenant because we are technically eating his flesh and drinking his blood and sealed until he's coming for his word says well as long as you do this you do remember the lord's the lord's death until he comes test looks like so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] his body [Music] was broken and his blood was shared to make [Music] his body was [Music] all broken i think uh the message on the screen was a bit confusing for me they wanted to show an advert an announcement i should make they put mike is bad so i removed my mic for another the communion i have received of the lord that which i also delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given tanks he broke it and said this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me for as often as you do this you do show the lord's death until it comes let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup father bless this bread let it be for our healing for our deliverance for our protection as your people partake today will remember the body of jesus broken for us and we claim our healing claim our joy claim our blessings anyone who partakes this morning irrespective of what medicine says irrespective of what your doctor says you will have a testimony burdens will leave your life jesus name all right jesus said eat ye all of it so you also do after that he took the cup when he had stopped i said this is the blood of the new testament do this in remembrance of me for as often as you do this you do remember the lord's death until it comes but i bless the cup we partake in today let it be for the healing of your people for testimony for deliverance for breakthrough or healing let everyone who partakes at this be sealed in protection no weapon formed against them will prosper every arrow of darkness fails for us in jesus name amen [Music] lord today we give you glory we thank you in advance we celebrate your goodness we rejoice because we are victory no weapon formed against us prosperous every mouth arises against us enjoyment is condemned and your goodness remains forever on our lives to the glory of your name to the glory of your name we thank you we bless your name in jesus name amen amen amen amen couple of announcements then we'll bring the service to a close praise god praise god praise god tonight is going to be i mean the next service is going to be powerful it's going to be so powerful five five signs of highly motivated christians oh this is just going to be beautiful the five pointers of highly motivated christians you need to stay connected and receive that word in the name of jesus praise god the 6 p.m service will be a blessing the power of god will be manifest the hand of the lord will be awesome god will bless his people god will prove himself great in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus praise god praise god praise god praise god like to continue to announce the 9 a.m live class as it's holding in whole street it is holding in prayer city hall street prayer cities so that we are having two services at the same time the 11am service same thing whole street prayer city remember the testimonies the 90 days of the covenant of testimony we want to publish the testimonies from morning glo march last year till now but then we are believing god that during these 90 days don't ever think that a testimony is too small write it down my little grandson was telling me the testimonies his own testimonies the testimonies of his mom praise god goes to swim they didn't have any booking god made the way yeah they made a booking for him there as a testimony i even refused to bring out my own testimony as he's sharing his because you don't be literally a little boy's testimony at that time and uh you learn to magnify the lord praise god you celebrate with him you bless the lord with him so remember the 90 days and write down your testimonies because we are going to ask you to yourself oh we want to publish with pictures with photographs we may not use your pictures if you don't want if you want fine it's going to be nice beautiful glossy that we're going to make it so you can share it with people you know the testimonies of what the lord has done in kicc glory to god almighty also we'd like to let you know and next sunday is absolutely awesome i'll be on ground fully fully fully on ground next sunday's mission sunday will be having a speaker i and him will be in the services we have a reverend steve messer to minister the world and to tear up our hearts about giving towards missions uh the crash to the rural world will be hitting northern ghana a city called bulgar tanga predominantly islamic and animistic islamic and animistic they are believing for a huge massive crusade with clothing to be taken with food to be taken will not be collecting clothing during this time because there's no time enough to ship it to ghana and more so they have a source from where they buy secondhand clothings to give those people and the people are grateful it's going to be a great time it's going to be an awesome awesome awesome awesome great time it's going to be a great one so we want to employ you next sunday when you are coming come with the heart of serving the lord in missions rich and souls see that winner souls is wise next sunday also in the evening service will be having the back to school prayer the back to school prayer the back to school prayer we'll be praying for all your children i know some may have resumed already and some are resuming from tomorrow but we couldn't schedule it earlier than sunday the 12th 6 pm back to school prayer service so we'll have steve manson minister of missions we'll also have back to school prayer on that today it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be great if your son's daughters are around please make sure you are in the evening service next sunday and if they are far away you want them to be physically present please make effort make let's make it a great back to school prayer service on that sunday praise the lord praise the lord global bible study will hold on wednesday you'll be blessed by the word and your heart your mind will be renewed we had a great time last last wednesday so look forward to it back to school prayer it's going to be awesome mission sunday will be great like to play the video of noah's ark and bring the service to a close [Music] [Music] to worship you i live to worship you [Music] my [Music] i'm going to bring the service to your clothes now uh australia's nozak no nawazak during i juicy i didn't know there's no noah's ark after igoc but we're going to bless the lord i'm just going to make confession into your life and believe god that you'll be strengthened you'll be empowered the grace of god will rest on your life and the hand of the lord be awesome in your life say with me i'm blessed i'm prosperous i'm valuable i'm free i'm equipped i'm empowered i'm confident i'm motivated i'm determined i'm anointed i'm creative i'm talented i'm accepted by god i'm redeemed by god i'm focused on my dreams i am not average i am forgiven i'm free i am disciplined i'm secure in god and i'm a child of the most high god praise the lord i do hope you were blessed this morning and please remember the 11 a.m service is gonna be great it's gonna be awesome god wants you to live beyond anything that is average he wants you to be highly motivated we're looking at the five major proofs of the motivation of of believers it's gonna be such a tremendous blessing i leave you with this scripture isaiah 62 verse 4 thou shalt no more be termed forsaken neither shall thy land anymore returned desolate while you will be called hezbollah your land will be called beulah the lord will delight in you and you shall be married so i decree life over everything that concerns you mercy on your life all your abandoned projects will become fulfilled projects bad tools you've been facing will become the place of your blessing and testimony you will never be forsaken god will establish the work of your hand and send you divine helpers you'll be above only never under be blessed and i'll favor we see you in the place of the morning glo please please please please go out of your way and invite people to be part of the morning glow that is being joined by probably 20 something missions every morning and you do kick yourself into the discipline of being on 6 a.m to connect with god your being is the lord bless you with your step the lord bless you richly god bless [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] you
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 4,156
Rating: 4.8759689 out of 5
Id: h6VlxTdRl_Q
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Length: 114min 26sec (6866 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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