"Key for Guidance" - The GOD Factor

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers the real you is new and your roots are in Christ you gotta catch a revelation of who you are and your new identity so that it can line you up for the supernatural that God wants to do in your life you are designed to be led by your spirit now your spirit illumined your mind so that your mind can function if you're gonna do the supernatural you gotta thinks of an excellent Society can't tell you who you are they can't tell you what you can do our assignment is to replenish it's the eden mandate that God gave Adam the work replenish means to perpetually renewed and supply it is Aiden date that we're coming in not to take sides but to take over and establishing every place under Kingdom juristic the power of this blessing is to create heavens atmosphere you're children of Abraham by faith because he is rooting Abraham with God and talking about Abraham beginning a new race of people that had to go because of Adam's sin at Abraham had to come up and produce some people in the earth who are going to be able to subdue this earth and replenish this earth like Adam was supposed to do our assignment is to replenish it's the Eden mandate that God gave Adam when he said in Genesis in chapter 1 and he said it in verse 28 he said in God blessed them and said to them be fruitful multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish and sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle over everything that liveth upon this earth so it is a Dominion mandate that we're coming in not to take sides but to take over and that there is a Dominion that we're bringing in this place and establishing every place under Kingdom jurisdiction while you're following out the word replenish it might do you well to put this in your Bible it means to perpetually renew and supply to perpetually renew and supply now what is he doing what what did Adam do Adam was planted in the garden am i right about it but now Adam was going to have to take the garden and move the garden to the whole earth I am convinced when Adam got done with the earth he's gonna move on up to Mars and moon and everything else use it when I had no atmosphere up there cuz Adams not there I'm telling you the power of this blessing is to create heavens atmosphere or that came out of the pose so that blessing is on Adam now understand because of Adam's sin that thing turned to a curse and now everything got curse I mean the the lines ate up the lambs and then you can't always drink the water and thorns and thistles and all of the things that God had not planned but God has not done because his word will not return boy once he speaks a word it's going to come to pass all right so now God then brings and he comes the church who Jesus was the one who birthed the church I'm talking prophetically now because the when Jesus hung on the cross the church came out of his side Lord Jesus I can't even mana we see when they push thorns on his head what that said is that he bore all the thorns in your life so the curse was put on him so that you could go free say amen to that all right but anyway so my point to you is there's none of you reading the Bible you need to let the Holy Ghost talk to you because he can teach you all these things he can teach you what everything means in it so that you can come up to another level because if you were if you're gonna do the supernatural you got to think supernaturally are you with me all right now so here when you leave the Gospels God never again calls Jesus the only begotten Son of God he calls him the firstborn first one of the church found over in in in in Colossians firstborn of many brethren aware of different places firstborn because there's a second on Third Point fourth point and you were near so he is no longer lonely be kind son but he now is the first one of many brother because now are you the sons of God now the reason why I say this because identity has a whole lot to do with what you can do for God that the enemy is really out after identities he's he knows that this word identification got a lot to do with the supernatural okay alright no what we said here as we were building our case that you and I are not operating in our own strength let's go back to John chapter 14 very quickly and look at verse 10 believe it that I'm in the father the father and me the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me what he doeth the works now we said that Jesus was a sample son so now Jesus is going to show you how he's operating he's not him that's doing this who's doing it the father the father was working through Jesus but notice he needs Jesus to be a human because of Jesus had no humanity he had no authority because God gave authority to a man so Jesus calls himself John chapter six or John chapter five the Son of Man he calls himself that because he's letting you know that wait a minute employee God but a fully man and I'm sitting with God head ability aside because I'm gonna show you how you as a man or a woman can operate in this earth if you're anointed like hominoid got it now he goes on down and said in verse 12 verily I say unto you verily verily he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I'm doing what I'm going to my father so you and I are to do greater works you and I are sent here like Elijah and Elijah we're weird to do greater works Elijah did twice as many miracles as Jesus did I'm just saying greater in what way greater in every way and even greater in terms of manifestation so the now society can't tell you who you are they can't tell you what you can do and don't try not to do something because you've never seen anybody else do it I'm saying my sheep hear my voice and they follow it they do exactly what I tell them to do say amen to that no as you look at the church today the enemy has tried to neutralize the church because he's tried to get the church to not believe for and operate supernaturally but to stay in a zone whereby they can intellectually figure things out and I'm here to tell you when you're there then your mind is leading you you are no longer being led by the Spirit of God and you no longer be being led by your spirit you see your spirit is supposed to lead you same into this your mind is coming after your spirit and your body is coming after your mind so that's the that's the priority of your advancement that's a priority of the way you live but what happened when Adam spirit shut down his mind took over but the problem with that is that Satan could deceive the mind but close to God so here once you get born again your spirit again becomes alive to God now God talks directly to your spirit now your spirit illumined your mind so that your mind can function your spirit you you are designed to be led by your spirit turn over to proverbs please proverbs proverbs chapter 22 the verse 27 the spirit of man is the what candle of the Lord keep it keep going searching all the inward parts of the belly now your spirit is given to you to guide you that's what that verse says that your spirit is key for your guidance that just know that you've been born again God will use your spirit to guide you that's what it's saying you got what I'm saying let's go to another one let's go click you're looking at me kind of puzzle let's go to psalm scott psalms chapter 18 please psalm chapter 18 and then we're going to go asean chapter 1 i want to use this because i'm going to build you up for the supernatural and you're gonna find that the supernatural doesn't operate out of your intellect because first of all there's no faith their faith comes out of your spirit alright let's keep going watch this look at verse verse 28 for the for thou will light my what candle the Lord my God will do what enlighten my darkness your answers are going to come from within you [Music] let's go to another place let's go to Galatians please Galatians in Galatians chapter 1 verse 11 but I certify you brother in the gospel which was preached of me is not after man for I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the what revelation of Jesus Christ what did revelation means it comes straight from God we're into your spirit hey hey hey straight from God into your spirit verse 15 but when he please God has separated me from my mother's womb and called me by His grace to reveal his son in me that I may preach him among the heathen immediately i conferred not with what flesh and blood i didn't ask my mind what he thought about once god gave me the revelation and told me that i am the righteousness of god told me even though i had been there and i was involved in getting those christians beat and and some of them killed and so forth and so on because i thought i was doing right now that i'm born again i've hurt no man gavin I'm saying now you gotta catch a revelation of who you are and your new identity so that it can line you up for the supernatural that God wants to do in your life he said in 2nd Corinthians chapter I think it's 7 he said I've heard no man I've offended no man this is Paul the same one that hurt somebody but because he got born again he wasn't look at his flesh because his flesh ain't nothing but flat his dirt is dignified dirt is going back to the dirt but the real him is knew the real you is knew and your roots are in priced payments of that now I'm known outside we got different routes and different comes from different different you know background so forth center like that I understand that but he's going also up to a higher place because in that higher places where the supernatural is going to take place over to God let's go to one more place to go to first first Corinthians please and chapter 2 what he said in verse 9 but as it is written eye hath not seen that's your natural eye the ear has not heard nor ear heard neither had entered into the heart of man the natural part of you the things which God has prepared for them that love him but God has revealed them to who us by his what spirit for the spirit searches all things yea the deep things of God for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man that in him even so the things of God said no man knows but the Spirit of God now we've received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teaches but we do teaching which is whose teaching the Holy Ghost sees comparing spiritual things with spiritual glory to God but the natural man unnatural man that's a part of you that receives not two things of the Spirit of God for their what to him what is it neither can he neither can he neither can he know them because they are what spiritually deserve and the enemy wants to keep you away from discernment I said he wants to keep you away from deserving because theirs are going to work right in your right in your environment plus it'll work when you looking up things in the Word of God you you can you can see things after you read it the third time that you didn't see the first time now you're with me all right so when we look at this the church now is deliberately being planted in the world so you being planted in the world because God's gonna use you in that world now let me give you a secret of something when Joseph was planted down in Egypt in the world Joseph needed the machinery clarissa cart outside of his environment to move him to the world's most powerful economy Joseph needed the machinery that was supplied in the world system to move him to the world's most powerful economy low that birds all right I'm saying there's something in the world that can beat a stimulus for moving you into the place of Dominion that useful to have all the time turn to Micah for Micah let me know when you get there Micah are you there yet look at verse 10 being pain and labor together labor to bring forth o daughter of Zion like a woman we're in travail for now shalt thou go forth out of the city and thou shalt dwell in the field and thou shalt go even to where Babylon there you shall be delivered and there the Lord shall redeem you from the hand of the enemy thank you right in the middle of the darkest most wicked place and there you'll be delivered I'm telling you folks even when you go out to minister on the streets go out on the streets and minister and see the power of God flow out of you see how the power because life works best in darkness where there's light there's power and I'm saying he's got you out there but not only are you just out there you're out there because you're gonna be used to transfer the wealth verse 13 arise in threshold daughter of Zion for I will make nine horn iron and I will make thy hoofs brash and thou shalt beat in pieces many people and I will consecrate their gain or their money to the Lord and their substance to the Lord of the whole earth folks this whole idea of will make there a horn iron and make their hoofs brass well you you read something about that it was over in the Book of Psalms let me just shared with you he said in the Book of Psalms he said let them praise His name in the dance Psalm 149 three and let them sing praises to him with the timbrel and harp you see what I'm saying he said for the Lord taketh pleasure in his people you'll beautify the meek with salvation let the Saints be joyful in glory and let them sing aloud upon their beds let the high praises of God be in their mouths and a two-edged sword in the hand to execute vengeance upon the heathen and Punishment upon the key the people to bind their Kings with chains and the nobles with fetters on people don't think that praise can do much oh well what is that doing what is that doing here's the man in second chronicles chapter 20 when the enemy was coming against him the the Prophet spoke out and say you don't need to fight this next battle all you need to do is go up by the cliffs is in the morning get the praises together let's get the singers together and just begin to praise me and when they did this the enemy's turned against one another and kill one another I'm saying somebody think there ain't nothing to praise praise will make the devil shut up playful make the enemies in your life turn on one another and destroy each other and you just walk out and gather up everything they got well what is it intellect says no because they can't see intellectually how this can happen but remember experience in the kingdom is not the best teacher the best feature is the whole ego so what am I telling you a lot of times what is happening is the church has settled for natural solutions folks that won't even deliver the world anymore that coming up on things now thank God for medication but they'll tell you right in the medication this will also cause heart attacks kidneys shut down you lose your eyesight so far that's all folks wait a minute there is a better way for the elders of the church [Applause] name of the Lord and the prayer of faith will save the sick the Lord will raise him up and if it's been any sin he'll be forgiven God never intended for us to have to take one pill I will help you I will help you don't feel condemned if you taken medication that is not the reason why I'm preaching this I'm preaching it because how can they hear without a preacher and how can he please accept me beats them so then faith cometh by hearing folks that is no healing in medication what medication does it sets up your body so that your body could respond to that disease the way it was intended healing comes from the Word of God now you put that in your book and you never forget it the Word of God is powerful enough to not only heal the part that's broken but it will if need be create I better come over here I felt some kickback it will create because you are the son of God it's part of your inheritance now somebody got to tell the story all the devil's been trying to shut us down he preaches from preaching it Wow cuz they didn't know how this go work what we not do you have to know hostile work the only thing you do know is it's good work say amen to that he said you sow the seed and the seed will grow up you know it's not I don't know whether God's coming down Roosevelt Road but he's coming down this Plains Avenue but he's coming by helicopter or by sea I do know he's gonna show up [Applause] come on do I have some believers here we are the seed of Abraham [Applause] the real you is new and your roots are in practice you gotta catch a revelation of who you are and your new identity so that it can line you up for the supernatural if God wants to do in your life you are designed to be led by your spirit now your spirit illumined your mind so that your mind can function if you're gonna do the supernatural you got to think someone else with society can't tell you who you are they can't tell you what you can do our assignment is to replenish it's the Eden mandate that God gave Adam the word replenish means to perpetually renewed and supply it is a we're coming in to take sides what to take off and establishing discover mighty signs and wonders that will come through you today with pastor bill Winston's four-disc series entitled the god factor to order on CD or dvd simply write to bill Winston ministries p.o box 947 Oak Park Illinois six zero three zero three buy bank card at one eight hundred seven one one nine three to seven or online at billwinston.org there is no power in this earth that can match the kingdom of God you and I have the kingdom within us it is time to put the supernatural back in every situation and believe the god factor well praise God now let me remind you that the power of the blessing that's on our lives the blessing of Abraham is to create heavens atmosphere wherever we go in other words we can go and create the atmosphere of health meaning that in heaven there is no sickness or disease so we can lay hands on the sick and Jesus name and they recover we can cast out demons so that people can have rest and not be tormented and so forth and so on we can bring poverty to a halt we can come in and be able to provide for other people jobs so forth until that's the power the blessing that's on our lives now we want you to walk in that because the Bible says in Isaiah and he said 8 and 18 he says I the children whom the Lord had given me are made for signs and wonders you and I are made for the supernatural now we'd love to hear from you and remember to join us on Facebook and on Twitter our website is www.pevs.com on join us go visit our partner cafe if you're not a partner with us you should be praise God you can get information about partnership on our website we'd love to hear well this is bill Winston saying we love you until next time keep walking by faith doctors bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 187 seven five four three nine four four three or submit your prayer request online and billwinston.org /prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call-center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you the mission of bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world we invite you to become a partner and join dr. bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have dominion over it the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 76,933
Rating: 4.8335285 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, Lord, Bill, Winston, Faith, Prayer, Miracle, the god factor, BW895-3
Id: oDINkxq5Y_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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