"Feet to Your Faith" - The GOD Factor

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers god it's gonna come with its own power that you don't have any power in this earth that can match the kingdom of God you got to believe this see the enemy wants to keep you strung out and make you believe that there's no solution to what you just got there is not a problem on this earth that is a problem for God your problem is the gods that you got to get Babylon out of you and get God back in is anything too hard for the Lord that's all you got to ask yourself because see you are forgetting something and using your reasoning facilities but you're not designed to believe with your hand you're designed to believe with your heart God that we serve this planet was never designed to have sin in it and Adam was given charge over this earth if you look back here very quickly and I'm not gonna believe must on these scriptures I just want to jot this in you in your thinking in Psalm chapter 8 in Psalm chapter 8 and verse 3 he says when I consider the heavens the work of thy fingers and the moon and the stars which thou has ordained what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him for thou has made him a little lower than the Angels that word translates Elohim which means God God made man a little lower than himself watch this now and has crowned him with glory and honor the glory is the anointing the blessing the honor is his position so remember when Adam sinned God said Adam where art thou when he said where art thou he wasn't talking about his location he was talking about his headship talking about suppose he had lost his headship over all creation that God had given him and look what it said in verse six thou has made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands thou has put all things under his feet talking about man so he's talking about man he's talking about he's giving him dominion over the works of his hands so part of the works of God's hands are the planets so I am firmly convinced that once Adam finished the earth he was going to move to the planets meaning that all of this he was going to use to make it all like the Garden of Eden lord have mercy just stay with me cuz I'm a stretch you're just a little bit here today alright so now here is Adam and God says don't eat of the tree here in the midst of the garden tree of knowledge and good and evil good and evil and so Eve was tempted of Satan Satan told Eve says hey God knows that the day you eat of this tree you'll be like God and Eve ate of the tree and gave to Adam and he did eat now what did enemy do the enemy tried to make Eve feel that God had held something back from her that it wasn't God he wasn't gonna give her all that he was all that he could whatever but she thought she was missing something so she looked at the tree and Saul was good to good for fruit and and and good to make one Wives and so forth and so on so she ate of it now once she did that following Satan's instructions she fell but this earth didn't fall till Adam fell and because he was the one that carried the headship same into that two heads is a freak so it had to be one hand alright you still got to get that into people's thinking today because you got a society out here that that is trying to but anyway I could preach on that but I'm gonna let it go for right now all right so here is Adam and Eve now they've sinned and as a result of that the curse came into the earth the-the-the the law of sin and death was loosed now this earth was not designed to hold the curse and so now this earth things start to happen in this earth that hadn't happened before the sin King and so now here in this earth there are pockets of sin and in those pockets it gets so sinful until the earth even here ups it cracks color earthquake all kinds of things happen now I'm saying that because this tornados all that that didn't exist but all this came because of sin now without God which is babylon babylon is a messiah t trying to meet its needs without god so without god people are trying to fix it and they're trying to fix quote mother earth and so they are doing things trying to fix it because they feel like there is a I'm gonna just be straight with you can I be straight with you you cannot fix this earth naturally got it you can't do it now all kinds of scams are going on because of what's happening because they at one time they said that the earth was gonna cool off and everything won't get cold and ice ages I moving down then the next thing they said is go is go global warming it's gonna are you falling saying I'm saying what scam is next then they said you're gonna run out of gas remember they tell you that so then they talk to you into buying a car that it was so small you could hardly get you with big toe in there no listen if you have a small car that's fine that's that's great but notice they program scarcity in our minds and had it so that we were lined up at the gas pumps trying to get gas come on now and there was no scarcity this earth has got plenty reserved and there'll be no scarcity till you leave here now I'm just saying you would look at all the news you all do and so forth but for the most part that is dark knowledge it's knowledge without God so what I told you is now we got to bring back the god factor we got to bring God back into our conversation folk having the movies and all that stuff that people see think about it you don't see those movies with somebody say well praise God let's pray about it unless you don't see that you just see a lot of drama and a lot of hysteria and frustration and all that nobody break down and say hallelujah let's pray praise God I believe I receive that you don't see none of that because the enemy wants God out of it so we saying we're coming in to bring God back in it and the Bible says that the whole earth is right now it is grueling the whole earth is travailing and it's surveilling waiting for the manifestation glory to God of the sons of God now somebody say always waiting on Jesus no No it's waiting on you because in the Gospels it calls Jesus the only begotten Son of God doesn't it doesn't it but after the Gospels in the epistles it doesn't call him that anymore turn over with me to Colossians please and chapter 1 verse 12 giving thanks unto the father which has made us meet that word meat means able to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light now you're joining with Jesus verse 13 who has delivered us from the power of darkness you got born again you got delivered and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son where you are there are no shortages verse 14 in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins who is the image of the invisible God the who firstborn of every creature Jesus from bid on is referred to as the firstborn of the church the firstborn of every creature the first born first born first one if there is a firstborn there is a second born third born fourth born and I'm in there somewhere got it no I'm only letting you know that because I am a son of God turn over to first John please first John in Chapter three I'm only covering these so that you won't have any argument with me after you leave here verse 1 first John chapter 3 verse 1 behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called who sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not watch this beloved now our we the who sons of God all right that's not necessarily referring to a gender there it's furring to a maturity the state that you have now we the Bible said in Ephesians chapter 2 chapter 1 are his body and whatever the head wants to do he's got to do through the body so you're in this earth and you in this earth for such a time as this and there was something interesting that you have on you now you have what is known as the blessing on you I said you have the blessing on you now understand this blessing was on Adam and this blessing was on Adam because the blessing gave him the empowerment or the anointing or the ability to be able to take the garden and take it to other places now once he lost this blessing God had to restore the blessing let's go over here please to Isaiah chapter 51 Isaiah chapter 51 Obon Isaiah chapter 51 I'll get there he says in verse one hearken to me he that follow after righteousness and ye that seek the Lord look into the rock which you are hewed and to the hole of the pit which ye are dig look unto Abraham your father and to Sarah that bare you for I called him alone and what him blessed him and increased him for the Lord shall comfort who tsiyon he will comfort all her what ways places and he will make her wilderness like what Eden and her desert like the garden of the who Lord joy and gladness shall be found therein Thanksgiving and the voice of melody in that something now notice what he said verse 3 I he will comfort all her waste places and he will make her wilderness like Eden but notice how he's going to do that he's got the blessing so because he's got the blessing on him he can make ruling places like the garden which was what the blessing was to do when he first got it on Adam the blessing is the power of God to override the curse the blessing is that anointing by which divine favor flows are you with me so here is the blessing on Abraham but it's not just on Abraham turn to Galatians please in Galatians chapter 3 again he said you by faith are the children of Abraham look what it says in Galatians chapter 3 and the very familiar scripture to you verse 13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law now the curse is still here but you've been what redeemed from it being made a curse for us so he took the curse that you and I deserved and the penalty for it is written that's back over in Deuteronomy curses every one that hangeth on a tree and I showed you that one time that's so what I put so in there so that the blessing of Abraham might come on who the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit how through faith how are we going to receive it through faith all right now let's take up where we left off let's go back to Matthews pardon me Mark's Gospel I better not do that I got you licked it let me correct that Matthew chapter 13 please and let me know when you get there praise God all right in Matthew chapter 13 look what it said verse 31 another parable put he fought to them saying the kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field which indeed is a lease of all seeds but when it has grown it is the what greatest among herbs and becometh the tree so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof all right what is this saying to us God's blessing is on you in fact it's his blessing is in you and the potential that you have in you is capable of something becoming we and if you have any potential in you usually it needs a demand to bring it out same into this a demand must be placed on potential a lot of people just try to sit up and make things happen no no no no you got to put some feet to your faith you got to step out on some a lot of people will step out of much they want you to take all the risk but they don't want to take a risk now understand the enemy tries to talk them out of that because when you step out and your potential manifest it manifests glory see and God wants the glowing see the glory could be defined as the full attributes and nature of something the glory so you are created to reflect God's nature you are and so many times our full potential is not realized because we don't step out on anything see okay so in this case God deliberately plants the righteous among the wicked I'll say it again God deliberately plants the righteous among the wicked Matthew chapter 5 he said in verse 13 that's what we left off last time you are the salt of the earth but if the salt has lost its savor where shall it be salted it is thence forth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men now what says you're the salt of the earth we said salt had three main properties one salt is everywhere everywhere it's in plants it's in animals it's in water it's on land and soil it's everywhere got it you should be everywhere salt also is a preservative people and when I was a kid my grandmother in the fire and at his farm they didn't have a refrigerator or freezer like this but they had a smokehouse that they would hang up the beef or whatever have you and put salt on it to preserve it and it would keep that meat in that smokehouse salt also makes people thirsty and you can have salt it'll make people Thursday because it'll you supposed to be there in their environment to me come hunger for the kingdom okay now all this is why you're planted among the wicked because then he goes on to say that you are the light of the world we don't need any more light in here I mean when I say that I mean you want the word in here but this is not where you shine brightest sitting up in here with me is not where you sound bright and you shine brightest the darker it is the brighter you shot and the tendency with God's people is somehow when they get born again they think the more they can separate from wicked people that the more holy they are or the more they can not wear makeup now listen I know everything gets not wearing makeup but don't try to not wear makeup think that make you holy all right now I'm gonna deal with this I'm with you now listen whether you want to wear it whether you don't want to it that's up to you now here's what I'm talking about now there is extremes in any kind of situation you know that and I know if you follow them say my point tears the Bible talks about moderation so you can go in there and find out what that means but the point of it is is we've tried to do ditional ii separate ourselves from the world by something a lot of hammers how's it coming over there to John chapter 17 cuz I don't want to step in no hole here John chapter 17 John chapter 17 let me know when you get there folks there are people in other religions that I go other faiths that I go across the the nations and they don't wear makeup that's what their religions though there are people that probably knows some of those are fasting longer than you and they still don't know God so it's not bad that does it what does it is the blessing oh I call it the God the Word of God let's go come with its own power that you don't have any power in this earth that can match the kingdom of God you got to believe this see the enemy wants to keep you strung out and make you believe that there's no solution to what you just got there is not a problem on this earth that is a problem for God your problem is the gods that you got to get Babylon out of you and get God back in is anything too hard for the Lord that's all you got to ask yourself because see you are forgetting something and using your reasoning facilities but you're not designed to believe with your hand you're designed to believe with your heart God that we serve discover mighty signs and wonders that will come through you today with pastor bill Winston's four-disc series entitled the god factor to order on CD or dvd simply write to bill Winston ministries p.o box 947 Oak Park Illinois six zero three zero three by bank card at one eight hundred seven one one nine three to seven or online at billwinston.org I'd like to take a moment to share a couple of testimonies with you that they have come from our prayer call center we have a call center to set up to pray with people who would call in we've created this Center for you the partners viewers those would call in need prayer for any matter it doesn't make any difference we want to pray with you stand and agree with you whatever we need to believe God for you for the thing that you need God to do in your life now here is a testimony that was given to me this came in from heart of this particular person had a family member that was in a coma they had been in coma for two weeks and that this family member was the family was being challenged as to whether to take the person off of life support or just leave them on well this one person decide to call the prayer Center here at bill Winston ministries and that permit is to pray to them and believe God for that person's deliverance or that person to come out of that coma well shortly after the family called this person and reported that the sister the dear sister that was in a coma opened her eyes and woke up and it asks for a drink of water now they asked what time that this sister called the person what time did they pray for this dear sister in the hospital they prayed at 11:16 a.m. in the morning and that is the exact time the sister woke up from a coma that she had been in for two weeks he's God let me give you another one this type of testimony comes from Illinois this particular person called for prayer for their godmother now she had stage 4 cancer and was going to have surgery now after they received received prayer from the prayer call center the doctor started the surgery but could not any longer find cancer in this person's body now these are actual testimonies that have been coming in so I'm just saying here that if you need prayer if you need somebody to agree with you we've got people that know how to get old of God I'm totally you see God's plan is that we all be healed God's plan that we all be delivered God's plan that we all have enough abundance or whatever have you so if you're going through something that isn't God's plan in other words there's something in your situation there that you know is not God's will for your life call that press ENTER they're standing by these folks know how to pray and as you pray with them and they agree with you we gonna believe God that every need of your life is gonna be back well remember we're here for you and the prayer call center is available we love you and this is bill Winston saying keep walking by faith doctors bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 187 seven five four three nine four four three or submit your prayer request online and billwinston.org /prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call-center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you [Music]
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 91,444
Rating: 4.7700882 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, Faith, DrBillWinston, LORD, Risk, BW893-3A
Id: QgY05vjFKYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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