Let Your Light So Shine - "The GOD Factor"

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers I call it the Word of God it's gonna come with its own power that you don't have any power in this earth that can match the kingdom of God you got to believe this so the enemy wants to give you strung out and make you believe that there's no solution to what you just got there is not a problem on this earth that is a problem for God no problem is the God sighs you got to give Babylon out of you and get God back in is anything too hard for the Lord that's all you got to ask yourself because see you I forget something and using your reasoning facilities but you're not designed to believe with your hand you're designed to believe with your heart God that we serve will deliver us when Jesus came he didn't preach the law he preached a blessing he preached you something that you should act on faith purifies if you don't believe it start walking in it my wife I remember I'm coming home I was frustrated about something I said baby you know that God so what she said Webb everybody sweetheart hold on I said what she said I I can't listen to that right now I'm working on something you working on something notice her faith was at work and it works by love not by gossip got it and she because she's working on something with her faith could not stand to get out of love Jesus says there's two Commandments I'm will give you and everything gonna be in that love the Lord and love thy neighbor as thyself hello so when I go out and I'm planted among the wicked I've got to love my enemy and for me to have Galatians 20 relation chapter 5 verse 22 to flow put it up on the board they have taught the flow then I'm got to stay in love look what it says but the fruit of the Spirit is what love love is the curtain rod for everything else to hang on you can't have fruit of joy with no love try so look what it says love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness what faith meekness temperance let me stop right there I'm working on that temperance I'll get it such there is no law I got to control myself up here when them scriptures don't get up there soon enough I got I'm just can I be transparent now same into that because if I don't have self-control it could turn off somebody now a person offended is harder to be one than a strong City I didn't come out there to offend them I came out there to win them now I'm saying that I'm gonna tell the truth I'm a walking truth and so forth but I've got to let the fruit of the Spirit constantly be operating in my life cuz they go bite the fruit but what they don't know is the seed of redemption isn't it well I'm preaching better you say it amen are you following what I'm saying so you gotta go in those places God will send you to perfect you you'll send you into those places where people don't necessarily like you are those people are prejudiced in there with you you're not even from this place you are your citizenship according to Philippians chapter 3 verse 20 is in heaven put it up there on the board please Philippians chapter 3 and verse 20 let me show you this for our conversation is in heaven from which also we look for the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ flip that to the amplified please but we are citizens of the state Commonwealth Poland which is in heaven and from it also we earnestly and patiently wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah save your homeland is heaven your Constitution is the Bible say Amen to this and when God sends you in here he's sending you as a sheep among wolves but jesus said be of good cheer uh-uh-uh-uh-uh come on now see I don't care how they treat you let the fruit of joy because it's a super natural disposition Kingdom citizen there is nothing that they should be able to say to get you upset why because they don't promote you the Bible says promotion for you does not come from the east or from the west but it comes from the Lord if God decides to promote you there ain't a person on earth that can stop you moving a [Applause] I'm living supernaturally ain't nothing you can say to hurt me you can't call me no only need if they call you a name it is not your name yes you'll answer just are you following what I'm saying what you getting mad about love your enemies and then you will be like your father now this blessing is on your life and this blessing is in you and it's designed to come out of you as you walk in love and it's designed and powerful enough to create a garden anywhere you go makes no difference it's more powerful than the curse has ever been you see in some people's mind they think love is not more powerful than hate the reason why they don't know where love comes from love is not a feeling love is a person say amen to that and there is nothing that can beat can fight can overturn love the power of love the most powerful thing here you love somebody I don't care how they treat you just love them Paul was a absolute out-of-his-mind terrorist and he was terrorizing them Christians but boy let me tell you the stoning of Stephen got him and war tell you Stephen in the middle of him being stoned he looked up at the father and said forgive him Jesus in the middle of hanging on the cross he said Father forgive me Paul was one of the key people that was calling him to be stoned but what happened a seed came in because somebody ate that fruit then the next thing you know on the damascus road a light shine from heaven brighter than the noon days Paul fell to his knees blinded he said who aren't you Lord he knew who it was he said I'm Jesus who you are persecuting now go to a street call straight now when you go in those places some people say well I'm gonna quit my job and go into full-time ministry got good news for you already in full-time ministry I'm will help you now the way we've characterized a job is something that we got and this is what we do and this is where we work and make some money and so forth notice it's all self but once you come into the kingdom then your assignment becomes that ministry that God has called you to whether it be as as a bricklayer or a physician or whatever it is that's your assignment you don't have to quit your job to go into ministry you already in ministry and where you are you need to let your light so shine what you're looking at is the fact that God will just change your assignment he'll bring you out of the Bricklin job and put you over here in a church somewhere say Amen to this I've got to get you to see that the miracles are going to take place in the marketplace just like they gonna take place behind the four walls of the church what are you doing you are making you're making wherever you are a garden spot that's why you've been sent there what lives are ruined and your job is to make them like the Garden of Eden that's your job now how do you do that not by getting a 10 pound Bible and beating somebody over the head on their big Center but let your light so shine that men may see your good work and glorify your father people should be pressing to get into the kingdom after looking at your life they said my god what do you have I noticed you talk on the phone to your husband and seems like y'all have a wonderful relationship huh you got a minute I'd like to talk to you you got moves in York here comes here comes opportunity see you are his arms his legs his mouthpiece you're him you didn't have anybody but you you don't go nobody goes nobody gets one somehow we want to come out of that place but you got to remember Jesus said I pray father don't take him out in the world just keep them from the evil every place that you go the atmosphere should shift [Applause] Chuchu now I'm saying that because this is very very key to you know everybody you know they they're gonna laugh at you of course some people because they can't understand and so forth but you gonna have the last laugh God promise you he'll never let you be ashamed all you got to do is stay one more faithful this a faithful alright let me just show you this whoa Jesus all right now many times as we're working our assignments we are provisioned minded and it's kind of interesting about being provision minded when you are then it's very difficult for the gifts and the talents of God to really operate many times because people are so money minded or provision minded that many of their gifts go undiscovered the potential doesn't come out I have here the full flow of the anointing comes when you decide that the kingdom of God and your assignment is more important than anything else okay in Genesis chapter 14 remember God planted Joseph among the wicked am i right about it God planted Daniel among the wicked am i right about it they came against Daniel and they tried to throw him in the lines in but did the Lions bite it or did they eat him did they fight him did they eat it no they didn't and also Esther some of you women Esther notice Esther was planted in a heathen kingdom kingdom of their king call AHA Souris all right but you and I are invading a system the enemy has invaded trying to invade God's system and now we are going to flip the script on it you cannot change the system from the outside in somebody's got to go in undercover got it you go in the Bible and look at it and see how they change the system so your assignment as the church is subdue is to replenish and it's to bring things under heavens with under the alignment of heaven or the government of God now this whole idea about provision now we really got to get this in our spirit because the tendency that we have is to [Music] think of ourselves in lieu of what we can make happen and our own strengths and so forth but I want you to get away from that I don't want to say a couple of things here Genesis chapter 14 out of 17 pardon me and the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of chedorlaomer and of the kings that were with him at the valley of shaveh which is a king's Dale and Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine and he was a priest of the Most High God so he was a king and a priest and He blessed him they blessed him and said blessed be Abram of the Most High God possessor of heaven an earth art account number one there's nothing more powerful than the blessing in the earth that's it but God has made it so that you can be totally independent in this world and that you don't have to rely on a system that you have been sent here to displace Jesus didn't come to improve the world economy he came to replace it now God will say some things now has made you rich beyond your wildest imagination now he called Abraham or Abram a possessor of heaven and earth do you I'm saying now orange folks I'm not gonna look at your face I would just tell you this no your teacher is the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost teaches you beyond what you can naturally ask or think now he uses people like myself to teach you because what you think is operating on a different platform than what the Holy Ghost thinks I use that story where the man went over to one of the Arab nations and he did some business over there from the US and then he after finishing doing the business he was going to come back and one of the royal family over there asked him said hey we'd like to give you a gift it's customary what can we give you said I don't want anything I just wanted to do business go back to you asked he said no we insist so forth and after winter and few iterations of that he said fine just give me a golf club guys a golf club yeah golf club so he then goes back to the US and two weeks later he gets a knock at the door who that's it yes sir he said can I help you sir he's here yes your name mr. Jones Brown whatever it is he said yes it is he said I'd like you to come follow me I'd like to take you to your golf club now [Music] one was thinking a club 9-iron got it another one was thinking a club so he took him to a 18 hole golf club with a clubhouse with putting greens with all these lakes on it and so forth that was his now one man had in mind an iron the other man had in mind real estate I'm just saying God says your thoughts are not my thoughts so when you read the scriptures that says wealth and riches shall be in your house what are you thinking guaranteed if you haven't been programmed differently your thoughts are something so far lower than what God said until the church has still been where it is I want you to get rid of that I want to give you a new thought the richest man in the world is not supposed to be some of these rich folks and billionaires that we see that don't know God it's supposed to be a believer and the biggest billionaire in the world is in poverty compared to what God wills to give you you can't work enough jobs to earn what God wants to give you a what you have already got laid up for you in heaven and you don't need to go to them and get what they got you can did what God's got for you in heaven big not only do you possesses earth but you got wealth in heaven that you can get right now now you ain't doing me right i'ma quote my book I said be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind your teacher is not a man cause a man is dealing with a limited supply in this I'm telling you you are a billionaire and don't know it I'm telling you right now before it's all over with we're gonna have people walking in a place that heavens reality is gonna come in this earth people go see that you are called by the name of the Lord and they go see it cause you range in your head praising God but you will have your marriage together you have your health together well that will disturb the average man I call it the guys the Word of God let's go come with its own power that you don't have any power in this earth that can match the kingdom of God you got to believe this so the enemy wants to give you strung out and make you believe that there's no solution to what you just got there is not a problem on this earth that is a problem for God no problem is the gods that you got to get Babylon out of you and get God back in there's anything too hard for the Lord that's all you got to ask yourself because see you up against something and using your reasoning facilities but you're not designed to believe with your head you're designed to believe with your heart that we discover mighty signs and wonders that will come through you today with pastor bill Winston's four-disc series entitled the god factor to order on CD or DVD simply write to bill Winston ministries p.o box 947 Oak Park Illinois six zero three zero three by bank card at one eight hundred seven one one nine three to seven or online at billwinston.org hello this is bill Winston I would like to briefly speak with you about the importance of spending time with God every day now this every day is important because one of the things that helps me or help some people that I happen to teach or I'm coaching or whatever have you is consistency a lot of times people are not consistent and you can take a drop of water and drop it on a stone and when it's consistent enough it'll actually wear a hole in that stone because it's consistent and the same thing about you and I in the spiritual battles of our lives we have to be consistent and when you're consistent you'll find that pretty soon you'll get a breakthrough now it comes from spending time with God every day in my life I get up early in the morning because I give God the first fruit I get up don't turn on the TV first or do anything else first I go and spend time with God I read the scriptures I pray in the in the my own English language and then I pray in the spirit because the Bible says when we pray in the spirit we pray the perfect will of God for our circumstances in our lives so I pray in the spirit and I receive that done by faith I get God's Word in me the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God just like you have to feed your body to get strength you gotta feed your faith or your spirit to get faith so what we're doing is feeding our spirit why because we're gonna walk by faith and not by sight all day long praise God so I encourage you get in that work every morning spend time with God everyday you may not be able to read a whole Bible in the morning maybe you could read just a chapter chapter a day I said well I can't even hardly read a chapter we'll start with a verse praise God read that and then pray some every day guaranteed your time with God not only will grow but your effectiveness as a kingdom citizen will grow you'll see more victories all kinds of things will be happening to you as a reward in your life for spending time with God so it's important not that you just spend time with God but you spend time with God every day now in our website you can go to bill Winston org we have a host of resources to help you grow in your faith walk and these resources include books and teachings and on health and finances family much much more so we've made these things and items available to you to download for free now you can subscribe to our podcast a free podcast because we'd love to have you come on and hear the teachings and be strengthened in your faith so this is time for you to prosper and we're gonna help you do it how by spending time with God every day so that's all I have for today praise God this is Bill went saying keep walking by faith the mission of bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world thank you bill Winston ministries partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 54,429
Rating: 4.8564887 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, Bill, Winston, BWOF, Faith, Job, Love, BW893-3B
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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