2018 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Moving From Faith to Faith (2:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m.)

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father we come before you in the name of Jesus thank you Lord for this great meeting Lord thank you for the anointing that's on this house on this ministry on me and these lifts of clay that I speak your word with excellence accuracy and boldness asking you to think through my mind speak to my lips and the word will come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force and even as the word goes forth signs wonders and miracles shall take place in the house and on those who are watching by internet and father we thank you for it in advance and give you the praise for it all in Jesus name somebody shout Amen take a seat please oh yeah flow flow flow oh they have turned me loose and my goodness let's give up just just a Thanksgiving to God for the Copeland's let's give I mean that you know that I don't take this lightly I mean that's this is a powerful platform right here and we thank God for it well we gonna get into the Word of God today and I don't feel any rush spirit so if I have to if I keep preaching you have to go get something to eat or go booth just help yourself because I'm turned loose now I've been crazy God what time y'all got to go home amen let me say something first about this meeting it put some notes to myself here this this meeting like I said last night is very important before I start let me introduce my wife of thirty thirty four years praise God and stand up where is he stand up so I hope I got it right but this this meeting you know when you come here you should be expected yeah you you should be expected yeah yeah you should be expecting and and and don't you know you shouldn't just come here just to come somewhere you know to be let's see two hours now just kid I just kidding okay I'm telling we go get into the word tonight because now I need you to pull I'm gonna push you pull [Applause] alright and but think about it like this that when you come you're coming expecting God to speak to you in this meaning these faith environments are some of the greatest environments for you to actually let God speak to you and tell you either what is it that he wants you to do or maybe give you the next move in your life this is what I want you to do when you go back and so forth but also you should come with a testimony meaning that you got something from last year's meetings that made a difference in your life and you did it and it worked and you have a testimony to bring back with you in other words you should be further along next year then you are this year and the reason why biggest reason is because that the word you get you think about the platform of speakers I'm not trying to include myself but you got some of the greatest ministries in the world speaking ministries in the world I mean that's why I use the term elite I mean how many people are getting taken advantage of an environment like this over the earth I mean you you are special amen I'm not saying other people or not but I know I am you are too so I just want to encourage you to get the most out of this don't allow this time to go by and you not hear the word and be a doer of the word at the same time I mean let's look at something here and this is let's go over to James and James chapter James chapter 1 over in James chapter 1 and he says here James chapter 1 and he talks about verse 22 but be ye doers of the word not hearers only deceiving your own selves for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he's like it to a man yeah yeah he's like it to a man building his house etna pardon me be holy it's natural face in a glass for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was but whoso looketh unto the perfect law of Liberty and continued etherion he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deed so he's saying here that not only should you come here and hear something but you should put to work or put in to action what you heard each time Jesus came or ministered to the his disciples once he finished ministering he told him to do something he finished ministering to Peter and he said now launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a job I mean right after because he didn't want that word to him to lose that word look at Hebrews let's look at another one and it says Hebrews let's he I think it's Chapter five yeah he was chapter five look at verse 12 he said for when a time you ought to be teachers you have need of one teach you again which be the first principles of the Oracles of God and our becomes such as have need of milk and not of strong meat for everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a baby and what is happening sometimes people hearing that word and I'm not putting into motion or putting into action what they heard and because of that they've got to hear something again they got to hear the same thing preached over again it'll where a preacher out you know or it could you know preaching the same thing over and over again Moses must have preached the same thing for 40 years I mean that much but God wants to give you something today that'll change your life forever and part of the job of you getting it is you have to ask for it you you have to place a demand on that gift for it now I don't think because you know he's doing brother Copeland's not here or Jesse is not here somebody bill Winston is here praise God and my my point to you is is God use a donkey y'all remember this doc not use a donkey to turn around and preach to a man do you remember that well of eating user donkey used me use anybody any interface my point to you is is don't think because it doesn't look a certain way that you're not gonna get the same thing you knuckle get I'm asking you to put aside all of that grow up spiritually and just pull on the anointing and you pull on that anointing I guarantee you that anointing will move burdens will break guilts you'll get something that can cause you to get out of debt by Tuesday I'm talking about mortgage paid in full you'll send in the payment and they'll call you and say why did you send this in you say while I'm sending it in for my mortgage payment they said no no somebody came in and paid that it's all paid off for you this is the kind of thing you got to expect say amen to that say I'm expecting a miracle right now pinging me praise God all right let's let's open the bibles to Joelle j OE l Joelle glory to God Flo praise God who said that come on come on come on Lou say come come in come in come in who come in who said it they said it yeah y'all come come come come right now right there you got to have it coming coming come in you said it at the right time the other didn't say it at the right time $100 go buy yourself some gas all right did somebody say that over here no no they didn't know it then you know you did all right okay let's look at Joelle now I'm just gonna take my time we're just gonna go right through this and we gonna love it shame into that hey Joel chapter 2 I'll start reading here at verse 23 be glad then you children of Zion and rejoice in the Lord your God for you have given you the former rain moderately no cause to come down for you the rain the former rain the latter rain in the first month and the floor shall be full of sweet the VAT shall overflow with wine and oil and I'll restore to you the years that the locust it's eaten the Canton worm the caterpillar migrate and that Palmer were my great army which I sent among you and usually plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord your God which has dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be ashamed and you shall know that I'm in the midst of Israel and that I am the Lord your God and none else and my people shall never be ashamed and it shall come to pass afterward then I'll pour up my spirit upon how much flesh all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions Oh Rita God and heaven may the Lord add a blessing to the reading of the word okay well I need a bigger podium up here y'all got sister glorious holding you back I got some reference material here praise God that's alright that's alright we'll get it alright let's look at this the first part we want to talk about is moving from faith to faith this is that this is a this is a background scripture right here but the whole thing we're moving from faith to faith oftentimes oh yeah you know in this ministry all you got to do is ask oh yeah educate you feel it case your feelings no yes goodness I give y'all some money next time okay a way of faith to faith no what are we talking about we talked about a level of faith that you perhaps well let's read the scripture let's read the script you found in Romans Romans please in Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1 he says this in Romans chapter 1 I'll start reading at verse 16 well I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it's a power of God unto salvation to everyone to believe it to the Jew first also to the Greek for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith what is written the just shall live by faith all right now from faith to faith faith to faith from faith to faith from faith come on I'm gonna move to faiths now this faith is what you need faith it's like money the more you have the more you can do and as you come and live the life of faith you should be constantly increasing in your face says it over in what 2nd Thessalonians I think chapter 3 your faith increases over in Luke chapter 17 they said Lord increase our faith so faith can be increased no with this why increase your faith what is a reason for it why is faith so necessary and what do I have to do to increase my faith one of the things is is that God does nothing apart from faith he needs faith if you are going to appropriate the blessings of God you need faith I started believe in God for parking space downtown Chicago when I went down or a necktie that's where started now I'm believing for airplanes I'm believing for shopping malls now understand what's doing this it's my faith and because your faith has that kind of effect Satan fights faith now I know you look sharp but he's not fighting you he's coming after one thing your faith and the Bible tells us in first Timothy chapter 6 and verse 12 fight the good fight of faith now what does this means it means not that we are fighting the devil or denominations or other people what we're doing is fighting as TL Osborn says we're fighting to believe that's what we're fighting for and he said to believe what God said and we are resisting the voices and the circumstances are evidence that tell us otherwise now you got to get that this is important them start with the fundamentals I was listening to a tape and brother Copeland was talking about his son Jeremy was preaching his grandson Jeremy was preaching and he was preaching and he talked about masters and he said well you know what what you're some people playing golf and they're in the Masters and he's edgy all that is is they've mastered the fundamentals there's all and I think as you are growing in faith you are mastering the fundamentals of faith this is what I'm giving you right now is part of the fundamentals and so God wants us to master those fundamentals so we can grow in faith faith is also important because faith puts you in partnership with God faith puts you in partnership with God now this partnership is is very powerful because when you're in partnership with God things happen when Daniel was in partnership with God God went in the lion's den with him well when the three Hebrews went into fire God went in the fire with him if you remember in the book of Acts in Acts chapter 12 when Peter was in prison and they were supposed to execute him the next day the church prayed unceasingly and an angel showed up and when that angel showed up the angel hit him and said let's go and the Bible says that the the chains dropped from his hands see when God shows up what's holding you let's you go not only that they were going out of the city and the Bible says the gate opened on its own Wow that means whatever is holding you whatever is standing blocking you is gonna move on its own and you wait till I get to the second part of this because I'm just talking about faith now because for what I'm gonna talk about you gonna need faith to receive it and faith to do it all right hmm so now he said I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it - power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek but therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith what is written the just shall live by faith again going from faith to faith all right let me cover one more things revelation revelation the more revelation whatever I want to say this right way if I'm gonna get faith and develop my faith revelation is a key to me having faith faith is not there without knowledge I've got to have knowledge to get to the faith and the more knowledge I have talking about revelation the more knowledge I have the more faith I can generate well I've got to develop revelation knowledge I got to get in this book and I got to get in here - this book starts talking to me are you following what I'm saying I see it for example he was I was told by God that God said I want to believe the company and go full-time ministry well I tried to leave several times and as I tried to leave it seemed like every time something would come up or whatever have you but I just wouldn't have enough faith to do it I just just couldn't get there if you look at the scripture found in proverbs and proverbs chapter 24 and he says this in verse 5 a wise man is strong and a man of knowledge increases strength verse 10 if you faint in the day of adversity it's because your strength is small and what it's saying here if you go up against it and hear God's asking me to leave and I guess every time I set a date I'd break the date so forth and so on why my strength was small but what did I do I heard one time a man named Jerry Savelle and he preached on on seedtime and harvest and he went to Mark's Gospel chapter 10 verse 29 and 30 no man that's left house mother father sister brother lands for my sake and we put land up would IBM for my sake in the Gospels but he shall receive a hundredfold and this time what did I do I got that scripture begin to meditate meditate is the missing link in many Christians life and I began to meditate it and once I did one day on University Avenue in st. Paul Minnesota that scripture came alive inside of me like a like a bomb boom just went off and I called my wife said baby I'm leaving this company she said well pray the Lord Lord is what happened I needed knowledge they needed knowledge look what it says over here in Isaiah in Isaiah chapter 5 over in Isaiah chapter 5 he says this I'm just using some scriptures now so just bear with me I got time verse 13 therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge Wow I heard sister Gloria say this one time I heard it I said boy that thing just ministered to me it's very simple lady came to hurt so I'm trying to do all I know to get my healing you know what's wrong she said yeah you don't know enough now you follow what I'm saying I'm saying a revelation a revelation and the more you have the greater faith you can generate it's not how many scriptures you know it's the depth that you can go to and what you're looking for that wants to give it all to you and we read something that my dear friend Bishop David oye de PO said he said this your portion and inheritance will remain a mere daydream until you catch a revelation of what it is your portion or inheritance will remain a mere daydream until you catch a revelation of what it is now let's look back at Genesis chapter 13 this is God teaching Abraham as he taught Abraham of course be attention to that because God's gonna deal with you a lot the same way and look what he says here starting here at verse Genesis chapter 13 and verse 14 and he says this and the Lord said unto Abram after that lot was separated from him lift up now your eyes and look on the place where you are northward southward eastward and westward watch this for all the land which you see to thee will I give it to thy seed forever all the land you see I'm gonna give it to you now you may be talking to me that same conversation right in here right now so you know he's not talking about my natural eyes cuz I can't see any further than the crowd that's back there he's saying all the land use see all the land you see everything that's revealed to you shall be given to you Wow so what he said David it's come on now over look at Joshua Joshua cover to God the man of faith Joshua chapter 6 God speaking to Joshua nobody was saying here in verse verse 1 and Jericho straightly shut up because of the children of Israel none went out and none came in and the Lord said unto Joshua see I have given into your hand Jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of valor now wait a minute he hadn't fought the battle yet I said he hadn't fought the battle yet and when you look in that scripture you'll see in first John in chapter 5 and verse 4 this is the victory even our what faith faith sees the future and seizes it it sees what's out there now all this because i'ma call this particular teaching restoring the years see I've given it to you you got see yourself trying on that new soon well you got see yourself down about fifty pounds excuse me let me take another example lady came a man came and visited dr. Joe he's a fellow preacher and he preached and he visited with him and this was written up his but in his book called the fourth dimension and so the man you know visited with him and and doctor said oh before we go anywhere he said would you pray for her he said why he said well she's believing God for a husband and he turned to and said no how long have you been believing she said something like 15 years or something he said well what have you been praying I'm talking about something now something it's amazing I believe I believe I believe I receive I believe I ever see you I believe I believe I've received I've heard brother Jesse talk about that how long is this gonna go on I want you to see something because people who teach on visions say this that when the vision is clear you accelerate towards your goal revelation clears it up and so what he did he said well listen let me tell you how to do this and it goes through the book and I don't think I have it exactly right but he said I want you to do this I want you to take ten points down I want you to take one through ten and you be able to describe the man that you want to marry what racial background what country from what profession he's in so forth don't notice he didn't say just believe for somebody you know Lord send me anything well that's some time people got just that they got just that they believe God got it all right now but he had described it and described this thing and I'm telling you once that description was made he said now I want you to go let's believe you've received it when you pray and let's pray and believe we receive mark 11:24 our principles in it these are foundations of faith that makes you a master it's very easy faith is one of the simplest applications I think that you can make it God made it so even a 12 year old can do it so what happens she did that and he said now get before the mirror each day for I don't know some at the time like two weeks or something and and confess these things before the mirror and so forth and you'll start seeing it so the man visited dr. Cho went and left then he came back some months later or whatever have you and and visited dr. Cho and dr. Jo said oh by the way she got married and he said who he said you know the lady that you prayed for and gave some instructions he said oh she did she what happened she said well he did exactly what you said and then in the summertime there was some schoolteachers who got off for the summer and they had a praise in worship group and they were going around the different churches and and in doing that and one of the guys that was with them all the women just swooned after him but there was only one woman that he was interested in [Music] he said he was the right group he was he was tall dark and handsome when his out bill wins he looked like Bill Winston and don't hate don't hate don't hate participate my point described him to a tee it's no different than my wife we dine adore you I'm full-time in seminary and that's what he said we don't I need to get employment here she said I've gone to these employment companies and they say everybody's laying people off course in Tulsa the economy is in the ditch and people are getting laid off I said well let's get the Word of God let's get back over in faith and we got the Word of God and saw promises in there he he always caused me to try my god shall supply all my need ask and you shall be given see are you fumble I'm saying she got these promises we believe we received it and that was it she start confessing it and she start putting up little three by five cards everywhere in the house and why because these of faith props these are things that Jacob use when he put up the rods by the water pots and you see it keeps you focused on God he said my son attend to my work that means focus in on it and let it not depart my she began to say those every day then God spoke to me he said God said you are to write down exactly what you want she got a card she began to write it down I wanted in the employment in computers that's when we came out of I wanted a nice office I wanted 10 minutes from the house I want to have it nice this salary certain salary and I want to have a car with it put it all down began to confess and believe we received it and I remember the day a friend of mine came over classmate and he came to visit me and she was out on the front lawn and he's poked or she's he spoke to her say since Veronica's billing she says yeah he's in the house oh by the way you got your job yet what do you think she said absolutely cuz he's got to talk faith see once she believed she received it it's done are you with me here and so what happened next is he said well where is it that's you know the devil pushes in where where is it he says she said I don't know where it is but I got it are you full of what I'm saying so I come home for dinner and I come home and and in some soup was cooking I said we don't have some soup today I smell smells good she said this is not for us I said oh yes it is it who is it for I'm just it's my house and and and he said no this for them they fall on some hard times and God spoke to my heart about sowing a seed and she sewed that seed two or three or four days later got a call said his business win Siddhant yes she's in mrs. Winton we'd like you to come down I think I've got something for you I was I'm new here at the employment agency but I I saw your house throwing out some papers and saw your application and I think I've got something for you and she went visited the company the company said yes she came back I said baby how did we do she got the card now I'm only saying she just didn't get anything now you can do that I'm not coming against that but it's time to go from faith to faith it's time to go to another level now we we have been at this basic long enough it's time now to be the master praise God what happened she went interviewed came back I said how did we do we got the car I said is it ten minutes from the house he said yep ten minutes from the house I said it's nice office yep nice office I said how about how about the water it was next salary she said the salary they paid me five thousand more than I put on the car I said that was me had Robbo shot out of a horn Makena moko see teddy bear kids adopt now take that and I said how about the car she said they said go pick up a new Buick this is part of your inheritance and I tell you that weeping and gnashing of teeth will beget before Jesus it's good people go see everything they left down here oh my lord and I'm saying at a meeting like this you should come to this meeting looking for new revelation and as you get new revelations you'll get new faith and you'll go to another level say amen to that so what did I say I said you got to see it so you can get it let's go to another place second Kings chapter six please second Kings chapter six isn't God good joven second Kings chapter six you know what this is about this is about the man of God that was surrounded by the Syrian army you remember that short all right and here he was in 2nd Kings chapter 6 and it says in verse 15 and when the servant of the men of God was risen early and gone forth behold the hosts compassed the city with both horses and chariots and his servant said unto him alas master what shall we do and he answered and said fear not for there be more with us than be with them and Elisha prayed and said Lord do what to his eyes open his eyes that he may do what he may see isn't it interesting he had his eyes open but they weren't to spiritualize or at the right eyes you need to open the eye of faith and I'm saying that saints of God because God's got something for us to do he's got something for us to do we are put here on purpose you are not at this meeting by accident you are here because God has an assignment for you that's going to take faith to make it happen say Amen and watch this I'm gonna say this he's counting on you he's counting on you now all of a sudden people try to somehow make it so that this doesn't apply to them well you know I'm I'm older now and I'm retired I'm this earned that folks makes no difference let me let me let me say it like this when Jesus spoke to that fig tree he went up there and Bethany went to sleep came back the next morning and what was the condition of that tree it had dried up from the roots am i right about that did Jesus creep down during the night and get a mini Mac chainsaw and try am i right about it he said here let me just make the point cuz I really don't want to run out of time I know I got plenty of time but labo Shanda and here's what I'm saying faith in any believer is the same faith now want you to get this because to everyone of us according to Romans chapter 12 verse 3 God has given the measure of faith he gave you the same measure come on he gave me what's the difference I've been working mine I've been working - no what did Jesus teach based on that tree he taught faith whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed without Cass's each other down this heart but shall believe that those things that he said she'll come back he'll have whatsoever you say therefore I said you would think so ever you desire when you break believe you receive them you shall have them I found the same faith releases the power of God I'm gonna get that in a second here faith releases the power ago so as I speak in faith things happen things happen because I'm partnering with who God now suppose I'm 12 years old and I speak in faith will the tree do the same thing suppose a mighty and I speak in faith will that's free do the same thing suppose I'm a judge and I've just tried a case and I'm making the judgement and I say this now let's say I'm 90 years old and I can barely talk you get 10 years oh and I walk out how many years is he gonna get I'm saying you don't have to do the work and do you you gotta get this folks see God sees you as a king as a queen he he sees you seated at the right hand of the Father come on he's the lord have mercy do you remember when the prodigal son came back home and noticed what happened he came back home and the father received him safe and sound and then elder brother wouldn't come to the party that they were having and he and the elder brother was in the field working and then he came in the Father and treated him said come on in your brother's homies let us celebrate he said I'm not celebrating he said that rascal he said now eat he went out there and slept with them women and so forth and so on and I've worked for you all these years and you never gave me a part you see what he's saying I'm saying once God lord have mercy help me Holy Ghost [Music] God calls you to receive not achieve that they're the things that God is calling you to do are already done Oh Lord Jesus help me Holy Ghost that's what happened in the Hebrews chapter 4 they entered not into his what rest God called you to a rest you're no longer even earning a living let me come over here [Applause] [Music] there is no salary that can be paid to you that will will will will give you the kind of income that God wants you to have [Applause] [Music] that's church and church folk should be the biggest landowners in every city you [Applause] track the blessing through the Bible and that blessing that blessing is so powerful that it will cause you if you keep working in it meaning if you keep your faith in that blessing it will cause you to inherit everything strangers have [Music] that's why the blessing is so dangerous look what the blessing did for Abraham you can go in Genesis chapter 24 look what it gave him look what it gave him had cattle gold silver sulfur then he taught his children look what he gave Isaac well let's put that scripture up that I feel a hunger to put that script up there let's look at Genesis chapter 26 and verse 12 please this is Isaac now this is a time that nothing is growing I said nothing is growing Genesis chapter 26 and look at verse glory to God look at verse 12 he said this then Isaac sowed in that land and received in the same year a hundredfold and the Lord blessed him and the men waxed great and went forward and grew until he became very great let me let me ask somebody does somebody have an iPad right over here on this first section over here and and you got that okay come come come come quick you got your hand up you I told you to come all right iPad come on I want to see it I want to see it take that scripture and put it in the message translation I want to see the message translation please and iPad somebody got an iPad over here come on over here nobody nobody over here okay everybody all right you have an iPad okay come no no no no don't want you I want the section that the Holy Spirit me too I want over here come I need you to bring iPad with a message translation on with that same particular scripture Genesis chapter 12 up 26 chapter 12 Genesis chapter 26 verse 12 she's finding it praise God hallelujah oh the blood of Jesus we go seeing one course and then you gonna be out of time sister okay alright okay if you don't have it then the next person if you've got it if you got it that's that's alright that's alright okay come on yeah that'll do coming up I got to have it I got it I got to save my time I can't can't move with time here praise God all right now you've got what you've got this Genesis chapter 26 verse 12 in the message translation and Isaac planted crop in that land and took in a huge harvest God blessed him the man got richer and richer by the day until he was very wealthy he accumulated flocks and herds and so forth and so on now he got richer and richer how by the year by the month by the year you have rights to expect this covenant to produce for you that you get richer come o help me and richer by the day now give God some praise for that uh-huh that $100 gotta cover it up we'll give it to somebody tell T amen it pays to have the Word of God no I'm only saying this because he took everything they had they end up ending him because he took everything the blessing will take everything it's more powerful than anything in the earth it's it's powerful and the blessing of Abraham is on you now what does God do user not taking stuff what is doing is transferring it back into the hands of its rightful owners restoring the years now how do you have to operate in the blessing by what one way by faith by faith and I'm telling you right now that blessing is in you and on you and you start operating by faith and Deuteronomy chapter 28 verses 1 & 2 solid operating and all his blessings I'll go what let's come in stand right here walk that way all his blessings go come on you and overtake you see if that make any difference who you are it doesn't make any difference what country you're in [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm telling you as a result of this meeting I am decreeing that faith is gonna come in your life and all these blessings don't come on you [Applause] get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready Lenna is not up to God it's all up to you I said it's not up to God it's up to you the fight of faith is not fighting the devil he's already defeated you're fighting to believe the Bible says over in Acts chapter 10 and verse 34 I perceive that God is no respecter of persons I go in Africa something is it pastor you can fly in here some places with your own jet because you have um you're from America I say God ain't from America you see what they sing they're saying because you're a certain color because you're coming from a certain country because you sir get rid of that that's called a blaming mentality it comes from the spirit of inferiority and you need to get rid of it because you are the righteousness of God come on come on now I said you are the righteousness of God and God is ready to treat you like royalty say I receive that revelation they come in to get an information but they're not doing anything with it to make it revelation it just takes a note home oh we're not a nice sermon no no no their job was to prosper you and the main thing they had to prosper is your soul because your spirit is as Saint as it's gonna get now when I say that I mean it has that your spirit has the nature of the Father say Amen to them here's what Paul came up with as a revelation Romans chapter 12 let's go there how we do it now no no I'm not done with this I'm gonna go somewhere with this we pull it hey man hello no I just gave way the money over there flow so yeah but that's all right I receive it I receive it same in it's all right I beseech you verse 1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service watch this and be not conformed to this world but be what transformed by the what renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that what good and what acceptable and what else perfect will of God now you look up the word renew sometimes in that Webster 1828 dictionary which Webster made in use of scriptures for it or look it up in your concordance or whatever renew one of the words is renovate renovate I got to renovate this thing why because one of the main things Adam lost when he fell is his mind he lost it he lost it now Jesus came to restore got it so now this whole idea of renewing your mind you got to renew it because you're gonna prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers third John - now I've got to prosper my soul if I want a practical - most beard saved here what Paul said Paul said this and this is found in acts and Acts chapter 20 over in Acts chapter 20 he says that I'll started reading here at verse 32 he says and now brothering I'll commend you to God and to the word of His grace which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified all them that are sanctified you know when I was young they they and my lady used to keep us my brother's sister and the lady used to keep us name is Griffin and Jesus keep us but Miss Griffin moved and moved down the street from a church and I would go my mother and dad would leave us there while they were still at work and then they come home and pick us up and take a bring us home so forth we're small and I said miss Griffin what is all that noise coming from down there sit at church sheriff since a lot of tambourines and in drums and all of that not they didn't do that in the church that I was at you know they didn't do that and I said what is all about and it's what she said oh that's a sanctified Church I said sanctified I said what but what are they doing a sanctified Church she said I don't know they tell me they put you in a in a sack and roll you down the aisle do you know for years I stayed away from sanctified churches now what am I saying I had the wrong knowledge what I needed was sanctification I can't get many loud amens on that but I had to find that the first step to sanctification is being born again once I am I'm separated from the world but then the rest is a process it's a process look what it says John chapter 17 please are you still with me John chapter 17 oh it's all good yeah it's all good that's what my son said you sit down with you as young I said so what did you do that Oh dad it's all good it's all good see no one ain't good well good for you behind all right look look what he says here look at verse 14 I have given them that word and the world has hated them because they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world I pray not that you should take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil or some translations say above the evil now I'm not talking about don't live above the liquor store or something it's just safe I'm come keeping them above the ether alright look at verse 16 they are not of the world even as I'm not of the world sanctify them by that truth thy Word is truth as you have sent me into the world even so now I send them in to the world check it out God's not trying to get you out of here I pray that they don't go I want them to stay but I want them to be in the world but not come all help me so be not conformed what to the world but be transformed by what the knowing of your month you already saved now by acting on truth we go sanctify you got it the more truth you act on the more separate you get from the world no you just can't hear this word that a believers convention you got to go do it the more you get sanctified from that world the more revelation you can see see that I see that I can be a billionaire I see that tightener I see so the forces are gonna come Wow seems trying to stop you so here they came and Daniel when you hear this sound this is what the king said Nebuchadnezzar I want you to bow down everybody here the three Hebrews gainers we can't do that our Constitution says we should not bow down before any other God what happened they didn't bow what happened they ended up before the king here's what the King probably said you know you boys been pretty good up until now but now I've put out a law and you about to make me look bad so our Rob I hate to do this to you but I'm have to put you in a fiery furnace capital punishment execution they said well O king we know that you have your laws and we know you've got to put us in there but the God come on somebody help me [Music] but the God that we serve happens to be our partner I just threw that in it he will deliver us not he might I hope he show up Naaman under that cuz you're not gonna rise any higher than your confession the God that I serve he's gonna deliver I know what the doctor just said but the God that I serve [Applause] [Music] what happened he threw him in there but before he did he heated it up five six seven seven times hotter than normal let me ask you how hot does Phi have to be to burn you no no just ant now ant answer me that how hot this Phi have to be to burn you there's a revelation I don't know the other been into a steel meal but they stick that steel in that first watch this and they've heated it up hotter than normal fire Wow because they've got the forge steel cap what I'm saying that world system will try to heat it up on you too for you to make you ban make you go make you come on make you the Bible says over in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 there's no temptation taken you but such as common to me God is faithful he'll not let you be tempted tested or tried above that which you are able but will the temptation you'll make a way to escape say a man to you Satan's try to heat it up to make you lie on your timecard you'll try to heat it up come on to make you fight with your husband you mad with your wife come on try to heat it up to make you think that your kids are going off on drugs to heat it up you'll make come on out here try to do that but when you've done all that you can do to stand [Music] come on Saints Samoyed States come old Saints [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got a stand and do you know when Nebuchadnezzar came back and he looked like next morning and he looked in that furnace he said wait a minute didn't we throw three I see four and it looked like this summer [Applause] just about to get the glory of your life [Applause] sit down [Music] oh yeah things are happening now I'm trying to make you bow Bible says pray for all in authority well I don't like him you bowing don't bow no bow obey God I said don't bow down I joke with me as a man thinketh in his heart so is he what you think is where you will end up and what you think and believe it's what you'll become I don't know about you but I believe I'm healed watch this and I believe I won't get sick oh I don't know if I go that far Reverend you don't know well you better get your faith up how we do it now Satan will try to shoot something called fiery darts coming right here coming at your mind they you try to tell you at this meeting you go on broke that is not God's thought that is not God's thoughts as you think if you become that right now I'm filling out some stuff we getting ready for our faith conference in September let out themself and so forth and yeah I mean it's just being built out and and now we not only that now open in a cafeteria or a restaurant you know and in we're also binds himself watch this just starting a school in Haiti and all that and I know when when I'm doing all that and then I announced the other day that I'm gonna give that the the Stafford's of midweek bonus and when I said that [Music] and and and I saw my accounting director flinch I saw I said you better flinch somewhere else cause up in here they know lack praise God I said praise God [Applause] I'm walking by faith and not bus I said glory to God all right levels of faith we know that there's a place where Jesus said why is it that you have no faith then there's another one where he said oh ye of little faith then he said about this man he said I've not found so great so we know that there's levels of faith even Timothy you said your grandmother and them had unfeigned faith you said I detected this in you as all that so faith is to be passed on like a legacy but let me just close out this particular section by let's talking about this whole idea of faith let's go over to Jeremiah chapter 29 how are we doing do it okay Jeremiah chapter 29 flow glory to God Hey Oh God that was a weak voice that said it right now you didn't say put your hand up you right up here you said flow you just barely could say flow what rage and whoever that is yeah yeah yeah yes the gentleman's hey no come down here come to whoever it was it was somebody just barely get barely could to know they were upstairs him they weren't here they weren't here they were upset they were upset they were upset don't get up from down here cuz you vote yet embarrassed I'm upset and it was a gentleman's voice it was a gentleman's voice he said hello alright I ain't got time to wait on you okay all right no wet lately let's see let's go to scriptures do you believe the Bible yeah do what it says here in verse seven and I would have mercy I said lord have mercy verse seven and seek the peace of the city where where whither I have caused you to be carried away captives and praying to the Lord for it for in the peace show you have peace all right what am I saying here I'm saying that God has given us a responsibility for the city for the nation for the communities that we live in he's given us responsibilities pray for them the God has directed you to accompany he's given you responsibility for that company's profitability glory to God now I know I'm going a little far but stay with it don't run out on me faithful family you should have that the woman the man of God came by and woman hadn't had kids and man she built a Prophet's quarters for the man of God he said before he left it led lay down gaze I asked a woman what is it that she needs she said oh I'm all right he said no she said masters she doesn't have a seat she doesn't have a a child and her husband is old and she said he said okay one by this time next year you have a child she said don't lie to that suit that handmaid she said no you gonna have a child true enough that time next year had a child child start growing child went out in the field with his father said my head my head brought him back in later on his mother's lap and died mother put him on the bed of the man of God when he came back came through town put him on the bed shut the door and came down told the husband I need to go see the man of God he said why are you going to see him it's not new moon or the Sabbath and not Sunday he said no all as well I'm talking about faith for your family when that thing looks bad you gonna have to say something that God said listen what I'm telling you now I've been there and I'm saying that faith God needs it cuz he's gonna pull him through I said he's gonna pull him through I don't know how he's gonna do it this woman didn't know I was gonna do but then she got to the man of God and he said younger the shooter my woman Aska is as well with her is it well with her son he's as well with her husband here's what she said all is well come on say it so you got a call things that be not as though they work and when you've done all that you can do to saying what are you gonna do say God's gonna deliver I'm telling you faith for your family how about faith for your friends here's a man all of a sudden she picked up his man was on a stretcher cuz he a cot cuz he couldn't walk but he had four crazy friends I'll call him that because they was in love with Jesus they was in love with the word here they took this man watch this I'm talking about the man couldn't walk to the meeting they tried to get in the door and the door was sealed people were packed in there and I'm telling you nobody could get in but they said no no no my friend is sick my friend is sick and I got safe and I'm gonna use my faith to help my friend and what did they do they went up on the rooftop and rip that thing open and let their friend down through there and this is what the Bible says in mark chapter 2 when he saw that faith he healed its man don't just use your faith for you how about your family come on now come on help me how about a friend a neighbor down the street not only that I saw hear about faith for your workplace is when I first learned this whole idea about using faith for somebody else I got saved listen that Charles Capps and next thing you know here I was when I said that I mean I was listen to him every morning and then I saw what kind of trouble I was in because he was telling me how he was pointing at houses and in in in farmland and telling tractors to start and so forth a nice landing huh and pretty soon one night I came back from meeting and I was you know it's unsaved I was at a party and I came back late at night 2 o'clock or something the more laid my head down and tears came to my eyes and I said there's Lord would you please help me now that's all I knew I had been to church with my mom and dad when I was very small but how many you know you can go to church but Church never be in you and so what happened is I thought about I said would you please help me and when I said that three or four days later lady came by my place at work work hey Bill you want to go with me tonight now understand I was single she was single she looked good I said yeah so she took me I thought we was going up too you know somewhere we could wave our hands like we just didn't care I thought we gonna do that but what happened she took me into it is this auditorium and all these people had their hands up they were praising God I said whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa God came and grabbed me and hugged me I said jesus loves you brother that night I got born again watch its power God is in a man heal me and touch my head poun things that I had been going with because I was going down at IBM at that time I was failing not selling anything things were piling up on my stomach was starting to didn't and I'm still at the same time God my own you know I'm still on flight status and so forth I mean I'm falling apart and this thing starts frightening me and scaring me but once that man laid his hands on me a mere took place everything cleared up I went back to the doctor the doctor said my god this thing is gone oh it is it had brains God and what happened then I was on my way and I'm just saying yeah I started using faith at IBM selling computers I got so good with using my faith I'm not bragging on me as Jesus says forgive me credit I'm telling my boss we'll call me in at the month beginning and say hey Bill can you help me out with these here too I said sure humming and how much you need here he said well I need this much sales and so forth that's all I was out there giving them computers sold at will watch this became number one salesman downtown Chicago I'm kicking them using the Word of God and then I got promoted here as a manager and now I'm swinging back see I'm not using FM linking back and when you don't use your faith you come back into the natural and so I was out with the other managers having a pity party every every you know day at lunchtime we would all talk about how bad the economy is and everything God jerk the slack out of me said what you doing I said I'm having a party he said no son he said that's not the way I talked to you whoa I got to get back over in faith start calling things that be not as though they were soda seed at the last day of the month I'm negative digits not to have no business matter of fact I owe the company money and my sister called 9 o'clock in the morning hey brother how are you doing this month she worked for the company too in the technical side I said I'm doing just fine thank you you called me back up at 5 o'clock today I'll have so much business I can't put it on the box and I hung the phone up real quick before I said anything up I hung that phone up watch this at 12 noon my salesmen start calling in hey Bill I just got a big order for a toilet Oh another hey Bill I just got a big order sofa and I said bring it in bringing it at five o'clock I'm booking business I booked enough for Bill winter I booked enough leo I booked enough the bill I booked enough of it I booked enough for the whole office watch this now my boss looking over my shoulder said this hey bill that's enough let's save something next month now notice why he said that's enough because I said I'll have so much I can't put it on the books God has to meet you right at the point of your compact that particularly here must my salesman broke the back now understand who they were they were not the premier of salesmen what did they do because I was new in that office they gave me you know folks that was left over and gave me that that's all right it doesn't make any difference because who can stop can unbelief keep your faith for working no let God be what true and every man be alive I'm telling you God will use folks around you to bless you and they don't even know that being use of that use your faith in your workplace part of the reasons why you're there is to make the company successor they need your faith now I'm talking about an assignment from God now how about your community he came to me we had first gotten to lake in pulaski first got chicago god stationed me in one of the roughest areas of chicago what happened there they didn't knocked on the door one day the place couldn't hold about 25 people it was a storefront that's where I started don't decide small beginnings god it's about to take you to the top say I'm going to the top and so what happened there lady knock on door uh I want to see the pastor I said I'm the pastor she said I need to see you I see you see me now lady you and how you did you had to be rough that was kind of tough down there you had to be you know you know you couldn't be no Punk and so I said all right I said okay I said okay I said she said the drug dealers have taken on my block what are you gonna do about us they get in your circle start getting a circle we start praying and then praying in the Holy Ghost horseshit that ever ho God spoke to me take the bottle of oil bless it give it to her tell the poor down the middle of the street I said lady God telling me to take this bottle of all blessed give it to you and you pour it down the middle street she said give it here see when you're desperate you don't care where it comes from and so what happened took that bottle of oil poured it down the street came back in four or five days said pastor guess what well I knew what Isaiah 55 the word will not return void what God says he will cause to come the path cleared the drug dealers out of the community that I'm in why because when I'm there that's my jurisdiction how about yes your country how about the world right now Joseph's business schools we're putting them up entrepreneurship since God gave it to me by faith now there are you gave it to me and once you start a business school Oh kind hunter Venusian what kind one that they can use by faith want you to start us okay today the school is in five continents why says most of them didn't have the money to start them who believe God for the money ish me I'm saying look at your faith don't just stop with you don't just stop with you how about your neighbor how about your relative color how about your friend how about your community you're sitting over right now we're going to the city watch this we got the devil worry water now we have now taken our teachings behind the prison walls watch it watch it watch it watch it now I'm not this that I'm not bragging on me this is a love doing that same into this we have now started teaching what we're teaching foundations watch baptizing all this now teaching leadership and now we just open up a course teaching business behind the wallet see see they used to buy and low and selling high we just making them sell the right thing what am i doing faith faith one of the things that stops a bullet is a job hello alright let's close it up are y'all ready go with me now to Colossians chapter 1 and Galatians chapter 1 how we doing we don't okay now I just got just few more minutes you're not tired of me are you okay don't get tired of it now I still got you I got some good stuff gonna die yeah let's go to Galatians chapter one first or any Galatians chapter one isn't this good well let me tell you this let me tell you this it really pays to connect up with a ministry come on that has an anointing that can help you do what you need to do we've been connected up with this ministry baby how long have we been connected up thirty years I mean blast blast I have to stop myself sometimes from talking like brother Copeland you know I mean that anointing come on you so much you you just take their place you know what I mean I mean but the benefits that we've gotten from this this ministry look what we got the places that we've got the airplane does but whatever it is I'm sowing into his as I so into his work God is increasing mine it pays to be hooked up with the right folks that's all I'm saying alright okay we'll do this and we'll quit now when I was talking about the success I've had it at the company please I'm not trying to glorify myself I want you to know that because some people have he's talking about himself hush and I'm talking about what God has done through me alright Galatians chapter 1 but I certify you brethren by the that the gospel which was preached of you heard me preached of me is not of man for I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ going down to verse 15 and when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by His grace to reveal his son in me that I might preach him among the heathen immediately I conferred not with what flesh and blood neither when I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me but I went into Arabia and returned again unto Damascus hey what did he just say this is Paul Paul said what I'm teaching came from God and when I got it I didn't go up to the apostles when I went to Arabia and let God download and that's what I'm teaching from faith to faith the CM um I I was trained by gamma Leal I'm talk of the fall now I was trained by gamma leo he was one of the finest teachers of the Torah so forth dawn but I got stuff that was beyond what I got from him come on y'all chill with me and the more revelation the more faith I'm able to generally and so let's see what Paul came up with because he came up with revelation of the blood he came up with revelation of the name he came up with revelation of the word let's see over in Colossians and Colossians chapter 1 and let's see the revelation he came up verse 25 where of I made a minister according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you to fulfill the Word of God even the mystery which had been here from ages and from generations but now it's made manifest to his Saints to whom god would make known what is the what riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ where in you the hope of glory all right we don't finish on this note watch this Christ the Messiah Christo's The Anointed One and his anointing in you that's the revelation of God that Christ is in you now if he's in you there's a whole lot of things you can do he says open Colossians in Colossians chapter 1 coverton I said Colossus pardon me over in Corinthians and Corinthians chapter 1 not just follow me I'm almost done please don't don't get weary over first Corinthian first Corinthians please and he said this verse 30 [Music] [Music] when that goes off you have to wave your hands like you just don't care [Applause] alright I've always done y'all have been very wonderful thank you have you gotten some out of this so far okay alright look what it says in verse 28 let's start there I'll start there dad chapter 1 chapter 1 chapter 1 first corinthians chapter 1 verse 28 I know verse 27 God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty and base things of the world and things which are despised has God chosen yea and things which are not to bring to nought things that are that no flesh should what glory in his presence but of him are you in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us come on help me wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption he's the same one that says I commend you to God and to the word of His grace which is able to build you up and give you the inheritance of all those that are sanctified okay now Christ in you where did that happen over in the book of Acts chapter 1 Jesus told them they in Luke chapter 14 chapter 24 and verse 49 don't leave here until you get the power look what it says here in Acts can I give me ten more minutes that's all I need 10 more minutes I I feel a little pressure here 10 more minutes and I'm done believe me this is gonna bless you tremendously all right he says this book of Acts chapter 1 and verse 8 and when there they therefore will come together they asked him saying Lord will thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel and he said unto them it is not for you to know the time or the seasons which the father has put in his own power but you shall receive what power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all where Judea and all what Samaria and unto where else the uttermost part of the earth this was the power coming on them they were being empowered to fulfill their assignment got it with Christ where in you now come on stay with me now stay with me and greater as he come or help me that is in me than he that is in the world meaning that whatever I come up against it is no match for what's in me [Music] oh you got to see this saints of God that this thing bless me see it blessed me because this anointing that is on you and in you has been given to you so that you could fulfill God's plan for you and one of God's planned for you is found in Genesis chapter 12 and verse 2 and he said I'm going to bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing I'm going to bless those that bless you and I'll curse those that curse you and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed are you God would have say now that in the amplified says I'm going to bless you with abundant increase of favours and make your name famous and distinguished and you will be a blessing what's this dispensing goods to others that's God's plan say that's God's plan for my life now um he's going to empower you to do that now the empowerment that comes on you has been prophetically proclaimed by Joelle he said God's going to pour out his spirit upon all flesh oh that wasn't so in the Old Testament in the Old Testament it was on priests prophets and kings and special assignments that wasn't India but in the New Testament I'm going to pour out my spirit everybody is gonna get a little rain everybody is gonna get a little right give me my water bottle everybody it's gonna get a little rain I said everybody is gonna get a little rain everybody is gonna get a little rain [Applause] [Music] now the rains are coming [Music] rain symbolizes the anointing but he's gonna give the former and the latter together in the first month the former for outreach for evangelism bringing them in the latter so beautification whatever's wrong with them I'm gonna heal them now I want you to get this because this is all what Paul saw because he saw something he saw a marching army and I'm telling you you have come here to be equipped that God's giving you spiritual knowledge that you'll be able to fulfill whatever area you're working in in the marketplace now let me show you how easy this is look at the Book of Numbers chapter 11 please and this is Moses this is in the Old Testament we owned a better covenant and the Moses here and Moses now is trying to counsel all these 3 million people or whoever look at verse 17 and I will come down and I'll talk with you there and I will take of the spirit which is upon me upon you and I will put it upon them that they may bear the burden of the people with thee that you bear it not thyself alone so Moses is what I'm gonna do for you I'm gonna take what's on you Moses and I'm gonna put it on them now Moses don't ask me how I'm gonna do this I'm God and I can do whatever I can do but what you gonna do Moses is you're gonna have 70 other people or whatever helping you do what you do because I'm gonna take what to own you and I'm gonna put it on them now what my baby I'm not gonna make a copy of it because a copy loses its clarity I'm gonna take what's on you exactly the counseling strength that you have and I will put it on them so they don't go to bed stupid and wake up smart and I'm telling you Moses wait a minute I'm telling you right now that God has put some ooh you gotta hear me because we have the mind of Christ are y'all with me here turned us to two judges chapter 16 please judges chapter 16 judges chapter 16 oh this is good stuff I said this is good stuff over in judges chapter 16 he said this this is a time wind of this woman Delilah is making eyes at Simpson well Simpson making eyes at her whatever you go but look what it says here she's trying to get his secret of his strength and look what Simon tells he ends up saying here it vexed him verse 17 then he told her all his heart and he said unto her there has not come a razor upon my head for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb if I be shaven then my strength will go from me and I shall become weak and be like any other man whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey wait a minute the anointing that was on Sampson same anointing on you I mean there's there's no difference here that's the spirit of might it's the same what wake up like you got to hear what I'm saying see y'all I could see y'all googoo in now oh wait hey wait wait wait a minute now huh no no there's not but one anointing and out of that come all the other anointings I want you to see this it one Holy Ghost now what I'm saying is this notice what's Ephesus said if if this this if I tell you the secret I'm going to be weak and be like any other man now let me just see how Samson was when that anointing is on him in judges chapter 15 and in judges chapter 15 it says in verse 15 and he found a new job owner than us and put forth his hand and took it and slew a thousand men there with that's how powerful this man is take a job or they'd kill a thousand men that's called the thousand times more anointing well yo go come on cut I need you to get revelation now let's go to David David over in 1st Samuel chapter 16 David now here is David and here comes the Prophet - David because he's got to annoyed somebody at Jesse's house I'm almost done and so he comes to the house of Jesse and - Jesse I come to anoint one of your boys so what did Jesse do he parades his voice you know in front of Samuel he prayed Spray parades his voice now when he does that these pages are cooked it when he does that he parades him now understand that got credentials this one graduated in law school from Harvard listen over here just coming from the health club he's in the strength strength you know competition so you got him flexing they're coming in they're flexing I'm told my god chooses the foolish stuff he comes in flexing now and as he comes in Sam you said these are not the ones now this is perplexing - Jesse just as a women this deed boys here these these were fine his boys here he said do you have any other see with all that Ghost you got to ask do you have any others he said well I got one more out there you get top players keepin cheap he said well bring him in here so he comes in there [Music] hey Sam Sam hey prophet said what's going on give us up this is he justice hello Lord Jesus this is your next king I don't care who you were before when that anointing comes on your life you turn into another person [Applause] no one's it go to Exodus Exodus chapter 31 I'm always son give me two more minutes you don't need to eat anyway give it to more Memphis you eating right now praise God Exodus 31 I'm telling you gonna be different when you leave this house I said you're gonna be different when you leave this house this is not just any other conference what's this there is impartation being made first one and the Lord speaking to Moses saying see I have called by name Basilio the son of you arrived the son of hur of the tribe of judah and i have filled him with the spirit of god in wisdom and in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship watch this to devise cunning works to works of gold and silver and of brass and in cutting of stone so forth and so on verse 6 and I behold I have given with him a holy an the son of hashim o of the tribe of Dan and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put what wisdom that they may make all that I have commanded thee check it out coming out of Egypt maybe didn't have much skills but I tell you what I got a tabernacle to make and I want him to make it just like the one in heaven so doing that I'm gonna drop an anointing on it and they're gonna make exactly what I said to make say amen to that what am I saying you got to watch it because something is happening with you right now as I speak your faith is grabbing hold to this destiny that God has that you thought you didn't have the requirements for but God's gonna drop that on you to job chapter 32 I need from this section way back there I need if you will I need job 32 in the message translation verse 6 come on down please if you got it all right she's coming What did he say go girl ok come on down alright let's read it first job chapter 32 you just stand right here with me let's read job chapter 32 and let's start reading I'll start reading here at verse 32 and I'll start reading at and my Bible here at verse 6 alright here's what he says he says this I'm in the message now I need the message translation all right I need a message translation verse 6 and Elihu the son of barack el the designed answered and said i am young and you're very old where of i'm aware of i was afraid and does not show you my opinion i said days should speak and multitude of years should teach wisdom you better get somebody to help you while i breena's cuz when i get that read all right they teach teach wisdom but there is but there is a spirit in men and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding great men are not always wise neither do the age understand judgment therefore I said hearken to me I also will show you my opinion now I want to read that same scripture out of the the message translation and and let's see what it says here here's what he says we how do you move yours wait wait wait wait wait wait I want to cancel that I just want to move it who was the screen I'm trying to move your screen or do you move it to the side or do you you move it to the side you just do yours okay do yours okay all right okay okay where you starting at verse six here okay okay here it is here okay it's not okay here's what it says this is what Leu the son of barack el the biz I'd said I am young man and you are all old and experienced that's why I kept quiet and held back from joining in the discussion I kept thinking experience will tell the longer you live though wisest you become but I see I was wrong [Music] there are some old fools of a diverse did I scratch that from the tape praise God their wisest you become but I see I was wrong it's God's Spirit in a person the breath of the almighty one that maketh wise human insight possible the experts have no corner on wisdom getting old does not guarantee good sense so I've decided to speak up listen well I'm going to tell you exactly what I think hold on just a minute what a blatant is the blessing in this I'm distributing good suit other than I receive it thank you go back to take a seat all right now okay but do you see what he just said he said wait a minute you're gonna be placed in an environment where they're more experienced than you come on they have greatest scholastic background than you do come on they have this I'm not kind of counting on education I'm telling you you about to exceed the natural education you've got to get something called revelation and God's gonna use it to put you on top now last verse and we gonna pick up from the end on Thursday turn to 2 John chapter 14 and we're gonna pick up there on Thursday John chapter 14 glory to God let's see what time it is Oh forfeit okay I'm letting out right now John chapter 14 are y'all getting some out of this now now notice what I'm doing I'm participating letting you participate why because you're supposed to be doing time he said let your work your light so shine among men that they may see your what good works and do what glorify your father notice what Jesus said I'm the light of the world notice what he was doing he was taking responsibility for the darkness that's in the whole world a lot of times we get into church and think that God doesn't love the sinner folks God died for the sinner I mean Jesus died for the sin I'm saying he gave his life for the whole world same into that so true enough you were his children but God wants you to save the world he he wants the world to be safe and a lot of times we're just trying to hand out tracts no he wants you to be the track he wants you to demonstrate the power of God by laying hands on the sick and they recover and look at the last part here Jenna John chapter 14 and verse 10 believe it found not that I mean the father and the father and me the words that I speaking to you i speaking out of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he's doing the work now wait a minute who's doing the work notice Jesus did about everything you do watch this Jesus got water baptized why said Spirit of God came on him like a dog here's what he said over in John chapter 5 in John chapter 5 he said wait a minute he said that I have authority because I'm the son of man you see he had to step out of that that that God had a billet he had to step down as a man and come down in this earth and take the place of the last Adam and he had to show you what Adam was really like because he's got to restore you back to where Adam operated before this thing ever happened say Amen to them and so now he is saying wait a minute it's a father in me he's doing the work and look what he said in verse 12 in verse 12 he said this verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I'm going to the father I want to let you know you ain't seen nothing you bout to see demonstration on a whole nother level but to go to another level I gotta eat on another level oops we're about to see it now you wait til I cover this on Thursday I'm gonna show you how new limbs will grow back how much is all in the book give God some praise and thank you come on give him stand up stand up come on stand up we gonna think if we don't receive this thing hallelujah say this with me Father I believe the Word of God as I've heard the word I'm gonna be a doer of the word I believe right now Christ is in me he's livin big in me at this meeting there'll be a turnaround in my life what Evers been harassing me will harass me no longer what I'm being what I'm dealing with I'm gonna deal with it no longer I believe this conference is going to change my life completely I have heard the word and I hear it this week nothing will ever be the same I'm gonna live in a way that I've never lived before devil I'm telling you now I'm giving you notice get out of my way this is my season I will not miss it and from this day dealing with this is the last day I'm gonna deal with in Jesus name give God praise and thank you you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 373,395
Rating: 4.729125 out of 5
Keywords: 5816788870001, bill winston
Id: OOSeyxidso8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 53sec (7193 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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