Kevin Zadai - You Can Hear God's Voice (Part 2) - 11/9/19

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[Music] [Music] so beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna sing so I can hear it again [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] your are you [Music] we joined together today to give you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] about Jesus [Music] he's loving [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want you to continue the same the motor worship I just have to be bad guy but what I want us to do is make a a couple quick announcements and receive Lavelle training and then we want to bring dr. Kevin said I and we don't want to miss anything what the Lord is doing so I really don't want to waste a whole lot of time so first of all I want to just make it clear there from now on doors open 30 minutes before the service you may sit down go ahead and sit down and so today is actually so - nice service and in tomorrow morning and tomorrow night service you don't need the registration that's open to the public and if ok so I know my people don't take care of everything and then also during the lunch time I mean you gotta think for where you're not ministry you know dr. Kevin Jedi and Kathy they are providing me with all the material for this school come on simbari yeah hallelujah so and also they're gonna take your feed your lunch today yeah so aren't you thankful so our shirts just hang on okay just hang on I'm gonna just make it I don't want any confusing here another thing is please please I'm on everybody to listen please when our greeters are not there you are not to come in and you are not to come in before the door opens because it's not fair to rest the people okay so please you know honor the guidelines because we have things that when you take care of so please do not come in unless if we open the door allow you to come in amen thank you so much do you agree that's fair the rest of them right you cannot just come in and save your seat and go out there standing the line that is not right amen so please honor the guidelines we're trying to be a Christian a real Christian right we trying to be a real believer amen amen so please do that and then there also there's a box over there that you come in there is a bless the custodian box over there we want to just bless our custodian I mean we want them to experience the love of Jesus amen so you know I want you to just you know put something in there the box and bless them and just in this afternoon after lunch you're gonna for lunch time this is what you're gonna do you're gonna go through that door do you see then go through their stall on the right and you walk down the hallway and there we kept bacteria and get you sex lunch there will be a table there you can eat but there won't be enough for everybody so you can bring it in here and eat but please be careful don't spill the drinks and if you you know do something clean up after you okay we are all adults and we were good about this amen and also when you come in please be very you know prayerful we are trying to pray this is not like a regular Church where we go in there every day we pray and we do this and we prepare the grounds but this is like a brand new building and this is this is nothing compared to our future home that we are gonna get next year our facility we want to get is about we want to see about thousand people okay so anyway dream with us and so just get ready hallelujah that's Jesus amen so but I want you to just a really honor the place another thing is a book tables will be open before and after the service during the lunch hour books in a book tables you know seedy tables and there's a t-shirts over there I'll tell you little more about it later tonight it's amazing what the Lord is doing with that with her okay so they be open but during the lunch hour that they will not be open and also let me see I think that's about it and then rest we'll talk about it later but I do want to receive love offering for warriors not to ministry how many you know you know dr. Kevin say he doesn't need the money but his ministry needs money look at it because of it you are blessing him he's able to do this and not charging you anything been able to give you free materials feed you free lunch so you can come and another so that you know my husband and I this ministry will never charge a fee for any event which is trust God to take care of us that was our government from na not our agreement I just told you that if you call me to do this I never want to have to worry about money and I'm not gonna charge people fee I just trust God and trust God's people amen so because of that I want either just the blasts were you're not a ministry because he is spreading all over the world and you know it's amazing how many you guys were blessed already by watching YouTube and different things amen and you can watch anything amen and I'm thankful what the Lord is no but I want to share it with your real quick one Scripture you don't have to open it so actually raise your hand if you need envelope and then you need a credit card giving if you writing a check I want you to listen to my instruction very carefully we are giving dr. Kevin Jedi warriors not a ministry one check the everything that comes in it will cover our expensive because it takes really tested we have to read all of this okay so I mean you know we want to do everything we can to bless where you're not the ministry just as much as we can okay so but you know I want you to just just open up your heart and bless me and I'm gonna read your scripture what the Lord showed me so if you're writing a check write a check the river of destiny Church everybody heard that right and then if you given a cash you know raised your hand will give you envelope and if you given a credit card you've you know raise your hand we give you a credit card form so while you're doing that I want to read your scripture from John 4 and you don't have to turn it I'm just gonna make a real quick just one verse this is the story about John chapter 4 a woman at the well and you remember he was a ministering to her and his disciples went and boss in trying to buy some lunch so you know obviously they had to take a long journey so by time when they came back Jesus said he didn't need lunch anymore he got them ministering to this American woman but this is what the verse 34 says for 34 when actually verse 33 says disciples oh wait a minute okay I'm gonna read you a little more okay let me read from verse 31 then the disciples began to insist that she just eat some of the food they brought back from the village saying teacher you must eat something but you just told them don't worry about me I have a Ethne meal you don't know about puzzled by this the disciples began to discuss among themselves did someone already bring him food where did he get this meal then Jesus spoke up and said now listen to this he says my food is to do be doing the will of him who sent me and bring it to completion I don't need any explanation that's exactly what dr. Kevin Giada is doing Kathy Kathy I want you to meet this precious lady she is - Kevin you don't see the whole lot she is a prayer warrior an intercessor and you know Kevin and Kathy they are blessing the people all over the world and they're going going tirelessly why because they're doing the will of God and that's exactly what this is all about so let's bless them amen so amen uh sure just go ahead and the pastor bucket and why we're doing this I'm going to turn this over to dr. Kinsey all right can we welcome dr. Kevin Zi [Music] yeah thank you three o'clock session wasn't amazing oh not probably a while ago I had every time that I I do an album it's it's given to me a year in advance well met Sid Ross so while launching one album and doing a show for him and I give him the album Sid because he's a good friend of mine and I really believe in him what he's doing and he bought Middle Eastern TV so he's put me on between four and ten times a day I'm on Middle Eastern TV praise God and and I really I really love him so um when I when he launches a book I give him one book a year I do about four books a year and I do 12 study guides a year so I do one every month a study guide but I do four books a year with - with Destiny's image into with Harrison house and and the Lord told me to sew into Sid Roth and so I let him launch one of the books and then I let him launch the album but what happened here is is when I released the first music from heaven the Lord immediately as I walked off the stage the Lord gave me all the chord progressions and everything all the instruments everything for the next album for the next year for the next show and so then I did that and then it got to the third album and I went to the band and I said listen this is what I did I did my six instruments and now if you pray in tongues if you get anything you can add to it that's what I do every time and the Lord said the Lord had me to look at them all look at it and they said we can't add anything to it it's perfect the way it is and so I released a third album and it's the one that got charted on Billboard which I wasn't even trying to do that but when I when I when I received from the Lord the fourth one he he told me he said I want three o'clock session two do a live prophetic flow with you I just want you to tell them the chord progressions and to and to have them follow you so that's what we did we just last month I brought them into the studios and I said here's the chord progression just follow me and we just went I just went from instrument to instrument and they just flowed with me and I mean it is off the charts it's called altar fire and I played 10 minutes of it for Sid when we filmed the show on Thursday we filmed the January show that'll be on all the networks on the book it's rigged in your favor that's gonna be released in January and I brought five boxes you're gonna be some of the first to receive that book because it's not available yet so it's on the book table ok this book Jesus appeared to me and he told me three years ago that this would be the best book that I ever wrote and it and it is I'm getting feedback from SIDS editors and and from my publisher that is beyond anything that they've ever read and and that's all the glory to Jesus but I tell you that because what we captured on that music album with three o'clock session is beyond me when we listen to that and just got us I just made like a little section of it it's not done yet but Sid just said oh my god and this is the things that you can do you can do these kind of things you just have to ask God to place you into His perfect will not as permissive will not like bumper cars where you're trying to find God's will you know I don't believe in bumper car faith and you know I remember when I realized that the only fun I'm going to have with bumper cars is running into people head-on and see in their face so I got really good at bumper cars but I wasn't like finding the borders and bumping I saw people all over the place just bumping the walls and hitting the borders and backing up and bumping into people and I thought I'm not paying five bucks for this I'm gonna I'm gonna make I'm gonna be shocking off so I learned how to get a full like get a clean run of about fifty feet and then hit somebody who's trying to who's trying to drive and so I made it fun but I realized that Jesus was was talking to me about believers like myself that have bumper-car faith we just try things you know and this this album was not about trying anything the Lord said I want you to capture the prophetic and the the heavenly realms influencing all of us to play certain things and so I'm really thankful for them and they're very humble people and and God loves the broken in the humble people and he resists the proud and and so I'm telling you this because all of you can do this kind of thing you can do something for God and God will show you what it is but you're not gonna spend the rest of your life if I'm on if I'm on on duty you're not gonna spend the rest of your life trying and you're not gonna spend the rest of your life resisting God not on my watch you can't do that you've got to excel in maturity you've got to release yourself into what's happening right now so so this morning I woke up I woke up into couple different times and I was just praying and I wasn't even in breakthrough let alone overthrow I mean overthrows permanent with me but you know when you get up you know you I don't even know what country I'm in so I had to realize I'm not in Australia anymore and the Lord he appeared to me in the in the hotel and he said he said it's it he said it's a new day you tell the people today it's a new day he said it's a bright future and a new day and when he did it it broke out into my room and my wife didn't even know that I was having the vision at the time she turned around I had my headset since she just smiled and waved at me she she must have felt it and then pastor Curtis he was in the room next to me and he got hit so then I came here and I told young pastor young what had just happened and she went to the floor right here in front of you all and and and got hidden into an encounter and and then I told the band I told the worship team and they started to feel overcome and now you're gonna start feeling overcome because Jesus showed up this morning he said it's a new day he said it's a new beginning and your future's bright and it bursts forth it was so bright in my room and I got renewed I got restored because I don't know how I'm going to do even tonight I depend upon him for strength to do even tonight so please give the Lord an opportunity to start to move in you and show you what you're supposed to do there's something you're supposed to do that we all need he places a gift inside of people and then he makes a demand for that gift around that person and your market value goes through the roof because everyone needs what God has given you inside of you we're all part of the body we need each other and Jesus in his eyes he has such love and compassion because he he wants the father to have his people back he bought us back but now there's this implementation it's happening through the teaching of the word of God and through overthrow in the spirit you have to overthrow those demons they're very they're very tenacious and you have to be rough with them and so I have to teach and then after I teach we have to go into the next level of overthrow so we do worship to get you into the experience of the power of God it'll just keep getting stronger and stronger but we got to teach because that's what unlatches you it causes you to be set free the the son sets you free he really does okay I'm gonna I'm gonna start in Chapter seven we did really good we got through Chapter six last night now not to you now do you realize do you realize that if you could get inside of me right now I I have no personal agenda whatsoever in my life at all I mean nothing I have been ground to powder I've been humbled beyond what you can believe I was a flight attendant on an airplane that I can fly for thirty years I am I I've been asked by God to do everything that I don't want to do and been told not to do what I want to do and after a while you get humble you get with the system and the system is is that I was sent back to help people when I realized my value I wasn't needy anymore now we can dismiss right there when I realized my value I realized that I needed to turn outward and be a fire hose when people asked for a drink of water a give a fire hose the empty the lake on people there's there's an endless supply from the river of life in this room there are angels that know things about you that you don't know about yourself and they're hoping that you catch a glimpse of why they're here standing beside you this morning because if you start to participate in the future then they can they can implement it do you hear me okay but there's one thing working against you Paul talked about he said there's people that oppose themselves and some translations say they oppose themselves within themselves now how can you oppose yourself and if you're having an argument with yourself I hope you win I mean if it's you you know but do you understand that if I was a demonic entity I would want to get controversy inside you so where you just defeated yourself and then my work was cut out for me they may I was already done that's what I do survives a demon spirit I would I would make sure that people never knew who they were and I would cause other demon spirits to come and enforce rejection in a cycle so that you never got free that's what I do if I was a demonic entity if I was disembodied because I I enter bread before the flood and I am disembodied and I don't have a body I'd want to seek embodiment to get into expression I want to I want to mess with the human race because I'm going to hell that's what those demons are thinking I'm going to hell I can't win anyway so I'm gonna destroy the human race that's what I would do if I was a demon I would lie to you I would make you feel things that aren't true and get you routed in a wrong direction and then I would make you to a place where he's so angry and offended that you took a whole group of people with you you took your whole family out that's what I would do if I you know I'm thank God I'm not but you know I saw into the demonic and I saw them the mindset of the demons and I saw everything and and I don't know if I'll ever be able to share everything because the Church has been lied to about what's going on around them and it surprised me and it was so bad that I didn't want to come out I saw that was easier because there wasn't a demon behind every tree there were five and I saw that it was easier to take the tree out hello what was amazing they were packed in down here and they were disembodied they can't be redeemed because they're half-breeds some of them are more than that it was bizarre and there's so many levels of demons there's so many levels of angels and God just made more angels to overthrow and so the battlefield is in your mind will and emotions because see being made in the image of God God will not manipulate you because you have a free will because you're in the image of God you can do what you want which is really scary because I got to live with you so you know you could walk right but if you're attached to somebody and they decide just them you know to turn your life into a circus they can do it bring in the jugglers and the elephants and the clowns and all of a sudden you got a circus going on and all you want is a simple life where you just obey God and and you want to do things right but see we all need each other so it's not enough for me just to sit on my porch and and have these stories I have to bring heaven to a service and where I influence and transform I see transformation happen there's got to be a change of mind it's transformation of your way you think what that does is like the inner man that I told you about when we do we live the Crucified life the inner man is released to live in this realm in the physical realm even though it's a spiritual being you're a spiritual being in a body and you have a mind will and emotions a soul so you can get your soul to side with your spirit but it has to do with the mind set of the Spirit which is the word of God and so you got to have the Word of God as well as the spirit he the Holy Spirit and the word are the same because we know in Hebrews chapter 4 that the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God so it's a spirit the sword of the Spirit the Spirit is a sword but it's also the word it's sharper than any two-edged sword and it divides between the spirit and the soul okay so what it does is the the word will come into you and it'll split between your soul and your spirit so you'll be able to see what's God and what's you so if you don't have enough word you don't know who you are and everybody else is afraid of you because you're a very dangerous person if you don't know who you are but if you know who you are you're very dangerous person to the demonic spirits you get it okay so the Word of God has to judge everything and if you judge yourself you won't be judged on the day of judgment when when I was there with Jesus I didn't know I I actually went through what I would go through if I died and appeared before God I went through that but then he said good and faithful service and instead of saying enter in he said come with me I got to show you some things I'm like oh this isn't good you know it so he started teaching me and what he was teaching me was all the things that I needed to know about being earthbound being in this realm and he went on and on and on and it seemed like a week and so that's why I can come out with so many books every year is because I still have 56 more to write I already have the titles and I've already warned my publisher that I'd have to live until the age of Methuselah to get all these books so they've accelerated they've let me write they put other people on hold so that I can write all these books okay but this is for you not for me because I already know this stuff so in this generation you don't look for the next generation to clean up after you you do your job in this generation so that the next generation is set up perfectly to do their part okay and then they're gonna they're gonna be so excited that you did your part and they won't have to spend books writing about how we missed it in this generation it'll be just adding on to what we did and and this is the sad part about it there is a deception going on right now and it has to do with a survival mode okay so people are just surviving and they're on a budget and you know the whole mentality of I'm just doing the best I can and Jesus doesn't talk like that and all the saints don't talk like that I mean the Saints that I met that I can't I can't I don't feel free to discuss some of these things yet but there were Saints that I met in heaven that were already convinced that we were gonna succeed because we had passion inside of us to do the will of God and that they were excited to hear that we were carrying on what they had done and they just talked like you know and I didn't even know I was chosen to take this one individuals mission and ministry I didn't even know that it they were just talking to me as though I knew and I'm like you got to be kidding me and I never met this person but they were a great man of God but but they they had already bothered Jesus to the point where Jesus finally decided to do this for him and hand it off and that I had been chosen but see this is always going on behind the scenes for all of you their their Mantle's in heaven there are things that that have to be transferred over their songs that have to be written there's books that have to be written there's people that are on the wrong path and they need to be rerouted and God wants to use us to help those people to win them over okay so here's the thing you've got to get to the place where you're not body rolled and you're not so likely rolled you're not ruled by your emotions your will is God's will so you're not ruled by your will and that your mind is in line with the Word of God so when God's Word has spoken you don't have any resistance there's no hesitation now if the word of God is being spoken is a sword and it goes in and it divides between the soul and the spirit according to Hebrews chapter 4 that is the absolute truth that has to happen every day and you know this for a fact that even if you do something any kind of sport any kind of musical instrument anything if you do it twice a week you only maintain your skills that third day is when you start to improve and so you're going out and you're trying to go like the people you see on TV but there's a big gap between what you're seeing on TV and what's happening in your neighborhood because people are getting their bought your balls in their yard you're supposed to be putting into a small hole in a green so it's hitting people's houses okay because those men and women they golf all the time those those professional players they are always practicing and so it's not really fair for you to think that you can be that good just by watching it on TV or YouTube you can't you can't Excel the third day a practice gets you starting to improve a little bit but if you do it all the time and it becomes part of your lifestyle becomes second nature if you heard about that you've heard that term so after a while you break through to where it becomes common and it becomes a lifestyle and then that's how it is with what I'm talking about walking in the supernatural it has to become your new natural it has to become the way it is so even if you have money to buy something that has broken like I'm praying right now for my iPad it it hit pretty hard you know I'm praying for that right now no though do you understand if something breaks then what you do is you go to prayer you don't if you have money you just don't go and do I always pray first just because I can do something see that was what the problem was with the rich man it's hard for a rich man to get to heaven because they can just fix it themselves any problem they just write a check and so the Lord taught me if I'm gonna trust you with riches you're gonna have to act as though you have nothing and you always depend upon me he said that's the secret to being rich and still getting to heaven is there anybody here Jesus was trying to get the rich man to break and trust him but he stood there listen that guy stood there and told the son of God how good he was since birth and Jesus is standing there he said Kevin as that guy stand there I remember breathing him into his mother's womb it's just like Lucifer in the desert Jesus said this this this beam is testing me in the desert and he's saying if you are the son of God he said I remember when I created him you getting it that's the deception okay so it's with you you have to remember where you came from so if you want to be trusted with riches the hard thing about about a rich man is that they have to learn how to fully trust God anyway as though they have none it's not yours now it's just as wrong for a rich man to trust in his riches as it is for someone who's poor and not believe in prosperity it's just as wrong for not to let God prosper you because the people that don't believe in prosperity they're fine with me paying their meals all the time and when they can't make their car payment they're fine with receiving you know five hundred dollars for me or they're there you know I've done this people don't believe in this stuff but yet why is it that I'm having to shell it out all the time because I do believe in prosperity and I told the Lord I said I gotta believe in prosperity just so that I can help my friends so there's something wrong if if some people believe and they can be trusted with it it's something wrong with people that come against that because it's part of the body of Christ and God gives that ability to people to produce wealth I mean in the Old Testament that was the covenant you know poor Jesus now we're in a better covenant he suffered and died and now we don't get that he doesn't give us the power to obtain wealth anymore or to profit you know I can quote all the scriptures but see the thing that is is your will can decide and then you can actually keep yourself out of what God has for you because of your will in your emotions in your mindset okay so it's very important for you this is an important trap chapter the scripture that we talked about last night was first Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 it clearly says in the original language there's three different words there there's Sark's which is for which has to do with the flesh and then there's psyche or the the soul and then there's spirit toast which is spirit okay so Paul was differentiating between three parts of man so the demonic you as a Christian the devil can't beat you in God's ring so if you go into the fighting ring with God he won't come he won't show up because he can't win he can't win against you spiritually I'll see you like a brand new doctrine no no no he does it he does he's he doesn't beat you in the spirit loan he beats you in the Soul realm Paul said the works of flesh some of them are these and he he named all the works of flesh one of them was witchcraft we already talked about second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 6 right we about the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through God pulling down strongholds and it's anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of God bringing the kit into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ okay so it's a there's something going on that has to shift in Christianity we have to understand what warfare really is and that is is that were the authority on the earth and Satan has to get us hooked on drugs pornography everything he can find alcohol anything to dumb us down so he can get into us because as human beings were a higher order even unredeemed people you wouldn't even believe it you wouldn't believe what I saw and having unredeemed people can still give the devil a hard time but they lose because they haven't been been born-again in their spirit so there's no strength there so that it says Paul says that the spirit of this world they have no resistance to him he just overcomes them and he said you were like that Paul said but now you've come over and now you're in the kingdom of light now we're seated with Christ so do you understand that that you're spiritually taken care of because of the born-again experience but in the soul realm which is where the witchcraft happens is where these evil spirits work they're seeking embodiment but they can't just come in to you that's why in this country did you notice that we don't have a lot of possession because there's so much light of the gospel interwoven and everything that it's hard for a demon to obtain access to a human being is there anybody here so they have to work on your mind will and emotions to get access to you because you are the higher order so a human being who's in overthrow just goes throughout the earth and just drives out the devil everywhere they go this is the body of Christ and this is the condition that they should be in and this is what we should be doing we should be taking nations right now now twelve turned the world upside down and they didn't have Bethel music they didn't have perry stone in his dvds and is is a new study Bible I mean my god that guy studies so much he's been my inspiration and so is Andrew Wommack I am so excited right now I used to work extra because you know I said I want to be like him I want to be so wealthy that I don't have to charge people if they don't have money if they want to give money for they can give it but if they don't have money they can just take something off the book table because that's what he would do but you know what I have never taken anything free from him I would go and work extra I would pick up an extra trip at the airline so I can buy all his manuals and all his DVDs and I would sit and watch him over and over again still until I started talking like him and I just felt like I was on the back porch with my hound dog you know eating beef jerky or something in Texas no but but anyway your the mindset of the Spirit is overthrow the mindset of the Spirit is is Dominion the mindset of the Spirit is healing and resurrection but we don't see these things because we are being limited by our mind will and emotions and we have to transform those by the Word of God we've got to get into the mindset of the Spirit and if we do that we'll start to see the manifestations of the glory it's like right now there was there was a flash right now there was a flash and that and the heat of healing is going through the room right now it went through me and it's going out to you it's a wave right now I'm not making this up I could care less what you think this is what's happening you're being visited right now okay the reason why is is I yielded my spirit my spirit to the Holy Spirit on a wave that I saw coming the last two minutes while I was talking and when it hit me I just went like that I released it now you can do this too we are the authority on the earth now every demon in the hell can't do a thing about what just went over this crowd and the healing is just gonna get stronger and stronger and you're gonna get rid of drama in your life because God's gonna heal your soul you're forgiven okay let me know listen Jesus told me that all like I had I had on my flight I've had angels on my flight the ark as a crew we could not we could not figure out how we were one over on the count because there were more people that that that came off the airplane that when that came on it and there was one individual he was six foot five he had two feet of long blonde hair and it was a mullet cut which is out he had no wrinkles in his clothes he had no luggage if he looked in his back pocket there was no wallet there was nothing no pen in his pocket everything fit perfect there was nothing wrong with this guy and yet he came off the airplane but he didn't get on it this has happened several times and it's just not me it's it's people that don't even believe this way hosts seen this when that when that angel got up to help me with the luggage of all the incapacitated passengers that I had to lift out of wheelchairs five of them and put them in the seats I had to disperse their luggage everywhere because they were last on board which is not the way it's supposed to be done we're supposed to put them on first but in in in in this crowd of people that were going to New York they're very aggressive and I'm being nice so I'd have put all the luggage everywhere when we got off I'm thinking how am I gonna get all this luggage together again because I just stuffed it and everywhere and I turned and this this individual that you know nobody nobody looks like this guy this guy's like perfect his no fat on him except for the mullet haircut but it was but do you know that every New Yorker we hadn't even opened the door yet we're at the gate every New Yorker got out of his way but if you saw it if you saw it it was like parting the Red Sea cos New Yorkers don't get out of your way they're so aggressive and so mean and and he just like he was walking up behind him and all of a sudden they would just kind of fall to the side and he would just he never touched him and they just got out of his way and they're looking up at him in afraid and he started grabbing all the different bags from everyone and had this big arm full of bags and he dumps him on the seat beside me he said I couldn't just stand there and not help you and he walked off in a jet way and disappeared into thin air in the jet way as he was walking didn't have wings but I say that to say this there was another individual who was just sitting there smiling at me and I've had several of these individuals and and even one of the angels was african-american they have no luggage no wallet they don't order any drinks they just sit there and smile at you so the one that was smiling at me the African American angel he walks by me when he I mean I couldn't get him to talk to me he just smiled watched every move I made as I just loved on people and when I got up when he got up and he walked by me when I was in heaven the Lord gave me my new name which is on a white stone we all get a white stone it's a book of Revelation so don't get upset it's just it's their white stone with our new name on it and mine my name is victory okay so because I'm a victorious warrior that's why I have warrior notes okay so this angel walks by me he goes you're a victorious warrior and he starts laughing and walks off he he knew he knew who do you understand what I'm saying there's no way that he can know that okay so then another individual who was an angel I said it's quite a he's just watching everything and he goes I go it's quite a circus on here because the people were misbehaving and he said I said it's quite a circuses and he goes you know what all people want is to be loved and he got off the airplane smiling at me and walked out and disappeared and I thought you know I got enough jewels just from these kind of things all people want is just to be loved so what happens is we get in trapped the Satan tries to hook us in our soul because he tries to convince us we have a need and what he did to Eve in the garden was he tried to convince her that she had a need that she didn't have no think about it am i right doesn't God know that you'll be like him well she already was did you hear what I just said said does doesn't God know that if you eat of this you'll be like him she already was but she didn't need to know evil oh the lights are going on so the Lord told me that humanity humanity needs to get to the place where all their needs are met according to the spirit and that you become fulfilled inside your heart because of who you are and your value is through the roof in heaven and you become a distribution center for God in every way so whatever gift you have you just start handing it out and your value you start to feel your needs being met because you're providing for God's people and so God actually takes care of you so he's right there I never pray for myself except for Ephesians chapter 1 verses 17 through 23 I pray that prayer every day but I don't pray for myself I've not I still have to tell Kathy what I want for my birthday which was in May I don't have any needs and once I literally have too much of everything but that's because God told me if I take care of his people he'll take care of me newsflash mark in Matthew 11 633 says that if you'll seek first the kingdom and all its righteousness all these things shall be added unto you so Amazon is very busy with me no I'm serious like right now if you any if you would line up all of you and you were willing to give me something anything I asked asked of you I would not be able to tell you a thing is anybody here I have no needs and I have no once no what has happened I got to the place where I realized my value in heaven was through the roof and I started a flow by giving my time everything to people and loving them when I started to give out the flow started coming through me from behind and it increased as I flowed with the spirit you get to where you you're not needy anymore because he's your source now you still have needs but you can't depend upon new people to meet your needs because they might not be having a good day bless you so in Romans 12:2 at the bottom of page 16 Isis and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God okay that's very important so if you feel rejected you're never rejected you've been accepted into the beloved you are accepted 1st Corinthians chapter 13 verse 11 on the page 70 it says when I was a child I talked like a child and I thought like a child I reasoned like a child when I became a man I did away with childish things okay so the soul needs to become developed to the place where you become a mature individual overall and in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 25 it talks about those who oppose themselves within themselves in the King James Version so David he actually talked to himself he said why are you so disquieted it in inside he said he said why are why are you down cast it Psalms 42 5 so David's spirit was talking to his soul this all shouldn't be new to y'all you know and this is what the problem is is what does it take someone a flight attendant who prays in tongues to go to heaven be sent back to do something we should all know we should all know that people should be teaching this you see I don't want to put a bandaid on something that you need surgery for I don't want to delay the inevitable we need to get you in and get it cut out you need to get better and you're gonna you're not gonna get better by nursing your wounds sometimes you just need healed sometimes you just need surgery sometimes you just need to know that God did not do the bad things that people did to you that he didn't have anything to do with that and this is a messed up world as it's a bad devil bad world and it's messed up and now there's even the Christian mafia that you got to deal with that's a whole nother series ok first Samuel 17 26 talks about when David's spirit was prophesying to the to the giant and he was saying I'm gonna feed you to the birds today and this is a little boy and he's telling what he's gonna do to the Giant and that's why last night I went ahead and started praying to show you how I pray because I'm prophesying to the enemy I'm telling him his demise I push him back I I let him know that you know that that there's there's gonna be trouble if you in any way confront me there's gonna be a mess no no like this morning do you notice the difference this morning that's because when then Jesus appeared to me this morning that there were you know when I was with Sid Roth we were in the in his office and in the greenroom and he said what's the Lord showing you about this show and I said this is it this is the this is the apex this is the epitome this will be the best show ever and it was but I didn't tell him this but there were 900 angels because he'll do a show about that and I don't want to I'm like you know and then he's gonna want that know all their names you know and interviewed all of them you know so I don't say stuff so there's a lot of things I don't say to him but there were nine hundred angels there okay those angels are here this morning that's what you feel so what you feel is you feel different you feel lighter because the visitation it restores my spirit so I got visited I was restored this morning and then I came here and it restarted restoring people that as I encounter people they started hitting the deck and we hadn't even started yet and then the angels are here now and what they do is they they bring the atmosphere I have it and they stand amongst us and it takes the whole place to a higher level so you're starting to get foggy now you're starting to get blurry to me because they're realm where they come from there is no fear there's no doubt there's no unbelief and they are ready to execute God's Word in your life that's what they do they hearken unto his voice they execute his word and they don't take no for an answer but they wait they stand there all through this school they're standing waiting until the transformation of your mind your will and your emotions has gotten to a certain level to where it's ignition there's an ignition in the spirit when if the power of God and the Word of God start to change and route your will and you start to connect with the spirit realm and your heart and then God can do miracles amongst us so he shifts the whole environment in this room now what I'm feeling in this room is very close to how I felt when I was with Jesus which is very rare now I wish all of you would have been the the audience at Sid Ross because you've already just too in a short amount of time that than speaking you have sided with God and and many of you right now feel like you could go into a vision many of you right now feel like if you got alone God would speak to you and talk to you about some of the things he's talking he's wanting to get over to you but do you understand the only reason you get hooked on anything about the flesh is because evil spirits give you an opportunity to opt out of a supernatural event by getting you hooked on something they're trying to drag you away because they can't beat you in God's ring so they try they have to get you to opt out so they try to get you hooked to dumb you down so that you're weak enough to where they can start to to bring things in to convince you that you're a certain way and you're not now I know what I'm talking about and I've waited years I've known this I've known this since 1992 but I was silent for years and even the things that I've said to my spiritual fathers and that they know it might be years before I'm able to teach it because people have their way of thinking and they they have already sided with a certain way and then they resist those who speak the truth see that's what happened with the Pharisees they got so entrenched in doctrine that was false that they got into control and Jesus didn't didn't meet their specifications and they couldn't control him and so they got worried so if they would if if someone was raised from the dead like Nazareth they wanted to kill him because that was evidence and that's what happens with you once you start to move in this you start to cooperate with heaven what's gonna happen is is Satan will have to discredit you because he can't stop you he can't stop the flow so he discredits the wist witness and that's what any good lawyer mean really bad but they're good when they can discredit you because they know they can't win the because they know they've caught wind that you did see what you saw you know what you know then if you know something you're not supposed to know they have to go after you to discredit you discredit the witness so that's what the demons do next so most of you even though you get delivered from the demonic and all the things that he's coming against you with and you get free well then Satan will start to slander you to discredit you and you'll lose all your friends it's weird but see you're on your way to overthrow but you think you're going backwards so that's why if you get like if you give if God tells you to give something or help someone and you do it you you might go backwards the next day because Satan's gonna try to create a scenario to discredit what you've just done to make it look like well you did something wrong because God didn't honor it so it'll look like like something comes against you because you did something right and then it gets you to back off is everybody here it's time for lunch oh you got 15 minutes ok ok so this is this is one of the most important parts of this of this weekend is right now because I know honey I want to leave too oh my god I'm starving I get it man I get it totally ok so do you understand that that where we're at right now the spirit realm is where you win but if you get into the silikal the mind realm Satan can beat you because he doesn't play fair and so you got to stop the rejection cycle of these demons that are assigned to you to keep you in a small place the glory of the Lord is so strong in this place right now and he's he's showing you who you really are and I feel like even if the seminar ended right now we would have been way ahead but what we're just getting started okay in first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 this is very important did I say very important ok it's still on good now listen to me this is so important that that when I saw this in heaven I thought you know what if I came back I could do so much better this is what Paul said for one who speaks in an unknown tongue does not speak to people this is in the amplified but to God for no one no one understands him or catches his meaning but by the spirit he speaks mysteries secret truths and hidden things not obvious to the understanding okay so what I saw was your soul cannot participate in a spiritual activity so you have to understand something if you decide you're gonna pray in the spirit your mind is not fruitful it does not participate in that activity which means that it's gonna try to get you not to do that because it's like it's like a child when he doesn't get attention he will make sure you get he gets attention if it's gonna be negative attention so he throws a fit and he knows when to do it in the middle of the grocery store and it's all because you didn't get captain crunch and he knows he knows don't he's gonna pull that break glass in case of emergency if he has to because he's gonna get that cereal so he's gotten leverage and today the kids know how to play they know how to play that and get leverage okay so the devil is gonna do that he's gonna try to get you out of doing the spiritual activities because you're not gonna have any feeling because the spirit the spirit realm it's not feelings like down here we can have happiness or sadness been in heaven there's joy it's a spiritual thing and you don't know what love is I experienced above and no one touched me no one kissed me no one hugged me the father the father let me walk into his heart and I'm still getting over it it was beyond anything my my my eternal existence the meaning of Who I am as a person was inside of him and when I walked into him I had no questions I had no doubts about my value or my safety and even Kathy and I one day I was in the living room we were praying in tongues was still dark out and all of a sudden the father walked in to the house and this is the first time other than when I was in heaven when I felt this the first time about his love it what he walked into the house and and and Kathy looked at me and I said remember when I told you that Jesus took me to that room he said that's this is what I felt and we sat overcome for over an hour the father was in our room in our house this is not about happiness it's not about all the things that we have down here it had to do with our existence our literal purpose was always wrapped up in the father that's why we need to go to the glory the glory move that's happening that's gonna start happening in all the services forages can be washed over by by the glory of God and no one's gonna have to do a thing except to receive his love He loves us listen we're never gonna be good enough that's why he said Jesus but see if we can get over our weaknesses by allowing the Holy Spirit to come in in our weakness and lift us up and strengthen us then we overcome our weaknesses through resurrection now if any person because I've had several of these people that are in heaven in the cloud of witnesses they all are cheering us on but if any one of them could talk to you if Jesus would allow it because they're not I'm not communicating with the dead they're living there's a cloud of witnesses that are cheering us on there's people in heaven that I met that were powerful men and women of God but if you could if you could have them in any way tell you anything they would tell you listen you make it just go recklessly abandoned for God recklessly abandoned with pastors passionate pursuit of God recklessly abandoned for God I mean don't hold back in other words they would tell you you you're gonna make it just go for it that's what they would tell you to do so you need to pray in the spirit more than you've ever prayed before because you're doing a spiritual activity that has to do with its the the Spirit of God is forward-looking he can see into the future and he'll pray out your future and we'll close with this and we'll break for lunch when I was in a hotel I what night they had accidentally put a soccer team on on my floor and they're not supposed to do that because we have to have eight hours of sleep to be on the airplane and if we don't we're not allowed to work and so I put headsets in because I don't want to move it's Mike it's like midnight and they're just playing they've turned the hallway into a soccer field anyway I put a put headsets in and I had the Word of God on and so I fell asleep listening to the Word of God and when I I woke up a couple hours later and I could still hear someone talking so I thought they're still up so I just I just sat there half awake listening to the Word of God and I said man that sounds really close it sounds like someone's in my room so I took I took one off air out and there's like a man in my room like I could hear somebody talking so I took the other one out and the Holy Spirit had taken over my mouth and was prophesying over me and at that moment like it was roaring out of me and it was he was like an attorney he's and I was listening to what was being said and you know I'll be jealous because the Holy Spirit was like bragging about what Kevin's gonna do on this earth now this is when I was just a little you know I was nobody no I'm just about this big but listen to me this is like when nothing's happening so immediately my mind wanted to jump in but it was a spiritual thing that was happening and I told myself do not get involved with this mentally so I it was hard because I know what it's like to live down here because I you you know just like what you're going through I know what you're going through but I had to tell my mind do not touch this and for 43 minutes I yield it to the spirit of prophecy I watched a clock and the Holy Spirit was saying no devil will stop Kevin because he was ordained to walk the earth in fire and everywhere he goes whatever he says will be done and no one will withstand him I've given him freedom and liberty he's going to have the nation's and it went on and on and on and I realize what heaven thought of me I realized what the Spirit of God was doing and saying he was speaking my future as though it was mine now Kevin won't be denied what happened was is my spirit was allowed to supersede all the physical parts of me by speaking through my voice because I was had headsets in and I realized that if we yield to that we go into overthrow so as I look at I'm looking at all of you as I'm talking and as I'm talking I can see your future I can see things about you that God made in your giftings and you have no idea how special you are I mean every one of you I could call you all up here and prophesy over every one of you but then I'd be like every other Minister and we'd be here till midnight but if I speak to you from the other realm in a seated position like Andrew Wommack but it's the power then we don't have to do that we don't have to make all these lines you don't need hands laid on you you you have more than enough to walk in what I'm walking in now have you ever heard me say this I mean people freaked out I mean anybody that comes up I say the way to everything that's on me put it on them and they're like wait a minute you can't do that like I just did well aren't you just supposed to hold that for someone special it's like yeah I just did that's this is what I know but that's hard for you because you your mind will emotions see you think that I got a spit on you or I got a I got a push you over or do a fire tunnel which you know whatever fire tunnel there's more fire right now but if you would grasp it you would walk to lunch walking like I'm walking and I went to heaven and came back because this is for everybody I cheated I actually don't get credit because I saw Jesus already you have it well I mean some of you maybe have but you have a greater reward because you believed and you hadn't seen him but at the end of the age Jesus told me that he did this so that people would step it up would start walking and what they're supposed to walk in isn't it kind of funny it is kind of funny when you think of it I mean I'm not allowed to be a pilot on the on the plane I can fly I have to be a flight attendant isn't it funny how you know I'm doing all these things and I'll do it for free if I have to I'll go back to work if I have to pay from my all my stuff I will I'll do it because I believe in Jesus Christ I believe in what he's doing on this earth this is it people this is it we are in the greatest move of God that's ever happened on this earth praise God amen okay [Applause] father I just thank you for the impartation of the spirit right now everyone enter in father I thank you further the power the rose Jesus from the dead that's dwelling in each one of these your your precious ones that just well up within them there it is the surge of the power the resurrection power that's in you is just quickening your mortal bodies right now right now I release oh my god oh oh dear Lord you're so good oh my god he loves you he doesn't doubt you he's come to drive out fear just let him love on you right now he loves you he forgives you he just wants to spend time with you he just wants to love on you just wants to make it better he really cares oh the love of the father washing over you don't let anything draw you away he loves you he's gonna make it better he's all you need he's gonna provide for you everything you need he's gonna bring the special people into your life that you need people that love you for who you are the Lord's validating you right now he's he's visiting right now he's laying hands on people right now he's validating you he's giving you value he loves you he's gonna take your hand and walk with you it's gonna be okay you're gonna make it the Lord says you're irresistible He loves you let'em love on you Healing comes Healing comes no more addiction no more rejection it's being driven out right now trauma is being driven out in the name of Jesus you are set free the Lord has favoured you this day [Music] Jesus you make the darkness trouble Jesus we are going to dismiss you but hey hang on
Channel: River of Destiny Church
Views: 33,029
Rating: 4.8459563 out of 5
Id: U5lLuMo0wzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 11sec (6791 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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