Kevin Zadai - You Can Hear God's Voice (Part 5) - 11/10/19

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and also to rest of you can you give yourself hand please [Applause] this conference would not be possible without you and I went to the known that and my husband and I are we very thankful and grateful to you and some Weaver last year and then so I'm gonna turn this microphone over to my husband and he's gonna open up with us only time he opens up with any of the meetings that just the Sunday morning that's it so otherwise he doesn't want the microphone usually I had to beg him at home before we come here would you please say something yeah some in a few words Oh God's word it's better than my word anyway Psalms 86 starting with verse 8 says God there was no one like you there's no other God as famous as you you outshine all others and your miracles make it easy to know you Lord Almighty you are the one who created all the nations look at them they're all on their way yes the day will come when they will all worship you and put your glory on display you are the one and only God what miracles what wonders what greatness belongs to you teach me more about you how you work and how you move so that I can walk onward in your truth until everything within me brings honor to your name with all my heart and passion I will thank you my god I will give glory to your name always and forever can we get through our fee and put your hands together begin to just you know give him praise as if we entered in the worship go ahead Johnny [Music] you [Music] [Music] I have a couple of verses this morning that the Lord is really laid on my heart yeah [Music] I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's neither does in our lives neither angels or demons neither our fears for today our worries about not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love nothing nothing can separate us from God's love not not the lies that the enemy tells us not the cloud of nation not all the all the schemes of the enemy nothing nothing can separate us from from God's love we are loved no matter what we hear we are loved and in Timothy 4 God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power love and a sound mind a man [Music] we call ourselves three o'clock session Dave and I are married and this is our son Wes and the Lord gave us nay many many years ago and I'm the first Good Friday when Jesus said it's finished we had access in the lower voice amen amen we didn't need the high priest anymore Jesus was the high priest we have access into the Holy of Holies forever access into his presence at that moment and so this is a song the Lord gave me many years ago I'm sorry at 3 o'clock I'm so thankful for my husband it happened at 3 o'clock [Music] he's the brains of the bunch right so it was called the ninth hour but in the it was three o'clock in the afternoon and it was the Jewish time of prayer and so Jesus I don't know what I would do I could not get through any day any moment any minute any hour without the presence of God without the present [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] this is the song the Lord gave me many years ago [Music] in the course it says coming to the holy of holies Kannamma 200 employees I will meet you there I will hear your prayer coming to hope always let's go in we're already there were seated with him in heavenly places but let's go in to the Holy of Holies with you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] we don't have to weigh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's see this again and you just he's easier [Music] and no one has forgotten there's enough love to go around for a free party and disease tell him your Oh [Music] in your own there's nothing like your hands it means a smashing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father we just thank you we honor you Jesus we thank you thank you for touching your people thank you for breathing up on them thank you Father for making your presence real and loan in this place thank you Jesus while we were worshiping and I had a vision you may sit down I had a vision with Lord Jesus was just standing whether his arms just stretched them wide open and he's just like avoiding us in inviting us in like this and he sees your heart and you are hungry after him and he is encouraging you to continue to come in and come in and so it was just a beautiful was like I wish I can describe to you just then hear him with his arms just wide open and he was going like this inviting you in asking you know come so I wasn't going to have a need I share what the Lord showed her but I think she's out she's out that's okay so first of all I just want a Mac just can we just say thank you Father we want to honor our wonderful father wonderful teachers and the Holy Spirit can we do that can we just honor him yes thank you Lord we thank you Father we thank you Jesus for making yourself real to each and every one of your beautiful pressure people thank you for coming and touching your people meeting them you know the Lord came here to me with each and every one of you he knew there are meeting what's gonna start and 9:30 he came here before you they're waiting for you yeah it's net he's so good isn't he so also I want you you know my husband now we want to honor dr. Kevin Jedi and Kathy for their being faithful and obedient until the Lord amen and I know that they did not ask me for anything and as a matter of fact that they even don't like it because I say this but you know it is a proper and it is right to give them honor where honor is due Amen can we just say that and I I want to you know I want to just express our gratitude first of all to the father but also to whenever I talk about this I'm sorry I get very emotional because I'm very grateful and thank you Kevin Thank You Kathy for saying yes to us when invitation just wanted to tell you three years ago when three years ago right I was 30 years ago you guys start coming my husband right were and 0kf which is honest with you and now which is gonna be very true I'm just you don't have I don't you don't need to tell me I can do that I'm just gonna be me is that okay ministry in small town a population and 500 counting cats and dogs is not easy and in small town like they're not only being in a small town but also being a woman and being an Oreo no it's not easy and then he know how to take me somebody who came from foreign country I love Sunday she did somebody just radical they don't even know how to relate to me I guess I don't know if they really even know me they just know I'm married to Ray brierley okay and you know and so anyway I won't get into but I want you to understand the story a little bit I'm only take too long long story short God brought me here from South Korea I was living in a little at the time I was living at home my uncle's one month and seven years old God brought me to you know steady and long story short and barometer United States say my soul and he gives me this vertical radical desire to serve God dream is so big I'm thinking like how these are ever gonna happen but I guess I didn't know God before I came the United before I heard the gospel of Jesus Christ I never set foot in the church I've never heard Jesus I never even heard John 3:16 even when I did I gave my life to the Lord I still did not even hear John 3:16 I didn't even know what verse in the Bible when I got saved next day I went out talk to somebody about what happened to me I brought that person to my pastor my pastor letter to the Lord don't you ever underestimate the testimony of Jesus Christ so anyway so God called us to Pastor church I'm like really God has a sense of humor right so and 2003 after God calls the pastor 2003 a guy gave me a dream well no I'm not even gonna say that I'm gonna say there later I've been kept at this point so anyway but long story short Janine was big but it was very hard it was very very difficult I did a lot of fasting 340 they passed several 21 day pass many paths just simply first upon wandering on the vil quad I want to make sure I'm in the right place of doing the right thing and people say you need to go to Chicago you need to go Peoria you need to go like your city if you come we will help you to have a larger congregation and we were just struggling with a handful people and every time we get on our knees and fast and pray Laurie says no don't go anybody you just stay here stay in the middle of a cornfield he's preaching to the bungee corn with a lots of ears and preach to the dogs and you know and so we just remain faithful whether it's just a handful of people but God gave us a big big dream 2003 God gave me a dream and I want you to see this in my dream I had I seen this first scene was this huge huge boom was like a bigger than this and I couldn't see the wall-to-wall but I knew was inside the huge building and the people were just it was people was there was a table shape of the cross and there were fruits and food and people were just were eating and laughing and we were just full of joy but it was a bright it was while everything was a white but he was so bright but at the time but at the same time it wasn't like uncomfortable it was just absolutely amazing sight and the next scene immediately next scene was the map of the United States of America and in North America and then basically was more United State of America and South America and that lighted arrows were pointing from outside of the United States pointing to Illinois where we live said this is a focal point and people from all over the world will be coming here it was audible voice spoke and that audible voice walked me up and that dream just puzzled me puzzled me bother me but I prayed and I prayed and I pray 2006 I went to Toronto Airport church where we Bible you know you know what I'm talking about and they they were having events prophetic conference and John Paul Jackson was one of the speakers and he says I'm gonna interpret people's dreams about eight people so like I don't know how many and let me just guess maybe there was a thousand us I bow my head as his Lord if you want this dream to be interpreted would you please that I'd be the one he picked up one of the eighth and I was by one of but maybe dozen got picked up picked out and then I went on the stage and I ain't you know she shared a dream and John Paul Jackson says this dream does not need interpretation it is a literal prophetic dream and pray every day until it happens as the Holy Spirit leads you and also pray that this move on us that would pray this more continue to happen until Lord Jesus Christ returns and you know Julian was so bad but you know me with a Denarius thing in tiny little town you know it was I couldn't wrap my mind around I so I pray faithfully every day I still didn't understand I didn't know okay so I want you to see something I don't know who painted this picture somebody was not here I won't see how prophetic this is how we heard it Jerry come here who is this what Jerry Jerry somebody painted this and it was you brought it right can you come in here and I had seen your church and I had a vision of the heaven coming through your church to the world so I had my friend Dave Alstine but I just thank you so much thank you now I want you to wrap our logo you gotta see this logo how prophetic yourself guy who designed our website who designed our logo he doesn't know you turn the light up because you needed turn the lights off to be able to see this because the guy who would design there's our logo Church website he never heard about my dream he had no idea I want you to see how God is in this look at that the world the globe is underneath the water I didn't tell him anything nothing he came up with that design of a logo so when somebody thank you three can turn the lights on so anyway and this is and so I'm gonna come to just and so that was June 2003 since then it's been a struggle we're trying to be faithful and obedient to the law with a small tiny little church and you know and as a matter of fact that there's a one time building was offered to us we can use for nothing in a larger city but the Lord gave me a dream he said no and he keeping me here I think he's just keeping me humble I really think he does he was building my character too and I confess the both of them that's right so anyway um so three years ago we were to the point we're just gonna give up and quit that was it we said Lord we've been faithful to you we served you faithfully we lay down our lives we gave our money and sacrificially we you know lo gave us building for nothing but we are the poured in everything I'm gonna take time to explain but I want to get to this point and so that year you know we were gonna just say Lord we've served you faithfully and it just you know now we want to just retire be with our granddaughter and just enjoy the rest of it ladies and I was praying about it seeking there my friend told me about Kevin's and she says young you need to watch him he was on Sarat you need a watchin so I did and I was sitting there praying and I was fasting and I was praying and I fester loud because you know and my husband does not like that four-letter word so anyway I was sitting there praying as his Lord she writing by Kevin how can I invite him let's benefactor witches went through huge I mean which big deal at our church but I'm gonna be very honest with you we had maybe a half a dozen or eight people left because huge thing we went through back through I mean we're I mean attack from the enemy and it was just something I won't even get into that but if we were to the point closing the door and so I was praying about it Lord should I go ahead and make a plan for this year should I invite Kevin and I clearly heard the Lord said you can go ahead and make a plan so I put an invitation in they never asked me how many members you have they never asked me what side of town you're live they never asked me are you gonna pay for my tickets my expenses this is my honorarium nothing there no idea what they were about to walk into and I tell people we live in the middle of a cornfield they think I'm just saying that when they come they say you want exaggerating you are so I want to say is that thank you for saying yes to us thank you and neither come here and we found people come to river love destiny church they are being connected to their destiny and beginning to walking in their destiny so we actually these people from Chicago they came under life hovering they came under last so we extend administrated Chicago so we be doing work in Chicago how's that so connect with us so God is expanding and stretching and amen so you know what we did was a we were just God gave us a big dream to him only that God can fulfill I decided that I'm gonna dream his dream not my dream and our testimony give hope and life and encouragement to everybody when they hear our testimony they say who won they scratched their heads as yes God he gets 100% glory amen amen so so I went to the Rico where's Rico Rico there's a recall hey you can't get his attention that's okay he's always always recording so so we anyway so they're part of reviewable of destiny Church in Chicago and connect with us we do go to Chicago from them we're gonna go once a month work with them and so where God is just you know expanding us and we're just excited and we're ready so but what I want to say is a and she was in she is when she got water baptized we won't get into that testimony she was her spirit was taken out of her body and she experienced a supernatural but I want you to share with them what the Lord showed you this morning she is one of my intercessors their news conferences she's a nurse Esther all the time so I want you to share with people what the Lord showed you okay I can't read they really get ready raise the Lord glory to our Lord Jesus to him all the praises and honor forever and everything well I praise the Lord for this day and I will never forget this and tell you what hope you will not forget this because as I was interceding the Lord brought me into a vision and said that today every person that steps into this room they are cold and out of them shall be multitudes and multitudes o faithful [Music] children of the Lord I wasn't crying for your destiny your destiny you have your destiny and it's our Lord Jesus that have ordained a man thank you Jesus amen so I want to just make one more quick announcement where's the avenue coming up evany on other people with the avenue sweatshirt on t-shirts on coming up stand up line up here I just want you to see this what the Lord is doing people these are all people from Chicago that we're working with them come on I want you to see this another thing I want you to see the people from Chicago who they are you know working with us that 33 nations are represented isn't that God awesome come on yes that's God he is doing it he did it [Applause] if you ever if you ever get discouraged please think about our testimony connecting us the nation's how is that the arrows appointed from all over the world come on this is just the beginning this is just the beginning God God wants his dream to be fulfilled come on somebody you understand when he gives you dream they're so big don't worry about it just trust and obey keep on walking he wants his dream to be fulfill dreams like a God is given to us is it god knows only he can do it and by the way after the conference is over we're gonna go look for property to build a new facility [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I want to tell you dawn dream small I want you to dream God's dream God gives you the dream he can do it he can do it I pray that our testimony encourages you and begin to believe whatever God has given you a dream if you just you know if you've forgotten it or if you're later town can we just everybody by fifteen prophetic act let's pick it up I'm picking my dream back up and give the guy come on give to one yes yes he gets a glorified can you imagine God hook us up and I won't get in the stories but God show them God ask out a damn to our church connect with their destiny so 33 nations represented here so this is what I'm gonna say evany God has gifted bless her with design clothing line or teacher line whatever and so tell us just you know what your business name is and that what you're doing with your proceeds after the sale of in a t-shirt so we're considered a premium Christian apparel item first of I just want to say that I have a promotional marketing company which I do branding you know for businesses and I just put it on my heart he's like okay you need to advertise for me and my word and I'm like okay and so I just started getting the downloads in that and you know trying to come up with the name and I just feel that I've been stitched together my faith and we as nations all stick together you know no matter what denomination were from so I just launched my website a week ago the enemy and I'm like I can't I can't do this okay I have unwavering faith you can't do this and she says well we have that conference next week why don't you bring a table and I was like see the t-shirts they wear look at they got all different kinds of t-shirt so she said that's her business name nation stitched together so look at that day so could you do me a favor would you go there wipe out her table please what because because Christmases are coming up you gonna buy gift so you months were sold in the right ministry not only that you say you give 17% so since part of my launch I normally I'm gonna give 10% to a different charity every month or every quarter I haven't decided yet but I wanted to give a special offering this year so you know as a special on top of that so I gave 17% to City Church of Chicago that's my church my home church and they have a Thailand missionary team so I offered 17% it's a special number to me sorry okay and then when I came here I'm like I have I just feel it in my heart I love pastor young and I just I have to give an offering so we're giving 10% also to to the ministry here okay so when you buy t-shirts you are sowing into all these ministries so thank you so much and look at the beautiful people Nigeria everywhere you know it ran and Brazil and everybody come on man is it not God awesome come on yeah thank you so much okay so I just want to say is that if a God put it on your heart the soul towards our new facility and for hotel you gonna when you come to our conference and come to stay at our hotel are you gonna be treated like royalty and that's God's heart and that's what God put it on my heart so you know with that I got more announcements I'm not gonna do that anymore yeah I just okay so you know when I want to say a couple things oh yeah there is a CDs from this conference available just go see and there's a book tables over there so please you wipe out that book tables - okay because you just been really blessed amen amen so let me see I just want to make sure that I didn't forget the important things that I need to do you have my paper I don't have it okay so that's I'm gonna turn this microphone over to this is what I'm going to say this offering right now we're receiving this just for our church okay this is our tithe and offering for our church and if anybody wants you put it on you you know capelin new heart so saw with her words I facili the hotel I mean you know I'm gonna give you an opportunity I know you're gonna saw in the good ground so Indian after we will be receiving offering specifically for dr. Kevin said that his ministry in a warrior not a man man oh oh if you need the envelopes that's okay you need the envelopes anybody just quickly let's do this okay so anyway we'll be coming back tonight how many you guys excited about tonight and tonight is I mean you know wha finale and blowout service a man I'm just excited and also while you were getting ready for this there's a blue box for the custodian box out there I want you to just bless you know the custodian that we are very very thankful that they are letting us use this facility we're very thankful so thank you so much and just in case if I forget to do so can we oh I want to do that I was gonna give honor I did that would you please I want to honor my husband here for 46 years see I forget but I do remember so and I think the lower four and I want to also honor pastor from Switzerland for being here and helping and serving amen Oh Christine I honor the pastors earlier and can we just give a hand to all our workers yeah so think go ahead go ahead and just write a check the reveal of destiny Church you fill out the credit card if you give in credit card and in just for our church this is for our church's tithe and offering and if you want to so in the forward search building book we were receive supper offering for dr. ji and after he get done ministering is it okay I just want to make sure you separate because I don't want anybody get confused so amen and then can we just yeah a single one song until you know we're getting ready for and if I ask you if you have a testimony you all probably have one so without going through while we're waiting for just done make a quick announcement there is a flyer on the table please take one for our Baptist revival what's going on and then mark your calendar for June 4 through 7 that you don't want to miss that and the oil and the water coming together and April 3rd and through 3rd through 5th dr. Kevin said I will be back with us so how many you guys believe that believe of course I don't know you know how fast construction is gonna go but we don't know where but I know that we're not gonna attract a bit of our church it's gonna be different facility so yay God amen we thank you Father amen just just have I become [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I wanted to make it just go ahead and while he's coming and I just want to make quick announcement November 23rd and 24th worship leader from Dalton Georgia you know oil people worship leader from their command doing worship at the Cornell church right yes so please go over there and support down amen so if you're interested I'm gonna put this flyer on the table okay amen [Music] all right everybody turn to psalms 91 praise God thank you Father here we go hey guys father I just thank you so much for the secret place I thank you that you want to reveal your ways this morning we hunger and thirst after you Father we desire you to know you we ask that the Holy Spirit come and counsel us and take us up and into the spirit world where there's revelation and understanding there is there is more revelation it needs to be known about the secret place and so I'm going to share some things this morning the Lord asked me to share these things with you he's really wanting us to understand the environment that he's provided in it and that you need to hear God's voice and so because of his knowledge of understanding you and knowing your need he provided preemptively a place called a secret place even though it's an Old Testament scripture it's for today and there is a place called the secret place and we need to get in there and stay in there and it's the Lord's desire right now as he's here right now he's here and he's asking me to share this with you this is not a test this is the real thing when you sit in throned under the shadow of Shaddai you are hidden in the strength of God most high this is from the passion translation the Airmech when you sit enthroned did I say enthroned oh boy jesus said that those who overcome will sit with me on a throne that's what he said those who overcome when you sit in throne under the shadow of Shaddai you are hidden in the strength of God most high verse 2 he's the hope that holds me and he's the stronghold to shelter me the only god for me and my great confidence okay in verse three he starts to describe some of the benefits of making this your dwelling place not just a visit but a dwelling place this is not a drive-through window here's some benefits he said if you do this now verse three says he will rescue you from every every you know what it says in Hebrew every every hidden trap of the enemy okay next bullet point he will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse do you know what says in Hebrew it says any it's very strong any so what's left that means any see the problem is so we change and make our own version of the Bible based on our experience and when things don't happen we automatically shave it and airbrush it so that it it kind of looks like we can deal with the fact that there's discrepancies and that's not scholarship you know that's foolishness to to take away from the power of God just because we don't experience it all of Israel did not experience this but Moses did in the cleft of the rock because he chose to go up he chose to listen to the Lord the other people said no they were afraid because they didn't have a relationship with God so they looked at the fire they heard the Thunder the lightning the dark cloud and they through Moses under the bus they said you go up but we know you're not coming back so so we're just gonna build a calf and we're gonna worship God and be crazy people see they left Egypt but they brought Egypt with them in their hearts Oh that'll preach but we're not gonna do that this morning so Jesus Jesus was up there with Moses forty days twice and during that time Moses learn God's ways but then after those times he decided as I've already spoken about that there was some things that God was holding back and so we find the the vocabulary changing from the word presence which is pnai een which is phases he said no show me York abode which is weighty glory and it's really God's personality it actually exceeds him and at the throne room you encounter his personality before you get to him because it's in the glory so in the glory is everything that God is that can't be spoken can't be written can't be explained but if you get in that glory if there's anything wrong with you it will not be wrong anymore that's the way it is so that's why I didn't want to leave heaven especially the throne room because that's the seat of power and that's where God's personality just invades the whole area and in that there's no questions Jesus is instructing you now hello there's no questions in the glory there's no disease in the glory there's no limitations in the glory and you don't have to try to be you you are you no one's gonna confront you no one's going to do a thing to you because the glory brings correction to anything that's wrong in this place is where you're supposed to dwell the cherry ovens wings these cherubim are huge and they're the ones that have wings the angels that have wings are in the throne room it never says that angels have wings except for the Seraphim and the cherubim and Lucifer is not an archangel he's a cherub angels don't need wings to fly okay over so the chair even have wings because they're actually covering God in his glory so that everyone around him can handle it so there's a shadow cast even though there's really not a shadow in heaven it's the fact that the glory has even beyond light did you hear me his glory who he is is beyond light everything about God is beyond anything you know and we wouldn't be walking down here in pride if we actually had that revelation there'd be no reason to promote yourself so in this place the cherubim are literally guarding God protecting everything around him from the full force of the glory that comes from his face and that shadow is where Moses is talking about in this Psalm that we should stand in the shadow of the Almighty God doesn't have wings he's not a bird but the cherubim have wings and they cover Moses understood when he was in the CLEF of that rock because he heard God walked by he saw God walk by but he heard him announces announcing his name and his personality and he realized that in this glory no sickness can dwell no demon can touch him no wrong could happen and so he wrote from that revelation Psalms 91 verse 4 says his massive arms are wrapped around you protecting you you can run under his covering of majesty and hide remember this is this is really a man who encountered this and he's writing from that encounter so it's very anointed but it seems impossible if you measured up to your experience but it's still the truth even if it doesn't happen in your life it's where you're going and you have to enforce it every day that's what the Lord is telling me through you I mean I'm completely possessed by him right now you might as well just stop looking at me and listen to Jesus talking to you I am completely possessed right now he's telling us that we need to let him wrap his arms around us and he's telling us that he's going to protect us he's telling us that he's covering at us with his majesty and you can hide in that majesty he he has arms of faithfulness and he's there a shield keeping you from harm verse five you will never never worry you will never worry about an attack of demonic forces at night never worry about demonic forces at night you understand that no demons gonna come near you if you're in the shadow of the Chairman's wings nor have a spirit a fear nor to fear a spirit of Darkness coming against you don't fear a thing whether by night or by day demonic danger will not trouble you nor will the powers of evil launched against you verse seven even in a time of disaster with thousands and thousands being killed you will remain unscathed and unharmed this is the truth you will be a spectator as the wicked perish in judgment for they will be paid back for what they have done when we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High our secret hiding place we will always be shielded from harm how then could evil prevail against us or disease infect us I'm going to stop there for a moment Moses's is experiencing this environment and he realizes that nothing can kill him in fact he was so convinced of it that when he reached 120 and he wasn't allowed to go in to the promised land God took him up to the mountain and killed him because he wouldn't die he dropped dead before the Lord in perfect health it says I don't know if your catchiness but it is possible for a human being to be so overcome and overwhelmed and convinced of who God is that God has to tell them to die or they won't I don't know if you're getting this or not God had set a limit of a hundred twenty years back in Genesis because of the fall and I realize that everything in my life that needs corrected has to be turned over to the secret place that he has to win me over to where all my doubts and fears are driven out and I have a new script for my life I have a new plan a new map it's based on his ability not my in abilities it's based on what he says to us and if he says you're gonna be married then you're gonna be married it doesn't matter if you don't have a date God calls you married because he speaks those things that are not as though they were he's in your future and he's speaking it as though it's your now he's in your future he's experienced your future if you make the most high your dwelling place you become in sync with him and you start to live and move and have your being in him and then things start to happen that appear to be favored and it gets out of control to where people get mad but see it's really that they're just they're just jealous they want what you have but they've got to come in and pay the price they might have their head might might be too big to fit into the secret place you know they might have to downsize a little bit you know they might be cross Christians where they're still at the cross and then like my my president of my my college that I graduated from he said then they're crossed with everybody you have to go up and be seated with him in the heavenly realms you have to go into the secret place and let everything outside that doesn't belong there anymore you don't need those things the things that you depend upon you don't need them anymore in the secret place because God wants to talk to you but his voice is going to be far above and exceedingly beyond what you could ever think it's not gonna come to your mind what God's gonna say to you in a secret place I know this the things that he has told me the way he has treated me I mean nobody loves me like he does when I was with him nobody cared like he did I've never met anyone that loved me as much as he did I've never met anyone that liked me more than he did he is wrapped up in me he thinks I'm the best thing that's ever happened when I came back to the earth I realized that all the people hadn't gotten the email that I got but that's what he wraps himself up in you he adores you and he's in relentless pursuit of you and he wants you to come the secret place because he wants to win you over he wants to love on you and it's time to receive love it's time to let him love on you it's time to be loved and not just love it's time to receive from God and I'm telling you this would fix a lot of your giving buttons because they're broken because you need to receive this is the shortcut and it's so easy everybody misses it so in there he looks right in lock eyes with him and and I look at him and he believes in me because I came from him everything about my life was wrapped up in his heart before I even came into an existence and he made the universes for me to enjoy not just this universe not just this earth not just this cornfield he who has ears to hear let him hear what this boy [Applause] that's right yeah that's right thank you for that so the the assignment that I have for the rest of my life is to get people to not only encounter this place but to live there and when people start to live there there'll be a move there'll be a movement toward God and then that movement toward God will be a movement toward the lost and will come in will come into the secret place but from there we will pull people in and teach them about the love of God and it's very interesting that people say I don't speak about sin very much and it's like well Jesus told me to come back and give people the solution so if I just talk about sin or I talk about problems after a while you know I need you to pray for me in other words like I would believe that you went through all the trouble you did it get here and to stay a whole weekend to hear solutions and you know if I start testifying about all the bad stuff that's happened to me in my life you'll start crying and then there'll always be someone this has a better story than that it's gonna take the mic and then before you know we're all crying and then we forget why we're here and why God has promised us so many things at the table it's if they're all solutions and so I you know like when I when I train when I train for four aircraft I never fly a perfectly good airplane in the simulator I'm not gonna pay 120 bucks an hour for simulator time to fly a perfectly good airplane because that little guy that's crying right now can do that with the autopilot on you know but I want I want I want to encounter the things that could go wrong because I want to be a solution I want to shine when I want I want to be that person that can handle emergencies and and do the right thing under pressure or duress and that's why you got to emphasize in your life what God says is the truth and just go there and make that your world don't don't worry about the evil around you change it and that's why that's why we we have to be involved with our town in our city and our states in our countries you know we need to be involved because we do make a difference and God does have a voice through you and you win people over don't be like the Jewish man that was praying that he would win the lottery and God says finally he just got tired of him asking because okay I'll let you win but next time buy a ticket you know you got to do some things first don't go buy a lottery ticket that's not what I was saying what I'm saying is is that you are the hands and the feet and you are the voice of God on the earth now through the Holy Spirit through the church okay so you have to have a abiding place where your whole environment is wrapped up in the God that's wrapped up in you and I was amazed at how many things were told to me when I was in heaven that I would never have accepted in the body in the flesh because my mind wasn't framed to receive it so if you're faithful there are so many in heaven that are that are excited and blessed by you if you're thankful because they know that the father God loves to hear thank you when something good happens to you if you thank God for it he had give it secretly told an angel to go and do something for you and he was waiting to see if you would give him credit for it I'm serious and if you're giving given more than one thing and you have several different things that are the same thing did you know that one of those might be earmarked for someone else now I've done that with violins and cellos because I fall in love with everything that that I get because it was a gift from God but the Lord told me that was never yours excuse me you see I was just a carrier of it until the proper time that I handed over to the owner and I see that with everything about my life when God gives me a word that's just not for me that's for the body when when I made what I made money at my job the Lord would tell me what I was supposed to do with it and as I did that I saw caffeine I get out of dead I saw people coming and saying I want to pay off your house we've had two houses paid off and the one we're in now was already paid off people have been told to do many things for us when we weren't in the ministry that now we're using that for the last 30 years I would buy clothes knowing someday I would be sitting up here sitting standing or whatever whatever the occasion may be I'm taking price tags off of clothes that I bought in faith knowing that someday I would wear them in front of TV and school I would study 15 hours a day oh my days off I would get to the hotel pray in tongues and study and write study guides for years with no place to teach no place to preach no one cared except my wife you know and she would listen to me and I would teach her I bought instruments that I didn't even know how to play and then when the Spirit of God would come on me I'd go into the dark room and start playing them but I couldn't do it until that happened so your environment has to change you have to frame your world by the Word of God and you have to become accustomed to the personality of God which is in the glory so you can hear God's voice but it's in this place of secrecy where he's a tower and you're protected and he begins to talk to you about how much he loves you but I'm telling you I have to teach on this I have to tell you this that most people will sit in the secret place and what did what they're hearing or going to hear is going to be too much for them it's gonna be too much for you because it's gonna be not like anything you've ever heard the only reason that I woke up this morning is because God gave me breath the only reason I'm speaking to you is because God sent me back I shouldn't be here you'd have someone else talking to you but it was in his heart to do this I can't understand why we don't have stadiums full of people because that's the way I think not for me but for the world I want to wrap it up I want people to get saved I'm believing for 1 billion souls it's one seventh of the earth and I'll have it I'll have it right now in middle in the Middle East I've already already today I've already probably preached four times on Middle Eastern TV and they're watching their soccer games and all their sports and in between here I come talking about the secret place so who knows how many how many Arabic and farsi speaking people will be in heaven and will be waiting to shake hands with me and thank me you know who knows how many they'll be but there was there's 1.4 billion Muslims yeah amen so I called the place that I called the show on Sid Roth a secret place because everybody wants to be safe and everybody wants to have value in this place the secret place is where you will know your value and you will feel safe this is the place that God provided for us it's a spiritual thing but it can start like right now right now like if I had my cello with me I could start playing my cello and we would be there because that's how I learned to play the cello was in the secret place and so that cello knows where to go and I wouldn't need anybody else to play with me but I can't play I've never had a lesson but when I'm in the secret place with that cello I can do it same with anything else it's the same with any disease when I feel sick I go to the secret place because I know that disease can't dwell there God cannot fail it's impossible for him to lie and if he's for you then who can be against you he can't lie so you can understand the shift that's got to happen in this generation we've got to change the way we see things our perception needs to change because our vantage point from where we're looking has to change we need to be in the secret place we need to see our world from that place and that is is it you can lose you really can't and it was amazing to me I spent a week with Sid Roth after doing the Morningstar which was off the charts too and Sid came to the Sunday service sat in the front row and I thought how do you set this up my spiritual father both my spiritual fathers have sat on the front row and I preached to them for an hour what an honor never thought I'd see Jesse Duplantis sitting in front row yeah but you know when he met me he said I had two visions of you Kevin this is Jesse he said when I met you he said I just had two visions you wanna hear what they are and I'm like you kidding me he said one of them he said I just I saw that you're gonna get launched in the ministry and it's gonna be very fast he said it was a sliding door that you walked up to it opened and when you walked through it shut behind you and it locked forever you're not going back and it's gonna be quite a ride for you and then he said the second one was he said I had a vision it was we I was in a conference he said I was speaking in the conference but he said you came to the pulpit and you preached to me for an hour and we were I go he goes that is gonna happen I'm thinking oh I'm clicking my heels three times you know you've got to be kidding me and I thought I thought what causes somebody I said I said how how does this happen he goes you wouldn't get near me if it wasn't God you wouldn't be able to talk to me but while I was speaking there at SIDS and spent the whole week with him there was just one thing after another but I had to stay in that secret place the whole week in order to do what God had me do there so the so when I got there Sunday night then Monday morning we reported and I did ten shows on Monday the next day I did four and then I did a 2-cd set Wednesday I came in and did six shows on my financial book and then Thursday I came in and the are nots who started the Toronto blessing they were on the show before me so we were sitting in the greenroom and the environment that they bring with them came in the room with me and Kathy sitting there and they looked at me and they go my god and all the sudden it's like they knew me but they've never met me before and right there in the green room with Sid and everybody I watched the move of God merge with the move of God and I watched Sid right there as the maestro and we all sat there I've had this happen with Jesse - I've had this happen with just me and Sid and Kathy but I've had it happen with Jesse - he's been to heaven for five hours and he said you know just think heaven out of 7 billion people he chose us 3 - to do this listen let's do this and wrap it up the power go was so strong with with with Jesse and then what Sid the same thing he said thank you for coming back he calls me over a couple weeks and he says just stay the way you are don't don't change he does he Texas he texts me says thanks for coming back it's all extra credit it's really working Kevin that's what Sid tells me it's working but but I'm telling you what it is is the only way that I can live on this earth is I have to have a place that was like where I came from I have to be able to check in with my father I have to be able to have him tell me my my mission for the day he has to reaffirm his love toward me he has to encourage me to go in the right direction because so many things are pulling on you down here so the capsule of protection that I have to be able to do what I do because if you if you remember right I was in Switzerland I preached I preached 25 services in two weeks that were 2 hours each as 50 hours of preaching was for conferences immediately when we got home we switched bags and went to Australia and that was 14 days or maybe 10 or 11 plus the trip which is like going to outer space I've preached at least three times a day plus I took out the witch covens and the Masons which is just you know I mean we took communion I guess I'm telling you that that there is no limitations on your productivity I literally this morning woke up as though I have not preached in three months and completely recovered completely and I want to get to the place where God has to tell me to die instead of somebody trying to kill me you know what I mean so I have to shift my my perception because I have to shift my location and my vantage point that I look at the world is from the eyes of Jesus with compassion but people do not bring me down I bring them up or they go away if they can't handle it you set the bar and this is our this is we're gonna be excellent in this life we're gonna do everything with excellence and we're gonna succeed in our mission I would rather go slow and get it done and make it look like a scary pile of whatever from them failures I would rather just do it right first time so I'll take my time if I have to but this move of God doesn't have to ever end we can ride this wave into the glory and go to heaven the perfect plan for this generation is to abide a secret place to the place where when you go out people start to notice that your face is glowing it happened to Moses and Ian even have Bethel and Kim Walker or anybody to sing to him but Moses was able to walk in that glory he didn't listen to Perry stone but yet his face was transformed to where people were afraid to look at him because he looked like God his face had beams coming out of it I know this to be true and I would rather aim high like this then trip over my own feet cuz I'm looking down it's time to look up it's time to let God set the pace for your life God set your goals and then let him determine the doctrine through his word because it's all scripted I if I if I told you how scripted your life is it would be hard to accept because it looks so random but that's what the devil does he sets it up so things look like failure after failure and randomness but it's not at all he's doing that to get you into a mindset and once you accept that you rewrite doctrine is there anybody here don't make me come out there no they'll think about it it's so scripted and this isn't like the predestination that Calvin taught this is the predestination that Paul talked about he said all the good works that you'll ever do in Christ were predestined he said it he was set apart as an apostle since birth he said I've wronged no man and Stephen was the stamin say excuse me I think you killed me but see that's what had happened to Paul he realized that I was always supposed to be an apostle he realized that I was supposed to give life not kill people and that he was forgiven so he didn't even have he didn't even have an inkling of what he had done anymore there was no past it's as though he he had always served God so I saw these things in heaven and this is the first time that I'm releasing this with this book which I've been waiting for a long time to do I have to I have to tell you you can't hear God's voice but it might be too much for you because you're gonna have to start to be a good receiver which means he's gonna want to love on you he's gonna talk better than anybody does about you the Angels that come to help you they're like so excited to perform miracles in your life and get you in line with what the provision is for your life so you'll have everything you need you should see me as a sign and a wonder to this generation you should not see me as a hero you should see me as gods just putting favor on me because he loves people and that he's telling people that it's time to step up a little bit it's time to see what what God really has for somebody because I know I'm a nobody I will never be a somebody I'm always gonna be a servant I'm always gonna be looking for some way to help somebody I'm never gonna get to the place where I've arrived the Lord warned me that if I ever get to that place where I speak about myself I will disappear I will diminish to nothing because he's the one that's blowing in my sails and making me look big but if the breath starts stops breathing I'm dead in the water I'm telling you the truth I was in South Africa and I was told what I had to say I wasn't allowed to preach what the Lord was telling me to preach and so I won't go back there but while I was down there I listened and it was hard because I had to talk about myself and I can't do that and I said I two times in a row and the Holy Spirit audibly said if you say I one more time I'm going over there and waiting until you're done so I had to flow by the Holy Ghost and I got in trouble I got called in and I had to resolve that I just can't go to every church that invites me I can't be told what to do it's the Holy Spirit that has to tell me what to do because he's my ministry it's not mine okay so once you get to that place you won't want you won't want people to manipulate you won't be wanting people to control you you know that's the last thing you want to do is walk in to some church or meeting where there's control or manipulation you got to be kidding me you know Jesus Christ suffered so much for us to be free I'm not going to be enslaved again amen thank you Father okay so in verse 11 this is where it gets really this is where this part of the service where it gets really really toasted it's real toasty here with the angels coming they love this verse verse 11 says God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go defending you from all harm all harm all harm that's their command now if there's a failure it's not their fault I know that I've been told not to go right now get in your car five minutes from now and I drove past aid accident where somebody died in the intersection hello it only happens a couple of times before you get smart that maybe God's trying to help you see he didn't stop the wreck he stopped you from being in the wreck okay you get it that's why he's got plenty of time to either fix an airplane or reroute me I'm not going to be on an airplane that goes down because it is so much more setup when you get to heaven you'll realize that you were right at the right place at the right time because you followed him daily it's coordinated these angels are all around me right now there they're actually thanking me for talking them well about them instructing you all but they are excited to help people walk into their destinies and it'll get to the place in these last days we're spending time in the secret place will cause you to not just overcome in your own life but everywhere you go people will get healed by your shadow they will get healed by your smile I'm not kidding you nobody's speaking this stuff and I'm just I waited for the big boys to speak it I'm just hard of hearing about the red dragon and the Antichrist if you notice he doesn't show up and and the prophecies of these people they never come to pass the reason I don't prophesy that much is because I see a big rock in your hand every one of you in the Old Testament he missed it guess what it became a shooting range and you were the target Sherwood I wonder how many prophets would want to be evangelists tomorrow if we implemented that role you know like you get a manual free manual a free CD and a rock you know and then we'll have a bunch of prophets come in say you better not miss it I guarantee you there'll be evangelist do you get it do you see okay all right I feel better you know I'm just I'm just not part of the pathetic movement I'm part of the prophetic movement amen I got over myself it's weird I feel like I'm in Zurich HL you're sitting there in the front row where you'd normally sit but hopefully the camera is not upside-down though one day he said to Kevin okay verse 12 if you walk into a trap they'll this the Angels will be there for you and keep you from stumbling verse 13 you you'll even walk unharmed among the fierce powers of darkness trampling every one of them under your feet now this is where Jesus got his verse where he said I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions Jesus you know he studies too and he knew this for here is what the Lord has spoken to me because you have delighted in me as your great lover I will greatly protect you I will set you in a high place safe and secure before my pen 9 my face face is I will answer your cry for help every time you pray and you will find and feel my presence even in your time of pressure in trouble I will be your glorious hero and give you a feast can you imagine him celebrating you he he actually sets a table in the presence of your enemy and honors you is what it says in Psalms 23 in the image in the in the passion translation you will be satisfied with a full life a full life full is this on full life and with all that I do for you for you will enjoy the fullness of my salvation and that word literally salvation in Hebrew is Yeshua it's really Jesus you will enjoy the fullness of my Jesus is what it says is there anybody here my gosh I'm gonna have to come out there oh my god y'all do you realize do you realize that this has always been there and if I had not gone to heaven I would not have known how powerful this place is see I have to go there often because this world freaks me out miss telling you it's freaky it is so broken and the only way that I can be effective in this life is I have to go and spend some time with my dad and I have to talk to him and he has to talk to me and he has to bring correction he has to tell me no this is not how I feel about you this is how I know about you this is what I am doing for you and you need to receive and you sit there and you receive from your father so that you have something to give out and the problem with ministry and the problem with Christians is that they have nothing to give out because they haven't been in a secret place to give and so they don't have fresh manna oh this is a Perry stone spot I can hear the music the guy just is always in Israel I love it mm-hmm so in a secret place I've been shown in the future and I have to almost act it out like like right now I know what's going on and I have to act it out and play the part that I've already seen so that the scenario once it comes into sync and I see it then I know that that's the inflection point that is the catalyst for what God wants to do next it you get in the secret place at you literally can watch the future play out before you and Jesus said this was my secret when I was alone in the mountains that was my secret place and I was shown the films of tomorrow I was literally shown he said visions of what the Pharisees would say to me the people that were gonna come to me that needed healing and what I was supposed to talk about because he still operated as a man he had to fully depend upon God and you know him right because why would the Son of God need to be alone and pray if he was God he wouldn't need to pray to be praying to himself but he was displaying how we're supposed to be so God will speak to you but that's why it's important to frame your world with the Word of God because he's going to speak that kind of thing what we just read is way too good I mean literally it's rigged in your favor I don't know how else to say this I'm running out of words but you I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to tell you you have to be able to receive fully what God speaks to you from the glory but it's gonna be complete overthrow it's gonna be completely life-changing to you to hear God say things that you've never heard anybody say to you it's gonna be so good that you're you're gonna hear your your arthritis go away you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna hear it not just feel it you're gonna hear it leave I'm I'm serious I saw this happen and this was God's plan for the children of Israel but they didn't come up so then even in His mercy he told Moses go ahead and build a tabernacle of meeting and then invite Israel to go into that and I'll come in the pillar and meet with them well the only two that showed up was Joshua and Moses okay so Joshua got the job he's the only one that qualified he took over while Joshua is Jesus it's the same word okay from now on if there's anything you ever listen to it's this CD forever I'm telling you this is the key this is the way that you become part of what God's doing on the earth it's it's taking the time to let him shift your perception I have one no I've had angels come to me and I'll tell me I'm a been assigned to you and they have a special task and in the next coming months you see that that angel working and setting it up so that I don't have to manipulate it just happens now the churches that I used to go to as a congregate they were never full but my pastor he doesn't know that I went to heaven and we worked for them for years because I was never allowed to talk about it but he saw me on Sid Roth and now when we go there his church fills up they have to shut down registration they have to shut it down in four days now all the churches that I go to they fill up the capacity do you understand that's God That's not me because the same Kevin with the same everything was going to that church and nothing nothing happened like that but the Angels started to come and help they started to build scenarios based on the replica in heaven they replicated it down here the replica the original and it's down here that they start to build what's in heaven so your life from this point forth is gonna start to be framed from your destiny that was written before you were born yeah so there are the abilities they're gonna have they'll be provision come it'll come and it's earmarked already everything that has been given to you has been given to you to implement what God is doing the Angels actually do it no we had to believe for everything I had to believe just to eat but I never think about that anymore never do I think about anything and what will happen is a laurel sale I want you to get out of the poverty mentality I want you to get out of the debt mentality you're not in debt anymore but he said I don't want you to even see a bill anymore so I said what do I do he said pay them advance for a couple years so I pay my electric bill for two years in advance so that I don't have any bills coming where I have to look at that so I pay all the utilities years in advance when we when we go to for our building when we negotiate we want to buy it but they don't want to sell it yet and we just just this year this is this it was a million dollar building when they built it we have the cash by January 1st to buy the building the cash by January 1st but I told Isis our if we just pay for a whole year in advance and she's she's a lawyer she's like well yeah I go cuz money's no problem she's like okay but she doesn't have ministries doing that so I was wondering if if I can get people to start to reconsider how they filter out like things like some sunny want to think if they look at psalms 91 and they don't airbrush it to match something that's more palatable for what you're going through but the that Jesus I met is never gonna be compromised he's never going to lower the standard to make you feel better and that's why people come against prosperity they come against it but see there is a biblical prosperity that has to do with provision for your vision has to do with the kingdom it has to do with the harvest you're a store because you can be trusted but people don't pass their money tests so they can't be trusted but it's amazing to me how God has no needs except to spend time with you that's the only need he has he doesn't need anything else he invested so much in you so that you can be brought back to him now all he wants is your time he wants your smile he wants you to let him love on you and it's the last thing we do but he looked at me and he told me things that people still have a choking point on but as a son I have qualified to be an ambassador for him and as a son he's going to take care of me he could care less so about what people think about it because it's favor any favors people because they have let him win them over and become a son and a daughter of God but there really are no daughters because we're the spirits of just men made perfect there is no male and female in heaven but I'm not gonna say more about that because everybody gets offended but there is there's none of that the angels of better than any woman and their men what do you think people say oh that angel is if it was a was a female angel it's like no there are no females but they look beautiful oh you like oh where do you get your facial yeah yeah where do you get your facial and it's so nice angels like you know back off a little bit they're beautiful the angels are beautiful they're striking and you realize how far we've fallen but in heaven you have to look into people's eyes to see who they are because we all look like God and I had to look into people's eyes to see who they were because there is no male or female it's about time somebody says I know no one tells you this stuff but I'm just about done with it I've actually destroyed at least seven or eight to take her cows this morning so get the grill fired up because we're gonna have steak for lunch here's the thing that we were redeemed from the curse that means I mean that's that was what Paul told the Galatians we've been redeemed from the curse the curse of law which means that now by faith we are in the righteousness of God which means we're sons which means we have all the benefits of being sons of God which means we're not in under the curse so everything's starting to reverse it's starting to turn back and we're starting to get younger we're starting to be healed it's a process but you have to understand at the end of this age were walking in to a place with that no one has ever walked into except a few individuals like Moses and Enoch they've walked into this there was a timeless realm it became their normal but Enoch never experienced death and Moses had to be told to experience it I had to be commanded Adam in his fallen state lived 930 years so you know God can come and talk to you but he also wants to whisper to you and you can hear his voice but you have to be ready to hear what he's gonna say cuz it's gonna be beyond what you can handle no no I close with this when Cain didn't do what he was told because see Adam and Eve taught them because of what God had done when they grabbed the fig leaves they grabbed from the tree that they ate from because as soon as they saw they were naked they grabbed fig leaves to cover themselves with and that's why Jesus cursed the fig tree it's because that's not God's solution so he cursed that fig tree and then he hung himself on it oh yeah that's why I curse the fig tree but he he brought skins of animals that had died and gave them to Adam and Eve and he set the example for the blood sacrifice so when Cain brought vegetables and fruit that was cursed because the earth was cursed now well you know that's right because why y'all look at me like that think about it think about it it was my blood this isn't just an offering he was just tipping God God required blood and he had to go to his brother and get a limb and he wouldn't do it so God came is listen face-to-face in a fallen state he talks to Cain he said why are you down cast don't you know that if you do what I've asked you to do if you do right that you'll be accepted you didn't get that because there be dancing and three o'clock session would turn into six o'clock session it wasn't a sacrifice it was him he needed to be accepted through blood he said sinners crouched at your door and that word door is the temple door of your heart and desires to have you but you must master it because he didn't do what was right because he didn't he didn't accept what was told to him blood is still required and so we had the first murder sin requires blood okay now Satan did this I was told because God had just told him in the garden that the seed of the serpent is going to bruise the heel of the seed of the woman who is the missus is gonna be the Messiah that's the one who's gonna wrap this up okay so Satan thought that Abel was the Messiah so he took him out and then he took Moses out and then he took he tried to take heed he tried to take Moses out but it didn't work he took me try to take Jesus out it didn't work now he's taking out a whole generation through abortion and it's not gonna work because the deliverer is in the womb in this generation it's the voice of one calling in the wilderness it's that Elijah generation the spirit of Elijah that this to come it's all the prophets that are in the womb right now Satan's trying to extinguish them because when Israel became a nation he knew that that prophetic generation would come forth out of the womb to the to order to assure in the coming of the Lord is John the Baptist generation we're right there and it's been delayed for the harvest and so I'm sorry to tell you this but Jesus has already expressed this concern with me he said Kevin I don't know when I'm coming back because scripture says not the Angels or the Holy Spirit knows only the father Jesus is not allowed to know because he would tell everybody when he's coming back I'm not kidding you he doesn't know but he said I'll tell you it's not gonna be until China comes in he said it's not gonna be until China comes in until the Middle East comes in and until Russia comes in he said when you see the walls of trying to come down spiritually he said then you can see the scenario happen he said pray that the war with Israel does not happen because that will start the downhill slide it's not Armageddon it's a war that is all the nations around Israel and Israel will win it but it starts an end time scenario and so he said pray against it stop it don't let it happen because the harvest has to come in he said I have a trump card in my back pocket that's what he told me three years three years prior I go you got to be kidding I said no way I don't even like that guy he goes it doesn't matter he said we're on delay right now he said we're indefinitely delayed he said so every every prophecy teacher is gonna have to redo their DVDs and all theirs because it's on delay right now indefinitely he used the word indefinite which means it'll keep he pushed for it as long as the church keeps praying but this is what he did tell me he said he said that the harvest has to come in because the father won't let me come back until the harvest is complete and he said there's not enough Chinese in heaven there's not enough of the of the Middle Eastern people or Russia and and there's other countries too of course but he wants to populate heaven with these souls so what happened was is because the church is here it delays the Antichrist from coming forth and Paul said this to the fence alone Ian's because they actually were quitting their jobs in 60 AD because Jesus was coming back and he that's why he said if you don't work you don't eat now he was bringing correction to them whoever they were waiting for him to come back he said you know who is holding the the son of perdition from appearing and I go no Paul we don't but see he they all knew that it was the church the Holy Spirit on the earth was keeping the Anti Christ from Britain coming forth so I was told that every generation had an antichrist in the womb because Satan doesn't know when he'll have his chance so he grooms somebody every generate that's why everybody you know all the people you think they do added up to 666 and all that stuff you know that that's why it works every generation had one but it's been delayed because of you Wow so anything they Satan does if he tries to do the whole dinosaur thing again they'll this be destroyed again I mean I could tell you some stuff that'll really flip you out I think I want to because I want to go oh I was told to do a study it took it took almost three years is over a hundred hundred and ten books I talked to multiple people investigated for three years until it was so freaky that I just had to stop but I completely exhausted where I had really no questions left which is pretty pretty amazing when you're talking about UFOs I had no questions left I completely had resolved it through friends in my own my own observance my own encounters pilots all my friends all my pilot friends in the Air Force Navy at the airlines they've all encountered these things we encountered them a lot and it was amazing to me how what the bottom line was is what I found is that Michael was contending for Israel to become a nation recognized on the earth they there it's already I don't have the words to describe what Israel really is because it's essentially the center it's exactly where the Garden of Eden was it's the center of everything and God specifically said that's my land it's the only place in the Bible where he says that it's his it's no it's not anybody's to give away and so Netanyahu announced you know because they were trying to get him to give a little more away a few years ago he says oh no actually we're gonna be taking land we're going back to the borders of Joshua chapter one which is the whole Middle East okay so I saw that things will be turned over to back over where the focus will go back to Israel when the times of the Gentiles are finished okay but right now we're supposed to be provoking them to jealousy to where they want to convert okay so what happened was Michael was contending and he was gonna win but in the process I saw through all these studies and all these because I know people have worked on and reverse engineered this stuff that had fallen out of the sky I found that in 47 Michael was contending in that in the heavenlies and these things were shaken and they fell out of the air and there was a there was at least six that they talked about but there was more than that that fell there's lots more than that but one of them fell near my house where I live and so I was able to get the newspaper clippings of it and in that year 47 the CIA was formed NASA was formed the Air Force was formed and although all the all the intelligence agencies were formed because they were looking at something and any of the people who one person just passed away on his deathbed he said he actually did the autopsies and they had a Guana type skin and they were they didn't have reproductive organs they were it's like they were made they were hybrids that were made just to work and I realized that the heavenlies are being shaken and world events are happening based on what Michael is continuing for the heavens are being shaken and that these things that are happening are part of the other world colliding so you'll see manifestations that are supernatural but it's not God things are starting to come through I saw them a lot of the conspiracy theories are true when I was in heaven I saw that it's worse than we ever thought but I'll never talk about it because I'm going to talk about this solution but I saw that we are being deceived at the highest level and we're supporting it with our taxes we're paying for the deception how could it ever be right listen if I go out there and find an eagle's nest and I take those eggs I'm going to jail if I destroy them I'm going to jail for a long time but it's ok to go to an abortion clinic I can't touch Shamu but I can tell someone to get an abortion Shamu has more rights than we do the eagle has more rights than we do do you understand I could do this we're not going to do this all day but I could do that I could pick a part at what we've allowed to happen and people have shifted our perception and our reality to where it's counter it's counter culture to Christianity because Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly he didn't come to take life okay so you can you have to you have to push these things out you cannot allow your secret place to be invaded right so just so you know at the end of the age the New Jerusalem will come down it's 1,500 square miles it's exactly the borders of Joshua Israel is supposed to own all the oil in the Middle East is anybody here Israel is supposed to be that big Satan has whittled it down but when that heavenly Jerusalem comes down we will have a thousand-year reign with Jesus but the earth will be repopulated I'm sorry for anybody who doesn't believe that way but the earth will be repopulated at the end of that Satan will be loosed again don't ask me why it's some sort of legal transaction the Lord said that he has to do those people will be tempted then we're gonna go into another age and actually though the war that you call Armageddon will happen and there'll be a new earth this could be destroyed by fire because people are freaky with those buttons they push but we're gonna live forever we're not going to be touched I saw us going out of the city as an ambassador and no one could touch us we were like Melchizedek we were like Melchizedek we walked on the earth and we were rulers we were enforcing God's kingdom and nobody could touch us so you have to understand why I have a little bit of edge about me now because I've already encountered that and I realized that I could have got this this is my this is my point I could have got this in a secret place if I would have let God talk to me but I had to die and go to heaven come back to see what I was was available to me when I met with him in the 10 a meeting where the glories there and he changes my perception he changes my false ideas so what is it about your life right now that you can see that you just really haven't you haven't understood what God was trying to tell you and because that you've really limited yourself but I just believe right now by the power of God I know it I can feel in my spirit the angels are standing right there they're all and they're all in order they're ready what they want to do is they want to take your borders and they want them to fall in a favorable way amen raise your head come on up thank you all father David said my boundaries have fallen in in favourable way in a favorable place then right now lord I need you to help us by taking the tent pegs up taking the boarder pegs and expanding our borders let them fall where you want them to fall may they be limitless increase our capacity to receive from me right now father it's a gift I know but we want that gift to receive we want your goodness to lead us to repentance say this with me father I repent of my unbelief I realize now that he had much more so I repent I ask you to forgive me and take my borders where they should be and help me to be strong and be of good courage as I go forth to see your kingdom rain hallelujah let's worship [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna we're going to do a worship with this song and then after this and then we're gonna receive offering and then we're gonna continue with the worship I believe that Lord is imparting and he has been and he is and then you know we don't want that to stop but we also want to honor amen so let's just worship just one time and then we're gonna receive offerings or shirts get ready but let's worship first because we want to focus on our Lord Jesus [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] you shaved [Music] [Music] [Music] we give you praise Lord you know I wonder can you see it for a little bit we're gonna continue and we do want to honor but I want to read you a scripture the song is from Psalm 19 so uh sure's get ready and all of you know what to do so if you need the credit card giving envelope right check the rebel of Destiny Church this is all going to warrior notes ministry for them to continue to spread what they're doing how many you guys believe that when you give that you're gonna cause the spread to other countries what you got bad this weekend and then one more session to come tonight is so so it's been so enriching amen and I don't think if we want to keep it to ourselves but let me just share from Scripture I'm gonna read a little bit here thank you because that song was in my heart I wanted I was gonna ask you to please sing that song so thank you we just listen to the Holy Spirit amen so let me just create two he says God splendor is a tale that is told his Testament is written in the stars space itself speaks his story every day through the marvels of the heavens his truth is on tour in this theory vote of the sky sowing showing his skill in creations craftsmanship each day listen to this each day gushes out its message or another translation says it's a prophecy to the next night with a night whispering its knowledge to all without a sound without a word without a voice being heard yet all the world can see its story everywhere it's gospel is a clearly read so all may know that's what says Psalm 19 but you're looking at the Stars and the moon and the sky and the trees and in everything you see they are doing their job by them being what they are and they are displaying the glory of God they're speaking there foretelling the prophecy of Jesus Jesus's message it's being spread through every one of his creation and you are his creation I mean you are God's masterpiece you know what I'm saying I mean you are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand so that you might walk in them what a story of God that we are pregnant with to spread all over the world a man a man so we're not just reading in but I'm Mei I love to read the words I am gonna read it as you prepare it for offering and the Lord spoke to my heart through John 6 I mean you know it's a story about Jesus feeding 5,000 multiply so I'm gonna just say something here it's my personal story I take it two minutes this year first 40 day it fast when I went on it was really honestly seeking the face of God God you know what do you want us to do you wanna shut the door to church you want us to continue and after 40 day right after 40 day and I there's different customers I don't remember which more which 40 day fast that God spoke tomorrow so first 40 day fast and I wanted to things I want to God you know show me that if this is you know he's well there for us to continue with the church because at the time we're having it I don't know and then a second one was that I wanted to know I want to know God's heart and this was my prayer as its God when you get people when you look at each and every one of them I want to know your heart I want to know how you feel about them I want to know your thoughts how her dad what are your thoughts about them I wanted to know because in my flesh and you know in the natural I just look at you in the flesh so I know I'm gonna find faults and criticize and judge and you know what I'm talking about you know I I don't like that I wanted to see through the eyes of Jesus and I wanted to have his thoughts and I wonderful feel what he feels you know so anyway the first thing he confirmed him about well of God is about month after I Festa so don't give up okay just keep on passing I didn't get an answer right away but the first one was biting in three days or after I passed it I was I went to this conference in Indiana and pastor invited me to their house for meal but as I was walking out the scene of Jesus feeding 5,000 folder right before my eyes and God touched my heart and he show me his heart towards people was compassion and he want to be able to provide and meet everyone's needs and he wants to satisfy them I mean you know the story of Jesus feeding 5,000 this is the always satisfied and there was leftovers I bet you want to know what the second one is right you are curious people the second one wasn't not till I believe it was about a month after this couple came to us we only know them for maybe you know just kept open I think I might've seen them once or twice they said that they sold the two apartment buildings we weren't even out looking for building we weren't even doing that anything I just prayed Lord you know I just want to know if it's your well and they came to us rainy on Lord told us to give you the ten percent of this selling of our apartment toward your church building out today I never I never even asked for Church birthday I want you to understand when God told us to start I said okay Lord I'll be faithful to you obedient to you do whatever you ask me to do as a woman I know ya know living in a small community and I don't even talk right you know what I still don't talk right sometimes you know I get my words all jumbled up mixed up okay so but you get the message anyway and I says I just ask one thing and I never want to have to worry about money do you know what your dis day he blessed us so he gave us money toward the church building so we put it in the bank month later we got our present building for nothing and then we have the money in the bank to renovate this is is this should encourage everybody I says as it's God when we get done with everything we purchase everything brand new we renovated the church building when we get everything done I want to have at least $10,000 left in savings that's exactly what got there Tildy steak we all know man nothing we are able to open our hands tiny little Church in the middle of a cornfield whenever God tells us to sew into different ministries we are able to saw in thousand five thousand ten thousand dollars come on yeah that's God that's God and then one more thing I want to say is that is that Jesus help me another thing is that we've been looking at this church building it's a setting of five acres and so I made a promise to God I never want to have to you know worry about money but another thing I made a promise to God as we'll never borrow money because every person who comes to underline I'm ministry I never want to have them to come on their debt I want then we'll come to under the debt free come on you understand what I'm talking about so if a God is God he's my provider then he is and I take his word for and guarantee you to this day we don't or penny as a matter of fact we bless so many ministries you have no idea how many ministries we support monthly every month and so so this building and they want us they want so much money you know whatever we told them my husband we approached them we said we made a promise to God that we will never borrow money take on a mortgage and if you want to bless us well thank you consider as one of your mission but we trust God because God has a bigger plan and the Lord told me if they say no he said that doesn't mean no if they say no that means I got something better for you so what I'm saying is John chapter 6 and so here and they know I know Kevin is not Jesus o you I know you spiritual enough to understand use this so here little boy it came with a five loves a breath to fish that what little he had you were know the story gave to Jesus he thanked God why because he came to earth to do the will of the Father just like a God send the cabin back to earth to do the will of the father do you understand okay and so what little he gave it to Jesus Jesus was able to multiply feed every one they were there that was there and they were all satisfied they had left over now Jesus talked about later and this is what it says jesus replied and let me make this very clear you came looking for me because I failed you by a miracle not because you believed in me why would you strive for food that is appearance bow and not be passionate to seek the food of eternal life which never spoils either so no man am ready to give you give you what matters most for God's father has a destined me for this purpose and so I'm like I said I know Kevin is not Jesus and we understand that we all know that but he came back to earth to do the will of the Father so when he speaks he's speaking the Word of God it's like a manna from heaven it is a feeling our spirit man you understand what I'm saying and through him you can think you go back you your life is being changed your life is a change and transform because you're partaking of the bread from heaven what a gospel what a message that you set under and people go back and I can probably pull out I don't know how many they said that they came to our church for cumference their life is a forever chained and transformed and I can tell you and grace doesn't know she's from California and he is that since you've been our church conference what just speak exactly what you told me how my life has been transformed and because of that my husband my children's lives were transformed and people just see it and they started asking me what did you do to have this happen and this is all from pastor Young's no you know it's God okay she came to our church for conference she received the impartation people noticed the difference and that's what I'm hearing from different people I can tell you is that your life has been transformed and is being transformed that you should never be the same and I know you're not gonna be the same and as we saw in the ground so in the field where a life-giving message manna from heaven and it's not gonna depart from you it's already imparted to you and you'll be able to go to place a that's our vision it's a people from all over the world to come and you get fat you get nurtured you get Minister and you get mentored and release you go back to where you came from and begin to just spread we don't want to keep you here we want you to come here can fill that mentor and encourage refresh and go back Lots that take over just world amen amen amen so go ahead go ahead hallelujah go ahead thank you Jesus somebody give us the lights down and as you can we stand up and just finish by worshiping the Lord and we'll come back six o'clock for the last last it's gonna be so powerful I can't wait it's been just amazing amazing and you know some of you if you're not coming back I want you to listen I want you to look at me please can I have one more time if you're not coming back I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and my husband and River love destiny Church thank you for coming because if it wasn't for you your hunger wanting to pay the price sacrifice yourself for come here this would be nothing we wouldn't have do you understand because you came that's why this is happening so we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we blush I wanted my husband to bless them can you bless them with yeah and those of you who's not coming back tonight but those are used to coming back tonight you got one more blessing left and you'll receive double portion amen here so can we lift your hands to heaven and receive this blessing the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace amen bless you let's worship amen you can come and lay prostrate and you can just love one another and just whatever you do okay [Music] [Music] I have a quick announcement somebody left the crack card on the book and CD table so anybody I hope okay what is it David go go burn David Gobber David Gobber okay Oh David he came to our church conference in October and what happened to you you Tommy hey listen that this testimony it's awesome okay you gotta talk loud like me I came God has blessed me was overcoming a lot of things but one thing I couldn't shake was smoking and when I I tried to smoke when I left the conference and I kind of got sick and I smoked a few cigarettes after that but I haven't smoked now so that's awesome amen he's God amen amen [Music]
Channel: River of Destiny Church
Views: 25,271
Rating: 4.8651686 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 19sec (12079 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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