Kevin Zadai - You Can Hear God's Voice (Part 4) - 11/9/19

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[Music] [Music] [Music] amen you thank you Jesus amen hallelujah father we just thank you amen thank you Jesus Wow it has been absolutely amazing it's been powerful you know ever since when we started planning this conference and as each registrations came in and you know I begin to pray for each person by name when he got to the about over a hundred I couldn't really name its person by the name so what I did was I just printed out the paper then I just lay hand on and Lord so I begin to pray for you so when you got to about like a 350 registrations I was like lord I thank you amen so if you didn't get a response from me I try my best to you know respond to every one of you so last minute so hey you know from now on everybody just you can come in and I just enjoy the presence of God I you're here because you love God you here because you're hungry you here because you know there's more come on you understand there's more more and more and more I've been pursuing up a long long long time and I feel like I know God less now the one I started and you know I'm hungry and I intended that I am the most hungry person in the world for Jesus I'm dry you know and the one of the persons that I look up to she's not my and I idle she's not you know I don't put up in the pedestal but God gives us our hero heroes or example for us to follow you know what I'm talking about Heidi Baker is my model you know there are many there are many and like you know he talked about Benny Han you know only in my journey with God Benny Hinn really taught me about the pursuing the presence of God he really really helped me to pursue the presence of God and the seek him actually it was a his teaching encouraged me to go on first 40 day fast he says every believer must fast forty days one time in their life either I'm gonna do this thing an idea and after idea 120 days later I did another forty day fast so anyway over the years my fast a lot but you know I look back I was like at the time the best thing didn't seem like you know how you after you fast and you think like I'm looking for my answers might result you know you don't really get anything but can I tell you what the Lord is doing now is the fruit of all the years early days that I fasted God God took notice and he takes notice of you each and every one of you when you willing to sacrifice your desire whatever they might be that you lay that down God I'm gonna go after you I don't want anything else you know like like dr. Kevin said when I go to God I don't really ask for anything all I want is like more just pray Lord if I have found a favor if I have found grace in your eyes would you show me your ways teach me your ways because all I want to do like what you just pray I only do what I see my father doing and I only want to say what I hear my father saying that's my goal that's my desire and that's what I pray and that's what I do and when father shows me I'm going for it but I'm gonna say just one more thing and then I want us to pray many years ago I'm saying these things to encourage you I'm not our dad I don't have what it takes in the world I'm probably the least qualified person in the world but I do have a one thing home for me that is a Jesus believes in me and Jesus is for me and he created me with destiny and I intend to fulfill every one of them so many years ago Lord Tommy he's as young if you have the desire is that whatever that is he says you go for I'll back you up now in the natural that sounds so prideful but then Lord spoke to me he says I know the desire of your heart your heart is to please me and you seek me with all your heart therefore I back you up come on somebody because it's God God is the one who gives you the desire any desire that is a bird from God's heart and his intention is the favela because your desire is to what to glorify Him build his kingdom show somebody else of who he is and his love and you wanna you know be a witness to your friends and your neighbor his neighbors and you wanna see revival come you want to see you communities change come on now devil certainly is not gonna give you that it's God so don't sit there think about twice why you think about it once saw is going to hell so don't even hesitate don't even hesitate and some beYOU know somebody says well yeah but I'm going through rough time come on we live in a broken world who doesn't go through a rough time I guess I'm a preacher so I got one more thing to say few years several years ago I went to a very very low difficult season and I literally wanted to quit and die it was so long and this is what the Lord told me I was on my knees and I was praying and he says young when you go through the valley of the shadow of death he says don't pass there is a difference some some people somebody said yeah don't stop us as no the Lord explain to me the difference between a pause and a start from their moment and he taught me from the split second that I can shift from flesh the spirit and spirit a spirit of flesh it didn't even take a split second for I can ship that quickly in the spirit the flesh or the flesh to spirit he taught me that and I recognize my spirit immediately when I make a shift and we need to be able to recognize that and discern that and so everybody goes through the valley of a shadow that some time or another but don't even don't even blink your eyes just keep on walking don't even slow down keep that pace going you will come out at the other end Jesus is waiting for you at the other end you're gonna see the victorious outcome you're gonna see the victory and it hasn't been many years ago that I went through there it was like a literally three years ago after that God is beginning the exploding things in our life it's literally just taking my breath away so I'm encouraging you tonight you love God and you you're here because you're pressing into God so I'm encouraging you I'm encouraging you pressing more pressing more amen so let's pray I want to read actually I want to really a scripture first and we're gonna pray and I love this one and this is what it says okay this is from psalm 18 and i'm just going to read from passion translation this is what it says I've kept my integrity by surrendering to him and so the Lord has a reward of me with his blessing this is the treasure I discovered when I kept my heart clean before his eyes Lord it is a clear to me now that how we live what dictate how you deal with us good people what taste your goodness Lord and to those who are loyal to you your love to prove that you are loyal and true and for those who are purified they find you always pure but you were out with the corrupt and cunning with your craftiness to the humble you bring heavens deliverance but the proud and haughty you disregard God all at once you turned on a floodlight for me you are the revelation light in my darkness and in your brightness I can see the path amen thank you Father now can we get to our feet and I want to all of us to get through our feet lift our hands to the heaven because you didn't come here I realize you came here to learn and hear from dr. Kevin but it's because of God it's working through dr. Kevin and God is the one who draw you because your hunger for him God is offending the flame and your heart so that he can you know poured into you and impart to you more let more amen and I really want you to go back having an encounter with Jesus we already ever encounter stories amazing encounter stories people Jesus already appeared to them and one person had a kiss from Jesus yeah so really God wants to do that amen Holy Spirit we welcome you we honor your presence in this place Lord we lift up our hearts we lift up our eyes to you Jesus Lord fill our minds with your dots Lord we ask you to possess us every fiber of our being we're hungry for you Jesus we wanted more of you Jesus we're not satisfied every time we taste of your kanessa every time when we encounter you every time when we feel you you make us more hungry God in Jesus name we're not gonna take no for an answer tonight we are pressing in four more and four more and four more father we thank you for what you've done so far already but we know there's more and there's more and finally the building up and fire is getting harder and harder and harder Lord we ask you to send your fire there's a fire engine in this place and we saw the blue sapphire angel in this place father in Jesus name don't personal and your slaughter in Jesus name like poor pray Lord God I pray this day father day you grant us a spear wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of your Lord at the eyes of an understanding being a lion then we may know about your calling we may know what a glorious inheritance you have for us Lord so we ask you tonight just breathe upon us take all of us satisfied until that happens for God you were the one who gave us a desire for you so now Lord we put a demand on you to a lord we expect you turn to a Jesus so we open up our heart we open up my mouth oh praise you we open up our eyes to look to you we open up our mirrors to your new Lord Oh father father we thank you Lord Jesus we appreciate you we honor your presence you're not only the Lord and the Saviour and the Redeemer of our soul but you are a lover of our soul we desire you more than anything else so we ask you we ask you to know Lord Jesus breathe upon your people tonight just as you have done many times let the fragrance of heaven in bay this place another day you allowed us to smell your sweet fragrance now we ask you release the fragrance of you in this place thank you Jesus we love you Lord can we lift up our hands to the Lord and begin the just a bless his name come on [Music] [Music] I Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just trying I didn't mean to get y'all I encourage you to come up front or there is a lot of room you can press tray you can bow you can dance run on the side I want to just get in the place where you get position yourself you can posture yourself to see God worship God the way you want to express it dawn dawn don't be limited because of the space or because of the people okay let's be free [Music] this is a prophetic the Lord gave me a while back called taking you higher and I just feel like that's what he's been doing in the body of Christ he's been taking us higher he's been doing it this weekend for sure that we listen to God's voice and not the lies in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're gonna leave here and we're gonna stay far about the noise we're gonna hear his voice more clearly we're gonna be closer to his lungs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] breathing breathing his joy breathing easily [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna take the offering tonight for dr. Kevin Zeta if you could just be seated in heavenly places how many are enjoying the worship so far well I say all the time at our church if you don't like your harvest just change your seed amen and just give under the anointing Amen if anyone here is suffering from cirrhosis of the giver will pray for you later amen but dr. Kevin and Kathy are just great ground their good seed just all I could say is just listen to the Lord the anointing that you honor is the anointing you receive and you can sew on to an anointing so just let the Spirit of God just lead you and guide you and I'll just tell you that this is a ministry that I believe in and how many believe in this ministry just just raise your hand I I believe in this ministry I've known them for a while they're real he's the same as he was years ago when I met him he hasn't changed and that's good so why don't we just pray right now really quick father we thank you Father that the word of God is a sword at sharp it's a pierce and father and Lord we pray tonight father God that as the word is broadcast into the hearts of men and women made just that father God it would just grow it would come to abundance father god mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed and Lord we pray that you would bless each person that deposits each person that Lord brings forth something tonight father we thank you that you will breathe on it father and we love you when we're here to give you glory in Jesus name a man just thinking so for somebody new if you don't know who the right check out to the will of destiny church or are what they see and just raise your hand if you need the envelope you know the paper you know or what to do so meantime I or she was going to pass offering basket around and we're going to have a dr. Kevin come up and speak we want to listen to him aren't we amen dr. Kevin that I okay so can i you know it come please no I'm done I'm done and I want to just say hi I want everybody to meet Cathy is that okay come on Cathy this is a beautiful lovely at the Zeb I will love it very much hi father I thank you so much as we just focus on you just give you credit for everything we just thank you but you're so pleased with us just focus on you Father just bring honor to you whatever it is that you desire in your heart for us tonight we just believe it's gonna be exactly that way father we just we just want to look to you we don't want to give any credit for anything except to you just want to gaze upon you just want to thank you for what you've done this weekend how you've touched so many people I thank you that you have the ability to make it permanent so right now by the power of the coming ages seal it up within us establish your kingdom thank you you know there's a couple things in my heart one of them is is that in heaven there are no heroes except Jesus and you're gonna spend most of your eternity when you're not working for him somewhere in the universe you'll be face down did you hear me you've spent a lot of time face down because that's what he does to us he is way too much and you will spend most of your eternity in reverence to him and he becomes friends with those who adopt that lifestyle now but I know it's not easy but you can't you can't want the preeminence you cannot want the attention so it's just on my heart because this Hollywood mentality that somehow gets into the church it's gonna have to end because there's none of that in heaven you know and so just you know I'm saying this the best I can but the more that I have happened to me the more I don't want to be forefront because it's such a there's such an accountability and I would rather just disappear eventually and just fade out you know I just don't want this next move of God to be aborted because people want the preeminence they want to have attention and they want to merchandise it you know there's been so many things have happened in the past and I studied every move of God that's ever been recorded every individual that's ever been used I've studied them and I studied what they did and and the things they did wrong or the things they did right and it's a shame that all the moves had to end because I don't I don't believe they should have I don't think we need revived not if we have transformation and I'm when I met Jesus just you know that he the thing about Jesus he wants change he literally wants us to walk in the transformation so that we don't need we don't need anything except the next breath that he breathes out that's your next inhale I hope you understand I'm not trying I'm not trying to I don't know I don't know how else to say this but this next move is not gonna be aborted I'm gonna make sure that I do my part to not let it be but there are so many people right now that that want the attention and I'm just I'm just done with that you see every time that I'm before people or I'm in front of a camera I'm thinking about the single mother with a baby it doesn't know when they're gonna if when the next money's coming in to pay their bills that's who I'm talking to talking to people that can't pay me back I'm talking about where the rubber meets the road where all of you are dealing with stuff you need help and I'm just tired of and I guess I've said enough as you can tell I don't make many friends you know but the thing that is is why does why does everyone want to attach to my momentum instead of just fasting and praying and getting something from God and then and then ministering that to the people what I'm trying to tell you is is this next moves all about God it's all about the Father and I just have a burden now because I'm caught up I'm caught up in the glory and I'm starting to feel God's heart and he doesn't want this next move to be hijacked and you know what I'm talking about cuz if you read all the moves there's always something that happens and they they all like I think they end up you know bizarre and so anyway that was one thing I wanted to say now that I've lost a lot of friends I just I mean I love I love I love ministry and I love ministers and I but you gotta understand something ministers are still sheep you know we're all sheep so anyway okay I feel better now all right the other thing is I want to emphasize something else the the predominant way that I saw that God leads us is by the still small voice so if you noticed the the things we went over you're you're probably like if you if you're if you're not connecting the dots it's not addressing an obvious question well I need to I need to know how to hear God's voice what I'm doing is I'm taking you on a fast track to a place where you can hear God's voice I can't hear God's voice for you and you need you need to check in with your father yourself you need to check in with the Spirit of God yourself and you need to be friends with Jesus and remember also he's your commander as well so treat him with respect you know and I found that the best way is the still small voice that's how he talks so what I did was in this study I essentially was you the different parts of you and how to position yourself to hear the still small voice because I've have heard God's audible voice but it wasn't with my ears it was it shook my whole being I heard it as though my whole body was an ear it was all 360 degrees around me and it shook so God can speak that way but he rarely speaks audibly like that and I have found if he does that it's it's not always a good thing because you're not you're not paying attention or else there's rough sailing ahead so I just want to prophesy over all of you right now and tell you what's what's about to happen in the future and I'll start with this church and with Pastor young and Rae first you know I what I see is is you know how many how many real real members do you have in your church so to speak do you know how many members in your church do you have like right now he's it's a twenty twenty people they're members in her church okay but yet God talks to her and tells her to do this and look at this in a cornfield no I'll think about it okay all right no the same with past it so I'm talking to them because you see God God knows knows what he wants but he's got to find people that will do it and so this is what what you're seeing is a woman who who got a hold of God got a vision and wouldn't let go of it now she's got twenty people in our church that are members but she had to go to the school to fight enough seats and place to help do this okay no God told me to do this so I wouldn't be here if he hadn't told me I mean I like corn but I'm on keto you know so okay so do you understand that think about how they're feeling right now they're seeing the manifestation of their faith but this is just a fourth of what's going to happen it's just a quarter what's gonna happen just in the next couple of years okay all right so you if you you see that this is happening I I know because I remember the first meeting we had and I remember how quickly it turned into this okay the reason why is it's a god thing okay but God picks insignificant people like me like you I mean you're significant to him but you're insignificant if you wouldn't choose yourself but see God chooses people to do things because he knows that they'll they'll trust him and he can trust them okay so that's the first thing is it this this I'm part of something bigger than we can handle on our own but it's just gonna keep growing okay so there's there there's a there's there's also pastor Wayne and pastor Lee so we're going to next week as soon as I get back to New Orleans I've got a date me and my wife we're gonna pack repack because we've been out for three weeks we're gonna repack we're gonna unload our Australian bags that we left in the living room we're gonna we're gonna repack because we just did you know couple conferences and didn't go home and then we're gonna go straight to Wisconsin so we got a day and then you know we we fly it on Wednesday and I preached that night and then we go through the conference doing the same thing with it it's gonna be a different spirit school it's gonna be called taking off the limitations I believe when I pass myself in the hallway I'll ask myself what it is okay but just so you know when when we first went to that church it wasn't very big either and I remember when there's 55 people there but it's four times that size and when and 450 people show up when we have a conference there are 400 it seemed insignificant because it's it's in the middle of a cornfield too and we're going down the street we got a yield to these big tractors you know but but look what God did and the least who believed in me when when I was just a flight attendant she was a hairdresser so there's stages of how God does things but he speaks to us in the in the innermost part of us in a still small voice so I hope that this weekend you've gathered some things but just remember the biggest thing you can do is at least give God some time alone without any input from the world so that he can kind of lead and guide you and just so you know in heaven God doesn't even have to get off his throne to make things right for you and he can change your future and and not even not even need a refill on his tea you know what I mean he does it all from a seated position because everybody listens to him unlike down here he's got some good employees up there so please remember that God speaks to us to is still small voice now you might be surprised but over all the years of walking with God now 40 years I'm in my 40th year I've been I've been called since I was 10 so it's it's 49 years of being called of God 40 years walking with God I found out one thing is if I don't know what God's saying to me it's okay because I can always go to the Word of God and read the Word of God and I want to I want to tell you something I'd say 90% of my guidance comes from the Word of God and also my prayer times are cut down when I spend more time in the Word of God because I'm essentially just interceding for people I mean as I'm talking I'm looking around because of memorizing faces so that I can start praying for you all because the Holy Spirit I take a picture of it then the Holy Spirit will bring up the faces and that's you know that's what I do all the time with everybody you know I've I've twenty five thousand well mourn at now it's thirty two thousand subscribers on YouTube when I see people's names I memorize them and I heart I heart any knowledge what you said and if it was something it was ridiculous and stupid I take it off what the testing with it which fear that rarely happens anymore because they've been banned but I pray for people I get a notification every time someone gives to warrior notes every time someone gives I pray for them in tongues I get a notification on my phone every person that gives I pray for over okay so Facebook YouTube I'm praying for people all day all my partners I have 5,500 students I'm praying for all those people so I don't have time to pray for myself but the Word of God speaks to me and the Word of God helps my prayer time because I know though the boundaries of God's ways and so when I when I pray I know I'm gonna get what I asked for because I'm not asking a miss so I want you to get into that overflow eventually God will move you into that because I saw the process so you see these pastors you see what God has done pastor Curtis sat in the same class as I did at the same school and he was told to go to Italy and Switzerland and minister there but because he sat in the same classes I did he knew a little bit of authority and Dominion so he just bought a high-rise in the middle of Zurich which he don't do he has 17 churches that rent from him if God told him to go the moon he'd have some but he'd have a church there he's working on it right now okay so you understand there's there's people that are pioneers they understand what God's saying and doing and and I can keep on going I can keep on pointing out people that are in my life and around me but see they all have the same kind of traits about them they're like kind of like God they want to own everything they want they want they want they want to make a difference but to make a difference you have to take back what the devil has stolen and it's not something that just happens these people all know how to pray they pray a lot okay all right then there was a couple other things but I'm gonna I'm gonna go to this chapter 10 and then I'm gonna I'm gonna hit those things of those other two things and then we're gonna worship some more the reason I'm talking to you like this is because there's a lot of things in this generation that are wrong they're not pleasing to God and we've accepted them and it's not right I've gone through a lot of manipulation and control to where people have stolen from my offering stolen for me and so it's to the point where now I have to rent see I wanted to help the local church build their church bless them but you you don't you still from from me and if it's something that's designated for me and it's not given to me well then they stole it and it's the same with God if God does something and you take part of it I mean you just line up with Ananias and Sapphira you know and you're gonna have to apologize to them while you're still living and they had to die because they lied to the Holy Ghost you understand I'm saying so anyway it's kind of sad but we're gonna have to start going next year to conference centers and hotels and you know you know ballrooms and things like that because there's only certain people that I can trust in other words like I don't I don't want to have to charge for things but there's certain people that do and I'm like well you know you know I can have a spirit school if you're kind of charged but it still ends up happening somehow and there's always like a really good excuse but it's there is no good excuse so but what it is is that here's the thing when I don't charge I receive about eight times in the offering what I would if I charged but you get you got a you got a you got to convince a pastor who is trying to make ends meet and they don't know but they're not living by faith anymore because they're not discerning what God's doing okay so you understand that there's a lot of places that I won't go again because they just don't go with the flow of what God's doing this is what I want to ask you because I'm really curious about this why is it why is I see this all the time now I was an assistant pastor we've been assistant pastor twice so I was on the other side of this and I totally understand the whole thing about a pastor thing but here's the thing if you were getting fed and taken care of in a local church you would stay but did you notice there's a lot of migration going on so people talk about their church growing but when I look it's just sheep the sheep that are just transferred when actually your church growth is supposed to be from the standpoint of new converts okay so do you have you have one side of it that I see where a church is like a hospital where you come when you're sick and you're hurt and you need healed but then the people turned it into an apartment and then they don't want to get well because of a is like the attention okay but do you understand that there comes a point where you get well and they ship you out or you get kicked out but you can become staff for the hotel if you want to stay and help other people get healed but you you don't just make an apartment out of this and live in the church and be a chronic okay I've said enough heaven I am in control okay but I'm just telling you the original plan that Jesus instructed me was is that the church was supposed to be a hospital and we were supposed to bring the unsaved in and hear about Jesus and people would run up to the front and repent because that God is so good they want to give their life to the Lord and then we we have all the people that are in the church you're supposed to help disciple the people and help with meals and you know just just be a help but why is it that you guys like you guys it's like a remanent everywhere I go it's like people are unchurched and I understand both sides of it because you know I'm out there and about but I'm also been a pastor's heart I've been a pastor but the bottom line is this I think the whole thing is really just messed up of course but God's plan is the church because he it was his idea and the gates of hell are not going to prevail against it but why is it that I get a cold meal a snack right okay no no not my church personally because I mean this guy with white teeth and screaming agen he's not gonna let you go to sleep innocence and his wife is just as much of a fireball she's my pastor so we've come to this place where the move of God is about to happen and it always happens because the people that were in church move with God and they find themselves outside the church they're just following God it's weird and if you would see this cycle of this now what will happen is is if this would continue on the way it has that this whole move would turn into another denomination it would be a move of God then somebody would be put over it and it'll be fine for a while and then all of a sudden you're like oh we're not gonna do it that way and I'm like what that's how you started it well we're not having that dancing stuff you know and before you know it no Flags no dancing and we're gonna do hymns you know but that's like 50 years but do you know what I'm saying it just gets to this it's weird isn't it I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with you tonight because here's the bottom line Jesus instituted the church but we somehow end up controlling and the Pharisees couldn't control Jesus so did you notice that he ended up having to be outside of the synagogue's so you get it okay so we're at that point but this last move is really about the harvest so I wanted that I wanted to give you the Lord's heart is that I want you to understand that this next move will have to be about helping people to disciple people and and bringing a lot of people in at a time and I want you to believe God for provision so that you can help help the people okay because it's gonna happen and there are pastors that really have the calling and the right heart so just just so you know my heart you know we would we would be in charge of prayer in different churches things like that you know I mean my wife would have to pray to hours and tongues just so we could go to the prayer meeting at church just we could handle it and it and and I still I still I still have to pray in tongues just to go to different meetings and things just so I can hide my expressions well you know who's saying it's like because there's there's there there isn't there is this side of God that once you start flowing with them then you you touch the real and then you know what the fake is and then you're like it's hard to hide your face right ok so here's what I want to ask you is if you would pray for the harvest but then also pray for the pastor's because the pastor's really really need help and they're they're very they're to me they're the most important part because they're they're the ones that are responsible for discipleship and you know taking care of the local area being over a territory but they get hit hard so it's easier for someone to come in from another territory because when you come into that territory those demons have not been bombarding you for months and years so you come in and you just like okay you want a piece of me and those demons don't know what to do with somebody like that besito of somebody who is there for a long period of time you can get worn down and so you get it right okay so I wanted to share that also with you because I am for the local church but what's happening is is the pastor's have had to learn to function in a way that is really not not what God has for them it's supernatural provision it's it's it's known that only 5% of the congregation supports the church really with giving and you know it's a shame because a lot of churches we go to I'm the me and my wife are the biggest giver in the offering and we're not giving into our own offering giving into the local churches offering but that's pretty sad when those guest speaker is a biggest humour but I guess I'm telling you this is because what's gonna happen starting in genius this flow is is so I really want to see the pastor's start to flourish and start to move with the spirit and get renewed and in and and have an encounter with God so that they can start to go with God and not not worry about what people think you know just do what they can it's not easy to be a pastor I couldn't believe it I was I was I was just an assistant pastor and everybody was trying to elect me as pastor because they didn't like the pastor or the pastor wanted to give me the church because he wanted to quit so I had congregants saying you're better than our pastor why don't you be our pastor which is really wrong and then had the pastor saying yeah you can have it okay neither one of them's right so I never want to be the head guy because they're the ones that get shot at I always want to be an assistant so I can hide behind them that's right I did but I was surprised at the drama it's a lot of drama and and I think what it is is we expect I mean you didn't have a sheep go up to the King little David and say can feed me he'd kick you in the bud said get out there and eat he said I provide you with the pasture and while you're eating and you're not looking around because you're stupid I'm gonna protect you no people aren't aware of wolves they not aware like Emily I'm like talking to Christians like wait what are you doing that's a wolf oh no it's not like to man look it up in the dictionary [Laughter] anyway anyway I'm trying to tell you something here because I do not want to see all those years of studying moves of God and in what happened I've seen the cycle and all of the people that are heroes now and all those moves of God they're heroes to the denomination's that they were a part of but when they were in that denomination they were trouble check it out if you do the studies they ended up having to buy tents what do you think the whole tent thing came from it's because Oral Roberts started announcing that God was a good God and the churches came against him did you know that as he went to tents do you get it okay so the harvest is the most important thing here and also the all of us need to allow God to make us mature so that we are an outflow I never thought that would get to this place but I don't need a word from God from anybody I really don't need any word from God I don't go anywhere to get money I don't need it is that hilarious I mean my ministry will take it of course but I'm not saying about me personally God blesses me and my wife so much and it's a mystery it's like a mystery all the time so in chapter 10 this last chapter it talks about these things about how God starts to speak through you it's not you hear God's voice and then it turns to an outward thing becomes ministry so chapter 10 is called let God minister through you in the scripture verses first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 10 the King James Version and oh by the way if I haven't offended all of you just stick around I have I have plenty in my ammo belt there are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without significant and I heard all these voices you wouldn't believe it well maybe you would but when I was on the other side I could see how everything was vayan there was was vying for our attention there was so many different voices speaking very busy and what I saw was I would get irritated at times and I would fall asleep and as I'd fall asleep I would hear demons screaming and yelling at me and then I realized that my spirit was picking up that but I wasn't hearing it but as I slipped through into the unconscious state there's a there's a connect that where your soul will catch what your spirits hearing and sometimes on the way through you'll see an angel standing beside you and you'll see in the spirit realm - it's a it's a slight as as soon as you lose consciousness there's just there's a flash where you can you can see into the spirit on your way into the sleep state I know this is too complicated for you but it's it's a true it's a truth okay so a lot of times when you feel irritated what's happening is is is you under a demonic attack and so I when I was on the other side I saw this so there are many voices but it'll blow you away how simple the gospel is and how simple Jesus and his kingdom is and how simple living down here can be if you're in the rest so this whole weekend I've really been wanting to get you in to overthrow because if you can get rid of the demonic like I said then you will behave you'll you'll actually start to encounter with ease the supernatural it's it's a demonic and I know a lot of people they're not ready for that but listen based on just your experience so far on this earth I mean you've been through so much I mean you I'm sure you believe in the demonic and I make it my effort every day to blame everything on the devil after I've done everything I can do of course but I I blame him for everything in and sometimes he'll yell I wasn't even in the area you know just like mr. mom you know mr. mom Keaton you know he was in the store and all that fell and he goes I wasn't in the area I wasn't on Alton you know that's a little old movie anyway mr. mom too I think that Santa Claus just landed on the roof what was it is it already Christmas okay proverbs chapter 20 verse 27 says the spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord searching all the inner depths of the heart so here Solomon wrote about the fact that that a person's spirit lights up like a lamp and it searches the depths okay so keep that in mind Corinthians five verses one through five says and I think we've already talked about this no we haven't oh this is always good this will offend all those who haven't been offended this is a good one okay you know understand the do you understand that an apostle is not what we see today an apostle that Paul was was this he said I hear that there's immorality in your ranks that's not even in the world that a man has his father's wife he said this is I'm just gonna go fast-forward through this so we can get into some ministry time the the bottom line wasn't so I can just quote the scriptures to you but Paul said this he said the next time that you're together in the presence of the Lord and my spirit he said is with you as well oh boy see no there's an apostle he said when when you're in when you're together gathered together and the presence of the Lord is there and my Spirit is with you he said turn this one over to Satan I mean I don't know many apostles like that do you okay so he had the ability to travel in the spirit and be there among them in his spirit and then he had the authority to turn one over to Satan I mean worst where's your love walk Paul I mean don't you know that God understands this is the age of grace Paul you get in it see how off we are you talked to Anna nice and so far about extreme grace Peter boy he wasn't walking in love he didn't even help Ananias and then four hours later no one helps Sapphira he didn't help her no one there was five I checked it out there were 5,000 people in that church not one of them went to Sapphira and warned her that her husband had just dropped dead and you might want to get your story straight Hey right am i right and Peter's like this is what you paid for it in a church service right okay so you get this scenario this is what I saw that this is how far off we are and we don't know it okay the soul when you gather together along with my spirit with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ delivers such a one to Satan for the destruction was flesh so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ so turning him over to Satan was putting him out of the church I turn him over to the world and then in second Corinthians we see that he wrote in the net letter hey bring him back in so that Satan doesn't outfox us the guy it's been enough bring them back right hello right okay all right this is the purest sense of how the church should operate I don't see anybody standing em say I think we should vote on it or yeah but we're in the dispensation of grace now so we can't really judge people and just so you know I mean where my training was I love where God put me who he put me under but did you know that they wouldn't ordain me because I was working know when I left when I left and went and did what I did I went to college and I finished in three years I would get another year and the Lord told me to take English to get a degree in English and journalism and to get a degree in music and I said I'll never need use neither one of those but I had to stay an extra year of college and I thought man God is just missing it but okay so you get that right okay so I do that and then I I signed up anyway I was like a poster boy because because uh I wrote a paper got a scholarship on how the Assemblies of God was formed I went and interviewed people that were still alive and traced the whole history back to Kansas where the Parnham 's and I I traced it to Azusa Street and then from Azusa Street in 1914 they met with John G Lake was even there in Hot Springs Arkansas and I got all these people that were there and they formed the Assemblies of God but John G Lake didn't sign up he went back to Spokane and then the Assemblies of God was formed okay so I found out all this amazing stuff and then I got a scholarship and they wanted me they wanted to publish it and I said no it's I don't want to publish so I just I'll just take my scholarship money and you know and I said I just want to go to Guatemala as a missionary they said well you can't because you're not married I go well having found a wife I mean you just want me to marry somebody no I'm serious think about it and they pressured me and then they would nod they would not support me as a missionary so I did the Lord sent me to Rhema so I went to Rhema for two years and then the Lord sent me to to Southwest Airlines I mean he literally it was huge and then after Southwest Airlines that when I died on the operating table five years after I started there then the Lord told me to go to Seattle that my wife was up there so we were married in four months we've been married 26 years now okay but okay good but listen to this just to show you just to show you what's going on because I was working for Southwest Airlines Rhema Wooden did ordain me at the time cuz their rule is you have to quit your job and live by faith I'm like I can live by faith and work too so this is what I told them I said the Apostle Paul couldn't even get ordained by you and they still haven't answered me about that that's been years ago okay so do you understand so I can go on you and believe the exclusion that's happened because all that okay now the Assemblies so I thought well I'll get ordained by the Assemblies so I went back and worked in a church because Pastor Scott and got my internship and then I went to for ordination they said no you married the wrong person she was married before I go God told me to go to Southwest Airlines and he told me to marry Cathy welcome to my world but as you can see I'm doing fine amen I'm telling you this don't don't be mad at these organizations but but feel better about yourself Jesus wasn't asked to join the Pharisees Jesus told me personally that he had to spend his nights in the mountains because his disciples asked him questions all the time and because the look the father would would give him visions about what the Pharisees were going to confront him with and he would have answers already because he had visions of what they would ask them the next day and confront him with and he had visions about all the people that were to be healed supernaturally ahead of time do you because he always had an answer and he always trapped those who are trying to trap him he said that he did that as a he was a he was a man he was God in a man's body but he walked as a man so when the demons no listen to me when the demons would announce I know who you are he would say shut up because they would say he you are the son of God but see he didn't want to be known as the Son of God he want to be known as the Son of Man because he was doing everything within the confines of what you and I could do so he never the whole temptation when he was on the earth I didn't know any of this but he said the whole temptation was for him to do something as a son of God instead as a son of man because then it wouldn't be R it wouldn't be redemption because this God can God can women can can do it with a breeze but to be to be a the son of man and to face temptation and still not sin and to minister and drive out Devils and heal the sick and raise the dead in order in order to make that effective so that we can have the works of Jesus and the greater works he had to stay within the confines of what a man would do that should pretty much offend everybody I think I've pretty much cleared the table now so do you understand what religion has done to you they've taught you that Jesus was perfect and that you're never gonna meet you're never going to be like him but he said and Paul said all of them said you're like him in this world so as he was you are in this world and the greater works and their people argue with me about the works of Jesus and we haven't even got to the greater works yet okay so what else what else what else concerns you what else is bothering you right now because the only reason I'm doing this is because there's a disconnect between people that come and preach to you and what you're has happening to you and so it comes this superstar thing where I stand up and brag about what God does for me for an hour and then I go home I talk about myself I just talk about what you know I'm a man of God and you talk about yourself III for an hour and then all you get is I but if you talk about Jesus and about the fact that he paved the way for us and He loves us and he loves you personally he has a plan for you personally and I don't say III then what I've given you is the Word of Life and what I've given you is the ability to minister from the same power I don't know if you caught what I just said but I have sat in meetings where for an hour they talked about themselves they never mentioned the name of Jesus I kept track I always do do you know I watched Christian TV for two years the power words the mystery the power wars will come out it's being written right now you'll see in January the show unsaid will be rigged in your favor in 2021 you'll see a show in January called the mystery of the power words and it's the the 25 words that are missing from our vocabulary because Satan fears them so I had to have all these words a long time ago I used to work for the airline I'd get the Christian Channel and I would watch all the people you could name and I would have all these words these power words that Jesus gave me I'd have been a list and I check them off if they were ever used in the TV show well they never were and so a well-known apostle preaches for an hour and he tells talks about himself and about all the people he knows he drops names but never mentions the name of Jesus once in an hour sermon it happened twice in a row and that was it and then he said okay we're gonna lay hands on everybody in the room he's staring at me and my wife because we're in the front row I'm like let's get out of here he ain't touching me well no if he's not gonna mention the commander who knows who knows what's going on okay so what is ministry ministry in its purest form Jesus told me he said my ministry Kevin was my relationship with my father now when have you heard people talk about that he said this is these works are not my own they're my father's working through me I don't do anything and unless my father's doing it and I found out that ministry in its purest form is your relationship with God and how effective you are as a minister is how much of a friend you are with God it's not the gifts oh boy listen praying in tongues is not going to raise the dead you have to go and yank that person back into their body it's only happened once to me it was by accident the Holy Spirit started prophesying to me over someone who had died on my flight and they came back to life and it surprised me and they were dead for a long time I mean not days I know there's delays on the tarmac but that's ridiculous so please don't take too long and taking these things to heart because we don't have the time if you want to understand ministry if you want to understand the work of the local church if you want to understand apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers evangelists if you want if you want to understand the fivefold ministry Church and understand the church if you got to go back to the original plan that God has for for this this earth and for people and that is is that the gospel must be preached to all nations and if he has to if he has to send a flight attendant back from the dead to do it he'll do it but it should be a clue that you're next and you can skip over the dying part if you want I'll be you'll still have to die to yourself but do you get it that's why Jesus said produce fruit in keeping with repentance in other words stay in repentance but produce fruit in that repentance because I honestly saw that you can't legitimately have a crucified life and a death experience to the flesh and not have manifestation because you have to have resurrection if you legitimately crucify the flesh and you crucify and will live the crucified life their their ministry comes out of it and then everyone will want to attach themselves to you because they see the momentum and the success of it but Jesse Duplantis told me so just to you know Kevin the unpardonable sin in the body of Christ is success I go what he was all you'll get it it might take you well and I got I I got a glimpse of Jesus and what he how he did things I I read him and I watch how he did it how he handled things and I started to see that everything that he did was out of compassion and he was just correcting he was correcting the things that were happening in people's bodies in their spiritual life he was talking and I learned how to do things and talk to people and correct things without having a fire tunnel because you just get a hit I mean honestly you all could line up you could all line up and only hands on everyone even you'll get hit but the thing that is is by by the time you wake up tomorrow it might be gone you want to know why is because you can encounter it but you can't walk in it because you have to learn how to walk in it what happens when you get a hit you need another one what happens when you eat you need to eat again so you have to learn to walk in this and God wants to teach you how to do that that's why I refuse to keep giving words to people because the Lord told me not to if the giftings there I got into it but he told me he said people become lazy that's what he told me don't get mad it's not my fault but he he has told me that people are not seeking God on their own and so a prophet doesn't have anything to confirm because God hasn't spoken to you first because it doesn't say Paul didn't say in Romans 8 he didn't say this he didn't say those who are led by prophets of God are children of God he said those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God and I saw that I mean I'm just being honest with you Jesus told me he said we've gotten back into the Pope mentality well we got to go to a man to get to God well I mean there are people that died Martin Martin Luther he nailed those 95 theses to the wall because he really saw that there's no mediator between god man except one that's jesus christ and so he went to a catholic church and he says you know what you're not on the list that's what he did okay people people have sacrificed their lives coming against this kind of thing okay well can you see that maybe we depend upon't upon thee the Prophet the Apostle too much and so there needs to be this this almost like a Reformation or transformation where the the believer starts to get into the flow okay so they the healing power God right now is is coming up through your feet it's working yourself it's working its way up into your ankles and into your knees right now and that the power of God is is is present to heal now when the people lowered the man into the house roof it says that Jesus was in the house and the president the power to heal was there also so was two different things so the power God is in the house right now and here's why it's in the house right now because the Lord shows me that because of things going on in your body it's really hurting your your spiritual life because you're in pain and if you'll if you'll just consider that you made the proper adjustments during this weekend that healing now is imminent so just be healed God has sent His Word and healed you the say listen I'm telling you right now you know when I got my eyes healer I have two new kidneys the same power that I felt when no one touched me and I had miracles happened is I can it's in the room right now the same power that I felt when my eyes got healed I can feel it right now in this room if Jesus could physically be here he'd be laying hands on everybody but he was waiting for that one Centurion to say you know what you don't have to you don't have to come and lay your hands on anybody just speak the word are you there yet because that's that's my whole goal is to get you to Centurion faith the Lord wants to even heal ears right now right now of course said there's so much prayer laid up it's time for you to receive it's time for the oil to be poured out so receive the anointing receive all the backlog of the prayer in the intercession that you've cried out to me receive it now you shall flow you shall flow in the spirit you shall have a word of fire to speak healing healing healing through you I'm taking you to the world Thank You father everything everything that's all me put it on her everything teach her how to walk in and father policy no have an additional ckg para para para trás a tow boat even avaricum versus you have many children many Fannie bonhomie need Rossano de cada many avenues of ministry many ways of doing things I'll send you the right people oh and by the way I like you just the way you are your your mind music seem to worry about r3 Sasaki PD addressed that open heaven right now open heaven payback is coming haseko that I said my Sakata no more waiting no more waiting it's time fire fire fire wisdom it's gonna be good ray it's gonna be well worth it you just wait and see you watch what happens provision is coming not deeply to me Natasha time not from the east of the west north of the south but from above supernatural because you've trusted at me you're gonna see the end of your faith joy joy joy please you gotta buy both see look elevated thruster dos case you thought about it oh thank you Father for the yoke breaking anointing thank you for the ministry thank you for the music thank you Lord for them being faithful there's not been a day that I haven't prayed for you to I pray for you all the time and you're on the Lord's heart thank you Lord for a breakthrough thank you for thank you for overthrow thank you for Dominion order Spirit of the Lord upon you inspire ministries of fire music from the other row [Music] hahaha - secretary addressed thank you Lord that you're her husband now I think you that it's gonna be quite a ride my command every part of her body to come in line with your perfect will now healing come healing come now restoration in every cell every joint all the marrow life into her body wisdom Lord thank you lord you're gonna take care of her as a good husband [Music] thank you for the anointing upon her life just put it on her everything from me to her right now in Jesus name everything on her right now everything on these two as well everything that's on me Ando the Lord says don't wait any longer it's on you okay well I was gonna pray for you next what are you doing over here [Music] okay go for it never seen mr. Swiss father I thank you everything that's on me on that one thank you for the for the multiplication law but now I want the replication fire from that pulpit not just water in that river but fire in that river from now on thank you lord bring in the wealth for their permit their vision is very large they're going to the nation sword [Music] hahaha plenty of time to laugh you might as well start now thank you that's it both you Theodore Theodore thank you Father for you Switzerland in Europe and I thank you Lord that this man has been set up in positioned correctly he's been faithful Lordan many many many shall be connected to him many nations I thank you Father you're gonna use him and his wife in a great and mighty way and all their staff I thank you that Europe shall be put in a flame by the fire of God thank you Lord they were gonna we're gonna see the fire go through Italy and Germany Austria France and Switzerland Lord Switzerland will not be a neutral country because they're going to be in God's hand they're taking a stand thank you Lord your plans powers are being shaken over those nations now Thank You Lord everything that's on me on pastor Kurtis and on his wife and in his staff everything that's on me Lord [Music] speak from the fire you've been faithful [Music] taking you on to your next phase of your ministry now listen to me I'm gonna walk down this aisle I'm gonna walk back up this aisle if you're waiting for anything else it's not gonna happen I'm gonna walk this is a hundred ten percent more than I do I'm gonna walk up that aisle and I'm gonna walk down that aisle and I want you to take I want you to take it and then I want you to walk in it and when I see you in heaven I want to see the display of what you brought in [Music] I want to see that nation's brought in I want to see the wealth which is people's souls it's time Thank You father right now Fire Lord fire fire fire fire fire Oh Holly whoa Healy power fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire did he throw fire fire but don't wait any longer this is it come on [Music] okay now the strongholds of the enemy have been destroyed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] raise you to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a song the Lord downloaded to me this week and I felt it was for this weekend it's called rest [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] some people say [Music] it is [Music] thank you this is what he's singing right [Music] [Music] this is more perfect you could ever imagine but I want to share something real quick just when I was going through a very turmoil I really haven't learned how to rest in the Lord when I learned the rest in the Lord I could actually envision the vision that the Lord has given me the tree in 2003 but I want to just stop at that but what I want to share was something I never thought that I would just I share with a few people something Kevin and Kathy did in August I know they probably would never hear it or talk about it but I want you because only God knows what they did for us and for the ministry they invited us to come because he was ministering at Jesse Duplantis church without going order details with you it was a horrendous week but we wanted to be there and we prayed about it and Lord wanted us to go not only that we wanted to be there to support him but I knew God was in DES so we went and when we went and first Cathy picked us up from the airport and took us to their home and then she took us out the cinders our to eat lunch and then they took us to their office warehouse what Kevin's been describing about what they're doing music the warehouse the prayer room there's no way that I could comprehend because I could see it because I'm a person that I have to see it with my own eyes I can't you know visualize without seeing it and I looked at that and I've never seen and never come across experience nothing like it because memory he talks about he's got 56 more books to write and he knows that what he's gonna you know write book next week and then see these and all of that stuff when he they took us the warehouse I never met anybody now I'm not saying just the police put him on a pedestal I'm not exaggerating anything I'm just telling you what we experienced he is obedient the moment the God speaks to him he doesn't think about so we'll house thirds of books already manuals books and materials that's already stacked up it's already written in a book forms a menu from stacked up in a warehouse already I've never seen anything like it we didn't know how to express we didn't know what to think but God imparted something to us whatever that limitation whatever the hindrance that was there she was gone and we knew when God gave us dream 2003 we were gonna touch the world we didn't meet Kevin and Cathy but in between we were gonna quit many many times but the Lord is faithful so when he took us there whatever we didn't think it was impossible something just took a ship something happened and we were blown away I still don't have earthly words that describe of what was imparted to us and now that we believe and we know that why gotta have to take us there because he knew he had to take us there to believe for the dream that he has he given us in 2003 not touching the world not only there then we went to he was ministering in Jesse Duplantis Church and after the service Jesse Duplantis took us all of us out to eat lunch and sit there listen to him telling us story after story after story God wanted us to hear so that we would believe for the dream that God has for us an impartation came up on us now we had the pictures we could have flashed on the Facebook I'm not like that I don't share private personal things on the Facebook besides people like them I hardly regard and respect and I respect their privacy therefore I really don't flash a lot of pictures unless adjust a few things just further in the conference and a highlight I do that but I want them to know what they did to us and for us only the heaven knows only when they get to heaven they won't know the full extent of a what was imparted to us that weekend so if I could just say with my husband thank you so much Kevin and Cathy before believing in us we weren't nobody but first time when I put an invitation in I didn't know because really and he said yes and here we are almost three years late and he's coming back for three times next year and he said like you said earlier first time when I put an invitation and he says a God told him to go she's gonna be your family that's how he is obedient to God whatever God speaks to him he doesn't hesitate and so I want you to know the men and woman of God that is standing before you ministering to you we have personally experienced it and they became heavens Monday and they released entrust now we really believe for the dream that God is given to us so first of all we want to give all the praise and the odd honor and all the glory to God because this is what the Lord is doing but God is also raising our vessels like a Kevin and Kathy they encourage people like us to you know plus you know reveal to us and impart to us what the Lord is doing on this part so therefore we clarify God with magnify God with a although Jesus Christ amen amen so I I just I was never gonna say that but I just felt like I needed a share we love you too so very much thank you when we recorded that CD and we just flowed beautiful I and we had three miraculous things happen I had a miraculous healing and then we got home there was a very significant picture when we were in Israel where we walked or Jesus walked and we had a plumb line and it had moved to a different place God was getting our attention and then when we had gone through a very very long-term difficult time in our lives one of the verses that God spoke to us was second Corinthians 5:17 and the old things had passed away at all had become new and when we looked at our clock that was right where the plumb line had had rolled supernaturally the clock was 5:17 did it stop there it was fine so God you are the you are the god [Music] [Music] let's just believe him for an impartation of resting in Hindman India way we're just getting with him and just soaking in his presence and being changed [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you need the ministry you can just coming up and we can have our team members minister to you and pray for you our team members Lucey and what you know if you need the minister you need a prayer just coming up and we're going to have our team member pray for you but I want to just thank you is this okay just take a little time but thank you so much for coming you're amazing you sacrifice a lot to come here you drove hours you took of a work you know well you know not even receiving your paycheck but because you're hungry and you K even just just for their I just know that God departed us so much in you if nobody else ever believed in you I want you to know tonight we believe in you because first of all God believed in us somebody believed in us like people like Kevin and Cathy and can I say apostle Tony camp and in Braxton and people like them just encourage us and just you know help us they keep on going and what a way to celebrate our 46th anniversary because I mean there is no other place than being here celebrate with you all together in the presence of a bunch of holy lovers of God and man man so I know this is kind of an awkward moment but I do want to show something because we are still having service here tomorrow morning Sunday morning and Sunday night you know but for some of you who might not be coming
Channel: River of Destiny Church
Views: 21,269
Rating: 4.8257713 out of 5
Id: Keh-7sXWTE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 5sec (9065 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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