Kevin Hart Speaks On Bill Cosby, Bill Maher & That Time He Almost Became A Stripper

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[Music] you're watching The Breakfast Club [Music] morning everybody is DJ envy Angela Yee Charlemagne to God We Are The Breakfast Club we got a special guest in the building little keV the bastard his hair actually boy cheers Cheers I did by Cheers they took forever but it wasn't my fault I know you felt awkward coming back up here and so the tears came coming back to the chairs come you damn right there little chair they don't go that high their little chairs on purpose that's what my feet could be with as opposed to let me do a job it was all about me we call them little keV the bath first comedy it sounds like a filly battle rapper but it definitely it definitely has nothing but nothing that says success in it nothing that says I'm gonna make it though can you tell the people why you a little character back look at the bastard that's the name that out of my first name is stand-up comedy that uh one of my friends came up with because I was going when I was gonna start performing he was like you need a name and I was like what you're talking about he said you can't just go up there like that you need a name it was based off of you know at the time the comedian's that were popular that was like with boost bruised and earthquake and all those guys were real big he's like you need something people can remember you by and we were in the car he was like the bastard bastard know what she's talking about he said the bastard just beat the bastard we kept going back and forth then he was like a little cat little cat the bastard so my friend came up with it and we were in a car and they started announcing me yo comes to the save little cat the best and I was getting all hype okay all right I feel like his dope you think that was an old dirty out there already it was already a bastard in the game I didn't you know you don't think when people give you a name like that you caught up in a moment Charlemagne you don't become a negative Nancy all right bastard in the game that point in time I thought I was the only one I've realized I had nothing to do with what I was talking about there's nothing that was nothing and what would the bastard and all watch are the ones with the with the case isn't stuff there was one job that I really wish you would have done was that you rehearsed for Mack was against the wall bring that up because you know I wanted people to read the book but yeah now read it read it it's in there man this was I was uh this is me in Community College money money is dry and I was dealing with this girl and this chick she was like you know just who you should uh you should start dancing what was gonna be my stripper name we didn't get that far okay we didn't get out we got it far enough for me to think about a routine that I should do like we got part enough for her to give me advice on a routine and she got some outfits and and I had yeah she was like dude this was you gotta wear that's when I started getting skeptical when she was like you know this is what they wear she brought in one of these things that that hold you that hold your balls together so you stake me I don't know what it was and you just put it around your balls you like this way you stay right now that I don't know about all this you know yeah I'm young I don't I wouldn't know about this you think I'm telling you I was actually putting it down on this girl by the way too so low-key she might have been trying to pimp you say she might have definitely tried to throw me out there to make some money but I at the time I didn't think of it like that we was going I convinced my boy he should do it too no by the way I want to go in there blind blind man you tell the story about how y'all both within the room and you I had baby oil I was baby - oh brother awkward is real this was I was 18 18 and all y'all do she said we can make money you know rent and everything was bad she said we can go somewhere where anybody gonna see us he's like you sure man I was like dude anybody who says the way she talking like we won't clean up it's just a bunch of big girls big girls so I said she said she'd show us help us out so we uh she she had us in living room she's like y'all just got to get a dancing routine so the stools was supposed to be the girl and we in we had eleven you want pony is what I was gonna go with so I was working on a routine this is a true story on my mother and genuine ponies playing and while I'm trying to get my routine together my boy Ted and my brother and them came came in it came to that like my brother always had a key so he just came in they hear the music so we we in there we're all your long dancing music blasting my brothers like what the [ __ ] is my mind is justified there was nothing I could say your way doubt way to be done wait to be deaf it's routine I'm almost at the end but that's when I was like that man I can't do this my brother man he's stupid it's a bit take them goddamn lumps I respected though because you were in Philly you could have thrown open a freaking winter Robin storm do that I wasn't gonna go that route yeah the only reason why I was even interested in doing that cuz she had me so sold on the fact she's like because you small them big girls gonna let you she's like telling you she yeah she had me so sold I'm not even you see I'm being 100% it's like this there's no there's no room for error in this in this in this story to tell a lot like it was literally me my back was against the wall I'm like yeah I gotta figure it out man no no no no just for the record I wanted to be clear I'd never hit a stage I've never even walked in with that fall to a strip club it was it was in my living room as far as it went and I never even put on the bottom I never even put on your outfit no I was just had jeans oh I have my jeans on we had a shirts off he's going over the routine okay and she was telling us about the things to put on like that's when the information was starting to solve issues I won't even know if y'all can dance let me see already get dropped off story last week we're talking about the book about how you walked in on a comedian jerking off not just in the community not just any key mean one of one of the best do it man Patrice O'Neal yes right Patrice that's what listen people this is what this book is this story right here is legendary okay Patrice O'Neal he comes to LA Patrice needed to stay he needed a place to stay so at the time I was living in LA I had a two-bedroom apartment me and my ex we were standing the apartment but you know we had a guest room so we would let people stay in the guest room Patrice comes he's staying there I might do you come and go as you want hey go to hkey you know it's Patrice it's my small head whatever you need Patrice I got you so me and my man my ex we're out like we're just out and about during the day and she's like I wall I'm gonna go hang with my girls I will you go ahead I'm gonna go back to the crib so I'm not thinking about Patrice or what Evan if he is home it doesn't matter so I walk in and it's quiet like is literally just quiet I'm like Jase you here I'm here nothing right it's not going to back just in that back room where you open the door you know he's just he's in front of like I had big laptop so you know Patrice is big trees in front of the laptop and I'm like yo what you doing man he's like hey y'all you know what a person like turn turn over to look over his shoulder but they don't move a body like some ways that yo give me a second give me a second and I was like what you doing come on man give me a second he move and I saw like baby boy you don't want to top I was like yo you watching porn let's see it right here you know Patricia's you just little arm on the other side was like in front of he's gonna be home it's like so I go close the door and like two minutes go by he come back out first of all he's disgusting cuz he finished he finished if he was doing and he came back out he's like y'all didn't expect you to be back you know normally you guys don't come back it's a late evening I thought I had some me time he said he gave me $100 I'm justice for the inconvenience nothing the fact that I saw you jack and olive is just disgusting to me man said and you finish these they was good you actually should see the scene Patrice he was a favorite guy like you know the guys a save scene right but she's had scenes just saved all on my laptop like by the time he moved like his favorite sections I was on your laptop computer that story not to tell nobody and you don't know as your friend I'm gonna tell everyone what he would want Jesus in heaven smiling right now he would want me to tell his story I know Patrice Patrice is one of the the biggest best [ __ ] you'll ever meet and this is what we did so I told the story because that's a moment that I had with a legend and in that moment you know that's the one thing that I had on him that's my that's my one I got you right I got you good I never said nothing well no that's a lie I told the comedian's we trashed him at a table one time hmm and here's a whole response was y'all don't know y'all act like y'all don't do it we do but nothing not enough people home nice nice well you know we know they coming in and out a lot but I probably didn't Kleenex you don't I would love to tell y'all him to clean this guy's world I didn't think about that too long after I've been typing away I probably got everything on my hands right now anyway you lose my laptop you stupid my laptop and probably got everything on it don't use mine don't ever use my laptop I talked to you yesterday I booked on so there's a couple questions I asked you yesterday I gotta ask you now cuz people want to know oh why are you writing the book now am i writing a book now saying that told you yesterday why not I got too much information man too much too much information too much knowledge too many stories that I that I can tell that can be of use to others I'm not selfish with information in any way shape or form I think information is key especially when you're talking about success so you know a lot of wrongs that I've done a lot of mistakes that I've made I think can be valuable to other people to know which direction that they should or shouldn't go into at the end of the day I think you need that you need you need you know people that can give you direction or whatever journey it is that you're going through and you can take that information and put it to use I didn't have as much as I wanted to when I was coming up and I think that was a good thing that's why a lot of the mistakes that I made I made but now that I've learned and that I understand I'm in a position to give people a different piece of knowledge and that's what the book is about man it's about sharing this information so you can help people you know that are aspiring to be whatever it is they want to be in life understand that there's a will there's a way as long as you determine to do it it seems like you also learned a lot writing this book because you got to sit down with your dad oh man ask him some questions oh that you might have never known it that's why one interview I'm not even allowed to you better get that dump button ready you know it's crazy because when me and my dad weren't talking and and just going through everything the stories you know my dad was getting mad he was getting mad because you you know you're pulling stuff that he doesn't want to remember you know he doesn't want to think about and the fact that I'm laughing about it is what was making him mad you know he's like dude you know to you it's a joke and I'm like it's not a joke I'm just in a position where I can laugh at the stupid [ __ ] that you did you know it doesn't affect me I'm fine you know I made it I said the other son is fine I said you're upset because of the mistakes you may see you mad at you right you're not mad at me laughing you're mad at you because now you're in a sober state to look at the things you did yeah that's where we got into it a couple of times but you know he's all overall he's fine you know but when you say he's the star of the book he's the star of my life because if you look at the the bulk of the stories if you look at the bulk of the crazy things that I talk about it stems from my dad being a part of it in some way shape or form you look at me and my mom and schools two things go through my standup my dad's interaction when he wasn't in the house and when he came to get us and my mom not wanting him there all of that stuff is real like me talking about my dad stealing a dog in this book my dad stole a grown dog what of that just from the neighbor man like from we ain't really had neighbors in here like you knew people we can't call them neighbors and whoever's on the Block it was like people that lived like three blocks down he just took the dog and brought it home is they all been asked for dog there you go people came to the house and yo you y'all check out dog they call the dog to dog come running to him how much pose notice your dog and he like just what do you someone you took the dog I mean my brother was a dad I thought that was our dog y'all give another but he just shrugged it off like Jones put you in a position where you shrug it off ain't no big deal was we'll find another he lets you drive a boat let me crash a boat yeah what do you do if you if you my mom know you got to put yourself in her position she left my older brother have everything and he went down the wrong road so her thing was with him I'm not gonna let him do nothing I made sure I'm right there I had a babysitter till I was 14 15 but I meant the stolen items from your pops like Shane let me have another yeah no not my daddy's to come with toys with no bags no no cases my dad bought me a bunch of he-man you remember he-man he-man GI Joes but they were all out the packaging brand-new brand-new nothing had a kajin in a garbage bag hey man this for that boy Mars again bring the hot stuff for here why you assume it's stolen she's like show me a receipt my dad ain't gonna do this I got that he never should oversee so why the puppies on the cover why the puppy's gonna cover the book I told you why the puppies on the cover because it's genius maybe you want a Kimmel what do you think of puppies you see puppies what do you say cute that's right me with puppies is cuter okay you want to see a puppy you want to pick a puppy up you want to grab it so if I put puppies and me on the book cover what you wanna do to that book you're gonna go grab that book you wanna hold it hence you're gonna take it home it all makes sense you got to break it down it's genius okay got it not everybody can pull all puppies on the cover okay my next book I'm gonna do kittens I'm gonna keep this thing going all right [Laughter] what I honestly know what I love the most is that people are gonna see different layers to who I am like you know granted right now we're talking about the fun stuff in the book you're talking like me telling the story about when I was about to strip or you know me when I was coming up with a name look at the bastard when I started comedy or you know my dad stealing the dog but then there's some real real you know deep stuff in there were you going to the death of my relationship with my dad of my feelings towards what my dad was doing what he was doing at the time you know my mom and me when we butted heads and and how tough he got in that household at that time my brother and how he stepped up to play a certain role in my life when it was important after he was going I mean you talk about domestic violence domestic violence my ex-wife yeah that was a point in time where to check myself and say yo are you are you an alcoholic are you becoming alcohol there's just so many different things where I've seen myself grow from the experiences that I made from the good and the bad and I think people need to understand that nobody in life is flawless nobody is perfect you know perfection is it's something that really exists when you're talking about individuals it's impossible you could try to be as perfect as you want but ultimately you're gonna come across mistakes you're gonna come across flaws and I think the real perfection is in is in perfecting your imperfections that's how you get to a place to where you can ultimately be happy with who you are and I think today the man that stands you stands before you today is a man that's done that you know I've I've corrected a lot of my wrongs and I'm proud of myself for it you know because at the end of the day you're your own competition you're competing to be the best version of you as you possibly can and I think that I'm putting myself in a position to be the best version of myself now that's father entertainer you know businessman everything that's what made me appreciate the book even more because when you talk about you know fighting with your eggs or even the situations when you were drunk before you caught the DUI and have an accident you don't have to share that kind of stuff especially now you're a brand you're doing cartoons yeah like did you have no reservations about sharing that kind of information like it could affect your money man well no I mean you know now you're not gonna i can't affect my money because I'm in control of it I'm gonna own my own man so you say your brand I am Brant I'm in charge of my brain the partnerships that I have with my corporate you know partners are partnerships we were in it together and it's because I can stand 5050 and I bring as much as you bring to the table we're equal but once again I'm not in this position if I don't go through the best the BS that I'm talking about there so you know me talking about the the DUI or the drinking in the driving you know I'm putting those stories in there because people don't realize the the real the real consequences behind it but my toe gesture that showed me I was like it's very easy but now I'm good I'm drunk I'm good balance I'm drunk I'm good I'm straight you know you took having many shots being took but it's very easy to get in that car I was that guy now I'm good come on we out and I would I make it home I Drive home not a problem but you get comfortable for doing that and then when I got to do you why I realized if I were to get into accident if this were to be tragic how many people fall down because of my my ignorance my quick mistake from the wife from the kids from within my company the people that worked for me from the brands that had put so much on the table to go behind what it is that I'm saying I'm doing you know everything collapses off of had a bad judgment I said why my why am i living to to make an easy wrong it's like just going to get rid of that let's let's X that out me and my ex-wife when they got it got violent will we fighting Wow am I really fighting my am i holding my hands up as if she's a man right now oh my god yo this is I'm out I've really got my hands up to not defend but counter like I'm waiting for you to throw a punch about the counter and [ __ ] like I'm really I'm really like I'm I'm that upset to where I got a stance you say would you want all this comedy stuff is great I can throw my hands I'm from the shoulders I can throw my heat right now anybody anybody ever get it misconstrued no way shape or form of my killer thug I can throw my hand all right me and my ex got into it and I had I took a stance like okay I'm going right in my aunt that I've gotten here I was like I'm all right keV you're gonna take responsibility whether she did whatever she did you gotta start taking responsibility and when I started doing that that's when I started to grow that's when I started to get better but it took me a second to do that because every man you know your your pride doesn't let you do that as a man that's how big his weapon is your pride my pride and let me say I'm wrong yeah no problem shut up shut up he was drinking - shut up we was all drinking yeah yeah but you drove your drive you want you go justify it haven't you want to so when I stop justifying that's when I started to get smarter and as I got smarter the business got better as the business got better the brain got bigger it all goes together man and that's what I'm talking about when I say information this is information that I'm sharing to simply show that the person that you see is human mmm I talk about that yes em you men make mistakes I've made them I'm probably gonna make some more in life but understand that I'm human you know I'm not sitting in front of you as a robot or somebody that that doesn't do the things you do ultimately we're all people we're on visuals now yesterday Bill Cosby wasn't caught and he mentioned that he was kind of upset that a couple comedians didn't necessarily support him and you were one of them will you be stopped or in support where's Kevin Hart with the support will you be stopping by well is that be honest with you I don't think comedians are going to bring to justice what whatever it is that he's looking for I think overall just the support and knowing that within the legacy that he's built is was important to him and which should be as a comedian I can say that Bill Cosby has done so much for comedy and I can say that you know what what is going on with him now is such a tough thing because it tarnishes you know the the reputation of what America's favorite dad was and that's that's unfortunate it's unfortunate but without me knowing all the ins and outs of this case and of course you're innocent until proven guilty it's a tough position to stand in front of because wrong is wrong and right is right so if there is a situation where he is wrong you know he will be remembered as that instead of this but as a comedian I'm a storyteller because of Bill Cosby because of Eddie Murphy you know because of prior when you look at those guys they did it to the best of their ability and for the generation to come behind them there were they were our influences you know so Bill Cosby plays a major influence but I can't step into that realm because that room is such a messy room right now and you don't know what you're stepping up for yeah you know I don't I don't want to put myself in position when I'm speaking on behalf of a man where I mean there's such a plethora of people that are just he probably could've written it's it's possible yeah you know when that's a possibility and it's something like that is difference if we're talking about you know we're talking about something else we're talking about we're talking about rape that's it that's a tough thing that's a prime example of uh you know trying to appear to perfect night now you you know all about the Bill Maher Kathy Griffin situation do you think comedians have a license to say anything or do anything no no you know I curbed myself I curb myself now simply because it's it's a different day in time you know and you can you can play the freedom of speech thing all you want and we can play the we're comedians it's a joke thing all you want ultimately we know what we're saying and you know the backlash that can come from it there was a point in my time and and stand-up where I was using slander to talk about homophobia and at that point in time nobody would say anything it wasn't it didn't come off offensive you know it wasn't a big deal but today people are speaking up to the point where they take they take those words as as serious as we take racial slur you know so ultimately I can't expect you to respect me if I'm saying things that don't respect you and just because I had the title of a comedian doesn't justify the things that I'm doing it that I'm saying just because we can shoulder shrug it as a joke and Kathy Griffin's case what she's doing it was a bad it's a bad judgement of a joke when that comes you got to understand social media is a different monster before people could whisper and talk about what you did and it wouldn't get to you but now it's tagged and shared and shared and by time you know it now you and you and Hong Kong Russian people saw what you did these things go viral and that that word viral is a virus that's viral is a virus you know yes you you're gonna be the backlash from it is is gonna be serious backlash now you know bill Mahr you know I've seen Bill Maher come to the defense of black people on several occasions that's a bad judgment you know granted I don't think Bill Maher's a racist but that's a bad judge it's in it's inappropriate and it's not right so to say that to say that and say it the way you said it as comfortable as you said it in a joking form you're wrong now granted you can issue all the apologies you want he says he you you know he says it around friends it's not that somebody's not gonna say anymore but for you to say it on your platform that's tacky that's tacky like I would never on stage you're not gonna hear me go go the cracker or the honky I'm not going I'm not gonna do it that I do on the radio all the time my gosh I'm not I'm not gonna do that I have because of the people that I'm around because of the platform that I stand on so I'm conscious of that now the same thing with any homophobia slander or the same thing with just attacking political figures or whatever I'm not gonna do it because I know the impact that my words have because of my following because of my brand so those people know that Kathy Griffin Bill Maher you know that you know that you got a following you know that you don't have a little following then when you say these things especially if you saying it on your platform they're gonna be hurt so for Bill Maher to say that there that was that was tacky bill we had great comedic timing in that moment though amen listen I'm not gonna go and bring the joke down the level of comfort like the shoulders like the cockiness afterwards I flagged at all now one of the main takeaways I got from the book was about perspective yes a lot of things that happen in life you could look at it and in one way or you can look at it in another way you could take the positive out of it and make it funny and make it something that you could learn from or you could just be negative and it feels like that's some that has been with you since you were young well I mean listen like life lessons if you if you look at the title of the book is I can't make this up and then it's life lessons I Kevin Hart the best way to break it down is that your life is a book your life is a book you got different chapters in your life ultimately you're going to get to the end of your book however you want that book to end is up to you are you learning from the chapters are you are you taking the positives out of the negatives to make the next chapters better or are you the type of person that can finish each chapter on the negative and shoulder shrug it ultimately you're in control of that so when you talk about the life lessons there's several life lessons I mean as funny as me as me put myself in a situation to to possibly almost rip is is a lesson in it like yo as crazy as it was desperation was in and I was about to go to the ultimate rout of desperation and it took somebody going man what the hell are you doing my brother what are you doing stupid what do you don't know man yet about to do that go out there just take your lumps you figure it out you ain't about to do this not my brother it took somebody checking me to make me go all right ain't that bad to struggle I thought I thought of you struggling that's bad cuz what else you do man go struggle go get your gum ass out there it's a lesson within the attempt to find the easy route you know I wanted the quick fix how do I get some quick money in my pocket alright I'm about to show my what I gotta do yes that's how I get it what I gotta do the possibility all right we get that bad somebody somebody can did something to me y'all better better check something in my veins something flows in my veins but the life lesson within that moment was there is no there is no win in the quick route right everybody wants that quick route everybody wants to why I'm gonna go straight when I can zigzag real quick and get there at the same time there's nothing wrong we're taking the longer route there's nothing wrong with grinding there's nothing wrong with what actually working and getting a little dirty and getting some lessons from the dirt that you now got on you and that's what a lot of those moments are about man there's a life lesson in any and everything that I've done any and everything that I've done like from the domestic [ __ ] from the divorce from the relationship with the dad my mom me now as a parent why I stand why I stand with my kids today is because of how my dad was with me if my dad wasn't that parent that missed and made mistakes I wouldn't be as OnPoint as I am because you wouldn't realize how important it is to do and be those places that you normally wouldn't think to doing be I got a fly back to LA I got a fly back to LA on the six I got a dude press interview interview press press TV I gotta get on the plane fly landed my daughter's graduation I'm gonna be there for an hour so my baby can see me so I can hug her give her a kiss some flowers then I gotta go right back to the airport get back on the plane so I can go back and be back where I just came from for the next morning the do TV are you in the middle of your book till you fly back to LA on the day you cut our power and this little girl an evil cuz all friends gonna be around so I'm not I get mad because she's not even gonna get a hug Parker's over there I spent 50 grand real quick just to go back and forth cuz I got to get back but give me a hug I love you because I understand how important that is right so it's not even a question it's not even a hypothetical so the things that I do to break my neck but because he didn't break his neck the same way but I don't fault him for that I now know what I'm supposed to do so my kids don't have the same feeling Jay did actually actually I can tell how cool I was at that move I was about to call I was about to call about playing and and I was like wait hold probably going to the game mmm it's game one I know here in town let me call hold first and I hit him with it y'all what up yo what up you doing he's like man cool what you know about this game you go to game you that come on man you know I am I heard that whoo you probably probably taking what beer jeepers got a bunch of gonna play a lot of us I'll come with you once I once I heard once I heard the door open I'm getting on with you didn't I see you there give me the planet were asking for gas money or nothing no that was his he's going already he was going already do you have to put on the show is going on right that's it with or without me this plane was going that mean when you leave you have to leave with him exactly no no I was staying because I had to go from there to my book to it but everything it would be the same thing vice versa if he's going anywhere and he's like oh you're going back tonight and I was good you get on plane no matter what you don't use all the seats on those planes you're on there cuz you can be by yourself but you what you people is not is not understand it's not a excessive expense just because it's a necessity for me because of my schedule so I'm not I'm not just taking it because like I literally have to get to and from in times where commercial flights can't can't take me like this interviews at 6:00 a.m. if I was a fly from LA you know you got to leave late that night but what if I got stuff late that night which I would then I gotta figure out a time to leave it 1:00 in the morning or something so I can get here by this time alright but I gotta be I got to be in Detroit and XYZ in my time so it's everybody everybody wants to applause with that it's not it's not a flossing thing actually a schedule thing it's it's it fits for me because of my schedule you all got a term in the book I've never heard before and I love it it's a passion centered competitive a go brother would you say that again because that's good right passion centered competitive that's that's called good right hash and centered competitive it's a it's a it's a competitiveness within within your love within your will you want to do what it is that you're doing you know I think of you if you are putting yourself in a position to win on any level there's a high level of passion that should go into that there's a high level of aggression you know that that that should be put into that craft because you want to win you want to be competitive with you not not with other people around you just within accomplishing a high all within that realm that sure that you're now entering you know I don't understand how people are are just content you know when they do things I don't understand how people sign up to do stuff and they're okay and content we're doing it at a base level I agree I've really I really I that's something that I just can't I can't grasp that concept I don't know how you say yo I wanna I want to do this right here but I'm just gonna do it regular I don't want to I don't want to do it great no I just wanna do it right now listen you learn early on though cuz you kind of used to be like that yeah I was swimmin that's was from a dude I was on the swim team all of my damn youth I was almost from Team and I know you could have been in the movie pride yo first of all not only kind of been in movie I was pissed off because they didn't even know that I was on the swim team that's that's where I was in my career at that point swim team it was the one activity that was away from the streets and it was it took up all your time yeah that's what my mom signed me up for swimming you had practices before school you had practices after but everybody on this swim team were overachievers man I never met a more amazing group of kids like you don't like right now that my kids are in school I understand where I was back then because you see how passionate certain kids are about about effort in in education and learning and just like my daughter is unbelievable not that I don't wanna do anything I gotta do my homework and study cuz we have a test coming up but I just want to be prepared like she's she's so much better than I ever was in school I thought she wasn't my baby for a little bit but been swimming all of these kids were overachievers man they were great they all got scholarships they all went on to swim at a higher level to to go and go to Ivy League schools I mean it was when I say I was the only one it was me and my friend Chris Perry Chris have you listening to shout to you me and Chris were okay with losing and not doing anything like we let me cheat hey you will stay in the locker room for a little bit they they doing a long lapse today let's cheat me a crispy cheese every day and it didn't hit us until the industry the industry man came in and giving out the awards and we the only dudes in the back not getting I got a participate you might have got to the original participation trophy it was a real attendance walking my mom let me she never let me miss a day so it was participate Kevin is an amazing participant helps you know I mean you know you don't really miss anything to help me because I've realized I put what 12 years I mean I was I was nine ten so I put fifteen sixteen years and this woman 15 16 years in swimming and and I got nothing to show from it on a swimming side years and this woman did I swam from ten from nine nine until high school today in high school mmm every day you said the movie pride was based on it was based on sweetie yeah there's a Philadelphia Department radiation well Kevin Hart wasn't a something like you know there was people like every every struck me like what swimmers got up are you everybody was stand up in the stands and you know like our team was the best we were the best All Blacks from team-killing guys wouldn't want to make the Junior Olympics I mean Olympic Trials like we have people competing on the highest levels and everybody would always stand up watch everybody's from when I got up there I would lose me all right yeah I'm cool so what attitude was horrible but after doing that and really reflecting on how many years I put into that that's why I now understand like no you don't get a part too I did a part one and I see the consequences of that they will never be a part two right that's why I don't know how to have has anything now your wife is pregnant now congratulate me I got a little baby on the way boys could still swim that's right they still swim in I got a little boy on the way man congratulate thank you sir thank you excited about it she's excited how was she with you know what no sicknesses no sicknesses not eating crazy I mean I know we early on she's uh she four-and-a-half months now but it's like no binging you know she ain't mood swinging isn't crazy so I'm happy about that but I got her mom like ready to come out when it okay I'm not gonna feel none of that when does it start I'm out I'm out you're back with a rope I'm out once as soon as soon as I get a win ah all right get your mother out here get your mom out here won't you those kind of mistakes you made on your last you don't need to correct that part going crazy you don't that's fine did you show up when is when it's over but even even though me and my ex even we went through it you know with the kids I never missed anything we were going through things and when she was pregnant that's when we had like some of our most craziest times when she was pregnant with my son that's when I left I was like I'm out I'm not about to let you you know get angry enough to do something to the baby or hurt yourself to where it affects a child so that was another time where I live tell you that you got to read the book yes it's so honest so honest and in flawed that's what I like no I definitely three relationships that definitely shaped your whole situation is your father your mother your ex-wife and and I say you got your work ethic from your mom he's at you're funny from your relationship in the marriage and your father yes when it comes to your success now what do you think contributes more to your success your crazy work ethic are the funny uh I think the work ethic you know you can you can be as funny as ever and not have the work to go with in the funny you know I mean I know I know a lot of comics that are amazing that are funny I mean God I mean I watch and get mad that I didn't think of the things that they're saying but you're looking at they've been doing that same set for years they've been doing that same material for years the work ethic that goes into the funny is constantly recreating and coming up with new stuff constantly finding ways to grow so you know right now I mean what now has been out I think what now has been released on Netflix and internationally probably for like four months now and I'm working on my next our our number six so I could go on tour in 2018 so I'm already creating the next hour so by 2000 19 and I got another special to drop so my two-year window doesn't fall off I want to get to tenth George Carlin had ten specials I want to get to ten specials when it's all said and done but that's the work ethic that goes behind the funny so I think the work is what's most important I'm not afraid to put in the work I'm not afraid to go back to Ground Zero my Ground Zero is comedy clubs I'll go back to comedy clubs to figure it out then I thought I'd go to smaller theaters and I said oh this is getting good then I go to smaller like arenas okay then I go to real arenas and then it'll go back to stadiums but I go backwards so I can get forward again I start all over every single time you know many comedians I'll argue it about that because they've been doing the same routine for a long time and I'm like what cap doesn't want every other I do one every couple years and then say Castille I don't know what he's really doing man you know listen there is no there is no individual that can stand on the platform and say he did it by himself right if you if you are that person and you're probably one of the most selfish people on this earth you you need a team zuckerberg came up with an amazing concept within Facebook and a team of people at some point came in and helped him evolve into what he did my god Jack from Twitter created Twitter and then a team helped him mold Twitter into what it was Instagram all of these things snapchat all of the biggest things that you love one of the things that we see radio TV it's not one individual camera phones you can have a concept but a team of people help you do it for me where I stand I'm proud to say that I got a team I'm proud to talk about my guys that stand behind me and that are successful that a successful businessmen I'm proud to say that my writers are now in the guild that my writers get get paid a great amount to punch up movie scripts we sew and sell movie scripts now from writing stand-up from us evolving and developing me and my material and going back and forth and sinnin coming up stuff as a team we did that but now because of our efforts there my team shines your judgment of where you really are success is worth the people that came up with you where they stay Kevin got a go guys but two are happening now that's right be in Philly on Wednesday bring you damage right at the Philadelphia free library then on Thursday June 8th in DC at politics and prose then in Miami Friday June 9th at books and books and then and Katie Houston Texas at books-a-million on Saturday June 10th June 11th Minneapolis at Mall of America and in LA Monday June 12th at Barnes & Noble at the Grove Kevin's gonna shut all of these places down there's no way Kevin's gonna be allowed to be in these bookstores no no it's gonna be crazy that's what I want I want sheer pandemonium pandemonium man this is the book in my book club that we are reading now Kevin Hart it's really great read it's a really great yeah I heard your book club is amazing too it could be great conversation based off of your experience it really is I want to thank you for waiting two months until after my book let me let me give my guys shout out that he deserves man shout out to you not only for writing a book but taking advantage of an amazing opportunity that you have and I talked to him about this yesterday I was like dude I said that's something that that you can embark on and go so far because you're so opinionated on the radio yeah you're so firm within your stance of your feelings your thoughts and and how you feel other people do that and have that but you've taken that and transformed it into a book man I could go on to be so many books so I applaud your efforts do that support you yeah my guys book make sure you go support a black privilege you told me that yesterday and then he goes but I'm gonna be number one the breakfast weekday morning tune in [Music]
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 4,115,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, kevin hart, bill cosby, i can't make this up, bill maher
Id: y7JNoiS0ODY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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