Kevin Hart Talks 'The Upside', The Oscars Situation, Always Having To Apologize + More

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Breakfast Club morning everybody is DJ envy Angela yeesh Alamein the guy we are the breakfast club he got a special guest in the building my God my in the building let me start off by saying [ __ ] you Kevin hey wow you brought all your friends cars and all my friends were showing me pictures of all their like you see how Kevin really loves his people brought all your friend cars why do you care envy you're not his friend cuz all my friends like you don't care about me like Kevin cares about his friend how many friends I'm just a factual statement damn keV yeah it was a it was a Tori gift we finish the tour now who got the punch buggy it's not a punch buggy it's a uh it's a beetle so Joey Joey is the oldest member of the the plastic cup boys and Joey his first car was that beetle but a story behind the beetle so the reason why I got old school cars for everybody is because they know I'm a car junkie so love the drive love the drive old school cities to see me whenever we got back and my old school is just comment on him so I picked their brains for months just like if you had one would you have and I got everybody's information so the story behind Joey and a beetle somebody gave that to Joey when Joey didn't have a car that car is a car D at on campus Joey ended up living out of a car at one point and there was like some synergy between the beetle being homeless and getting out of that situation trying to evolve in life so when he told me I went and found the best beetle that I could find and I gave him a priceless one now that was da better let me commend you for that man you really showed your people that you love them and stuff well give us some financial advice because you a rich [ __ ] how does that help you with taxes okay tour it it can be a tour expense it can be a gift graduat it's not money that's acting his income I'm taking this money and I'm gifting it to these individuals in front of those cars that every Texan this is amazing yeah we know what the backlash from that is though do other people say how come I didn't get a car in the past ten years old school no look it's it was a nice gesture but I'm big on uh I'm big on friendship and I think you know those guys have a lot to do with where I am today I would be here if it weren't for them so showing my level of appreciation when I can is a must and it's something that Florida my I haven't seen them that emotional like y'all when I say crying no crying John John John had me rolling lights kazoos red spank spank broke down a little bit named everybody it was a good moment though you know I was seeing how hard Kevin Hart works I went to go see the new movie that's your end that's out right now thank you and so we were waiting to go out there I was actually just introducing him it was a surprise that he was there for the audience and he had to take a little catnap I felt so bad he just had an espresso he's been working hard he fell asleep and then they were like okay time for pictures he's just popped back up all right ready let's go don't catnap so important man but uh you know look these are the moments where you got to go to hard especially when you want a Promotora I mean it's nonstop especially for me I fill that day up with endless amounts of promo interviews and this promo tour has probably been one of the most draining that I've done cuz they want to talk about everything they want to just keep on you know dragging this Oscars thing out so you know you got to try to be as patient as you can and smile be the nice guy and just shut shut [ __ ] down because they you can't it's not that you're talking about say here's what people fail to realize media makes things look so [ __ ] big so if you go yo you're not talking about it you did five interviews earlier that day we didn't talk about it and we said y'all don't want to talk about it anymore headlines from all of these five things at the same time Kim Hart says he my oh my oh my and that's why I choose not to talk about it because whatever you say it's the headline that's gonna say something else and it just lives so you want promo I want promo choice we write well why are you doing a [ __ ] movie taking my celebrity to another level I'm talking like walking in the street you just hear people in a car doing man I didn't know how big of a thing like you know it's it's big this ain't you know top of myself I'm a [ __ ] it's not like I'm a small individual in this business this is so big to the world is it's it's been headline news for the longest I was on sway and they went to talk to me about it I was like didn't it just break that aren't Kelly was doing some more while y'all talk about me in these tweets man but what is the greatest lesson you've learned let's look for the silver lining it was the greatest lesson there's no lesson people keep asking about a [ __ ] lesson the lesson was learned cuz you [ __ ] it was learned ten years ago when it stopped yeah don't [ __ ] ask me about ten here at Inger get this showed let's and learn I didn't learn [ __ ] from this I already learned it don't talk to me about it no more I want I want say [ __ ] else about it you're in this new movie the upside and you have such a different type of role and it's so interesting what's crazy that the movie goes hand-in-hand with what the [ __ ] is going on what's crazy about the movie okay what's going on the movie is about accepting change accepting growth I swear to God that the movie is about understanding an individual after you get to know the individual it's judgment these two characters place judgment on one another based off of the outside they're basing it off of I guess you can just say perception perception all right white rich got to be happy black ex-con got to be a [ __ ] criminal forever and in until they get in death about one another and understand why they feel the way they feel they're not able to help and when they help it's it's it's showing that oh [ __ ] yeah there is another side of life that I can be fortunate enough to still look forward to even though I thought that I didn't have anything oh [ __ ] I am angry because of my past and being that's calm but you know what this guy's giving me another piece of information that acts as motivation inspiration and makes me feel like there is something that I can do even though I felt like the world didn't want me to do it it's it's taking people and putting people in a position where they can evolve right and in today's time you forget that people do change we get this [ __ ] [ __ ] does get different let you know I always say this era would never let Michael it'll become Malcolm X mm-hmm so as you come around there's no shot yep no shot yep I just I was talking about I was like what happens to the word oops when do we forget [ __ ] oops oops oh [ __ ] my bad my bad my [ __ ] my bad man I [ __ ] up I'm sorry when when did that become the the thing that was overlooked yeah we're living in a world of really weird time and where people just have to I think we need to go backwards a little bit no that's the problem no when I think backwards a little bit I'm saying to to remember that this wasn't always the way of the world you have to put things in context of when it happened what the world was like at that time I don't understand why we even have to explain it why are there isn't common sense why is that not common sense well sport understand not to give any spoilers but the movies out today and Kevin Hart is playing with a penis in the movie I'm a caretaker let me be careful I would like to say a homophobic person would never play that role let me see something okay I am a caretaker in the movie and has a caretaker my job is to handle Bryan Cranston's character Phil who was a quadriplegic you gave him and took the scene he needed this catheter changed and you know this is a guy that's just I'm not qualified for the job so you know to do it he has to talk me through it and it's a it's a it's a funny scene but it's uncomfortable scene for my character del not for me as a person because I'm you know I understand to learn that that that we actually did I had to work with a real caretaker us but time when we spend time with a real caretaker Bryan spent time with people who are quadriplegic and we wanted to make sure we went as in death of his possibly good to bring light and awareness to people that are in this position and that working in this world because it's a it's a it's a it's another world mad at you you walk away with so much respect for you wouldn't even think about all the things that you would have to do for somebody oh my god oh my god just when the the true story the fact that it's a true story is is mind-blowing and what's crazy is that the guy feel is filthy rich filthy [ __ ] rich guy and thinking that money solves everything it's just a wrong perspective because this is a guy who would take all that money and and give it away to move his thumb you know or to actually feel what it's like to to tie a sneaker or put on the shoe like it's when you put things into real perspective and see what hand some people in life are dealt versus things that you deem is problems and you deem as as you know craziness in your life you what you would take two steps back and just analyze yourself and bottom understand why we hung up it's so it's like a catheter you had to squeeze the head okay well first of all you guys know it was a prop it was just a piece it was a piece of wood no it wasn't even a fake penis there's a piece of wood somebody pulls a string inside we're not Brian so understand how much you guys understand two things one God is real how you feeling what you wanted okay as a good movie don't man it's a good movie I'm happy that this was my movie that I chose to take that first step into that dramatic side of acting I mean it has a lot of good personal moments it's just great grounded real performance and I mean work with Brian Krantz and Nicole Kidman definitely was a bonus I mean I was blown away at the fact that I was on set with those two amazing actors and actresses of course and you know I think the movie speaks for itself people gonna walk away from it pleasantly surprised as well again why does Kevin Hart have to get into the world of drama though Kevin Hart on top of the world yeah making all of his money I even start taking on serious roles um I just want to have a full resume when it's all said and done you know I wanted to go in a complete circle where I could say that I did everything as much as I possibly could and you know it's not like I just threw the craziest drama at my fan base to start out like if Ida came out and did like the craziest darkest thing you're gonna like what the [ __ ] why is he come on stop it Kevin you're not even gonna believe me in that situation I want a baby step my way into that world so doing this and then after I think in September I'm gonna do another movie called fatherhood which is a little darker a little more serious then you go back and do some more comedies and then I'm going but fatherhood about fatherhood is a real real serious movie about a guy who's married has a has a child and his wife dies on the delivery table Wow and he's forced to deal with this child by himself without having any capability of being a parent and it becomes a tug of war in a battle between her side of her family that feels like he's just incompetent and he can't have this child and they want to take the child from him and him and the two people that are on his side that basically are telling him to step up to the plate and accept the challenge but he's you know tormented he lost his wife he lost the one person that was ready and that put him in a space where he felt like we he was living from a wee standpoint and the fact that he's just him he can it's a dope story if the current cultural climate that's making it difficult for comedians driving you to drama Kevin no but the the climate is getting a little [ __ ] up yeah I think it's it's [ __ ] for those who allow it to be as a comedian you know you you rise to the occasion but also we're forgetting the we're forgetting the job of a comedian a comedians job is to say what others think you know people think about stuff but they never say it a comedians job has always been to say those things Brandon some stuff is offensive some stuff can be on the line of just you know way too aggressive just take just tasteful and there was a time and period when that was the case people who didn't like that just didn't watch it people didn't go to those shows if they didn't like that particular comedian and now I feel like there's a new thing where people that don't necessarily like certain comments made by certain comedians bring a whole lot of lighting of attention to that comedian but you never supported that comedian in the first place it's so I don't know why people are so afraid to just go I don't [ __ ] like you I'm not gonna that's not my cup of tea you know I don't like country music I don't mean when I hear country music I'm gonna say something about every country singer that's just not my taste it's not what I'm into so with comedy we need to get back to a place where people realize if things are distasteful it means it's not for you but there is an audience for it but at the same time as comedians we should also be aware of the level of sensitivity and be understanding to the communities and the races and ethnicities that are now stepping up and speaking on what they like and don't like it's our job to walk a line and if you choose to sway it that's your personal choice as a comedian me personally I don't have to do that I don't have to I don't have to tiptoe anymore because I can be funny without being disrespectful it's never been that's not my cup of tea of comment always ever get stressed out sometimes just seeing the things that like you're like damn they just don't understand me they don't get it I didn't mean that I'm not that person do you ever be like oh I don't get stressed out cuz you can't you don't live for other people you know I think the day that you guys start giving you opinions on radio and you do it in a way where you're saying what people want you to say then you're not doing you you are no longer you're no longer a voice right you're no longer DJ envy anjali and Charlamagne god if you're doing what the world is pressuring you to do the dope thing about being an individual is being yourself so I don't I don't feel pressure about you don't get me you don't do it you don't get me you just don't you don't support me I guess that's a you know there was a couple of years ago your house got broken into and he stole a lot of your valuable stuff and I've been seeing a lot of people been getting caught and they've been returning a lot of people's stuff and I think I said they got some Russian stuff returned it to him did he ever find any of your thing I ain't got [ __ ] back good [ __ ] for me too I got nothing back nothing I got a high security bill that's what I got down that's what I have man you ever been out and seen somebody with something on and you was like you know what that look like I see some kids some dope came from a household some tailored leather jacket I turn around and I like a little too young no that jacket can't front man I look like my Saint Laurent jacket ha ha no that's a clothes I took everything when I get a mine everything you'd have a security system kisum wouldn't so you think criminals can't get past that's what a mask is for that's what the that's what the whole the title of being experienced so now I have personnel how many I don't know what people tend to look at my verse from downtown that's on them where for me and I don't know how many sneakers I have I don't know how many cars or homes I have as far as you're concerned I don't have a goddamn why are we not discussing the fact that coaches shifted a lot like the way we talk the way we joke the things we joked about like shouldn't that change in culture matter here's here's the real here's the real thing that people fail to realize you're a product of your environment mm-hmm all right I don't I don't care what people say you know what you're around North Philadelphia born and raised I almost actually said the whole song what are you raised on what what style of comedy are you raised on you're raised on Pryor you're raised on Murphy you're raised on Redd Foxx Bernie Mac your father your uncle's your cousins this is what's around you what words are being used and thrown around that you guys say in comfort when you are in that environment that's all you do so when you step out that environment you're taking that behavior with you it's not to you step out of that comfortable environment and you see how other people act that you go oh [ __ ] oh wait let me let me shut up minute you say I shouldn't say what why oh yeah oh [ __ ] oh my bad I had no idea because from where I'm from this is what we do I used to say midgets all the time it wasn't till I got around a little person that I found out that the word [ __ ] is looked at as a as a slur like I'm just saying the fact that I didn't know and I found out from being around someone that made me aware gave me the opportunity I was around some little people and I said it and I really hope they get offended at you by this interview I think little person sounds worse like I've had this argument I'm like you can that about you yes you can about what you think you can't do that once you once you're made aware and then you have the knowledge of it then you don't have no excuse right but I'm saying you don't know until you know people forget that you got that you got to know so when you say those times back then you know already it's like we it's not like we're ignorant to it all you got to do is go look at all of TV and all of comedy movie look at everything everything go go look at y'all love snoop now but snoop dead [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] closing tricks go look at all of it just from the way that women were talked to and about the way that those slurs were use homophobic slurs you just look at those times and look at what was comfortable now when you go past 2010 2011 that's when things started the oh [ __ ] we got a shift in in NPC right and politically correct behavior that's when his shift started but if you go back to 2002 2008 9 Mike's we we had some that the verbal warfare was ridiculous and if you go back to the 90s oh god it was even worse back to the 90s so so for people now I just think that you know we just need to let's go and just have the reality side of things but I think it also depends like ok back to the movie Harvey Weinstein originally was attached to this movie and they had to clear all of that up and get him off as executive producer and all of that but sometimes things happen that affect people later like how men talk to women with they're in a position of power that might prevent that woman then from getting further in their career that could have been something that happened back then yes it has affected a woman to this day how should that be handled well I mean when you talk about you know him and and the movie you know at one point the the movie was it was trying to be halted in general you know like just stopped and people had to be made aware that everybody isn't him visit there's a crew of people hundreds of people that worked on film from production from catering to transportation to to producers another to directors to the actors people that were looking at this is a shot of a change in life and success or resumes so they had to understand hey separate that and and let him deal with him over there but the product shouldn't be a part of his consequence right and and when you say the people that were affected by those things that from them and how times are of course different looked at but still carry that burden I think that light needed to be shined so people that were affected by it especially women felt comfortable about getting that off their chests that's a hell of a weight to carry for anybody so I'm nobody the judge and say come on man why are you coming out with that [ __ ] now you have every right to if that's a burden that you've personally carried that's affected your well-being in your life I can only imagine what it's like when you finally say it to go I can now breathe so I support and stand with it and I think you know there's there's some some that have tried to take advantage of that and and get in on that that train that may that may not have been in the same level you know as some of these women that truly were affected some women try to tarnish it by by jumping in and and having things that weren't true and and then that made this look bad it got weird for a second but I'm glad that the people that did decide to stand up stood up what is the proper way to handle old comments old tweets old jokes what's the proper way to handle it no there is no proper way you got a view if you've changed me move on then you've done yeah I got nothing to say guys what do you want me to say well you're an executive so you've given you give talent opportunity see you would you never would you ever not give someone an opportunity chief exec chief executive sorry would you ever not give someone an opportunity based off old tweets or old comments so just know why I understand it why I'm judging you from high school mm-hmm I'm going back to your college days when he was supposed to be stupid would why does it depend on what those comments were though how many how many things are how many how many times have you said some racist [ __ ] playing around were you talking to me I mean just anybody a lot how many times you said some research on me got a job man he's right there by you just playing just playing around like you like not being malicious with it right just playing around what did somebody with everybody I hate black people I hope they all died and now they're looking for a job it's it's you wanna like if you can't if you're a hypocrite and you can't say to yourself it's like it's like having a child your child comes home and your child got in trouble in school for cheating on the test you're pissed off but you're not gonna look at yourself and go goddamn I did that I did the same [ __ ] I did the same [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't know yeah you may not say it to your kid cuz you got to be firm and stand your ground and make sure he understands it's wrong or she understands wrong but you did it if your child is out in the back setting [ __ ] on fire and you come out and catch him you see burnt paper all over the place are you gonna [ __ ] look at your kid he's the most ridiculous kid ever you gonna remember that you used to do the same [ __ ] too right did you hook you school did you [ __ ] take a girl or a guy let them over your house at some point time like everybody makes the same dumb [ __ ] because you're supposed to do dumb [ __ ] you're supposed to that's the only way that you get to be an adult a Polish to doubt is to do dumb [ __ ] how did you how did you look at the are Kelly docu-series especially what you having a daughter I thought my daughter immediately I mean you and me both am i sorry what did you say I talked to my daughter immediately after first hmm and I made sure that she understood that I'm not just her father I'm her friend right and I said it's very important for you to feel comfortable talking to me about anything I said some of the most uncomfortable things that you may not want to tell anybody you can always tell me mmm I want you to really understand that cuz that's why I'm here I'm here to help forever I mean that but I'm here to help I can't help if you don't talk to me I can't help if I don't know and then I explained to her just you know I know you know but I need to reiterate inappropriate behavior from anybody anybody family relatives friends anybody what's deemed is inappropriate that I should know because the scariest thing is your child going through that that's the scariest thing in the world to not know and find out at a later age that your child goes when was 12 or 13 uncle Rodney or Aunt Judy did what and you didn't know I'm not capable of having that information I'm not capable of finding anything like that out and going through the system and getting correct there's no shot I'm not capable I'm telling you now it's it's it's over everything you can is all it all comes down because there's no way that I'm not going to take I'm I'm because that's my child right so and I'm only speaking for myself I'm not telling any other parent what they should do it I'm telling what I I'm going to see read there is no there is no in-between right so for me I need to make sure that I'm doing everything that I can today to make my kids feel as comfortable as they can and I'm saying I'm that friend I'm also an example to my kids that you know we ain't gonna be perfect you see your dad firsthand [ __ ] up you see me face I don't I stand in the [ __ ] it's who it's Who I am it's a nature of life honey it's a nation life son but the one thing we're always gonna do is we're gonna confront it we're gonna talk we're gonna put this family [ __ ] is for real I want to keep this together so I want her to have that understanding especially then I have my son have it and then I say y'all buying is closer than mines to y'all's side no y'all talk about [ __ ] that y'all never tell me I know you're cussing every day you leave both of you I know that you got secrets let you share with each other that's fine but one of those secrets that y'all cells y'all get too deep then one of y'all better tell on the other y'all better come to me or your mother somebody got to know and from watching that DocuSign for me was just how how a celebrity can affect an individual yeah how that bright light can make people fold or feel or you know just not give a [ __ ] you never realized that performing in front of 50 thousand eight other people I am saying you know but this hold it from a different lens this show this showed a different level of I don't care it was and all I wanted to do I don't care I'm out this is I'm in love and this is who I I don't care maybe it shows how you can use your hundred percent the craziest thing was that the court [ __ ] you know while going in yes court I'm fine you know you got the people Evans back still mean the the young chick at the court that was a that was most [ __ ] up thing for me I didn't even have the girl that was on the tape say it wasn't hurt and the family say it wasn't her right after seeing the victims do you think is appropriate for comedians to make jokes about the our Kelly situation how many's comedy man you finally joking anything yeah you find a joke and anything could I we talked to one of the victims or at least it wasn't a Lisa it was frustrating like watching Dave Chappelle pee on you or just hearing people joke about all Kelly and in my mind I'm thinking we just clownin are Kelly but like she said there was people who were really getting beat up once once again I understand that and I truly can see the frustration that one would have but you have to also understand the mindset of a comedian does not go that far and then death the mindset of a comedian is oh [ __ ] this funny I'm saying it tonight yeah there literally isn't a step pass it you know and I mean like it's not like I want people to understand that it's not it's not as in-depth as you think it is you know with who am i hurting who am i affecting and what's gonna happen what's the change what's ago that's not that's not the mindset of a comedian it's oh [ __ ] what if I oh you think it's funny real quick [ __ ] I'm trying tonight mm-hmm and if I get a laugh that's my that's my justification for my funny thought if I don't get a laugh it's damn [ __ ] was ass somebody's like that's funny but I don't know if you should say it I mean you don't know that because you're doing it by you you want your notepad by yourself so you taking a risk by his so everything with comedy is a gamble you throwing a dice every time you might not laugh at this [ __ ] and that's the gamble that I'm taking or you may love it if you love it they're not bet on the right [ __ ] if you don't I gotta grab the dice again I gotta put my money on something else so when you say is it appropriate is it my style of comedy no so for me no but for others what I understand why it's an easy target and why you're saying certain things I would I'm not gonna it's just like political comedy Saturday Night Live talking about Donald Trump every weekend because it's easy for them it's easy Donald Trump looks at it as malicious attacks and is it no say it's easy for them this is our style of comedy we do this well oh [ __ ] he did this let's do an impersonation of him doing this and then we're gonna bring this in it's easy it's not it's not what the intent all the time of it will be maliciousness on the other side did you have a well in maliciousness when you did the cowboys and Indians party yeah I'm saying [ __ ] the thing about that I had no idea until I got home and the crazy thing is the great thing is it's a party planner that put it together but my wife yeah it's kids just one year old kids and they weren't running around doing anything offensive was just blankets and they had some teepees that the kids could sitting outside and they had food that was out there and it was cake for the kids and that's it there was nothing else but social media enhances everything a lot of Native Americans were offended I mean here's a thank you you feel about that their feeling is if there's another thought that went behind you purposely there's no there's no intent behind it all there's oh my god you know what we found these cute blankets and the kids what if we gave them some outfits to take pictures and okay dope okay we're gonna set it up at the house and this is what this is what it's done there's a party planner and they do it and then you get there and I well cool kids look like they're having fun there is no outright attack right on on the Native Americans there's no malicious intent behind me going look at us because we racist and we don't like the Native Americans in the next morning when it said I'm like oh [ __ ] I can see why they would say that but that's not the case what I'm gonna do defend it I'm no I'll go now what I say a lot of them felt like you have you apologize the LGBTQ community but not them look what I'm sending them I'm saying what what do I say hey guys I'm sorry for part of that I knew nothing about that got done then I got home I saw you guys think that I'm part I'm planning the kids parties hmm does that put you with my time you think I'm I'm doing my my son's one-year-old party or you think that just got home and it's Sunday morning and I wake up hey honey come down here and take these pictures kids you see I'm in the ah damn Nike hat i mean i ki have a flip-flops on all right babe oh hey hey it's my party planner hey guys I don't even know the goddamn thing that's more than I see it what I'm gonna do I'm gonna throw my people under the bus I'm a they did this I mean nobody did it with that intent right so you can't oppress you know what you're apologizing I doing what am i what am i doing what did i do what did i do guys I didn't I did [ __ ] I next year no more Cowboys in it I told her don't have another [ __ ] thing don't don't do no [ __ ] things don't do [ __ ] because this busy we're living in a time where everything can be critiqued yeah I think that they were saying that uh you know they were trying to explain to you why it was offensive and you were like not even trying to listen to what they had we were on our radio show all right this is another thing where [ __ ] gets taken out of content so it gets brought up on my radio show straight from the heart and my friends are talking about it like you know they don't you ask keV because of this kids party that's like what who who's amazed he said Native Americans are mad at you because of your one year olds party I said what we's about well the one year old party I'm not talking about this boy's party why am I gonna sit up here and address this he's I was there you know it was on the news hey man I guess I wanna news every other day I'm not talking about that I didn't even know I didn't go on deaths because of what it was yeah and he was like nah today upset because of the theme behind a Native Americans and the Cowboys I'm like if the boy is 1 years old my wife did a party I didn't know what that was I said the same day the Redskins the Cowboys his plan what's been a problem forever that's been something that people have had a problem with ever but you want to bring attention to this one year-old Jevon Hoyt has more power than the cowboy the Redskins I guess I do if I'm just getting all this attention I'm just learning the [ __ ] taking and strive apologizing to midgets and you apologize little people to Native Americans that were offended by the by the party that was thrown for my son I apologize I apologize to the Native Americans that may have been offended by the theme that was put behind my one year old's party it was not done with malicious intent are you afraid that you continue to grow and control your own destiny the way that you are you get bigger than life I'm afraid that I'm afraid no I'm not I'm just afraid like that that if you have to keep doing it like at some point you know like would what what would is gonna be deemed okay and not what's one it was a lady that she went to your show oh god why do you keep cutting off the good stuff okay and she needed her cell phone - I guess - sugar and she said that she was kicked out of the show everybody with diabetes I apologize for you not being able to get to your phone um at my show - check your sugar levels what are people supposed to do that is what your hands how many ons with James I don't know I don't know and there's signs all over the place let's say don't pull your phone don't tell you what else there are there's not only signs that say don't pull your phone out there's announcements in the beginning of the show if you have diabetes then you have to check your sugar level you don't have to do it right there you can get up and go to the bathroom is a safe zone and check your sugar level you can get up and walk in the tunnel and check your sugar level what if I'm already busy you can't get your you can get up here's here's the thing man with you people people will find some [ __ ] to complain about man there's always a flipside there's a lot of people and you're in the middle of get your ass you can get up and go do it in a place where it's not gonna affect the show my show is set up for people to enjoy this show without the interference of phones in recording in X Y & Z we're very hard to put this production get spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a week on this production I think it's a simple ask for hour and a half two hour and 40 minutes for you to keep your phone up until you walk out if you got anything that you need to do all you got to do is get up walk out cut your phone on do it come back and enjoy the show this is a distraction this acts as a visual distraction to those that are watching the show for the last time I say I've addressed everything I'll dress this one more time I've definitely said it several [ __ ] times bet you can't find tape it at either okay you cannot treat comedy like music music you can hear the same song over and over again you can dance over and over again when you hear a joke you heard it you heard it it ain't it ain't funny after you heard it when things go viral they spread if I'm touring and I'm going city to city country to country I'm going all over the globe if you putting up my material how am I supposed to perform for these other people that have paid good money to see the live show that's why I'm so strict with the cellphone policy how do people not understand how do people not understand that oh I understand I can't I can't talk I can't talk her if you put my show up online I can't film a special and a special be a big deal if you put the jokes up online okay you already got enough money I gotta get these lights in these retweets well that's my point the lights an abuti yes this is the lights and retweet us our [ __ ] rally which is why you know cancel our you'll keep told people let me let me finish this I apologize to the woman I know she's suffering from diabetes I'm sorry that it ended in a bad way there was no malicious intent behind her getting put out we didn't notice she had diabetes so in the future people that do come to my show you know my tour is now over when I tour again if you have diabetes you're not put in a place to where you can't you can't treat yourself just step out and just do it in the home you're gonna treat them you pass out candy okay you know what I will put I won't put peppermints under the seat I don't know to do it everything God has lived yeah what do you ever think that your stars is getting too big I'm not going to stop a slow down anytime soon I mean I'm about to I start filming Jumanji February first I'm about to do another movie I told you fatherhood see beloved Pesta 2 comes out going to production pre-production on another comment that we're developing a heartbeat developing a TV series for myself that's gonna shock people and [ __ ] people that like I'm gonna do like one season of something just unexpected that's gonna blow people away so my goal is for 2019 to be the shock factor of me and my my talent my acting ability things that I'm doing just to take people in different direction and by 2021 I'm gonna go back to stand up and I'm gonna put out just a very I'm a butt out of very controversial hour of comedy I think that's what I'm doing I think I'm gonna go I'm a flip from a good guy and I'm gonna go bad guy in comedy cuz I feel like it's needed we got it like I just want to wake people up I need a flip I love that you know what you're doing in 2021 already I've really do that's playing that far ahead at this experience over the past couple weeks changed your opinion of Hollywood any that's a very good question chow mein I'm gonna choose to not answer that question mm-hmm I'm not gonna answer that question but definitely you know that you can look at you can look at things through a different lens I can out look at things through a different lens not necessarily in a negative way just an enlightened and enlightened I've been enlightened do you think you think black celebrities get treated differently that's tough man because yeah there is a there is a racial stigma in in Hollywood that can't be ignored and there is there there is a cloud that there is a cloud and and if you choose to stand under that cloud and just just [ __ ] complain about it then you're a part of it and not changing it I don't wanna I don't want to be in that conversation so I try my best to change and maneuver correctly in doing that you gotta just be strong and stand tall at the moments where you're supposed to and you gotta break ground you got a you got a you know [ __ ] up the grid you got to do things that just people aren't expecting you to do while still progressing you're not doing it to be an [ __ ] you're doing it to stay true to you and still moving still keeping relationships intact still still understanding the business but understanding the bigger picture my bigger picture is getting to a point of success where the opportunities that I'm bringing in for others are endless so I can't I can't stop and get too focused on me and and personal anger that I may have or may not have and [ __ ] up the ultimate goal I'm trying to get to the billion these you can't do it without these relationships you're not you're not it's it's not gonna happen so you make sure that you're you're just respectful and true make sure you're honest you have a you have a nice [ __ ] a nice high level of self-awareness and pride and respect not just for you but for others as well and on your March people will see that and understand that you know continue to roll with you and when you get to this point that you want to get now I go the door is open come on but the change that we're looking for isn't going to come if more people don't have this mindset of I'm opening up the door now come on we got to get more people to the door so the goal is to get to the door I'm almost at the door and in getting this close to the door you're gonna you know you're gonna deal with [ __ ] like this I'm quite sure this isn't the last thing that I'll be dealing with publicly I'm quite sure that there'll be more and you know right now you just gotta understand that embrace that and look at the long term goal that's it I gotta get there when I get there we're gonna celebrate because everybody's gonna look back at oh my god he said he was gonna do it he did it and he said the reason why I wanted to do it was to create opportunities and I'll be dead if heartbeat production laughs out loud all these entities aren't doing just that now I was very relieved because originally when you were gonna come up here they were trying to do this extravagant plan where we all have to sit in freezing cold tub so I agreed to do it they said you wanna do it that's not true I said yes reluctantly but I did say yes and then they said logistical II wasn't gonna work out and I said no no it was it was too long I said we can't send them tubs that long yeah these interviews go yeah but there's definitely times I don't get up in the camera I get up a turn my back immediately - all right give me a second about you know but it's the show is Dover tell y'all [ __ ] we should find a way for you guys to do it but the show's only getting bigger so to get more successful and you know that's the the ratings and awareness behind it is massive so I've been focusing on athletes but I think imma imma start and go out to other individuals to share it'll be dope to flip it and reverse and I interview y'all in the tub just put y'all in one tub envy envy you guys we uh we talked about one of your worst shows one time you told us about somebody throwing a chicken bony true story Atlantic City Sweet Cheeks never forget it not Tiffany Haddish had a bad show New Year's Eve yeah did you call your little sister after that call right after and what did she say what was the conversation like I called her I jumped in ass a little bit told of that you know this isn't anybody else's fault you know this is you it's your job right now to be prepared and you know she's it's it's happening very fast for Tiffany very first everything's happening very fast for Tiffany and I was one of her to be aware of how fast has happened and just to make sure that you don't overextend yourself to where you're not giving yourself the best opportunity to be great make sure that you're giving yourself the best opportunity you you have to work 1 this craft and you know when things are moving at the pace that they're moving sometimes you forget the work that has to go into some stuff there's just me it was just me reiterating what I know she already knows and you know just making sure that she's okay from it you know unfortunately it happened can't do nothing about it so it's time to move on and just make sure that your upcoming tour is a great one and put the cameras away it's expected to do down low to do that's kind of like you invading my territory you kind of sort of got swung on by my security well at least grabbed up with something that was very dismissive ano here once again you're living big to ever see what explain what happened this guy got up filming himself and he was like you know kind of going in on her and it went viral but it was very rude to do that well you're living in a time where negativity is celebrated yes you know this is this is negativity is the [ __ ] never know nobody wants to see the good you know we just want to see the bad and because we want to see the bad that's what viral is about going viral isn't about the funny dope [ __ ] it's about the bad [ __ ] so when you know that that's that's the push behind the intent of so many now it kind of just [ __ ] everything up like you know are you coming to see my shows to laugh and see what's good are you looking for the train wreck to to catch and be a part of the the scene when it happens it's what's the real intent behind support these days if you're riding with a person and ride with him you know if you if you're gonna be there for the good days then support their bad that's what I'm sayin here next stand up because I was thinking about Dave Chappelle and how he talked about bombing in Detroit and it wasn't even that long ago and what happened he got high he smoked some weed and he addressed it talks about it was hilarious so in my head this is something that everything becomes Metiria such a sweetheart she brought the dude on stage they kick it with a man [ __ ] you that goes back to you rewarding people right a bunch of the comedian's IV I met up with those other comedians a squash to beef conversation is nobody Mike Blackson Kudo me and Mike bumped into each other and we talked Mike Epps that I'm not talking about you know there is one thing I want to ask you because I saw you on Ellen in in in Ellen wanted you to host dive right and you was like you kind of was like maybe I'll think about but now it's a definite no what change talk about it no more let me say what changed between Ellen yeah you did I like what you did he's asking about it but he's made it look like he's not asking about it was asking about it Ellen is one of my closest friends Ellen is a dear friend of mine and you know when when you see a person that's going to bat for you at that level you can't not be blown away by that and you know you can't not receive that you know at the moment I just witnessed the love from a true friend I saw my friend really be a friend that didn't have to be a friend and that conversation was authentic that wasn't a prepped and prepared thing we didn't talk beforehand and I had to do two interviews it was I'm coming on Kevin we want to talk to you we're gonna talk I didn't know what the plan was so when she did that it was like that [ __ ] was just heartwarming right so me saying I would think about it then was a real there was a real reaction you know I wasn't given a definite answer then but she did make me think from a different perspective seeing what she said and how she said it in just her her love you know I love for me that's a that's a real thing and I forever forever grateful for that woman love it a definite what made you called Don Lemon hey cuz they're like what Don Imus said and I I caught him and then we talked on the phone which all good now I mean Don Lemon a fine now yeah finally see what fine refinement we don't have a problem with diamond and apologize I didn't said nothin down man diamond had an off-the-record conversation on the phone and I made sure he understand my point of view and he said some things that made me understand his point of view and we ended up getting off the phone with a a mutual understanding of one another and each other's sides and there was respect but we had to get to that place I had to personally call him so he could hear me talk you know I think people understand about you like you know like they said he want you to be an ally to the LGBT community but you're really an ally to everyone I think so I don't think you can fake good can't fake good you can't if you're a good person you're not you can't you can't pretend that like at some point it's going to come out that it's not real if you got a good heart or you don't either you're really your fraud either you [ __ ] embracing love because you're personable or you standoffish in it's hard to talk to you you can't be a person that literally stands on a platform of inspiring and trying to motivate all to be the best version himself the only person I could say does it on a high level in front of the lens is Dwayne I don't that's Dwayne the rock Johnson is the only other person I know that everyday publicly hey everybody be great love give somebody a hug hey listen National Woman's Day go out there let a woman know that she love her hey he talk stupid this is he got a lot of superstars [ __ ] witty man [ __ ] you don't look at me but he's he's a genuine good dude that tries his best to put his energy out on others mmm I'm the same way I try to take this image and put it out into the world like that's that's what I love I'm not selfish with it yeah I'm not selfish with my attitude or my energy I put it out there so if you are a person that was devices then I would understand it but I'm not there's not a device of where how do you even associate that with Kevin Hart how so what's the upside to all these guys the upside just go see my movie out right now see the movie definitely go see the movie in theaters it doesn't disappoint yes I will say to all what doesn't break you makes you stronger man keep your shoulders up regardless what you're going through in life there's always something worse it's something worse keep that mindset it'll make you smile regardless what of this man well thank you for joining us thank you man I appreciate you we appreciate it Kevin Hart ladies and thank you it's The Breakfast Club good morning
Channel: Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
Views: 3,983,670
Rating: 4.7695961 out of 5
Keywords: the breakfast club, power1051, celebrity news, radio, video, interview, angela yee, charlamagne tha god, dj envy, kevin hart, oscars
Id: RwodSQAyoI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 33sec (3513 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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