Vanilla Ice Tells His Life Story (Full Interview)

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all right here we go today we have the first rapper to have a number one song on Billboard who had the fastest selling hip-hop album ever at that time and still has one of the biggest hip-hop albums of all time with over hundreds of millions of records sold worldwide the artist who played a major role in popularizing hip-hop to the rest of the world when it was primarily with an American audience the man who unintentionally funded Death Row Records with artists like Snoop Dogg the man who after his massive hip-hop run made Power Moves In Real Estate and continues to thrive financially it is my honor to sit down with the one and only Vanilla Ice what a hell of an introduction you like that I love it man it did you ride it on the airplane wrote it this morning I love it wrote it this morning after a lot of research well look you don't have a lot of time today so I want to get right into it come on in so your biggest song iiz baby you wrote that at 16 years old debatable debatable yeah and I know you're probably going what what Ninja rap is strong Contender right now the youth your age it's Ice Ice Baby college kids 25 and under it's Ninja rap okay they're aware of iiz baby but trust me people buying records today ninja rap is crazy okay so you're living in Dallas you're a break dance kid yeah and you started perform on stage yeah and things start to take off and your manager at the time Tommy Quan who's still your manager by the way yeah L some potential in you and how you start going to the studio and start recording now here's where things get a little bit fuzzy now I watched a few of your interviews and you said you wrote the song yourself you produce it yourself but a guy popped up named Mario chocolate Johnson now he claimed he was living in Dallas at the time he said that he wrote a disc record against you and then Quan approached him to work with you he was also partner with DJ earthquake and he said that he wrote nine S A Lie first of all right there oh there's a lot of lies in there man this guy's just probably bitter because we were running the remember I told you docc was in there with me y I had Dr Rock the F of fresh crew um so many you know big hip-hop groups to me at the time locally we were all running the same streets and everything right I barely knew this guy Mario and to hear all this [ __ ] come out you know 30 years later is like a shock to me it's like what are you sitting at home twiddling your thumbs figuring out what to say or do everybody knows that this came through Su Knight every B he knows man the story has been out there for 30 years he didn't hang me over no balcony I know we'll get to that part publishing and the publishing in the way he took it was through this guy Mario got it and I I want to get to that part of the story in a second so regardless of how it came together you put together the song and you guys originally signed ichib Bond records well you got distributed through ich you say you guys I'm a solo artist well me you when I wrote ice I baby I know you can research vad and every get all kind of mixed stories out out there and and when you want to know the truth just ask me okay because so many people fluffed things up like he hung over the balcony I never was hung over a balcony there's so many things Vlad just ask me the question okay well the song came together and you signed a distribution deal with Ichiban right the original name of the album was hooked correct okay you guys put it out and Ice Ice Baby was the B-side play that funky music white boy was the aside yeah which didn't really off but then when it got sent out DJ Daryl Daryl J in Georgia started to play it I think it was Mak Georgia they started play it and it started to take off yeah you guys shot a music video and then s spk came in and signed you yeah for 325,000 just a little bit you're missing there but yeah you want to know what's missing what's missing de Jam records well they wanted to sign you but didn't they had me signed had contract in hand I they paid for my plane flight to come to New York City that's where I was going as was literally that day before s spk even became a thing before it even was brought to my attention didn't never heard of s spk before I was on my way on the plane flight landed in New York with contract to sign with Def Jam and this was through Public Enemy right Hank Shockley hey right yeah shout out to shout out to Chu that's my man shout out to Flav flave who's been on my show Legends okay but you ended up signing with sbk which was part of Emi at the time yes okay so they repack I got a phone call from Tommy and he says listen I'm going to give you uh I think it was 7 million reasons why you're not going to sign right now and you're not going to sign for like less than a million for Death Jam and he says and I said well Tommy I guess I'm not signing then because at first I said [ __ ] you I'm I'm not doing [ __ ] I'm signing with Death Jam this that was the biggest hip hop labelo this was my dream come true all the way always smiling ear to ear on the way to my first trip to New York ever to sign a contract with de Jam yeah I think I was 17 or 18 at the time oh my God this was a dream come true and I I land and Tommy gets on the phone and says we're not signing [ __ ] you yo I give you seven million reasons why I said well I guess I'm not signing why he goes spk what the hell do that mean this guy named Charles coppelman I met I said okay what's that mean just wait for me I'm on my way to New York and that's where it all started that's where your picking up from okay so you signed sbk they repackaged the album and call it to the extreme they put some more songs together uh Kyrie from the bay actually did some of the production Kyrie is a legend long-term friend of mine great dude man I wonder where he is today I'd love to see him haven't seen him since 1990 since way back I mean even before that 80s is he still alive I hope so where is Kyrie I haven't heard from him in a while great dude man okay so did the single come out first with the album well mean the single was out but we didn't have enough money we didn't have enough money to buy uh photography or videos but we had the the music out and I was always doing you know the street club scene so I was big dancing guy and created my own subculture following and the minute it hit K104 on the radio it was the highest requested right away Play That Funky Music was playing all over the place so people started getting a a buzz on who this Vanilla Ice kid is and what's going on with this guy oh that's the kid the the white kid they didn't know I was white or black but locally they did but when Ice Ice Baby came out and making we didn't have anything but a black cover and it was just a blank and it just says Ice Ice Baby Be aside Play That Funky Music aside and that guy him and Dave Morales uh flipped it and he called Dave Morales and Dave Morales was in Atlanta he was over there in Mak Georgia and it's the dirty south it blew up and it was number one on black radio for she almost a year before it went to pop or anything ever happened with even seeing a white audience or a white I never saw a white person at any concert I ever even played and never thought I would and then all of a sudden something happened sbk because I did the whole Chillin circuit man I was all over that I never thought rap music would ever Go crossover like that and and I guess I was right in the middle of when the crossover happened right it was exact same time when the cassette was over and the CD came out yeah so I got the both sales by another one and now I'm getting digital sales it's unbelievable how it takes on a life of its own and and becomes an Anthem because some people who don't understand it might think it's just another song blended into Ice Ice Baby just another song blended into the 90s so much more than that and it became an Anthem well Ice Ice Baby and you could hold a trophy for this forever was the first rap single to go number one on the billboard 100 not the rap charts not the R&B charts the main billboard 200 charts you were the first rapper to actually do that and I appreciate you for not throwing the word white in there rapper thank you exactly ain't no such ain't no category for white rapper black rapper yep it don't happen it's not there it never will be and then the album to the extreme at the time became the fastest selling hip-hop album of all time it spent 16 weeks on number one on the billboard 200 it knocked MC Hammer off that number one spot it sold 15 million copies worldwide at that time um it was selling 1 million copies a day at one point yeah insane yeah it is the highest still today Guinness World Record book I wish I had an ego to freaking really absorb all that all right it just it just sounds like a list of cool stuff and go I just go wow you know and then I got to go be an adult and accept responsibilities pay bills and do construction it's so weird but it is quite an accomplishment man I have a I have a many chapters to my life and there's a lot of uh stories and like I said we could sit on the front porch and write many books but it's weird how it it it it has no effect on me today no gratitude no any kind of like I should feel some way when you rattle all these accomplishments off right because that's what fuels me is accomplishments but once you've accomplished them you have to have ones every day to wake up to to go accomplish you're over those you know but it's great that I did accomplish them and I tell my kids that I go listen I can buy you everything you want but if you don't have a sense of accomplishment of doing something yourself you're never going to really appreciate it and they're right and she graduated my older one and then the other one's figuring it out and they actually make I pay all their bills but they you know they they pay taxes they're making money well the song sampled under pressure by uh David Bowie and Freddy Mercury back then no one cleared any samples because there weren't enough albums to sell to even go through the effort of suing anybody but this song Went gigantic yes and David and Freddy said hey we want we want some of that money yeah so that's funny because you you thank you for saying that and understanding that so many people don't understand it that hip hop was there before my record they think I'm the first person to ever sample a song and make a hip-hop song out of it and I'm not EPMD did it a decade for me yeah you have Run DMC doing it but then I realized that I'm the first one to cross over if you're the first one to cross over into the pop market then they think you're the first one to sample a record they've never considered listening to hip-hop before and now that they're listening to it for the first time they think wait a minute I've heard this song it sounds like Queen Under Pressure and uh it was so they opened up an entire building on Avenue of America's in New York City on and it had a big thing on the top called sample clearances all because of my record yes I'm talking every floor and we're talking 100 Floors unbelievable because of me and that's the enormous uh amount of Records I was selling and I'm like well why didn't you go after rund DMC and I looked at the record sales it says gold which at the time 500,000 for a hip-hop record you can go back that was big very successful yes you have to understand we are the generation that hip hop was invented in so we watched it Grow from zero sales to 500,000 oh my God rund DMC is the top right like killing it and they had to give all their publishing away to Aeros Smith to be able to pull that off but look at the notoriety it brought them to the top of hipop you know by just doing something genius and uh everybody was sampling and I just did what I was influenced by right so sampling was part of Hip Hop and it still is I mean Puff Daddy did it even after they still do it even after the lawsuits they're still doing it yes some of them are doing it illegally like what happened to Big uh uh uh M Marquee big and thick big Marquee all these guys uh R uh God man it's just unbelievable what did um the Marvin Gay has been getting paid a lot Blurred Lines oh my God recent when he just got with Ed Sheeran oh yeah got a piece that got that one too yep 100% not about sampling anymore it's about the feel of the song it's gotten even more serious it in any way you've stolen their idea yep so sample clearance is a big thing and mechanical clearances now have become a big thing because you can replay it and they think that they're not going to steal yeah and that's what they still to get you what's interesting was that you know you went back and you know you gave them the credit for the song but then I guess at one point you realized it was easier just to buy the song as opposed to just license it so you have a piece of under pressure that you own oh absolutely so do you own the whole song yeah it was better to actually buy the publishing cuz at the time I didn't know how this worked yeah so uh if you go way back you might remember this is how I learned Michael Jackson was going against um uh The Beatles yeah Paul McCartney for the publishing of The Beatles And I go wait a minute how come Paul McCartney don't have the right to just have that anyway why is he trying to buy his own music back I don't get that what's that mean publishing I was young and I didn't and I and I saw Michael Jackson own it yep and Publishing is a very difficult Thing Once people own it they don't want to sell any part of it ever it's a long-term faucet of money coming in forever yeah so I realized oh so publishing that's what it is and I learned it a young age most artists have still have no idea what publishing even means or how it works or the business behind it or anything and then those people are probably being ripped off right now 90% so I found out about that and I go so wait a minute I'm going through a lawsuit it's going to cost me 4 million to just buy the song and because Freddy Mercury died and David Bowie died so neither Brian May doesn't have much of the publishing he just played a guitar part the publishing part of a of a guitar part is like crumbs he'd rather take the 4 million bucks and and and just give that song to Vanilla Ice and let it play and have a fun with it since I bought number one anyway and we became friends and everybody knows I'm a huge Queen fan Freddy Mercury is The Rock God okay I love that band and always have and I think everybody kind of has uh grown with them too so when when I did it in my way and put it in hip-hop man I mean it was only it was necessary it was it was needed and it helped helped Queen too you know uh helped their fan base be youthful and regenerative so it you know pushes their whole thing that they're doing so every time under pressure or Ice Ice Baby gets played in a movie on a commercial whatever a check goes to you 100% love it love it okay so here you are you're going multi I also bought my publishing too oh you bought your own publishing back also how much that cost it millions millions man but it's made me hundreds of millions so it's it's a big you know it's a trade out yeah a lot of our artists would rather take the uh seven years every seven years what happens is it comes back up uh their publishing has to come back to them and then whoever owns it gets a chance to you know republ uh with them for another seven years and then they'll get paid for that so they'll get an advance and somebody will say here I'll give you for your publishing let's just say probably cuz dirty bastard's got publishing it's selling somewhere right like where is it selling to who's getting the checks somebody is somebody has to you know do that publishing every year uh and that that money is going to come in forever so you know that's an important thing to to understand and and know how your publishing goes because the checks get much bigger but most people can't afford to buy their own publishing and it's not for sale some people will buy it for a long term you know uh BMG has Elvis Presley and they'll never sell it and every Christmas they'll release another Elvis Presley album and make $100 million you know what I mean so the strength behind BMG record label is the publishing of Elvis so every time they fail on a new artist that they that didn't get their Advance back from it didn't sell like they thought no big deal let's throw an Elvis Album out it'll cover every expense and everything we ever had because we own Elvish publishing guess who owns freaking Beatles all of that Beetle money is going to Michael Jackson and guess who owns Michael Jackson Michael Jackson too so all that goes to him as well you want to talk about a money faucet yeah Michael Jackson had his publishing things correct so you learn a lot from him the Alum the album is blowing up you go on a World Tour on your own things are getting better and better for you Suge Knight starts managing chocolate and you're eating at the Palm restaurant one day and Suge just pops up on you I didn't know that at the time I you didn't know that right managed him no I don't even think it went that way but okay I think there's a different story there the streets have different stories than probably your common research on your computer okay well sh pops up at you at a restaurant yeah and he was friendly yeah then he pops up on you again at uh Beni hanana yeah once again relativ food too he starts eating your food yeah he asked he's nice he's always smiling and friendly you have to understand like this this picture that Vic Walters painted about him is a complete different picture of what most the people's public perception is about Suge Knight he had a good personality he was funny we got along Suge and I really never had a a problem a disagreement or anything like that I understood who he was you don't need to beat Vanilla Ice up if you understand who someone is you don't need to hang him over a balcony the polishing of this story 30 years later has taken on this so many different Avenues and stories I I have to constantly just remind people no you never hung me over the balcony and none of that ever happened and this is phony baloney it's just the propaganda of the fluff of the way I guess that people fluff things up with interviews and reporters and nothing to you but you know it's it's just very common and I think people understand that now with politics well then at one point you come back to your hotel room with your two bodyguards you open the door and Su is there in your room yeah with like Five Guys yeah what happens next uh I saw that they uh all had guns right away and that uh they are not to be [ __ ] with but they're very well-dressed and smelled good and they were all smiling and saying they're huge fans and they wanted to take pictures for their daughters and their family and I did and everything was cool until uh Suge said he'd like to talk to me uh on the balcony uh alone and I said oh okay it's fine with me my bodyguard stood up and he got slapped down he slapped the bodyguards oh yeah himself or one of his guys I hate to tell you he slapped him so hard made him cry My Bodyguard oh wow yeah took his gun out of his took his gun from him too Suge took your bodyguard gun didn't oh one of his guys did no his guys if you want to call him that I think they were there for backup okay I don't know if I should tell you too much they were there I'm not going to tell you who they were cuz I do know and I'm not going to say all this stuff I'm going to let you float around on your story a little bit truth and stretch it like everybody else does wasn't chocolate there the oh chocolate was there in tears in fact he wasn't there the first five people that came in my room he was not there he brought him in about 30 minutes later Aha and he was in tears and he had a even he had a black eye and he you could see that he had been hit in theide of his face several times huh and his face over here was swalled up like this and his lip was like this and he was crying and his eyes were red he brought him in the [ __ ] are you doing here man what the [ __ ] is all this that's when I went to the balcony with Suge okay and he explained to me that basically I'm joining a fraternity I go what is this I know who you are I mean I I know all this but what do you want from me you want some money everything's money what would you want from stupid little vanilla ice if it wasn't for money right so yeah ice I got Jerry heler I got Easy E I got all these people arcenio Hall Eddie Murphy and all these people I can name a list of people that pay him to be in this fraternity I'm like man this sounds great I'm like so I if I sign these papers you guys are going to give me protection in the city nobody's going to mess with me and they said yeah I you always protected bro you're in the elite you in are now in the elite you are in the club and I go cool man sign I didn't I didn't know I was signing away publishing this is before all the uh publishing you understand before I I got all the publishing and learned about Michael Jackson before all that so you have to backtrack this is this is how I learned about it and I'm like what did I sign what was it Tommy was like you did good you're still alive that's all you need to worry about you made the right decision and I still am alive and I must have made the right decision right you got to understand for me this is intense for the people listening and watching the story of Vanilla Ice and Su Knight and Death Row Records how did this it's very fascinating to all the people they must be like God the [ __ ] he had to go through and the money he they must have stolen from him and all this [ __ ] right so I never cared about the money never ever did never do and don't now you ain't born with it you ain't going to die with it this is all a reward from what I really cared about which was poetry and I just all this all this stemmed from me being a little kid in the seventh grade writing poetry love notes to these girls and I never told anybody cuz that's how I got the girls and I didn't want to give my secret away for the next guys to get my girls how do you get all these chicks I said I write these sweet little love poems man and they and they love it okay up it came from that this is all Poetry Man and entertainment that's it so you ended up signing way bitter about what sug Knight did does that make sense people think oh my God it's such a big deal to me I'm in a club I'm cool man I'm in a fraternity hell yeah she went to him and pretty much Punk de his [ __ ] with chocolate saying that he wrote this [ __ ] the whole night Ice Ice Baby yeah didn't have nothing to do with it so chocolate had nothing to do with that song no he took the contract to Vanilla Ice made him sign it and they gave him a check for it so you signed Away part of your publishing which was worth around $4 million um now at the time at the time more now and this money actually was the was the seed money that launched Death Row Records correct okay now your manager Tommy Quan in an interview said that he had already taken care of this paperwork weeks before the incident that's what he said himself that he took care of what he already signed over the publishing to um to Chocolate weeks before oh no he you have to understand that Suge Knight went to him as well oh he approached him yeah but see Tommy's not going to tell you [ __ ] Tommy a secretive dude man he's like I ain't putting no Target on my forehead I don't know anything man okay but you know there's a lot of stuff I'll leave out and I'm not going to incriminate anybody here or nothing stupid like that but I you know some of the details there will never be unfolded but I'm going to tell you right now that this was all a strong arm from Suge Knight to basically come in and take publishing money and then that's how I knew who he was and I knew he was coming I didn't know he was going to be in my room when I checked in at the Beverly Hills Place there but uh there he was and then I already kind of okay I sensed this was coming I know who you are and all that I had no idea that chocas was involved in any of this he walks in beat up and they put him there to get the collection of the publishing which basically was sug nice's money that's how it ended up in in death row okay so I interviewed Virgil Roberts who was the president of solar Records who Suge was doing some work with at the time that helped work with death row originally this is what he told me on camera he said that Suge was managing chocolate they approached him and chocolate claimed he wrote all these songs for you and he goes well prove it he goes well I have all the original lyric sheets so he brought the lyric sheets he goes well this doesn't prove anything he goes well go back and look at the original release of uh Vanilla Ice's album and my name is on there once he saw that he said okay that's enough for me to believe this he gave a $400,000 Advance which is the most sugars ever seen at the time then he filed the lawsuit with Emi and once the file suit the lawsuit was filed Emi agreed and gave them the publishing to chocolate right so so sugar and chocolate come in and they tell us this story about how he was from from Texas they had a club there where they had open mic and he would go and he met Bobby Winkle's gu his Vanilla Ice and they exchanged a lot of things and then uh sued brought chocolate out to California he was managing chocolate he brought him out and said uh you know you need to be in California if you're going to get a record deal and progress in your career so he said he was at uh I guess shook ad in his apartment and he was watching MTV and he saw Bobby winkl doing Ice Ice Baby said that's my song um and so uh I said yeah right so you know what's you know what kind of evidence of proof you have he says well I the the lyrics that I wrote for all these songs I left with my girlfriend in Texas I'll have them send have her send them so they sent out the lyric sheets I saw those but you know lyric sheets are something that you could make up right I mean go home tonight and write them um but there was a a record that uh I think vanilla is say manag was Tommy Chung they had released an independent record in Texas with Vanilla Ice and on the record they given chocolate credit for the songs okay Capital Records had picked it up and when they picked up uh vanilla I and put out his records they hadn't given him credit for the songs so I said okay this looks like pretty good evidence that you did write these songs and so at that point in history uh we had a joint V deal with Sony um and it covered music and Publishing and so I called up the head of Sony's publishing I say I found somebody that I think has written his songs and vanilla I said saw millions of records and those those are songs that we can get a piece of he said great make a deal so I gave chocolate a $400,000 advance to do a co-publishing deal with him and Suge was a manager and he was getting I think 25% that was the most money he had made in his life right he just made 100,000 just made 100 Grand I know it's uh it's funny man how it all unfolds right it's like there's so many Avenues to this and people just wanting to get in my pockets for a little song I wrote when I was 16 years old it's so [ __ ] and then they try to come out 30 years later and get notoriety or something it's weird how this is like were they in my living room when I was 16 man I was 10th grade Dropout I mean are you kidding me motocrosser in Dallas Texas I don't think so all this uh all this came to a a thing when sug Knight found out that Vanilla Ice is someone we should Target to get a lot of money on and it worked and death row came out and Tupac came out because of Vanilla Ice Snoop Dog all of them know it I'm friends with you have to understands I'm friends with all these people I know the truth I know everything that you don't and you wish you knew about everything hip hop from puffy to everything from biggie to to all of it all the [ __ ] you wish you knew and I won't elaborate fair enough streets know streets know how do you feel about show getting 28 years in prison the killing of Terry I don't have any comment about that fair enough I think that might be something probably that people kind of probably were just coming after Suge in many ways and this was an opportunity to put him down for something I think I think I don't know I don't know the whole story behind that I heard that somebody was trying to kill him so he just punched his car and he ran got beat up by uh by bone he backed up and then went forward hit bone and then ran over Terry who was his actual friend which was an accident and I think if it wasn't Suge it would have probably been self-defense but since it's Suge and the whole history and you're part of this history I do not take any sides on this I plead the fifth there you go don't know anything to even comment then the next big song was the Ninja rap which by the way if you watch the new Ninja Turtles uh animated film they actually play it for a moment during one of the fight scenes you chocolate right that [Laughter] too okay so things are going crazy for you and of course there's the backlash of being white and Hip-Hop I get called a culture oh really I get called a culture vulture a thousand times a day so I can relate to what you were going through not quite at the level you were at of course but at my own level with my millions of viewers a day I get the same crap so I I I could understand I remember you won at the American Music Awards and you said kiss my white butt that's right that's right and then the next day you had oural Hall that's right you sat down with him and I interviewed Areno Hall what he told me and I'm like listen you went pretty hard at Vanilla Ice he goes well I wasn't trying to I had wrong information cuz you know he said the bio the bio your label had written was wrong so you know you didn't go to high school with Luke you were much younger than he was um and he also said he was having a bad day and so forth I'm not sure if I was poking fun at him as much because to be totally honest with you I wasn't feeling funny uh IID had a long hard day and um I probably wasn't feeling like teasing anyone I'd had some things go on in the research process with him and i' had been misled with some information that was about to go out to my audience that night some things that were untrue some intentional lies um and I felt I was being used and my audience trusts me my audience knows that if I say it or if I'm dealing with something I at least Believe it or I'm trying to be an honest man um and it started in the middle of the day when I was given this statistic about him winning a Motocross competition or something and I found out it was untrue and then this was untrue and that was untrue and it just was a confrontational day so I probably didn't deal with vanilla ice in the way that people are accustomed to me dealing with guests cuz I'm that warm and fuzzy guy but it wasn't a warm and fuzzy day but when I watched again he was definitely shading you yeah he was you know he said uh you know so you're a white rapper being suppressed and getting revenge isn't that racist what if I went in there and reversed it and it was Jay Leno and said so you're a black rapper and you're being you see where I'm going with this yes he he came at me right and his show got canceled right after that you brought out flavor flave and he criticized that yeah he didn't like that because he thought cuz flave was actually we were hanging all week FL our I love flave man the best I love flave the greatest [ __ ] Legend ever man um he mentioned krs1 Disney you saying that you presented a distorted a distorted mutation of rap yeah and now krs1 and I are friends right they he tried to say that you were beefing with MC Hammer which you weren't you know it's a lot of propaganda it's like you know when they do that Trump thing and everybody get on the Trump hater wagon you've seen it it happens people have hating hatred for no reason why uh because I've told you because that person does it because everybody it's the trend and that's what happens when you're the number one selling hip-hop artist of all time whether you're white or black they're going to come at you yes the fact that you're white and you're doing it they're going to come at you even more makes it worse but good God look at all the publicity and entertainment created by it because all this is is entertainment yeah people take things so serious like look at you you're just wanting to research and dissect and stuff and you create uh a fan base because of your curiosity that might see the your same curiosity levels and want to know these things right and it's so funny how that you can cater to people who you know appreciate what you're doing and that's all you're doing and that's all I'm doing but isn't it just entertainment it is all entertainment it's all smoken Mir you really don't take everything so serious this is all entertainment right and people were really taking a lot of shots at you SNL whole skit where Chris Rock said I call Vanilla Ice Elvis because I wish he was dead and then Kevin Bacon came out and played you I love it bro listen not just about my greatest of all time when Jim Carrey came out and flipped the shoe on Living Color I forgot about I was like bro these people know who I am these are aess celebrities I'm a kid I was coming I came up right I had already been three years on the Stop the Violence tour no I knew everybody in like you know NW UA I said there's easy coming down the hallway look out they got guns don't say anything then they walk by hi I I used to think they were real gangsters and [ __ ] you know but it was really weird but yeah I've seen it all man and it's a crazy story how everything has some sort of detail to it yeah it's all just entertainment sit back and enjoy it how deep do you want to go for something that happened 30 years ago let's keep continue on BR friend I'm just amazed that anybody gives a [ __ ] well something happened 30 years ago don't we have enough [ __ ] on the planet today to talk about today going back 30 years Third Base uh did a this song Pop Goes the Weasel and by the way I any time let's just let me let me just say this before I go on I interviewed MC search and MC search is a [ __ ] and a liar on top of it let me just put that out there just to show you where I'm at I did interview with me for him to go and do a bunch of lies about me and say that I tricked him and a bunch of [ __ ] you you know Pete Nice calls him a liar as well did you ever hear my verse I dissed him I did I did actually I did actually uh was like he sings for color me bad you know I told him I said man I said what's uh MC search need to search for some bifocals he's got them big bifocals word looking like a hip-hop nerd and that other Punk makes me laugh looks like he sings by color me bad [ __ ] dude come on man this is all entertainment and I think it was really all jealous because they didn't sell a fraction of what you sold at the end of the day but they felt they were real hip hop and you know search always comes up with all oh you know the term was word to the mother and he said word to my mother and I got offended it's really just jealousy from my point of view I love how they take it so serious man I sit back and laugh at these people I'm like really well what happened between you and Mark Wahlberg AKA Markie Mark because you dissed him back but I couldn't find when he said anything about you oh no it listen we're friends okay so that was just a really funny comment sometimes I'm a comedian when I'm rhyming you know and that's what happens some something like that will come out there is no tension between Mark wallberg and I we're Donnie and I are friends we talk all the time I'm friends with that whole wallberg family I don't know if you saw the new movie have you seen the new trailer for the new movie not yet pause for the cause they're doing a road trip okay okay there's Mark wallberg he's a Legend he's rapping along to he's done is incredible bro yes throughout like this whole trailer and the movie they said my song is just all in it right like Step Brothers like all these different movies and stuff you know I see all the hate I I I have a phrase that's the best phrase ever you know I feel sorry for Justin Bieber who had to go through all the stuff when he was doing drugs and pissing on the old men off the bridges I I don't know if you heard about all that driving the Lamborghini and getting caught by the cop and Miami blah blah blah and I go this kid's going through something that I know what he's going through and probably not another person can understand it right now but me and what he's doing he can't figure out artificial life of being an Entertainer and being a real person because when you're young like me when I was 16 you have no way to differentiate the difference you know and you're really just a kid but you have all this responsibility on your shoulder you have to be an adult whether you like it or not so I I was like man get him a tool belt bring him over here I'll tell him the difference don't don't take it so serious what's going on he's going to end up in the 2017 club and kill himself or something stupid you know because they take things so serious this is just entertainment don't let the words get to you so my phrase is never cater to a hater just say later huh here's the truth why don't you just cater to the ones that appreciate what you're doing fact why do we ever let anybody that doesn't appreciate what we're doing into our brain at all focus on the people that appreciate you I'm sure you do it right of course you're not catering to haters okay by 1994 you know this is what you were just talking about with Justin Bieber something similar with yourself is you started using more drugs ecstasy cocaine and heroin and then on July 4th you end up having a heroin overdose was this because of just dealing with the backlash you know the record sales were kind of going down at this point or I just explained it to you 100% what I went through and I didn't want to put that part in there but how I learned to differentiate it was that so I didn't know and reason I didn't I let it all get to me this is why I could tell Justin Bieber this or something you know because I let that stress that everything as a young kid coming down on me more pressure than anybody could ever imagine probably more pressure probably than anybody ever to make a song ever in the history of music okay and we're including Elvis because he had to face a lot of the stuff I kind of had to face that's why there were similarities you know coming up in the in the form of Music he was doing and the way he was gyrating and all this right same [ __ ] with me but uh Justin Bieber could use some you know a lesson from my and from how I got through it because my therapy was basically I tried to take myself out because I I thought that this was the way my life was going to be forever I exaggerated to myself I'm like you know this is my life now this is every dream that I thought came true turned into the worst nightmare and I'm going to live this nightmare now for the rest of my life oh my God I'm only like 19 or 20 at the time I'm ready to die oh no this was 27 This was later I I was about to join the 27 Club cuz this was after the jet ski tour this was 27 you're exactly right you about to join 27 Club Jesus Christ I was about to join the 27 Club I just not put that together I was there and you I don't know something must happen in your mid 20s where you you have this thing where you figure out like in the 30s you get a better perspective of what life is really about and how to be responsible accept bills and pay taxes and then you have all this confusion in your 20s of where my life's going what am I going to be do I do this to to what kind of career am I going to have do I need to go to and you're confused imagine being me imagine being walking in my shoes at that time of your life and getting all the Heat and fire and and excitement at the same time on a scale enormous it was very hard and that's why I say Justin Bieber so I turned to drugs is one of the that's the weakest part of my life and I used it as an escape route to get away from reality because every time I was in reality every interview I did was about hate hating this I saw the hate coming down on me you know I seen it all man I know that I already knew that everything that was up could never stay there forever yeah so there was going to be a okay but who could ever saw selling half a billion records I couldn't I didn't have no crystal ball I never knew this was going to happen man I was just you know making music just like everybody else and all of a sudden it took on a life of its own it became an Anthem and it became so big that it had to come down so big and it hit the freaking most people who hit the shore after the wave crashes stays on the shore and they're like I'll never swim out in that mess again that God dang it almost killed me I'm the guy that says I'm swimming back out and catch another wave how long you been clean now oh [ __ ] since then since then I've never I don't I don't even hang out I don't have anything to do with drugs man nothing at all never will totally anti-ag against it keep it away from me don't have any friends around me that would never associate with people who do that because of what I went through and it's on a level of like I don't tolerate it at all of zero I love it get it away from me dude congratulations man because a lot of people don't come back they they relapse they they go in and out of rehab but that was not you I learned right then and there the most valuable lesson of my life was that all this is artificial everything that you just about killed yourself at 27 was is phony you were exaggerating to yourself you're looking at this life that you've created and this Persona that is larger than life and you're you're thinking that's you that's not you you're just robbed man you're simple robbed the Motocross kid man the jackass that was before jackass in Johnny Knoxville you're that guy and once I figured that out there was a separation that's the separation that I was telling you that Justin Bieber needed and you had and then all of a sudden this artificial thing the same thing I tell my kids everything is artificial out there everything is artificial and then when night dad comes home that's dad just Dad it's what I do for a living it has a big impact on people's opinions it's entertaining it's all over TMZ to every in the world and it's interesting to people but it's not real Eminem when he dropped just don't give a [ __ ] he said I'm nicer than Pete I'm on a search to crush a Milk Bone I'm Everlasting I melt Vanilla Ice like silicone now I don't think that was a disc he was just naming white rappers it's not a one after another not a not a dis when I heard it I'm like okay this is clever word play of naming the white rappers he mens me in songs colored his hair just like me right I don't know man you know what's funny is I don't have any comment about Eminem It's the funniest thing ever it's like I'm supposed to have one and it's and the only reason why I think that people want me to have an opinion about Eminem is because he's white and it's really weird I look at him like I do not see the white I see there's a rapper yeah and there's Coolio a rapper there's Jay-Z a rapper there's Drake a rapper there's future a rapper there's Kodak a rapper I don't have any opinions or comments that would be entertaining to people about Eminem and it's kind of funny I've never I don't I'm not I'm not looking for you to diss Eminem or anything of that sort you guys did go back and forth you took a few more shots at you threw out oh I took shots at him Eminem stands for mini me right and you even you even said uh million millions of dollars I've been spending them I love rap I pave the way for Eminem yeah your line in Hip Hop rules correct uh and it's true too isn't it unem went back and forth but I don't think Eminem could absolutely deny that you were not a huge influence on who he was he looked like an idiot if he denied that you know that come on yeah the obvious is the obvious I don't think he ever would I don't think he disced me I don't think there's any reason for him to I don't think it would benefit him in any way that's for sure because he'd get a backlash of half a billion fans that I have around the world that are a subculture following now so big that uh they've been with me and they new like I have a lot of new fans that are 25 and under college kids I just played Texas Tech and I'm like how do these kids even know who I am I it was all the music I did was before they were born they're a different generation but thank God for YouTube it translates and they pick up on whatever they want to pick up on whether it's old or new I mean I listen to Otis reading I can sing every song he died before I was born you know it's just music has time Timeless songs throughout the history and Ice Baby is one of them then ninja rap will forever live with the youth because every kid that grows up every parent goes I listened to that when I was a kid I was a Ninja Turtle too and now my son gets to be a ninja turtle and yay Go Ninja Go Ninja Go Play that video all over the place thank God for YouTube to kind of help us stay current and relevant if they choose to pick up on it a lot of people have faded out a lot of Acts that if you look at the charts when I was number one on the charts you'll see a lot of Acts a lot of songs you're like oh my God I for whatever happened to them what happened to two in a room and all and and all these songs and stuff they fade away because they just the new generation don't really gravitate to it they don't really gravitate to it so there's there's something there that always keeps me as Vanilla Ice youthful well you wanted to box Eminem and you guys had the same lawyer or something at one point H Yeah you mentioned it in interview I watched it you got you offered a box him and he turned you down that's awesome I'll do it again let's go no it's all entertainment I don't have any problems with Eminem I don't give a [ __ ] to be honest with you I don't really know enough to even comment and I wish him all the best I don't I wish I had a comment because people want it I get the Eminem question right and I'm like what could I say to entertain these people to say something cool I don't listen to Eminem to give you any comments to really listen or watch videos or anything I do construction it's just like it's out ofsight out of mind to me well and in order to give a comment you would need it to be insight in your mind yes well I just interviewed Todd Bridges that's someone you did box yeah you guys were uh on what was the show you guys were on together oh boxing celebrities yes something like that celebrity something I remember I interviewed him just recently about a month ago and he said before the fight he said listen I'm not going to lose on National Television I like look dude I'm not losing on national TV so you better be ready that's when I was chunky too I was thick and I was still like I was still mad at the world I was I wasn't mad at the world but I was still mad well we were drunk the night before in the bar and I had tank Abbot over there like a he got us all drunk it was his fault tank thanks tank tank Abbot com go just I don't even know what happened man it was all just entertainment you can know it's all entertainment nothing to take Serious well you're actually with ODB right before he died yeah I was with OD before he died on stage yep can you tell me about that it was not a good memory for me because he we all know he died of drugs and he was smoking crack you know but he came on my tour bus man and right before his show cuz he didn't have anything to you know no back no Green Room back there or anything it's at the Gathering of the Jugos and and I knew he was about to go on stage and I could see that his eyes were really glassy and you could tell that he had just hit up you know and uh and I was like just thinking in my head I was like how are you going to go perform you can barely even look me in the face and say two words maybe he can remember all of his this is ODB he's a legend he never wrote a song in the studio never wrote the words he just freestyled it so I knew that he had an ability there that maybe it just kind of took over once the crowd got out there and he'd be all right you know and I was like I got to go see this so I sat onside the stage with him and he went out there and didn't know how to talk at all and was scratching his head and his DJ was on the same level as him and didn't know which button to push on the Roger ly and I go back there and I come out on stage because they were throwing watermelons at him and rocks and stuff and I had to explain to the crowd I go listen man I'm just going to level with you guys he's really [ __ ] up right now this guy you know and he doesn't really can't comprehend what's going on but you have to understand this guy is a legend this is wuen Clan man one of the greatest rappers and Poets of all time and may be [ __ ] up and he's showcasing to you guys right now that he got a little too [ __ ] up because he's having a good time out here with all you guys and they cheered it they stopped throwing [ __ ] and they were like we understand man and and I went back to the DJ and I hit play and we put baby yeah I got your money all he needed to do was play a song if he would have just played any song One Beat they would have loved it but he stood out there for so long going and uh and they played it and they cheered him and gave him a standing ovation as he walked off not even two weeks later I even did a song with him I did a song with him and it never came out it never came out and it never will come out it never will come out I would never do that to him or family or any those people but he was a friend of mine at the last part of his life which was probably the worst part of his life but but we did have some good conversations when he wasn't High you know what I mean he was all there dude was a badass freaking poet man but yeah that stuff get you and you it doesn't let you go and if you're not strong enough to get away from it or have self-discipline to pull yourself out of something it's got you you're just going to go with it and it it he was way too deep you could tell man poor guy my question though what did you do early on that kept you financially stable and now financially flourishing at this point in your life so what I did was find another passion uh and I and it's homes and real estate so I had I got hit by Hurricane Andrew uh on Star Island I had a home for 12 years you had a home on Star Island 12 years I lived on Star Island you were balling back then all right I've been balling since I started at 16 bro I ain't never lost no money you got to get it right and tight bro I'm straight okay investment wise The Iceman's got it down got it I do I do really well and I like to help other people out and that's that's a big thing charity wise I help children that are terminal out I do lots of great things with my money and um and I have lots of people that are working for me I have lots of great things that uh people you know I all the people that work for me love it buy them lunch you know give them incentives everything I do seminars I read books I go to seminars I learn things on how I uh the book The Platinum rule which is what you need to read you need to read just a good advice it's a great way to build a team because none of us can do all this alone so anything you have an idea so I started building homes back in uh you know this was actually still in the 90s 11 years on Star Island Gloria eston cross street got many stories of Star Island that could mean many more hours of interviews for you but has nothing to do with this one okay has a lot to do with Pablo Escobar com to my house yeah coming to my house wait Pablo escar came to your house what year was this I hung out with Pablo Escobar many many times and Juan Almeida Pepe Nunes Ralph and everybody from Cocaine Cowboys and we were all friends and I took first place in the Miami offshore Grand Prix uh and and they would land helicopters in my house constantly on scar Island come into my house I had food just for them in the refrigerators I had my maids and everybody and all them clean up after they left and they would take me in the helicopter we'd go to these great events and race boats and look at all the cool stuff that they were making and I never questions we didn't have Google I don't know who these people are I thought they were businessmen they like to race boats like I did I'm a motocross racer a boat racer I'll raise any they were I mean that te true but so you want to know the plot about Star Island like there could be just Vanilla Ice on Star Island and you could have a whole book of so many Gloria eston stories and Na and shooting rockets and potato launchers at the tourist off my dock almost having me arrested when I was in London I had to come back home I had 10 cops at my door throw handcuffs on said I've been firing rockets at freaking boats and I knew who it was cuz I loaned my potato launcher to na estabon anyway back to your question what was Escobar like in person Pablo was a great person in person this sounds ridiculous first of all like I had no Google you don't go up to people and go what do you do for a living yeah I have no idea bro guy loaded he's got a tester Roa I had a Porsche that smoked him we raced I raced Pablo Escobar and Juan Al they they had both Ferraris and I had a Porsche gimalo ciris that was like crazy horsepower and so I smoked them and I wanted to race anybody and I said mine's faster than yours and that's the kind of stuff we did and we would go out and race boats we were always on boats so there was always bunch of bikinis floating around everywhere here's Vanilla Ice here there was uh Randy laner and all these race car drivers and cool people and and all my uh Rick Ki I mean you could go so deep into this Pablo Escobar story that you forget about all the questions you came here to ask me okay and it's a very fascinating thing and they do have me if you want to see a movie uh on how vanilla ice is tied in with any of this just watch the Odessa project okay I'm about to go watch it so Tarzan one of the big Russian mob guys that bought this submarine the nuclear submarine um said how did you meet Pablo Escobar and ju I made it and he goes I met him through Vanilla Ice watch the movie okay it's a documentary when no I did watch it I did watch yeah it's about buying the brador first in afca somewhere so I go over there and I say why why did you buy a submarine he goes [ __ ] cool ain't it I go wow you got a submarine he goes yeah we can go down you want to go down I go no I'm a little bit claustrophobic I go what did you get that for he goes just for fun why not like okay cool next thing I see USA Today you know that they had been moving drugs from Ecuador somewhere out there to uh America in a in a mini submarine and they couldn't fill up enough and it was too slow H and they needed more more more and they bought a nuclear giant submarine to get the drugs in and they did a big thing out of uh Russia yeah and a cold war submarine that they actually had actually already committed to buy it yeah watch the story you'll understand I watched it now that you say it I actually remember the do the wildest thing that everybody knows the Cocaine Cowboys which was just kind of a small part compared to the Pablo part they were just working kind of for Pablo they got a big name as Cocaine Cowboys that's not the big thing for not even close they're like this big the Cocaine Cowboys on the Miami drug scene compared to the Pablo scene oh yeah and the Don Aron now scene is this funny how this whole thing just went right and left your your interview about Vanilla Ice is like what the so anyway keep that in mind do some research set up another interview we'll go over that one you'll love it 2023 how much property do you own right now right now well it's November so I got to pay all my property taxes so that's when I find out every year I forget about half of them because I've owned them for over 30 years I buy land I buy properties site unseen so if you're really trying to figure out how I made my money is I self-educated myself I read books like I told you the Platinum Rule and I built a team and then I learned about real estate and every single aspect about real estate through another book that a guy named Robert sheeman wrote and uh and I followed all the guidelines I'm one of the guys that way back in the 90s bought the Carlton sheath course and I want to educate myself on everything and I didn't learn anything by that by the way but I picked up I just want to interrupt you for a second because I just want everyone to know to point out that by 18 years old you had only gotten to the 10th grade and you dropped out of high school so this is a high school dropout whose music career wasn't making as much money as before and you were smart enough to completely pivot and learn all this on your own I just want to point that I was smart enough at 16 to leave that school and not Drool on my desk anymore and go make millions which is what I did the minute I left and uh I knew where I was going some people they don't have any Direction they don't know when they wake up what their purpose is for the day they don't know what their meaning in life is they don't know what direction or even how to put a right foot forward to even follow a dream or to make it come to reality right so th those people have you know you have to first of all understand that you have to get up early to make things happen you have to have some sort of idea of what your purpose is here and what you're going to put your goals and what what are you doing we can all wake up up twiddle our thumbs figure out what we're doing during the day uh but without purpose without meaning without drive without ambition it'll never your dreams will never be anything more than just dreams so I'm a person that takes dreams and makes them into reality I uh lost uh my house got completely demolished in a level in a category five Hurricane Andrew took the roof off of my house two and a half years instead of hiring people to build it back I built it myself and I I cuz I paid big money to these decorators and stuff writing big checks and I'm like Jesus you did a great job but didn't see that check coming and I go let me follow you around right and I followed him around and then 18 years ago I went to design school and I actually got a degree and learned how to yes I have a degree in design and I'm a GC as well 31 years bu I'm a builder contractor and I I know how to go to work my mom says Just Dance your way through life I go what's that mean mom she goes as long as you're having fun you'll get way more things done I go how does that mean goes you can't dance if you're miserable I go Jesus mom you're making so much sense to me how do you make yourself if you're having the worst day in your life just start dancing immediately can you you physically can't it's almost an impossibility it's like why would I dance I'm freaking hating life right now right you can't but if you surround yourself with dancers they're always happy if you're dancing you're always happy because it's impossible for you to be miserable if you're dancing it's a form of Happiness mom says dance your way through every problem you have in life you'll always be in good shape and you'll never take anything too serious in life I said that's so good mom so good he said you're going to die one day and you're going to look back I have a the 12th ninja who just passed away at 100 he reached 100 his name is Lou I call him the 12th ninja he was in the Navy had all these spit tattoos where they just spit on the next guy don't clean the needle and go in to the next guy next and they uh he told me I said give me some advice Lou you're 100 what did he say he says you know what first of all slow down I said okay I get it he goes you're going too fast I said so okay and I what else he goes everyone you ever meet no matter how serious they sound they're all full of [ __ ] everyone's full of [ __ ] no matter what so okay Lou and then number three don't stress about anything I know that's easy to sound but look at where I'm at right now you know how many times I went back in my 30s and looked at when I stressed my 4S when I stressed on this and I took it so freaking serious and here I am at the end of my life and you're going to be at the end of your life so I'm just telling you right now for the rest of the things that you think you're going to stress on don't stress on them so bad you're going to be where I'm at at the end of your life H don't take so serious I love it enjoy your ride through life Smiles are contagious get it how you live it don't take all the pressures of everything from bills to family to relationships to politics too serious go have a p colada come to Florida got a new restaurant I'm opening up a brewery right down the street right here it's called Vanilla Ice Brewery it'll be open the end of March downtown lakew worth got seven beers all named after celebrities and I got a Coolio beer myio beer that's right I'm going to have some peace Coolio I got to interview him before he passed it's my dog man dude I got goosebumps I was with him the day before he died he says I'll see you tomorrow bro we're only I love the '90s tour together oh right we he came on stage with me the last performance he ever played and stood on stage was with me huh that's why I get goosebumps man that's my dog you have no idea me and Coolio were tight bro sorry if you're lost man I just got to meet him in an interview but that's it I'm still it's up here right now on Meo cuz it just happened but uh that's a whole another thing man and I wish they'd overturn that case like all this stuff with the LAPD and everything cuz I think there's Injustice all over that just saying that you and I grew up in an era where people would tell me that hipop won't be around in a couple years it's true they were saying that it's true they were saying that in day like in the M mid to 890s you know kind of like how go- go kind of became just a little local thing in DC but it really didn't become worldwide but by 199 9 it became the number one genre in the world you go to Russia hip-hop is the number one genre China hip hop is the number one genre you know and you kind of helped expand that to the world well you started a tour internationally and and start to introduce non-american fans to hip-hop yeah so are you surprised that it is as big as it is right now oh shocked 100% how could anybody have a crystal ball and say I saw this coming you'd be like what yeah nah that's the impact is huge man I see it and it's amazing and I know it's a wave and it's much bigger than a song and people are still trying to figure it out because I leave them in the dust I go so fast that they can't keep up with me man and that's the way I run things I'm I'm at a pace that is is perfect for me but usually much faster than anybody else and I'm one step ahead of everybody and that's my whole Ninja tactic thing I am a ninja for real and I surround myself with ninjas and and you may not know what that means and it may sound funny and then you may think it has something to do with Ninja Turtles or something like that there's so many different variations of this ninja thing and being Elusive and understanding how it works that it is a a a almost like a little subculture that we have and all my guys that work with me in construction they're all ninjas we all call ourselves ninja what are you doing ninja ninja ninja sounds funny sounds funny but there's actually an underlayment there that we all have an understanding of what that really means and it has it really is a a lifestyle it it takes on it's a lifestyle and if you live that lifestyle you know how to handle everything in life if that makes sense no matter what they throw at you in an interview or no matter what real life things come to you that may take more people off of their uh momentum or drive or Focus or what they're doing and it doesn't affect me you can throw rocks at me and I'm staying focused I see the Finish Line you can throw watermelons you can try to knock me off derail me and I don't derail that easy does that make sense most artists I see that are weak I saw this new movie the other day with my wife her it was called Priscilla and she her and I my daughter's name's Priscilla my 5-year-old we're huge Elvis fans and I saw that movie and it made me look at Elvis a little different because this is from her perspective not Elvis this is not the story of Elvis that we know it's the story that she lived with him it just came out right so I got a different perspective of Elvis and I call him weak now and he's my hero and I need my daughter after him I even went to graceand and made out in every room hey we're in The Jungle Room kiss me selfie time and you know it's it's amazing that I watched this movie and he was weak because of the drugs I know that I'm stronger than than Elvis because I had every right to end end up in that 27 Club and he did drugs the whole time and had didn't have enough self-discipline to pull himself out of it and I see him that makes him weaker to me and cheating all over her like that I don't cheat man I don't do that I love someone and if love is real Frank sinat said it best you you're nobody if if if nobody loves you you're nobody if somebody doesn't if you don't have somebody that loves you so it's the true story man love is the meaning of life more bigger than any word with religion or anything you could ever say it's it is the religion it is what we don't have to die to figure out if it's real how much love do you have for your children how much love do you have for the person that get you know everything you have it it's real it's not something that may be there when you die or maybe not it's here while you're alive right so this is the thing we should all cherish more than anything in this world today because I think the world needs more love man it's a snow globe out there and everybody's taking everything so serious and with our propaganda in the news and all this stuff I think that we all should come together because we're all one this is all one country we're not divided the news channels want you to be divided and I don't think that we should listen to them I think we should all have enough wisdom uh to understand that we're all one the whole planet one we're all one you and Tupac were friends early on back when he was a dancer with Digital Underground yeah we're Tupac and I good friends yes good dude gave me some of my greatest advice cuz he saw me going through hell with all the hatred and all the [ __ ] and he stood up for me and said straight up ice you're [ __ ] dope he goes I want you to know you're one of the great ones you're dope you're going to leave your mark your legacy and this is before it happened he knew it this guy had a a crystal ball he saw things bro and it makes me get goosebumps but if anybody ever KN how did he know these things Tupac knew things before they happened it may be mystery and weird and sounding but I think other people probably tell you the same thing if they knew him shock G was a friend of mine too we had two rest in peace a lot a lot of my friends I really wanted to interview him so badly and I just couldn't get a hold of him ever he was just his last few years he was just who knows where you know he was just on a yeah on on a different plane always been on that different plane man but he was a legend himself super there be no I would say there'd be no Tupac without of sh G 100% that's what I would say Orvin El I you could say that because how did it happen there was no funding until I came along I'm not looking for well Tac was I don't need no credit for anything at all don't look for it don't even have an ego to care to need any credit I don't give a [ __ ] what I'm just telling you is the truth the way things played out and and and you know from Suge Knight to Death Row Records get the money to start that and making The Chronic record that's where a lot of that came from which you interviewed doc who wrote that whole record yeah that's my and we all knew that you know we doc doc you made it man finally bro you came from dtown and made it homie cuz we all got love for each other in the streets in dtown it's the hardest place to make it from yeah he spoke very highly of you I spoke to him this morning I I got his number I I got I talked to Doc man he's a leg bro him and Hal my my uh engineer they and and even uh I have an energy drink company called Joy burst which is Amazing by the way plug plug hope you put it in your interview here go buy you a joy burst it's on Amazon you can get it at Costco you can get it at Walmart right now and we have the new 5.0 flavor I don't know if you had it yet but you going to have one 5.0 which I have sitting over there my original 5 sitting in that oh the same car from the video car no my original 5.0 we got we got can we get a shout of that later yeah okay I got I got Dale Earnhart senior's first race car over there I've got uh Elvis Presley's car over there I got a Dean Martin car over there all from Hollywood cars Tupac got killed in 1996 how badly did it affect you when you hurt well Tupac got killed and I'm I wasn't surprised and that's sad because I think everybody kind of saw like how can this guy still be alive after he got shot the first time and the second time and then now a third time well no he got shot once there was another time he got shot talking about besides the New York Studio the quad Studio shooting and then of course Vegas what was the the third time there's actually another one there's two more you don't know about and got shot at I heard about that yeah I heard about that skimmed okay I didn't know that so didn't go to he went to the hospital for it but didn't wasn't life-threatening okay so H could be even more and I don't even know but my point is is that how can a guy have all these bullets flying at him and still you know what I'm saying we all kind of it's a crazy story and I I got to really watch what I say on all this because I do know too much and I'm not going to elaborate fair enough so I I let that unfold and I'm glad it's unfolding and I'm glad that some justice may be getting done but it ain't going to bring him back bro and we lost a great person because of greed money power we lost a great poet not to drugs like the other people that we had been mentioning and stuff like that but to to a gun yeah well just recently ke got arrested for the murder of Tupac and I did the kefd interview four years ago where I basically how I say solved the whole case he told you the one who did that that's right I saw that I just now put that together Vlad yeah I did see that and I was like how did he incriminate himself on there like that right and then that's what led to opening up the investigation again right it was a big part of it because well he had written a book and I got the first interview with him based on that book where I had him lay out the entire Story from beginning during and after good job bro you pulled it out good stuff man you know everything leads to something and what you did probably led to the opening of the investigation cuz you know LA PD don't want to open up some old file 30 Las Vegas PD actually it was Las Vegas but you're right Las Vegas they don't want to open up a file for 30 years ago and why let it be gone and I think they wanted the message to be saying well see if you go out there and do gang banging and do that trying to leave a message propaganda again through the news channels and Sh you know that this is what happens if you go out and live a gangster lifestyle you die like Biggie and Tupac that's not true you know it's not true if it's true then everybody every Everybody every gangster rapper would be dead right it's not it's not true Tupac unfortunately got his talents were so great that too many people wanted to take a piece of him yeah too many people wanted a piece of that money and I think it killed him yeah unfortunately and then you were also friends with biggy who had killed one year later I was man it's amazing how many friends I've lost M sad it is sad sad and that murder I don't think will ever be solved you know I get deep into these stories and I talk to a lot of people the biggie no I don't think so I think biggie will okay I think once you figure out I think there here's my thing and I know more than I should say and I won't say and I'm going to say that they will catch them because you've already started the path stopping right there you're already starting to uncover the fog yeah it's going to start coming more Focus as you keep going in just keep going it's there streets no there's so many people who know nobody snitches Nobody Does that nobody's gonna put a Target on their head and just be like right here right but everyone knew who killed Tupac for years it was like LA's worst kept secret I I I knew since and Biggie well the biggie part I don't know I'm telling you I'm telling I'm pretty connected man know connected I'm serious you think no one knows oh I I think that whoever knows is either dead or is going to take it to their grave some people are dead but there's people who know okay and there's some that will take it to their grave MH but just because someone else knows they can take it to their grave but somebody else might expose them but it'll be secondhand information all I got to say is that the the the layers of fog to get onto the focus of who did kill Biggie are there they're they're going away right now by the Tupac thing they are okay there's I found out a couple years ago that I have I think I think it'll all be discovered I found out a couple years ago that I have OCD it explained a lot of things about my personality both and I found out you have it too 100% I feel like it's a superpower in a way I use everything that I have whether some people think it's a a bad thing yeah as a good thing because if you read the Platinum rule you'll understand understand we're all different there's four types of people on the planet there's thinkers there's relators there's socializers and there's directors and you are all one of the four and once you learn that you'll understand how to build a team to be successful for business and stuff but you'll also be a better judge of character when you walk up for someone that does what you do it might be good to read this book just to be like I understand you but I think you are a relator so you probably because you research things you understand and you want to know so it makes you you have a a gift for being fascinated right bu all these details and it's so cool to you that you want to get to the bottom of it yes to somebody me I don't give a [ __ ] about any of these details you're different than me because I'm a director I'm not a I'm not a I'm not a relator like you I'm a director socializer I cannot be behind a cubicle or a computer very long but thinkers and relators can you're a relator yes you spend a lot more time behind your computer than I do absolutely uh I have to be out and about and doing things socializers are guys that you could never put behind computer there the people that are loud like Wes Kane if you put him behind a computer he would die right he'd be like I got to go out and be loud man hey hey everybody you put him in the middle of a convention and you want to sell shower curtains he'll get everybody in there when you're selling a billion shower curtains Wes Kane will sell more shower curtains than any person in the building hey everybody get over here he can walk in a big group of people and have no nerves and be like yo check me out I'm West King come buy my shower curtains or whatever you're selling if you put a thinker or a relator in there they don't like big groups of people yeah in I don't like groups I don't I'm not a socializer you're reading bro I read you in 4 seconds I met you I knew I can tell anybody that's that book it'll teach you how to be that quick the Platinum rule right Plum I've already written it down I'm about to go get my man you're going to learn a lot this this one brother hey get to work out there that's what it is you know life is short make fun have fun uh and and enjoy every moment Smiles are contagious the person that wins this life I just lost another friend of mine his name is C a s got hit by a freaking Mac Truck bro ran a red light wow probably rolling a joint ran a red light I think he might be 59 he was all the [ __ ] that didn't kill him in life and then then he just does this he's on his way to the doctor right but one thing I learned from this guy he was broke couldn't rub R couldn't rub two nickels together done never had a penny he call him he goes and and and no matter what this guy was never unhappy h go take a lesson I learned more from the broke guy than I did from all the rich billionaires I live around this guy said ice just got they just possessed they repossessed my truck dude they came and picked it up this morning but I didn't make payments for four months on it I got to drive it around for four months for free and I'm like man there's a positive there there's a positive there I'm getting a motorcycle soon man so I'll drive that around for a while you know Mom I live with Mom I'm 58 she does my laundry then I got a girl coming over you know and he goes I lost my job dude [ __ ] yesterday but I got a girl coming over today man and mom's got cooking never unhappy always smiling always happy never had money so if you can be that happy without any material things and stuff take some lessons from people like that you know what I mean and uh I live next to billionaires here some of the conversations are boring as hell that you have with them you can't tell them about a vacation you've taken no matter if you're Vanilla Ice and you've been to great places it's like I've been there done that yeah I own that yes you can't say I just bought a new Ferrari it's badass they're like I own half the company got 18 in the garage what do you what entertains you guys and you know what it is they they like art yeah me too I do too but to sit and talk about how why van go cut his ear off it only lasts for you get my attention for maybe 10 minutes and then then then you lose it do you have anything else to talk about it's like when your wife talks about hair and nails and she goes on and on about the color of their na s you're like oh really you have to force yourself to oh interest right you're not really interested in it you lose interest quick that's what happens out there anyway I can go off in many different directions on you I'm a talkative dude I'm the guy that'll sit on an airplane and tell you my life story in 10 minutes with a big cup of coffee yes but I love talking I hate computers I don't I'm an I'm I'm a guy that wants to go back to the 90s so freaking bad that I just kind of live in it anyway every day I wake up I think oh that's a 90s looking color shoe dope and I still use my words dope dope I don't care fresh fresh bro and people look at me like hey if these shoes are still cool today the word dope is still cool today they can't come up with a better sneaker from in the 90s the '90s was the sneaker ' 80s and 90s all the Jordan Retros Jordan Retros still the number one selling shoe today LeBron can't sell one shoe compared to the million that Jordan sells correct facts and the Air Force One is just Tak on life of its own and uh let's just go I mean the the Vans were from the '90s they're still going strong yep you have uh Sho what other ones the man the Chuck Taylor from the 70s still going you have uh so many shoes man that are still going the pump is gone remember used to pump but you know something Shaq is now the president of Reebok so he may bring it back Jack should run for president oh yeah I could see that he should I could see him winning it I could see him winning it too and I'd be all over that I would totally vote for let's go for the Sha for president you actually performed at Donald Trump's uh maral Lago for yeah was it was it the celebration for his election or something was it no I played for um it was a uh it was a party it was a Christmas party it was Christmas party play for holiday party New Year's New Year's Eve party New Year's partyy New Year Eve New Year right exactly yeah I played for New Year's he's a legend bro Trump forget about the presidency first of all I don't vote I don't care about politics IC never have never registered have no opinion about anything have no I have fans on both sides of all that and I would never alienate them and I just look at it like you guys get caught up in that mess you go sit in your voting line they don't pay you they don't pay you to go form an opinion about that guy or this guy but yet you'd fall victim to all of it right like turn the news channel off go to Florida this is why Florida exists we have palm trees and P coladas while you're sitting in your voting line watching your news Channel going I don't like Trump I don't like Biden I don't like what's going on in my life you're 50 something right like me I'm 50 so we've lived through dozens of presidents man ain't nothing ever changed why would you fall victim to the propaganda to the opinion forming they don't pay you a penny now let's look at the end of your life you have a list what did I spend all this time on who did I vote calculate all of it together and put it in a circle graph and then you'll see that the graph that you thought was an hour on TV here one night two hours on TV watching the news or the debate or standing in a voting line and then you go how much did they pay me for any of that zero how much money could I have made with all that that time a lot how many P coladas and beer and beer and Good Times could have I been having instead of sitting in a voting line or having an opinion or a conversation just about Trump for two hours with my grandma or something yeah try me watch what I do I'm I've become an expert at changing opinions and different things and and and the whole topic I'm just like listen you got to understand that you're falling victim don't be the Sheep if everyone jumps off the freaking Cliff are you going to jump off it too of course you're going to say no but you're all being sheep wisdom is a thing that we all need and and Generation X knows it more than anybody on the planet and I feel sorry for the kids growing up in this world today playing fortnite and [ __ ] that's not reality let's get real man reality is what you and I are doing right now we're talking in person public seeing each other not through a computer screen we are the last living generation that'll ever know what it's like to live without a computer that'll never happen again we are the last living on that's true no everyone's growing up with computers now everyone's growing up with cell phones cyber world is not real little kids have iPhone watches now it starts early exactly my point man it's all basically set up for you to be a sheep it's you know what I call it the carrot and the rabbit Tech technique they all the the people who are using it whether they're Freemasons politicians whoever they are news channels everybody has a carrot and a freaking and they're reeling them in and they're reeling come this way with my carrot am I right and everybody we're all rabbits don't be a rabbit Vanilla Ice Man number one you're still on tour you're still doing shows constantly yeah you're still selling millions of Records I'm still the oldest constantly still the oldest teenager in town still the oldest teenager you're worth more than it says millions and millions and millions of dollars you have tons of property you have a thriving business you were telling me before the interview that you can't do all the work that people are throwing at you right now you're actually raising the prices thinking that some of them will go away but they're still paying yeah like to see someone at your age to have the run that you had in music and continue to be successful in other areas and still tour just not cuz you need the money but because you love it my fans because if you're fans my fans to still have these songs be timeless considering how badly you got bashed I'll be honest I've seen hip-hop from the very beginning and I think about all the people that have been hated on in hip-hop and I think they've hated on you more than any other rapper in the history of hip-hop I would challenge Paul's right there and then you have to say who's the most successful rapper of all time in the history you're definitely one of them you're definitely one of them I'm just trying to say is that every bit of that fuels the fire especially for someone like me who is lines up on the starting line of motocross every time I wake up in the morning to go be competitive I'm super competitive when you tell somebody you can't do something you don't go oh maybe I can't I'm never that guy I'm so confident I'm like well [ __ ] you I can too what is it I got to do I don't even know what it is but I know I can do it you know what I mean yes purpose Drive ambition on a level of people can't understand it because of the level of confidence that you have to have to be successful at everything you do it's just something that you you need to obtain some direction in your life and then when you get the direction you put everything into that all your purpose all your meaning and wake up with drive and ambition every morning to be the first one at the Finish Line man listen this was a very inspiring story um definitely amazed at not only what you pulled off back then but what you continue to pull off year after year yeah yes you've had your stumbling points you know yes you got on drugs but you got off of them and you stayed off of them you started a whole different business that has nothing to do with hip-hop and you excelled at it you're still doing your thing and the music all the music that people were downplaying and saying oh this is not real hipop this is not authentic this is this this is that it's still getting played like I said I just watched the Ninja movie The Ninja Turtles movie and there there goes your song in it you know your Ice Ice Baby still sells millions of copies this day I actually looked it up Ice Ice Baby has about a billion streams on all the streaming networks when you put Spotify and YouTube I don't even know what the Apple number so it might even be more than that but what I'm saying is in the age of streaming which was decades after these albums and songs were released you are still getting the views and the plays and the streams so no matter what they say about you all you got to do is say look at the scoreboard look at the scoreboard that's hilarious am I right I never like that the scoreboard is the scoreboard yeah it is it's that's your opinion right you could like me you could hate me you could say I'm this you could say I'm that you could side with someone who says this but look at the scoreboard and with u Vanilla Ice the scoreboard proves what the truth is and I truly appreciate the time that we sat down today oh you're awesome Vlad thank you man thanks for the therapy yes that's what it is it's great though you know I don't really talk about things too much that happened 30 years ago and all the details of all these things and and you pull it out and makes it make it interesting and fun and uh yeah it's like for me everything just happened yesterday like but I see the years go by I know that but gez man I guess I keep myself so occupied with what I got on my agenda list that everything in the past becomes history and it's it's amazing that I've made history and it's impactual that it will be remembered long after I'm dead yes and my kids will be able to enjoy that and all them publishing money and all that stuff that I've laid out for them and everything that's kind of my purpose for the financial part I never have a real care about the finances I just want to be able to do what I want to do as far as build dreams and that's what I do whether I build it dreams in homes or build dreams in people's ambition at home getting inspired by what Vanilla Ice did throughout his life uh and that that is uh all positive and I believe that the world needs positivity right now and it's uh infectious so if if it's Vanilla Ice you get it from take it and run with it be positive go out and do something with your life you're here for a short time make it a good time yes and you've created like you said multi-generational wealth publishing property Investments it was amazing how you told me you haven't sold damn near any of your properties over the next over the last 30 years you still have built this up and they've appreciated you have to AC asset you have to acquire assets things that actually make money it's just so inspirational man because you know I've been dead broke before yep and I know what it's like to have it all then lose it all and then have to take 10 years to build it back up and you learn those lessons you know what I'm saying and you've stumbled before I'll never forget when I had nothing yeah I'll never forget when I slept in a trundle bed with my brother farting all over me telling me at eight years old or six years old there's no uh Santa Claus and I punched him in the face you know my mom and I know what it's like and I found happiness there like Cinderella found happiness right and you can find it at any place it's all up here man if you stay in the '90s you're going to be happier keep your mindset in the '90s gra your kids watching YouTube 9s videos and Hip Hop it's better from the '90s than it is today and and that's that's not just me saying it if you take a poll you'll find out that it's the truth am I right or wrong you're right is is old school hip-hop better than the new hip-hop today and I like all the new hip-hop today don't give me wrong but if you had to say okay which one's better overall which one was the most impactual on your life well ' 90s there the golden it just is what it is it is what it is nothing against Kodak Black I love it all yeah you have a song with Kodak Black have it's a really good song I got to hear it for the first time this morning you hear my new song coming out this week with who greatness and violent Jay from ICP ICP I've interviewed them before they're great people all legends anyway man I just kind of you know keep grinding if you don't grind you don't shine bro that's how it works in life you know you can't let wait for things to land in your lap they got to you got to go out and make them land in your lap that's what it is Vanilla Ice Man all the best until next time thank you Vlad peace
Channel: djvlad
Views: 278,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: X4edQHCIais
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 48sec (5268 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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