Grand Theft Auto V (RP/NoPixel) | 2021-06-29

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hello can you hear me hello hello how are ya yeah i'm a few minutes late i'm just trying to get everything working it's being a little bit annoying um trying to connect to no pixel i'll try it again uh it's just it just hung on a black screen so i was trying to wait until it was 100 working before i started but like it should work it should work okay uh i don't know why it would hang there though i was like already after picking my character and then it just it got stuck um but anyway enough about me how are you hangers towering i know how are you he howard he towers above me now just in the background and surely i get all my work done uh granule ferb bandit beth billy lonnie uh the desert the deserted traveler dwight sage and ccc sarah and sarah carabelle akin alice thank you very much for the subs rose thank you very much for the three subs as well you're very kind can you still wear the wig i should have i should have appeared in my streamer gear now i've got my um i've got my [ __ ] my gamer gear my my headset with the cat ears i got my crop tops my wigs if only i thought i had if only and like rugnet glasses of course i wouldn't even be able to see i could i didn't try the headphones actually i assume they work someone just asked me do they work i assume they work i didn't try them at the gamer glasses i would not be able to see a thing i don't know what it is um like what's on the lenses but i can't see anything when i have them on granted i haven't used them outside i'm not that secure in myself um i'll try them at some point where's the little jack he's he's kind of blurred but you can see him right there where my finger is now you can see that's his little face and that's his white t-shirt and this jacket he's just kind of lurking you know he's like uh call me jaden crazy sauce uh jolly uh holly holy sorry angel boy alini's poppy demon yammy finn ellis too lazy to play and pyro and king bacon thank you very much for the support i appreciate it you're very nice where's asmr right there everything's blurred probably better off to be honest because this place is a mess you can see the fish there uh the automaton is up here but it's kind of hard to see them um what else do i have out from the stream those are the major ones i've tidied the rest away for now because there's so much stuff i actually surprisingly tidied it pretty quick i thought it would take me ages i probably had the room done in about 45 minutes to an hour which was kind of surprising uh yeah echoes there as well um okay good my no pixel is working that is fantastic anyway um where was i dance thank you for the sub uh rose alexany m mike uh kale dummy sweet coffee pimplicious uh gkh uh seal so uh sophie faye thank you very much for the tip as well uh jesus enjoy yourself for your for your six weeks take care of yourself uh hope you enjoy your six weeks whatever you're up to um peacemaker posh lotta mad science gentle panda bimsyn mania the bird roux hadrian thank you very much i appreciate it a lot thank you um i'm not lagging am i i shouldn't be at least i hope i'm not um the game seems to be a little um actually maybe it's okay i'll just uh be setting up my settings here while we while we wait for people to join i even got a bit sunburned and sunburned the other day believe it or not oh geez i was miserable my allergies were awful i was sunburned um i i uh i hurt my shoulder just from an ongoing injury i was just like are you serious all right how do i how do i ensure this is working i might have to boost up my audio that should be okay uh let's see mic sensitivity i hope that works microphone volume mic sensitivity i hope that works push to talk fantastic and voice chat volume put that up full okay i forgot this is my first time playing since i got the new the new computer uh what's the push to talk button again i gotta find this uh bear with me voice chat no there's there's got to be a key bindings gotta be in there right now just to find it uh push to talk push to talk push to talk come on there's got to be some push to talk there we go there we go sorted okay we should be good to go now um jesus came thank you very much for the support good to see you did you pay for rp access i didn't no i think you can get fast tracked on the server like your whitelist application by paying um but i knew someone who's already on there so you know it's it's all about who you know i guess uh to be fair i didn't actually know they reached out and they were willing to help me so i was like yes please i've been trying for like a year um hadrian fiery head at nexus thank you for the subs tis being thanks for the two subs uh lord sod wacky trencher d thank you for the five subs that is very very kind of you thank you so much i did pendant thank you for the three as well call me majestic trash unrefined jay cornish uh andromeda queen marcel uh pitta figure and not really sarah uh with megan aquarius uh the killer uh sarah little divine a blue mod uh do you jode away figure rage cold affliction storm sparky jig cornish queen mayonnaise and dance thank you very much welcome everyone welcome to the stream good to see you more tax evasion look i'm willing to get up to any crimes i can today i hope that i can get involved in some crime i laugh thank you for the sub there as well um right i just need to do a tweet now and then i think we are good to go um [Music] i'm up to no good on no pixel gta rp sounds good and there we go tweet okay fantastic sven auto uh zuray danger games m boy and zed thank you very much as well maybe do a little bit of jaywalking yeah you know i might i might when is media share i'm not sure i don't know um when the next media share is because i'm debating not streaming sundays just because i'm so overwhelmed recently i don't think the feeling of having a constant cold is helping either with the allergies and stuff um but i'll let you know i might move it to saturday i don't know i'm a little bit all over the place if you follow me on twitter i'll let you know um yeah it's it's been a bit all over the place really and not really turks sweeto zay and game thank you very much as well game girl brit cazzy thank you too okay let me swap over um to the in-game will this work please work all right fine let me know if i'm peaking or anything i might be a bit too loud i mean probably lower actually let me lower it there does that sound does that sound pretty good that should be okay let me know though it sounds awful um i might lower by one much better much better sound good okay great uh record over there bring that up and streaming there and now i just need to give you the video and we're good to go i completely forgot i didn't play it on this uh new computer yet i don't know why it feels like i've had it longer than a week i guess a bit quiet i can raise it up a bit do i have something changed here because on mine it looks like i'm talking almost too loud it's so weird all right i does that sound good speak up sonny i'm trying all right let me see if i can get that up now it's perfect okay good good good yes yes that's what we like to see um what the other thing we'd like to be able to see is the game if if i can get it to display why is it not doing it properties uh yeah we want to show the game please please please show the game all right let me add another game capture god it's been a while since obs did this on me where it just doesn't want to show it uh there why are you being like this let me try um let me try and go back into the game and see does it work um this is your favorite game the void i love this game too come on work let me try window capture why is it being awkward it's not done this in so long ah oh there she is oh there she is watch out boy she'll stomp on you oh there i am all right we fixed it good job everyone couldn't done it without you uh right let me see what we got here i does anyone what is this shield thing down the bottom left because i've never asked and i can't ask in character because that's not allowed i need to fix my glasses as well i do i do um all right what i'm going to do here i'm going to catch up on the alerts here uh amber thank you for the tip as well and i i appreciate that oh i got a text from troy see that is uh lovey aj jack pipplicious ed thank you very much uh what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna catch up on the alerts here there's only a few left and then i'm going to mostly not be reading alerts it's armor okay that makes sense i guess i mean i kind of assumed that but i didn't think it would be read by default because it's a little bit annoying i feel like vulnerable you know um but i'm gonna try and just focus on the game as much as i can and then any alerts that i may have missed throughout the stream i'll get you all at the end and give you all a thank you because you're very nice i appreciate it but i don't want to be like uh out of you know all over the place because i'm all kind of foggy as it is uh lobby blue nick venus uh charlotte loopy my name is waldenator great name doctor who goth jordan uh celestia lynn olive miss dropbox pixie j clark paul uh ilfsab thank you for the sub j cornish thank you very much for the 10 subs that is very very kind of you thank you so much for that um just you will see beat and miss kizz thank you as well you're very kind uh jake cornish thank you so much for that um please call me when you can i need to understand what happened okay i'll give you does anyone know how to put on the glasses because i don't actually know dams thank you for the sub as well all right let me let me ring troy i hope my voice works okay in this now grog oh my god hello ah ah hello it's troy you there hello it's not working oh no i think it's happening again ah i answer the phone wrong and then girl gets super confused and has to hang up and call me back that sounds about right to be fair that's right voice chat maybe i need to cycle it off and on hello hello hello my push to talk doesn't seem to be working um let's push to talk i'll change that one too let's see if that does it hello hello what are you doing calling people at this hour of the day what do you mean grog it's it's six o'clock at 6 00 p.m wait okay my clock is wrong sorry mine says 18 o'clock um okay go ahead what do you need hey girl it's it's troy how are you just oh hello troy yeah yeah it was with the ch oh yes okay yeah yeah uh so i'm over here with posey you know our good friend spell that yeah uh p-o-s-y oh yes p-o-s-y posey yes [Music] and uh we're we're over here at burger shot and we're trying to remember what happened when we hung out last because you know i woke up in the hospital with five broken ribs and punctures make this really easy i'll come see you because right now you're giving off terrible body language over the phone so i'll come you know that's fair also i'm missing my glasses have you seen them oh no we'll we'll take a look around here see if we can find your glasses okay thank you check the public restroom please oh the public russian right right yeah i mean a lot just don't flush without looking first right right okay all right i'll see you soon all right see you in a bit all right i gotta get i see i i see you in chat saying g1 but krog next seems to be embracing a future career as a mime because it just it doesn't work i don't know what's wrong with it g1 put on your glasses maybe if i try and take them off is it g0 so that's taking them off and then put them back on no they're just gone try the closet i'll take a look um oh no what have i done all right hold on i just need to log back and luckily that only takes a second okay it's not in the closet anyway you have to buy new ones okay i can just go shopping then at some point groggers got laser eye surgery i'll just go around pretending that i ca like my vision is impaired now even though i haven't had them on for ages thank you for all the support coming in there stripping thank you for the tip i will catch up with all of them um at the end of the stream as well uh as i was saying earlier oh god my game is a bit [ __ ] blue alright where can i jesus blue uh i need to try and get my car maybe here right does anyone know the command to take out the car it's a garage no okay there's no alt button does anyone know the f1 you guys are the best thank you wait that's that's not it you lied to me and now i'm angry do i have to go maybe you have to be over here ah vehicle list okay no you're still the best uh take out vehicle this is my car last time if you missed it uh you missed a fantastic episode but you can check it out on the channel okay i'm just gonna leave i can't see that i i'm not wearing my glasses all right i gotta head to burger shot at least i now have a vehicle so i don't have to walk there at the start of every stream the only problem is i gotta like keep an eye out for cops because the alternative is driving safely and i'm not going to do that uh to be fair you don't expect someone driving like this to be driving safely red light that means go the burger shot is down here right i've walked this route before i i should know this yeah it's down this way and then left up here why is the there's usually a b signifying where it is on the map i don't see that does it change simple oh burger shot yeah it's there now was i blind or was it not showing just took out a sign do not block the problem is watching me like if there was a cop near me at all i'm amazed i haven't gotten trouble with the law like properly yet how do i do holy [ __ ] what i can't hear you over the horn yeah take your take your hand off the horn oh hello i was wondering how that thing worked thank you very much it's called a journey one second let me just pull this up all right that should do be careful good to see you groggy good to see you both do you like mine are you married to what oh yes i guess so yes go home i'm married to the road posey and this baby this baby's gonna carry me across wow dirt terrain land water air whatever you want do you want to get in the back and see my posters sure okay hmm i will just keep walking around yeah just keep going around yeah there's the door there we go there you go what do you think of the posters up there oh oh wow troy is impressed anyway like it's the kind of thing where you like have cut out clothes and you put it on them okay hold on i think no it's just like serial killer fight back here yep oh it's a waterbed yeah are we going on the road trip uh it depends do you want to gather people for a road trip okay yeah yeah uh yeah i mean that sounds like a good time i mean i i'm kind of you know trying to solve this mystery of why i had broken ribs you know people are saying we were pushed out of a plane you know you don't remember anything well i haven't known yet so yeah i'm not the best person to ask yeah i had staples in my head you said a plane a plane a plane a plane oh wait look at this oh wait i had a plane burg [Music] check your glove box i put in there this this is this is the gentleman that that flew the plane i believe he was dr love or something and let me check okay was that does that ring any bells i found this harder meal earlier oh wait monopoly man yes i remember the monopoly man oh sorry sorry excuse me can you get out of the road this is a strong and powerful vehicle as i am a strong and powerful grog neck so if you could just if you just be careful around it i appreciate it are you excuse me yes are you here for the car show yes you're a bit early yes i am i'm here for the car show have i won well you know you might score best on uh personal match with your vehicle but i i you know what we haven't started yet hey i tell you what get in look at the pictures pictures everyone get in take a look inside it's fully kitted out with some pictures on the wall and a water bed guys stop being cringe okay christ i can destroy your turn hello who is that speaking to me uh it's the giving she jimmy how are you i'm good how are you who is this rugneck the destroyer hey troy hey how's it going uh are we what's happening i don't know can you guys hear me into the apartment you're gonna kill us or anything are you oh no no no in fact if anything you're probably gonna kill me that's how it usually goes that was very dark yeah people usually don't like me very much maybe posey but certainly not the rest of us what i just want to take your speech i am not the serial killer i mean are you looking for here are you bullying posey back there oh sorry it's a little bit top heavy much like myself you're doing great thank you very much what is wrong with how i am looking nothing is wrong it just strikes you me a little homicidal so you you you texted posey that you got married oh yes i did get married yes that's how i got the camper van from your wife uh i think who'd you marry i have amnesia so i'm struggling to remember most of this i think i married nico the guy who works in the car dealership can you guys can you drop me off at the apartment i need to go grab something you're gonna have to give me some direction they call in my country the three rights maker left what's [Music] [Applause] okay yes go straight through the other fence this is a weird road yes try it again oh my god we're gonna die you're gonna be fine trust me just relax on the water bed back there and think of happy memories watch out for the water yeah that's probably wise missing her glasses it's okay and then to the guys i know a short cut i know this place well yeah yeah great fine this is fine oh my god you're going to die but it's fun you leave palsy alone that's it to the water bed with you you've been banished oh my god get on the water yeah go sit on this stair oh jesus i just remembered i gotta go shopping for glasses hold on i need to go close shopping i need to go up to the clothes shop up here and we need to get some glasses i love shopping oh thank you so much you can help me pick them out yes this day just got a whole lot more fun yeah i'm going to die i'm looking for an identical pair to what i had they're called grognak glasses i would advise you to get some eyebrows as well well i'd advise you to shut the hell up and stop being rude back there before i sent you to the water bed wow why would you ever say i i take it back i take it back i'm very sorry excuse me wait you're french i thought that was an irish accent no i'm french oh my god you sound really irish well you sound irish let's let i rush into the store right guys let's get some glasses if we could all buy some grognet glasses just so people know we're all friends that would be good money i need atm i cannot afford anything who needs who needs money i'm rich i need money i need to get some glasses what's your name [Music] um i'm pretty married to my outfit are you sure why do you think there's something wrong with it valentina make you a makeover she's a really good stylist look at her how classy she is clothes what the [ __ ] oh wait i wanted to do you need are those i don't know what's your number oh are you laughing like that it's those ones isn't it yeah i'm pretty sure i don't want your number oh sorry i thought that's what you were all right i got my glasses on everyone now i can see you all clearly um i think they're the first ones actually they're very popular in europe europe are you from europe no i'm from ireland not the first one maybe you know irish oh my god irish irish the guy irish the kind of smelly guy steals stuff wait anton no his name's irish oh no i don't know that person at home is it the irish guy called ish the guy who stole my alerts and then we had to go through he stole your elbows i'll take care of him i'll go get my gun in a second we'll bury him in the water bed like the others i mean oh are we making slushy from other people and you're feeling the water with them we'll um i'm going back in the rv what do you mean yeah so so who's this nico guy what do you mean you you said you married them oh no that was just to distract everyone oh yeah i was driving quite bad at the time and i figured i need to drum ups a conversation keep everyone right right got posies taking a while huh so you're not married oh no i am married i think oh yeah to to who you think that's a bit of a personal question troy i'm sorry i mean just who are you married to to no one i'm oh that's okay too yeah there's tax benefits in getting married though oh right right yeah you gotta remember that also you can force them to buy you something like this beauty that's amazing that you were able to do that all right everyone pile on the water bed and where did you want to go again no get on the water bed no please god no i said shock on you you need to earn the shot got it i would like to be in shotgun now come here okay driver i call driver i went to grab gym you just gave up shotgun now you have to go on the water bed ah it's probably it's probably stinky now oh i don't want to be closest to it someone changed my seats no two beds okay where to well the franchise guy needs to be going to the apartment yes to the apartment okay just give me directions uh you literally turn 180 go straight and then break when you're there okay too many numbers uh you gotta start start the card oh are we not driving oh okay hold on oh yeah okay yeah there you go i understand thank [Music] jesus christ you chill out oh okay i put my strap on oh my god my guy you please put your strap on unless you know you're on the wall then just have fun what do you mean yes like dude you said you put a strap on what do you say to a meal everyone oh yeah you stop stop stop stop wait but what about a meal together we can't disband the group before we've eaten no but yeah we can i just have to go grab something and i come back oh okay i have a present no one can resist coming back to the water bed hold on let me drop you off i am like holding my hand out the window the air feels nice you're feeling the wind do you not like the damp moist feeling that the rv has no no i have one funny i'm gonna be honest it smells a little bit funny we offer a door-to-door service with this orbeez oh it is very good taxi yeah wow thank you very much all right now we wait so how's your mom oh god i do not know where she is valentine then you know that that's a touchy subject they ask you last nougat new girl who's that you oh i don't know who my mom is i have amnesia and it's quite serious yet you know this how am i supposed to never met this person in my life she just told me maybe you didn't meet me and you also have amnesia what okay you might have have noticed valentina yeah if you look in the blog there's a little gift for you oh let me get it wait what about my gift no i have a gift for you get back in there and get me a gift yes that is a gift for you look in the glove box oh more gifts for me no it's not me no give me here i'll give you a gift don't worry as my new friend there you go wait see maybe maybe maybe that help you why'd you keep doing that take it i'm okay i'll take it i uh oh it's gone i'm sorry someone else took it whoops who took the tooth it's i guess it's in the it's in this oh gosh there it is [Music] i'm not sure if you you know you consume the gift so you feel excited so good do you eat the two okay i put a i put a gift in there as well what did you put in there now oh a slushie oh yeah the best slushie ever isn't he a thank i'm you be honest guys he's more like a dessert he's a little bit flimsy no he's not clipsy yes what kind of dessert he makes me nervous wanna hear what this dessert did what what what he was going to be my friend and i don't have any friends and then the next moment he says bye i gotta go hang out with all my real friends i want things i invited you i'm riding in a mets um don't be giving away our location who are you talking to i don't know how to explain conrad sorry i cannot explain my location i'm being threatened i cannot expose it do not say you're being threatened tell them about the waterbed yes i'm on the waterbed um we are taking a ride in a big old um lovely what the [ __ ] is it yes lovely yeah it's definitely got some there we go all right it's got characters that aura might be the rats oh goddammit aroma there's a worker up there come on someone ask aroma god damn it jimmy all right shall we go up oh troy fell over he's so clumsy classic hello nice coat posey i socialized hey what's up sweetheart what's up guys it's working that was such a good socialization you are doing really well oh god it's empty in here what an absolute dive bag what does it die for it's like when you dive because you're so excited about going there buddy hello uh yeah hello how can i help um i have abandoned issues okay well how come i'm sorry give me one second oh okay the meal specifically um okay okay my bad uh but i appreciate that posey why don't you go first come on come behind me now come on do you recommend it oh it's the open chica you come to the right inside the [ __ ] in a box okay we'll have it the [ __ ] in the box please now i can hear you oh i never lock the car i gotta lock it for the water mattress out of the way i got a water bed on the loose water bed water bed water bed water bed oh okay oh it even beeps yeah holy oh wow that's nice guys come on um where's troy going oh hell yeah troy troy you're going the wrong way no the entrance is over there right where i need to be going where are you going troy suppose there must be some confusion he's going the wrong way the rooster's rest is over there i'm i'm not hungry that's all right you can you guys can go on without me detroit what is the matter oh nothing i just destroyed troy do you want to go on the water bed is that it no that's that's all right oh watch out posie even your power pose didn't stop him posey this is serious troy what the hell is wrong i just uh just need to think about some things ah like what what to order because i was struggling yeah what to order that's that's it oh that's it oh they got a menu inside troy yeah just points you do not even have to talk you know what uh how about how about you get me something cozy while you're in there i'll just wait out here troy do you have some sort of a vendetta against the rooster's rest is this a territory this is the first place i took you oh that's true oh that that was so nice i remember that we bonded at the counter oh yeah you were just lost by yourself in this city and afraid don't forget afraid yeah that's right all right let's head back and relive old memories i can even pretend to be afraid again no that's all right what moving you're all skin and bone you gotta come in here oh our new friends are confused come on troy i'm gonna treat you i'm gonna buy you something nice hey hey hey hey get away from the water bed you're not allowed in there okay okay okay okay oh geez that's why it's locked come on we gotta go in and get some food oh it got really crowded you guys just get some food oh do you guys want to go check out the comic store comic store we can go there after a meal but right now troy is over there talking to posey he doesn't know what to order and he's getting a little nervous oh come on he could just order i don't know hi just order the the good the best thing on the map what's that i don't know here here's my gift to you okay all right let me try this is this just normal do you sense the aroma uh i sent something what was in that thing aroma right aroma oh oh no i didn't get the joke sorry rome bro oh aroma i rode my boat like a rome wasn't built in a day maybe your joke was not not good whatever i'm gonna find a better joke and then you're gonna know okay let me maybe go i got a joke for you yeah okay um it's a knock-knock joke uh hold on wait you started you stare knock knock who's there me me who me who what ha that's not very funny at all hold on i'm gonna go get troy i love doing that wait with who you wouldn't happen to have a uh phone number for a uh eugene would you i don't know eugene all right what does he look like like that toy we showed you yeah oh monopoly man yeah yeah uh no i i don't have his number i just seem to run into him when things go horribly wrong hmm you need to be running into him then hmm i don't know how to summon him that's a tough one yeah it is not why do you need him i think troy no i just want to talk to him oh i have a conversation i get it sometimes you just need to like wait with a gun what do you mean with a gun no i posey to protect myself in case anything goes wrong but all right yes it's always important to use protection troy that is the main thing let me um will i try and get his number for you hey make sure you use protection with your new husband what's that supposed to mean am i in danger i don't know are you are you in danger are you treating me troy no just you know you know when somebody kills comments eight out of ten times it's their spouse you know so just just worried about you i'm a little threatened troy i gotta be honest with you you're scaring me i'm sorry oh my god troy it's happening we're here at the rooster i'm scared it's all it's all happening again we gotta go inside and or uh wow give me my water bag give it to me right now now we're all inside here what is your plan here my plane is flawless hold on i'm taking out my gun oh my god you're good it's escalating did you do it well you're here hold on i'm taking a drink first i'd advise you to pull over right away we will pull over yeah i've been today i don't need to listen to you this is my [Music] oh god okay that works oh good move posey yeah what the hell is happening with troy suddenly he can't even make up his mind when he's ordering food i don't know he seemed to be very worried about this eugene and also um you know possibly getting thrown on the plane and almost dying last week he was thrown out a plane i think so because i was i can't believe you were laying on that rope you were so brave what happened how did they get to you i don't know they took my strap off oh my god are you okay i remembered can humans live without the strap i mean i did but you're not an average human posey oh there's look he's standing there [Applause] hey troy it's us posey and grognik the destroyer turning at law get in how are you getting i made me um i probably going to be fired from berkerson wait why is throwing what i think she is my boss who is oh the one that we kicked out of the oh oh you're in trouble i didn't know she was your boss i mean yeah but there was a donut anyway she stole the car troy get in he doesn't see us somehow troy all right all right yeah there's the troy we all know and love all right where are we heading i don't know scared obviously what do you want [Music] i'm so confused after she like you know got out of the car thank you right i'm just confused now this is happening if you're if you're there then who's driving the race what sorry i'm nervous hello hello hello where do you want to be driving oh yeah sure i'm so confused welcome raiders i appreciate the raid i hope you're all well gang i'll catch up with all the alerts um at the end of the stream and uh about an hour and ten minutes or so thank you let's go to the steering wheel attorney at law thank you very much for the tip again flawless thank you very much for the raid i'm just confused what's going on testing out all of the seats all right where are we going to folks how can we get this party back on track i don't know i'm done let's kind of just head into the vault right here you want to go to the bank yeah that'd be great that could be fun okay wow that car exploded there we go what do you mean you can't feel your legs these are such weird lines in this game right let's hit up that bank and uh deposit slash withdraw some money this is gonna be good okay here we go all right 136 dollars oh not bad now you see is it nico or nino that i met is stephen on nicole why do i have men as nino or is that a different person i have abdul me putting in random names sometimes doesn't really help person person two one of them is sherry and one is dawn posey oh god the beep of the thing stephen sherry wait i have two sherries what stephen ignoring me i mean i don't blame him oh hey you two how did the banking go great fantastic where to now i do not know what about the boardwalk all right there we go oh [ __ ] is it what and this is a hearse oh it is getting a call from steve and he's so needy one second cut the door for you ah thank you hello this is steven hayes you've reached stephen hayes hi stephen hayes i'm groggy to destroy your attorney at law where are you yeah i know where you ah where am i oh boy that is a loaded question where am i well i mean like location now where are you in life because i don't want to talk about depressing subjects where are you i understand completely well um yeah i am at the here oh that's just where we're heading i want to show you something oh you do do you oh yeah okay ah can't wait to see you i'll be there soon oh is troy with you by any chance yes why oh maybe you shouldn't show me when he's there why um just uh reasons ah no reason okay i'm looking forward to seeing your soft and squishy thing hey i gotta go bye okay goodbye steven oh he sounded happy troy is there something going on between you and stephen uh no i mean he just refuses to think he was part of that plane ride we were all up on last week is he repressing it probably that's what i suggested yet he said his mind wasn't capable of such feats because he's feeble-minded wait i agree on that yeah he's a little feeble-minded but look that's our steve and that's why we love him of course care for him deeply but he uh he seems to be either holding something back or he's repressed the memory now do you know what i found according to posey people were pushed out of the plane so if he's holding something back it makes me think he was part of it oh i see so steven got us in trouble that's kind of what i'm starting to believe i wouldn't put it past him you got that that mask still posing oh no you said it doesn't work maybe i got something [Applause] [Music] hmm uh am i allowed to go down here is this parking you're allowed to do whatever you want that is true i am groggy to destroy your attorney at law [Music] um [Applause] here yeah yeah pull up here to the left yeah there you go all right all right wait i better turn it i'm gonna turn this thing off i don't know how much life it has left in it there i'm getting used to having a car no is it broken that's kind of weird no it does not work all right we gotta hunt down stephen i would go with my usual strategy of shouting his name but he tends to run away where would steven be oh i said the designs earlier they're down here by the hookah ones hmm hello i'd like to think of that person as just streaming and that's their interaction they just don't have any explanation for it sorry i went to the burger shot there was someone unfamiliar there it got scary hey are you carjacking another vehicle no no then where did you get this this was given to me does it have a water bed yep it does oh nice fine here on the seat it's the water take a look at the booth in the back madness madness anyway i just wanted to say that thing under like the the the um the carjacking scenario i forgive you i'm being the bigger person they're under the waterbed i don't forgive you about them apples i'm being the bigger person and i'm gonna walk away okay bye valentina i handled that so well you really did where the hell is this steven guy it's behind me isn't it no it's a donut right in front of you yeah hey stephen oh hey look who it is for the donut oh that was mine yeah sure you could you could have yeah that was for him yeah no it's uh that's that's fine you enjoy that i have another one would you like another one yes please thank you you might as well oh okay yeah keep up your energy hey okay i am a growing rugback after all yeah that's what i was afraid of um where's mr troy um he is sand he sat down somewhere and we don't know where we left him oh no he's sad yes he's sad like unhappy yeah oh okay well finally maybe i can have him [ __ ] really stephen we need to have a discussion in the base the base so you want to go my layer my layer oh good lord you have a layer i have a layer now stephen a lot has changed skulls or something in it i hope there's coffee is my um the lair you okay posey yeah i just got the casts off of my legs earlier today i'm gonna have to shout at them hold on stephen steve steve steven steve [Applause] steve steve [Music] stephen just said i'd drag you over here with the power of my voice where's uh yeah it is definitely encapsulating in some way or another thank you very much i mean like almost harmonized so the layer it's down here is it yeah the layer is down here okay um i don't know where troy went boy you have a layer at the end of the pier huh that's yeah i've come a long way haven't i yeah i i mean uh yeah sure i mean that's one way to put it i suppose it's the only way to put it stephen everything so you do any like surveys recently or anything interesting how's the pea business treating you they're uh there's no p business huh that's a i'm pretty sure i saw a poster about you and your pee business oh yeah that was just a practical practical joke that somebody thought would be funny to tell everybody in the entire city that oh and i drink my opi i see oh hold up here hold up here uh okay um is that it over there get in oh why is it not [Music] uh get in the lair get it this is the layer this is the layer um let's not call that because of the layer of rust just get in okay ah okay is there like a can opener or something you sir get in as well the man in the pretty bandana yeah you need to come with me you'll be first [Laughter] no if it was like last time it would be me wait which last time hey oh oh i'm in oh my oh this is this is a lovely layer you have sorry don't blame me blame my driving instructor boy yeah now i can see why you call it your layers all the holy crap on the walls i mean stuff oh hello sorry would be in your bed sorry look at the pictures on the wall stephen yeah i was thinking about hey what if i take a picture of the vehicle taking off uh no thank you stephen are you sure do you like the waterbed the water that's what i wanted to show you the waterbed it's all be wet and moist and sticky oh yeah it's uh it's great definitely looks uh this is a pre-owned vehicle by any chance nope that's all me that's all okay yup this is incredible when did you buy this uh last week so it's got a lot of use it's yeah that's you've definitely put a lot of miles on in one week um good for you living my best life right yeah i mean it's definitely still better than mine um one well good for you i am very proud that you managed to somehow scrape together money because it it really seemed like you didn't have that much the way you kept asking me for my where are we going what where where are we going so sir sitting next to me would you like to at least tell me your name get out stephen get out oh okay sure you have some answers to give us i i have some answers uh what about this guy i'm asking the questions here oh uh oh okay yes questions you have questions i have answers all of the answers to all of the questions that you have sure yeah all right then what question should i ask to get an answer out of you josie what oh you have a goodness okay tell me the question i need to ask to get the answer i want yeah the question that you need steven i'm gonna let troy ask you questions unrepress these memories why the hell you had us pushed out of a plane god what that is not what no i keep telling you i i don't have the same thing steven that's exactly what we came here to hear you think that i have the capabilities of going up on a plane and pushing out two people who kind of like my patience is wearing very thin i'm very understanding i thought we were good friends well you know somehow just conveniently forget it pushed out of an airplane i mean i well the thing is i didn't i don't i mean i wasn't there and i certainly wasn't the one who pushed you i i gotta i'm just staying in cover from the gunshots i'll be over here no no no no hey there's no way you out of the lane i don't know stephen how about you tell us we get back in the car well here's somebody else stephen you can have this here stephen all is forgiven you gave us the right answers get back [Applause] i like your dedication oh posey posey oh well stephen lived unrepressed those memories stephen okay she's good what a trooper on that sword like let's catch up there we go we got our best agent on the tail we'll catch up you don't remember anything from that plane ride grog a little bit is coming back to me i remember there was a man called this on the plane did he perhaps have anything to do with it scott chegg i believe his name was i thought it was this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey steven i don't know if you don't see us but you might want to stop oh he's a wily one isn't he stephen stop the vehicle and get out i'm not driving the vehicle oh oh that's a fence sorry i thought you were driving um no no no no no no no no no you can get those two mixed up uh yes i'm used to looking down at you so you can stay there i want to know i want to know what happened on this plane ride we got to get answers i i can assure you i was not i haven't been in a plane in a month and the last time i was in a plane it was with mr kyle and he vomited all over me because he got drunk before we went parachuting that is the last time i got into a plane i can assure you i told you mr troy troy i believe that you have repressed these memories stephen i apologize repressed you think i have the ability to repress memories every day i'm reminded of my my mother and father that left when i was 13 years old to go get cereal and milk that plagues me every day i will never leave you stephen you you would what i would never leave you oh that's comforting in a very chilling way even if you wanted me to oh hey that's um okay is posey not with you because she's calling me uh posey fell behind a little you were running really fast and she has a broken leg from a plane accident that is very unfortunate about the old plane accident i can assure you i don't know anything about this well steven if you want to ride back to the pier i can bring you back there it seems like we've gotten all the answers we can yeah i'm sorry dude i stephen you can understand if if you you know were lying to us it would mean you had some part in throwing us out of a plane so you can understand our do understand mr troy as long as you understand that i'm now going to reevaluate every life decision i've ever made oh isn't that nice stephen oh just accept the hog dude come here i'm sorry i'm coming in for the hug stephen oh god hey let's go come here stephen come here all right find your gun up there i see he wants to hug on the water bed that's his deal i would love to go back to them here you know ow i can take you back to the pier are you okay posie yeah i just need some metal almonds does anybody else need one i'd never say no but also you definitely if you did not pick up my rifle it is definitely still back there the rifle oh god other than crying is you worth selling bandages then you were selling uh what was it car driving lessons and then p ice cream ice creams okay ah i told you that in secret wait no it's just a just a dream that will never come true i think i see it there you go there it is on the ground wait who even steven me and troy [Music] from here i'll head there now stephen and then i'll come back here and watch you through the scope oh that's disturbing i mean concerning no i mean uh very sweet uh oh very yeah so um and how was uh how was your how was uh you were significant other uh what do you mean i don't know what i mean i i'm having a difficult time keeping track here weren't you when mr troy supposed to uh oh no no steven she's married now i'm a married grog neck that's why i got the the the camper van is this the shagging okay i'm good right here and there he goes just like that [Music] i can really use some first aid i'm gonna go see if i can find somebody in the pier who sells affordable first aid hey okay stephen what what is it posey oh posey god he's agile it's nice up top here too it's a nice vehicle um yeah it's a very lovely layer that you have in here i i'm sorry i need to know who are you married to exactly oh wait me yes you yeah who are you who'd you get married to uh congratulations that's the problem i can't seem to remember hold on let me check my contacts can't remember who you're well i have amnesia stephen how am i supposed to remember it of course you do um okay uh yeah who were we with last time well it was last time there was a last time there was a white house named scott and then anto kept calling you and there was a doctor love bug posey language no that wasn't his name what yeah the old guy was called [ __ ] this [ __ ] i mean his real name was scott sounded exotic um i'm gonna go to burger shot and order some fries like a whole bunch of fries i think i've narrowed down the list of who i might have married fries would oh wait okay what this deal is uh it definitely began with an a so it's either contestant number one abdul contestant number two anto or contestant number three apple well three people like a fruit i don't know i can try calling them busy last week uh hello hi there apple won't pick up oh i mean i don't feel very well but other than that very small car compared to mine just thought i'd mention i see you still don't have eye eyebrows hey shut up or something yeah or something steven's dramatically walking away again he always likes to do that doesn't he i think he does it because he wants us to watch him walk away so why don't you uh why don't you call call around see who you married he's got abdul i've been trying i contacted well i tried to ring apple they won't pick up i texted anto i can text abdul okay how many good nights i also texted abdul all right that's about all i can do where do we need to go you want to get marijuana's is it no i have marijuanas but now i also have building stephen i have bandages what oh we got bandages i gotta get a burger you know steven doesn't really like cooperating with us oh no they disappeared should i get out my rifle and take him out i mean this is an option okay where to next it seems our leads are running cold no responses where are you the the thing oh that's a good idea i can go back to the garage where they sold it to me oh we're like a detective team yeah except with more swearing [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like an overrated detective show [ __ ] [ __ ] we need to fight yes like that um i gotta find the garage my nose is kind of kicking in i think it's this way oh i know where it's yeah that's way all gone yeah this is my car oh you named your car oh my damn you almost took out the guy just making fun of your eyebrows i know as soon as i saw him the rage just flashed and i just aimed for him i'm getting a call from dawn she'll know the story and i don't know who i'm married to who am i married to wait mary you're married i'm married i'm in a camper van where are you don't know i'll come pick you up what the [ __ ] i i i tell her to meet us at pdm where the d world what yeah i'm at dean world the pier dean world we're just there okay meet you at the top of the beer down on the way we gotta get to the top of the pier don knows who i married what don knows all right i'll tell female intuition she said that was easy best detectives i mean i got a pretty good feeling out of the three candidates you gave us who are you leaning towards apple oh my god i remember what happened i think i rang abdul and i said hey rabdul can i get a ride and he went oh so you're into me are you and i said what do you mean i'm asking for a ride and he said oh i'll be right there and he came right over to me or actually no that might have been a dream no that didn't happen at all sorry it's just a random ramble what about this thing oh okay do you mind if i bring bryce bryce come here hey bryce name's grog next destroyer hello get in i was going dude today's been [ __ ] crazy i am posey just just talking hey get in the back what's happening right now in just get it just just get in hop in the side door there oh my god see spacious take a look at the posters in the water bed and give me some feedback oh god it's very you thank you the water bed is kind of you know jiggling everywhere it's a week old so yeah so don we've kind of been detectives this evening trying to figure out who the hell grog married well when did it happen uh we don't you know crazy night great night in vegas again oh yeah oh yeah a week ago dawn a week ago okay about a week ago city city records city record you think it's official i don't know also um troy and knight we think we were thrown out of the planes even may or may not be involved what yeah yeah i love you very stephen did you get it wait did you marry steven that's not water in there why is it green what are those shots did you marry grog oh my god where am i going again this isn't a roundabout this is a fountain well it's round there is any memory you choose to suppress it would be that one so you are married to grog oh no am i married to [ __ ] stephen god wait wait wait this means you could divorce him and take half his assets oh my god that's a great idea go right groggy or you could do the the law of surprises or something and i'll catch up with all those alerts at the end now stephen are you going through a tunnel posey i can't hear you no he did the breaking up thing on me so i did it back oh clever you're always one step ahead okay city hall the place where dreams come true and halls become cities [ __ ] i have a way of words yes sorry i'm a detective right now so i'm saying dramatic things in noir fashion oh my god hello excuse me do you work here quagmire kiss me oh dawn sorry do you work here no okay we got friends here that work here failure to obey traffic control devices negligent driving oh god it's pretty neat i don't see anything i don't even see it all the time i should be able to spell this what's your state name grognek the destroyer attorney at law you don't see anything why can't i wait why is it not coming up what huh no records on me i apparently do not exist wow even the nose just spreads to here oh my god this goes higher than we ever thought it could this goes all the way to city hall and possibly even higher perhaps even the president the moon or the moon i know the moon yeah no that the moon it could go as high as the moon okay oh stop cut it out any uh any luck on your leads anyone text you back right no leads hold yeah he said if there's any memory he chooses to suppress it would be mary and grognak uh-huh that's a little rude you need to make it official again and then divorce him and take all of his assets and his business oh good idea just tweet it out yeah and i'll now look for the voice divorce anto called me hold on let me call him back he might be able to clarify john's are you in awake do you know eugene do i know eugenia he keeps calling me his wife oh and i'm pretty sure he is one of the peoples that um push us out of prison yes eugene knows he knows oh mr eugene knows yeah he does yeah i know he was know who he was and then i got him in the murder meal today oh he's just eugene was tweeting out today about how he needed some chaos in his life so perfect time to call him uh i like half the city i don't think so i think it began with a wait does eugene begin with a no or should we not who you jean no the person i think hat what hat hat yes eugene's a hat defining feminists as far as i know okay this is too early for this um okay a hat no i didn't know he was probably wearing his giant hat you know okay okay okay the person that you married do you remember anything besides that their name started with an a they bought me the oh that was what we were going to do they bought me the camper van so we were going to go to the dealership actually and follow me check that here we can actually check that here dawn's like some sort of genius or something read me the license plate on it i can't read oh okay let me go let me go get oh god i [ __ ] myself where am i oh my god you said i swear that's great here hold on no [ __ ] [ __ ] okay let's go check the license plate real quick if you need a ride we can take you in our camper van we're solving mysteries we are four random dudes you gotta go to the car shop oh you okay there okay uh oh the license plate says eugene it's all coming together now you really can't read my goodness i just guessed i was i thought that might be a vital clue what does it say is that a cube yeah that's a q q three b eight and just write it down i am writing it down so just write it down don so bryce you think that that's their name the one on the license plate the person i married i think we can we can see who previously owned this camper and then tell you that oh okay that sounds like a great plan bryce you're on the detective what a wild goose chase it's only a matter of time before the whole system comes crumbling down right on right dramatic and swear more if we want to be detectives so there she was looking on her ipad scrubbing the database for every license plate she could find all the information we're the candidates for who it is because then i can see like like what what like vehicles they own so one of them is stephen right wait oh oh yes steven um and then the other ones we were thinking it might be abdul anto or apple abdul and toe or apple abdul let's see here no abdul is high on the list oh god damn it he's also heavily wanted at the moment oh well after we solve this case we can go apprehend him not a good idea why not he's my pen pal i can lure him in oh god that's not a good idea i mean you don't if he's your pen pal he's your friend right okay hold on where are uh oh yeah that's true if i'm his paper i should send him a text and warn him it's all it's all texts from me he never texts me back okay we can go i think you're right let's go to pdm and check who they have records i guess i think on who bought it or we can ask a police officer about they look they have more vehicle records should we not just go to the dealership where i bought it yeah let's go okay go to pdm i don't know who apple is to be honest i really don't i've forgotten that's one of my like jokey listings just start to screw me over okay i think the dealership is our best call okay what do you think detective dawn did did we did we figure it out we need to go to pdm or find an officer okay what's the pdm pdm is the dealership yeah it's a dealership okay fantastic we'll mark it on the gps for you dude where the hell is posey posey and troy i think they're inside oh my goodness this is not a good good idea wait why okay because this is this is uh these are stairs not a uh yes my journey mounted them just fine okay but you're journeying why are they mounting stairs journey is romantically involved with stairs as far as i'm aware okay hop in posey p-o-s-y posey exactly everybody has their strap-on yep no what don you are a lunatic i am a loose cannon dawn was the loose cannon of the group frequently swearing and refusing to put her strap on you like that i control my voice like that i'm trying to be noir i do like it i like it you know we're detecting things that's right i'm detecting a few things right now is everybody okay where have you been honey bunny no that's a weird thing to call me my name is grognik the destroyer attorney at law anto we're on a case we're trying to figure out who i've married the shortlist is down to abdul yourself even hate oh well i brought you yourself i bought you your caravan oh he knows oh and you never called me again you didn't pick up the restless nights the sleepless nights i've been sleeping this time what have you been without i'm with you where have you been destroyed i'm married um i'm gonna have to take back your caravan you hear me i don't like your tone and tone i'm sorry i'm sorry it was your threat to get you to love me more i'm sorry i didn't mean it please hold on it's not working i'm gonna go back i'm sorry i'll be mysteries in my van okay please okay uh i'll await your next call my dear uh it's great to hear your voice okay bye-bye can you can you do me a favor before you hang up please what's that handle can you just breathe heavily on the phone for five seconds we need to leave this place okay mystery solved everyone i married anto okay who married you is that going for you uh i guess okay mostly since i forgot it i guess he got a bit threatening on the phone for some reason what did he say what did he say um he seems awfully threatened by troy okay try to get out of the van try again he's not coming don't worry i don't tell him where i was call him call this is going to be great finally we can resolve this getting in the square like it's an you know what we listen we haven't actually had a formal you know registration it was oh more of an informal thing i see okay second question troy wants to see you now are you willing well it depends if he's going to be on top of you are you all going to be on top of him what's the situation well i'm in the journey he's waiting outside apartments saying i want to talk to him now but he said he'd probably be too afraid anyway so will i just tell him it sounds a bit aggressive from troy's back no tell him i'm being make sure he's strapped up okay groggers okay honey bunny what in in the journey i don't understand are you coming or not you just make you make your own i'm coming you better make sure that scumbag troy has some protection okay i'll i'll let him know then okay see you soon okay goodbye take a look yeah okay so here's the situation antoine's on route uh he said you better bring protection again leading into the conspiracy that he might be in love with you i do believe that is the case but he said he's bringing a glock well at least i think he said glock like he did say bring protection and then said at least what i thought was glock so he could be going down an entirely different route what does he want well i'm gonna get up from over here i don't know what am i detective or something so uh yeah i mean thank you i mean you figured that out no problem okay it's going to be okay hey crack neck you want a gift yes please i think you'll like this how do i use it um you know like how you take out any like gun or something like that just you know yeah but like how do i use this tool like what is it what is its purpose what's it do what did you make people's heads with oh yeah oh my god that is so much better than what i gave her and also it's a wedding gift don't hit your car with it though okay ah name was a license plate what makes you think he's capable of holding a listen qen 567 shut up or i'll hit you next oh my god [Music] look i'm armed and dangerous now before i was just dangerous okay maybe okay what if i give you a different wedding gift instead i like this one a lot and now if i get in trouble i can say don gave it to me okay she said it was okay no okay okay how about i trade you okay i got i got an idea okay i give you a trade you give you give that back i'll give you another gift but i want this one well that one you know the great great power comes great responsibility you know that is true yeah i'll give you i'll give you something to test with and then maybe one day we can work on this question i i did training with steven the other day you know you can work your way up to sledge fudgy you know wait but i could just keep sledging now and i've already worked my way up wait should we go around the corner maybe yeah maybe yeah it might be a good idea to go around the corner i think about it can i leave my van there will that be okay uh you're good there okay i'm gonna go change real quick yeah crack back you just don't i i it's a wedding gift and you know what you you you're using you know what i know he's using oh my i gave you god oh jesus sorry posie i'm sitting in the oranges and your hair's all pink i thought you were a fruit oh my god are you okay posey are you okay okay this was the great power great responsibility can't believe dawn would do this posey are you all right there you go honeybun you know hey no balls oh no ah first aid kit for grog neck no okay posey come here come here they are gone oh my god these guys you gotta let posey get evening and hit you with it now dude i don't know if that's oh my god troy you look amazing look how dapper he looks you gotta get even it's only fair that does sound fair posey give me a smack posey you don't use that crack nick how are you feeling on a scale from 110 in general one what no nothing general like how is your heart's marker oh my heart murmur it's passive it's benign okay no what the [ __ ] wait really yeah i know these things i don't think angel's showing i think you've won this war troy um wow really these are really weird mushrooms should we keep going around yeah staying in one place is good uh but maybe call him again okay yeah oh hey if you're going to be using that because wow that's you know here's my you're usually pretty loud bald and uh you know noticeable you know it is me you know me well uh we're on the corner at the post-op courier who myself troy troy posey dawn and eqc5607 that's that that isn't there that you've just listed you've just listed a lot of potential witnesses when i whip out my kalashnikov you know what i mean i don't think you should be doing indecent exposure right now especially in a public well listen come over here there was fighting talk you said troy wanted to come and talk and i want to talk with my ak well when you're done talking to your ak why don't you come here how long will you take no no my ak is going to do the talking on behalf of me but it's not going to be talking it's going to like kind of be like that sounds like a boring conversation to be honest are you are you fluent in morse yeah i will i will jesus okay jesus i don't see you for a week and then suddenly it's quick now you're so demanding you leave me of course do you want a pack yeah if you have that that will do way more damage actually there you go great all right anyone seen any fruit um i know something that looks like fruit looks like a watermelon kind of pink oh my gosh oh my god you had a baby hammer it's a cherry was saying that the sloth god gave her powers the slot god what that's my type of god right there i kind of feel like we're a street gang like west side story dude you know snap me snapping yeah oh that'd be so good anto brings his crew we bring this crew wait we're a crew wait why is there a dance there a what i better do you not see it oh yeah that's weird that's kind of weird hammer beats knife every time i agree my gun's down has he grown hair no okay he's just running by i think anto might be a no show if ando is a no-show do we win by default hi are you antoine greetings people can i ask you an opinion yes does she look dumb what why would you say that about me valentine do you worship the sloth god uh uh i mean i could only find what me then can y'all please tell her that she looks so dumb and she needs to change her outfit who why are you insulting her why are you judging me is brilliant i like the style it reminds me of me thank you your style is quite splendid as well thank you so much okay well now you're the odd one out maybe you should change i shall change yeah maybe so you're not really fitting in with the theme here we need the uh um oh what all right why do you have that on your hand what do you have hammers what the [ __ ] uh we're in a gang right now i don't know we haven't named it yet but we sing and we snap our fingers can i hear something oh we also swear [ __ ] uh [ __ ] oh wait uh anto oh hi oh hi uh hey hi guys hey so you wanted to talk right no you you wanted to talk to somebody i wanted to talk to you who wanted to talk to me why do you all have hammers though [Music] oh nice yeah [ __ ] yeah i'm in the gang too listen that's not a hammer i wanted to talk to you let you know that i have no ill will towards you i respect you and apply some you're always in the prize here mate you stop looking at the thing beside me okay what did you just say shut up honey daddy's talking okay i'm about to smack you upside the jaw with my hand sorry i'm sorry honey i'm just taking care of business please oh you want to act okay please yeah you can you can punish me later on it's fine you better believe i will sorry troy and not in the way you want oh god that's so hot listen listen mr mr anto uh you have you and you and miss grogni here are married now and uh you know she's all here oh it turns out we're not married actually troy oh so i'm still on the market essentially is what i'm saying no no because that was a wedding gift that that car was a wedding gift on behalf of me to you so i wasn't going to wait okay give me back the cat no it's not that's not fair okay oh i'm sorry honey why did you not invite me i'm basically her sister-in-law oh you oh i'm so sorry did grog and i cannot give you an invitation well i think i was thrown out of a plane i would oh done something like that you know okay lunatics in this scene anything about that you know yeah we kind of have a we have a good lead already you know we found this toy over at burger shot the eugene toy looks just like the guy who was flying the plane that day like identical the same outfit and everything so you remember the monopoly man anto the guy with the hat yeah i mean i didn't pass go so you know it was you know i don't know what you're talking about you went directly to jail didn't you oh yeah i saw your rap sheet oh yeah we looked at your rap sheet oh abdul is more wanted than you ah troy can we look can we have a talk in private for a second please yeah yeah come on over okay give me a sec did you take out bethany we're just we're just going to walk into a private secluded area okay troy just you know yeah yeah shot at everybody else okay just yeah all right if you can just walk a little bit faster troy we can maybe open up a little bit of a gap and uh you know i'll be out of here okay so we can walk and talk we can walk and talk let's walk and talk baby i should probably put this away because uh props see this i'm getting instant mass shot okay so come on talk to me speak your mind come on you don't have any problem with me bro you know no i have no problem with you mr anto i'd you know okay won that that's right at night you know fair and square yeah and ever since that night you're right i did win a fair and square i know why you've had such an issue with me since you know i mean that's this is not how it went though you you lost sir what do you mean i lost according to you you listen who's got progress now mofo okay yeah exactly so he won in the end you did but okay we've we've agreed to that but listen i have okay get in the car get in the [ __ ] white car right now chilly get in get in honey just just relax okay is that a four-seater [Music] get oh what about the license plate man it's really behind [ __ ] he didn't jump in go he was too slow on the draw okay so basically what i understand here is troy has stolen my unofficial husband and they're escaping together and i will not let them be happy without me they're riding off into the sunset you're saying i think so but at least then we know where they're headed the sunset exactly posey set course for the sunset yeah i'm actually amazed this thing can keep up it must be the water giving us momentum in the water then maybe or he's slowing and oh no it can't be he's trying his best to escape look at him those red lights that you see those are the speed up lights he's flooring the accelerator what did they call them when they were racing like nitrous oxide that's his work hello troy hey hey god um i i can't catch up i'm on the phone i oh shh no don't worry grog you don't need to be catching anyone uh hey i just wanted to say dad grog listen i never ever want to see you again oh okay well that's hurtful you know i'm on my way to the airport i packed up my whole life oh okay well let's and uh i have a second family in mexico with three kids and uh that's pretty hurtful margarita oh guillermo and armando they're great kids oh my god this is well i'm hurt but i understand if you have a little guerramo back there you gotta you gotta go back and care for them all right well i hope you do well and i never see you again grog take care oh okay goodbye well it seems troy doesn't want to see me ever again oh he rang me and he said he's got a second family down in mexico [Music] and he's going off to see them now he's headed to the airport well then they must go to the airport you know now that i think about it this road doesn't lead to the airport no no no wait now i'm getting a call from antoine how do i swap seat in this thing when we're on the moon think about formula one there we go someone take the wheel thank you dawn oh we need keys yep oh apparently i don't it's just fine hey honey bunny where are you where you go um i'm in the camper van it turns out oh troy has a second family in mexico and is now leaving the city apparently i just dropped at the airport that would make a lot of sense probably the only airport a grape seed airport of course he's going now i'm i'm actually at the airport now and we're gonna he's he's about to fly off never to be seen again we'll meet you at the airstrip then well hopefully he hasn't gone by then but uh he's getting in a plane he was telling me how he is so looking forward to seeing three kids so yeah grape seed airfield i mean at least you will be there anyways sandy shore sandy sandy shores yes okay okay honey bunny okay maybe maybe you could cook that nice spaghetti bolognese for me tonight you know i'm not cooking [ __ ] for you okay i'll cook of course here oh no all right we're heading to sandy shores sandy sandy airfield yep okay i love sand it's coarse and it gets everywhere i live up here you do you do you never told me this oh i recently moved in with um with who what are you married no not me have you forgotten who you're married to too dawn it happens to the best no i'm not i'm not who have you married who have you moved in with you can tell us i'll forget anyway i have amnesia and posey can be trusted with anything often oh you've seen him at the [ __ ] burger shot it's negan oh the license plate man no you're not married no i'm not married not married what are you married to the job right dawn well married to the job where are they oh there they are there they are wait a second what uh uh oh look it's waiting look the flight was delayed guys wait you told me he was actually boarding the plane when you were on the phone well i was you know using the the power of foresight honey you know you're using the power of lies what why did you say he was getting on the plane i would i would never say that i don't know what you mean why did you say he was getting on the plane oh god guys this this is you know we we might need to close our eyes for this this is oh god oh dawn please control yourself honey please don't don't oh no what are you saying are you saying you lied to me no no no no the play it's the way there's only one way we can do this okay troy come here do you have a strap on oh yes yes i do you have a strap on you sick [ __ ] troy what kind of jesus christ who cares safety it's a safety thing i mean yeah that is jesus christ no wonder you like he's kind of kinky actually okay you got a strap yeah there's only one way we do this wild west style jew to the death at high noon on the right on the on the on the runway oh i think i can concur to this back to the ground we walk to ten we draw winner takes grog neck i mean why not let's do it okay let me uh let's walk let me get a appropriate earphone i mean wait krog nick you're not just surprised to be one are you okay with this i mean oh we're gonna do it anyway oh yeah yeah go ahead again yeah go for it [Laughter] grog neck i love you i always have since the moment we met oh my god why would you do that okay back to back to the middle frogneck i need you to call out shout 10 so we take 10 paces okay when now on ten we turn around we draw and we shoot troy all right which way you walk that way back this way yeah that's a vlog for the best shot win oh we don't need look okay so i count up to 10 or down whatever you want baby okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh my god oh my god you are troy you legend oh you did it troy that's right you okay there troy you ever taken a life before i got some some oxy you okay troy did you take the bullet yeah i did what's that are you guys all right oh we're fine we're we're just impressed where's dawn i closed my eyes you closed your eyes over here i got shot like three times in the head you're gonna be okay troy and most importantly you got me out of a toxic relationship granted i was more the toxic one but i'm just happy to be divorced now i don't have anything yeah i think i need to sleep his words were his words were he that he loves you and he said something about troy which one he loves troy know that he loves you crackdeck i think he's just hitting on troy honestly the whole time i think this was like traffic feels like it's right yeah it's like a playground thing where they pick on the the schoolgirls because they like them i think that's what it is no no he said he loves you rock there oh loves me okay yes well i assume i'm now officially divorced like he lost the duel for me so that relationship's over as far as i'm concerned you got a security service or something um no but i guess i'm a pretty good shot so that'll have to do for now okay you did great troy you did great till next time france i'm gonna go to the hospital go to the hospital troy we'll see you soon i think that's it having a disconnected what a wild series of events santa's still bleeding out i think he's just dead i don't know his body just disappeared for me so i don't know it was a glitch or what oh dumb that was wild from start to finish i didn't see that ending with uh a duel in the desert you never really end up where you expect with this to you well the server's down unfortunately troy doesn't have um priority so he can't go back on immediately um i'm so confused what even happened with like with the raid like troy raided me but was also still streaming confused and more stephen thinks he might have married troy but he can't remember dawn took until probably maybe that was just wild all around oh man uh let me catch up with some alerts here before we started thank you for all the support throughout jesus um that was a mad stream and the strife who bet dippy jordy uh strife again thank you for the tip cybergamus the missing king rj kai hunter oreo zerated mustard uh larissic kano wolveria pink love uh miss uh miss melly miss mali sorry abunky sutra ken bunky again uncontrasted faye old spice nalshi zone aj bread glitched one um hayley junius lilac lex uh basketball dizono toxic she can read jim pickens rsw topple uh thank you for the two solves there and oh wait they came up twice okay thank you for the two gifted subs uh rick uh outside mid cavario uh tony allah thank you very much for the tip harissa uh holla dimitri 404 uh cult j vicky punky christopher captain eternal unnamed settler uh kata scott junius thank you for the five subs again block to p mr killian uh samus unreachable aikido uh duas baby vinco thank you for the tip uh and anna mango lover is it thank you for the sub dance thank you for the five uh pretty much caught up now easily tarasha dart hannu moon buggy jeezy may thorne cold soup flp elica bunta gabs boscia biocate uh just to chill bsg oreo space otters def i stole the dime uh probe rambo ice sub 2 live ezreal uh the almighty agreement phantoms dwight uh and fifteens blood thank you very much for the five subs very very kind of you thank you very much i appreciate it um yeah i can um i can send a raid over to troy the only problem is is that um i don't think they can get back on the server but even if it's just a hangout um it makes sense because we spent most of the uh the stream with them anyway so it makes sense um the frying brunch man thank you for the sub as well again thank you very much for the support i appreciate it um i hope you enjoyed the stream it was fun one bit of a wild uh stream especially the ending when [ __ ] knots i need to see that shot that he got at the end because that was a [ __ ] shot and a half hellcat thank you for the sob like it was an ak versus a pistol that was [ __ ] knots how the hell how the hell did he do that i wouldn't have done that and alive a hammer so it would have been a weird duel i would have just turned right after two paces um no but i hope you enjoyed the stream means a lot to me that you hung out thank you for all the followers as well hellcat thank you for the sub uh thank you for all the support i've got a video going up about 55 minutes you can check out my youtube below if you'd like and i'll be back on thursday for another stream 5 p.m bst yeah troy's just built different um i'll send you on over to troy who is actually flawless whale on twitch have a good time over there and uh it it should should be a good time but yeah i hope to see thursday and in the meantime see in the videos i got uh a mario golf video going up later which i think is a fun one and another sims 2 one tomorrow which i think is a is a really interesting one so don't miss that if you're at all interested uh exoff thank you for the sub and again that's about it thank you for joining and bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 129,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: zaUQmdAGMbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 51sec (7371 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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