Chuck Missler: Interpreting Prophetic Events (September 22, 2011)

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[Music] I am so excited about today's guests we've been trying for a number of years to get chuck Missler on the program and I'm so glad he's here with us today he's a wealth of knowledge on end time prophecy he was a successful businessman and he's now an internationally respected Bible teacher and he's here of course to talk about prophetic events and the times we're living in you need to know the times we live in Chuck it's great to have you as I said I've been we've been trying to get in the program for a number of years you're off all over the country you're in such demand and getting to speak with you for a while I see why I appreciate the opportunity to believe it's an honor I read your bio today and I was amazed you have such an interesting past you went to the Naval Academy you served a successful career in the Air Force then successful businessmen and now you're a Bible teacher talk about how the evolution of well actually when I was just a small child I discovered the Bible and I became fascinated with it I was a techie a geek who would call him today I was a radio ham when I was nine I was a I was a technical thing built a computer in your home yes that was and that was very early in the whole games you actually 50s my friend but the the point is that along the way I became fascinated with the Bible and that was probably my primary hobby I've been very self-indulgent hobby wise through my life but that was probably my I just got very interested in it very early my technical specialty became the information sciences and along the way I think what captivated me was the discs made two discoveries in my life the first is that the 66 books we call the Bible are an integrated message I don't mean just team at eclis that there's a theme in the old fulfilled the new know I came to the discovery for me that every detail seems to be there deliberately by design and it sounds like an engineer very much so exactly and but the second discovery that emerges from that discovery is the real realization if that's an integrated message system its origin had to come from outside time because it writes history before it happens and that's exactly what Isaiah says there's an attribute of God that he uses to authenticate his message he alone knows the end from the beginning and by writing with such precision in offender cases the message so I became fascinated with that even in my teams but as I went through through my college years and getting kind of a career environment I treated my Bible studies that was my recreation I just enjoyed that I taught the the 20 for 25 years I taught the Monday nights not easy Kerry Chapel Costa Mesa a prominent venue in where we lived but it was still about 20 years ago that an old friend of mine I named Hal Lindsey recruited me into the full-time ministry says Chuck has it ever occurred to you to make your hobby your profession he was sensitive to the fact that by then there were enough tapes floating around just by people passing him on that I had a following of sorts and he says that he pointed out that the as an independent you normally can't make it without sponsorship but it says you're gonna follow you could do what you enjoy most and so anyway to make a long story short he was the one that really got me to I never took myself seriously as the Bible teacher but of course that was the Lord blessed it and that's that's what I do I switched made by what was my my profession which was a professional director I serve on 12 boards I was gentle and CEO six different public companies for those were defense contractors so I was in this strategic arena for most of my executive career so I really about twenty years ago in a second you know second career going in at full time and taking it seriously publishing and writing and that's what we do now we formed a think tank called coin Institute and we have members now in 70 countries and people who are having common they take the Bible seriously so that's what we do and you're a font of information and intelligence information well that's a key thing that's a key thing I might point out is as the think-tank emerged one of the things we realized we really have three different avenues of study we what we call the that we call the Berean Avenue that's the verse by verse chapter by chapter study the Bible it takes precedence over everything but what makes us different Smith is the vote it's like exactly right exactly right and and we in Chuck and Hal and Walter Martin were my mentors in real ways but the second Avenue that emerged in the Institute we call for a lack of another term the Issyk our Avenue I heard you quote segment equals 12 32 to be like the sons of Issachar who understood the time to do it the country I do so we've discovered that prophecy and stewardship the tools are different than the Brean the brilliant Avenue you know the Bible is true the challenges understand it the other Avenue namely the car you're dealing with intelligence reports news clips things you know are biased sometimes deliberately sometimes inadvertently the tools of study are very different and that's what distinguishes the Institute from say a Bible College and then the third leg of the stool and we call coin in US which is motivated by the it's the practical doing it's motivated by the third commandment thou shall not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain which we argue has nothing to with no cab you Larry it has to do with ambassadorship if you're going to take the name of the king who is Jewish of course if you're going to take the name of the King you need to be prepared to represent them competently and faithfully so that those three legs are really constitute that the Institute that we encourage and promote well I want to talk with you today I want to focus in on Israel good I've been spending a lot of time lately on the Middle East situation in fact I just completed a short Brook and I'm expanding it on is peace possible in the Middle East because not only do you have the historic enemies of Israel the countries surrounding Israel but then all of these terrorist groups now that Israel has to do deal with inside of their own land and of course the constant pressure to give away land we know that land for peace that doesn't work we see that with the Gaza Strip which has become a staging ground now for military taxi peace is possible no I don't think so not not not until they know that Israel returns to the to the source which is a God himself and and and I I see that in the last verse of was a a 5 or 15 for God speaking through Isaiah says I will return to my place which is interesting phrase that must mean the estimate that must mean he left it I must return my place until they acknowledge their offense that's singular and specific maybe the rejection in their affliction they will seek me earnestly and so to me that verse clarifies the whole role and it also tells me what the so-called Great Tribulation is really and Matthew 23 you will not see me again exactly you who dwell in Jerusalem until you say baruch haba b'shem adonai 'blessed as you comes in the name of the lord so in the meantime though i think god has a lot to say about those people who would dare partition is land so we'll be watching I I personally asked me what my perspective is I don't see any peace until the Prince of Peace comes in the meantime though God still has his hand on them and very very clearly I want to target Ezekiel 38 and 39 for a few minutes because I'm very clear on Romans 9 through 11 as a Jewish believer that is my life my heart's desire and prayer for Israel's that they might be saved and helping Christians to understand that God still loves the Jewish people he's faithful to the Jewish people and we can base our trust in God being faithful to us on his faithfulness to the Jewish people but the whole GOG Magog Armageddon scenario has really been a challenge for me in fact Chuck I shared with you that it brought me into eventual salvation because I was drawn to go to a Bible study that was talking about the book of Revelation and how the world comes to an end is it as a Jewish druggie looking for the meaning of life I found that very intriguing and bumped into you shoe along the way there but I'm really I reread these today in preparation for our time together I want you to talk specifically about dog mega - ball and Mischa who are these figures in Ezekiel 38 and 39 well let's take the first one which is a very strange word the word GOG because it's very unusual in the Bible to have a very key player emerged without some background and suddenly were confronted with GOG in Ezekiel 38 and but I've stumbled into an interesting passage you know Amos chapter 7 verse 1 which if you read in your English Bible doesn't make any sense at all but if you read it the Septuagint which is which it's amazing to me that more people don't lean on the Septuagint because you're talking about a 900 year advantage over the master but the 50 BC yeah and so we have very identifies a GOG as the king of the locusts now locusts when I talk about natural locusts because proverbs 3:27 says that the locusts have no king when you study revelation 9 you know you find the word locusts they're used idioms and so that all comes up if you're studying Revelation 9 well when you hit Amos 7 1 in the Septuagint and you discover Gog is a title of a demon king not necessarily the number one guy but obviously one of his key lieutenants or whatever it clarifies a number of things because there's another mystery about Gog and Magog because it shows up twice clearly the Ezekiel 38 passage occurs prior to the second coming of Christ and yet after a thousand years after the Millenium we see an allusion made to Gog and Magog again for Magog to be around a thousand years later well that's the name of the people as logically but Gog is a title it makes sense when you realize COG is in a title of the demon king so it it illuminates that mystery but getting back to the question GOG is simply the leader the demonic leader of Magog it may be idiomatic of a purpose if ik person or maybe idiomatically used in the group the real issue is who's Magog the sons of japheth and so we what you're confronted with of course in Ezekiel 38 is all these different peoples are mentioned by their forebears and they have to be because see you and I we keep changing the names of things you know and if you're and if you're Isaiah and God called you to talk about the Persian Empire a hundred years before it shows up in history how do you talk about it by the alarm you speak of their forebears and you mentioned you were in st. Petersburg you know there's a city keeps changing its name with its Leningrad or Petersburg Petrograd depends what year you talking about my Russian friends say in Russia even the past is uncertain so so how do you so who is may God may God is that is that is the descendants of Magog is our challenge who we fortunately have several key sources Hesiod which is a Greek net active poet speaks and actually slightly ahead of his eqo in time speaks of the sentence of Magog as the skiffins Herodotus was known as the father history writes extensively about the descendants of Magog namely the significance and so we would associate them to a the people southern steppes of Russia some would say Russia in general could be but more specifically it's the southern steps but what's interesting is you go through those tribes they're armed and lead corners eco by may gog well that's exactly who is arming and leading those very those various peoples even today one reason that is equal 38 is so prominent to most Bible students is for two reasons one is it's the this attempted attempted invasion is it intervened God intervenes that that attack and that in itself is significant because he very overtly is preventing that going forward the second reason it's so well known it appears to allude to the nuclear weapons when you get to chapter 39 which is the clean up after the battle you discover that they spent they wait seven months before and first of all there are hailstones of fire and all these cosmic things happening but then the the hire professionals to clear the battlefield they wait seven months before entering the battlefield then they take seven months to clear the battlefield and the Holy Spirit even adds something in chapter 39 if a passenger passing through that area sees something that the professionals but what the professionals do they clear the battlefield and they bury what they find east of the dead sea read that downwind and if if somebody passing through that area sees something the professionals have missed he doesn't touch it he marks the location lets the professionals deal with it you know that is very contemporary procedures anybody that's been briefed in a nuclear or biological chemical warfare knows the drill and so that kind of language in Ezekiel 39 catches your attention because again see my premise is there's nothing in there accidental everything and there is deliberate and I think that to me at least I infer that we're talking about very contemporary weapons technology but they're but the now the big debate about that passage is does it occur see that's very competent scholars like Hal Lindsey and others see that whole event as part of the Armageddon scenario as outlined in Daniel 11 that it's it's part of the the climactic and there are some of us and I side with them that believe the Ezekiel 38 event occurs before the 73 good annual it's not part of the Armageddon scenario in fact and and there's some technical reasons we hold that view doesn't mean we're right or wrong it's not my point my point is they're good scholars that have different views exactly where that places but I think what most people have overlooked is Psalm 83 because there's a there's an event that occurs prior I believe to the Ezekiel 38 event there's equal 38 event if you go through all those tribes and to identify them they're an outer ring of peoples what's gray and their motivation in Ezekiel 38 is taking spoil gold silver cattle and goods they see that as a that's the motivation is to take advantage when you get the psalm 83 it there's two things that leap out at you one is that then the players there are not the same players Ezekiel 38 in fact they're the immediate neighbors second thing it leaps out at you is the motivation isn't spoil it's to wipe Israel off the map so what as you read Psalm 83 it's rather startling because it sounds like it's drawn from current headlines you can almost see you got my dinner job saying you know wiping Israel off the map when I first heard wanted to do and when I first heard and say that I'd rejoiced that's the first time I ever heard them a bit they were on their map but but the point is only a prophecy teacher every voice about but but the point that point really is is that the immediate neighbors Confederate with a specific objective of wiping off the map and the psalmist last of the Psalms calls for God you know to deal with that and so there is a a scenario that's inferred here is that they that Israel will succeed against them God is going to and that creates the prosperity that causes them to be a target for a Zika 30a so two separate events yes one that is real prospers in that ultimately brings about the total destruction and my view and I mentioned is there aren't many that hold this view I should admit very quickly Bill Salus who wrote a good books a couple of others that holds a well so that that I hope that you've Spillman another one sure but if if Israel and now there's another piece of this scenario that's speculative and so we I don't know if we should even get into this about that anybody wrong the nuclear capability of Iran okay hurry Iran is after a nuclear weapon for reasons most people don't realize those of us that have a heart for Israel tremble because of a nuclear nuclear Iran is a threat to Israel what most people are not aware of is a fourteen hundred year war that's about to erupt between the sea most of us that know a little bit about Islam most of us know very little about Islam that's the first mistake but secondly don't realize there's two houses that hate each other almost as much as they hate the Jews and the helped Israel by the way yes well the Shiites and the Sunnis and the the conventional wisdom is about 80% of Islam is Sunni 20 percent is Shiite that's because the Shiites are not counted in a Sunni country we don't know how many Shiites there are but Shiites are primarily took the Iranians and Yemen now this war started with the dinner some say it was lamb some say was goat but it was poisoned when it was when Muhammad took that first bite he spit it out who his poison was too late he died and the succession for after him split the house in two houses and from that that started wars that have going on for 1,400 years and so but we need to understand the mindset of Iran they this isn't a third world country this is a country that ruled the world at one time Persia held off the Roman Empire for 300 years very few know that the Arab world are terrified of Iran exactly fact and that's another mistake that we're not Arabs that not to use the word Arab when the word we really want to use as Muslim okay so but if but understand how much you have to understand how much the Shiites hate the Sunnis and they remember vivid when Saudi Arabia funded Iraq to throw chemical warfare against Iran in the 8th year you know the other myth that gets promoted is that if it wasn't for is where we'd have peace the Middle East that's utter nonsense take Israel out of the picture for them and you had an eight-year war between Iraq and Iran had nothing to do with Israel and so the point is the hatred of the the Shiites see a chance to to regain their previous dominance and the nuclear weapon their primary abuse of it would be against Saudi Arabia you look at the if you watch the news today you're aware of the business in Yemen you need to stand back and realize that Iran controls the southern third of Iraq where most of the oil is and you look at all this from the point of sorry ever there they're surrounded they got Yemen coming from well first of all controls the Straits of Hormuz 90% of the Middle East oil goes through the Straits of Hormuz through Yemen they also have the deed of Tears so in Yemen is on the south edge of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is terrified right now the United States is supporting Saudi Arabia but exactly where that's all going ahead now stop and realize if you're in a speculative mood what President Obama could accomplish if he chose to take out the nuclear capability of Iran overnight he would become a hero to most of the Muslim world the Sunnis he also returned on his heels and Netanyahu said now you owe me one so a big one a big one so and as you look at the emergent capability in now it's been stalled thanks to cyber warfare by we assumed Israel the nuclear capability but that's that's just a stall how are we going to prevent it what is referring to the virus that yes right that's a whole another part of the story but try to get what I get yes I'm getting at is a suspicion I hold if that should happen the strong suit militarily speaking of Israel is a tank or and if they had the backbone and the guts to go after the Hezbollah in the north and Hamas the south and use that opportunity while that's going on just to seal off their borders and say to the world up yours and we're a nation now yep yeah baby bleep yeah so so I've drifted off in just some peripheral speculations but I mentioned it primarily because I think the the the turmoil there can take some turns that we can't really suspect that's one reason why I think we are well served to study very carefully as equal 3839 because there's a lot of detail in the talk let me talk about turns because I remember before the collapse of the Iron Curtain all of the prophetic books talking about the invasion from the north getting ready the invasion from the north I didn't read any book that talked about the collapse of the of the of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Iron Curtain that that was a real twist and it's a twist that that ended up leading me to actually live in Russia for three years now I'm seeing things change the missionary activity in Russia is coming to a close Russia's reharden again the conflict with the US the tensions with the US again and now I'm seeing the scenario it's coming back into focus with Russia so let's go back to Ezekiel 3839 and I want you to - I don't know what the word I'm looking for is put a transparency over the current countries now and give us a scenario of the countries that exist now and how you see them fitting into Ezekiel 3839 well as we do that by the way what's interesting aren't just the countries by their ancient names we can go through that if you like but the ones that are missing Sheba and Eden are not part of the attacking group Sheba and Eden are standing on the sidelines saying hey what are you doing and that would be presumably Saudi Arabia and Yemen maybe the other thing as we start to look at that recognize that there are three groups of people you've got Magog and all his allies trying to invade Israel except God is gonna intervene obviously you've got obviously Israel there's a third party alluded to in verse 6 of chapter 39 because by time you get to through 38 you get to 39 would mostly to clean up after the battle but God sort of summarizes and these hailstones of fire are going to fall upon Magog and among those who dwell carelessly in the aisles or coastlands who are they they're not part of the invading force you know they're not it's a third party that somehow gets clobbered in the in the melee that takes place now that leads to conjectures so there's always dangerous to get into conjectures I suppose but one of the one of the things that when we travel and we have a question answer period there are two questions that always come up one question in large audiences if some will say where's the United States and prophecy the question doesn't come up in Asia or Europe by the way they think it's arrogant for us to even ask that and there a lot of books written about that that I that I don't happen to see in order to agree with one of the conjectures the problem is that America all the major players in eschatological passage Orwell identified but Israel's the United States is obviously not one of them one of the conjectures is that we may be those people who dwell securely in the aisles meaning that as this tension occurs was Magog and starts to move against Israel it might be the United States that saber rattle it's very analogous in a sense to the Cuban Missile Crisis where there's some brinksmanship going on but in contrast to the Cuban Missile Crisis which was a very skillful standoff that what that went well this is one and God yes but this is one that doesn't go well somebody does something stupid and there's an exchange and maybe it's our nukes that are the hailstones a fire that wipeouts magog's invading forces and we take a hit and as a result we also get an overdue judgment on the country and so that may be the worst I've heard yeah well that's just a speculation that that's just a speculation but as you as I read is equal 490 Bruce sakes that's one of maybe three or four possible reasonable scenarios there well well you you put together a fascinating teaching that we're actually gonna offer called the Magog invasion so I want you to I want to crystallize this okay okay because you're talking about an invasion that precedes and the Battle of Armageddon and an invasion that is not successful now there's a very key point the the God openly intervenes in history to prevent that invasion from being successful and that and so that causes me to believe it's after they're about so okay so we're talking about clearly Russia orchestrating this right Russia the north is mentioned yeah it's not North America it's not North Carolina no no in fact it says the uttermost parts to the north if you look at it you don't have to have all the ethnological background you look at map look at Israel and look what's due north of that and it's you know on a globe and you're talking about you know so Russia is the kingpin the court hands II feel it's the leader and the supplier of the arms it includes what other nations do you go ahead and conjecture oh well it would include the Eastern Bloc you included in Turkey Michigan 2-ball were cities on the coast of a mess going to a very prominent and they were in there some scholars would isolate not Russia at large but the the Central Asian group but that's splitting hairs in my point of view in my view of these the skiff Ian's dominated the southern steps of Russia from the Ukraine to China from the 10th century be see-through about the 3rd century BC so I think that's just a fact the Great Wall of China was built to keep them out Assyria involved Syria absolutely Iran Iran in partnership with with it yes in fact the it partner appreciated Iran it's the is a key player with me God absolutely and it fails Israel that's clear in Ezekiel 38 and 39 the God intervenes that God intervenes yes stops the force that's why some good scholars I happen to see a little differently with some good most good scholars I'd use how Lindsay as my example tied that all into the army captain scenario as they see it profiled and I in that day well I want you to talk about are the Armageddon scenario as you understand it at least at this point okay well I tend to see the Ezekiel 38 event occurring prior to the 73 Daniel okay and be that as it may if that seventh is a seven year period triggered in the middle with the abomination of desolation the desecration of the temple the this world leaders that has come to power by then made it made it made a cut it forces a covenant that he violates the middle and seven-year period the Lord Jesus Christ himself labels the last three and a half years as the Great Tribulation quoting from Daniel 12 that climaxes into the Battle of Armageddon which isn't erupted by the second coming of Christ but I don't see the Ezekiel 38 event there for a number of reasons not the least of which is the this the the you know the seven months cleanup and some other some things just don't fit nothing really a divergent view from what I've read well we're okay no we're two people agree one is redundant right and keep going with with the Armageddon scenario because this is fascinating today well they Armageddon yeah it's very interesting there's no Battle of Armageddon resume Armageddon is to the attack in Jerusalem what England was to the Normandy invasion no which the gathering but he gathered them in in desribe and what's their real target they think their target is Jerusalem except the remnant have fleed presumably to Petra or to what was temporary some security and what's interesting is when Jesus comes back according to Isaiah 63 that's where he comes back to fight knew those that are after the remnant you know I I could never figure out why Satan hasn't given up in other words we're taught that at the cross you know his his his doom was sealed and yet he's so busy still trying to undo God's plan okay well we discover by studying Hosea and some other passages there is a prerequisite condition to the second coming and that's for Israel to petition it and so once I realized that I suddenly understood why Satan is so hostile to not just the Jews in general but the believing Jews particularly because in his mind if he can fort that he can thwart the plan of God absolutely and so I wouldn't agree with you hundred once that fog lifted then it became clear to me you know and that's why all forms of prejudice are evil but it's the role that the Jewish people playing the return that's equally as important as they played in this first comment that's just missed by so many in the church but it's you know it's have you ever studied the the speech by Stephen before the Sanhedrin in acts 7 if you outline that you discover something very interesting because see they didn't let him finish they stoned them but if you outline a speech all the way through he always points out from the beginning they don't get it the first time they get it the second even Abraham's call he has that subtle insight God had said and so forth you know they he was supposed to leave his he did he moved up River for 25 years till his father died then he felt it and but Stephen makes that point all the way through all the way through they don't get it the first time they get it in a second they don't get it and he builds up to the fact that they Messiah came and they killed him they didn't let him finish see when he the second time they will they'll get it I had off you know so it's a anyway and I see the same thing repeated in Peters preaching before the men of Israel where he says you men repent and turn from your sins so that times of refreshing may come and then said restitution as restitution of all things and I'm talks about Jesus actually waiting in the heavenlies for the restoration of all things yeah there's clearly a key role that the Jewish people play very much so so in any case that's that's why I see God's intervention on the Magog thing as a preamble before even the Armageddon scenario that's just messages that's just a that's just a view so the motives of the first invasion that failed now they're wondering the the automa that Psalm 83 thing no I'm talking first about Ezekiel 38 motivation it's fun under the riches yes exactly by the way but that's another key point they go to take spoil all the way through there as God recounts what's good the thoughts on 83 it's to wipe them off and that's earlier see I think that's a preamble I may be wrong but I I think those Alice's perspective on that is when I I would concur with that I think it's a preamble thing that creates a prosperity to make them a target now meanwhile becoming a target they all just the trillion dollars worth of natural gas and so it starts to make them an attractive you know target already so do you see crude being found there as well as part of this I'm not an expert man I hear most of its natural gas or maybe there may be something of it yeah and how many I know yeah no one knows for sure what how this scenario will play out other than one thing for sure Jesus will return and we'll be victorious yes [Applause] I've sort of taken some liberties here in the fringes but the real point I wanted to get across I think there's no time like now to really re-examine all these passages because the Word of God is more available to us than it's ever been from the beginning you can go to the original Hebrew and the Greek without knowing Hebrew Greek with modern tools the information appliances we have are rather them to pay for it anyway and the software's is free and so forth and you can put your little cursor on any word in the translation and it'll pop up what the word really was what parts of speech it'll even diagram the sentence if you want and it's all free it's all free and so that which leaves us without excuse truck was proclaiming in the eighties it's any day now he's gonna return but when you look at the scenario in the 80s compared to today who would have ever thought I interrupted you I want you to continue no edge of my real point isn't the cell a point of view I expressed some of my points of view primarily just so you have a perspective but I think every one of us should do two things find out what the Bible really says know what chuck Missler says or whoever with the Bible recessed and the second thing is you've got to find out what's going on and that's not as easy as it sounds because they most of us that are where it all realize that you won't find out on the 10 o'clock news you've got to do some homework with with via with resources on the internet and the alternative press and ministries like your own these are resources that are crucial to the believer because I think what has to happen is to understand what the Bible really says and then do enough to be aware of what's really going on so you can see so you can perceive the convergence of what's going on and when you when you look at what's happening in the details people are watching the little Yemen thing going on because Osama risings and so forth because of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Libya and so forth it's another one of those no it's a piece of a strategic puzzle if you really look at the whole story I guess my point is the more you understand what the Bible says and the more you understand what's really going on you really see it all coming together now don't misunderstand me I'm not setting dates I join that crowd exactly right and from 1st Thessalonians 5 I don't believe the believers will be caught by surprise in other words they won't know that I'm not suggesting you know you know the timing that would be they don't know the seasons because we're children of the day not of the night that that day should overtake taking you over taking them by like a thief in the night is a phrase addressed to the children of the night not the children that if you have studied that Paul's passage there in 1st Thessalonians 5 he draws a distinction between those the children of the night to whom he comes as a thief in the night and those are there today that are not of the night that that should overtake you as a thief in other words they clearly his presentation is there that the true believer will not be caught by surprise you'll know it's he'll be he will be in an attitude of expectancy not setting dates but Chuck just just in one minute very simply talk about some of the clear signs that you see that we are in fact in the last days preceding the return of Christ oh boy well you always start if you're looking at timelines if you want to find out where you are in God's calendar you look at this field and look at Israel and the fact that they are two things first of all there alone the world's against him even America for the first time in its history has backed away from endorsing the right to exist our current administration has taken a step that is our support of Israel through the years has been spotty we've betrayed them we've got been clumsy there's it's a pretty dismal story when you really look by the scenes but at least officially we were behind them for the first time we're even officially cutting loose and that terrifies me I said earlier there's two questions that we always get one is where's Unites States probably the other question we always get is why hasn't God judged America Billy Graham Billy Graham quipped so colorfully several decades ago if God doesn't judge America enough to apologize this Sodom and Gomorrah Thomas Jefferson said the same thing at 1781 he said I tremble for my country when I recall that God is just and that his justice will not sleep forever I harbor the fear that God's abandonment wrath has already started against America and I think that for years when people says why hasn't God judged America my response has always been because of it because of Justice 12 verse 2 and 3 we've always stood for Israel I've always felt that our support of Israel was a shield to an overdue judgment because you look at America in terms of its moral decay and you go you smegal through the list it's a it's amazing see I found a very peculiar statistic the other day did you know that all the people who died in wars in the United States since the beginning and up to about a million three hundred 1.3 million and change so to speak we murder 1 million for every year in mothers wombs the blood of those kids cry out to God so so you start looking at America and it's long overdue for judgment if my premise in the past it got that's been deferred by support of Israel through support of Israel but now with that support being you know dissolved by our president administration I tremble you know bill Trinity has a book he has a premise that that there's always a correlation between pushing Israel adversely and the interests the storms and all he has quite a little list and he does and he builds a good friend I've never quite bought the full impact of his hypothesis but if he's right we can expect the biggest storm we've ever seen within view of the current situation so I I don't I don't worry about Israel I pray for it because the scripture tells me to and I know because I know it was in God's hands I tremble for America I think the one thing that has protected us from an overdue judgment is gone and so I think that I think that we're facing some very very serious challenges now the good news is I think it's going to be a harvest for the kingdom that we the likes of which we haven't seen in our lifetime because I think the people in the past who've been apathetic complacent are gonna be desperately looking for answers in the coming months I'm not tell about years coming months and if we do our homework I think there's gonna be a harvest from the kingdom the likes of which see I'm not a Republican or Democrat I'm a monarchist and I work at a Jewish King you know I want to take advantage of I know it's late but I want to take advantage of chapter this is so rare and gives some of you a chance to ask questions in the audience can we make that happen and we'll just keep your answers concise because it is getting late in but I'd really give some people good a chance that haven't come here to hear you too this is a fun part for me yes my name is Linda gross and I have read some in reformed theology and have suspected that they have a leaning towards a multiple rapture teaching for the end times do you have a perspective of that I don't think you know I personally done holding a part in a in a partial rapture or a multiple rapture thing I think Paul talks about the harpazo and 1st Thessalonians 4 I think it's it's alluded to surprisingly left three times in the Old Testament most people don't know that but it clearly clearly taught from John 14 on by the Lord and in Paul's case first a second Thessalonians 4 and also 2nd Thessalonians 2 we know a great deal about it from the air and I see it as a singular event and not a not a multiple not a multiple or partial rapture model I don't come to hold we could go on and on about that but in a concise response I don't hold I hold I do look for the hot pots or the rapture as being the next event that will experience there's no preceding event required for each pre-tribulation or mid-tribulation three no mid-tribulation and post tribulation deny imminence if you're gonna if you're going to hold the doctrine of imminence which I believe the New Testament teaches you really have to set those on the shelf with all due respect tomorrow Rosenthal and the rest I think that that no I'm a creep but incidentally we talked about Psalm 83 there's a great mystery in verse 3 as the ASF an Islamist calls to God to deal with these people are going to try to wipe this r off the map he says they speak against you God and against your treasured hidden ones what on earth he is alluding to I don't know but I wonder if that's the Saints that have been raptured I wonder if that's a if that event occurs after the rapture I'm sure the revelation Zika 3839 occurs after the rapture for a number of reasons but I think this Psalm 83 if Psalm 83 is our near horizon then the harpazo is even closer I just so love the deep minding of Scripture like this it's wonderful tell us your name and your question for Chuck hi Mary Lodwick and my question Chuck is what do you think about the September possible state Palestinian state going into effect in September the Palestinian state do you think that that will take place Euan yeah I don't know what's going to happen but I think I think I can't see that happening okay and another question do you think that the final world government will be a caliphate it'll probably have some of those characteristics I think it's more complex than that we know for a second Thessalonians 2 verse 9 says that the the coming world leader that we're talking about he shall exalt himself above all that is called God that includes Allah but it's not limited to that and I think the marriage between Islam and the Roman Catholic Church thing you need to be aware of the Pope is declared the Muslims is saved because they worship one God which is of course is just pure power power politics because their I want start on all that the point is you want to I see that conglomeration is being much more complex than I don't think it's a it's not as simple as pointing to the Vatican or pointing to Islam I think it's going to be more complex that's a quick answer okay let's take let's take a couple more tell us your name and your question for Chuck my name is Raleigh Halverson and my question is what do you believe about the super Congress that is being formed do you believe it has anything to do with Bible prophecy it's just an isolated event here in America what's happening to us what are your thoughts on the super Congress the super Congress I have no beliefs about the super Congress I I don't I have I have some very strange attitudes about our current government situation I've got some questions off-camera for you okay I I spent 30 years in the strategic arena not just my service career I was the intelligence community I was in the RAND Corporation a think-tank world I also was chairman CEO of six different public companies four of those were publicly traded defense contractors I say all that to point out that I'm not an America basher I've spent my life in that world but I have to be candid with you the last few years had been the most painful of my life because that was in my blood and I now look back on what I used to regard as patriotism as an obsolete form of idol worship I'm not a Republican or Democrat in fact I think there's going to be huge turmoil because of the lack of leadership of even having a response to all of this if I had my way the people that put him into office would be tried for treason the congressman sent the senators and congressmen who took an oath to defend the Constitution should be tried for treason for them to sign bills they don't read for them to a prostitute now there may be uprisings occurring between now and you know you know about the Mayan calendar it says most people don't know there's a 45 day error in the Mayan calendar Mayan calendar says the world comes to an end December 21 of dear 2012 right well there's a 45 day era the world comes to an end on the second Tuesday of November of 2012 it took him a minute to get I'm kidding about the election the danger is there may be an armed uprising and they don't have enough leadership to succeed so there's gonna be some huge tragedies you don't have hyperinflation without a change of regime in this last century there's been dozens of hyperinflation examples around the world more than you may realize most I did it but they always occur with a change of regime and that's probably what's going to happen to us you'd live to see the Constitution violated oh no I was was it day I signed up to die for my country I wouldn't do that today no let's let's take what's one more question for Chuck we've time for one more question tell us your name and your question for Chuck right here you've already asked a question somebody else somebody else asked Tim Canfield what do you feel is the literal interpretation of the valley of dry bones from Ezekiel I have a belief but I just want to hear yours I've ever seen any controversy about that is there a establishment of the Israel sure I mean the dry bones version is in my mind very crisp very clear and and and they come together and flesh is put on the bones but the Spirit comes later and there's a lot of aspects to that but that's a that's the prelude you know that year to you tabula they follow and and and you got to recall why God does that he doesn't do it because you deserve it he doesn't cuz my name is on the deal it's his honor that's at stake I want to make one comment that I saw that as the the Jews coming out of the concentration camps when when I had in part in part but this more that's it I think you've got to include in that scope the reestablishment of the Kenan can they should be born in an hour in a day yes it was in fact and so uh no but I think I see it as the the reestablishment Israel and so it's that's not complete yet either you can request your choice of either Jonathan bernis is teaching CD and booklet on a hope and a future or chuck Missler DVD titled the mega invasion when you do Jonathan will send you as a special bonus his brand-new booklet titled is peace possible in the Middle East your gift helps Jewish Voice continue to bring medical care and the message of the gospel to Jewish people worldwide so please pick up your phone or go online and give your most generous gift today
Channel: Jewish Voice
Views: 252,534
Rating: 4.848949 out of 5
Keywords: chuck missler, prophetic, last days, jonathan bernis, bible, interview, tv, jewish, jewish voice, messianic, tv show
Id: Xbudr7KoE2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 20sec (3140 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2011
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