Kenshi Mod: Impossible Start [INSANE]- No Arms/Legs 1,000,000,000 in debt.

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what's going on guys you're watching reggie games and today I am feeling a bit confident I had Space Marines mod earlier and you know that was really easy so now I think I'm ready for this new motto in stalled which is impossible start no no no no that would be too easy let's go let's keep looking here that a rock bottom no still too easy that did it today haha impossible start insane edition so to break this down right off the bat we have is that a billion I we're in 1 billion cat credit or debt so we owe 1 billion cats so basically we'll never be able to buy anything so that is a little complication but also there's a small matter of us having no arms or legs and being imprisoned in a cannibal village so let's just you know let's jump into it and see how really how hard could this really be okay here we are umm-hmm we have some decisions to be made here so we get to choose whether we want to be a human Ocoee it actually be a human cannibal but I don't think that will stop them from eating us hiver Space Marine well that might be LP Shack or skeleton so my idea right off the bat is if I have no arms and legs I'm probably I can do myself though the small favor of eliminating hunger from the equation because skeletons don't have to eat and I feel like you know I'm gonna have to roll my way through the desert which could take many days I assume that's how a torso moves maybe I kind of do some kind of at like dolphin flipper thing I don't know how what my locomotion will be like but I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna go with the skeleton now I can be give me a skeleton I can be a screamer mark-1 I don't even know is this a mod I don't know screamer or a p4 unit before units kind of cute you know honest about that oh okay p4 unit has less health points all right I'm gonna go no no no I can't be a screamer because there's negative modifiers to stealth and thievery which I feel like might be important oh wait everyone has those modifiers lovely alright so I'll just accept that well you know what guys I may have no arms and no legs and you know probably the cannibals well yes the cannibals can't eat me I'm metal but um anyway I can at least be handsome so let's uh let's let's figure out with this oh now I'm taller tell I'm a tall torso I'm a white or so um let's see I'm gonna go with like kinda like yeah I'm gonna just try to be small so no one no one sees me idle stance oh yeah I thought it was just gonna be laying on the right laying on the floor okay let that seemed to look good to me can I adjust this handsome mug any-any met me get bigger smaller wider it's dinner okay no I guess this is what we got guys okay here we go what's this already Oh what is this where am i okay bad luck Brian insane yeah you can say that again oh yes there's also a hundred thousand dollar bounty on my head and everyone hates me so who are you guys you guys are anti slavers yeah I was pretty sure he was gonna spawn me in with cannibals but these guys seem RIT okay yeah I do it like a little I do it a little two-step a little shimmy a little wiggle man I had a whole plan made oh for the the can I was gonna pick the lock on my cage with my tongue okay so these guys seem to be not hostile to oh my god these it's triple speak there's this triple speed for me this is suffering oh dear okay well actually this is not that bad when you think about it because I can't think of any upsides yet but I'll get there yeah yeah so we're not in the cage these people are not trying to kill us so what are we gonna do let's think about this okay so I've thought about it and I've determined that my quest is going to be to get my arms and legs back well probably not mine but you know someone's arms and legs I'm gonna I'm gonna try and get some prosthetics so clearly that's not possible if bump up up a pop I can't buy them there's the words so I have to become a master thief you know everyone will know of me the torso and I have to get to I don't know I did the only prosthetic store that I know for sure is worlds end which is like up in this area all right there I believe so that's quite a quite a distance for me to travel also that's holy nation territory actually so I'll probably just get you know ass blasted while I'm up there but you know let's just let's just start the journey I'll put a save down let's see here why am I doing this one okay so yeah luckily we don't worry about food I just kind of have to apparently my martial arts is 93 is that what oh no that's Kotecki oh right on my martial arts is one isn't that isn't that nice I was looking his stats I was again dude were jacked wonderful torso can perform martial arts body slam I don't know what could I do so we're just gonna kind of go out into the wasteland here what that helped land bats well luckily they haven't taken any interest to me I feel like these guys are gonna get killed oh my god there's more of them I haven't even made it out the gate yet and this place is already terrifying me double barrel harpoon turret that's pretty cool okay I don't know the whole land bat situation is but they're kind of turning around now really guys you don't want to eat me I'm not delicious okay so I like our odds I'm gonna be real dude like three minutes in theirs roaming gangs of land bats but hey they were we're all about a positive attitude here they we seem to be invisible to them in some way so that's cool just keep on rollin how do I even get down here figure it out bad luck Brian figure it out I don't I don't even know what am I gonna do what am I gonna do while he's moving so slowly I pick up a hobby or something I'm gonna bring up the toll paints start making art it's gonna take me like 40 hours this is preposterous well it's alright I'm sure I'm sure I'll die soon so it's no big deal oh that doesn't sound good that does not sound good oh all right just keep on keep on by let's go it's my athletics at least increasing Oh guys becoming a faster torso how does that make sense oh I wanted to get it to like I think my athletics they're like 98 and they'll just be like flying across the wasteland like no [ __ ] understand it I have my little nibs going at full speed propelling me across the desert there we are I thought except 7 I gotta say that you know having no arms and legs probably impedes my my athletics a bit but no will improve so yeah clearly I'm just gonna have to become an incredibly good thief I'm not sure how to do that I was like maybe I should have stayed in here and like stole stuff and like tried to exploit I don't know but yeah I'll have to make it to have to make it to that place and break into the prosthetic store and buy myself some arms and legs and then if I can do that well I mean I'm I probably shouldn't even be thinking anything beyond that because spoiler alert I'm gonna die at least 500 times before we get there but if I get arms and legs you know maybe I'll just like make a nice little farm you know I'll just retire and then you know anyone that sees me is probably gonna raid my firm kill me but that's it's the life for bad luck Brian insane oh I came with my own Skelton repair kit that's cute I've been crying for 14 days yeah well actually I've been crawling for an entire day I'm not even at the bottom of this [ __ ] yeah okay let beds I have no idea what that is all about maybe the lamp bats aren't interested in my hundred K bounty I kind of want to turn myself in after I probably wouldn't get the bounty okay so my knowledge of the geography here is pretty pretty lacking I know like over here we have some skeleton areas and this is like United cities some oriented city [ __ ] here so check down I don't know let me let me think about this who hates me ah okay so the trade ninjas are cool with me the shinobi thieves are cool with me and holy nation outlaws are cool with me what about the skeletons did my fellow skeleton brothers [ __ ] hate my guts skeleton bandits minus 100 skeletons minus 100 that's a rough one so yeah that would mean that there's only three places on the entire map that I can go to without being you know killed and one of them is right here and the other one is hub and then the third one is I don't even know where the third one is maybe I'll try to make the hub oh hey black girl oh how you doing man oh you're injured what the heck it looked like there was some kind of combat over here I wouldn't mind getting a piece of armor or a sword that I could wield in my mouth I'm just gonna hide please don't attack me sir okay he's pretty [ __ ] up man are you gonna die you have zero blood can you just pass out already I'd like to loot you maybe it's slowly getting worse let's put this on triple speed and see if you die I know he's getting his blood back son of a [ __ ] these I these are very very difficult place to live I'm under the impression it's raining ash there's like gorillas what is this like yeah bad bad place that place um off to Hub we'll try we'll keep going for home my athletics is 13 and it's steadily increasing but it's just it's just not doing anything for me Jesus Oh merciful Mother of God so I just I almost just want like a helicopter to land on me right now like upside down so the propellers just you know mulch me it'd be easier okay so yeah we have black guerrillas fighting bounty hunters oh [ __ ] I am I happen to be someone with a bounty on my head uh uh fellows fellows we can talk this out I'm sure we're all reasonable men you know I may have a hundred thousand dollar bounty but I also can give you the power of friendship okay so there's some scavengers here oh this guy lost his right leg he's uh you know he's kind of like me a drone guard I never seen that before and his blood is pink very interesting all right I'm gonna come and loot this whole area bad luck Brian the bottom feeder here all right in about a day and a half I estimated I will be there these poor bounty hunters man Oh Oh the carrillo is fighting the land that's wow that's I don't like it this I don't like this for the grill oh yeah he's not gonna make it oh oh oh you you tricksters I thought we had a truce land bats I thought we were okay with each other no don't look this is slowly slowly stalking me they're getting lost in these parts here maybe I'm safe in the parts I appear to be safe in the parents my arms are messed up so I can't even heal myself well why did you give me this use it [ __ ] okay I see III assume I am going to die here by a stomach wound but I think I have a Jesus [ __ ] Christ you know what I've seen leviathans before in videos but never in my actual in a real this is blocked anyway go Ida that spawned me in such a nice place is basically what I'm getting at if I die here I'm gonna say that's a cool weapon and I need to you know train a bit more before I go into the the wastes here next time my stealth is 39 my stealth is oh look at that it's like that's okay well the stealth is good and easy to train cool I've got armor guys I've got our I can't wear I can't wear vests but I I'm a nice purple boy right now and I have a ball I'm this that's probably the most difficult thing to try to use with put just your tongue is a pole arm but I don't even know I'm looting these it's like I can sell their stuff but at the same time I'll never be able to recoup 1 billion dollars hmm okay well you know my stomach just slowly rotting away in here I'm gonna take your crossbow bolts guess I'm kind of mean like that you know I'm gonna continue on my way now maybe I should take a please don't attack me sir I'm gonna take this weapon so maybe I can actually use it no I don't want that all right you young whippersnapper are you ready to get your [ __ ] dick ripped off provoke me and you die oh I'm dying oh that's that okay hey listen man I know you're like sniffing that guy's butt but if you could just oh you're no are you eating I don't know if you could use the skeleton repair kit in my back pocket to heal me you look like a smart fella I'm sure you could figure that this circuitry out all right I'm just gonna die real quick yeah yeah what's the deal here if this doesn't get medical treatment you will die well this is a death one of bad luck Brian insane edition I dead yet oh my god come on I think it has to get to minus 200 these guys are just standing here growling at my ass oh nice little Oh what if I can just if I can just put this this have a high vers leg on me I'd be able to hop all right well uh scavenger I guess it's just me and you out here and you know one of us isn't gonna make it it might it might not be me I might not make it one-ninety bad luck Brian is this all right well that was charming let's let's try this again
Channel: Reggie Games
Views: 91,226
Rating: 4.8247423 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, kenshi mod, kenshi insane start, kenshi impossible insane start, kenshi impossible start, kenshi game, reggie games, difficult game, impossible game, kenshi impossible, kenshi mods, kenshi 2020 mods, kenshi challenge
Id: SbJOksyGFIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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